jigdo Development | Richard Atterer
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There is also a more technical introduction to how jigdo works.</li> <li>Documentation for <a href="jigdo-lite.html">jigdo-lite</a>, a shell script which uses jigdo-file to reassemble images.</li> <li>Documentation for <a href="jigdo-mirror.html">jigdo-mirror</a>, a shell script which Debian mirror maintainers can use for efficient mirroring of Debian CD images offered as <tt>.jigdo</tt> files.</li> </ul> <h2>Development</h2> <ul> <li><em>Jigdo-user mailing list:</em> This is currently used both for end-user support and development.<br/><a href="">Subscribe to jigdo-user</a>, <a href="">browse the archive</a> or send mail directly to <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">jigdo-user</span> [at] <span class="d">lists [dot] berlios [dot] de</span></span>.</li> <li><a id="rpmhelp"><em>Help needed with jigdo RPMs!</em></a> If you have problems with the Redhat RPM or you can provide a fix for the specfile (or even RPMs built for a non-Redhat RPM distribution), contact the mailing list. (Former RPM packager was Paul Bolle.)</li> <li><em>Documentation:</em> <a href="">Hacking the jigdo source code</a>, <a href="">How to build jigdo on Windows</a>.</li> <li><em>Documentation:</em> The <a href="api/">jigdo API</a>, automatically generated from the code.</li> <li><em>CVS access:</em> Anonymous CVS access to the latest source code is available. Execute<br/> <tt>cvs login</tt><br/>Just press return at the login prompt, then execute<br/><tt>cvs -z3 co jigdo</tt><br/>You can also <a href="">browse the CVS repository online</a>.<br/>Finally, you can <a href="">download the complete CVS repository</a> (updated daily).</li> <li><a href="/glibcurl">glibcurl</a>, a part of the jigdo code, integrates the glib and libcurl event loops. It could be useful for other GTK+ programs which perform downloads with libcurl.</li> </ul> </div> <ul class="links inline"><li class="comment_add first last"><a href="/comment/reply/11#comment-form" title="Share your thoughts and opinions related to this posting.">Add new comment</a></li> </ul></div> <div id="comments"> <a id="comment-4048"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo/devel.html#comment-4048" class="active">Ubuntu 19.04 version:</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2019-06-27 10:47</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>Ubuntu 19.04<br /> version:</p> <p>Jigdo seems not working anymore.<br /> - https ressources could not be used<br /> - jigo tell me that the .jigdo and .template file not matach<br /> - and then crash:<br /> Merging parts from `file:' URIs, if any...<br /> jigdo-file: loadlocale.c:130: _nl_intern_locale_data: Assertion `cnt < (sizeof (_nl_value_type_LC_TIME) / sizeof (_nl_value_type_LC_TIME[0]))' failed.<br /> jigdo-file: loadlocale.c:130: _nl_intern_locale_data: Assertion `cnt < (sizeof (_nl_value_type_LC_TIME) / sizeof (_nl_value_type_LC_TIME[0]))' failed.<br /> Aborted (core dumped)<br /> Aborted (core dumped)<br /> jigdo-file failed with code 134 - aborting.</p> </div> <ul class="links"><li class="comment_reply first last"><a href="/comment/reply/11/4048">reply</a></li> </ul></div> <a id="comment-4023"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo/devel.html#comment-4023" class="active">Windows 10</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by chem97 (not verified) on Mon, 2017-09-18 14:32</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>Can somebody help with this on Win10?<br /></p> </div> <ul class="links"><li class="comment_reply first last"><a href="/comment/reply/11/4023">reply</a></li> </ul></div> <a id="comment-4020"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo/devel.html#comment-4020" class="active">jigdo front to the time</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 2017-04-24 15:25</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>yeah what about jigdo's news: develop, maintain ....<br /> plz update the jigdo (a good on) and his relatives things.....</p> <p>thx</p> </div> <ul class="links"><li class="comment_reply first last"><a href="/comment/reply/11/4020">reply</a></li> </ul></div> <a id="comment-4002"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo/devel.html#comment-4002" class="active">maintaining jigdo ....</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Andr茅 Verwijs</a> (not verified) on Sun, 2016-04-03 09:11</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>is jigdo sill being maintained?? please update cvs mirrors..<br /> if not, put last source online somewhere, maybe other dev's<br /> want to take a peek at it.... </p> <p>Andr茅</p> </div> <ul class="links"><li class="comment_reply first last"><a href="/comment/reply/11/4002">reply</a></li> </ul></div> <div class="indented"><a id="comment-4025"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo/devel.html#comment-4025" class="active">bug, jigdo is hanging</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by recent user (not verified) on Sun, 2017-11-05 21:12</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>it hangs a lot and needs to be restarted twice a minute.<br /> it hangs in the middle of every ".deb" file.<br /> I think Wget.exe is the source of problem it can not make multiple connection to the mirror for the same file, and it can not reconnect again automatically if connection dropped, it can not reconnect if speed of downloading became very low (1 kbyte/s).<br /> jigdo needs observation all the time.<br /> if you open any page in browser, it hangs and stops download.<br /> still need a lot of development.</p> </div> <ul class="links"><li class="comment_reply first last"><a href="/comment/reply/11/4025">reply</a></li> </ul></div> </div></div> </div> </div></div> <!-- /#content-inner, /#content --> <div id="navbar"><div id="navbar-inner" class="clear-block region region-navbar"> <a name="navigation" id="navigation"></a> <div id="search-box"> <form action="/jigdo/devel.html" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post" id="search-theme-form"> <div><div id="search" class="container-inline"> <div class="form-item" id="edit-search-theme-form-1-wrapper"> <input type="text" maxlength="128" name="search_theme_form" id="edit-search-theme-form-1" size="15" value="Search" title="Enter the terms you wish to search for." class="form-text" /> </div> <input type="hidden" name="form_build_id" id="form-DgTBPqVpzdIJMuX5uUfP3-4rsKgehH_hfESHSuefgR8" value="form-DgTBPqVpzdIJMuX5uUfP3-4rsKgehH_hfESHSuefgR8" /> <input type="hidden" name="form_id" id="edit-search-theme-form" value="search_theme_form" /> </div> </div></form> </div> <!-- /#search-box --> <div id="primary"> <ul class="links"><li class="menu-344 first"><a href="/photo" title="">Photography</a></li> <li class="menu-362"><a href="/software" title="">Software</a></li> <li class="menu-190 active-trail"><a href="/jigdo" title="jigdo (Jigsaw Download) - a download manager for CD/DVD images">jigdo</a></li> <li class="menu-376"><a href="/research" title="">Research</a></li> <li class="menu-193 last"><a href="/about" title="About">About</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- /#primary --> </div></div> <!-- /#navbar-inner, /#navbar --> </div></div> <!-- /#main-inner, /#main --> <div id="footer"><div id="footer-inner" class="region region-footer"> <div id="footer-message"><div class="aller"><i>漏 Copyright 2014 Richard Atterer</i></div> <div class="breadcrumb"> <a href="#page"> Top of page </a> • <a href="/"> Home </a> • <a href="/sitemap"> Sitemap </a> • <a href="/contact"> Contact </a> • <a href="/about"> About </a></div></div> </div></div> <!-- /#footer-inner, /#footer --> </div></div> <!-- /#page-inner, /#page --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/atterer/files/js/js_b0b21dfadec5927599caf5b21dcf2041.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, { "basePath": "/", "spamspan": { "m": "spamspan", "u": "u", "d": "d", "h": "h", "t": "t" } }); //--><!]]> </script> </body> </html>