jigdo - Jigsaw Download | Richard Atterer

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Its aim is to make downloading the images as easy for users as a click on a direct download link in a browser, while avoiding all the problems that server administrators have with hosting such large files.</p> <p><a href="">Article about jigdo on</a> (c't-Magazin; German)</p> <p>I have stopped development on this software long ago. But luckily, <strong>Steve McIntyre has taken over development - thanks Steve!</strong> Please head to <a href=""> for a forked jigdo version</a> with new features.</p> <hr/> <h2 id="download">Download</h2> <ul> <li><strong>This is all outdated, go to <a href=""></a> instead!</strong></li> <li><a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.3.tar.bz2">jigdo-lite 0.7.3 for Linux</a>, 994&nbsp;kB (statically linked)<br /> Also available for <a href="">Debian</a> and <a href="">Fedora Core</a></li> <li><a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">jigdo-lite 0.7.2 for Windows</a>, 1773&nbsp;kB<br /> This version is capable of creating DVD-sized images on NTFS partitions (FAT32 only supports sizes up to 4&nbsp;GB). In case you use WinZip, click on &quot;Extract&quot; and select &quot;Use folder names&quot;, <strong>don't</strong> just drag the files to a directory.<br /> (Windows 98/ME users, try the older <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">0.7.1a</a> version - 0.7.2 will not work for you due to a small problem.)</li> <li><a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.1-solaris.tar.bz2">jigdo-lite 0.7.1 for Solaris</a>, 378&nbsp;kB (statically linked binaries for Sparc)</li> <li><a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.7.3.tar.bz2">jigdo 0.7.3 source code</a>, 630&nbsp;kB<br/>jigdo is Free Software, distributable under the GNU GPL.</li> <li>External sources of jigdo binaries: <a href="">RPMSeek</a>, <a href=";submit=Search+...">RPMFind</a>, <a href="">Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X</a>, <a href="">FreeBSD</a></li> <li><a href="">Changelog</a> - what is new in this version?</li> </ul> <hr/> <h2 id="help">Help</h2> <ul> <li><em>Documentation:</em> <a href="/jigdo/debian-jigdo-mini-howto#FAQ">jigdo FAQ (frequently asked questions)</a></li> <li><em>Documentation:</em> The FAQ is part of the <a href="/jigdo/debian-jigdo-mini-howto">Debian jigdo mini-HOWTO</a>. Look here if you have trouble using <b>jigdo-lite</b>.</li> <li><em>jigdo-user mailing list:</em> General discussion about jigdo.<br/><a href="">Subscribe to jigdo-user</a>, <a href="">browse the archive</a> or send mail directly to <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">jigdo-user</span> [at] <span class="d">lists [dot] berlios [dot] de</span></span>.<br/>The mailing list is <em>public</em> - your mails will be archived, and it is not guaranteed that someone won't abuse the archive and send you spam.</li> <li><em>Documentation:</em> The <a href="">Debian CD FAQ</a> is not directly related to jigdo, but worth checking if you have questions regarding the images you downloaded using jigdo.</li> <li><em>Debian-CD mailing list:</em> Discussion about problems with the Debian CD images.<br/><a href="">Subscribe to debian-cd</a>, <a href="">browse the archive</a> or send mail directly to <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">debian-cd</span> [at] <span class="d">lists [dot] debian [dot] org</span></span>. This mailing list is also public.</li> </ul> <hr/> <h2 id="why">Why Is It Needed?</h2> <p>jigdo was inspired by the problems that <a href="">Debian Linux</a> had with the distribution of its CD images. Debian is a 100% volunteer-driven organization which depends on donations to finance its infrastructure. For this reason, it also doesn't own any of the 300 servers around the world on which the distribution is mirrored.</p> <p>For some time, the size of Debian has been a problem - Debian supports 11 different processor architectures, more than any other Linux distribution, and for every single one of these architectures, there are more than 10000 software packages - again more than any other distro. Today, a full Debian mirror needs roughly 100&nbsp;GB of disc space!</p> <p>Debian also offers the distribution in the form of CD images (and more recently DVD images). If these images were distributed as full <tt>.iso</tt> images on the mirrors, the size of a Debian mirror would double to 200&nbsp;GB (or even triple to 300&nbsp;GB if there were also DVD images) - <em>nobody</em> is prepared to mirror such a huge amount of data!</p> <p>jigdo solves this problem by not requiring that the full image be stored on the servers. Instead, it can download the individual files from a normal Debian mirror and only assemble the image on the user's machine. Additionally, it can also do other useful things like helping with the mirror selection and upgrading images.</p> <hr/> <h2 id="how">How Does It Work?</h2> <p>When someone has produced a large file they wish to distribute (for example, a CD image), they process this file with the <b>jigdo-file</b> tool. Among other things, <b>jigdo-file</b> creates a file with a <tt>.jigdo</tt> extension. To download the original file, a user only needs to tell the <b>jigdo-lite</b> download tool the URL of the <tt>jigdo</tt> file, it will extract all the necessary information and perform the download, fetching the data in many small pieces, possibly from several different servers.</p> <p>So far, this is not exciting; there are already several other programs which allow you to split and reassemble large files, or which make their download easier. Also, at the moment only the shell script <b>jigdo-lite</b> can be used for downloading. Unfortunately, the <b>jigdo</b> GUI download manager shown below never reached a usable state.</p> <p class="center"><img src="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-gui.gif" width="392" alt="[Screenshot]" height="229"/><br/>The <b>jigdo</b> download tool (unfinished, not usable)</p> <p>However, jigdo's approach is unique due to the way it identifies the small pieces that the large file consists of: For instance, if the file is a CD image, the individual files on the CD are contained somewhere within the image file. <b>jigdo-file</b> is capable of finding these files, so if copies of the individual files on the CD are stored separately on the server, <b>jigdo-lite</b> can be made to download these files one by one, and assemble the CD image on the fly on the user's computer. This scheme has several advantages:</p> <ul> <li>The large image does not need to be stored on the server, instead only the many small files contained in the image. This works with CD images, DVD images (both ISO9660 and UDF format), uncompressed <tt>zip</tt> files, <tt>tar</tt> archives... <b>jigdo-file</b> is format independent.</li> <li>In spite of the above, jigdo creates a bit-exact copy of the original image on the user's machine. (To achieve this, the directory data, boot block etc. of the image is stored in a special <tt>.template</tt> file which is distributed alongside the <tt>.jigdo</tt> file.)</li> <li>There is full control over where <b>jigdo-lite</b> will download the individual parts. It is possible to define mirrors so users can choose their nearest mirror.</li> <li>jigdo relies on standard HTTP/FTP, no support for special protocols like rsync, and no installation of special software is required on the mirrors.</li> <li><b>jigdo-lite</b> supports resuming aborted downloads, or continuing the download with another mirror if the current one proves slow.</li> <li>It is possible to "upgrade" a CD image: If a new version of an image is released, <b>jigdo-lite</b> can download only the data that has changed, the remaining data is read from the outdated version.</li> <li>It is possible to release modified versions: If someone distributes a CD image and you have made a few small modifications, e.g. added some files, then you only need to upload the data for your modifications to your webspace. All the data from the original CD image is still fetched from the original site.</li> </ul> <p>If you have read this far, you may be confused now, asking yourself what jigdo does and doesn't do. :-) It seems that the jigdo concept is a bit difficult to grasp at first. If you're still interested, have a look at the respective <a href="/jigdo/debian-jigdo-mini-howto#HOWJIGDOWORKS">section of the HOWTO</a> and at the <a href="/jigdo/jigdo-file.html#EXAMPLES">Examples</a> section of the <b>jigdo-file</b> manual.</p> <hr/> <h2 id="links">Further jigdo Resources</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">jigdo site for Debian CD images</a>. Use <b>jigdo-lite</b> to download them.</li> <li><a href="">Debian jigdo mini-HOWTO</a></li> <li><a href="">JTE - Jigdo Template Extractor</a> is a project by Steve McIntyre which modifies mkisofs to output <tt>.template</tt> files. This makes generation of templates for <tt>.iso</tt> images much faster than creating the image with mkisofs first and then feeding it to "jigdo-file make-template".</li> <li><a href=""></a>, which holds daily snapshots of the Debian archive, is a very useful resource if you are stuck with a broken Debian <tt>.jigdo</tt> file which makes jigdo-lite give you an error message <i>"Aaargh - </i>n<i> files could not be downloaded. This should not happen!"</i>. To try to fetch the missing files from, specify as "Debian mirror" an URL like <tt><a href=""></a></tt><br/>(Substitute the correct date - the date the broken <tt>.jigdo</tt> file was made.)</li> <li><p><em>Old and current releases:</em> <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.5.0.tar.gz">0.5.0</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.5.1.tar.gz">0.5.1</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.5.2.tar.gz">0.5.2</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.5.3.tar.gz">0.5.3</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.0.tar.gz">0.6.0</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.1.tar.gz">0.6.1</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.2.tar.gz">0.6.2</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.2.tar.gz">bin</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.3.tar.bz2">0.6.3</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.3.tar.bz2">bin</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.4.tar.bz2">0.6.4</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.4.tar.bz2">bin</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.5.tar.bz2">0.6.5</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.5.tar.bz2">bin</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.6.tar.bz2">0.6.6</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.6.tar.bz2">bin</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.7.tar.bz2">0.6.7</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.7.tar.bz2">bin</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.7-solaris.tar.bz2">solaris</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.8.tar.bz2">0.6.8</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.8.tar.bz2">bin</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.8-solaris.tar.bz2">solaris</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">win</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.9.tar.bz2">0.6.9</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.9.tar.bz2">bin</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.9-solaris.tar.bz2">solaris</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">win</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.7.0.tar.bz2">0.7.0</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.0.tar.bz2">bin</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">win</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.7.1.tar.bz2">0.7.1</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.1.tar.bz2">bin</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.1-solaris.tar.bz2">solaris</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">win</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.7.2.tar.bz2">0.7.2</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.2.tar.bz2">bin</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/">win</a>, <a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-0.7.3.tar.bz2">0.7.3</a>/<a href="/sites/atterer/files/2009-08/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.7.3.tar.bz2">bin</a></p></li> <li>Documentation for <a href="/jigdo/jigdo-file.html">jigdo-file</a>, the tool for low-level processing of <tt>.jigdo</tt>/<tt>.template</tt> files. There is also a more technical introduction to how jigdo works.</li> <li>Documentation for <a href="/jigdo/jigdo-lite.html">jigdo-lite</a>, a shell script which uses jigdo-file to reassemble images. It is intended to fill the gap until the real jigdo GUI application is usable.</li> <li>Documentation for <a href="/jigdo/jigdo-mirror.html">jigdo-mirror</a>, a shell script which Debian mirror maintainers can use for efficient mirroring of Debian CD images offered as <tt>.jigdo</tt> files.</li> <li><a href="">jigdo project page</a> at BerliOS. Thanks to this non-commercial SourceForge alternative for its services! <a href=""><img src="" width="62" height="16" alt="BerliOS"/></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="comments"> <a id="comment-3840"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3840" class="active">errata for the mini-howto</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by roidesrats (not verified) on Sun, 2013-01-06 03:28</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>I'm downloading the last Debian testing and all is well, thanks for the great job !</p> <p>I just noticed that the URL directing to your website is outdated in the mini-howto, it redirects to instead of .org . Have a nice day !</p> </div> </div> <a id="comment-3831"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3831" class="active">jigdo download tool </a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Andre (not verified) on Sun, 2011-06-12 09:32</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>please!! make this work on debian or windows, maybe i'll star using Jigdo....<br /> (send me email with news)</p> <p>thanks</p> </div> </div> <div class="indented"><a id="comment-3836"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3836" class="active">re:jigdo download tool</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Jim Lee (not verified) on Mon, 2012-08-27 17:41</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>I'm using this in a Gentoo-based resuce usb thumbdrive to reinstall Debian, and it works _VERY_ well. It should work in Debian, too; just follow the directions and don't worry about the lack of a GUI - the command-line version is easy enough to follow.</p> </div> </div> <a id="comment-3833"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3833" class="active">Please!! read the first three paragraphs on the page...</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by RTFM (not verified) on Sat, 2011-07-02 20:04</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>This software is now in "maintenance mode", development has stopped.</p> </div> </div> <a id="comment-3832"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3832" class="active">Already done</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Richard on Tue, 2011-06-14 11:36</span></h3> <div class="content"> To my knowledge it already works on Debian and Windows. </div> </div> <div class="indented"><a id="comment-3837"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3837" class="active">Nice program!,looks like a</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 2012-09-17 05:14</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>Nice program!,looks like a good solution to reduce serverload.<br /> As for me unless the folks over at can explain to me in plain dutch(as opposed to some sort of linux-dutch dialect)how to actually get a hold of complete url's for the images i'm afraid it's going to be a regular download for me(i am a linux noob!).</p> </div> </div> <div class="indented"><a id="comment-3838"></a> <div class="comment comment-published clear-block"> <h3><a href="/jigdo#comment-3838" class="active">got it working!</a><span class="submitted">Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2012-10-07 18:04</span></h3> <div class="content"> <p>I finally succeeded with instructions from third-party website,again great app but documentation on leaves something to be desired especially for n00bs.</p> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div> </div> </div></div> <!-- /#content-inner, /#content --> <div id="navbar"><div id="navbar-inner" class="clear-block region region-navbar"> <a name="navigation" id="navigation"></a> <div id="search-box"> <form action="/jigdo" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post" id="search-theme-form"> <div><div id="search" class="container-inline"> <div class="form-item" id="edit-search-theme-form-1-wrapper"> <input type="text" maxlength="128" name="search_theme_form" id="edit-search-theme-form-1" size="15" value="Search" title="Enter the terms you wish to search for." class="form-text" /> </div> <input type="hidden" name="form_build_id" id="form-cTI-AnP_cNaGwUvEiYTsRwg4yV6cibz9UVidqHEChLY" value="form-cTI-AnP_cNaGwUvEiYTsRwg4yV6cibz9UVidqHEChLY" /> <input type="hidden" name="form_id" id="edit-search-theme-form" value="search_theme_form" /> </div> </div></form> </div> <!-- /#search-box --> <div id="primary"> <ul class="links"><li class="menu-344 first"><a href="/photo" title="">Photography</a></li> <li class="menu-362"><a href="/software" title="">Software</a></li> <li class="menu-190 active-trail active"><a href="/jigdo" title="jigdo (Jigsaw Download) - a download manager for CD/DVD images" class="active">jigdo</a></li> <li class="menu-376"><a href="/research" title="">Research</a></li> <li class="menu-193 last"><a href="/about" title="About">About</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- /#primary --> </div></div> <!-- /#navbar-inner, /#navbar --> </div></div> <!-- /#main-inner, /#main --> <div id="footer"><div id="footer-inner" class="region region-footer"> <div id="footer-message"><div class="aller"><i>漏 Copyright 2014 Richard Atterer</i></div> <div class="breadcrumb"> <a href="#page">&nbsp;Top of page&nbsp;</a> &#8226; <a href="/">&nbsp;Home&nbsp;</a> &#8226; <a href="/sitemap">&nbsp;Sitemap&nbsp;</a> &#8226; <a href="/contact">&nbsp;Contact&nbsp;</a> &#8226; <a href="/about">&nbsp;About&nbsp;</a></div></div> </div></div> <!-- /#footer-inner, /#footer --> </div></div> <!-- /#page-inner, /#page --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/atterer/files/js/js_b0b21dfadec5927599caf5b21dcf2041.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, { "basePath": "/", "spamspan": { "m": "spamspan", "u": "u", "d": "d", "h": "h", "t": "t" } }); //--><!]]> </script> </body> </html>

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