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Visit the Dentist</i> [1.1]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: Trouble at School / Visit the Dentist [1.1]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><i>[first lines of the series, echoing the book the episode was based on]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: When a problem at school is kept secret too long, it can grow until a cub thinks everything is wrong!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Sister, after bringing Brother make-up math homework, sees Brother still playing with his dinosaur models]</i></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: If you can hold a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:dinosaur">dinosaur,</a> you can hold a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:pencil">pencil!</a></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: If you all take your seats, we can all get started on the division test. Please remember to show me all your calculations on the margin.</dd> <dd><i>[The quiz is about division. It is about division facts --1 through 9. For multiplication, Brother's class learned multiplication facts through 9. Now on division, it was division facts through 9.]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: Goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow.</dd> <dd><i>[Even though most of the students did great, there was one "F" and that was Brother. The scene cuts to Teacher Bob who glares at Brother. Then it cuts to Brother. That is, who looks guilty after failing the division quiz. Brother may have gotten every single problem wrong or cheated with another student's test.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Uh oh...! This can't be good...!</dd> <dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: I'm afraid it isn't, Brother!</dd> <dd><i>[Teacher Bob then reveals the division quiz. There is a number "0" on the test. Teacher Bob wrote on the division quiz, <b>VERY POOR! MUST BE SIGNED BY PARENT!</b>. That is, and in other words, "Brother not only got every problem wrong or cheated. But he also got a great big '0'". In the book --and echoing from it-- the actual page reads, "The quiz was a disaster! Not only did Brother get every problem wrong! But Teacher Bob wrote on the paper '<b>VERY POOR! MUST BE SIGNED BY PARENT!'</b>".]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <b>ZERO?</b></dd> <dd><i>[After Brother says this, Teacher Bob is concerned. He asks if Brother studied for the division quiz. That is, as he asks Brother...!]</i></dd> <dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: Did you do the worksheets I sent home with your sister?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well, I was pretty sick. <i>[tries to talk in between coughs]</i> It took a lot out of me of that flu bug.</dd> <dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: Hmm?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: But I think I'm going to be okay now. And I can't wait to get those worksheets done!</dd> <dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: I'm glad to hear that.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well. I guess I better catch the bus.</dd> <dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: Oh, one more thing. Please have your parents sign that test and bring it back to me tomorrow.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Yes, sir.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Brother looks at his test which was about division.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Even the flu is worse than this!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I won't go to <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:school">school,</a> and I won't give my <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:test">test</a> back to the teacher! Not my fault I was sick! <b>PHOOEY ON SCHOOL! PHOOEY ON MATH! PHOOEY ON EVERYTHING!</b> <i>[Brother folds his division quiz into a paper airplane and sails it out so neither him nor his family can see it and it lands near an old log.]</i> Oh no! What am I supposed to do now? I can't go to school and I can't go home!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[The scene cuts to Gramps and Gran's dining room. Brother is at their table having milk and chocolate chip cookies.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: Dear me! This paper has more wrinkles than I do. <i>[Gran flattens out the division quiz and rolls it out with her rolling pin. That is, to get the wrinkles out of the quiz.]</i> Well, that is about the best I can do.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: It looks much better than it did. But it still has a great big zero on it!</dd> <dd><i>[By that saying of Brother, the division test is way better than it did. But it still has a big fat "0" on it, in the spite of that.]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Mama and Papa look at the division quiz. And they find a great big "0" on it.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[shows the zero on his division test]</i> I told you it was pretty bad.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[as he's about to sign the division test]</i> Pretty bad? Can it get any worse than zero?</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Well, it can get worse when you don't tell your parents and don't get on the school bus.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: That's for sure.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: You should have come to us right away.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I know, I'm sorry.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Cousin Freddy</b>: I had no idea so many gooey gums can fit into one bag.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well, this way I'll have enough to last a while.</dd> <dd><b>Cousin Freddy</b>: A while? You'll have enough to last until next year.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I don't want Dr. Bearson to yank my <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:tooth">tooth</a> out with his big yankers!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b> Big yankers? Who told you that? [Mama angrily looks at Papa. Papa nods his head no as he didn't tell Sister about the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:dentist">dentist</a> pulling out her teeth with yankers. Then Mama Sister and Papa look at Brother.]</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I was just kidding. I didn't think Sister believed me. [Chuckles] Sorry, Sister.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: [Angrily to Brother] Dr. Bearson is not going to yank out your tooth with yankers. [To Sister] Your tooth will fall out on its own.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I bet that's a relief. Huh, Sister? Well, anyway, I'm going over to Cousin Freddy's for a while.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Not so fast! Sister's loose tooth doesn't explain why you didn't want any <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:oatmeal">oatmeal</a> chewies!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b> Yes, you usually only eat 2 or 3 at a time.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well, I had a little <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:toothache">toothache,</a> but it's feeling... [His tooth starts to hurt again] better now. Ow!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: How long have you had this toothache for?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Since this morning when I was eating a gooey gum.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: More gooey gums?!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: No wonder you have a toothache. They're so sweet that even your truly papa bear wouldn't eat one.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I better phone Dr. Bearson and make an appointment right away.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: You'd better make sure you put your tooth under your pillow tonight.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Why?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Why? For the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:tooth fairy">tooth fairy,</a> of course.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: No way! This is my first tooth. I'm keeping it!</dd> <dd><i>[Mama and Brother start laughing]</i></dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Mighty_Milton/Mama's_New_Job_[1.2]"><span id="The_Mighty_Milton.2FMama.27s_New_Job_.5B1.2.5D"></span><i>The Mighty Milton/Mama's New Job</i> [1.2]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: The Mighty Milton/Mama&#039;s New Job [1.2]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I've got a job! I'm going to start my own quilt-making business!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear, Brother Bear and Sister Bear</b>: Huh?!</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Go_To_School_/_The_Week_at_Grandma's_[1.3]"><span id="Go_To_School_.2F_The_Week_at_Grandma.27s_.5B1.3.5D"></span><i>Go To School / The Week at Grandma's</i> [1.3]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: Go To School / The Week at Grandma&#039;s [1.3]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: What's this?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Things we studied in mathematics. That's long division. It looks a lot harder than it is. It's nothing to worry about.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Nothing to worry about? It's just like Too-Tall said! It's too hard!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Oh dear, you've worked yourself into a tizzy!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Mama, I don't want to go to <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:school">school!</a> I want to stay home with you! I could help you make <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:pies">pies!</a></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Did somebody say "pie"? I've got the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:apples">apples</a> peeled and ready to go. All I need is someone with pie-making know how.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I have an easy recipe for pie. You've followed recipes before, Papa!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Oh, but not for pie....... Uh, I can't make pies!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Well, I've got a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:photo album">photo album</a> to find.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Why are you getting the photo album out, Mama?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I was just thinking back to when Sister was as worried about going to <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:kindergarten">kindergarten,</a> as she is about going to third grade.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I loved kindergarten!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Well, yes. Once you got there you did.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Miss Honey Bear was really nice, and that's where I met Lizzie, and they had lots of toys, and...</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[chuckles]</i> Yes, yes. That's right, Sister. But you didn't know all those things before you went, you were very worried.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Do you know what a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:synonym">synonym</a> is?</dd> <dd><i>[Sister mistakes Brother and says "cinnamon"]</i></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Uh-huh. It is my favorite spice. Like synonym <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:toast">toast</a> and synonym <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:buns">buns...</a></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[Laughs]</i> No, that's" <a href="/w/index.php?title=Cinnamon&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Cinnamon (page does not exist)">cinnamon".</a> I said "synonym". It's word that's spelled differently, but it means the same thing.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: See what I mean?</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <i>(Throws the rake on the ground)</i> I don't want to go to kindergarten, Mama! <i>(Hugs Mama)</i> I want to stay here with you!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Sister, I know new things can sometimes be upsetting. But if we don't try them, we don't grow and learn. That's what kindergarten is all about.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: What if the teacher doesn't like me?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Why wouldn't she like you? You're a very likeable cub!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Yeah, well most of the time.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[Mama and Sister Angrily look at Brother for teasing Sister.]</i> I know Miss Honey Bear will be happy to have you in her kindergarten class.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: But I can't go tomorrow! I'm too busy.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[gasps]</i> Too busy?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I promised Brother I'd make a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:picture">picture.</a></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: You can make me a picture at kindergarten, Sister. They've got lots of <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:paint">paint,</a> and <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:crayons">crayons,</a> and every <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:color">color</a> you can think of.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: But I want to hear my storybooks!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: They have lots of <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:books">books</a> at kindergarten, too. With stories you haven't heard before.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I was going to build something with my <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:blocks">blocks.</a></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: They have enough blocks to build a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:castle">castle</a> at kindergarten. That was one of Brother's things about school.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: There's a tub of blocks bigger than you.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: What do you say, Sister? Can you give kindergarten a try?</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: And so, you went with Brother on the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:bus">bus</a> for your first day of school.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Is it all right if I sit here?</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: Uh-huh!</dd> <dd><i>[When they get to school]</i></dd> <dd><b>Miss Honey Bear</b>: Welcome to Bear Country School. My name is Miss Honey Bear, and I'm your new kindergarten teacher! Would you like to come inside and meet your new classmates?</dd> <dd><i>[When it is time for recess]</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[gasps]</i></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Mama! Why are you here?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Oh, I just thought I would stop by to see how you were doing.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I'm having fun! Brother was right, they do have lots of paint colors, more than a hundred!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[chuckles]</i> Is that right?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And they do have a big tub of blocks, just like Papa said. Lizzie and I built a giant castle!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Lizzie?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Uh-huh! She's my new friend!</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: New best friend!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Pleased to meet you, Lizzie!</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: Hi, we're having recess!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: And what do you do at recess?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Um, do you know?</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: This is my first one!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[chuckles]</i> I'll help you get started! Come on over to the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:swings">swings</a> and I'll push you.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: OK!</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: That's a good idea!</dd></dl> <p>(honking) <b>Mama Bear</b>Have fun at school. We will. <b>Papa Bear</b>I thought Teacher jane might like one of these. <b>Sister Bear</b>Thanks papa. </p> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Huh?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Suitcases">Suitcases?</a></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: So our reservations for Grizzly Mountain Lodge are all set? Thank you so much, see you soon.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Reservations?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear and Sister Bear</b>: We're going on vacation!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Well, actually, it's a second <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:honeymoon">honeymoon.</a></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Still sounds like fun.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Mmmm...especially the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:honey">honey</a> part.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: I haven't seen these in ages. I wonder if my serve is still...... <i>[grunts]</i> Ow!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Papa, are you okay?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Maybe you should just let Brother and me play <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:tennis">tennis</a> on the honeymoon.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: And you and Mama can keep score.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Sorry, sweeties, but honeymoons aren't for cubs. Honeymoons are special trips that couples go on after they get married. It's an old tradition.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Grizzly Mountain Lodge is where Mama and I went on our first honeymoon.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: But, what about us?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Well, you're going on a special trip of your own.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Is it Grizzly World?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Is it Honeycomb Amusement Park?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: You're going to grandma's.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear and Sister Bear</b>: Gran's?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: That should do it. <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Board games">Board games,</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:books">books,</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:yo-yo">yo-yo.</a> I wonder if I should bring my chemistry set.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I'm bringing <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:puzzles">puzzles,</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:coloring books">coloring books,</a> and <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:teddy">teddy.</a></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Beep beep. Coming through! Hey, what's all this doing out here?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well, we are going to Gran's for a whole week. We need to keep busy.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[chuckles]</i> Come on, now. You always have fun at Gran's house without all this stuff!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: When we go for one afternoon, maybe. <i>[whispers to Mama Bear]</i> and Gran and Gramps are old.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Maybe they'll want to take <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:naps">naps</a> all day.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[grunts]</i></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Papa, what about our <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:toys">toys?</a></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: You won't need all those. You're going to have too much fun with Gran and Gramps. I wonder if the lodge still has <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:canoe">canoe</a> rides on the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:lake">lake.</a></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: And <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:live music">live music</a> in the dance hall.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[sighs]</i> Mama and Papa are going to have all the fun.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And we're going to have none.</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: See you next week. Drive safely.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Bye.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Have fun.</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: Come on, cubs.</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Trouble_With_Pets_/_The_Sitter_[1.4]"><span id="The_Trouble_With_Pets_.2F_The_Sitter_.5B1.4.5D"></span><i>The Trouble With Pets / The Sitter</i> [1.4]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: The Trouble With Pets / The Sitter [1.4]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: A <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:horse">horse?</a></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: We can ride it to school!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Whoa! Nobody said anything about a horse.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: A horse would need a fenced corral with lots of room to run. Our yard's just too small.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: And do you know how much a horse eats? More <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:oats">oats</a> than I can afford!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I want something that is warm and cuddly.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: If you want a pet that's warm and cuddly, you should just get your old blanket.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Well, if you want a pet that's cold and slimy, you should get some slime.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Looking after a puppy is a round-the-clock job.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: It isn't something you can just put off until later when it's more convenient.</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Too_Much_TV_/_Trick_or_Treat_[1.5]"><span id="Too_Much_TV_.2F_Trick_or_Treat_.5B1.5.5D"></span><i>Too Much TV / Trick or Treat</i> [1.5]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: Too Much TV / Trick or Treat [1.5]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: What's this? A lovely lady dining alone? May I join you for lunch, Mrs. Bear?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Be my guest. The cubs aren't interested.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Oh? Where are they?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Eating in front of that <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:television">television.</a> It used to be a treat. And now they do it every day.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Give it to me!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: No way! It's my turn to choose!</dd> <dd><i>[The scene cuts to the cubs. And they are fighting about what TV programs they should watch.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <b>WE'RE NOT WATCHING "BEAR WRESTLING"!</b></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <b>THERE'S NO WAY I'M WATCHING "LITTLE TREEHOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE"!</b></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <b>OKAY, THAT'S IT!</b></dd> <dd><i>[Brother and Sister jump from their fighting, drop the TV remote, and the TV remote flies out of their hands.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Cubs</b>: [Screaming]</dd> <dd><i>[Mama catches the TV remote.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <b>NO MORE TV FOR A WEEK!</b></dd> <dd><i>[She turns off the TV with the remote.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: What?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: But, Mama...!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: No, sir, I mean it.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Papa, Mama told us that we can't watch TV for a whole week.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Your Mama's got a point. You two cubs have been watching far too much television lately. Now, if you don't mind, I'm just going to catch some of the hockey playoffs. Huh?</dd> <dd><i>[Mama takes the TV remote from Papa.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[turns to Papa]</i> You too, Papa! <i>[then to the rest of her family]</i> For once, the whole family is going to be TV-free!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Oh...!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Oh...!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[sees a wrestling show while in his workshop]</i> Oh! I didn't see that coming!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[off-screen]</i> And you didn't see me coming!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister</b>: I think we should end the TV-ban on account of bad weather.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Rain">Rain</a> or no rain! "No TV for a week!", means "No TV for a week!".</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: We'll go here, and here.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Don't forget this house. They always give out Crispy Squares.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Mm-mmm, love those Crispy Squares.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: What are you cubs up to?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: It's a trick-or-treat map.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: We're figuring out which houses to visit tonight.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: We're going to Farmer Ben's house and then Mrs. Grizzle's; she usually makes special <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Halloween">Halloween</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:cookie">cookies.</a></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And then Teacher Jane's. She gives out good stuff.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: And we'll go to Dr. Grizzly's house, even though she gives out healthy snacks.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Just to be polite.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[laughing]</i></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And then Gramps and Gran. They always have lots of candy for us.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Hmm, it looks like you missed Widder Jones' house.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Oh, we did that on purpose.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: You did? Why?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[to Mama; talking about Widder Jones]</i> Because she's a witch!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Oh, nonsense! She's very sweet and kindhearted.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[Brother and Sister get confused because they think Mama is talking about a different Widder Jones.]</i> Mama, I'm talking about the Widder Jones who lives on Crooked Lane. That Widder Jones.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Yes, I know who you mean. We take a quilting class together. She's very friendly and helpful.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[whispering to Sister Bear]</i> Until she turns you into a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:statue">statue.</a></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: In fact, I saw her at the market today. She's preparing a very special treat for all the trick-or-treaters. And when you get home, I want to hear that you've paid Widder Jones a visit. Remember not to judge someone by their appearance.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Skuzz</b>: We're going to put the trick back in Trick or Treating.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Mama wouldn't be friends with a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:witch">witch</a> now, would she?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Hmm, I suppose you're right.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: It’s Too Tall and his gang! They’re not here for the Treats, just the tricks!</dd> <dd><b>Widder Jones</b>: I understand perfectly! And I am more than happy to oblige. Watch this!</dd> <dd><i>[Widder Jones pulls a rope, Too-Tall, Smirk and Skuzz pop out of a bush and Vampire bats swarm them.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Too Tall</b>: Watch Out! Vampire bats! They’re after us!</dd> <dd><b>Smirk</b>: Aah! Get away!</dd> <dd><b>Skuzz</b>: Aah! They’re gonna get us!</dd> <dd><b>All</b>: <i>[Laughing]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Wow! That’ll teach them!</dd> <dd><b>Lizzy</b>: But, they’re still coming back!</dd> <dd><b>Widder Jones</b>: Maybe they wants some more tricks!</dd> <dd><i>[Widder Jones pulls another rope, Too-Tall and his gang pop out from behind a tree, as ghosts appear.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall and his Gang</b>: <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Ghosts">Ghosts!</a> <i>[Screaming]</i>.</dd> <dd><b>All</b>: <i>[Laughing]</i>.</dd> <dd><b>Widder Jones</b>: So, Brother. How would you like to play the final trick!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Okay.</dd> <dd><b>Widder Jones</b>: Just turn this on and watch the fun!</dd> <dd><b>Brother</b>: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! <i>[Flicks a switch]</i></dd> <dd><b>Skuzz</b>: This isn't much fun as I thought it would be!</dd> <dd><i>[Suddenly, skeletons appear out of nowhere.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall and his Gang</b>: <i>[Screaming]</i>.</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Let’s get out of here!</dd> <dd><b>All</b>: <i>[Laughing]</i>.</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Trouble_With_Money_/_The_Double_Dare_[1.6]"><span id="The_Trouble_With_Money_.2F_The_Double_Dare_.5B1.6.5D"></span><i>The Trouble With Money / The Double Dare</i> [1.6]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: The Trouble With Money / The Double Dare [1.6]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Sometimes when people are so busy working hard, they can forget about other important things in their lives.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Even mamas and papas forget about very important things.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I guess I've been too busy.</dd> <dd><b>Cousin Fred</b>: That's a surprise!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Brother, Brother!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: What's wrong, Sister?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Too-Tall and his gang, took my <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:jump rope">jump rope!</a> I tried to get it back! But they wouldn't give it to me!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <b>THREE AGAINST ONE! AND YOU'RE HALF THEIR SIZE! I CAN'T BELIEVE THOSE GUYS!</b></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: You think you can get it back for me?</dd> <dd><i>[Brother --angrily-- runs off to the park to find the bullies Too-Tall, Smirk and Skuzz.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <b>JUST TRY AND STOP ME! (AND THEY BETTER GIVE IT BACK OR ELSE! I MEAN, "WHEN I GET BACK THAT JUMP ROPE, I AM GOING TO LET TOO-TALL AND HIS TWO FRIENDS HAVE IT!")</b></dd> <dd><i>[He goes off --snarling to himself. And he threatens that he is going to let Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz have it if they do not give Sister back her jump rope. In fact, he thinks about letting Too-Tall and his gang --his two friends Smirk and Skuzz-- have it right now.]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Too-Tall --after he and his two friends Smirk and Skuzz had stolen Sister's jump rope-- was jumping with Sister's jump rope until Brother showed up.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Tell you what, Brother! You want it back? Come and get it!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: All right! I am doing that!</dd> <dd><i>[Brother attempts to cross the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:log">log</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:bridge">bridge</a> over a stream.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Skuzz</b>: <i>[to Brother about his attempts to cross the log bridge over the stream]</i> <b>ONE FALSE MOVE AND YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A CHILLY SWIM!</b></dd> <dd><i>[As Skuzz says this, he says it as if to mean he would not care if Brother had a "chilly <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:swim">swim",</a> caught a cold from it, and got called out sick so he wouldn't have to go to school. All he does care is that he knows Brother might not make it across the log bridge to retrieve Sister's jump rope from Too-Tall.]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Farmer Ben --unnoticed at first-- uses himself like a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:scarecrow">scarecrow.</a> Brother Bear and the big cubs --Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz-- think he is a scarecrow --and that there is a real scarecrow in the melon patch-- in the spite of that. That is, although they fail to notice him. He uses himself as a scarecrow --having his eyes shut, arms spread out, and feet together. That is, as if there really is a scarecrow in his watermelon patch. So Farmer Ben --striking the pose-- pretends to be a scarecrow. Brother --after picking out the biggest and greenest skinned <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:watermelon">watermelon</a>-- gets the melon off the vine, breaks the stem off of it, and picks it up. But when he picks up the melon, Farmer Ben moves a little by smiling, opens his eyes, and --offscreen-- undoes his scarecrow pose. Then he --as if returning back to his normal self-- runs up to Brother and catches him.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: <b>GOTCHA!</b></dd> <dd><i>[Brother Bear tries to run away --only to be tightly grabbed by Farmer Ben.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <b>HELP! LET ME GO!</b></dd> <dd><i>[The scene cuts to Too-Tall and his two friends --Smirk and Skuzz. When they see that Brother is caught by Farmer Ben, they run away.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: <b>RUN FOR IT!</b></dd> <dd><i>[Too-Tall and his gang run away screaming. Farmer Ben does not notice Too-Tall and his friends --Smirk and Skuzz-- but he talks to Brother about the dee-double dare incident.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: <b>BROTHER BEAR?! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING STEALING WATERMELONS WITH TOO-TALL AND HIS NO GOOD GANG?!</b></dd> <dd><i>[As Farmer Ben says this, he wants to know what in the Earth Brother Bear --stealing Too-Tall-- is doing with that watermelon.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: First they dared me...! And then, they double dared me...! <b>AND FINALLY, THEY DEE DOUBLE DARED ME!</b></dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: That dee double dare is so hard to resist.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I wanted to walk away. But then they called me chicken! I am sorry, Farmer Ben.</dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: Well, it's okay, Brother Bear. I won't call your parents about this one watermelon stealing mistake.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Brother comes back to Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz with a watermelon slice that Farmer Ben gave him.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Brother?! You got away with it! And you got the watermelon.</dd> <dd><b>Skuzz</b>: Way to go.</dd> <dd><b>Smirk</b>: You're the man!</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Come on, we're going to have more fun at the Widder Jones' house.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: No way.</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: <i>[as he and his gang stops walking]</i> Oh, really? well, I dare you to come with us.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Not this time.</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Okay, then, I double dare you.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Nope. Not interested.</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: What the matter? Chicken?</dd> <dd><i>[Smirk and Skuzz are imitating hens.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I'm not <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:chicken">chicken,</a> and I'm not a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:sheep">sheep</a> either.</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Okay Brother...! <b>I DEE DOUBLE DARE YOU TO COME WITH US TO THE WIDDER JONES'S HOUSE!</b></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: That stuff may have worked before, but it won't now!</dd></dl> <p><i>[But Brother --considering the consequences if he goes-- says "No". That is, after he says this. In the spite of that, he heads back to the treehouse.]</i> </p> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: See you later. I'm going home.</dd> <dd><i>[Brother --after saying this-- knows he is going to get in trouble if he listens to Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz and goes to the Widder Jones's house.]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Farmer Ben comes rustling through the bushes. He approaches Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz and talks to them about the dee-double dare incident --which they put on Brother-- and going into his watermelon patch. From earlier on, Brother said to Farmer Ben it wasn't his fault he was trying to steal the watermelon from the watermelon patch. He did it because the bullies --Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz-- dee-double dared him to do it. Farmer Ben gets that. So he let Brother off with a warning. Now in the scene, Farmer Ben is talking to Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz about it. That is, as Farmer Ben says...!]</i></dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: <i>[to Too-Tall and his gang about the watermelon patch]</i> <b>TOO-TALL?!</b></dd> <dd><i>[Farmer Ben, he moves on closer to Too-Tall and his two friends Smirk and Skuzz.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: <i>[continues]</i> <b>IF I CATCH YOU OR ANY OF YOUR GANG IN MY WATERMELON PATCH AGAIN, YOUR PARENTS ARE GOING TO HEAR FROM ME! NOW GET ON HOME!</b></dd> <dd><i>[By that saying of Farmer Ben, he says to Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz that if he ever catches them in his watermelon patch again, all of their parents are going to hear from him. Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz --when they hear the warning from Farmer Ben-- getting shocked into silence.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Smirk</b>: <i>[stammers heavily]</i> We're...! We're sorry, Farmer Ben.</dd> <dd><b>Skuzz</b>: <i>[also stammering heavily]</i> Thank you, Farmer Ben. It...! It's never going to happen again.</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Please don't tell our parents...!</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz</b>: (all together) <b>[screaming] RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!</b></dd> <dd><i>[Too-Tall, Smirk and Skuzz --after hearing the warning-- run away screaming. And they run for their very lives.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Farmer Ben</b>: <i>[chuckles]</i> Those cubs make my chickens look tough.</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Out_For_The_Team_/_Count_Their_Blessings_[1.7]"><span id="Out_For_The_Team_.2F_Count_Their_Blessings_.5B1.7.5D"></span><i>Out For The Team / Count Their Blessings</i> [1.7]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Edit section: Out For The Team / Count Their Blessings [1.7]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Why did Sister sign up for <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:baseball">baseball</a> tryouts anyway? Why couldn't she be good at something else? Baseball is my game, not hers.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Hey! I thought you couldn't lift your arm!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Huh? Oh no. It's my left arm that hurts.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: No it isn't.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Yes it is. I should know it's my arm.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I'm going to ask Mama. She'll remember.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Wait. <i>[Sighs]</i> Okay, I was faking.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: You were? Why?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: If you really want to know, It's because i'm afraid you're going to make the team and not me.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Do you really think I'm that good?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: You really improved this season.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Well, Mama. It feels good to have raised two star athletes!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: It sure does, Papa.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I know what I'm going to have to listen to when Sister gets home: "Gee, Mama, Lizzie has so many Bearbie <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:dolls">dolls.</a> She even has <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Cruise Ship">Cruise Ship</a> Bearbie with outfits. Why can't I have more Bearbies than one? And that's just Lizzie."</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Hmm, talking to yourself, huh? Certainly not a very good sign.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Oh, you're right. I am being silly. But Sister is playing Bearbies with Lizzy again and I know exactly what's going to happen when she gets home.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Oh, what's that?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: It's the same every time. She complains she doesn't have all the things her friends have. With Lizzie, it's Bearbies. With Anna, it's a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:phone">phone</a> in her bedroom. And Queenie has a TV and a phone in her room.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Hey, I don't even have a TV in my <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:room">room!</a> Hmm. But Sister does have a Bearbie and a whole lot of things her friends don't have.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I know, but she just thinks about what she doesn't have.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: And I suppose it won't be as much different with Brother when he gets home from Cousin Fred's.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: We'll hear all about the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:video games">video games</a> Freddy has.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Right, but he won't talk about the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:soccer ball">soccer ball</a> or action figures he does have.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Never mind the large pile of <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:comic books">comic books</a> up in his room.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Nope, he won't mention those at all.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Oh, you missed a spot.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Hey! How did I end up with this job?</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Cubs... Cubs... Cubs!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Listen to yourselves. All you can do is complain about what you don't have.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: What about being thankful for all the things you do have?</dd> <dd><b>Cubs</b>: Huh?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: It's called counting your blessings.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Blessings?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Like what?</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Slumber_Party_/_The_Homework_Hassle_[1.8]"><span id="The_Slumber_Party_.2F_The_Homework_Hassle_.5B1.8.5D"></span><i>The Slumber Party / The Homework Hassle</i> [1.8]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Edit section: The Slumber Party / The Homework Hassle [1.8]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Queenie</b>: Did I hear you say you're having a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:slumber party">slumber party?</a> Can I come?</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: Sure you can come. What's one more?</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Cindy</b>: Can you please turn the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:music">music</a> down?</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: I can't hear you! The music is too loud!</dd> <dd><b>Cindy</b>: That's what I mean! Turn it down!</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: What?</dd> <dd><b>Cindy</b>: <i>[Grunts in frustration.]</i></dd> <dd><i>[Then she says...!]</i></dd> <dd><b>Cindy</b>: <i>[shouts]</i> <b>QUIET!</b></dd> <dd><i>[Mr. and Mrs. Bruin arrive home. They are shocked to find out the mess that Too-Tall Smirk Skuzz and the girls made. Then they glare at the Sister, Lizzy, the other girls, and --the bullies-- Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz. Sister and Lizzy --guiltily-- shrug. And finally, Lizzy's parents --from offscreen-- call the parents of both Sister and the other girls. Not only that, but also the parents of Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz too. The scene cuts to night. And all the other cubs who attended the party were sent home by their parents. That is, including Sister, the other girls, and --the bullies-- Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz. Echoing from the book version --comparable in the TV adaptation-- things calmed down pretty quickly after that. The sleepover was cancelled. Parents were called. Lizzy was sent to bed --and forbidden from leaving her room-- for a week and until next Monday. And a very angry and disappointed Mama Bear came to take Sister home. The actual page --of the actual book-- reads, "Well, things calmed down quickly after that. The sleepover was cancelled, parents were called, and Lizzy was sent to bed. And a very angry and disappointed Mama Bear came to take Sister home". Now --resuming back to the episode-- the cubs --Sister, the other girls, and the bullies Too-Tall, Smirk and Skuzz-- are taken home. All the other cubs --Lizzy, the other girls, and the bullies Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz-- got in trouble. And they were grounded --for a week-- by their mothers. That is, and not only Sister. In the meantime, the viewers see the mothers of Sister, the other cubs, and --the bullies-- Too-Tall, Smirk and Skuzz --who attended the sleepover at Lizzy's house-- scowling at them. That is, as they walk out of Lizzy's house and into the night. Mama says to Sister...!]</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[to Sister angrily]</i> <b>SISTER, I AM SO ANGRY AND DISAPPOINTED!</b></dd> <dd><i>[The scene cuts to the treehouse. In this scene, Mama leads Sister into the house. Mama, she was so disappointed in Sister. As she leads Sister inside, she says...!]</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[continuing]</i> <b>YOU ARE GROUNDED, YOUNG LADY! ONE DAY IN YOUR ROOM AND ONE FULL WEEK IN THE HOUSE!</b></dd> <dd><i>[After Mama says this, she leads Sister in, and Sister is doubly grounded. It is one day in her room and one full week in the house. And she can get back her privileges next Monday. She can only leave the house to go to school --while grounded for a week-- and she can only see her friends during school hours. But she can't leave her room early for a whole week. And by extension, she can never call Lizzy and the other girls for another sleepover again. In fact, she shouldn't really be hanging out with Lizzy and the other girls. She is not allowed to see those friends ever again. That is, especially not for sleepovers. She can still go to their houses like Lizzy's house. But she can't have sleepovers. In a full sentence, "She can hang out with them, but no sleepovers". She can still hang out with them, just not sleepovers. Then the scene cuts to Papa in the bear family's living room.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: That bad, huh?</dd> <dd><i>[So Sister in her room for one day and in the house until next Monday. In the meantime, Mama talks to Papa about Sister's sleepover. Mama --after Papa says this-- turns to Papa and tells him about the Bruin family's living room. It is if he --Papa-- had seen the Bruin family's living room caused by Sister, Lizzy and the other girls. That is, as she --Mama-- says...!]</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[to Papa]</i> You should have seen the place! Popcorn stuck to everything, <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:juice">juice</a> spills all over the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:carpet">carpet,</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:furniture">furniture</a> was knocked this way and that! It was a complete and absolute disgrace! Everything that I said about privilege and responsibility, in one year and out the other!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Sister does have to share the blame, but it sounds to me like there were quite a few at this slumber party. Hmm, maybe it was one of those situations where one thing led to another and things got out of control. I’m sure it wouldn't have gotten out of hand if the Bruins had been home.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: If we knew they were going out, we could’ve suggested that Sister attend a sleepover some other time or that the girls have the sleepover here.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Hmm, but we didn’t. It was our responsibility to call them. And part of the responsibility that comes with the privilege of having cubs.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: So we’re partially to blame.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: I guess both privilege and responsibility go for parents as well as for cubs.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Mama?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b> Sister, we talked about this. I said I didn't want to you out of your room. But I like to make it up to you.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I know you're really mad. And I know that what I did was wrong. But that's why I need to be not grounded, or maybe just for a little while tomorrow?</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[The girls make up by cleaning the living room. Sister was still grounded for the remainder of the week. But she, Lizzy, and the other girls still make up. As for Too-Tall, Smirk, and Skuzz, they were grounded by their parents. And they were forced to stay in their rooms for one day and in their treehouses until next Monday. They could only leave their houses to go to school and see their friends during school hours. Sister still makes up for it. In the meantime, Mr. and Mrs. Bruin call Sister and the other girls's parents for a clean-up after they caused the vandalism in their living room from the sleepover. Now the scene cuts to Sister, Lizzy and the other girls who are cleaning up Mr. and Mrs. Bruin's vandalized living room.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Queenie</b>: This was a good idea for us all to come over and help clean up, Sister.</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: Hey, I know. Everyone's doing such a good job. I think we should make this a clean up <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:party">party.</a></dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Let's not Lizzie. And if you don't mind, I rather not hear the word "party" again for a long time.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[echoing the book the episode was based on]</i> If you're a bear for TV, loud music, eat popcorn and fun, how are you gonna get your <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:homework">homework</a> done?</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><i>[Mama --after she finds garbage in Brother's <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:backpack">backpack</a> including a brown apple core, a rotten <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:banana">banana</a> peel and a moldy <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:sandwich">sandwich</a>-- she picks up the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:letter">letter</a> and reads it. It is a letter from Teacher Bob.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Letter from Teacher Bob</b>: <i>I regret to report that Brother Bear has fallen too far behind with his homework.</i></dd> <dd><i>Please call me.</i></dd> <dd><i>Yours truly,</i></dd> <dd><i>Teacher Bob</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[reads the letter from Teacher Bob]</i> <i>Dear Parent,</i></dd> <dd><i>I regret to inform you...!</i></dd> <dd><i>[Then she turns to Papa. Papa takes the letter and he reads the letter too. After Mama reads the first part of the letter, Papa--after Mama hands him the letter--reads the rest of it.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[reading the letter]</i> <i>(...that Brother Bear has fallen too far behind in his homework.</i></dd> <dd><i>Please call me.</i></dd> <dd><i>Yours truly,</i></dd> <dd><i>Teacher Bob</i>)</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[to Papa]</i> It looks like you and I better have a talk with our son.</dd> <dd><i>[So Brother has been keeping this letter a secret from his parents. That is, even though he is falling behind with his homework. His parents have been reading the report he got from Teacher Bob. And they read --on the letter-- "Dear Parent, I regret to inform you...!". In the meantime, the scene cuts to Brother who is on the TV and radio, talking to a friend and --of course-- doing his homework. That is, as echoed from the book, "There were school books, paper and a pencil too".]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>ː You're not reading much of anything, according to this letter from your teacher!</dd> <dd><i>[After Papa says this, he shows Brother the report from Teacher Bob. That is, after he and Mama both have gotten a report from Teacher Bob.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I, uh...</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: It says here "You've fallen way behind in your homework".</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Maybe Brother's too busy with other things, like girls.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I am not!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Sister, that's quite enough.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Yes! Go and do your own homework!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I'm already done!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: That's because your homework is easy!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <b>IS NOT!</b></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <b>IS TOO!</b></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Stop that now, both of you. Let's figure out what the problem is.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I'll tell you what the problem is: I have too much homework! There's English and math and there's science and history and... Oh...! Every subject for every day until it's coming out of my ears!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Is that so? Have you been doing your homework every day?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well... (chuckles) not really.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: If you did a little bit of homework every day, it wouldn't pile up to a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:mountain">mountain</a> of work. Which is what you have here!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: (Groans in disappointment)</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I'm afraid Papa's right. There are going to have to be some changes around here.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Like what?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Like no more music, no more TV, no more talking on the phone.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: What about video games, Papa?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: And no more video games until you get all caught up with your homework!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: But you don't understand, that will take forever!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Then you better get started!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[Groans in disappointment again]</i></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Where are you going?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I'm just going outside to see the <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:sunlight">sunlight</a> and smell the fresh <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:air">air</a> one last time.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: And now I can't watch TV or play video games or do anything until I get caught up with my homework.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Hmm. Well, that doesn't sound too unreasonable to me.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: But Papa doesn't understand! I'm so far behind! I'll never catch up!</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: I know that the situation seems terrible right now. But you're going to catch up.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: You're right. Just like your papa did.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: What do you mean?</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: The same thing which happened to him when he was a young cub.</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: Of course there was no television way back then.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: No television?</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Oh no. We had <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:radio">radio</a> instead. (But the radio was like TV at that time.) In the old days you could listen to fantastic stories every evening.</dd> <dd><i>[By that saying of Gramps, in Papa's childhood era, there was no television back then. He had radio. But the radio, it was like TV at that time. And there were radio shows that Papa loved listening to. These children's shows --on the radio-- were around every evening.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: And your father loved to listen to the radio while he was doing his homework. And his favorite show was "Jet Bear George of the Space Frontier".</dd> <dd><i>[Well, Papa got done with his homework too fast. That is, according to Gramps and Gran's story. And he got on the radio to listen to his favorite radio shows.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Only, the more interested he became in the radio, the further he fell behind in his schoolwork. And I made sure he got it done. I clamped down on him the same way he has been clamping down on you.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Maybe Papa does understand. And I guess that I have not been doing a good job with keeping up on my homework lately.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Well, the worst you can do with your homework is put it off until later.</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: Of course. It's called "procrastination".</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Pro-crast-a-what?</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: Procrastination. That means "putting off a job until tomorrow". It's when you know that a job should be done today.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: You're right. So, from then on, Papa buckled down and did his homework every day. And (even though he got his radio taken away forever and could never use it again) he did his homework and became a much better student.</dd> <dd><i>[By that saying of Gramps, Papa did his homework and became a much better student. That is, even though he lost the radio privileges for good for falling behind with his homework. That is, even in the summer too. But in the spite of that --that he could no longer be on the radio ever again-- he improved by always doing his homework. And he became a much better student.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I understand, Gramps. But how am I ever going to get caught up?</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Well, you might ask Teacher Bob to give you a catch-up period. I think he should go along with that. He's a pretty good guy.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: That's a good idea. But the first thing that I must do is go home and get some of it done today.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: That's the spirit.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: If Papa was able to do it, then so can I.</dd> <dd><i>[Like how Papa got the radio privileges taken away from him until he got caught up with his homework, Brother might get the TV and video game privileges taken away from him for good. But he --in the spite of that-- may become a better student when he does his homework. When he --Brother-- does improve, he --to repeat-- may become a better student. Papa --when he was a little kid-- and Brother both knew that being a better student is much better than being glued to your electronics after you get done with your homework too fast. Papa --when he was a little kid-- he was grounded from the radio permanently. But --in the spite of that-- he did his homework and became a much better student.]</i></dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Talent_Show_/_The_Haunted_Lighthouse_[1.9]"><span id="The_Talent_Show_.2F_The_Haunted_Lighthouse_.5B1.9.5D"></span><i>The Talent Show / The Haunted Lighthouse</i> [1.9]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=10" title="Edit section: The Talent Show / The Haunted Lighthouse [1.9]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Teacher Bob</b>: I believe that everyone has a special talent, but sometimes it can take a little help to find out what it is.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[to Too-Tall]</i> You want to be in the talent show?</dd> <dd><b>Cousin Fred</b>: Does having the hairiest knuckles count as a talent?</dd> <dd><b>Too-Tall</b>: Very funny.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Hey! there's something outside!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Huh?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Huh?</dd> <dd><i>[They all look outside the window]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Really, something was there! I saw it! It was glowing.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[laughs]</i> My guess would be it was your glowing imagination.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: This looks like a job for...</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear and Sister Bear</b>: The Bear Detectives.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: We knew you were special, Captain Salt.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: You just needed to know it too.</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Birthday_Boy_/_The_Green-Eyed_Monster_[1.10]"><span id="The_Birthday_Boy_.2F_The_Green-Eyed_Monster_.5B1.10.5D"></span><i>The Birthday Boy / The Green-Eyed Monster</i> [1.10]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=11" title="Edit section: The Birthday Boy / The Green-Eyed Monster [1.10]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Little Lady, no! Hey! No! Stop!</dd></dl> <dl><dd><b>Lizzie</b>: Maybe you can make a movie about Brother.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: What's so special about him? He's just a brother.</dd></dl> <hr width="“50%”" /> <dl><dd><b>Cindy</b>: My <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:dog">dog's</a> a special member in my family. Do dogs count?</dd> <dd><b>Lizzy</b>: I once saw a <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:horse">horse</a> at the circus that could count.</dd> <dd><b>Teacher Jane</b>: No dogs or horses.</dd> <dd><b>Cindy</b>: What about <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:cats">cats?</a></dd> <dd><b>Teacher Jane</b>: No dogs cats horses <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:turtles">turtles</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:frogs">frogs</a> or <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:fish">fish.</a> Only mamas papas sisters brothers or other bears in your family.</dd></dl> <hr width="“50%”" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Basketballs">Basketballs</a> weren't made to be gift wrapped.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Mama, I have to do a project for school about a member of my family. I was thinking about making a movie about you or Papa.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: A movie huh? That sounds like fun. But we are sort of busy.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: There's a lot to do before Brother's party tomorrow. Why don't you make your movie about him?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Brother?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Did somebody call me?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Hey! No peeking!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Aw! I'm going to Cousin Fred's! See you later!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: No <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:skateboarding">skateboarding</a> in the house! And be home for dinner!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Okay!</dd> <dd><b>SisterBear</b>: There's nothing special about him. He's just my brother.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear </b>: You might be surprised.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[The next day is Brother's birthday. After singing happy birthday, Brother is opening his gifts.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Wow! A new basketball! Thanks! Nice wrapping job Papa.</dd> <dd><b> Sister Bear</b>: Happy birthday Brother!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I bet I know what this is! My very favorite movie of all time! Bear Force 1!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <i>[Chuckles]</i> Nope.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Grizzly Justice?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <i>[Sister nods her head no as it's neither of those.] It's called My hero The birthday boy.</i></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Why don't we watch it?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Uh.. <i>[chuckles nervously]</i> Gee. I really don't know if...</dd> <dd><i>[Everyone]</i> Show it! Show it! Show it!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Showing someone how you feel about them can be the greatest gift of all.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: And you don't even have to wrap it.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: You're taking back my present?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Just for a little bit. I have to take it to class to show Teacher Jane.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well I don't know what grade you'll get from her, but from me you get an A+.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Your car is running, Mr. Bruin.</dd> <dd><b>Mr. Bruin</b>: Yes, I guess I should be happy it's running at all.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: No, Mr. Bruin, he means it's running away!</dd> <dd><b>Mr Bruin</b>: What? <i>[He realizes his car is rolling down hill]</i> Oh no! Not again! Gotta go! I'll pick you up later Lizzie!</dd> <dd><b>Lizzie</b>: Okay, bye Papa! <i>[To Sister]</i> Maybe after Brother is finished riding his <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:bike">bike,</a> you can borrow it and I can ride your bike.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Probably not. Brother doesn't let anyone ride his bike. Not even me!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: <i>[Brother is riding is bike around the front yard but all of a sudden because his bike is outgrowned, he almost falls off his bike. Luckily Papa manages to catch Brother.]</i> WHOA!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Is the green-eyed monster still knocking, Papa?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Yep, but I won't let him in.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Green-Eyed Monster</b>: <i>[to Sister]</i> Don't you think it's not fair that Brother gets the pretty bike and you get an old bike?!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I did it! <i>[riding on Brother's bicycle]</i> I knew this bike wasn't too big for... <i>[she realizes that she can't reach the pedals because the bike is too big]</i> Uh-oh!</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="The_Baby_Chipmunk_/_The_Wishing_Star_[1.11]"><span id="The_Baby_Chipmunk_.2F_The_Wishing_Star_.5B1.11.5D"></span><i>The Baby Chipmunk / The Wishing Star</i> [1.11]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=12" title="Edit section: The Baby Chipmunk / The Wishing Star [1.11]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: All Brown Eyes does is eat and sleep.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Well, that's what babies do. When they aren't eating and sleeping, ...</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <i>[giggles]</i> They're sleeping and eating.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Exactly.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: They say the first star you see at night you can make a wish on. That's why it's called the wishing star.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: It's really amazing how hard work and determination can magically give you what you deserve.</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Get_the_Gimmies_/_Lost_In_A_Cave_[1.12]"><span id="Get_the_Gimmies_.2F_Lost_In_A_Cave_.5B1.12.5D"></span><i>Get the Gimmies / Lost In A Cave</i> [1.12]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=13" title="Edit section: Get the Gimmies / Lost In A Cave [1.12]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: <i>[echoing the book the episode was based on]</i> When a cub's behavior takes a turn for the worst, it is hard for parents to know what to do first.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Now, remember what I told you in the car. We're here to buy groceries, that's all. So no asking for toys and treats. Is that understood? Huh?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Uh-oh, it looks like we're off to a bad start.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I want one of those rings, Mama.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I want some stickers.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Now, what did I just tell you on the way here?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Uh... Um... Well...</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I forget.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Uhh, that we are not here to buy treats. Now come along. Why, isn't that nice?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Mm-hmm, it is a fine idea.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: What's a fine idea?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: The store has put these donation displays here to remind everyone to give to the different charities in our community.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: You two might think about donating some of the toys you've outgrown to the Sick Cubs Hospital.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Hey, what's that?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Oh.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Look! New marshmallow-chocolate bears!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Can we have one, Please, please?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: You know the answer. Now put those back.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Okay.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Alright.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: I can see that this shopping trip is going to be the same as all the others.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Hmm? Marshmallow and chocolate...?</dd> <dd><i>[Mama grabs Papa.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[screams]</i> (Insert screaming noises here)!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Wow! Neat! Glow-in-the-dark flyers! This would be lots of fun to play with at night. Can I get it?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: No. I've told you not more than ten minutes ago that....</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear:</b>: Mama? Papa? Can I get this?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: An apple? Sure.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Thanks!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Oh, careful now, you'll bruise it!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: It's not a real apple, Papa, it's bouncy fruit. Neat, huh? They've got bouncy oranges and bouncy pears and bouncy bananas.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Hey, if Sister can have bouncy fruit, then I can have this!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Now listen, you two! It's not your birthday and it's not Christmas! And it's not "Give Your Cubs a Treat" day! So you can put these toys back (and forget about them) right now!</dd> <dd><b>Cubs</b>: Oh...!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Give Your Cubs a Treat Day? When is that?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: There's no such thing. But the way Brother and Sister carry on, you'd think it was every day of the year.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Now, just hold on! We didn't come here to buy toys!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Papa's right. Remember what I told you about buying toys and treats?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: But that was when we were getting our groceries. We're finished now.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And look at how cute they are! Please, please, may we have one?</dd> <dd><b>Guy</b>: Oh, come on, folks. Why don't you buy your cubs a treat?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Oh, Papa, I'd appreciate it ever, ever so much!</dd> <dd><b>Woman</b>: Oh, my, she is such an adorable little cub!</dd> <dd><b>Man</b>: How could you say no to a face like that?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: But... I... <b>OH! ALL RIGHT!</b></dd> <dd><b>Guy</b>: Thank you very much, sir, and have a great day.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: You’re welcome.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Thanks, Papa.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Thank you, Papa.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <b>OF ALL THE OUTRAGEOUS, EMBARRASSING, SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOR! THAT WAS THE WORST CASE OF THE GALLOPING GIMMIES I HAVE EVER SEEN!</b></dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: You're right, Papa. But perhaps it's partly our fault for giving in.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <b>WELL, WHAT MORE DO YOU THINK WE COULD'VE DONE WITH ALL THOSE STRANGERS STARING AT US? NOW I THINK THAT IT IS TIME THAT WE HAD A TALK WITH OUR CUBS! BROTHER...? SISTER...?</b></dd> <dd><b>Cubs</b>: Yes, Papa?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Into the living room, please. It's time for a family meeting.</dd> <dd><i>[The viewers now see the cubs --Brother and Sister-- seeing Papa for a family meeting.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: There are more important things in this world than getting as many treats that you can get your hands on. Greedy cubs who only think of themselves can never really be happy. Do you know why?</dd> <dd><b>Cubs</b>: No!</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Because you can’t have everything you want in life all the time. Do you understand?</dd> <dd><b>Cubs</b>: Yes!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: And furthermore, it's good to think of others sometimes instead of just yourselves.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Okay.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: We will.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Good.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Gramps</b>: Hi, there!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: What did you bring us?</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Yeah, what did you bring us?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <b>I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO! YOU DIDN'T SAY "HELLO"! NOW, THAT'S IT! UP TO YOUR ROOM! AND THERE WILL BE NO TREATS FOR A WEEK! A MONTH! A YEAR! (A LUSTRUM! A DECADE! A CENTURY! A MILLENNIUM!)</b></dd> <dd><i>[By that saying --from Papa-- Brother and Sister are grounded from both TV and treats for a week, a month or a year. That is, or possibly a lustrum, a decade, a century or even a millennium. They can only leave the house to go to school --while grounded from it for 1,000 years-- and they can only see their friends during school hours. In the spite of that, they go upstairs to their room. That is, before Papa grounds them further. Possibly for 2,000 or 3,000 years --instead of 1,000-- and not just from TV and treats.]</i></dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: You're having a bad day, son?</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: I'm sorry about the pleasant welcome. But Brother and Sister have had a bad case of the galloping greedy gimmies.</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: The worst case yet.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Worst case, eh? I think I've seen worse.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Well, I'm not surprised. They've probably made quite a spectacle of themselves over at your house.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Actually, I was talking about you.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Me? I had the gimmies?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Papa had the gimmies?</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Yep, I'm afraid it's true. But eventually, you turned around.</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: I remember the day it happened.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: So do I. It was at old Rufe Grizzly's General Store. We were buying our groceries and you got the gimmies.</dd> <dd><b>Gran</b>: You made such a fuss over a truck that it was downright embarrassing.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Like how we fussed about those pussycats (in addition to the candy --gummy gumballs and chewy chompers-- and the bucking frog ride).</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And embarrassed Papa when we fussed about them (the pussycats). (That's why we're grounded from TV and treats for a whole millennium!)</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[turns to Brother and Sister]</i> (Well, it is a lot fairer than not having TV or treats for 2,000 years! Or do you want to try for 3,000!?) <i>[turns back to Gramps]</i> Well, I'm glad that you didn't give in.</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: Oh, I'm afraid we did.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Oh?</dd> <dd><b>Gramps</b>: You got what you wanted that day. But then, as we were leaving, you noticed a family that barely had enough to put food on the counter. Seeing those folks and how little they had somehow got you to thinking.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: And I gave that cub my truck! I remember that!</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Oh, I love that story!</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Me too! Oops.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: We're sorry about how we acted.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: I wish we could just start this whole day over again.</dd> <dd><i>[After Sister says this, Brother and Sister try to find a loophole to get back their "TV and treats" privilege. That is, unaware that they'd lose not just that but also be further grounded.]</i></dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <i>[to Gramps and Gran]</i> Yes. And if you have brought us something (toys or treats), you can just leave it in the car. Because we are not even going to think about it.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: You never can tell what a cave is going to be like on the inside, just like from what it looks like on the outside.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Look! Wow! Real, live fossils.</dd> <dd><b>Cousin Fred</b>: Maybe a million years ago they were alive!</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Things that seem scary really aren't, once you know what they really are.</dd> <dd><b>Cousin Fred</b>: I know. There's a logical explanation for everything.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Exactly! <i>[his voice echoes]</i></dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Too_Much_Junk_Food_/_Go_To_Camp_[1.13]"><span id="Too_Much_Junk_Food_.2F_Go_To_Camp_.5B1.13.5D"></span><i>Too Much Junk Food / Go To Camp</i> [1.13]</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=14" title="Edit section: Too Much Junk Food / Go To Camp [1.13]"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><b>Dr. Grizzly</b>: Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: <i>[panting]</i> I agree with you, one hundred percent.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: <i>[panting]</i> Gees, I don't get this tired when I play baseball.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well, you're running much farther than second base, Sis.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: What about sugar balls.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And Choco Chums</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: And Sweetsie Cola.</dd> <dd><b>Dr. Grizzly</b>: Sweets and goodies don't give you the kind of nourishment your body needs.</dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Well cubs, it's time for us to get our trains back on the track.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: You're right, Papa. <i>[Sister starts chugging and whistling like a train]</i></dd> <dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: Whoo-whoo! <i>[looking back toward Brother; chuckles]</i> Get on board, son. Whoo-whoo!</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I... I think I'll walk. I need the exercise.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Papa Bear</b>: I have an idea. Why not we go and celebrate by opening up the freezer and...?</dd> <dd><b>Mama Bear</b>: Uh-uh-uh, it is far too easy to fall back into the junk food habit.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: Well, celebrate with carrot sticks.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: And nuts and raisins.</dd></dl> <hr width="50%" /> <dl><dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Do you think this sleep-out is a good idea?</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: No.</dd> <dd><b>Sister Bear</b>: Oh, good.</dd> <dd><b>Brother Bear</b>: I think it's a great idea!</dd></dl> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="External_links">External links</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Berenstain_Bears_(2003)_(season_1)&amp;action=edit&amp;section=15" title="Edit section: External links"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="noprint" style="clear: right; border: solid #aaa 1px; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; font-size: 90%; background: #f9f9f9; width: 250px; padding: 4px; spacing: 0px; text-align: left; float: right;"> <div style="float: left;"><figure class="mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg" class="mw-file-description" title="Wikipedia"><img alt="Wikipedia" src="//" decoding="async" width="50" height="46" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="103" data-file-height="94" /></a><figcaption>Wikipedia</figcaption></figure></div> <div style="margin-left: 60px;"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia" title="Wikipedia">Wikipedia</a> has an article about: <div style="margin-left: 10px;"><i><b><a href="" class="extiw" title="wikipedia:The Berenstain Bears (2003 TV series)">The Berenstain Bears (2003 TV series)</a></b></i></div> </div> </div> <!-- NewPP limit report Parsed by mw‐api‐ext.codfw.main‐7556f8b5dd‐xgtcg Cached time: 20241123231539 Cache expiry: 2592000 Reduced expiry: false Complications: [show‐toc] CPU time usage: 0.207 seconds Real time usage: 0.224 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 9101/1000000 Post‐expand include size: 29122/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 59052/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 32/100 Expensive parser function count: 0/500 Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 0/5000000 bytes Number of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 150.957 1 -total 97.05% 146.501 1 Template:Italic_title 64.99% 98.105 4 Template:Str_find 63.15% 95.336 4 Template:Str_find/logic 57.97% 87.513 431 Template:Str_left 51.57% 77.849 1 Template:Substr_any 21.59% 32.593 17 Template:Str_index_any 19.20% 28.981 17 Template:Str_≥_len 15.07% 22.748 17 Template:Str_index/getchar 10.67% 16.107 15 Template:Str_len/core --> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key enwikiquote:pcache:idhash:227289-0!canonical and timestamp 20241123231538 and revision id 3622123. 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