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1.7102615 0 0 0 48.087891 80.382812 L 47.988281 84.910156 A 0.10060362 0.10060362 0 0 0 48.087891 85.009766 A 11.996982 11.996982 0 0 1 49.597656 84.910156 L 50.101562 84.910156 L 50.101562 89.335938 L 49.798828 89.335938 A 2.5452716 2.5452716 0 0 0 48.189453 89.537109 L 48.189453 89.638672 C 48.189453 89.638672 48.087891 95.071271 48.087891 95.171875 C 48.087891 95.373082 48.189453 95.373047 48.189453 95.373047 A 11.414487 11.414487 0 0 1 49.597656 95.271484 L 50.101562 95.271484 L 50.101562 98.996094 A 49 49 0 0 0 57.646484 98.369141 L 57.244141 98.087891 L 57.244141 92.755859 L 58.25 93.460938 L 58.25 98.296875 A 49 49 0 0 0 58.652344 98.214844 L 58.652344 93.662109 L 59.658203 94.365234 L 59.658203 97.988281 A 49 49 0 0 0 61.570312 97.560547 L 61.570312 95.673828 L 62.576172 96.277344 L 62.576172 97.333984 A 49 49 0 0 0 62.978516 97.244141 L 62.978516 96.580078 L 63.705078 97.015625 A 49 49 0 0 0 67.203125 95.853516 L 67.203125 90.341797 C 67.203125 90.341797 67.20309 90.041016 67.404297 90.041016 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 67.908203 90.341797 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 68.109375 90.945312 L 68.109375 95.511719 A 49 49 0 0 0 69.416016 94.927734 L 69.416016 92.052734 C 69.416016 92.052734 69.415981 91.75 69.617188 91.75 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 70.121094 92.052734 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 70.322266 92.65625 L 70.322266 94.521484 A 49 49 0 0 0 70.724609 94.341797 L 70.724609 93.158203 C 70.724609 93.158203 70.724574 92.857422 70.925781 92.857422 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 71.427734 93.158203 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 71.628906 93.761719 L 71.628906 93.9375 A 49 49 0 0 0 80.683594 88.185547 L 80.683594 85.513672 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 0 80.884766 85.412109 L 81.287109 85.210938 L 81.388672 84.808594 A 1.165996 1.165996 0 0 0 80.986328 83.802734 L 80.28125 83.097656 C 79.878835 82.695241 79.57816 82.293005 79.376953 82.091797 C 79.175746 81.789987 78.371094 80.884766 78.371094 80.884766 L 78.269531 80.785156 L 75.654297 79.074219 L 75.654297 78.572266 L 75.753906 78.470703 C 75.854509 78.3701 75.956037 78.168962 76.056641 78.068359 L 76.458984 77.564453 L 75.955078 76.960938 A 1.4205231 1.4205231 0 0 0 76.056641 76.056641 A 1.279678 1.279678 0 0 0 75.351562 75.150391 A 0.36921529 0.36921529 0 0 0 75.050781 75.050781 C 74.849573 74.145348 74.54691 72.837073 74.345703 71.931641 C 74.345703 71.730434 74.246094 71.528373 74.246094 71.226562 L 74.246094 71.025391 C 74.246094 70.924788 74.345703 70.924823 74.345703 70.824219 A 1.1901408 1.1901408 0 0 0 74.447266 69.818359 A 1.5583501 1.5583501 0 0 0 73.642578 69.013672 C 73.541974 69.013672 73.340838 68.914062 73.240234 68.914062 A 1.1619718 1.1619718 0 0 0 72.03125 70.121094 L 72.03125 70.421875 L 69.818359 70.523438 L 66.800781 67.001953 A 0.5392354 0.5392354 0 0 0 66.398438 66.701172 C 66.297835 66.600568 66.29787 66.599609 66.197266 66.599609 L 63.380859 65.089844 C 63.280255 59.757852 63.279297 52.415305 63.279297 50.90625 A 1.0181086 1.0181086 0 0 0 63.681641 50.201172 L 63.783203 50.201172 A 0.86820924 0.86820924 0 0 0 64.386719 49.09375 L 64.386719 48.994141 L 62.576172 46.580078 L 62.576172 42.957031 C 62.676775 42.856428 62.777344 42.856463 62.777344 42.755859 L 63.179688 42.554688 L 63.279297 42.152344 A 0.90543258 0.90543258 0 0 0 63.380859 41.650391 L 63.380859 41.548828 L 63.279297 41.347656 C 63.07809 41.045846 62.776455 40.342897 62.273438 39.638672 C 60.66378 37.123581 57.846804 32.998224 57.142578 31.992188 L 57.142578 30.482422 A 4.4024144 4.4024144 0 0 0 58.652344 26.759766 A 4.9295774 4.9295774 0 0 0 57.34375 23.84375 A 29.17505 29.17505 0 0 0 55.533203 15.492188 C 54.627771 12.876493 53.621199 10.361575 53.017578 8.953125 A 1.0150905 1.0150905 0 0 0 52.917969 8.0488281 A 0.90543258 0.90543258 0 0 0 52.314453 7.4453125 C 52.113246 7.042898 51.810582 6.4385296 51.609375 6.1367188 C 51.609375 6.036115 51.710938 5.9365411 51.710938 5.8359375 A 1.4537223 1.4537223 0 0 0 51.509766 5.1308594 L 51.408203 5.0292969 C 51.307599 4.9286933 51.106463 4.8291192 51.005859 4.7285156 L 50.605469 1.0292969 A 49 49 0 0 0 50 1 z M 50 7.0429688 L 50.201172 21.931641 C 45.472802 21.831037 44.466797 23.84375 44.466797 23.84375 C 45.271626 15.694857 50 7.0429688 50 7.0429688 z M 49.496094 22.837891 C 52.212392 22.837891 55.936365 23.842296 56.841797 26.558594 A 4.3259557 4.3259557 0 0 1 56.439453 29.578125 L 55.835938 29.578125 A 4.7062373 4.7062373 0 0 0 56.136719 27.162109 C 55.935512 25.854262 54.02411 23.843785 50.201172 23.642578 A 7.1569415 7.1569415 0 0 0 44.064453 25.855469 A 3.1931589 3.1931589 0 0 0 43.662109 29.476562 L 43.359375 29.878906 C 43.359375 29.878906 41.650214 28.973081 42.65625 26.558594 A 4.8440643 4.8440643 0 0 1 44.164062 24.546875 A 8.6519113 8.6519113 0 0 1 49.496094 22.837891 z M 50.101562 24.546875 L 50.201172 26.257812 C 50.100569 26.257813 49.99904 26.15625 49.898438 26.15625 A 1.3531187 1.3531187 0 0 0 49.09375 26.357422 A 1.2665996 1.2665996 0 0 0 48.691406 27.0625 L 48.691406 27.666016 A 5.8812876 5.8812876 0 0 1 49.697266 27.564453 L 50.101562 27.564453 L 50.101562 29.275391 L 49.697266 29.275391 A 0.75352111 0.75352111 0 0 0 49.195312 29.376953 L 48.994141 29.376953 L 48.994141 33.199219 L 50 33.199219 L 50 34.708984 L 49.798828 34.708984 A 10.478873 10.478873 0 0 0 48.691406 34.808594 L 48.691406 40.542969 L 49.898438 40.542969 L 49.898438 45.472656 L 49.496094 45.472656 A 2.057344 2.057344 0 0 0 48.691406 45.574219 L 48.591797 48.892578 L 49.898438 48.892578 L 49.898438 50.402344 A 4.3571428 4.3571428 0 0 1 49.396484 50.302734 A 5.5603621 5.5603621 0 0 0 48.490234 50.402344 L 48.390625 54.527344 L 49.898438 54.527344 L 49.898438 56.136719 A 3.2414486 3.2414486 0 0 0 48.490234 56.136719 L 48.490234 63.582031 A 5.9164989 5.9164989 0 0 1 49.898438 63.582031 L 49.898438 64.386719 A 19.076458 19.076458 0 0 0 42.455078 65.492188 A 3.7887323 3.7887323 0 0 0 40.945312 66.398438 A 1.1871227 1.1871227 0 0 0 40.644531 67.605469 C 40.745135 67.806676 41.147373 68.410191 41.650391 68.208984 A 17.99497 17.99497 0 0 1 47.183594 66.498047 C 48.18963 66.397444 49.294815 66.398438 49.898438 66.398438 L 49.898438 68.410156 A 3.83501 3.83501 0 0 0 48.390625 68.511719 L 48.390625 73.84375 A 15.715291 15.715291 0 0 0 45.673828 74.246094 L 45.673828 68.611328 A 5.5241448 5.5241448 0 0 0 43.863281 69.115234 L 43.863281 74.949219 A 0.10060362 0.10060362 0 0 0 43.761719 75.050781 L 41.449219 76.056641 L 41.449219 73.441406 L 40.341797 73.441406 L 40.341797 76.458984 L 39.335938 76.861328 L 39.335938 73.339844 L 38.228516 73.339844 L 38.228516 77.263672 L 36.318359 78.068359 L 36.318359 51.810547 L 43.359375 51.810547 A 0.39436619 0.39436619 0 0 0 43.761719 51.408203 C 43.761719 51.106393 43.662144 51.005859 43.460938 51.005859 L 36.417969 51.005859 C 36.417969 51.005859 35.916016 50.905327 35.916016 50.603516 C 35.916016 50.100498 36.318394 50 36.117188 50 C 35.815377 50 35.613281 49.797869 35.613281 49.697266 C 35.613281 49.194248 36.417969 49.294922 36.417969 49.294922 L 42.152344 49.294922 C 42.152344 49.294922 42.353516 49.294992 42.353516 48.892578 C 42.353516 48.791974 42.252947 48.591797 42.152344 48.591797 L 36.417969 48.591797 L 36.417969 42.857422 L 42.253906 42.857422 A 0.52313882 0.52313882 0 0 0 42.455078 42.455078 A 0.59154929 0.59154929 0 0 0 42.253906 41.951172 L 36.318359 41.951172 L 42.052734 34.910156 L 43.962891 34.910156 L 43.962891 27.162109 C 43.962891 27.162109 45.272588 24.546875 50.101562 24.546875 z M 46.076172 26.960938 A 1.0261569 1.0261569 0 0 0 45.271484 27.464844 L 45.070312 27.867188 L 45.171875 28.572266 L 46.580078 28.068359 L 46.580078 27.363281 C 46.580078 27.06147 46.377983 26.960937 46.076172 26.960938 z M 53.371094 26.960938 C 53.572301 26.960938 53.82223 27.061506 54.023438 27.162109 A 1.2142857 1.2142857 0 0 1 54.527344 27.96875 L 54.527344 28.873047 A 4.5271629 4.5271629 0 0 0 53.119141 28.169922 A 0.31187122 0.31187122 0 0 1 53.017578 27.96875 L 53.017578 27.363281 C 53.017578 27.06147 53.169887 26.960937 53.371094 26.960938 z M 53.017578 29.878906 A 4.4436619 4.4436619 0 0 1 53.822266 30.181641 A 1.112676 1.112676 0 0 1 54.326172 30.583984 L 54.326172 34.607422 A 9.9426558 9.9426558 0 0 0 53.017578 34.003906 L 53.017578 29.878906 z M 46.580078 29.980469 A 5.9668007 5.9668007 0 0 0 45.171875 30.482422 L 45.171875 34.105469 C 45.171875 34.105469 46.177664 33.702166 46.580078 33.601562 L 46.580078 29.980469 z M 46.580078 35.210938 A 3.8722333 3.8722333 0 0 0 44.970703 35.814453 L 44.970703 41.548828 L 46.580078 40.945312 L 46.580078 35.210938 z M 52.917969 35.210938 A 2.889336 2.889336 0 0 1 54.326172 36.015625 L 54.326172 41.548828 L 52.716797 41.046875 L 52.816406 38.128906 L 52.917969 35.210938 z M 59.476562 39.957031 C 59.635721 39.9812 59.834189 40.141548 60.060547 40.443359 A 7.1509053 7.1509053 0 0 1 61.066406 43.761719 C 61.066406 44.767755 60.664169 44.969851 60.060547 44.265625 A 7.1509053 7.1509053 0 0 1 59.054688 40.945312 C 59.054688 40.253663 59.211299 39.91675 59.476562 39.957031 z M 39.585938 43.251953 A 2.5241448 2.5241448 0 1 0 42.152344 45.775391 A 2.4205231 2.4205231 0 0 0 39.839844 43.259766 A 2.5241448 2.5241448 0 0 0 39.585938 43.251953 z M 46.378906 45.875 A 6.2313882 6.2313882 0 0 0 44.970703 46.478516 L 44.970703 49.697266 A 4.8148893 4.8148893 0 0 1 46.378906 49.294922 L 46.378906 45.875 z M 52.816406 45.875 C 54.023649 46.076208 54.326172 46.580078 54.326172 46.580078 C 54.326172 46.580078 54.325213 49.698225 54.224609 49.798828 A 0.10060362 0.10060362 0 0 1 54.125 49.898438 A 6.2313882 6.2313882 0 0 0 52.716797 49.294922 L 52.716797 47.585938 L 52.816406 45.875 z M 58.287109 47.625 C 58.362562 47.61714 58.450178 47.635245 58.550781 47.685547 C 58.953195 47.886755 58.853516 48.691406 58.853516 48.691406 L 58.853516 53.419922 L 57.947266 52.314453 L 57.947266 48.289062 C 57.947266 47.911799 58.060751 47.648579 58.287109 47.625 z M 59.853516 49.732422 C 59.914821 49.729278 59.985094 49.748526 60.060547 49.798828 C 60.362358 50.000036 60.361328 51.005859 60.361328 51.005859 L 60.361328 55.230469 L 59.556641 54.125 L 59.556641 50.101562 C 59.556641 49.950657 59.6696 49.741854 59.853516 49.732422 z M 46.378906 50.804688 A 3.5905432 3.5905432 0 0 0 45.070312 51.308594 L 44.970703 55.029297 C 45.272514 54.928693 46.378906 54.626953 46.378906 54.626953 L 46.378906 50.804688 z M 52.816406 50.804688 A 3.556338 3.556338 0 0 1 54.224609 51.408203 L 54.125 55.332031 A 12.760563 12.760563 0 0 0 52.615234 54.929688 L 52.816406 50.804688 z M 61.0625 51.525391 C 61.123805 51.53325 61.192125 51.559073 61.267578 51.609375 C 61.468785 51.709978 61.570312 52.212891 61.570312 52.212891 L 61.570312 56.640625 L 60.763672 55.734375 L 60.763672 51.710938 C 60.763672 51.635485 60.878584 51.501812 61.0625 51.525391 z M 39.675781 52.912109 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 39.035156 53.521484 L 39.035156 56.238281 L 40.341797 56.238281 L 40.341797 53.621094 C 40.341797 53.419887 40.442506 52.917969 39.738281 52.917969 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 39.675781 52.912109 z M 42.794922 52.912109 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 42.152344 53.521484 L 42.152344 56.238281 L 43.460938 56.238281 L 43.460938 53.621094 C 43.460938 53.419887 43.561647 52.917969 42.857422 52.917969 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 42.794922 52.912109 z M 57.847656 53.621094 L 58.853516 54.626953 L 58.853516 59.054688 L 57.847656 57.847656 L 57.847656 53.621094 z M 59.457031 55.332031 L 60.261719 56.238281 L 60.361328 60.664062 L 59.457031 59.556641 L 59.457031 55.332031 z M 46.277344 56.337891 A 3.780684 3.780684 0 0 0 45.070312 56.740234 L 44.970703 64.083984 A 4.9356136 4.9356136 0 0 1 46.277344 63.783203 L 46.277344 56.337891 z M 52.816406 56.539062 A 3.7102615 3.7102615 0 0 1 54.125 57.142578 L 54.125 64.185547 C 53.823189 64.084943 52.816406 63.882812 52.816406 63.882812 L 52.816406 56.539062 z M 60.763672 56.841797 L 61.570312 57.746094 L 61.570312 62.173828 L 60.664062 61.066406 L 60.763672 56.841797 z M 39.035156 57.646484 L 39.035156 61.46875 L 40.341797 61.46875 L 40.341797 57.646484 L 39.035156 57.646484 z M 42.152344 57.646484 L 42.152344 61.46875 L 43.460938 61.46875 L 43.460938 57.646484 L 42.152344 57.646484 z M 35.714844 58.953125 L 35.714844 70.523438 L 25.552734 75.351562 L 25.552734 76.056641 L 36.216797 71.025391 L 36.216797 71.628906 L 25.453125 76.759766 L 25.453125 77.363281 L 35.714844 72.435547 L 35.714844 78.371094 L 34.708984 78.873047 L 34.708984 73.943359 L 33.904297 74.345703 L 33.904297 79.175781 L 32.998047 79.578125 L 32.998047 74.748047 L 32.193359 75.150391 L 32.193359 79.980469 L 31.388672 80.382812 L 31.388672 75.552734 L 30.583984 75.955078 L 30.583984 80.683594 L 28.974609 81.388672 L 28.974609 76.759766 L 28.169922 77.162109 L 28.169922 81.890625 L 27.464844 82.193359 L 27.464844 77.464844 L 26.660156 77.867188 L 26.660156 82.595703 L 25.955078 82.896484 L 25.955078 78.169922 L 25.552734 78.371094 L 25.552734 83.097656 L 23.441406 84.003906 L 23.441406 79.476562 C 23.441406 79.476563 25.351562 79.175887 25.351562 78.572266 L 25.552734 78.371094 L 25.251953 78.470703 L 25.251953 74.044922 L 25.453125 73.742188 L 25.453125 73.943359 L 35.714844 58.953125 z M 57.947266 59.355469 L 58.853516 60.462891 L 58.853516 66.800781 A 4.5764587 4.5764587 0 0 0 57.947266 66.095703 L 57.947266 59.355469 z M 59.457031 61.167969 L 60.261719 62.072266 L 60.361328 68.007812 A 7.3158952 7.3158952 0 0 0 59.457031 67.203125 L 59.457031 61.167969 z M 60.664062 62.375 L 61.46875 63.480469 L 61.46875 69.115234 L 60.664062 68.208984 L 60.664062 62.375 z M 39.035156 62.876953 L 39.035156 68.8125 L 40.242188 68.8125 L 40.242188 62.876953 L 39.035156 62.876953 z M 42.152344 62.876953 L 42.152344 64.990234 L 43.460938 64.486328 L 43.460938 62.876953 L 42.152344 62.876953 z M 23.84375 66.701172 A 0.40241448 0.40241448 0 1 1 23.441406 67.103516 A 0.43259557 0.43259557 0 0 1 23.84375 66.701172 z M 23.84375 67.806641 A 0.5030181 0.5030181 0 1 1 23.339844 68.310547 A 0.5392354 0.5392354 0 0 1 23.84375 67.806641 z M 52.716797 68.712891 A 3.3863178 3.3863178 0 0 1 54.425781 69.214844 L 54.425781 74.546875 A 6.7977866 6.7977866 0 0 0 52.716797 74.044922 L 52.716797 68.712891 z M 23.8125 69.320312 C 23.831363 69.33446 23.84375 69.391824 23.84375 69.517578 A 9.8822936 9.8822936 0 0 0 25.251953 73.441406 A 0.20120724 0.20120724 0 0 1 25.050781 73.642578 C 25.050781 73.642578 25.050816 73.943359 24.849609 73.943359 L 24.849609 78.572266 C 24.849609 78.572266 23.542081 79.276455 23.039062 78.773438 A 0.77867202 0.77867202 0 0 1 22.9375 78.470703 A 0.29577464 0.29577464 0 0 1 22.636719 78.169922 L 22.636719 77.765625 C 22.636719 77.765625 22.435547 77.867223 22.435547 77.666016 L 22.435547 74.144531 A 0.20120724 0.20120724 0 0 1 22.234375 73.943359 C 22.234375 73.943359 21.830078 73.743182 21.830078 73.642578 A 7.2434606 7.2434606 0 0 0 22.9375 71.830078 C 23.138708 71.32706 23.642578 69.617188 23.642578 69.617188 C 23.642578 69.617188 23.755911 69.27787 23.8125 69.320312 z M 66.296875 70.724609 L 67.001953 71.427734 L 67.001953 75.654297 L 66.296875 74.949219 L 66.296875 70.724609 z M 36.417969 70.925781 L 36.417969 71.529297 L 41.449219 71.529297 C 41.348616 71.629901 41.75 71.629936 41.75 71.328125 A 0.43561367 0.43561367 0 0 0 41.548828 70.925781 L 36.417969 70.925781 z M 57.847656 71.328125 L 58.451172 71.830078 L 58.451172 77.162109 L 57.847656 76.660156 L 57.847656 71.328125 z M 67.203125 71.628906 L 67.908203 72.333984 L 67.908203 76.558594 L 67.203125 75.855469 L 67.203125 71.628906 z M 68.109375 72.435547 L 68.8125 73.138672 L 68.8125 77.363281 L 68.109375 76.660156 L 68.109375 72.435547 z M 59.255859 72.636719 L 59.859375 73.138672 L 59.859375 78.470703 L 59.255859 77.96875 L 59.255859 72.636719 z M 23.166016 74.40625 C 23.095279 74.396819 23.039062 74.471422 23.039062 74.546875 L 23.039062 76.660156 C 23.039062 76.660156 23.139631 76.861328 23.240234 76.861328 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 0 23.441406 76.759766 L 23.441406 74.748047 C 23.340803 74.748047 23.340838 74.54787 23.240234 74.447266 C 23.215084 74.422115 23.189595 74.409394 23.166016 74.40625 z M 24.070312 74.40625 C 23.999576 74.396819 23.943359 74.471422 23.943359 74.546875 L 23.943359 76.660156 C 23.842755 76.660156 23.944319 76.861328 24.044922 76.861328 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 0 24.246094 76.759766 L 24.246094 74.748047 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 0 24.144531 74.447266 C 24.11938 74.422115 24.093891 74.409394 24.070312 74.40625 z M 61.570312 74.748047 L 62.173828 75.251953 L 62.173828 80.382812 L 61.570312 79.878906 L 61.570312 74.748047 z M 62.777344 75.955078 L 63.380859 76.458984 L 63.380859 81.589844 L 62.777344 81.085938 L 62.777344 75.955078 z M 63.882812 77.162109 L 64.486328 77.666016 L 64.486328 82.695312 L 63.882812 82.193359 L 63.882812 77.162109 z M 72.435547 77.363281 C 72.636755 77.363281 72.837891 77.867151 72.837891 78.068359 L 72.837891 81.1875 L 72.736328 81.1875 L 72.132812 80.482422 L 72.132812 77.765625 C 72.132812 77.765625 72.133737 77.363281 72.435547 77.363281 z M 73.138672 77.363281 C 73.339879 77.363281 73.541016 77.867151 73.541016 78.068359 L 73.541016 81.992188 L 72.9375 81.287109 L 72.9375 77.765625 C 72.836897 77.765625 72.937464 77.262678 73.138672 77.363281 z M 73.943359 78.974609 C 74.144566 78.974609 74.345703 79.476526 74.345703 79.677734 L 74.345703 82.796875 L 73.742188 82.091797 L 73.742188 79.376953 C 73.641585 79.376953 73.742151 78.974609 73.943359 78.974609 z M 40.669922 79.035156 A 0.95472835 0.95472835 0 0 0 40.443359 79.074219 A 2.0412474 2.0412474 0 0 0 38.832031 81.085938 L 38.732422 81.085938 A 1.0734406 1.0734406 0 0 0 37.324219 80.482422 C 36.116976 80.884836 35.814681 82.504987 35.740234 83.134766 C 35.486713 82.855088 35.298628 81.724594 34.105469 82.091797 A 1.6861167 1.6861167 0 0 0 32.796875 83.703125 C 32.796875 83.803729 32.695313 83.703125 32.695312 83.703125 C 32.695312 83.703125 32.695525 82.795845 31.488281 83.097656 C 30.07983 83.50007 30.28125 85.412109 30.28125 85.412109 L 30.28125 85.714844 L 30.583984 85.613281 L 30.583984 85.412109 A 1.4295774 1.4295774 0 0 1 30.785156 84.808594 C 30.885759 84.707991 30.985263 84.305682 31.488281 84.205078 A 1.084507 1.084507 0 0 1 32.394531 84.507812 C 32.394531 84.608417 32.495099 84.707991 32.595703 84.808594 L 33.199219 84.607422 C 33.199219 84.506818 33.298828 84.206072 33.298828 84.105469 A 1.6579477 1.6579477 0 0 1 34.105469 83.097656 A 1.056338 1.056338 0 0 1 35.111328 83.199219 A 2.1991951 2.1991951 0 0 1 35.412109 83.703125 L 35.714844 83.550781 L 35.714844 83.601562 L 36.216797 83.400391 A 4.3571428 4.3571428 0 0 1 36.318359 82.896484 A 1.4336016 1.4336016 0 0 1 37.324219 81.890625 A 0.67907444 0.67907444 0 0 1 38.228516 82.292969 C 38.228516 82.393572 38.329084 82.495099 38.429688 82.595703 L 39.134766 82.292969 L 39.134766 81.791016 A 1.3943662 1.3943662 0 0 1 40.242188 80.683594 C 40.84581 80.58299 41.247052 81.187465 41.347656 81.388672 L 41.951172 81.1875 A 2.9255533 2.9255533 0 0 0 41.650391 79.779297 A 0.95472835 0.95472835 0 0 0 40.669922 79.035156 z M 66.095703 79.175781 L 66.701172 79.677734 L 66.701172 84.607422 L 66.095703 84.105469 L 66.095703 79.175781 z M 44.970703 79.466797 C 44.852415 79.479176 44.719265 79.515248 44.568359 79.578125 C 43.76353 79.980539 43.962891 82.193359 43.962891 82.193359 L 43.962891 86.080078 L 45.775391 85.412109 L 45.875 80.382812 C 45.875 80.382812 45.798718 79.380144 44.970703 79.466797 z M 43.962891 86.080078 L 43.863281 86.117188 L 43.962891 86.117188 L 43.962891 86.080078 z M 53.722656 79.980469 A 1.6659959 1.6659959 0 0 1 54.929688 80.482422 A 3.1599597 3.1599597 0 0 1 55.332031 81.689453 L 55.332031 87.123047 C 55.332031 87.223651 55.130859 87.222656 55.130859 87.222656 C 55.130859 87.222656 54.023473 86.418962 53.822266 86.318359 C 53.721662 86.217755 53.320312 86.116228 53.320312 86.015625 L 53.320312 80.482422 C 53.320313 80.482422 53.420845 79.980469 53.722656 79.980469 z M 67.001953 80.181641 L 67.605469 80.683594 L 67.605469 85.513672 L 67.001953 85.009766 L 67.001953 80.181641 z M 67.908203 81.085938 L 68.511719 81.589844 L 68.511719 86.417969 L 67.908203 85.916016 L 67.908203 81.085938 z M 40.611328 81.177734 C 40.531553 81.19031 40.4424 81.224232 40.341797 81.287109 C 39.738175 81.588919 39.939453 83.199219 39.939453 83.199219 L 39.939453 87.525391 L 41.248047 87.021484 L 41.248047 81.992188 C 41.248047 82.080215 41.169757 81.089706 40.611328 81.177734 z M 57.445312 81.791016 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 58.048828 82.091797 A 1.2394366 1.2394366 0 0 1 58.25 82.796875 L 58.25 89.134766 L 57.244141 88.330078 L 57.244141 82.091797 C 57.244141 82.091797 57.244106 81.791016 57.445312 81.791016 z M 37.689453 82.380859 C 37.612232 82.395989 37.524432 82.431263 37.423828 82.494141 C 36.820206 82.795952 37.021484 84.40625 37.021484 84.40625 L 37.021484 88.630859 L 38.330078 88.128906 L 38.330078 83.199219 C 38.24205 83.199219 38.230001 82.27495 37.689453 82.380859 z M 69.316406 82.394531 L 69.919922 82.896484 L 69.919922 87.625 L 69.316406 87.123047 L 69.316406 82.394531 z M 58.953125 83.097656 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 59.556641 83.400391 A 1.2394366 1.2394366 0 0 1 59.757812 84.105469 L 59.757812 90.242188 L 58.751953 89.537109 L 58.751953 83.400391 C 58.751953 83.400391 58.751918 83.097656 58.953125 83.097656 z M 77.390625 83.460938 C 77.414204 83.464081 77.439693 83.476802 77.464844 83.501953 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 1 77.564453 83.802734 L 77.564453 85.814453 C 77.564453 85.814453 77.463884 86.01662 77.363281 85.916016 L 77.263672 85.714844 L 77.263672 83.601562 C 77.263672 83.52611 77.319888 83.451506 77.390625 83.460938 z M 34.474609 83.789062 C 34.39503 83.804192 34.305682 83.84142 34.205078 83.904297 C 33.70206 84.206107 33.802734 85.714844 33.802734 85.714844 L 33.802734 89.738281 L 35.009766 89.335938 L 35.009766 84.607422 C 35.097793 84.607422 35.031663 83.683154 34.474609 83.789062 z M 29.107422 84.242188 C 28.979506 84.236489 28.835356 84.256339 28.671875 84.306641 A 1.5543259 1.5543259 0 0 0 27.564453 86.015625 A 1.0925553 1.0925553 0 0 0 26.15625 85.3125 C 24.7478 85.815518 24.949219 87.625 24.949219 87.625 L 24.949219 88.027344 L 25.453125 87.826172 A 1.4949698 1.4949698 0 0 1 25.552734 87.222656 A 1.3531187 1.3531187 0 0 1 26.458984 86.318359 A 0.60362172 0.60362172 0 0 1 27.162109 86.820312 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 1 27.263672 87.021484 L 27.96875 86.720703 L 27.96875 86.318359 A 1.2213279 1.2213279 0 0 1 28.773438 85.210938 A 1.0503018 1.0503018 0 0 1 29.779297 85.613281 A 0.44064386 0.44064386 0 0 1 29.878906 85.916016 L 30.080078 85.814453 L 30.080078 85.613281 C 30.080078 85.525254 30.002833 84.282076 29.107422 84.242188 z M 78.195312 84.265625 C 78.218891 84.268769 78.244381 84.28149 78.269531 84.306641 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 1 78.371094 84.607422 L 78.371094 86.619141 C 78.371094 86.619141 78.270525 86.821307 78.169922 86.720703 C 78.069318 86.720703 77.96875 86.519531 77.96875 86.519531 L 78.068359 84.40625 C 78.068359 84.330797 78.124576 84.256193 78.195312 84.265625 z M 31.859375 84.896484 C 31.779796 84.911614 31.690447 84.946888 31.589844 85.009766 C 31.086826 85.311577 31.1875 86.820313 31.1875 86.820312 L 31.1875 90.744141 L 32.394531 90.341797 L 32.394531 85.714844 C 32.482559 85.714844 32.416428 84.790576 31.859375 84.896484 z M 78.900391 84.96875 C 78.92397 84.971894 78.949458 84.984615 78.974609 85.009766 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 1 79.074219 85.3125 L 79.074219 87.324219 L 79.175781 87.324219 C 79.175781 87.324219 79.075212 87.524432 78.974609 87.423828 C 78.874005 87.423828 78.773438 87.222656 78.773438 87.222656 L 78.773438 85.111328 C 78.773438 85.035875 78.829653 84.959319 78.900391 84.96875 z M 61.771484 85.412109 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 62.375 85.714844 A 0.99396377 0.99396377 0 0 1 62.576172 86.318359 L 62.576172 92.455078 L 61.570312 91.75 L 61.570312 85.714844 C 61.570312 85.714844 61.570276 85.412109 61.771484 85.412109 z M 29.138672 85.902344 C 29.061647 85.917474 28.97365 85.952748 28.873047 86.015625 C 28.370029 86.317436 28.470703 87.826172 28.470703 87.826172 L 28.470703 91.75 L 29.677734 91.347656 L 29.677734 86.720703 C 29.677734 86.720703 29.677844 85.796435 29.138672 85.902344 z M 63.179688 86.619141 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 63.783203 86.921875 A 0.99396377 0.99396377 0 0 1 63.984375 87.525391 L 63.984375 93.560547 L 62.978516 92.857422 L 62.978516 86.921875 C 62.978516 86.921875 62.978481 86.619141 63.179688 86.619141 z M 81.992188 86.720703 L 80.839844 88.046875 A 49 49 0 0 0 82.173828 86.876953 L 81.992188 86.720703 z M 26.728516 87.003906 C 26.64874 87.021394 26.559588 87.06017 26.458984 87.123047 C 25.955966 87.424858 26.056641 88.933594 26.056641 88.933594 L 26.056641 92.65625 L 26.458984 92.554688 L 27.363281 92.253906 L 27.363281 87.927734 C 27.363281 87.751678 27.286944 86.881492 26.728516 87.003906 z M 65.996094 88.933594 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 66.498047 89.236328 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 66.701172 89.839844 L 66.701172 95.603516 L 65.794922 94.970703 L 65.794922 89.236328 C 65.794922 89.236328 65.794886 88.933594 65.996094 88.933594 z M 45.673828 89.638672 L 43.863281 90.242188 L 43.863281 96.478516 L 45.673828 95.976562 L 45.673828 89.638672 z M 53.433594 89.902344 C 53.446169 89.889768 53.471182 89.889151 53.521484 89.939453 L 55.431641 91.146484 L 55.431641 96.78125 C 55.431641 96.78125 55.432635 97.083026 55.332031 96.982422 A 6.698189 6.698189 0 0 0 54.125 96.378906 A 2.8460764 2.8460764 0 0 0 53.521484 96.076172 L 53.419922 95.976562 L 53.419922 89.939453 C 53.419922 89.939453 53.421018 89.914919 53.433594 89.902344 z M 41.146484 91.146484 L 39.939453 91.650391 L 39.939453 97.585938 L 41.146484 97.283203 L 41.146484 91.146484 z M 38.128906 92.253906 L 37.021484 92.65625 L 37.021484 97.195312 A 49 49 0 0 0 38.128906 97.476562 L 38.128906 92.253906 z M 35.009766 93.359375 L 33.904297 93.761719 L 33.904297 96.220703 A 49 49 0 0 0 35.009766 96.625 L 35.009766 93.359375 z M 32.394531 94.265625 L 31.287109 94.667969 L 31.287109 95.267578 A 49 49 0 0 0 32.394531 95.671875 L 32.394531 94.265625 z" /> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="49" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </a> <div class="w-100 w-60-l ph3-l tc order-0 order-1-l"> <div class="mt3 mt0-l mb0"> <a class="w-100 dib link near-black hover-dark-blue ph3-m ph3-l dm-white-90" href="/"> <span class="db dn-m dn-l"> <svg class="w-100" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1000 66.45"> <title>The Spokesman-Review Newspaper</title> <path fill="currentColor" d="M161.38 51.19L158.1 64.7h-.44a8.7 8.7 0 0 0-4.16-.88h-36.15v-1.23c2.59-.54 4.31-2 4.31-4.74V22.34c0-2.45-1.66-3.72-4.31-4.3V16.8h34.33a9.37 9.37 0 0 0 4.23-.81h.44L159 28.91l-1.31.45a11.78 11.78 0 0 0-9.34-4.24h-13.62v9.48h11c3.34 0 5.37-1.22 6.06-3.34h1.32v14.9h-1.32c-.63-2.08-2.38-3.23-5.84-3.23h-11.22V55.5h15.71c5 0 7.66-1.54 9.56-4.67zm-48.12 11.4c-2.64-.59-4.23-1.9-4.23-5.26V23.22c0-3.75 1.64-4.65 4.23-5.17V16.8H91.65V18c2.7.63 4.31 1.68 4.31 4.3v12.3H77.77V23.22c0-3.75 1.53-4.65 4.24-5.17V16.8H60.4V18c2.7.63 4.17 1.68 4.17 4.3v35.32c0 3.14-1.51 4.32-4.17 5v1.23H82v-1.26c-2.65-.59-4.24-1.92-4.24-5.26v-14.4H96v14.69c0 3.14-1.71 4.32-4.31 5v1.23h21.61zM58.71 0h-.22a12.84 12.84 0 0 1-6 1.24H8.91A11.88 11.88 0 0 1 3.29 0H3L0 15.34l1.54.43c3-3.24 5.86-4.53 10-4.53h11.39v45.58c0 3.62-2.4 5-5.19 5.69v1.31H44V62.5c-3-.7-5.26-2.11-5.26-6V11.24H50a12.62 12.62 0 0 1 10.29 4.53l1.53-.43zm601.41 16.8h-19.58V18c2.36.58 4.25 1.39 4.25 4.38v16.75h-.22l-17.08-19a10.53 10.53 0 0 1-2.12-3.29h-17.1v1.32c2.69.66 4.23 1.53 4.23 4.89v34.49c0 2.83-1.35 4.46-4.23 5v1.23h19.56v-1.19c-2.61-.54-4.16-1.92-4.16-5V35.27h.14l25.85 28.55h6.21V22.57c0-2.43 1.49-4.13 4.23-4.53zM553.87 62.58c-2.67-.41-3.86-1.73-4.39-5.26l-4.81-33a33.87 33.87 0 0 1-.44-3.65c0-1.32.7-2.33 2.71-2.62V16.8h-16.07a21.82 21.82 0 0 1-1.25 5.84l-6.42 18.48-6.43-18.48a23.88 23.88 0 0 1-1.45-5.84h-16V18a2.77 2.77 0 0 1 2.56 3c0 .48-.17 2-.22 2.41l-5.33 36.15c-.25 1.68-1.19 2.68-3.5 3v1.23h17.23v-1.2c-2.11-.25-2.63-1.33-2.63-2a25.77 25.77 0 0 1 .22-3.28L510 38.2l9.35 25.62H525l9.49-25.33 2.26 19.2a16.35 16.35 0 0 1 .15 1.76c0 1.74-1.09 2.76-3.51 3.14v1.23h20.52zm-74.48-26.72l-7.66-3.07c-4.84-1.94-6.65-2.78-6.65-4.53 0-1.9 1.89-3.15 7.67-3.15 7 0 12 3.54 13.43 6.43l1.32.15 2.92-14-.94-.37a6.86 6.86 0 0 1-3.95 1 27.15 27.15 0 0 1-5.11-.95 40.66 40.66 0 0 0-9.19-1.1c-10.84 0-18.26 6-18.26 13.94 0 6 4 9.63 9.56 11.82l10.81 4.32c4.37 1.74 6.36 2.88 6.36 5.34s-2.5 4.09-8.47 4.09c-10 0-15.16-3.74-17.45-8.68l-1.53-.24-3.5 15.85 1.17.44a4.44 4.44 0 0 1 3.5-1.39c2.17 0 5 .93 7.16 1.39a55.77 55.77 0 0 0 12.2 1.53c13.29 0 19.42-5.69 19.42-14.39-.03-7.41-5.12-11.36-12.81-14.43zm-35.12 15c-1.9 3.14-4.55 4.67-9.57 4.67H419v-12.6h11.32c3.46 0 5.13 1.14 5.77 3.23h1.39v-14.9h-1.39c-.69 2.12-2.65 3.34-6 3.34H419v-9.48h13.73a11.76 11.76 0 0 1 9.34 4.24l1.32-.45-2.7-12.91h-.44a9.73 9.73 0 0 1-4.31.81h-34.32V18c2.65.58 4.31 1.85 4.31 4.3v35.83c0 2.71-1.72 4.21-4.31 4.75v.94h36.22a8.36 8.36 0 0 1 4.09.88h.51l3.28-13.51zm-45.2 11.76c-1.47-.2-3.76-.78-4.9-2.48l-16.72-25.09L392.56 21c1.89-1.76 3.67-2.92 5.12-2.92V16.8h-23.23V18c1.68.21 2.71.85 2.71 2.18s-1.09 2.55-1.82 3.29l-12.27 12.39V23c0-3.59 1.67-4.43 4.24-5v-1.2h-21.62V18c2.53.56 4.29 1.31 4.29 4.3v35.2c0 3.32-1.6 4.29-4.29 5v1.23h21.61v-1.15a4.93 4.93 0 0 1-4.24-5.26v-8.69l5.11-4.74 8.83 13.8a4.93 4.93 0 0 1 1.09 2.78c0 1.1-1.51 1.8-3.14 2.12v1.23h24.1zM227.53 27.53l-10.37-4c-6.4-2.48-8.39-4.46-8.39-7.07 0-3.31 3.52-5.62 10.29-5.62 10.8 0 15.85 6.48 17.68 10.3l1.82.3 3.95-18.92-1.31-.37a9 9 0 0 1-5.2 1.36c-2.13 0-4.7-1-6.79-1.39A57.23 57.23 0 0 0 217 .8c-14.32 0-24 7-24 18.61 0 7.72 5.84 12.51 13.14 15.42l14.32 5.69c6.77 2.69 8.11 4.64 8.11 7.89 0 3.94-3.79 7.09-11.69 7.09-13.24 0-20-7.47-23.15-14l-1.9-.14-5 22 1.46.51a6 6 0 0 1 4.86-1.87c2.86 0 6.66 1.29 9.49 1.89a75.84 75.84 0 0 0 16.07 1.62c17.55 0 25.78-7.46 25.78-19.58-.01-9.8-6.76-14.46-16.96-18.4zm379.86 35.05c-2.52-.6-4.28-1.31-5.7-4.9L585.63 16.8h-9L559 59a5.1 5.1 0 0 1-4.46 3.59v1.23h19.42v-1.23c-2.28-.42-3.06-1.1-3.06-2.12a8.6 8.6 0 0 1 .44-2.34l.58-1.53h15.62l.52 1.24a6.41 6.41 0 0 1 .5 2.27c0 1.31-1 2.1-2.7 2.48v1.23h21.54zm-32.63-13.87l4.89-14h.22l4.82 14zM318.82 15.92c-13.53 0-24.39 8.33-24.39 25.2 0 15.4 11.78 24 24.39 24 12.87 0 24.61-8.6 24.61-24-.01-16.86-10.81-25.2-24.61-25.2zm0 40.53c-5.33 0-10.74-4.17-10.74-15.33 0-12.43 5.54-16.5 10.74-16.5 5.55 0 10.88 3.93 10.88 16.5-.01 11.82-6.01 15.33-10.89 15.33zM269.38 16.8h-22.13V18c2.2.59 4.23 1.24 4.23 4.3v35c0 3.14-1.36 4.49-4.23 5.26v1.23H269v-1.2c-3-.64-4.38-2.37-4.38-5.55v-9.43h5.26c10.81 0 21-4.31 21-15.53.04-10.49-9.76-15.28-21.5-15.28zm-1.82 22.55h-2.93V25.12h2.78c5.35 0 10.08 2 10.08 7.39-.01 5.56-4.57 6.84-9.93 6.84zM1000 16.8h-19.34V18c1.91.3 3.07 1.12 3.07 2.33a8 8 0 0 1-.53 2.48L975 45.7l-8.1-22.77a9.72 9.72 0 0 1-.74-2.35c0-1.31 1.22-2.19 2.85-2.54V16.8h-22V18c2.55.43 4 1.47 5.17 4.3l3.21 7.52-5.7 15.88-8.11-22.57a11.14 11.14 0 0 1-.73-2.55c0-1.45 1.14-2.19 2.78-2.54V16.8h-22.35V18c2.58.43 4.24 1.27 5.41 4.16l17 41.61h9L960.93 44l8.18 19.85H978l17.7-42.24A5.09 5.09 0 0 1 1000 18zm-78.21 34c-1.9 3.13-4.69 4.66-9.71 4.66h-15.7V42.93h11.24c3.46 0 5.15 1.13 5.78 3.22h1.46v-14.9h-1.46c-.7 2.13-2.57 3.35-5.91 3.35h-11.1v-9.48H910a11.8 11.8 0 0 1 9.35 4.23l1.39-.43L918.07 16h-.51a9.52 9.52 0 0 1-4.24.81h-34.24V18c2.65.57 4.17 1.85 4.17 4.3v35.5c0 2.7-1.57 4.2-4.17 4.74v1.23h36.07a8.83 8.83 0 0 1 4.17.87h.51l3.29-13.44zm-47 11.76c-2.82-.65-4.24-2-4.24-5.34V22.93c0-3.28 1.48-4.32 4.24-4.89V16.8h-21.64V18c2.78.63 4.17 1.76 4.17 4.3v35.46c0 3-1.52 4.1-4.17 4.83v1.23h21.62zM851.7 16.8h-19.5V18c1.91.3 3.06 1.12 3.06 2.33a8 8 0 0 1-.51 2.48l-8.24 22.89-8.18-22.7a9.19 9.19 0 0 1-.66-2.33c0-1.46 1.08-2.27 2.71-2.62V16.8h-22.2V18c2.59.59 4.31 1.47 5.41 4.16l16.93 41.61h9.07l17.66-42.21A5.31 5.31 0 0 1 851.7 18zm-53.31 34c-1.9 3.13-4.64 4.66-9.62 4.66h-15.7V42.93h11.31c3.45 0 5.13 1.13 5.77 3.22h1.38v-14.9h-1.38c-.7 2.13-2.66 3.35-6 3.35h-11.1v-9.48h13.72a11.6 11.6 0 0 1 9.23 4.22l1.4-.43L794.74 16h-.44a9.84 9.84 0 0 1-4.31.81h-34.25V18c2.65.57 4.24 1.85 4.24 4.3v35.5c0 2.7-1.64 4.2-4.24 4.74v1.23h36.15a8.46 8.46 0 0 1 4.1.87h.51l3.3-13.44zm-127.79-18l-2.93 10.3h19.27l3-10.3zm63.4 5.75c9.69-2.63 15.92-9.15 15.92-17.82 0-13.21-10.95-19.5-27.39-19.5h-27.91v1.61c3.31.86 5.55 2.1 5.55 5.57v48c0 3.93-2.09 5.27-5.25 6.05v1.4h26.21v-1.4c-3-.68-5.25-2.15-5.25-6.05V41.55h3.64c6.52 15.9 15.47 24 33.73 24.89l1-1.53c-9.47-5.37-17.62-17.36-20.25-26.36zm-13.29-7h-4.81V11.24h4.59c7.78 0 13.37 2.94 13.37 10.22-.02 7.96-5.41 10.09-13.17 10.09z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="dn db-m db-l"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1000.06 73.26" class="w-100 h3-l"><title>The Spokesman-Review</title><path fill="currentColor" d="M160.46 55.74v-.01zM157 71.32h-.47a8.32 8.32 0 00-4.25-1H116v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.25 3.6-5.26V24c0-2.71-.89-4.07-3.6-4.71v-1.11h34.42a9.17 9.17 0 004.37-.95h.47L158 32.18l-1.42.47a11.64 11.64 0 00-9.52-4.65h-14v9.62h11.34c3.42 0 5.43-1.36 6.14-3.72H152V51h-1.42c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.59-6-3.59h-11.51v13.1h16.06c5.14 0 7.91-1.72 9.86-5.19l1.47.42zm-.26-40.37l-.47-1.84c-1.65-1.88-3.78-3.42-8.86-3.42h-14.34v1.23h14.17c3.6-.22 7.09 1.3 9.38 4.08h.12zm-5.83 18.04h-.01V49zm-.01-1.58c-1-1.6-2.83-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.57v1.23h12c2.71 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71h.05zm5.78 21.42a6.57 6.57 0 00-3.31-.82H121.2V68c.65-.64.88-1.89.88-3.54v-40c0-3.19-1.13-4.3-3-5.2h-.47c1.42 1.17 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.2c0 2.6-.53 3.61-1.95 4.73v.11h34.48a6.65 6.65 0 013.31.7h.06l.24-1.12zm-45.16 1.48H90.86v-1.06c2.66-.71 3.6-2 3.6-5.48V47.41H75.8v16c0 3.7.89 5.19 3.6 5.84v1.06H58.74v-1.06c2.72-.71 3.6-2 3.6-5.48V24c0-2.9-.83-4-3.6-4.71v-1.11H79.4v1.07c-2.78.58-3.6 1.56-3.6 5.73v12.64h18.66V24c0-2.9-.83-4-3.6-4.71v-1.11h20.66v1.07c-2.66.58-3.6 1.56-3.6 5.73v38.44c0 3.72.88 5.19 3.6 5.84zm-14.58-46.1c0-2.6-.94-4.07-3-5h-.53c1.53 1 2 2.36 2 5v13.4h1.53zm11.92 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23.78c-1.21-3.19-2.12-3.93-4.78-4.6v-1.06h22v1.06c-1.67.42-2.48 1.22-2.48 1.92.71 2.84l8.32 25.32 5.78-17.59-3.3-8.67c-1.2-3.16-2.18-4.06-4.84-4.73v-1.07h22v1.06a2.84 2.84 0 00-2.47 2.82c.11.9.33 1.8.65 2.66L975 50.17l8.44-25.67c.3-.9.48-1.83.53-2.77 0-1.35-.82-2.2-2.78-2.55v-1.06h18.89v1.06zm-13.64 2.66a2.66 2.66 0 00-2.42-2.66h-.47a2.8 2.8 0 011.36 2.6c-.05.96-.23 1.92-.53 2.84l-8.91 27.16.83 2.18 9.68-29.41a7.7 7.7 0 00.47-2.71zm-29.22 10.5l-3.6-9.44a5.24 5.24 0 00-4.19-3.77H949a8.3 8.3 0 013.19 4.43l3.31 8.91-6.32 19.31.83 2.25 7.14-21.68zm20.72 35.6h-7.5l-8.68-23.32-.88 2.18 8.38 22.39h8.21zm-33.71 0l-16.83-45c-.88-2.36-2.18-3.42-4.25-3.72h-.35a7.06 7.06 0 013 3.85L943 69.19h8.21l.47-1.25zm-20.66-12.27l-3.43 15.59h-.47a8.32 8.32 0 00-4.25-1h-36.31v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.25 3.6-5.26v-40c0-2.73-.88-4.07-3.6-4.73v-1.08h34.42a9.16 9.16 0 004.37-.95h.47l2.77 14.94-1.42.46c-2.25-3-5.8-4.74-9.56-4.67h-14v9.62h11.34c3.42 0 5.43-1.35 6.14-3.72H915v17.14h-1.42c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.61-6-3.61h-11.42v13.12h16.05c5.14 0 7.91-1.72 9.86-5.2l1.47.42zm-3.71-24.85l-. 0 6.91 1.41 9.39 4.07l.1-.05zM914 48.94v-1.6c-1-1.59-2.83-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.58v1.25h12c2.71 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71zm5.77 19.83c-1-.57-2.15-.86-3.31-.83h-32.17c.65-.66.89-1.89.89-3.54v-40c0-3.19-1.13-4.28-2.95-5.19h-.48c1.42 1.19 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.2c0 2.6-.53 3.59-1.95 4.71v.13h34.48a6.48 6.48 0 013.31.71h.06l.24-1.12zm-65.89 1.48v-1.06c2.71-.79 3.6-2 3.6-5.32V24c0-2.82-.77-4.07-3.6-4.78v-1.1h20.66v1.06c-2.83.66-3.6 1.8-3.6 5.44v38.67c0 3.67.72 5.18 3.6 5.9v1.06zm17.97-1.07h-.02v.01zm-.02-.05a3.99 3.99 0 01-1.12-1.19h-11.63c.59-.64.89-1.72.89-3.7V24.61c0-3.48-1.18-4.73-3.07-5.44h-.41c1.42 1.06 1.95 2.07 1.95 5v40.11c0 2.79-.71 3.83-2 4.84v.06h15.39zm-19.42-49.95c-2.18.42-2.88 1.41-3.84 3.9l-18.12 47.17H821l-17.47-46.52c-1.11-3-2.12-3.88-4.78-4.55v-1.06h22v1.06c-1.68.42-2.48 1.28-2.48 1.76.65 2.6l8.38 25.5 8.44-25.67c.3-.9.49-1.83.53-2.77 0-1.35-.81-2.2-2.77-2.55v-1.07h18.89v1.06zm-13.64 2.66a2.62 2.62 0 00-2.42-2.66h-.53a2.81 2.81 0 011.42 2.6c-.05.97-.23 1.92-.53 2.84l-8.92 27.1.83 2.31 9.62-29.29c.34-.93.51-1.9.53-2.89zm-8.5 46.06l-.01.04h.01zm-7.49.04l-16.71-44.8c-1-2.79-2.43-3.56-4.31-4h-.35c1.23.72 2.22 1.84 3.19 4.43l17 45.58h8.2l.46-1.21zm-20.61-12.27l-3.42 15.59h-.47a8.3 8.3 0 00-4.25-1h-36.32v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.25 3.6-5.26v-40c0-2.73-.89-4.07-3.6-4.73v-1.08h34.42a9.16 9.16 0 004.37-.95h.5l2.77 14.94-1.42.46c-2.25-3-5.8-4.74-9.56-4.67h-14v9.62h11.34c3.42 0 5.43-1.35 6.14-3.72h1.42v17.14h-1.42c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.61-6-3.61h-11.49v13.12h16.06c5.14 0 7.91-1.72 9.86-5.2zm-3.71-24.85l-. 29c-1.66-1.89-3.78-3.42-8.86-3.42h-14.36v1.23h14.17c4.6 0 6.91 1.41 9.39 4.07l.1-.05zm-5.39 19.94v-1.6c-1-1.59-2.84-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.57v1.25h12c2.72 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71zm5.78 19.83c-1-.57-2.15-.86-3.31-.83h-32.17c.65-.66.88-1.89.88-3.54v-40c0-3.19-1.14-4.28-3-5.19h-.47c1.41 1.19 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.2c0 2.6-.53 3.59-1.95 4.71v.13h34.48a6.48 6.48 0 013.31.71h.06l.24-1.12zm-61.69-45.1C736.7 15.6 731 12 723 12h-5.32v22.76h5.55c7.95 0 13.46-2.42 13.46-11.1zm20.99 47.76l-1.06 1.83c-18.72-.95-28-10.1-34.72-27.76h-4.19v16.84c0 4.33 1.54 5.9 4.6 6.67v1.23h-25.41v-1.18c3.25-.88 4.6-2.42 4.6-6.78V8.85c0-3.85-1.51-5.18-4.9-6.14V1.23h28.52c16.27 0 28 7.25 28 22.43 0 9.61-6.11 15.8-16.06 18.71 2.76 9.98 10.84 23.1 20.58 29.06zM739.65 23.6c0-8-5.31-14.11-15.47-14.11h-6.5v1.36h6c9.39 0 14.17 5.55 14.17 12.75 0 5.87-1.8 8.77-7.26 11.16h1c5.61-1.48 8-5.77 8-11.16zM755.53 72c-13.46-3.54-24.09-7.79-31.23-29h-6.61v1.35h5.13c6.91 19.26 17 26.39 32.59 27.87zm-36.19-3v-.06c-.55-.39-1.06-.82-1.53-1.3H703c1.18-1 1.48-2.55 1.48-5.26V8.61c0-3.59-1.42-5.2-3.78-5.84h-.7c1.75 1.23 2.69 2.23 2.69 6.14v53.48c0 3.43-.64 4.94-2.72 6.56V69zm-27.39-31.34l-2.42 9.56h-18.36l2.42-9.56zm-3.02 7.14h-14.28l1.48-6.01h-1.48l-1.83 7.26h15.82zm-26.8-25.6l.01-.01zm-3.59 4.99v46.02h-6.37L625.51 38v25.54c0 3.48.92 5 3.6 5.61v1.06h-18.58v-1.05c2.94-.64 3.6-2.47 3.6-5.61v-39c0-3.72-.84-4.65-3.6-5.37v-1.04h16.81a12 12 0 002.12 3.59l17.69 21.77V24c0-3.3-1.18-4.19-3.6-4.84v-1.02h18.58v1.05c-2.8.47-3.59 2.28-3.59 5zm-8.9 22.31l-.01-.01v.01zm-.01-22.22c0-2.84-1-4.25-3.07-5.08h-.41c1.48 1.3 1.95 2.13 1.95 5.08v20.34l1.53 1.87zm7.91 44.88v-1.24h-4.14L625.51 34.3v2.29l26.95 32.57zm-31.15-.01v-.06a4.9 4.9 0 01-1.12-1.17h-9.62c.77-.83.94-1.78.94-4.25V24.28c0-3-1.06-4.31-3-5.08h-.47c1.36 1.17 1.95 1.89 1.95 5.08v39.39c0 3.13-.44 4.06-2 5.42v.06zm-40.7-16.97L581.15 38l-4.65 14.18zm23.78 18H587.7v-1.03a2.8 2.8 0 002.48-2.71 8.85 8.85 0 00-.59-2.53l-.65-2h-15.57l-.77 2.31c-.26.82-.42 1.67-.47 2.53 0 .82.49 1.89 2.83 2.36v1.06h-18.87v-1.02c2.36-.66 2.94-1.47 3.89-3.94l18-47.08h9.2L604.39 64c1.17 3.09 2.49 4.54 5.07 5.19zm-21.18-18.01l-5.9-18.29-.76 2.49 5.13 15.8zM606.81 69a4.4 4.4 0 01-1.36-1.12h-13.26c.38-.42.57-.98.53-1.54a9.5 9.5 0 00-.65-2.65l-1.18-3.83H574l-.41 1.23h16.1l.88 2.77c.33.89.55 1.82.65 1.86-1.04 2.38v.18h16.63zm-26.67-49.85l-.01.04h.02zm-1.59.04L561 65.74a6.74 6.74 0 01-2.3 3.3v.11h13.57V69c-.43-.29-.8-.67-1.06-1.12h-10a5.95 5.95 0 001.53-2.49l17.38-46.2zM555.3 70.22v-.01h.02zm-22.04-.01v-1.06c2.34-.38 3.6-1.57 3.6-3.77 0-.53-.1-1.31-.18-2l-2.36-22.11h-.06L524 70.21h-6.19L507.48 40.9l-2.66 22.42a23.1 23.1 0 00-.23 3.24 2.74 2.74 0 002.71 2.6v1.06h-17v-1.07a4 4 0 003.7-3.72l5.25-40.16c.06-.43.17-1.94.17-2.47 0-1.94-.83-3.26-2.65-3.66v-1h17.4c.26 2.16.78 4.28 1.54 6.32l7 19.93 6.9-19.93c.7-2.04 1.14-4.17 1.3-6.32h17.16v1.06a3 3 0 00-2.72 3.3c.04 1.39.15 2.77.35 4.14l5 36.4c.56 4 1.88 5.68 4.6 6.12v1.05zm.12-51.02h-1.53c0 1.65-.32 3.29-.95 4.81l-7.67 21.89.83 2.36L532.49 24c.6-1.52.9-3.14.88-4.78zm18.87 49.96V69a4.99 4.99 0 01-1.41-1.12H539c.32-.51.48-1.1.47-1.71 0-.79-.09-1.78-.29-3.66l-2.89-27.31-1.24 3.66 2.65 24.71c.07.67.18 1.49.18 2.07A3.66 3.66 0 01536 69v.11h16.22zm-28.54-1.23h-3.9l-11.56-33.03-.47 3.35 10.85 30.92h4.66zm-18.88 1.23V69c-.45-.25-.8-.65-1-1.12h-8.14c.56-.76.9-1.66 1-2.6l5.19-39.57c.18-1.15.3-2.31.36-3.48 0-1.78-.83-2.84-2.19-3.08H499a3.67 3.67 0 011.65 3.37 28.23 28.23 0 01-.35 3.42l-5.2 39.49a4.69 4.69 0 01-1.95 3.57v.11h11.67zm-14.68-13.91c0 9.62-7 16.28-20.58 16.28a54.9 54.9 0 01-12.45-1.41c-2.2-.5-5.15-1.54-7.37-1.54a4.48 4.48 0 00-3.6 1.6l-1.24-.48 3.78-18.23 1.54.24c2.36 5.48 7.61 9.91 17.87 9.91 6.12 0 8.73-1.81 8.73-4.65 0-2.84-1.44-4-6.49-6.2L459.24 46c-5.66-2.44-9.79-6.38-9.79-13 0-8.8 8.6-16.16 19.7-16.16 3.1 0 6.19.37 9.2 1.12 1.71.53 3.47.88 5.25 1.04a6.67 6.67 0 004-1.17l.94.35-3.24 16.39-1.3-.16c-1.42-3.18-6.52-7.66-13.75-7.66-5.6 0-8 1.36-8 3.72 0 2.12 1.76 3.43 6.72 5.55l7.91 3.35c7.88 3.37 13.27 7.65 13.27 15.87zm-5.25-24.01a18.91 18.91 0 00-15-7 9.64 9.64 0 00-7.2 3l.06.22c1.12-.71 2.54-1.65 7.25-1.65a17.7 17.7 0 0114.39 7.37h.12l.36-1.94zm-5.61 25.48c0-3.61-2.35-5.69-7.67-8l-12.26-5.21c-4.66-2-7.61-5.9-7.61-10.44 0-4.54.83-6.56 1.3-7.55l-.24-.06a12.86 12.86 0 00-2.48 7.55c0 5.74 3.78 9.73 8.67 11.85l11.44 5c4.85 2.1 7.37 3.78 7.37 7.09 0 2.42-1.41 3.66-3.54 4.71h.35c2.6-.42 4.66-1.89 4.66-4.89zm5.84 9.08l-.06-.22c-3.77 2-6.9 3.48-15.63 3.48a55.33 55.33 0 01-11.5-1.3c-3.67-.79-6.43-1.65-8-1.65a4 4 0 00-1.77.35l2.36-11.8a6.4 6.4 0 01-1-1.65h-.12l-3.3 5.36 0 013.36-1.07c2.52 0 4.78.78 7.91 1.54a48.8 48.8 0 0012.09 1.41c9.73 0 13.8-3.3 15.57-4.78zm-41.52-10.14l-3.42 15.57h-.47a8.34 8.34 0 00-4.25-1h-36.28v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.24 3.6-5.24v-40c0-2.71-.88-4.06-3.6-4.71v-1.06h34.39c1.51.05 3-.28 4.36-.95h.47l2.77 14.93-1.42.46a11.6 11.6 0 00-9.56-4.65h-14v9.6h11.32c3.43 0 5.43-1.35 6.14-3.7h1.41v17.1h-1.37c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.59-6-3.59h-11.5v13.1h16c5.13 0 7.91-1.71 9.85-5.19l1.47.42zm-3.72-24.77l-.47-1.83c-1.65-1.89-3.78-3.43-8.85-3.43h-14.33v1.23h14.15c3.6-.23 7.09 1.29 9.38 4.07h.12zm-5.81 18.03h-.02v.01zm-.02-1.58c-1-1.59-2.83-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.56v1.23h12c2.71 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71h.04zm5.77 21.41c-1-.57-2.15-.85-3.3-.82h-32.14v-.06c.64-.64.88-1.89.88-3.54V24.39c0-3.19-1.13-4.28-3-5.2h-.47c1.42 1.19 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.12c0 2.6-.53 3.61-1.94 4.73v.11h34.44a6.44 6.44 0 013.3.71h.06l.23-1.12zm-42.59 1.48v-.01h.01zm-23.17-.01v-1.06c1.66-.34 2.48-1.15 2.48-2.36a5.84 5.84 0 00-1.12-3.06l-9.09-15.63-5.19 5.24v10c0 2.6.4 5.21 3.6 5.79v1.06h-20.64v-1.04c2.77-.83 3.6-1.92 3.6-5.61V24c0-3.3-1.12-4.07-3.6-4.78v-1.09h20.64v1.06c-2.61.59-3.6 1.54-3.6 5.48V38l12.5-12.75a6.14 6.14 0 001.89-3.65c0-1.48-.65-2.12-2.36-2.36v-1.11H396v1.06c-1.47 0-2.8 1.22-4.72 3.19l-15.44 15.93L393 66.45a5.52 5.52 0 004.24 2.71v1.05zM378.08 22a3 3 0 00-2-2.84h-.42c.6.64.92 1.49.89 2.36.07 1.4-.5 2.76-1.55 3.69l-13.8 14.11v2.23l15-15.33a5.6 5.6 0 001.88-4.22zm16.1 47.15v-.06a7.62 7.62 0 01-1.47-1.17h-14.39c.4-.52.64-1.17.65-1.83a6.77 6.77 0 00-1.06-3l-9.79-16.8L367 47.4l9.37 16.1a6 6 0 011.07 3.18c.05.96-.4 1.87-1.18 2.42v.06h17.93zm-32.26 0V69c-.4-.33-.75-.7-1.06-1.12h-11.62c.89-.83.95-2.05.95-4.25V24.92c0-3.48-.87-4.81-3-5.73h-.41c1.59 1.3 1.89 2.36 1.89 5v39.48c0 3.5-.59 4.25-1.95 5.37v.11zm-34.09-24.88c0-13-4.58-17.53-10.26-17.53-5.31 0-10.08 4.54-10.08 17.53 0 12.2 4.4 17.44 10.08 17.44 5 0 10.26-3.83 10.26-17.44zm14.1 0c0 17.08-11.18 27.31-24.36 27.31-12.92 0-24.12-10.23-24.12-27.31 0-18.68 10.26-27.43 24.12-27.43 14.14 0 24.36 8.75 24.36 27.43zm-11.62-.06c0-9.73-1.71-20-12.74-20a5.88 5.88 0 00-4.66 2.42l.06.23c1.43-.73 3-1.13 4.6-1.17 9.08 0 11.21 8 11.21 18.52 0 11.62-3 15.28-6.66 17.51h.41c4.42-1.7 7.79-5.66 7.79-17.51zm.17 22.65l-.06-.24a30.08 30.08 0 01-12.86 2.47c-12.09 0-21.64-9.6-21.64-24.77 0-11.35 4.23-17.81 5.66-19.76h-.35c-2.24 2.71-6.85 7.2-6.85 19.71 0 16 10.09 26.36 23.18 26.36a24.4 24.4 0 0012.92-3.77zM277.1 35.48c0-6-4.78-7.55-10.26-7.55H264v15.15h3c5.5 0 10.14-1.43 10.14-7.6zm13.75-.48c0 12.15-10.45 17.88-21.53 17.88H264V63c0 3.53.52 5.42 3.6 6.12v1.06h-20.7v-1.03c3-.85 3.6-2.29 3.6-5.79V23.91c0-3.37-1.34-4-3.6-4.71v-1.06h21.94c12.03 0 22.01 5.27 22.01 16.86zm-11.27.31c0-6.91-4.89-9.68-12.09-9.68H264v1.23h3.13c6 0 11 1.84 11 8.56 0 4.84-2.07 6.36-4.84 7.66h.71c2.71-.88 5.61-2.71 5.61-7.78zm5.31 11.01a25.93 25.93 0 01-14.81 4.18H264v1.25h5.43c7.85 0 12.74-2.77 15.45-5l.06-.48zm-20.05 22.83v-.06a3.9 3.9 0 01-1.12-1.17H252c.77-.83.94-1.88.94-4.25V24.28c0-3.06-1.12-4.23-3-5.08h-.41c1.35 1.06 1.89 2.25 1.89 4.84v39.63c0 3.18-.53 4.25-2 5.42v.06zm-46.96 2.43c-5.54.02-11.06-.6-16.46-1.83-2.9-.66-6.8-2.07-9.73-2.07a5.91 5.91 0 00-4.9 2.12l-1.47-.58 4.89-24 1.89.18c3.27 7.25 10.21 15.17 23.77 15.17 8.09 0 11.91-3.08 11.91-7.44 0-3.58-1.38-5.79-8.32-8.79l-14.63-6.32c-7.47-3.21-13.5-8.48-13.5-17C191.35 9.4 201.51.45 216.18.45c4.23-.02 8.44.45 12.56 1.41 2.14.48 4.71 1.59 6.9 1.59a8.8 8.8 0 005.31-1.59l1.3.42-4.13 20.92-1.83-.29a19.1 19.1 0 00-18.11-11.45c-6.94 0-10.55 2.6-10.55 6.25 0 2.57 2.11 5.08 8.67 7.84L226.79 30c10.43 4.4 17.4 9.54 17.4 20.4 0 12.73-8.31 21.18-26.31 21.18zm19.94-52.32c-2.26-3.11-7.14-10.68-19.88-10.68a10.83 10.83 0 00-8.55 3.65l.06.3c1.36-.95 3.89-2.18 8.67-2.18 12.17 0 17.1 8.08 19 11.37h.18l.53-2.47zm-7.02 33.67c0-5-2.66-7.6-10.32-11l-15.57-7c-6.38-2.85-10.68-8-10.68-14 0-5.55 1.15-8.47 1.77-9.8l-.24-.06a15.58 15.58 0 00-3.35 9.93c0 6.89 4.62 12.39 12.5 15.92l14.63 6.54c7.14 3.19 9.44 5.48 9.44 9.62 0 4.14-2.74 6.14-5.54 7.55h.48c3.65-.77 6.9-3.19 6.9-7.68zm7.14 11.27l-.06-.29c-4.48 2.53-8.64 4.71-20.17 4.71a69.5 69.5 0 01-15.28-1.71c-4.37-1.11-7.74-2.18-10.73-2.18a6.5 6.5 0 00-2.6.59l3.3-16.1c-.47-.83-.86-1.7-1.18-2.6h-.12L186.8 68h.2a6.72 6.72 0 014.48-1.47c3.33 0 6.3 1.12 10.44 2.13a65.83 65.83 0 0016 1.76c12.86 0 17.72-4.31 20.06-6.25z"/></svg> </span> </a> </div> <span class="f6 serif dn flex-m flex-l justify-center ph3">Spokane, Washington&emsp;&emsp;Est. 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</h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 51 minutes ago</p> </header> </article> </div> <div class=""> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb3-ns mb2 pb2 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/gonzagas-eroding-ncaa-tournament-resume-cant-take-/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Gonzaga&#x27;s eroding NCAA Tournament resume can&#x27;t take more damage this week in Bay Area"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb1 f6 sans-serif lh-title"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/gonzaga-basketball/">Gonzaga basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/gonzagas-eroding-ncaa-tournament-resume-cant-take-/" 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<article class="relative aspect-ratio--16x9-l h-100-l"> <div class="image-space absolute-l top-l w-100-l"> <a href="/galleries/2025/jan/28/gonzaga-men-vs-oregon-state-jan-28-2025/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Gonzaga men vs. Oregon State (Jan. 28, 2025)"> </a> </div> <header class="absolute-l bottom-1-l left-1-l bg-white-l pt2 pa2-l mw6-l"> <h3 class="slide-title f5 fw8 lh-copy sans-serif ma0"><a href="/galleries/2025/jan/28/gonzaga-men-vs-oregon-state-jan-28-2025/" data-pubdate="2025-01-28" class="underline-hover more">Gonzaga men vs. Oregon State (Jan. 28, 2025)</a></h3> </header> </article> </li> <li class="splide__slide h-100-ns w-100 w-50-l mb4 mb0-ns"> <article class="relative aspect-ratio--16x9-l h-100-l"> <div class="image-space absolute-l top-l w-100-l"> <a href="/galleries/2025/jan/24/gonzaga-men-vs-portland-jan-25-2025/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 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class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/18/whitman-uses-16-0-run-in-second-half-to-beat-visit/" data-pubdate="2025-02-18T18:51:00"> Whitman uses 16-0 run in second half to beat visiting Whitworth 79-63 </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/15/whitworth-holds-off-george-fox-92-87-to-win-northw/" data-pubdate="2025-02-15T14:50:00"> Whitworth holds off George Fox 92-87 to win Northwest Conference regular-season title </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class=" grid-br-l"> <section id="seattle-kraken" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="seattle-kraken"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h3 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="">Kraken</a> </h3> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/23/goalie-ales-stezka-stood-tall-in-nhl-debut-but-kra/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Goalie Ales Stezka ‘stood tall’ in NHL debut, but Kraken fall to Lightning"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/goalie-ales-stezka-stood-tall-in-nhl-debut-but-kra/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T20:22:00">Goalie Ales Stezka ‘stood tall’ in NHL debut, but Kraken fall to Lightning</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 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href="/stories/2025/jan/06/the-most-interesting-man-in-baseball-former-spokan/" data-pubdate="2025-01-06T10:40:00">&#8216;The most interesting man in baseball,&#8217; former Spokane Indians player Lenny Randle dies at age 75</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2024/dec/12/brett-sports-owners-of-spokane-indians-chiefs-sell/" data-pubdate="2024-12-12T13:02:00"> Brett Sports, owners of Spokane Indians, Chiefs sell ownership interests in Tri-CIty, Rancho Cucamonga MiLB franchises </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link 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class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/seattle-mariners/">Mariners</a> </h3> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/heres-where-things-stand-in-mariners-second-base-c/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Here&#x27;s where things stand in Mariners&#x27; second base competition"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/heres-where-things-stand-in-mariners-second-base-c/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T06:35:00">Here&#8217;s where things stand in Mariners&#8217; second base competition</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb 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2500w," alt="John Blanchette: Handing the ball to Marshawn Lynch in Super Bowl XLIX turns the Seahawks into an unstoppable dynasty – or he’s stopped short"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2018/aug/12/john-blanchette-handing-the-ball-to-marshawn-lynch/" data-pubdate="2018-08-12T05:00:00">John Blanchette: Handing the ball to Marshawn Lynch in Super Bowl XLIX turns the Seahawks into an unstoppable dynasty – or he’s stopped short</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2018/jun/03/jess-walter-looking-at-the-great-what-if-had-the-s/" 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</section> </div> <div class="grid-bl-m "> <section id="gone-but-not-forgotten" class="comp-card " data-collection="gone-but-not-forgotten"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h3 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <span>Gone, but not Forgotten</span> </h3> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2021/aug/07/out-of-the-rough-despite-shoestring-budget-ewu-men/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Out of the rough: Despite shoestring budget, EWU men&#x27;s golf made run for top of Big Sky before program was cut"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2021/aug/07/out-of-the-rough-despite-shoestring-budget-ewu-men/" data-pubdate="2021-08-07T17:00:00">Out of the rough: Despite shoestring budget, EWU men&#8217;s golf made run for top of Big Sky before program was cut</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2021/aug/01/field-hockey-found-success-as-wsus-first-intercoll/" data-pubdate="2021-08-01T04:00:00"> Their Field of Dreams: Field hockey found success as WSU&#x27;s first intercollegiate female sport </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2021/jul/11/gone-but-not-forgotten/" data-pubdate="2021-07-11T01:15:00"> Remember the Spartans: An assortment of young men united in 1968 to lead the SCC football team to perfection </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2021/jul/17/silver-and-golden-how-herb-carlson-and-an-array-of/" data-pubdate="2021-07-17T18:15:00"> Silver and golden: How Herb Carlson and an array of heavy hitters led Idaho&#x27;s 1950 boxing team to national glory </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="flex-l wrap"> <div class="non-ad-column-l pr5-l mb5 mb0-ns"> <section class="story-list "> <h2 class="clip">Latest Stories</h2> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/seahawks-gm-gives-updates-on-geno-smith-and-more-a/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/seattle-seahawks/">Seattle Seahawks</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/seahawks-gm-gives-updates-on-geno-smith-and-more-a/" >Seahawks GM gives updates on Geno Smith and more at NFL combine</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-25T14:03:27"> <span>UPDATED: Tue., Feb. 25, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Seattle Seahawks general manager and president of football operations John Schneider met with the media Tuesday at the NFL scouting combine, the first time he’s done so since the end of the 2024 season. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/for-chicago-cubs-hall-of-famer-ryne-sandberg-a-wel/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/area-sports/">Area sports</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/for-chicago-cubs-hall-of-famer-ryne-sandberg-a-wel/" >For Chicago Cubs Hall of Famer Ryne Sandberg, a welcome return to spring training and sunshine</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-25T13:31:56"> <span>UPDATED: Tue., Feb. 25, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Sandberg, who was a three-sport star at North Central High School who made his MLB debut with the Philadelphia Phillies in 1981, was not able to attend camp last year while undergoing treatment for metastatic prostate cancer, announcing his diagnosis in January 2024. He expects to be around the Cubs more regularly this spring.  </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/magics-jalen-suggs-still-not-participating-in-cont/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/gonzaga-basketball/">Gonzaga basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/magics-jalen-suggs-still-not-participating-in-cont/" >Magic’s Jalen Suggs still not participating in contact work as injury lingers</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-25T13:27:51"> <span>UPDATED: Tue., Feb. 25, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Tuesday marked one month since Jalen Suggs last stepped foot on the court for live action. </div> </div> </article> <hr class="dn-l" /> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/a-grip-on-sports-the-bubble-may-be-a-literary-fant/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/a-grip-on-sports-the-bubble-may-be-a-literary-fant/" >A Grip on Sports: The bubble may be a literary fantasy but there is no doubt Gonzaga&#8217;s men have more work to do to assure the usual NCAA berth</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-25T08:30:14"> <span>Tue., Feb. 25, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> A GRIP ON SPORTS • For those of you who have spent a lifetime watching “The Wizard of Oz” on TV, there is one scene that has to remind you of college basketball this time of year. You know the one I mean. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-100"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/on-the-air/" >On the air</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T22:00:00"> <span>Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Tuesday’s TV Highlights </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/mariners-use-the-long-ball-to-mount-big-rally-agai/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/seattle-mariners/">Seattle Mariners</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/mariners-use-the-long-ball-to-mount-big-rally-agai/" >Mariners use the long ball to mount big rally against Brewers</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T21:35:17"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Mariners 12, Brewers 8 at the American Family Fields of Phoenix </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/julio-rodriguez-vs-andres-munoz-heres-how-it-playe/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/seattle-mariners/">Seattle Mariners</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/julio-rodriguez-vs-andres-munoz-heres-how-it-playe/" >Julio Rodriguez vs. Andrés Muñoz: Here’s how it played out at Mariners camp</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T21:40:25"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> PEORIA, Ariz. – Virtually every Mariners executive, every pitching coach, every analyst and every fan at the facility gathered around the backstop at Field 2 to watch the premier batter vs. pitcher matchup of camp Monday morning. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/best-of-the-west-gonzaga-tumbles-down-to-no-9-as-s/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/ncaa-basketball/">NCAA basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/best-of-the-west-gonzaga-tumbles-down-to-no-9-as-s/" >Best of the West: Gonzaga tumbles down to No. 9 as state of Utah thrives in unexpectedly successful seasons</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T16:44:38"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> The Best of the West offers fans a candid assessment of the top teams in the western third of the country – a collection that includes the Mountain West and the former Pac-12 schools now scattered across the ACC, Big 12, Big Ten and West Coast Conference. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/zags-basketball-insiders-podcast-bubble-talk-saint/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/gonzaga-basketball/">Gonzaga basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/zags-basketball-insiders-podcast-bubble-talk-saint/" >Zags Basketball Insiders Podcast: Bubble talk, a Saint Mary&#8217;s redux and the big week ahead in California</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T15:48:58"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> The final week of the West Coast Conference regular season might be the most important for the Gonzaga Bulldogs. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/on-media-espn-is-the-only-entity-capable-of-preven/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/ncaa-football/">NCAA football</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/on-media-espn-is-the-only-entity-capable-of-preven/" >On media: ESPN is the only entity capable of preventing the SEC and Big Ten from taking over the CFP</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T16:23:25"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> The SEC and Big Ten commissioners will present a shared, evolving vision for the College Football Playoff to their peers on Tuesday, with potential format changes for next season unfolding against the backdrop of an overhauled event starting in 2026. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/national-park-service-firings-hit-mount-rainier-ol/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/outdoors/">Outdoors</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/national-park-service-firings-hit-mount-rainier-ol/" >National Park Service firings hit Mount Rainier, Olympic, North Cascades</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T11:03:09"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> About half a dozen employees at each of Washington’s three national parks are believed to have been laid off as part of the Trump administration’s government-wide push to slash staff.  </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/winning-is-a-culture-here-whitworths-jake-holtz-lo/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/whitworth/">Whitworth</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/winning-is-a-culture-here-whitworths-jake-holtz-lo/" >&#8216;Winning is a culture here&#8217;: Whitworth&#8217;s Jake Holtz looks to keep perfect streak in NWC Tournament</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T15:52:29"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Bruiser. Enforcer. The heart and soul of the team. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/a-grip-on-sports-the-time-has-come-to-talk-of-many/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/a-grip-on-sports-the-time-has-come-to-talk-of-many/" >A Grip on Sports: The time has come to talk of many things, though cabbages and kings aren&#8217;t among them</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T08:49:44"> <span>Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> A GRIP ON SPORTS • A warm wind blew out of the south through the Inland Northwest last night. Melted snow. Brought rain. And made me think it was time to clear the air a little bit. Start the new work week with a few thoughts on a variety of subjects. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/commentary-dk-metcalf-trade-is-unlikely-but-heres-/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/seattle-seahawks/">Seattle Seahawks</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/commentary-dk-metcalf-trade-is-unlikely-but-heres-/" >Commentary: DK Metcalf trade is unlikely, but here&#8217;s why Seahawks might consider it</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T16:50:33"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> It's late February. It's Seattle. It's not the most exhilarating time if you're a sports fan. The Kraken are struggling. The UW men's and women's basketball teams are, too. And opening day is more than a month away. So what do we do? We speculate. And perhaps the chief name involved with such speculation is Seahawks receiver DK Metcalf — and whether he will be back in Seattle next season. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/heres-where-things-stand-in-mariners-second-base-c/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/seattle-mariners/">Seattle Mariners</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/heres-where-things-stand-in-mariners-second-base-c/" >Here&#8217;s where things stand in Mariners&#8217; second base competition</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T18:40:46"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> All winter, Ryan Bliss waited on the news he was sure was coming. Bliss has social-media alerts set up on his phone to notify him of breaking news from prominent national baseball writers, and he had been bracing himself for the possibility of an alert such as: "Seattle Mariners have signed free-agent second baseman (insert name) ... " It never came.  </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/gonzagas-eroding-ncaa-tournament-resume-cant-take-/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/gonzaga-basketball/">Gonzaga basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/gonzagas-eroding-ncaa-tournament-resume-cant-take-/" >Gonzaga&#8217;s eroding NCAA Tournament resume can&#8217;t take more damage this week in Bay Area</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T17:23:38"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> This time last year, Gonzaga was busy stacking Quad 1 wins, building its postseason resume and playing its way off of the NCAA Tournament bubble. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/red-hot-santa-clara-hosts-gonzaga-with-wcc-seeding/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/gonzaga-basketball/">Gonzaga basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/red-hot-santa-clara-hosts-gonzaga-with-wcc-seeding/" >&#8216;Red-hot&#8217; Santa Clara hosts Gonzaga with WCC seeding, NCAA Tournament ramifications on the line</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T22:01:43"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Word of Santa Clara’s 3-point shooting clinic at Washington State traveled quickly up U.S. Highway 195 on Saturday afternoon. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/key-matchup-gonzaga-hopes-to-avoid-more-tyeree-bry/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/gonzaga-basketball/">Gonzaga basketball</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/key-matchup-gonzaga-hopes-to-avoid-more-tyeree-bry/" >Key matchup: Gonzaga hopes to avoid more Tyeree Bryan-induced headaches in second matchup with Santa Clara</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-24T16:24:04"> <span>UPDATED: Mon., Feb. 24, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Down the stretch of the West Coast Conference season, we try to take a few data points into consideration when evaluating key matchup options. </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-100"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/23/on-the-air/" >On the air</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-23T22:00:00"> <span>Sun., Feb. 23, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Monday’s TV Highlights </div> </div> </article> <article class="mb4 flex-l pb3 " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="w-40-l pr4-l"> <figure class="mh0 mb3 w-100 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/goalie-ales-stezka-stood-tall-in-nhl-debut-but-kra/"> <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt=""> </a> </figure> </div> <div class="w-60-l"> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb2 f6 sans-serif lh-solid"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu sans-serif dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sports/">Sports</a><small class="moon-gray">&nbsp;>&nbsp;</small> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/nhl/">NHL</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-title f4 f3-l mt0 mb1 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/23/goalie-ales-stezka-stood-tall-in-nhl-debut-but-kra/" >Goalie Ales Stezka ‘stood tall’ in NHL debut, but Kraken fall to Lightning</a> </h3> <time class="db mt0 mb3 f6 tu black-60 dm-white-70 sans-serif lh-copy" datetime="2025-02-23T20:26:26"> <span>UPDATED: Sun., Feb. 23, 2025</span> </time> </header> <div class="item-teaser serif f5 f4-l lh-copy dm-white-70"> Making his NHL debut at age 28, Kraken goaltender Ales Stezka held the Lightning to one goal until halfway through the third period Sunday. Seattle (25-30-4) managed little goal support and let up late. The visitors fell 4-1 in Tampa. </div> </div> </article> <div class="sans-serif mb4 f6 lh-solid mw-100"> <div class="mw-100 mb2 db tc inline flex flex-wrap items-stretch f6 sans-serif overflow-hidden bt bl b--black-10 br2" style="gap: 1rem;"> <a class="link ph2 pv1 pv2-l gray hover-white bg-near-white hover-bg-dark-blue dm-bg-blue dm-white bg-animate br bb b--black-10 flex-auto dib" href="?page=2">Older&nbsp;›</a> </div> <p class="sans-serif ttu f6 tc gray"><a class="gray hover-red" href="/search/">Search</a></p> </div> </section> </div> <aside class="ad-column-l"> <article class="mt4 mb2 mb4-ns"> <a class="mb2 f6 sans-serif db fw2 ttu dark-blue hover-red dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/sponsored/">Sponsored<span class="clip">Content</span></a> <a href="/stories/2023/nov/01/robotic-heart-surgery-gives-donny-jones-rapid-re/"> <div class="mb3"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Donny and Theresa Jones (Courtesy Providence)"> </div> <h3 class="sans-serif fw8 f4 mt0 mb2 near-black dm-white-90 lh-title">Robotic heart surgery gives Donny Jones a rapid recovery, more energy</h3> <p class="pb2 cf mt0 sans-serif lh-5 near-black dm-white-90 f6">Donny Jones was born with a heart that was a little bit different.</p> </a> </article> <div id="rail-middle"></div> </aside> </div> <div id="leaderboard-bottom"></div> </div> </main> <footer class="site-footer-default site-footer cb mt4 bt bw1 b--black-10 dm-b--black-20 z-1 dm-bg-black"> <div class="dm-bg-black-20 pt4"> <div class="mw9 center ph3 ph4-ns"> <script> if (!document.getElementById("featured-local-savings")) { document.write('<div id="featured-local-savings" style="max-width: 999px;">'); 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