API.NSW Privacy Collection Notice | welcome to api.nsw
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how we handle your personal information, you can contact our Privacy team using the contact details at the end of this Notice. </p> <p> This notification is also available in large font and other accessible mediums, if required. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5">On this page</h2> <ul> <li><a class="underline" href="#who-we-are">Who we are</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#why-we-collect-your-information">Why we collect your information</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#the-kinds-of-information-we-collect">The kinds of information we collect</a> </li> <li><a class="underline" href="#how-we-collect-information">How we collect information</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#how-we-use-information">How we use information</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#who-we-share-information-with">Who we share information with</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#how-long-we-keep-information-for">How long we keep information for</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#how-we-keep-information-secure">How we keep information secure</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#your-rights">Your rights</a></li> <li><a class="underline" href="#contact-us">Contact us</a></li> </ul> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="who-we-are">Who we are</h2> <p> Government Technology Platforms (<strong>“GTP”</strong>) is a part of Digital NSW (a division within the NSW Department of Customer Service (<strong>“DCS”</strong>)). We support other NSW government agencies with their operations by providing digital solutions, such as software, technology, and infrastructure. </p> <p> GTP maintains API.NSW (<a class="underline" href="" target="_blank"></a>), a catalogue of NSW Government application programming interfaces (<strong>“API”</strong>) and makes these facilities available to various NSW authorities, individuals and businesses. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="why-we-collect-your-information">Why we collect your information</h2> <p> We collect personal information for the purposes of providing secure and efficient access to NSW data sets through API.NSW. </p> <p> The information made available through these APIs is managed and maintained by the entities responsible for its creation, such as Commonwealth or state government agencies or businesses. For questions or concerns regarding API data, please contact the entity listed as the source or manager of the dataset in the API Catalogue: <a class="underline" href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="the-kinds-of-information-we-collect">The kinds of information we collect</h2> <p>We may collect the following kinds of information:</p> <h2 class="mt-5">When you visit the API.NSW website</h2> <ul> <li>Internet Protocol ( <strong>“IP”</strong>) address of the machine which accessed the website</li> <li>Server address</li> <li>Top-level domain name</li> <li>Date and time of visit to the site</li> <li>Pages accessed and documents downloaded</li> <li>Browser type and operating system(s) used</li> </ul> <h2 id="when-you-create-an-api.nsw-user-account" class="mt-5">When you create an API.NSW user account</h2> <ul> <li>Name</li> <li>Email address</li> <li>Contact number</li> <li>Whether access is for an individual or company</li> <li>Intended purpose of use for data collected via the APIs</li> <li>Relevant security information (where data is being accessed for application development)</li> </ul> <p> If you fail to provide some or all of the information requested, it may affect your ability to use API.NSW effectively, or we may be unable to provide you with the services you need. </p> <p> You must keep us informed of changes to your information. You can update your information with us by logging into your API.NSW user account and making the necessary changes, or by contacting our API.NSW support team at <a class="underline" href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="how-we-collect-information">How we collect information</h2> <p>We collect information in the following ways:</p> <h2 class="mt-5">When you visit the API.NSW website</h2> <p> As you browse API.NSW, our system automatically captures non-sensitive browsing data. See: <a class="underline" href="#the-kinds-of-information-we-collect">The kinds of information we collect > When you visit the API.NSW website</a>. </p> <h2 class="mt-5">When you create an API.NSW user account</h2> <p> We collect user account information directly from you when you create an API.NSW user account. See: <a class="underline" href="#when-you-create-an-api.nsw-user-account">The kinds of information we collect > When you create an API.NSW user account</a>. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="how-we-use-information">How we use information</h2> <p>We may use the information we collect to:</p> <ul> <li>Operate and maintain API.NSW</li> <li>Provide technical services, such as data backup and system error investigation</li> <li>Facilitate the provision of services offered through API.NSW by enabling the transfer of relevant information to the appropriate NSW authority </li> <li>Improve functionality and enhance security and performance</li> </ul> <p>We may also use your information for other directly related purposes</p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="who-we-share-information-with">Who we share information with</h2> <p>We will not disclose your information to anybody else, except:</p> <ul> <li>As outlined in this Notice or in our Privacy Statement: <a class="underline" href="" target="_blank">Privacy statement | NSW Government</a>. </li> <li>When you have given us your consent.</li> <li>Where we are authorised to do so by law.</li> </ul> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="how-long-we-keep-information-for">How long we keep information for</h2> <p> We will only keep information for as long as we need it to fulfil the purposes, we collected it for. After which, the information will be disposed of securely in accordance with the <em>State Records Act 1998</em>, and any other applicable legislation. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="how-we-keep-information-secure">How we keep information secure</h2> <p> We maintain a Privacy Management Plan, which outlines how we comply with NSW privacy laws, and the measures we have in place to help protect personal information from loss, unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure, or other misuse: <a class="underline" href="" target="_blank">Department of Customer Service Privacy Management Plan | NSW Government</a>. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="your-rights">Your rights</h2> <p>Subject to certain conditions, you have the following rights in relation to your personal information:</p> <ul> <li>The right to request <strong>access</strong> to your personal information</li> <li>The right to request <strong>correction</strong> of your personal information</li> </ul> <p> If you wish to invoke any of the above rights, please contact us using the details below. </p> <hr/> <h2 class="mt-5" id="contact-us">Contact us</h2> <p> Please visit our website for more information on our privacy practices: <a class="underline" href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p> <p> Alternatively, if you would like to make a privacy enquiry or complaint, you can contact us using the details below. </p> <div class="card mb-5"> <div class="card-header"> Privacy, Government Technology Platforms (Digital.NSW) </div> <ul class="list-group list-group-flush"> <li class="list-group-item"> Level 23/2-24 Rawson Place,<br/> Haymarket NSW,<br/> 2000<br/> <a class="underline" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#accbd8dcdcdec5dacdcfd5eccfd9dfd8c3c1c9dedfc9dedac5cfc982c2dfdb82cbc3da82cdd9"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2641525656544f5047455f6645535552494b4354554354504f45430848555108414950084753">[email protected]</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> <div> <footer> <div class="footerContainer"> <div class="navigation"> <div class="siteContainer"> <div class="leftLinks"> <span>For developers</span> <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_blank">Data format needed</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> Open data toolkit </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> Proposing a data format </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="rightLinks"> <span>Related sites</span> <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="disclaimer"> <div class="siteContainer"> <div class="acknowledgement"> <p> We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. </p> </div> </div> <div class="footerDivider"> </div> <div class="siteContainer"> <div class="footerCommonLinks"> <ul> <li> <a class="text-white" href="/Home/Privacy" target="_blank"> Privacy </a> </li> <li> <a class="text-white" href="/Home/Terms" target="_blank"> Terms </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerCopywrite"> Copyright © 2025 Department of Customer Service </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="to-top"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-up"></i></div> </footer> </div> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo="> </script> <script>(window.jQuery||document.write("\u003Cscript src=\u0022/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js\u0022 crossorigin=\u0022anonymous\u0022 integrity=\u0022sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=\u0022\u003E\u003C/script\u003E"));</script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-E/V4cWE4qvAeO5MOhjtGtqDzPndRO1LBk8lJ/PR7CA4="> </script> <script>(window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.modal||document.write("\u003Cscript src=\u0022/lib/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js\u0022 crossorigin=\u0022anonymous\u0022 integrity=\u0022sha256-E/V4cWE4qvAeO5MOhjtGtqDzPndRO1LBk8lJ/PR7CA4=\u0022\u003E\u003C/script\u003E"));</script> <script src="/lib/loadingoverlay/loadingOverlay.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/site.min.js?v=oXA75U7r1wIh2jjSlN_7BKWPpBK4vROm9AvLM9c5k3c"></script> <script src="/js/loadingIndicator.min.js?v=ckzmZ2fanzdQJCWZnWM8VdVkSixk37-MKaC3B_gZYg4"></script> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>