TVET Leadership Programme
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The programme is designed to update participants’ understanding of the latest developments in TVET and equip them with the skills and tools that are required for effective leadership in the TVET sector.</p> <p>Since 2016, the TVET Leadership Programme has trained over 700 TVET leaders, managers and staff from more than 95 countries. This includes global and regional editions of the programme, organized through in-person and online modalities.</p> <p><div class="centred"> <br> <b>Kindly note, there will be no online edition to the TVET Leadership Programme this year</b></p> <p></div> <br> For more information on the programme content and participant profiles, please see below.</p> <p><hr></p> <p><h2> Programme content </h2> <p></p> <p>The UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme covers three key dimensions that are essential for TVET leaders to become change agents:</p> <p><ul><li> strategic knowledge: “vision for change”,</li> <li> thematic knowledge: “knowledge for change”, and</li> <li> leadership and management skills: “skills for change”.</li></ul> The programme is designed to sharpen leaders’ vision, share up-to-date TVET knowledge and trends and provide a platform for skills development. Each dimension will be carefully curated, with presenters, panel discussions and networking opportunities on a range of selected topics across four core modules.</p> <p><div class="centred"> <img src="" style="max-width: 60%; width: 100%" class="uneimgnone"></p> <p></div> <div style="max-width: 900px; text-align: left; margin: auto"> <h4>Module 1: Vision for change</h4> <p></p> <p>Since the potential success of change processes rests with the TVET leaders responsible for converting policy into practice, this module will focus on how to build a relevant vision to bring about change in the field of TVET.</p> <p>The main focus of this module is UNESCO's vision for TVET outlined in the UNESCO Strategy for TVET 2022-2029, as well as highlighting complementary global strategies to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Transforming Education Summit recommendations. This also provides the opportunity to share other international agendas related to TVET and skills development led by country and bilateral partners such as ILO and World Bank. Discover key emerging issues that will shape the future international agenda of TVET.</p> <p><h4>Module 2: Knowledge for change</h4> <p></p> <p>Informed decision-making by policy-makers and educators based on the latest thematic trends contributes to the overall success and quality of technical and vocational education and training. To ensure that TVET leaders are well informed about current developments in the sector, this module has a thematic focus and will elaborates on the areas of greening TVET, the digital transformation of TVET and inclusive TVET, in line with the work of UNESCO-UNEVOC.</p> <p><ul><li> The <b>'greening TVET</b>’ session explores how integrating sustainability principles into curricula prepares graduates for the dynamic environmental challenges and shifting job market. Similarly, it elaborates on the latest green technology and innovation trends that empower TVET professionals to provide cutting-edge sustainability training. Discover how this knowledge equips graduates to excel in industries where these skills are essential drivers of environmental progress.</li></ul> <ul><li> The ‘<b>digital transformation of TVET</b>’ session provides an opportunity to share with TVET leaders the knowledge, skills and tools needed to integrate digital technologies into TVET and the skills development system. It emphasizes the importance of staying current with emerging educational technology trends. Discover how this approach enables senior TVET professionals to create digitally-enhanced policies and programmes that prepare graduates for success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.</li></ul> <ul><li> The ‘<b>inclusive TVET</b>’ session explores the role of TVET leaders in enhancing inclusion within their institutions. It delves into how leaders drive inclusive policies and practices, serving as catalysts for cultivating cultures of respect and acceptance. It informs participants about continuous training strategies covering inclusive trends, curriculum adaptation and community engagement. Discover how these efforts create more equitable and supportive learning environments with positive outcomes for all learners.</li></ul> <h4>Module 3: Skills for change</h4> <p></p> <p>TVET leadership and management skills are essential for building effective educational institutions that can adapt to the evolving demands of the job market. Module 3 on “Skills for change” focuses on the leadership skills that drive change, and on strategic institutional planning, including results-based management and theories of change. This webinar supports TVET leaders to hone their management skills and ensure that educational programmes align with industry needs, fostering relevant skills development.</p> <p>This module provides participants with practical guidelines for managing TVET policy and the project development process. It covers key theoretical concepts such as the theory of change, monitoring and evaluation frameworks, and the logical framework. Participants learn to differentiate and understand the contexts for developing national policies, thematic policies or sectoral policies. The module further looks at the prerequisites necessary for developing relevant policies and projects, including policy review and situation analysis, which are the initial steps in TVET policy development, as well as the implementation of need assessment exercises, which represent the first steps in TVET project development.</p> <p><img src="" style="max-width: 100%; width: 100%" class="uneimgnone"></p> <p><h4>Module 4: Proposals and action plan for change </h4> <p></p> <p>Collating the lessons learnt from modules 1-3, the <b>final module (module 4)</b> is led by participants. Following module 3, each participant is asked to prepare an action plan related to a project or initiative they plan to implement in their current position that could make a significant impact on their TVET system or institution. Selected participants have the opportunity to present their action plans during the webinar to foster peer learning and knowledge exchange.</p> <p><hr></p> <p><h4>Participant profile</h4> <p></p> <p>The programme targets mid- to senior-level TVET professionals with the following functional roles:</p> <p><ul><li> Leadership and management of TVET, skills, or employment systems or institutions;</li> <li> Framing or implementation of policies and guidelines;</li> <li> Monitoring and evaluation; and</li> <li> Networking and partnership management</li></ul> Candidates should fulfil the following criteria:</p> <p><ul><li> Interest and ability to drive change in the TVET field, in skills, or in employment systems or institutions;</li> <li> Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the TVET field, skills, or employment systems or institutions; and</li> <li> Proficient in written and spoken English.</li> </ul> Candidates should be committed to actively participating in the programme, including the development of an action plan (module 4).</p> <p></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #FFFFFF"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> </div></div></div> <!-- debug: mini_switches= --> <script> var hx = window.location.hash; 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