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<p><em><strong>Sustainable Polymer & Energy</strong></em> is an international and open-access journal that covers fundamental and applied science on sustainable polymers, and related energy storage and conversion technologies.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="mb-3 book-column"> <div class="my-body-container padding0"> <div class="book-item-fixed default-hide pt-2 pb-2"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"> <div class="left-logo mr-3"> <a href="/" alt="Back to the homepage"> <svg xmlns="" class="navbar-logo" xml:space="preserve" version="1.0" viewBox="0 0 5.08 1.933"> <path d="M1.021 1.245a.29.29 0 0 1-.211-.054l-.027-.023-.003-.003.056-.066.003.004a.3.3 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .128.027l.024-.007.019-.01a.07.07 0 0 0 .022-.032.1.1 0 0 0 0-.036l-.004-.014a.1.1 0 0 0-.016-.02.1.1 0 0 0-.027-.017L.994 1.01.919.98a.3.3 0 0 1-.076-.05.14.14 0 0 1-.034-.067.2.2 0 0 1 0-.06.13.13 0 0 1 .027-.056.2.2 0 0 1 .049-.041A.2.2 0 0 1 .95.683a.3.3 0 0 1 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<h5>Prof. Yuezhong Meng</h5> <p><p>1. Pearl-River Chair Professor, State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; </p> <p>2. Principal Investigator, Chemistry Section, Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhengzhou 450000, China</p> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="col pb-2 mb-2"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center height100"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a class="avatar-img" href="/journals/spe/editors"> <img src="/uploads/2022/10/30/1667091080n3vz.jpg" class="avatar img-thumbnail"> </a> </div> <div class="flex-grow-1 ml-3"> <h5>Prof. Jean Duhamel</h5> <p>Institute for Polymer Research, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, N2L 3G1, ON, Canada</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="articles-list1 mb-3"> <div class="my-body-container padding0"> <div class="section-heading"> <h3 class="section-title"> Articles <span>(22)</span> <a class="right" href="/journals/spe/articles" target="_blank"> All articles <svg xmlns="" width="12" height="12" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-chevron-double-right" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3.646 1.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l6 6a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-6 6a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L9.293 8 3.646 2.354a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.646 1.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l6 6a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-6 6a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L13.293 8 7.646 2.354a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z"/> </svg> </a> </h3> </div> <ul class="nav nav-tabs mt-2"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" id="all-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#id-all">Latest published</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="downloaded-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#id-downloaded">Most downloaded</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="popular-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#id-popular" role="tab">Most popular</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="id-all"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Communication</h4> <span>21 November 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/344">Trade-offs in Encapsulation Efficiency and Drug Release: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Multi-objective optimization (MOO) techniques are crucial in addressing complex engineering problems with conflicting objectives, particularly in pharmaceutical applications. This study focuses on optimizing a biodegradable micro-polymeric carrier system for drug delivery, specifically maximizing the encapsulation efficiency and drug release of Candesartan Cilexetil antihypertensive drug. Achieving a balance between these two goals is essential, as higher encapsulation efficiency ensures adequate drug loading. In contrast, optimal drug release rates are critical for maintaining bioavailability and achieving therapeutic efficacy. Using response surface models to formulate the problem definition, five prominent MOO algorithms were employed: NSGA-III, MOEAD, RVEA, C-TAEA, and AGE-MOEA. The optimization process aimed to generate Pareto fronts representing compromise solutions between encapsulation efficiency and drug release. The results revealed inherent conflicts between objectives: increasing encapsulation efficiency often came at the cost of reducing the drug release rate. Evaluation of MOO algorithms using performance metrics such as hypervolume, generational distance, inverted generational distance, spacing, maximum spread, and spread metric provided insights into their strengths and weaknesses. Among the evaluated algorithms, NSGA-III emerged as the top performer, achieving a Weighted Sum Method (WSM) score of 82.0776, followed closely by MOEAD with a WSM score of 80.8869. RVEA, C-TAEA, and AGE-MOEA also demonstrated competitive formulation quality, albeit with slightly lower WSM scores. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of MOO techniques in optimizing pharmaceutical formulations, providing valuable insights for decision-makers in selecting optimal formulations.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href=" Amar" target="_blank"> Mohamed Kouider Amar* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Achouak Madani </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Faiza Omari </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Mohamed Hentabli </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/11/22/96d1443e5acf115e251701431f788ebc.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/11/22/96d1443e5acf115e251701431f788ebc.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Communication</h4> <span>23 October 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/310">Modeling Viscosity in Starch-Polymer Suspensions: A Comparative Analysis of Swarm Algorithm-Aided ANN Optimization</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The analysis of rheological properties of suspensions requires the use of models such as Einstein’s formulation for viscosity in dilute conditions, but its effectiveness diminishes in the context of concentrated suspensions. This study investigates the rheology of suspensions containing solid particles in aqueous media thickened with starch nanoparticles (SNP). The goal is to model the viscosity of these mixtures across a range of shear rates and varying amounts of SNP and SG hollow spheres (SGHP). Artificial neural networks (ANN) combined with swarm intelligence algorithms were used for viscosity modeling, utilizing 1104 data points. Key features include SNP proportion, SGHP content, log-transformed shear rate (LogSR), and log-transformed viscosity (LogViscosity) as an output. Three swarm algorithms<b>—</b>AntLion Optimizer (ALO), Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO), and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA)<b>—</b>were evaluated for optimizing ANN hyperparameters. The ALO algorithm proved most effective, demonstrating strong convergence, exploration, and exploitation. Comparative analysis of ANN models revealed the superior performance of ANN-ALO, with an R<sup>2</sup> of 0.9861, mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.1013, root mean absolute error (RMSE) of 0.1356, and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 3.198%. While all models showed high predictive accuracy, the ANN-PSO model had more limitations. These findings enhance understanding of starch suspension rheology, offering potential applications in materials science.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href=" Amar" target="_blank"> Mohamed Kouider Amar* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Faiza Omari </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Achouak Madani </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Mohamed Hentabli </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/10/24/3f1497240927816ce0e7cd01838eaa6e.jpg" data-lightbox="image-2" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/10/24/3f1497240927816ce0e7cd01838eaa6e.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>18 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/280">Direct-Ink-Writing Printing of Shape Memory Cross-Linked Networks from Biomass-Derived Small Molecules</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The rapid development of 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has opened up new opportunities for applying shape memory polymers (SMPs) in various fields. The use of abundant, inexpensive, and easily accessible biomass materials as printing raw materials not only facilitates the creation of more intricate SMPs but also aligns with the principles of low-carbon, green, and sustainable development. Here, we successfully printed a shape memory cross-linked network (NW-MO-TTMP) in a single step by direct-ink-writing printing and an <i>in</i><i>-situ</i> thiol-ene click reaction with magnolol and trimethylolpropane tris(3-mercaptopropionate) as raw materials. The resulting NW-MO-TTMP network exhibited high mechanical properties and a tensile strength (<i>σ</i>) of up to 2.7 MPa when the thiol-ene ratio was 1.0:1, and the photo-initiator content was 1.5%. To improve printability, ethyl cellulose (EC) derived from biomass was incorporated to enhance the viscosity of the printing precursor fluid, resulting in a significant increase in the <i>σ</i> of the NW-MO-TTMP/EC network, reaching 20.6 MPa. Moreover, the successful printing of intricate models, such as the ‘whale’ and ‘octopus,’ demonstrated excellent shape memory effects. This approach highlights the potential of combining biomass-derived materials with advanced 3D printing techniques to develop sustainable and high-performance SMPs.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Dan Liu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Di Wu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Yi Xiao </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Rui Zhan </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Xin-Rong Zeng </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Ke-Ke Yang* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202409/18/a71fe24a1020cdc76b63af234c556f43.jpg" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202409/18/a71fe24a1020cdc76b63af234c556f43.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>14 June 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/212">Biobased Vitrimers: A Sustainable Future</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Vitrimers are crosslinked polymers containing dynamic covalent linkages. Because of their crosslinked structure, they are stable as thermosets at their service temperatures. At high enough temperatures, dynamic exchange reactions occur and rearrange the polymer network, thus vitrimers become malleable and reprocessable like thermoplastics. The dynamic covalent bonds can also undergo dissociative cleavage reactions under specific conditions, so vitrimers are inherently degradable. To achieve a sustainable future, various biomass resources have been used as raw materials in vitrimer preparation. This review summarizes recent developments in biobased vitrimers and highlights their preparation methods. The limitations of current biobased vitrimers are also discussed.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Baoming Zhao </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Tuan Liu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Mingen Fei </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Cheng Hao </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Brian Bliss </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Yiding Cao </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jinwen Zhang* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202406/14/79c840ffaa74207dcf0a0914b3b841a9.jpg" data-lightbox="image-4" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202406/14/79c840ffaa74207dcf0a0914b3b841a9.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>31 May 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/198">Solid Waste Recycling in Textile Processing Industries: A Case Study of India’s Clothing Hubs</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This study investigated the type and amount of solid waste generation from textile wet processing industries and analyzed the disposal and recycling strategies implemented for its utilization. The method involved industrial interactions with textile processing mills. Data was gathered based on a field survey of manufacturing units and their compliance management teams. The solid waste generated in textile processing stages against input raw materials and fuel sources was recorded. The challenges in recycling solid waste are identified and further scope for its valorization is suggested. The results indicate that significant solid waste produced during the wet processing of textiles arises from waste fabric cuttings, combustion of fuels used in processing stages, and sludge generated from the post-effluent treatment. Around 80% of solid waste generated during the wet processing of textiles can find applications in the construction industry. Effective management of solid waste and its potential applications in construction are elaborated in detail.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Shriyasha Tari </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Akshay Vade </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Ashok Athalye* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/06/04/96def6bb6c9568a2885d005284fa0d2d.jpg" data-lightbox="image-5" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/06/04/96def6bb6c9568a2885d005284fa0d2d.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>06 May 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/182">Assessing Energy Emissions and Environmental Impact of Wool Processing: A Case Study of an Indian Textile Mill</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The objective of this study is to investigate and analyze the effect of varying sources of energy inputs and their impact on carbon emissions during wool fiber processing. The method involved industrial visits to the textile wool processing mill and interaction with the manufacturing as well as commercial sourcing teams to gather relevant data. The results and outcome of this analysis indicate that wool wet processing is responsible for a significant carbon emission of about 0.031 <em>tCO</em><sub><em>2</em></sub><em>e</em>/unit of production. Coal as a source of energy has the highest carbon emission 0.066 <em>tCO</em><sub><em>2</em></sub><em>e</em>/product, while the use of biomass and Pressurized Natural Gas (PNG) had significantly lower CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. Further, this study evaluated the scope 1 and scope 2 category emissions produced at the wool processing stage which accounted for 56303.2 <em>tCO</em><sub><em>2</em></sub><em>e</em> and 1817.10 <em>tCO</em><sub><em>2</em></sub><em>e</em> respectively. </p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Akshay Vade </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Shriyasha Tari </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Ashok Athalye* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/05/07/b0193dfd53b9afa49a946b7dfa486d49.png" data-lightbox="image-6" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/05/07/b0193dfd53b9afa49a946b7dfa486d49.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>18 April 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/172">Biodegradable Composite Materials Based on Cassava Starch and Reinforced with Topinambur (<em>Helianthus tuberosus</em>) Aerial Part Fiber</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The cultivation of topinambur (<em>Helianthus tuberosus</em>) has aroused the interest of producers since it is a source of inulin and can be used for biofuel production. During tuber processing, the aerial part of the crop remains as a by-product with no practical application. This work aimed to characterize the fibers obtained from the aerial part of topinambur and to evaluate their reinforcing potential in cassava starch-based films. Starch-based films with topinambur fiber (0, 5, and 10%) were prepared by extrusion followed by thermocompression. Topinambur residue contains 88.6% of total fiber, 8.5% ash, and 0.68% lipid. Mechanical film properties evidenced the reinforcement action of topinambur fiber, 10% content was able to increase up to 70% the Young’s modulus. SEM micrographs evidenced the good fiber-matrix interaction. UV-visible capacity, opacity, and chromaticity parameters of TPS films increased with fiber content in the formulation. Fiber incorporation improved the hydrophobicity of the biocomposite materials by increasing the contact angle. Starch-based films biodegraded more than 55% after 110 days, showing a similar trend to that of microcrystalline cellulose. Thus, topinambur residue can be effectively used as a reinforcing agent for TPS materials, being an innovative and non-toxic additive within the circular economy premises.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href=" Montes" target="_blank"> Luisa Fernanda Sierra Montes </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Mariana Andrea Melaj </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="íaCeciliaLorenzo" target="_blank"> María Cecilia Lorenzo </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Laura Ribba* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Maria Alejandra Garcia* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202404/18/91858c0a6d004f6281d8772313cfb7ed.jpg" data-lightbox="image-7" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202404/18/91858c0a6d004f6281d8772313cfb7ed.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>27 March 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/154">Research Progress on Electrolyte Additives for Sodium Ion Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">In view of the gradual depletion of lithium resources, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have emerged as a viable alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). This is primarily attributed to their comparable operational principles and abundant reserves of sodium resources. As an essential component of the secondary battery, the electrolyte is of paramount importance in the functioning of SIBs, and the electrode-electrolyte interface constructed by it affects the battery performance. Adding electrolyte additives in LIBs is a low-cost and efficient method that can enhance the performance of the electrolyte and the interface between the electrode and electrolyte. This method is also applicable to SIBs. Therefore, in this study, we provide a comprehensive overview of various electrolyte additives, including but not limited to carbonate additives, sulfur-containing additives, silicon-containing additives, phosphorus-containing additives and inorganic additives. We extensively analyze the impact of these additives on the electrode-electrolyte interface and the electrochemical performance of SIBs. The purpose of this review is to comprehensively evaluate the current status of electrolyte additives in SIBs, which serves as both a basic overview of the existing situation and a practical guide for selecting suitable additives for practical applications of SIBs.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Zhiwen Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Ziqiang Fan </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jianhui Li* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Haoxuan He </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Hang Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Zixiang Li </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jiayi Lin </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Xinyue Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jie Zhang </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/04/08/8f93433f80ad2b5b281361dd206c6c9c.png" data-lightbox="image-8" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/04/08/8f93433f80ad2b5b281361dd206c6c9c.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>08 March 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/146">Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol and Methylene Blue for Sustainable Development</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Unique structural features and wide applications of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are inspiring researchers to develop biocompatible, reliable and cost-effective methods for their synthesis. Herein, a clean, eco-friendly and non-toxic method to obtain GNPs was developed by reducing and capping the liquid extract of stem of <em>Lilium longiflorum</em> and highlights the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) and methylene blue (MB). The formation of GNPs was confirmed through the absorption peak at 535 nm in the UV-Vis spectra. TEM and HRTEM analyses reveal GNPs spherical morphology with an average size of 4.97 nm. SEM and EDX analyses further elucidate the spherical nature of GNPs and elemental composition. FTIR spectroscopy analysis demonstrates that the GNPs were coated with organic compounds, which prevent the nanoparticle from aggregation. GNPs exhibit remarkable efficiency in reducing 4-NP and MB. The catalytic efficacy of the synthesized GNPs was demonstrated through the enhanced reduction rates of 4-NP and MB, with rate constants of 1.50 min<sup>−1</sup> and 1.29 min<sup>−1</sup>, respectively. This study develops a novel and eco-friendly technique for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles and opens possibilities for the green synthesis of other metal nanoparticles. The confirmed catalytic activity holds promise for a range of industrial applications and environmental sustainability. </p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Muhammad Tahir Khalil </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Pengxiang Zhang </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Guosheng Han* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Xianli Wu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Baojun Li </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Min Xiao </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/03/08/a1ca6c4db9a269bdaad853ca8f0c9cf3.jpg" data-lightbox="image-9" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/03/08/a1ca6c4db9a269bdaad853ca8f0c9cf3.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>16 January 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/112">Purification the Solvent for the Production of High-Density Polyethylene</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The adsorption purification of gasoline fraction with NaX zeolites as a solvent for the production of high-density polyethylene at a large pilot plant with a layer height of the adsorbent layer from 1 to 8 m is considered. Removal of impurities of aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons, organosulfur impurities and water ensured the production of high-quality polyethylene. The main characteristics of the adsorption process (the dynamic activity of zeolite NaX, the length of the mass transfer zone) in a wide range of flow rates of the cleaned raw materials are determined, allowing the calculation of the adsorber without applying the principles of large-scale transition. </p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Naum A. Samoilov* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/01/22/4e5f2f7c21bad9614c278a81d019a6ab.png" data-lightbox="image-10" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/01/22/4e5f2f7c21bad9614c278a81d019a6ab.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="id-downloaded"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>25 September 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/72">Anion Exchange Membrane Reinforced with Polyethylene Substrate for Alkaline Fuel Cell Applications</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">To enhance mechanical robustness of our in-house anion exchange membrane (QPAF-4), the reinforcement technique was applied using ozone-treated, porous polyethylene (PE) thin film (Toray SETELA) as a substrate. Homogenous and flexible reinforced membranes (QPAF-4-PE, 15–20 µm thick) were obtained by bar-coating method. The cross-sectional SEM image and EDS analysis revealed triple-layered (sandwich-like) structure without detectable pinholes. The QPAF-4-PE with ion exchange capacity (IEC) of 1.48 meq·g<sup>−1</sup> exhibited lower water uptake (15 wt% at 90% relative humidity) and slightly lower hydroxide ion conductivity (71 mS·cm<sup>−1</sup> at 80 ℃) than those of the pristine QPAF-4 (IEC = 1.84 meq·g<sup>−1</sup>, 25 wt% water uptake and 82 mS·cm<sup>−1</sup> of the conductivity). The reinforced QPAF-4-PE exhibited slightly higher viscoelasticity (particularly, in MD direction) due to the suppressed water absorbability. Furthermore, the elongation at break increased by 9.8% in TD direction and 6.3% in MD direction. An H<sub>2</sub>/O<sub>2</sub> fuel cell using QPAF-4-PE as membrane was investigated at different back-pressure, in which the cell with 100 kPa back-pressure onto the cathode side only achieved the maximum performance (176 mW·cm−2 at current density of 364 mA·cm<sup>−2</sup>) and the longest durability for (>200 h) at a constant current density of 100 mA·cm<sup>−2</sup> maintaining 0.43 V of the cell voltage (67% remaining). The durability was eight times longer than that with ambient pressure and two times longer than that with back-pressure on both sides.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> AhmedMohamed AhmedMahmoud </div> <div class="author-name"> KeijiroNagahara </div> <div class="author-name"> KenjiMiyatake </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202309/25/ac8665b2bcff61e8e89eb0ee73ebb173.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202309/25/ac8665b2bcff61e8e89eb0ee73ebb173.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>08 September 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/67">Synthesis and Characterization of Cyclic Carbonate End-Functional Linear and Star Polyesters via Ring-Opening Polymerization</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Well-defined α-(cyclic carbonate), ω-hydroxyl heterotelechelic poly (D,L-lactide)s (PDLLAs) were prepared with good end-group fidelity by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of D,L-lactide catalyzed by organo catalyst namely, N,N′ dimethyl amino pyridine (DMAP) in conjunction with a renewable, functional bio-based initiator namely glycerol 1,2-carbonate (GC) in bulk at 135 °C with 82% yield. In the case of GC/DMAP catalyzed polymerizations, the HO-PDLLA-COOH series was not observed in MALDI TOF mass analysis unlike as obtained due to transesterification reactions when catalyzed by GC/Sn(Oct)<sub>2</sub>. Also, cyclic carbonate end-functional 4-arm star poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) was prepared via coupling of GC with (PCL-COOH)<sub>4</sub> at room temperature in the presence of N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) and DMAP. Quantitative conversion of hydroxyl functionality in (PCL-OH)<sub>4 </sub>to carboxylic acid and then to cyclic carbonate functionality was achieved with 90% yield for low molecular weight 4-arm star PCL confirmed by NMR, FT-IR, and MALDI TOF mass spectroscopy.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> RavindraMahadevPatil </div> <div class="author-name"> Satyanarayana Ganugapati </div> <div class="author-name"> Rudhramyna Gnaneshwar </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202309/08/91eb810d9bbc458a5078309096a1feed.png" data-lightbox="image-2" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202309/08/91eb810d9bbc458a5078309096a1feed.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>12 April 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/38">Recent Progress in Modification and Preparations of the Promising Biodegradable Plastics: Polylactide and Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">The acquisition of high-performance biodegradable plastics is of great significance in addressing the problem of environmental pollution of plastics. Polylactide (PLA) and poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) are the most promising biodegradable polymers and have excellent functional properties. However, low elongation at break and impact strength of PLA and low tensile modulus and flexural strength of PBAT hinder their application. A large number of studies focus on improving the performance of PLA and PBAT and broadening their applications. In terms of polymer modification, this paper summarized recent progresses in both chemical and physical modification methods for PLA and PBAT, respectively. The properties of PLA can be improved by co-polymerization, grafting, cross-linking and blending. The properties of PBAT can be improved mainly through blending with other degradable polymers, natural macromolecules and inorganic materials. This review can provide the reference and ideas for the modification of biomass-based biodegradable plastics like PLA and fossil-based biodegradable plastics like PBAT.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> MeiMeng </div> <div class="author-name"> Shuanjin Wang </div> <div class="author-name"> Min Xiao </div> <div class="author-name"> Yuezhong Meng </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202304/12/9c7abe73192082dccf7f14aaa4652c59.png" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202304/12/9c7abe73192082dccf7f14aaa4652c59.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>15 August 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/60">Green Composites Using Naturally Occurring Fibers: A Comprehensive Review</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Depletion of non-renewable resources and health hazards of petroleum-based polymers and plastics has enforced the development of eco-friendly materials. The use of conventional plastics has to be minimized and can be replaced with environmentally friendly and sustainable bio-based polymers or biopolymers due to extensive environmental impact. A major share of petroleum-based polymers is used for polymeric composites with research focus on green composites and biocomposites containing renewable/bioderived matrix polymer and fillers from naturally occurring fibers. Biocomposites hold great promise to replace petroleum-based polymer composites owing to their lower cost, non-toxicity, abundance of raw material, renewability, and high specific strength. All these merits of biocomposites have led to an increment in the development of new biocomposites with enhanced properties, wide applicability and ever demanding criteria. The recently published review studies detailed the raw materials used, fabrication techniques, characterization, and applications including biodegradation and rheological studies performed in recent years. This review covers all the important properties of biocomposites along with detailed description of synthesis, properties, characterizations and applicability of these green composites in several areas. The review also focuses on their raw materials, types, recent biocomposites, processing techniques, characterizations, applications, and current challenges with future aspects.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Hans Raj </div> <div class="author-name"> Swikriti Tripathi </div> <div class="author-name"> SudeptaBauri </div> <div class="author-name"> Avishek Mallick Choudhury </div> <div class="author-name"> Subham SekharMandal </div> <div class="author-name"> Pralay Maiti </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202308/17/c1d066e8c6b4e60b7833e0fff7b41066.png" data-lightbox="image-4" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202308/17/c1d066e8c6b4e60b7833e0fff7b41066.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>15 March 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/27">Ultra-Thin Solid Electrolyte in Lithium-Ion Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Safety concern of lithium-ion battery, attributed to using volatile and flammable liquid electrolytes, could be addressed by using solid electrolytes. Solid electrolytes including inorganic solid electrolytes, polymer solid electrolytes and organic/inorganic composite electrolytes have the common drawbacks in low ion-conductivity. Much efforts have been devoted to increase the specific ion conductivity, especially for inorganic solid electrolyte whose intrinsic conductivity is close to liquid electrolyte. However, most solid-state electrolyte membranes in lithium-ion batteries are thick, resulting in long ion-conduction pathway, low energy density and high cost. In this review, the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of solid electrolytes were analyzed, and the promising strategies of ultra-thin solid electrolyte preparation were summarized and prospected. Applied organic-inorganic composite, continuous phase enhancement and in situ integration have been devoted to reducing thickness of electrolyte membrane and improving battery performance. On the basis of the technical requirement of lithium-ion batteries, this review aims to provide a guidance in terms of rational design and synthesis of ultra-thin solid electrolytes for the further research that addresses the safety issues and improves cycling performance of batteries.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> LeiZhong </div> <div class="author-name"> ZhifengLi </div> <div class="author-name"> ShuanjinWang </div> <div class="author-name"> ShengHuang </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/03/29/8d9eb52402f5057f5dfae73b2803e223.png" data-lightbox="image-5" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/03/29/8d9eb52402f5057f5dfae73b2803e223.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>30 January 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/14">Metal-Free Lewis Pair Catalysts for a One-Pot Terpolymerization of Propylene Oxide, ʟ-Lactide and CO<sub>2</sub></a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Multiblock and di-/tri-block copolymers are successfully synthesized for the first time via the metal-free terpolymerization of propylene oxide (PO), ʟ-lactide (LA) and CO<sub>2</sub> in one-pot/one-step and one-pot/two-step protocols respectively. Firstly, triethyl borane (TEB) and bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium chloride (PPNCl) Lewis pair is employed in the ring-opening polymerization of LA, wherein the catalytic efficiency is significantly correlated to the TEB/PPNCl feed ratio. Next, a series of TEB/base pairs are selected to synthesize the PO/LA/CO<sub>2</sub> terpolymer (PPCLA) in one-pot/one-step strategy. In PPCLA synthesis, LA exhibits the fastest reaction rate but severe transesterification is almost unavoidable, resulting in low molecular weight products. In order to prepare high-molecular-weight terpolymers, a one-pot/two-step methodology has to be applied. By this method, the copolymerization of PO/CO<sub>2</sub> proceeds first to form poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) macroinitiators, which triggers the polymerization of LA to polylactide (PLA), leading to PLA-PPC or PLA-PPC-PLA block copolymers. The synthesized PLA-PPC-PLA block copolymers display improved thermal stability compared with PPC.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ShuxianYe </div> <div class="author-name"> JiaxinLiang </div> <div class="author-name"> YansongRen </div> <div class="author-name"> ShuanjinWang </div> <div class="author-name"> DongmeiHan </div> <div class="author-name"> ShengHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> ZhihengHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> MinXiao </div> <div class="author-name"> YuezhongMeng </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/01/30/f169f7fbd7caebb9973fd26c5806a3ba.jpg" data-lightbox="image-6" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/01/30/f169f7fbd7caebb9973fd26c5806a3ba.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>21 March 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/36">Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersion Synthesized from CO<sub>2</sub> Based Poly (Ethylene Carbonate) Diol with High Performance</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">CO<sub>2</sub>-based aliphatic polycarbonates (APCs) are not widely commercialized due to the poor performance and high cost, compared to the traditional synthetic materials. In this paper, poly(ethylene carbonate) diol (PECD) was synthesized from CO<sub>2</sub> and ethylene oxide (EO), and the comprehensive properties were characterized. Furthermore, the preparation and properties of waterborne polyurethane dispersion (WPU) derived from PECD were studied. The result showed that PECD had high reactivity, narrow molecular weight distribution index and excellent thermal stability. The obtained WPU exhibited superior tensile performance, adhesion properties and surface hardness. Due to the low cost of EO and CO<sub>2</sub>, PECD is expected to be widely used in the preparation of polyurethanes.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ZhenhongHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> ZonglinHe </div> <div class="author-name"> ChaozhiWang </div> <div class="author-name"> ZhuDing </div> <div class="author-name"> JiaoyanAi </div> <div class="author-name"> LinaSong </div> <div class="author-name"> BaohuaLiu </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/03/22/ab497ac30e708069d7547b5e549cc4c8.jpg" data-lightbox="image-7" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/03/22/ab497ac30e708069d7547b5e549cc4c8.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Editorial</h4> <span>31 October 2022</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/5"><i>Sustainable Polymer & Energy</i>: A New Open-Access Journal to Share Your Research on Sustainable Polymer and Advanced Energy Materials</a> </h3> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Yuezhong Meng </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>13 March 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/23">Review on Multi-Functional Separator for Li-S Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Because lithium-ion batteries cannot meet increasing demand for power density, lithium metal batteries are expected as the next generation of rechargeable batteries. As one of lithium metal batteries, lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have attracted extensive attention because of their ultrahigh power density (2600 Wh kg<sup>−1</sup>) and low cost of sulfur. In order to overcome problems of active material loss, volume expansion and dendritic growth of Li metal in Li-S batteries, researchers have adopted several methods such as adding electrolyte additives, electrode modification and separator modification. Among them, separator modification shows significant advantages in inhibiting the shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides. This paper reviews research progress of inhibiting the shuttle effect of Li-S batteries by the means of the separator modification in recent years, including direct design of new type of separator and physical/chemical modification of separator surface. Through extensive reading and summarizing of the research results of the separator modification of Li-S batteries, we give the possible development direction of Li-S batteries at the end of the paper.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> XinZhang </div> <div class="author-name"> BingyiMa </div> <div class="author-name"> ShengHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> DongmeiHan </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/03/23/d8e660e1563d074690ef05879373d738.jpg" data-lightbox="image-9" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/03/23/d8e660e1563d074690ef05879373d738.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>01 June 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/47">Transparent, Hydrolysable and Flame Retarded Bio-based Epoxy Resins via Catalyst-free Polymerization of Triglycidyl Isocyanurate and Aliphatic Diacids</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">In this study, transparent and hydrolysable intrinsic flame retarded epoxy resins were synthesized successfully by melting polymerization without any catalyst, simply from bio-based triglycidyl isocyanurate and aliphatic diacids. Due to the possibility of transesterification along with the ring-opening reaction, the most suitable feed ratio of [COOH]/[epoxy] is found to be 60%. By changing the carbon number of diacid from 8 to 12, ER08-60, ER10-60 and ER12-60 were synthesized. The flame retardancy of ER08-60 is found to be excellent, with a UL-94 rating at V-0 and a LOI value at 27.6%. It is revealed from this study that upon heating isocyanurate ring decomposes first and CO<sub>2</sub> released prevents the contact of materials with oxygen, thus preventing further combustion. The tensile strength and bending strength of ER08-60 can reach 86.6 MPa and 75.4 MPa, respectively. Additionally, all epoxy resins are able to hydrolyze quickly in both acid and alkaline solutions. It is worth to mention that these epoxy resins are transparent, with a transmittance of around 85%.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Tianlong Ma </div> <div class="author-name"> Donglin Tang </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202306/01/563d163f47754b4e59a89dd36dcde126.jpg" data-lightbox="image-10" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202306/01/563d163f47754b4e59a89dd36dcde126.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="id-popular"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>12 April 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/38">Recent Progress in Modification and Preparations of the Promising Biodegradable Plastics: Polylactide and Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> The acquisition of high-performance biodegradable plastics is of great significance in addressing the problem of environmental pollution of plastics. Polylactide (PLA) and poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) are the most promising biodegradable polymers and have excellent functional properties. However, low elongation at break and impact strength of PLA and low tensile modulus and flexural strength of PBAT hinder their application. A large number of studies focus on improving the performance of PLA and PBAT and broadening their applications. In terms of polymer modification, this paper summarized recent progresses in both chemical and physical modification methods for PLA and PBAT, respectively. The properties of PLA can be improved by co-polymerization, grafting, cross-linking and blending. The properties of PBAT can be improved mainly through blending with other degradable polymers, natural macromolecules and inorganic materials. This review can provide the reference and ideas for the modification of biomass-based biodegradable plastics like PLA and fossil-based biodegradable plastics like PBAT.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> MeiMeng </div> <div class="author-name"> Shuanjin Wang </div> <div class="author-name"> Min Xiao </div> <div class="author-name"> Yuezhong Meng </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202304/12/9c7abe73192082dccf7f14aaa4652c59.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202304/12/9c7abe73192082dccf7f14aaa4652c59.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>30 January 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/14">Metal-Free Lewis Pair Catalysts for a One-Pot Terpolymerization of Propylene Oxide, ʟ-Lactide and CO<sub>2</sub></a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Multiblock and di-/tri-block copolymers are successfully synthesized for the first time via the metal-free terpolymerization of propylene oxide (PO), ʟ-lactide (LA) and CO<sub>2</sub> in one-pot/one-step and one-pot/two-step protocols respectively. Firstly, triethyl borane (TEB) and bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium chloride (PPNCl) Lewis pair is employed in the ring-opening polymerization of LA, wherein the catalytic efficiency is significantly correlated to the TEB/PPNCl feed ratio. Next, a series of TEB/base pairs are selected to synthesize the PO/LA/CO<sub>2</sub> terpolymer (PPCLA) in one-pot/one-step strategy. In PPCLA synthesis, LA exhibits the fastest reaction rate but severe transesterification is almost unavoidable, resulting in low molecular weight products. In order to prepare high-molecular-weight terpolymers, a one-pot/two-step methodology has to be applied. By this method, the copolymerization of PO/CO<sub>2</sub> proceeds first to form poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) macroinitiators, which triggers the polymerization of LA to polylactide (PLA), leading to PLA-PPC or PLA-PPC-PLA block copolymers. The synthesized PLA-PPC-PLA block copolymers display improved thermal stability compared with PPC.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ShuxianYe </div> <div class="author-name"> JiaxinLiang </div> <div class="author-name"> YansongRen </div> <div class="author-name"> ShuanjinWang </div> <div class="author-name"> DongmeiHan </div> <div class="author-name"> ShengHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> ZhihengHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> MinXiao </div> <div class="author-name"> YuezhongMeng </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/01/30/f169f7fbd7caebb9973fd26c5806a3ba.jpg" data-lightbox="image-2" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/01/30/f169f7fbd7caebb9973fd26c5806a3ba.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>15 August 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/60">Green Composites Using Naturally Occurring Fibers: A Comprehensive Review</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Depletion of non-renewable resources and health hazards of petroleum-based polymers and plastics has enforced the development of eco-friendly materials. The use of conventional plastics has to be minimized and can be replaced with environmentally friendly and sustainable bio-based polymers or biopolymers due to extensive environmental impact. A major share of petroleum-based polymers is used for polymeric composites with research focus on green composites and biocomposites containing renewable/bioderived matrix polymer and fillers from naturally occurring fibers. Biocomposites hold great promise to replace petroleum-based polymer composites owing to their lower cost, non-toxicity, abundance of raw material, renewability, and high specific strength. All these merits of biocomposites have led to an increment in the development of new biocomposites with enhanced properties, wide applicability and ever demanding criteria. The recently published review studies detailed the raw materials used, fabrication techniques, characterization, and applications including biodegradation and rheological studies performed in recent years. This review covers all the important properties of biocomposites along with detailed description of synthesis, properties, characterizations and applicability of these green composites in several areas. The review also focuses on their raw materials, types, recent biocomposites, processing techniques, characterizations, applications, and current challenges with future aspects.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Hans Raj </div> <div class="author-name"> Swikriti Tripathi </div> <div class="author-name"> SudeptaBauri </div> <div class="author-name"> Avishek Mallick Choudhury </div> <div class="author-name"> Subham SekharMandal </div> <div class="author-name"> Pralay Maiti </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202308/17/c1d066e8c6b4e60b7833e0fff7b41066.png" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202308/17/c1d066e8c6b4e60b7833e0fff7b41066.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Editorial</h4> <span>31 October 2022</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/5"><i>Sustainable Polymer & Energy</i>: A New Open-Access Journal to Share Your Research on Sustainable Polymer and Advanced Energy Materials</a> </h3> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Yuezhong Meng </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>21 March 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/36">Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersion Synthesized from CO<sub>2</sub> Based Poly (Ethylene Carbonate) Diol with High Performance</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> CO<sub>2</sub>-based aliphatic polycarbonates (APCs) are not widely commercialized due to the poor performance and high cost, compared to the traditional synthetic materials. In this paper, poly(ethylene carbonate) diol (PECD) was synthesized from CO<sub>2</sub> and ethylene oxide (EO), and the comprehensive properties were characterized. Furthermore, the preparation and properties of waterborne polyurethane dispersion (WPU) derived from PECD were studied. The result showed that PECD had high reactivity, narrow molecular weight distribution index and excellent thermal stability. The obtained WPU exhibited superior tensile performance, adhesion properties and surface hardness. Due to the low cost of EO and CO<sub>2</sub>, PECD is expected to be widely used in the preparation of polyurethanes.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ZhenhongHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> ZonglinHe </div> <div class="author-name"> ChaozhiWang </div> <div class="author-name"> ZhuDing </div> <div class="author-name"> JiaoyanAi </div> <div class="author-name"> LinaSong </div> <div class="author-name"> BaohuaLiu </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/03/22/ab497ac30e708069d7547b5e549cc4c8.jpg" data-lightbox="image-5" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/03/22/ab497ac30e708069d7547b5e549cc4c8.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>15 March 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/27">Ultra-Thin Solid Electrolyte in Lithium-Ion Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Safety concern of lithium-ion battery, attributed to using volatile and flammable liquid electrolytes, could be addressed by using solid electrolytes. Solid electrolytes including inorganic solid electrolytes, polymer solid electrolytes and organic/inorganic composite electrolytes have the common drawbacks in low ion-conductivity. Much efforts have been devoted to increase the specific ion conductivity, especially for inorganic solid electrolyte whose intrinsic conductivity is close to liquid electrolyte. However, most solid-state electrolyte membranes in lithium-ion batteries are thick, resulting in long ion-conduction pathway, low energy density and high cost. In this review, the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of solid electrolytes were analyzed, and the promising strategies of ultra-thin solid electrolyte preparation were summarized and prospected. Applied organic-inorganic composite, continuous phase enhancement and in situ integration have been devoted to reducing thickness of electrolyte membrane and improving battery performance. On the basis of the technical requirement of lithium-ion batteries, this review aims to provide a guidance in terms of rational design and synthesis of ultra-thin solid electrolytes for the further research that addresses the safety issues and improves cycling performance of batteries.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> LeiZhong </div> <div class="author-name"> ZhifengLi </div> <div class="author-name"> ShuanjinWang </div> <div class="author-name"> ShengHuang </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/03/29/8d9eb52402f5057f5dfae73b2803e223.png" data-lightbox="image-6" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/03/29/8d9eb52402f5057f5dfae73b2803e223.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>13 March 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/23">Review on Multi-Functional Separator for Li-S Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Because lithium-ion batteries cannot meet increasing demand for power density, lithium metal batteries are expected as the next generation of rechargeable batteries. As one of lithium metal batteries, lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have attracted extensive attention because of their ultrahigh power density (2600 Wh kg<sup>−1</sup>) and low cost of sulfur. In order to overcome problems of active material loss, volume expansion and dendritic growth of Li metal in Li-S batteries, researchers have adopted several methods such as adding electrolyte additives, electrode modification and separator modification. Among them, separator modification shows significant advantages in inhibiting the shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides. This paper reviews research progress of inhibiting the shuttle effect of Li-S batteries by the means of the separator modification in recent years, including direct design of new type of separator and physical/chemical modification of separator surface. Through extensive reading and summarizing of the research results of the separator modification of Li-S batteries, we give the possible development direction of Li-S batteries at the end of the paper.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> XinZhang </div> <div class="author-name"> BingyiMa </div> <div class="author-name"> ShengHuang </div> <div class="author-name"> DongmeiHan </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/03/23/d8e660e1563d074690ef05879373d738.jpg" data-lightbox="image-7" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/03/23/d8e660e1563d074690ef05879373d738.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>01 June 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/47">Transparent, Hydrolysable and Flame Retarded Bio-based Epoxy Resins via Catalyst-free Polymerization of Triglycidyl Isocyanurate and Aliphatic Diacids</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> In this study, transparent and hydrolysable intrinsic flame retarded epoxy resins were synthesized successfully by melting polymerization without any catalyst, simply from bio-based triglycidyl isocyanurate and aliphatic diacids. Due to the possibility of transesterification along with the ring-opening reaction, the most suitable feed ratio of [COOH]/[epoxy] is found to be 60%. By changing the carbon number of diacid from 8 to 12, ER08-60, ER10-60 and ER12-60 were synthesized. The flame retardancy of ER08-60 is found to be excellent, with a UL-94 rating at V-0 and a LOI value at 27.6%. It is revealed from this study that upon heating isocyanurate ring decomposes first and CO<sub>2</sub> released prevents the contact of materials with oxygen, thus preventing further combustion. The tensile strength and bending strength of ER08-60 can reach 86.6 MPa and 75.4 MPa, respectively. Additionally, all epoxy resins are able to hydrolyze quickly in both acid and alkaline solutions. It is worth to mention that these epoxy resins are transparent, with a transmittance of around 85%.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Tianlong Ma </div> <div class="author-name"> Donglin Tang </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202306/01/563d163f47754b4e59a89dd36dcde126.jpg" data-lightbox="image-8" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202306/01/563d163f47754b4e59a89dd36dcde126.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>08 May 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/40">A High-efficiency Cathode Using Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> and Carbon Paper by Electrodeposition for Rechargeable Lithium-oxygen Batteries</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> The conductivity, microstructure, low cost, eco-friendliness, simple and controllable preparation are key points of the preparation and application of cathode materials for lithium-oxygen batteries. Considering the above-mentioned important factors comprehensively, the Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>@CP electrode with a three-dimensional structure was prepared by directly growing <span>Co</span><sub>3</sub><span>O</span><sub>4</sub> on the surface of carbon paper (CP) using a simple and controllable electrodeposition method. The obtained <span>Co</span><sub>3</sub><span>O</span><sub>4</sub> depositing layer has a nanosheet microstructure and can provide abundant catalytic active sites for the oxygen evolution and reduction reactions. The network architecture of electronic transmission is constructed by CP in the cathode, promoting the efficiency of the electrode reaction. It’s worth noting that the binder-free and conductive additive-free cathode is beneficial to reduce side reactions. The lithium-oxygen battery assembled with the obtained <span>Co</span><sub>3</sub><span>O</span><sub>4</sub>@CP electrode showed satisfactory electrochemical performance. The cell assembled with the obtained <span>Co</span><sub>3</sub><span>O</span><sub>4</sub>@CP electrode provided a discharge specific capacity of 10954.7 mA·h·g<sup>−1</sup> at a current density of 200 mA·g<sup>−1</sup>, and the voltage profiles of the cell were good under 100 mA·g<sup>−1</sup> at a limited capacity of 500 mA·h g<sup>−1</sup> based on the mass of <span>Co</span><sub>3</sub><span>O</span><sub>4</sub>. Therefore, the <span>Co</span><sub>3</sub><span>O</span><sub>4</sub>@CP composite material is a promising candidate with good application prospects as a cathode material for lithium-oxygen batteries.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> JingChen </div> <div class="author-name"> TiedongLiu </div> <div class="author-name"> BinZhang </div> <div class="author-name"> YuMin </div> <div class="author-name"> HongqiangWang </div> <div class="author-name"> Qing-yuLi </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/05/08/4c416f83e6556765ae123bb0a24a8d44.png" data-lightbox="image-9" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/05/08/4c416f83e6556765ae123bb0a24a8d44.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>24 July 2023</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/54">Creating Shape Memory Polymers from Biobased Resources</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Developing polymer materials from biomass is a promising pathway to address serious environmental and resource issues. To date, a series of biobased general polymer materials have been successfully industrialized. However, exploring highly valuable functional polymers and intelligent polymer materials from biomass, such as shape memory polymers (SMPs) and self-healing materials, is still a great challenge. The present review intends to bridge a sustainable pathway for the creation of SMPs from biobased resources. Thus, we first recall some backgrounds of the design principle of SMPs and highlight the biobased monomers or building blocks for SMPs, and then we focus on the main varieties of biobased SMPs to clarify their fabricating approaches, functionalizing strategies, new manufacturing methods and the application potential.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> KunLuo </div> <div class="author-name"> Zhi-YuanXu </div> <div class="author-name"> RuiZhan </div> <div class="author-name"> Ke-KeYang </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2023/07/26/b21c96c1a980b25ed41be1c82d31d527.png" data-lightbox="image-10" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2023/07/26/b21c96c1a980b25ed41be1c82d31d527.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="recent-posts-4" class="widget widget_recent_entries news-card mb-2"> <div class="my-body-container padding0"> <div class="section-heading"> <h3 class="section-title"> News </h3> </div> <ul class="d-flex align-content-around flex-wrap news-list row row-cols-1 row-cols-xl-4 row-cols-lg-3 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-sm-1 mt-3 ml-n2 mr-n2"> <li class="col mb-3 pl-2 pr-2 pb-3 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <div class="img"> <a href="/news/the-2nd-european-sustainable-plastics-summit-2024"> <img src="/uploads/2024/08/22/1724317633ux57.jpg" alt="The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024" /> </a> </div> <div class="uk-card-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/news/the-2nd-european-sustainable-plastics-summit-2024">The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024</a> </div> </div> <div class="news-date align-self-end">22-23 October 2024 | Frankfurt, Germany</div> </li> <li class="col mb-3 pl-2 pr-2 pb-3 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <div class="img"> <a href="/news/6th-international-conference-on-biopolymers-and-bioplastics"> <img src="/uploads/2024/07/19/1721379824nxxc.jpg" alt="6th International Conference on Biopolymers and Bioplastics" /> </a> </div> <div class="uk-card-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/news/6th-international-conference-on-biopolymers-and-bioplastics">6th International Conference on Biopolymers and Bioplastics</a> </div> </div> <div class="news-date align-self-end">14-15 November 2024 | London, UK</div> </li> <li class="col mb-3 pl-2 pr-2 pb-3 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <div class="img"> <a href="/news/jemp2024"> <img src="/uploads/2024/04/25/1714015164ucl6.jpg" alt="JEMP2024" /> </a> </div> <div class="uk-card-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/news/jemp2024">JEMP2024</a> </div> </div> <div class="news-date align-self-end">14-15 0ctober 2024; Bejaia, Algeria</div> </li> <li class="col mb-3 pl-2 pr-2 pb-3 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <div class="img"> <a href="/news/a-topic-collection-dedicated-to-jemp-2024"> <img src="/uploads/2024/04/25/1714015437cr68.png" alt="A Topic Collection Dedicated to JEMP 2024" /> </a> </div> <div class="uk-card-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/news/a-topic-collection-dedicated-to-jemp-2024">A Topic Collection Dedicated to JEMP 2024</a> </div> </div> <div class="news-date align-self-end">Submission Deadline: 30 October 2024</div> </li> <div class="white-border"></div> </ul> </div> </section> <section id="recent-posts-4" class="widget widget_recent_entries mb-3"> <div class="my-body-container padding0"> <div class="section-heading"> <h3 class="section-title"> Topic Collection </h3> </div> <div class="ts-box2 article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="text articles-list"> <h3 class="article-title mb-2"> <a href="/journals/spe/special_issues/Polymer_Material">Polymer Materials Synthesis, Design and Applications</a> </h3> <div class="post-tags mt-10"> <ul> <li class="mb-2 article-abseract"> <p> <span class="mr-2">Topic in</span>Polymer; Synthesis; Applications; Sustainability; Recycling </p> </li> <li class="article-abseract clamp card-text article-authors">Topic Editor: <span>Henri Vahabi</span> <span>Christelle Delaite</span> <span>Leonard-Ionut Atanase</span> <span>Aida Benhamida</span> <span>Fethi Achi</span> <span>José-Marie Lopez-Cuesta</span> <span>Mustapha Kaci</span> <span>Djafer BENACHOUR</span> </li> <li class="authors-list"> <a class="author-name" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fal fa-clock"></i></span> <span class="article-date">Deadline: 30 October 2024</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ts-box2 article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="text articles-list"> <h3 class="article-title mb-2"> <a href="/journals/spe/special_issues/Plastic_Recycling">Green Strategies for Plastic Recycling and Management</a> </h3> <div class="post-tags mt-10"> <ul> <li class="mb-2 article-abseract"> <p> <span class="mr-2">Topic in</span>Plastic Waste Collection; Plastic Waste Management; Polymers Recycling; Environmental sustainability; Resources; Energy Management </p> </li> <li class="article-abseract clamp card-text article-authors">Topic Editor: <span>Grigorios L. 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