Sustainable Polymer & Energy - Volume 2/Issue 1 (March 2024) - SCIEPublish

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The adsorption purification of gasoline fraction with NaX zeolites as a solvent for the production of high-density polyethylene at a large pilot plant with an adsorbent layer height to 8 m is considered. The installation made it possible to record the movement of the mass transfer zone along the height of the adsorbent layer with simultaneous adsorption of several impurities. Mathematical modeling of the process under study is performed. The removal of impurities of aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons, organosulfur impurities and water ensured the production of high-quality polyethylene during the test. </div> <a href="" target="_blank">View this paper</a> </div> <div class="text1"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="index-articles set-minheight-480 pb-3"> <div class="my-body-container padding0"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>16 January 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/112">Purification the Solvent for the Production of High-Density Polyethylene</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The adsorption purification of gasoline fraction with NaX zeolites as a solvent for the production of high-density polyethylene at a large pilot plant with a layer height of the adsorbent layer from 1 to 8 m is considered. Removal of impurities of aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons, organosulfur impurities and water ensured the production of high-quality polyethylene. The main characteristics of the adsorption process (the dynamic activity of zeolite NaX, the length of the mass transfer zone) in a wide range of flow rates of the cleaned raw materials are determined, allowing the calculation of the adsorber without applying the principles of large-scale transition. </p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Naum&nbsp;A.&nbsp;Samoilov* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/01/22/4e5f2f7c21bad9614c278a81d019a6ab.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/01/22/4e5f2f7c21bad9614c278a81d019a6ab.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>08 March 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/146">Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol and Methylene Blue for Sustainable Development</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Unique structural features and wide applications of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are inspiring researchers to develop biocompatible, reliable and cost-effective methods for their synthesis. Herein, a clean, eco-friendly and non-toxic method to obtain GNPs was developed by reducing and capping the liquid extract of stem of <em>Lilium longiflorum</em> and highlights the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) and methylene blue (MB). The formation of GNPs was confirmed through the absorption peak at 535 nm in the UV-Vis spectra. TEM and HRTEM analyses reveal GNPs spherical morphology with an average size of 4.97 nm. SEM and EDX analyses further elucidate the spherical nature of GNPs and elemental composition. FTIR spectroscopy analysis demonstrates that the GNPs were coated with organic compounds, which prevent the nanoparticle from aggregation. GNPs exhibit remarkable efficiency in reducing 4-NP and MB. The catalytic efficacy of the synthesized GNPs was demonstrated through the enhanced reduction rates of 4-NP and MB, with rate constants of 1.50 min<sup>−1</sup> and 1.29 min<sup>−1</sup>, respectively. This study develops a novel and eco-friendly technique for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles and opens possibilities for the green synthesis of other metal nanoparticles. The confirmed catalytic activity holds promise for a range of industrial applications and environmental sustainability. </p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Muhammad&nbsp;Tahir&nbsp;Khalil </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Pengxiang&nbsp;Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Guosheng&nbsp;Han* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Xianli&nbsp;Wu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Baojun&nbsp;Li </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Min&nbsp;Xiao </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/03/08/a1ca6c4db9a269bdaad853ca8f0c9cf3.jpg" data-lightbox="image-2" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/03/08/a1ca6c4db9a269bdaad853ca8f0c9cf3.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>27 March 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/154">Research Progress on Electrolyte Additives for Sodium Ion Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">In view of the gradual depletion of lithium resources, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have emerged as a viable alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). This is primarily attributed to their comparable operational principles and abundant reserves of sodium resources. As an essential component of the secondary battery, the electrolyte is of paramount importance in the functioning of SIBs, and the electrode-electrolyte interface constructed by it affects the battery performance. Adding electrolyte additives in LIBs is a low-cost and efficient method that can enhance the performance of the electrolyte and the interface between the electrode and electrolyte. This method is also applicable to SIBs. Therefore, in this study, we provide a comprehensive overview of various electrolyte additives, including but not limited to carbonate additives, sulfur-containing additives, silicon-containing additives, phosphorus-containing additives and inorganic additives. We extensively analyze the impact of these additives on the electrode-electrolyte interface and the electrochemical performance of SIBs. The purpose of this review is to comprehensively evaluate the current status of electrolyte additives in SIBs, which serves as both a basic overview of the existing situation and a practical guide for selecting suitable additives for practical applications of SIBs.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Zhiwen&nbsp;Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Ziqiang&nbsp;Fan </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jianhui&nbsp;Li* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Haoxuan&nbsp;He </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Hang&nbsp;Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Zixiang&nbsp;Li </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jiayi&nbsp;Lin </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Xinyue&nbsp;Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jie&nbsp;Zhang </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/04/08/8f93433f80ad2b5b281361dd206c6c9c.png" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/04/08/8f93433f80ad2b5b281361dd206c6c9c.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="article-box d-flex pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4> <span class="classdise textcolor textziti textsize textys">Article</span> <span class="textdise textcolor textziti textsize textys">Open Access</span> </h4> <span>16 January 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <h3 class="article-title"><a href="/article/pii/112">Purification the Solvent for the Production of High-Density Polyethylene</a></h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"><em>Sustainable Polymer &amp; Energy</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>2</em>(1), 10001; <a href=""></a></p> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The adsorption purification of gasoline fraction with NaX zeolites as a solvent for the production of high-density polyethylene at a large pilot plant...</p> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"> <div> <a href=" A. Samoilov" target="_blank">Naum A. Samoilov</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <span><i class="fal fa-calendar-alt"></i>&nbsp;16 January 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <img src="/uploads/2024/11/28/1732766435Owhx.jpg"> </div> </div> <div class="article-box d-flex pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4> <span class="classdise textcolor textziti textsize textys">Article</span> <span class="textdise textcolor textziti textsize textys">Open Access</span> </h4> <span>08 March 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <h3 class="article-title"><a href="/article/pii/146">Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol and Methylene Blue for Sustainable Development</a></h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"><em>Sustainable Polymer &amp; Energy</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>2</em>(1), 10002; <a href=""></a></p> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Unique structural features and wide applications of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are inspiring researchers to develop biocompatible, reliable and cost-ef...</p> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"> <div> <a href=" Tahir Khalil" target="_blank">Muhammad Tahir Khalil</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Zhang" target="_blank">Pengxiang Zhang</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Han" target="_blank">Guosheng Han</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Wu" target="_blank">Xianli Wu</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Li" target="_blank">Baojun Li</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Xiao" target="_blank">Min Xiao</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <span><i class="fal fa-calendar-alt"></i>&nbsp;08 March 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <img src="/uploads/2024/11/28/1732766435Owhx.jpg"> </div> </div> <div class="article-box d-flex pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4> <span class="classdise textcolor textziti textsize textys">Review</span> <span class="textdise textcolor textziti textsize textys">Open Access</span> </h4> <span>27 March 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <h3 class="article-title"><a href="/article/pii/154">Research Progress on Electrolyte Additives for Sodium Ion Batteries</a></h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"><em>Sustainable Polymer &amp; Energy</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>2</em>(1), 10003; <a href=""></a></p> <p class="article-abseract clamp">In view of the gradual depletion of lithium resources, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have emerged as a viable alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs...</p> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"> <div> <a href=" Zhang" target="_blank">Zhiwen Zhang</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Fan" target="_blank">Ziqiang Fan</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Li" target="_blank">Jianhui Li</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" He" target="_blank">Haoxuan He</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Zhang" target="_blank">Hang Zhang</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Li" target="_blank">Zixiang Li</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Lin" target="_blank">Jiayi Lin</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Zhang" target="_blank">Xinyue Zhang</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=" Zhang" target="_blank">Jie Zhang</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <span><i class="fal fa-calendar-alt"></i>&nbsp;27 March 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <img src="/uploads/2024/11/28/1732766435Owhx.jpg"> </div> </div> --> </div> </section> <!-- Footer --> <footer class="mt-1"> <div class="my-body-container pt-4 pb-4"> <div class="fotter-top"> <div> <div class="item-text"> <h3>About</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/About_SCIEPublish" title="About SClEPublish">About SClEPublish</a> </li> <li> <a href="/Management_Team" title="Management Team">Management Team</a> </li> <li> <a href="/Careers" title="Careers">Careers</a> </li> <li> <a href="/Contact" title="Contact">Contact</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="item-text"> <h3>Policies</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/Peer_Review_Policy" title="Peer Review Policy">Peer Review Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/Open_Access_Policy" title="Open Access 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