COVID-19 response

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The project, which was implemented with the support of the German Federal Government through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, aimed to build resilience at a time of sudden change, where future prospects for people in skills training remain uncertain.</p> <p><b>Short-term skills training for employability</b></p> <p>The pandemic has turned the world of work upside down. Halfway through 2021, heightened levels of insecurity in jobs and income persist. TVET institutions are well placed to mitigate these issues by providing reskilling for those in heavily affected sectors and upskilling workers to meet changing demands.</p> <p>UNESCO-UNEVOC’s COVID-19 response project supported upskilling and reskilling efforts in <!-- debug makelink: | Ghana|1||Ghana| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Ghana</a>, <!-- debug makelink: | India|1||India| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">India</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/>, <!-- debug makelink: | Jamaica|1||Jamaica| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Jamaica</a>, <!-- debug makelink: | Malawi|1|| Malawi| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title=""> Malawi</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/> and <!-- debug makelink: | Thailand|1||Thailand| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Thailand</a>. These programmes enabled <b>more than 400 trainees</b> to diversify and develop new sources of income in agriculture, healthcare and entrepreneurship to replace those lost due to the pandemic.</p> <p><b>Building the digital capacities of TVET staff</b></p> <p>The unprecedented disruption in education systems has left many TVET institutions struggling to cope with deficiencies in digital infrastructure and the delivery of classes in new digital formats. At the same time, institutions have to be conscious of the social issues that arise from online learning, in particular the widening digital divide and the increasing exclusion of students from disadvantaged groups.</p> <p>A three-month training programme implemented in five countries – <!-- debug makelink: | Jamaica|1||Jamaica| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Jamaica</a>, <!-- debug makelink: | Kenya|1||Kenya| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Kenya</a>, <!-- debug makelink: | the Maldives|1||the Maldives| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">the Maldives</a>, <!-- debug makelink: | Nigeria|1||Nigeria| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Nigeria</a> and <!-- debug makelink: | Peru|1||Peru| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Peru</a> – equipped <b>62 TVET teachers, managers and technical staff</b> with the necessary skills and competencies to provide digital services. This was supplemented with a three-part series of webinars on the challenges of digitalization in TVET. The webinars were attended by <b>more than 700 participants from over 100 countries</b> and covered the key topics of digital competence and the future of work, social aspects of digital learning in TVET and how to navigate the maze of digital tools and services.</p> <p><b>Institutional resilience through peer learning</b></p> <p>Throughout the six-month span of the project, online peer learning activities were organized to help TVET institutions share lessons learned and promising practices for the future. These activities saw <b>178 TVET stakeholders from 43 UNEVOC Centres</b> actively engage in knowledge exchange focused on the implementation of relevant, responsive and sustainable strategies.</p> <p>UNESCO-UNEVOC and participating TVET institutions are keen to ensure the knowledge and learning resources generated continue to be accessible beyond the project’s duration. A series of articles on the major themes of the project have been published online, with a focus on the training programmes and learning outcomes of the participants.</p> <p>The <!-- debug makelink: | database of Promising and Innovative Practices in TVET|1||database of Promising and Innovative Practices in TVET| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">database of Promising and Innovative Practices in TVET</a>, which includes 10 examples from participating institutions is open to all. It enables TVET institutions to share experiences and provide insights for others in the TVET sector who are facing similar challenges. As the project draws to a close, the activities implemented have built a community around mutual learning, adaptability and resilience – key elements that will enable a stronger TVET sector to emerge from the crisis.</p> <p></br></p> <p></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #F3F2F0"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \><div class="centred"> <img src="" class="uneimgnone"></p> <p><!-- Welcome to publications plugin! 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This report of the key project results provides a snapshot of activities that helped TVET institutions around the world address the short, medium and long-term effect ...</p> </div> <a href="" title="" target=_blank><img src=/pix/download50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <a href="" title="" target=_blank class=bookamore>download</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6479" title="Strengthening the Responsiveness, Agility and Resilience of TVET Institutions for the Post-COVID-19 Era "><img src=/pix/info50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -6px;"></a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6479" title="Strengthening the Responsiveness, Agility and Resilience of TVET Institutions for the Post-COVID-19 Era " class=bookamore>read more</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; </div> <div style="clear: both"></div><br><br> <br> </div> </br></p> <p></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #FFFFFF"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \><a name="par_1"> </a><h3>News & activities</h3></p> <p><!-- welcome to newsslide plugin! 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RMUTT, a UNEVOC Centre in Thailand, has designed a programme to giving rural workers an opportunity to rapidly learn new skills and earn a livelihood.<br><a href="/home/TVET+provides+a+lifeline+to+Thai+farmers" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2369 / / max=1 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/COVID19_peerlearning_practices"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>22 April 2021</font><br><a href="/home/COVID19_peerlearning_practices"><b style="color:#204060">Strengthening peer learning for the post-pandemic era</b></a><br>Through peer learning and knowledge exchange, TVET institutions can apply the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic to build resilience for the future.<br><a href="/home/COVID19_peerlearning_practices" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2363 / / max=2 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/Retraining_displaced_workers_COVID-19"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>13 April 2021</font><br><a href="/home/Retraining_displaced_workers_COVID-19"><b style="color:#204060">Retraining young people and workers displaced by COVID-19</b></a><br>As part of its COVID-19 response project, UNESCO-UNEVOC is supporting the Vivekananda Institute of Biotechnology to provide training in locally relevant skills-based entrepreneurship for returnees, disadvantaged youth and early school leavers. <br><a href="/home/Retraining_displaced_workers_COVID-19" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2353 / / max=3 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/building_resilience_in_vulnerable_communities"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>29 March 2021</font><br><a href="/home/building_resilience_in_vulnerable_communities"><b style="color:#204060">Building resilience in vulnerable communities</b></a><br>Girls and young women in vulnerable communities around the world often do not have access to quality education and distance learning opportunities and have therefore been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.<br><a href="/home/building_resilience_in_vulnerable_communities" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2342 / / max=4 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/COVID19_digital_training"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>4 March 2021</font><br><a href="/home/COVID19_digital_training"><b style="color:#204060">Managing the challenges and opportunities of digitalization in TVET</b></a><br>While digitalization is not a new trend, the pandemic has sharply increased the demand for digital skills. How we manage the challenges and opportunities of this digital transformation can make a real difference to how well the world emerges from this crisis. <br><a href="/home/COVID19_digital_training" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2322 / / max=5 --> </div> </div> <a id=slideprev1 class=slideprev href="javascript:void(0)" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: -50px"><img src=/pix/newsleft.gif></a> <a id=slidenext1 class=slidenext href="javascript:void(0)" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; right: -50px"><img src=/pix/newsright.gif></a> </div> <script> function startnews1() { document.getElementById('slidenews1').style.display = 'block'; $('#slidenews1') .after('<div id="newsnav1" class="slidenav">') .cycle({ fx: 'scrollLeft', speed: 500, timeout: 5000, pause: 1, pager: '#newsnav1', next: '#slidenext1', prev: '#slideprev1', slideResize: 1 }); } window.setTimeout( "startnews1()", 4000); </script></p> <p></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #F3F2F0"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \><div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: left; margin: auto"> </div> <div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: center; margin: auto"> <h2>Webinar 1</h2> <p></p> <p>Digital Competence and the Future of Work – Pathways for TVET Institutions </br> <i>18 March 2021, 9:00 - 10:30 CET</i></p> <p><!-- debug makelink: | Concept note|1||Concept note| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Concept note</a> | <!-- debug makelink: | Synthesis report|1||Synthesis report| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Synthesis report</a></p> <p>Video in <!-- debug makelink: | English|1||English| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">English</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/> | <!-- debug makelink: | French|1||French| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">French</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/></p> <p><h2>Webinar 2</h2> <p></p> <p>Social Aspects of Digital Learning in TVET </br> <i>22 April 2021, 15:00 - 16:30 CEST</i></p> <p><!-- debug makelink: | Concept note|1||Concept note| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Concept note</a> | <!-- debug makelink: | Synthesis report|1||Synthesis report| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Synthesis report</a></p> <p>Video in <!-- debug makelink: | English|1||English| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">English</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/> | <!-- debug makelink: | French|1||French| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">French</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/> | <!-- debug makelink: | Spanish|1||Spanish| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">Spanish</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/></p> <p><a name="webinar" class="anchor"> </a></p> <p><h2>Webinar 3</h2> <p></p> <p>Navigating the Maze of Digital Tools and Services </br> <i>20 May 2021, 10:00 - 11:30 CEST</i></p> <p><!-- debug makelink: | Concept note|1||Concept note| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Concept note</a>| <!-- debug makelink: | Synthesis report|1||Synthesis report| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Synthesis report</a></p> <p>Video in <!-- debug makelink: | English|1||English| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">English</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/>| <!-- debug makelink: | French|1||French| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title="">French</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/> | <!-- debug makelink: | Spanish|1|| Spanish| --><a href="" class=line1 target=_blank title=""> Spanish</a><img src="/pix/ext.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" hspace="4"/></p> <p><br \></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #FFFFFF"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \></br></p> <p><a name="par_2"> </a><h3>Publications & resources</h3></p> <p><!-- Welcome to publications plugin! 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