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80.181641 C 46.478586 80.081037 47.384766 79.980469 47.384766 79.980469 L 47.384766 79.878906 A 1.9758551 1.9758551 0 0 1 48.892578 78.169922 A 4.5110663 4.5110663 0 0 1 50 78.068359 L 50 78.873047 L 49.798828 78.873047 A 3.2193158 3.2193158 0 0 0 49.09375 78.974609 A 1.7102615 1.7102615 0 0 0 48.087891 80.382812 L 47.988281 84.910156 A 0.10060362 0.10060362 0 0 0 48.087891 85.009766 A 11.996982 11.996982 0 0 1 49.597656 84.910156 L 50.101562 84.910156 L 50.101562 89.335938 L 49.798828 89.335938 A 2.5452716 2.5452716 0 0 0 48.189453 89.537109 L 48.189453 89.638672 C 48.189453 89.638672 48.087891 95.071271 48.087891 95.171875 C 48.087891 95.373082 48.189453 95.373047 48.189453 95.373047 A 11.414487 11.414487 0 0 1 49.597656 95.271484 L 50.101562 95.271484 L 50.101562 98.996094 A 49 49 0 0 0 57.646484 98.369141 L 57.244141 98.087891 L 57.244141 92.755859 L 58.25 93.460938 L 58.25 98.296875 A 49 49 0 0 0 58.652344 98.214844 L 58.652344 93.662109 L 59.658203 94.365234 L 59.658203 97.988281 A 49 49 0 0 0 61.570312 97.560547 L 61.570312 95.673828 L 62.576172 96.277344 L 62.576172 97.333984 A 49 49 0 0 0 62.978516 97.244141 L 62.978516 96.580078 L 63.705078 97.015625 A 49 49 0 0 0 67.203125 95.853516 L 67.203125 90.341797 C 67.203125 90.341797 67.20309 90.041016 67.404297 90.041016 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 67.908203 90.341797 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 68.109375 90.945312 L 68.109375 95.511719 A 49 49 0 0 0 69.416016 94.927734 L 69.416016 92.052734 C 69.416016 92.052734 69.415981 91.75 69.617188 91.75 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 70.121094 92.052734 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 70.322266 92.65625 L 70.322266 94.521484 A 49 49 0 0 0 70.724609 94.341797 L 70.724609 93.158203 C 70.724609 93.158203 70.724574 92.857422 70.925781 92.857422 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 71.427734 93.158203 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 71.628906 93.761719 L 71.628906 93.9375 A 49 49 0 0 0 80.683594 88.185547 L 80.683594 85.513672 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 0 80.884766 85.412109 L 81.287109 85.210938 L 81.388672 84.808594 A 1.165996 1.165996 0 0 0 80.986328 83.802734 L 80.28125 83.097656 C 79.878835 82.695241 79.57816 82.293005 79.376953 82.091797 C 79.175746 81.789987 78.371094 80.884766 78.371094 80.884766 L 78.269531 80.785156 L 75.654297 79.074219 L 75.654297 78.572266 L 75.753906 78.470703 C 75.854509 78.3701 75.956037 78.168962 76.056641 78.068359 L 76.458984 77.564453 L 75.955078 76.960938 A 1.4205231 1.4205231 0 0 0 76.056641 76.056641 A 1.279678 1.279678 0 0 0 75.351562 75.150391 A 0.36921529 0.36921529 0 0 0 75.050781 75.050781 C 74.849573 74.145348 74.54691 72.837073 74.345703 71.931641 C 74.345703 71.730434 74.246094 71.528373 74.246094 71.226562 L 74.246094 71.025391 C 74.246094 70.924788 74.345703 70.924823 74.345703 70.824219 A 1.1901408 1.1901408 0 0 0 74.447266 69.818359 A 1.5583501 1.5583501 0 0 0 73.642578 69.013672 C 73.541974 69.013672 73.340838 68.914062 73.240234 68.914062 A 1.1619718 1.1619718 0 0 0 72.03125 70.121094 L 72.03125 70.421875 L 69.818359 70.523438 L 66.800781 67.001953 A 0.5392354 0.5392354 0 0 0 66.398438 66.701172 C 66.297835 66.600568 66.29787 66.599609 66.197266 66.599609 L 63.380859 65.089844 C 63.280255 59.757852 63.279297 52.415305 63.279297 50.90625 A 1.0181086 1.0181086 0 0 0 63.681641 50.201172 L 63.783203 50.201172 A 0.86820924 0.86820924 0 0 0 64.386719 49.09375 L 64.386719 48.994141 L 62.576172 46.580078 L 62.576172 42.957031 C 62.676775 42.856428 62.777344 42.856463 62.777344 42.755859 L 63.179688 42.554688 L 63.279297 42.152344 A 0.90543258 0.90543258 0 0 0 63.380859 41.650391 L 63.380859 41.548828 L 63.279297 41.347656 C 63.07809 41.045846 62.776455 40.342897 62.273438 39.638672 C 60.66378 37.123581 57.846804 32.998224 57.142578 31.992188 L 57.142578 30.482422 A 4.4024144 4.4024144 0 0 0 58.652344 26.759766 A 4.9295774 4.9295774 0 0 0 57.34375 23.84375 A 29.17505 29.17505 0 0 0 55.533203 15.492188 C 54.627771 12.876493 53.621199 10.361575 53.017578 8.953125 A 1.0150905 1.0150905 0 0 0 52.917969 8.0488281 A 0.90543258 0.90543258 0 0 0 52.314453 7.4453125 C 52.113246 7.042898 51.810582 6.4385296 51.609375 6.1367188 C 51.609375 6.036115 51.710938 5.9365411 51.710938 5.8359375 A 1.4537223 1.4537223 0 0 0 51.509766 5.1308594 L 51.408203 5.0292969 C 51.307599 4.9286933 51.106463 4.8291192 51.005859 4.7285156 L 50.605469 1.0292969 A 49 49 0 0 0 50 1 z M 50 7.0429688 L 50.201172 21.931641 C 45.472802 21.831037 44.466797 23.84375 44.466797 23.84375 C 45.271626 15.694857 50 7.0429688 50 7.0429688 z M 49.496094 22.837891 C 52.212392 22.837891 55.936365 23.842296 56.841797 26.558594 A 4.3259557 4.3259557 0 0 1 56.439453 29.578125 L 55.835938 29.578125 A 4.7062373 4.7062373 0 0 0 56.136719 27.162109 C 55.935512 25.854262 54.02411 23.843785 50.201172 23.642578 A 7.1569415 7.1569415 0 0 0 44.064453 25.855469 A 3.1931589 3.1931589 0 0 0 43.662109 29.476562 L 43.359375 29.878906 C 43.359375 29.878906 41.650214 28.973081 42.65625 26.558594 A 4.8440643 4.8440643 0 0 1 44.164062 24.546875 A 8.6519113 8.6519113 0 0 1 49.496094 22.837891 z M 50.101562 24.546875 L 50.201172 26.257812 C 50.100569 26.257813 49.99904 26.15625 49.898438 26.15625 A 1.3531187 1.3531187 0 0 0 49.09375 26.357422 A 1.2665996 1.2665996 0 0 0 48.691406 27.0625 L 48.691406 27.666016 A 5.8812876 5.8812876 0 0 1 49.697266 27.564453 L 50.101562 27.564453 L 50.101562 29.275391 L 49.697266 29.275391 A 0.75352111 0.75352111 0 0 0 49.195312 29.376953 L 48.994141 29.376953 L 48.994141 33.199219 L 50 33.199219 L 50 34.708984 L 49.798828 34.708984 A 10.478873 10.478873 0 0 0 48.691406 34.808594 L 48.691406 40.542969 L 49.898438 40.542969 L 49.898438 45.472656 L 49.496094 45.472656 A 2.057344 2.057344 0 0 0 48.691406 45.574219 L 48.591797 48.892578 L 49.898438 48.892578 L 49.898438 50.402344 A 4.3571428 4.3571428 0 0 1 49.396484 50.302734 A 5.5603621 5.5603621 0 0 0 48.490234 50.402344 L 48.390625 54.527344 L 49.898438 54.527344 L 49.898438 56.136719 A 3.2414486 3.2414486 0 0 0 48.490234 56.136719 L 48.490234 63.582031 A 5.9164989 5.9164989 0 0 1 49.898438 63.582031 L 49.898438 64.386719 A 19.076458 19.076458 0 0 0 42.455078 65.492188 A 3.7887323 3.7887323 0 0 0 40.945312 66.398438 A 1.1871227 1.1871227 0 0 0 40.644531 67.605469 C 40.745135 67.806676 41.147373 68.410191 41.650391 68.208984 A 17.99497 17.99497 0 0 1 47.183594 66.498047 C 48.18963 66.397444 49.294815 66.398438 49.898438 66.398438 L 49.898438 68.410156 A 3.83501 3.83501 0 0 0 48.390625 68.511719 L 48.390625 73.84375 A 15.715291 15.715291 0 0 0 45.673828 74.246094 L 45.673828 68.611328 A 5.5241448 5.5241448 0 0 0 43.863281 69.115234 L 43.863281 74.949219 A 0.10060362 0.10060362 0 0 0 43.761719 75.050781 L 41.449219 76.056641 L 41.449219 73.441406 L 40.341797 73.441406 L 40.341797 76.458984 L 39.335938 76.861328 L 39.335938 73.339844 L 38.228516 73.339844 L 38.228516 77.263672 L 36.318359 78.068359 L 36.318359 51.810547 L 43.359375 51.810547 A 0.39436619 0.39436619 0 0 0 43.761719 51.408203 C 43.761719 51.106393 43.662144 51.005859 43.460938 51.005859 L 36.417969 51.005859 C 36.417969 51.005859 35.916016 50.905327 35.916016 50.603516 C 35.916016 50.100498 36.318394 50 36.117188 50 C 35.815377 50 35.613281 49.797869 35.613281 49.697266 C 35.613281 49.194248 36.417969 49.294922 36.417969 49.294922 L 42.152344 49.294922 C 42.152344 49.294922 42.353516 49.294992 42.353516 48.892578 C 42.353516 48.791974 42.252947 48.591797 42.152344 48.591797 L 36.417969 48.591797 L 36.417969 42.857422 L 42.253906 42.857422 A 0.52313882 0.52313882 0 0 0 42.455078 42.455078 A 0.59154929 0.59154929 0 0 0 42.253906 41.951172 L 36.318359 41.951172 L 42.052734 34.910156 L 43.962891 34.910156 L 43.962891 27.162109 C 43.962891 27.162109 45.272588 24.546875 50.101562 24.546875 z M 46.076172 26.960938 A 1.0261569 1.0261569 0 0 0 45.271484 27.464844 L 45.070312 27.867188 L 45.171875 28.572266 L 46.580078 28.068359 L 46.580078 27.363281 C 46.580078 27.06147 46.377983 26.960937 46.076172 26.960938 z M 53.371094 26.960938 C 53.572301 26.960938 53.82223 27.061506 54.023438 27.162109 A 1.2142857 1.2142857 0 0 1 54.527344 27.96875 L 54.527344 28.873047 A 4.5271629 4.5271629 0 0 0 53.119141 28.169922 A 0.31187122 0.31187122 0 0 1 53.017578 27.96875 L 53.017578 27.363281 C 53.017578 27.06147 53.169887 26.960937 53.371094 26.960938 z M 53.017578 29.878906 A 4.4436619 4.4436619 0 0 1 53.822266 30.181641 A 1.112676 1.112676 0 0 1 54.326172 30.583984 L 54.326172 34.607422 A 9.9426558 9.9426558 0 0 0 53.017578 34.003906 L 53.017578 29.878906 z M 46.580078 29.980469 A 5.9668007 5.9668007 0 0 0 45.171875 30.482422 L 45.171875 34.105469 C 45.171875 34.105469 46.177664 33.702166 46.580078 33.601562 L 46.580078 29.980469 z M 46.580078 35.210938 A 3.8722333 3.8722333 0 0 0 44.970703 35.814453 L 44.970703 41.548828 L 46.580078 40.945312 L 46.580078 35.210938 z M 52.917969 35.210938 A 2.889336 2.889336 0 0 1 54.326172 36.015625 L 54.326172 41.548828 L 52.716797 41.046875 L 52.816406 38.128906 L 52.917969 35.210938 z M 59.476562 39.957031 C 59.635721 39.9812 59.834189 40.141548 60.060547 40.443359 A 7.1509053 7.1509053 0 0 1 61.066406 43.761719 C 61.066406 44.767755 60.664169 44.969851 60.060547 44.265625 A 7.1509053 7.1509053 0 0 1 59.054688 40.945312 C 59.054688 40.253663 59.211299 39.91675 59.476562 39.957031 z M 39.585938 43.251953 A 2.5241448 2.5241448 0 1 0 42.152344 45.775391 A 2.4205231 2.4205231 0 0 0 39.839844 43.259766 A 2.5241448 2.5241448 0 0 0 39.585938 43.251953 z M 46.378906 45.875 A 6.2313882 6.2313882 0 0 0 44.970703 46.478516 L 44.970703 49.697266 A 4.8148893 4.8148893 0 0 1 46.378906 49.294922 L 46.378906 45.875 z M 52.816406 45.875 C 54.023649 46.076208 54.326172 46.580078 54.326172 46.580078 C 54.326172 46.580078 54.325213 49.698225 54.224609 49.798828 A 0.10060362 0.10060362 0 0 1 54.125 49.898438 A 6.2313882 6.2313882 0 0 0 52.716797 49.294922 L 52.716797 47.585938 L 52.816406 45.875 z M 58.287109 47.625 C 58.362562 47.61714 58.450178 47.635245 58.550781 47.685547 C 58.953195 47.886755 58.853516 48.691406 58.853516 48.691406 L 58.853516 53.419922 L 57.947266 52.314453 L 57.947266 48.289062 C 57.947266 47.911799 58.060751 47.648579 58.287109 47.625 z M 59.853516 49.732422 C 59.914821 49.729278 59.985094 49.748526 60.060547 49.798828 C 60.362358 50.000036 60.361328 51.005859 60.361328 51.005859 L 60.361328 55.230469 L 59.556641 54.125 L 59.556641 50.101562 C 59.556641 49.950657 59.6696 49.741854 59.853516 49.732422 z M 46.378906 50.804688 A 3.5905432 3.5905432 0 0 0 45.070312 51.308594 L 44.970703 55.029297 C 45.272514 54.928693 46.378906 54.626953 46.378906 54.626953 L 46.378906 50.804688 z M 52.816406 50.804688 A 3.556338 3.556338 0 0 1 54.224609 51.408203 L 54.125 55.332031 A 12.760563 12.760563 0 0 0 52.615234 54.929688 L 52.816406 50.804688 z M 61.0625 51.525391 C 61.123805 51.53325 61.192125 51.559073 61.267578 51.609375 C 61.468785 51.709978 61.570312 52.212891 61.570312 52.212891 L 61.570312 56.640625 L 60.763672 55.734375 L 60.763672 51.710938 C 60.763672 51.635485 60.878584 51.501812 61.0625 51.525391 z M 39.675781 52.912109 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 39.035156 53.521484 L 39.035156 56.238281 L 40.341797 56.238281 L 40.341797 53.621094 C 40.341797 53.419887 40.442506 52.917969 39.738281 52.917969 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 39.675781 52.912109 z M 42.794922 52.912109 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 42.152344 53.521484 L 42.152344 56.238281 L 43.460938 56.238281 L 43.460938 53.621094 C 43.460938 53.419887 43.561647 52.917969 42.857422 52.917969 A 0.62776659 0.62776659 0 0 0 42.794922 52.912109 z M 57.847656 53.621094 L 58.853516 54.626953 L 58.853516 59.054688 L 57.847656 57.847656 L 57.847656 53.621094 z M 59.457031 55.332031 L 60.261719 56.238281 L 60.361328 60.664062 L 59.457031 59.556641 L 59.457031 55.332031 z M 46.277344 56.337891 A 3.780684 3.780684 0 0 0 45.070312 56.740234 L 44.970703 64.083984 A 4.9356136 4.9356136 0 0 1 46.277344 63.783203 L 46.277344 56.337891 z M 52.816406 56.539062 A 3.7102615 3.7102615 0 0 1 54.125 57.142578 L 54.125 64.185547 C 53.823189 64.084943 52.816406 63.882812 52.816406 63.882812 L 52.816406 56.539062 z M 60.763672 56.841797 L 61.570312 57.746094 L 61.570312 62.173828 L 60.664062 61.066406 L 60.763672 56.841797 z M 39.035156 57.646484 L 39.035156 61.46875 L 40.341797 61.46875 L 40.341797 57.646484 L 39.035156 57.646484 z M 42.152344 57.646484 L 42.152344 61.46875 L 43.460938 61.46875 L 43.460938 57.646484 L 42.152344 57.646484 z M 35.714844 58.953125 L 35.714844 70.523438 L 25.552734 75.351562 L 25.552734 76.056641 L 36.216797 71.025391 L 36.216797 71.628906 L 25.453125 76.759766 L 25.453125 77.363281 L 35.714844 72.435547 L 35.714844 78.371094 L 34.708984 78.873047 L 34.708984 73.943359 L 33.904297 74.345703 L 33.904297 79.175781 L 32.998047 79.578125 L 32.998047 74.748047 L 32.193359 75.150391 L 32.193359 79.980469 L 31.388672 80.382812 L 31.388672 75.552734 L 30.583984 75.955078 L 30.583984 80.683594 L 28.974609 81.388672 L 28.974609 76.759766 L 28.169922 77.162109 L 28.169922 81.890625 L 27.464844 82.193359 L 27.464844 77.464844 L 26.660156 77.867188 L 26.660156 82.595703 L 25.955078 82.896484 L 25.955078 78.169922 L 25.552734 78.371094 L 25.552734 83.097656 L 23.441406 84.003906 L 23.441406 79.476562 C 23.441406 79.476563 25.351562 79.175887 25.351562 78.572266 L 25.552734 78.371094 L 25.251953 78.470703 L 25.251953 74.044922 L 25.453125 73.742188 L 25.453125 73.943359 L 35.714844 58.953125 z M 57.947266 59.355469 L 58.853516 60.462891 L 58.853516 66.800781 A 4.5764587 4.5764587 0 0 0 57.947266 66.095703 L 57.947266 59.355469 z M 59.457031 61.167969 L 60.261719 62.072266 L 60.361328 68.007812 A 7.3158952 7.3158952 0 0 0 59.457031 67.203125 L 59.457031 61.167969 z M 60.664062 62.375 L 61.46875 63.480469 L 61.46875 69.115234 L 60.664062 68.208984 L 60.664062 62.375 z M 39.035156 62.876953 L 39.035156 68.8125 L 40.242188 68.8125 L 40.242188 62.876953 L 39.035156 62.876953 z M 42.152344 62.876953 L 42.152344 64.990234 L 43.460938 64.486328 L 43.460938 62.876953 L 42.152344 62.876953 z M 23.84375 66.701172 A 0.40241448 0.40241448 0 1 1 23.441406 67.103516 A 0.43259557 0.43259557 0 0 1 23.84375 66.701172 z M 23.84375 67.806641 A 0.5030181 0.5030181 0 1 1 23.339844 68.310547 A 0.5392354 0.5392354 0 0 1 23.84375 67.806641 z M 52.716797 68.712891 A 3.3863178 3.3863178 0 0 1 54.425781 69.214844 L 54.425781 74.546875 A 6.7977866 6.7977866 0 0 0 52.716797 74.044922 L 52.716797 68.712891 z M 23.8125 69.320312 C 23.831363 69.33446 23.84375 69.391824 23.84375 69.517578 A 9.8822936 9.8822936 0 0 0 25.251953 73.441406 A 0.20120724 0.20120724 0 0 1 25.050781 73.642578 C 25.050781 73.642578 25.050816 73.943359 24.849609 73.943359 L 24.849609 78.572266 C 24.849609 78.572266 23.542081 79.276455 23.039062 78.773438 A 0.77867202 0.77867202 0 0 1 22.9375 78.470703 A 0.29577464 0.29577464 0 0 1 22.636719 78.169922 L 22.636719 77.765625 C 22.636719 77.765625 22.435547 77.867223 22.435547 77.666016 L 22.435547 74.144531 A 0.20120724 0.20120724 0 0 1 22.234375 73.943359 C 22.234375 73.943359 21.830078 73.743182 21.830078 73.642578 A 7.2434606 7.2434606 0 0 0 22.9375 71.830078 C 23.138708 71.32706 23.642578 69.617188 23.642578 69.617188 C 23.642578 69.617188 23.755911 69.27787 23.8125 69.320312 z M 66.296875 70.724609 L 67.001953 71.427734 L 67.001953 75.654297 L 66.296875 74.949219 L 66.296875 70.724609 z M 36.417969 70.925781 L 36.417969 71.529297 L 41.449219 71.529297 C 41.348616 71.629901 41.75 71.629936 41.75 71.328125 A 0.43561367 0.43561367 0 0 0 41.548828 70.925781 L 36.417969 70.925781 z M 57.847656 71.328125 L 58.451172 71.830078 L 58.451172 77.162109 L 57.847656 76.660156 L 57.847656 71.328125 z M 67.203125 71.628906 L 67.908203 72.333984 L 67.908203 76.558594 L 67.203125 75.855469 L 67.203125 71.628906 z M 68.109375 72.435547 L 68.8125 73.138672 L 68.8125 77.363281 L 68.109375 76.660156 L 68.109375 72.435547 z M 59.255859 72.636719 L 59.859375 73.138672 L 59.859375 78.470703 L 59.255859 77.96875 L 59.255859 72.636719 z M 23.166016 74.40625 C 23.095279 74.396819 23.039062 74.471422 23.039062 74.546875 L 23.039062 76.660156 C 23.039062 76.660156 23.139631 76.861328 23.240234 76.861328 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 0 23.441406 76.759766 L 23.441406 74.748047 C 23.340803 74.748047 23.340838 74.54787 23.240234 74.447266 C 23.215084 74.422115 23.189595 74.409394 23.166016 74.40625 z M 24.070312 74.40625 C 23.999576 74.396819 23.943359 74.471422 23.943359 74.546875 L 23.943359 76.660156 C 23.842755 76.660156 23.944319 76.861328 24.044922 76.861328 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 0 24.246094 76.759766 L 24.246094 74.748047 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 0 24.144531 74.447266 C 24.11938 74.422115 24.093891 74.409394 24.070312 74.40625 z M 61.570312 74.748047 L 62.173828 75.251953 L 62.173828 80.382812 L 61.570312 79.878906 L 61.570312 74.748047 z M 62.777344 75.955078 L 63.380859 76.458984 L 63.380859 81.589844 L 62.777344 81.085938 L 62.777344 75.955078 z M 63.882812 77.162109 L 64.486328 77.666016 L 64.486328 82.695312 L 63.882812 82.193359 L 63.882812 77.162109 z M 72.435547 77.363281 C 72.636755 77.363281 72.837891 77.867151 72.837891 78.068359 L 72.837891 81.1875 L 72.736328 81.1875 L 72.132812 80.482422 L 72.132812 77.765625 C 72.132812 77.765625 72.133737 77.363281 72.435547 77.363281 z M 73.138672 77.363281 C 73.339879 77.363281 73.541016 77.867151 73.541016 78.068359 L 73.541016 81.992188 L 72.9375 81.287109 L 72.9375 77.765625 C 72.836897 77.765625 72.937464 77.262678 73.138672 77.363281 z M 73.943359 78.974609 C 74.144566 78.974609 74.345703 79.476526 74.345703 79.677734 L 74.345703 82.796875 L 73.742188 82.091797 L 73.742188 79.376953 C 73.641585 79.376953 73.742151 78.974609 73.943359 78.974609 z M 40.669922 79.035156 A 0.95472835 0.95472835 0 0 0 40.443359 79.074219 A 2.0412474 2.0412474 0 0 0 38.832031 81.085938 L 38.732422 81.085938 A 1.0734406 1.0734406 0 0 0 37.324219 80.482422 C 36.116976 80.884836 35.814681 82.504987 35.740234 83.134766 C 35.486713 82.855088 35.298628 81.724594 34.105469 82.091797 A 1.6861167 1.6861167 0 0 0 32.796875 83.703125 C 32.796875 83.803729 32.695313 83.703125 32.695312 83.703125 C 32.695312 83.703125 32.695525 82.795845 31.488281 83.097656 C 30.07983 83.50007 30.28125 85.412109 30.28125 85.412109 L 30.28125 85.714844 L 30.583984 85.613281 L 30.583984 85.412109 A 1.4295774 1.4295774 0 0 1 30.785156 84.808594 C 30.885759 84.707991 30.985263 84.305682 31.488281 84.205078 A 1.084507 1.084507 0 0 1 32.394531 84.507812 C 32.394531 84.608417 32.495099 84.707991 32.595703 84.808594 L 33.199219 84.607422 C 33.199219 84.506818 33.298828 84.206072 33.298828 84.105469 A 1.6579477 1.6579477 0 0 1 34.105469 83.097656 A 1.056338 1.056338 0 0 1 35.111328 83.199219 A 2.1991951 2.1991951 0 0 1 35.412109 83.703125 L 35.714844 83.550781 L 35.714844 83.601562 L 36.216797 83.400391 A 4.3571428 4.3571428 0 0 1 36.318359 82.896484 A 1.4336016 1.4336016 0 0 1 37.324219 81.890625 A 0.67907444 0.67907444 0 0 1 38.228516 82.292969 C 38.228516 82.393572 38.329084 82.495099 38.429688 82.595703 L 39.134766 82.292969 L 39.134766 81.791016 A 1.3943662 1.3943662 0 0 1 40.242188 80.683594 C 40.84581 80.58299 41.247052 81.187465 41.347656 81.388672 L 41.951172 81.1875 A 2.9255533 2.9255533 0 0 0 41.650391 79.779297 A 0.95472835 0.95472835 0 0 0 40.669922 79.035156 z M 66.095703 79.175781 L 66.701172 79.677734 L 66.701172 84.607422 L 66.095703 84.105469 L 66.095703 79.175781 z M 44.970703 79.466797 C 44.852415 79.479176 44.719265 79.515248 44.568359 79.578125 C 43.76353 79.980539 43.962891 82.193359 43.962891 82.193359 L 43.962891 86.080078 L 45.775391 85.412109 L 45.875 80.382812 C 45.875 80.382812 45.798718 79.380144 44.970703 79.466797 z M 43.962891 86.080078 L 43.863281 86.117188 L 43.962891 86.117188 L 43.962891 86.080078 z M 53.722656 79.980469 A 1.6659959 1.6659959 0 0 1 54.929688 80.482422 A 3.1599597 3.1599597 0 0 1 55.332031 81.689453 L 55.332031 87.123047 C 55.332031 87.223651 55.130859 87.222656 55.130859 87.222656 C 55.130859 87.222656 54.023473 86.418962 53.822266 86.318359 C 53.721662 86.217755 53.320312 86.116228 53.320312 86.015625 L 53.320312 80.482422 C 53.320313 80.482422 53.420845 79.980469 53.722656 79.980469 z M 67.001953 80.181641 L 67.605469 80.683594 L 67.605469 85.513672 L 67.001953 85.009766 L 67.001953 80.181641 z M 67.908203 81.085938 L 68.511719 81.589844 L 68.511719 86.417969 L 67.908203 85.916016 L 67.908203 81.085938 z M 40.611328 81.177734 C 40.531553 81.19031 40.4424 81.224232 40.341797 81.287109 C 39.738175 81.588919 39.939453 83.199219 39.939453 83.199219 L 39.939453 87.525391 L 41.248047 87.021484 L 41.248047 81.992188 C 41.248047 82.080215 41.169757 81.089706 40.611328 81.177734 z M 57.445312 81.791016 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 58.048828 82.091797 A 1.2394366 1.2394366 0 0 1 58.25 82.796875 L 58.25 89.134766 L 57.244141 88.330078 L 57.244141 82.091797 C 57.244141 82.091797 57.244106 81.791016 57.445312 81.791016 z M 37.689453 82.380859 C 37.612232 82.395989 37.524432 82.431263 37.423828 82.494141 C 36.820206 82.795952 37.021484 84.40625 37.021484 84.40625 L 37.021484 88.630859 L 38.330078 88.128906 L 38.330078 83.199219 C 38.24205 83.199219 38.230001 82.27495 37.689453 82.380859 z M 69.316406 82.394531 L 69.919922 82.896484 L 69.919922 87.625 L 69.316406 87.123047 L 69.316406 82.394531 z M 58.953125 83.097656 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 59.556641 83.400391 A 1.2394366 1.2394366 0 0 1 59.757812 84.105469 L 59.757812 90.242188 L 58.751953 89.537109 L 58.751953 83.400391 C 58.751953 83.400391 58.751918 83.097656 58.953125 83.097656 z M 77.390625 83.460938 C 77.414204 83.464081 77.439693 83.476802 77.464844 83.501953 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 1 77.564453 83.802734 L 77.564453 85.814453 C 77.564453 85.814453 77.463884 86.01662 77.363281 85.916016 L 77.263672 85.714844 L 77.263672 83.601562 C 77.263672 83.52611 77.319888 83.451506 77.390625 83.460938 z M 34.474609 83.789062 C 34.39503 83.804192 34.305682 83.84142 34.205078 83.904297 C 33.70206 84.206107 33.802734 85.714844 33.802734 85.714844 L 33.802734 89.738281 L 35.009766 89.335938 L 35.009766 84.607422 C 35.097793 84.607422 35.031663 83.683154 34.474609 83.789062 z M 29.107422 84.242188 C 28.979506 84.236489 28.835356 84.256339 28.671875 84.306641 A 1.5543259 1.5543259 0 0 0 27.564453 86.015625 A 1.0925553 1.0925553 0 0 0 26.15625 85.3125 C 24.7478 85.815518 24.949219 87.625 24.949219 87.625 L 24.949219 88.027344 L 25.453125 87.826172 A 1.4949698 1.4949698 0 0 1 25.552734 87.222656 A 1.3531187 1.3531187 0 0 1 26.458984 86.318359 A 0.60362172 0.60362172 0 0 1 27.162109 86.820312 A 0.35110663 0.35110663 0 0 1 27.263672 87.021484 L 27.96875 86.720703 L 27.96875 86.318359 A 1.2213279 1.2213279 0 0 1 28.773438 85.210938 A 1.0503018 1.0503018 0 0 1 29.779297 85.613281 A 0.44064386 0.44064386 0 0 1 29.878906 85.916016 L 30.080078 85.814453 L 30.080078 85.613281 C 30.080078 85.525254 30.002833 84.282076 29.107422 84.242188 z M 78.195312 84.265625 C 78.218891 84.268769 78.244381 84.28149 78.269531 84.306641 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 1 78.371094 84.607422 L 78.371094 86.619141 C 78.371094 86.619141 78.270525 86.821307 78.169922 86.720703 C 78.069318 86.720703 77.96875 86.519531 77.96875 86.519531 L 78.068359 84.40625 C 78.068359 84.330797 78.124576 84.256193 78.195312 84.265625 z M 31.859375 84.896484 C 31.779796 84.911614 31.690447 84.946888 31.589844 85.009766 C 31.086826 85.311577 31.1875 86.820313 31.1875 86.820312 L 31.1875 90.744141 L 32.394531 90.341797 L 32.394531 85.714844 C 32.482559 85.714844 32.416428 84.790576 31.859375 84.896484 z M 78.900391 84.96875 C 78.92397 84.971894 78.949458 84.984615 78.974609 85.009766 A 0.49698188 0.49698188 0 0 1 79.074219 85.3125 L 79.074219 87.324219 L 79.175781 87.324219 C 79.175781 87.324219 79.075212 87.524432 78.974609 87.423828 C 78.874005 87.423828 78.773438 87.222656 78.773438 87.222656 L 78.773438 85.111328 C 78.773438 85.035875 78.829653 84.959319 78.900391 84.96875 z M 61.771484 85.412109 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 62.375 85.714844 A 0.99396377 0.99396377 0 0 1 62.576172 86.318359 L 62.576172 92.455078 L 61.570312 91.75 L 61.570312 85.714844 C 61.570312 85.714844 61.570276 85.412109 61.771484 85.412109 z M 29.138672 85.902344 C 29.061647 85.917474 28.97365 85.952748 28.873047 86.015625 C 28.370029 86.317436 28.470703 87.826172 28.470703 87.826172 L 28.470703 91.75 L 29.677734 91.347656 L 29.677734 86.720703 C 29.677734 86.720703 29.677844 85.796435 29.138672 85.902344 z M 63.179688 86.619141 A 0.86921528 0.86921528 0 0 1 63.783203 86.921875 A 0.99396377 0.99396377 0 0 1 63.984375 87.525391 L 63.984375 93.560547 L 62.978516 92.857422 L 62.978516 86.921875 C 62.978516 86.921875 62.978481 86.619141 63.179688 86.619141 z M 81.992188 86.720703 L 80.839844 88.046875 A 49 49 0 0 0 82.173828 86.876953 L 81.992188 86.720703 z M 26.728516 87.003906 C 26.64874 87.021394 26.559588 87.06017 26.458984 87.123047 C 25.955966 87.424858 26.056641 88.933594 26.056641 88.933594 L 26.056641 92.65625 L 26.458984 92.554688 L 27.363281 92.253906 L 27.363281 87.927734 C 27.363281 87.751678 27.286944 86.881492 26.728516 87.003906 z M 65.996094 88.933594 A 0.55331991 0.55331991 0 0 1 66.498047 89.236328 A 3.9567404 3.9567404 0 0 1 66.701172 89.839844 L 66.701172 95.603516 L 65.794922 94.970703 L 65.794922 89.236328 C 65.794922 89.236328 65.794886 88.933594 65.996094 88.933594 z M 45.673828 89.638672 L 43.863281 90.242188 L 43.863281 96.478516 L 45.673828 95.976562 L 45.673828 89.638672 z M 53.433594 89.902344 C 53.446169 89.889768 53.471182 89.889151 53.521484 89.939453 L 55.431641 91.146484 L 55.431641 96.78125 C 55.431641 96.78125 55.432635 97.083026 55.332031 96.982422 A 6.698189 6.698189 0 0 0 54.125 96.378906 A 2.8460764 2.8460764 0 0 0 53.521484 96.076172 L 53.419922 95.976562 L 53.419922 89.939453 C 53.419922 89.939453 53.421018 89.914919 53.433594 89.902344 z M 41.146484 91.146484 L 39.939453 91.650391 L 39.939453 97.585938 L 41.146484 97.283203 L 41.146484 91.146484 z M 38.128906 92.253906 L 37.021484 92.65625 L 37.021484 97.195312 A 49 49 0 0 0 38.128906 97.476562 L 38.128906 92.253906 z M 35.009766 93.359375 L 33.904297 93.761719 L 33.904297 96.220703 A 49 49 0 0 0 35.009766 96.625 L 35.009766 93.359375 z M 32.394531 94.265625 L 31.287109 94.667969 L 31.287109 95.267578 A 49 49 0 0 0 32.394531 95.671875 L 32.394531 94.265625 z" /> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="49" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </a> <div class="w-100 w-60-l ph3-l tc order-0 order-1-l"> <h1 class="mt3 mt0-l mb0"> <a class="w-100 dib link near-black hover-dark-blue ph3-m ph3-l dm-white-90" href="/"> <span class="db dn-m dn-l"> <svg class="w-100" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1000 66.45"> <title>The Spokesman-Review Newspaper</title> <path fill="currentColor" d="M161.38 51.19L158.1 64.7h-.44a8.7 8.7 0 0 0-4.16-.88h-36.15v-1.23c2.59-.54 4.31-2 4.31-4.74V22.34c0-2.45-1.66-3.72-4.31-4.3V16.8h34.33a9.37 9.37 0 0 0 4.23-.81h.44L159 28.91l-1.31.45a11.78 11.78 0 0 0-9.34-4.24h-13.62v9.48h11c3.34 0 5.37-1.22 6.06-3.34h1.32v14.9h-1.32c-.63-2.08-2.38-3.23-5.84-3.23h-11.22V55.5h15.71c5 0 7.66-1.54 9.56-4.67zm-48.12 11.4c-2.64-.59-4.23-1.9-4.23-5.26V23.22c0-3.75 1.64-4.65 4.23-5.17V16.8H91.65V18c2.7.63 4.31 1.68 4.31 4.3v12.3H77.77V23.22c0-3.75 1.53-4.65 4.24-5.17V16.8H60.4V18c2.7.63 4.17 1.68 4.17 4.3v35.32c0 3.14-1.51 4.32-4.17 5v1.23H82v-1.26c-2.65-.59-4.24-1.92-4.24-5.26v-14.4H96v14.69c0 3.14-1.71 4.32-4.31 5v1.23h21.61zM58.71 0h-.22a12.84 12.84 0 0 1-6 1.24H8.91A11.88 11.88 0 0 1 3.29 0H3L0 15.34l1.54.43c3-3.24 5.86-4.53 10-4.53h11.39v45.58c0 3.62-2.4 5-5.19 5.69v1.31H44V62.5c-3-.7-5.26-2.11-5.26-6V11.24H50a12.62 12.62 0 0 1 10.29 4.53l1.53-.43zm601.41 16.8h-19.58V18c2.36.58 4.25 1.39 4.25 4.38v16.75h-.22l-17.08-19a10.53 10.53 0 0 1-2.12-3.29h-17.1v1.32c2.69.66 4.23 1.53 4.23 4.89v34.49c0 2.83-1.35 4.46-4.23 5v1.23h19.56v-1.19c-2.61-.54-4.16-1.92-4.16-5V35.27h.14l25.85 28.55h6.21V22.57c0-2.43 1.49-4.13 4.23-4.53zM553.87 62.58c-2.67-.41-3.86-1.73-4.39-5.26l-4.81-33a33.87 33.87 0 0 1-.44-3.65c0-1.32.7-2.33 2.71-2.62V16.8h-16.07a21.82 21.82 0 0 1-1.25 5.84l-6.42 18.48-6.43-18.48a23.88 23.88 0 0 1-1.45-5.84h-16V18a2.77 2.77 0 0 1 2.56 3c0 .48-.17 2-.22 2.41l-5.33 36.15c-.25 1.68-1.19 2.68-3.5 3v1.23h17.23v-1.2c-2.11-.25-2.63-1.33-2.63-2a25.77 25.77 0 0 1 .22-3.28L510 38.2l9.35 25.62H525l9.49-25.33 2.26 19.2a16.35 16.35 0 0 1 .15 1.76c0 1.74-1.09 2.76-3.51 3.14v1.23h20.52zm-74.48-26.72l-7.66-3.07c-4.84-1.94-6.65-2.78-6.65-4.53 0-1.9 1.89-3.15 7.67-3.15 7 0 12 3.54 13.43 6.43l1.32.15 2.92-14-.94-.37a6.86 6.86 0 0 1-3.95 1 27.15 27.15 0 0 1-5.11-.95 40.66 40.66 0 0 0-9.19-1.1c-10.84 0-18.26 6-18.26 13.94 0 6 4 9.63 9.56 11.82l10.81 4.32c4.37 1.74 6.36 2.88 6.36 5.34s-2.5 4.09-8.47 4.09c-10 0-15.16-3.74-17.45-8.68l-1.53-.24-3.5 15.85 1.17.44a4.44 4.44 0 0 1 3.5-1.39c2.17 0 5 .93 7.16 1.39a55.77 55.77 0 0 0 12.2 1.53c13.29 0 19.42-5.69 19.42-14.39-.03-7.41-5.12-11.36-12.81-14.43zm-35.12 15c-1.9 3.14-4.55 4.67-9.57 4.67H419v-12.6h11.32c3.46 0 5.13 1.14 5.77 3.23h1.39v-14.9h-1.39c-.69 2.12-2.65 3.34-6 3.34H419v-9.48h13.73a11.76 11.76 0 0 1 9.34 4.24l1.32-.45-2.7-12.91h-.44a9.73 9.73 0 0 1-4.31.81h-34.32V18c2.65.58 4.31 1.85 4.31 4.3v35.83c0 2.71-1.72 4.21-4.31 4.75v.94h36.22a8.36 8.36 0 0 1 4.09.88h.51l3.28-13.51zm-45.2 11.76c-1.47-.2-3.76-.78-4.9-2.48l-16.72-25.09L392.56 21c1.89-1.76 3.67-2.92 5.12-2.92V16.8h-23.23V18c1.68.21 2.71.85 2.71 2.18s-1.09 2.55-1.82 3.29l-12.27 12.39V23c0-3.59 1.67-4.43 4.24-5v-1.2h-21.62V18c2.53.56 4.29 1.31 4.29 4.3v35.2c0 3.32-1.6 4.29-4.29 5v1.23h21.61v-1.15a4.93 4.93 0 0 1-4.24-5.26v-8.69l5.11-4.74 8.83 13.8a4.93 4.93 0 0 1 1.09 2.78c0 1.1-1.51 1.8-3.14 2.12v1.23h24.1zM227.53 27.53l-10.37-4c-6.4-2.48-8.39-4.46-8.39-7.07 0-3.31 3.52-5.62 10.29-5.62 10.8 0 15.85 6.48 17.68 10.3l1.82.3 3.95-18.92-1.31-.37a9 9 0 0 1-5.2 1.36c-2.13 0-4.7-1-6.79-1.39A57.23 57.23 0 0 0 217 .8c-14.32 0-24 7-24 18.61 0 7.72 5.84 12.51 13.14 15.42l14.32 5.69c6.77 2.69 8.11 4.64 8.11 7.89 0 3.94-3.79 7.09-11.69 7.09-13.24 0-20-7.47-23.15-14l-1.9-.14-5 22 1.46.51a6 6 0 0 1 4.86-1.87c2.86 0 6.66 1.29 9.49 1.89a75.84 75.84 0 0 0 16.07 1.62c17.55 0 25.78-7.46 25.78-19.58-.01-9.8-6.76-14.46-16.96-18.4zm379.86 35.05c-2.52-.6-4.28-1.31-5.7-4.9L585.63 16.8h-9L559 59a5.1 5.1 0 0 1-4.46 3.59v1.23h19.42v-1.23c-2.28-.42-3.06-1.1-3.06-2.12a8.6 8.6 0 0 1 .44-2.34l.58-1.53h15.62l.52 1.24a6.41 6.41 0 0 1 .5 2.27c0 1.31-1 2.1-2.7 2.48v1.23h21.54zm-32.63-13.87l4.89-14h.22l4.82 14zM318.82 15.92c-13.53 0-24.39 8.33-24.39 25.2 0 15.4 11.78 24 24.39 24 12.87 0 24.61-8.6 24.61-24-.01-16.86-10.81-25.2-24.61-25.2zm0 40.53c-5.33 0-10.74-4.17-10.74-15.33 0-12.43 5.54-16.5 10.74-16.5 5.55 0 10.88 3.93 10.88 16.5-.01 11.82-6.01 15.33-10.89 15.33zM269.38 16.8h-22.13V18c2.2.59 4.23 1.24 4.23 4.3v35c0 3.14-1.36 4.49-4.23 5.26v1.23H269v-1.2c-3-.64-4.38-2.37-4.38-5.55v-9.43h5.26c10.81 0 21-4.31 21-15.53.04-10.49-9.76-15.28-21.5-15.28zm-1.82 22.55h-2.93V25.12h2.78c5.35 0 10.08 2 10.08 7.39-.01 5.56-4.57 6.84-9.93 6.84zM1000 16.8h-19.34V18c1.91.3 3.07 1.12 3.07 2.33a8 8 0 0 1-.53 2.48L975 45.7l-8.1-22.77a9.72 9.72 0 0 1-.74-2.35c0-1.31 1.22-2.19 2.85-2.54V16.8h-22V18c2.55.43 4 1.47 5.17 4.3l3.21 7.52-5.7 15.88-8.11-22.57a11.14 11.14 0 0 1-.73-2.55c0-1.45 1.14-2.19 2.78-2.54V16.8h-22.35V18c2.58.43 4.24 1.27 5.41 4.16l17 41.61h9L960.93 44l8.18 19.85H978l17.7-42.24A5.09 5.09 0 0 1 1000 18zm-78.21 34c-1.9 3.13-4.69 4.66-9.71 4.66h-15.7V42.93h11.24c3.46 0 5.15 1.13 5.78 3.22h1.46v-14.9h-1.46c-.7 2.13-2.57 3.35-5.91 3.35h-11.1v-9.48H910a11.8 11.8 0 0 1 9.35 4.23l1.39-.43L918.07 16h-.51a9.52 9.52 0 0 1-4.24.81h-34.24V18c2.65.57 4.17 1.85 4.17 4.3v35.5c0 2.7-1.57 4.2-4.17 4.74v1.23h36.07a8.83 8.83 0 0 1 4.17.87h.51l3.29-13.44zm-47 11.76c-2.82-.65-4.24-2-4.24-5.34V22.93c0-3.28 1.48-4.32 4.24-4.89V16.8h-21.64V18c2.78.63 4.17 1.76 4.17 4.3v35.46c0 3-1.52 4.1-4.17 4.83v1.23h21.62zM851.7 16.8h-19.5V18c1.91.3 3.06 1.12 3.06 2.33a8 8 0 0 1-.51 2.48l-8.24 22.89-8.18-22.7a9.19 9.19 0 0 1-.66-2.33c0-1.46 1.08-2.27 2.71-2.62V16.8h-22.2V18c2.59.59 4.31 1.47 5.41 4.16l16.93 41.61h9.07l17.66-42.21A5.31 5.31 0 0 1 851.7 18zm-53.31 34c-1.9 3.13-4.64 4.66-9.62 4.66h-15.7V42.93h11.31c3.45 0 5.13 1.13 5.77 3.22h1.38v-14.9h-1.38c-.7 2.13-2.66 3.35-6 3.35h-11.1v-9.48h13.72a11.6 11.6 0 0 1 9.23 4.22l1.4-.43L794.74 16h-.44a9.84 9.84 0 0 1-4.31.81h-34.25V18c2.65.57 4.24 1.85 4.24 4.3v35.5c0 2.7-1.64 4.2-4.24 4.74v1.23h36.15a8.46 8.46 0 0 1 4.1.87h.51l3.3-13.44zm-127.79-18l-2.93 10.3h19.27l3-10.3zm63.4 5.75c9.69-2.63 15.92-9.15 15.92-17.82 0-13.21-10.95-19.5-27.39-19.5h-27.91v1.61c3.31.86 5.55 2.1 5.55 5.57v48c0 3.93-2.09 5.27-5.25 6.05v1.4h26.21v-1.4c-3-.68-5.25-2.15-5.25-6.05V41.55h3.64c6.52 15.9 15.47 24 33.73 24.89l1-1.53c-9.47-5.37-17.62-17.36-20.25-26.36zm-13.29-7h-4.81V11.24h4.59c7.78 0 13.37 2.94 13.37 10.22-.02 7.96-5.41 10.09-13.17 10.09z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="dn db-m db-l"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1000.06 73.26" class="w-100 h3-l"><title>The 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5.73v12.64h18.66V24c0-2.9-.83-4-3.6-4.71v-1.11h20.66v1.07c-2.66.58-3.6 1.56-3.6 5.73v38.44c0 3.72.88 5.19 3.6 5.84zm-14.58-46.1c0-2.6-.94-4.07-3-5h-.53c1.53 1 2 2.36 2 5v13.4h1.53zm11.92 45.04c-.47-.35-.9-.77-1.24-1.25H96.05c.71-.82.88-1.72.88-3.72V45.35H75.8v1.23h19.6v17.89c0 2.6-.59 3.54-2 4.71v.06h15.41zm-32.17-.11A4.5 4.5 0 0175.57 68H63.88c.77-.71.94-1.75.94-3.72v-40c0-2.77-1-4.19-3-5h-.47c1.59 1.17 1.95 2.36 1.95 5v40c0 2.61-.59 4-1.95 5v.06h15.34z"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M63.29 16.53l-1.54.47c-3.21-3.77-6.32-5-10.57-5H39.73v50.47c0 4.28 1.54 5.84 4.6 6.61v1.23H19v-1.17c2.86-.72 4.6-2.31 4.6-6.32V12H11.81c-4.25 0-7.21 1.4-10.27 5L0 16.53 3.07 0h.29a11.1 11.1 0 005.73 1.36h44.75A12.4 12.4 0 0060 0h.24l3.07 16.53zM62 15.47l-.53-2c-1.95-2.07-4.55-3.9-9.74-3.9h-12v1.35h11.69c4-.17 7.84 1.54 10.39 4.62l.18-.06zM41.38 69a5.87 5.87 0 01-1.48-1.3H25c1.12-1.06 1.48-2.42 1.48-5V9.57h-14c-4.23 0-6.55.64-8.62 2.12l1.81-9.62A9.65 9.65 0 014 1.54L1.42 15.3l.18.06c2.83-3.14 5.66-4.44 10.4-4.44h12.74v51.84c0 3-.7 4.7-2.72 6.25v.06h19.36zm958.68-49.82c-2.13.42-2.85 1.33-3.84 3.9L978.1 70.25h-9.44l-8.27-22-8.5 22h-9.45L925 23.78c-1.21-3.19-2.12-3.93-4.78-4.6v-1.06h22v1.06c-1.67.42-2.48 1.22-2.48 1.92.71 2.84l8.32 25.32 5.78-17.59-3.3-8.67c-1.2-3.16-2.18-4.06-4.84-4.73v-1.07h22v1.06a2.84 2.84 0 00-2.47 2.82c.11.9.33 1.8.65 2.66L975 50.17l8.44-25.67c.3-.9.48-1.83.53-2.77 0-1.35-.82-2.2-2.78-2.55v-1.06h18.89v1.06zm-13.64 2.66a2.66 2.66 0 00-2.42-2.66h-.47a2.8 2.8 0 011.36 2.6c-.05.96-.23 1.92-.53 2.84l-8.91 27.16.83 2.18 9.68-29.41a7.7 7.7 0 00.47-2.71zm-29.22 10.5l-3.6-9.44a5.24 5.24 0 00-4.19-3.77H949a8.3 8.3 0 013.19 4.43l3.31 8.91-6.32 19.31.83 2.25 7.14-21.68zm20.72 35.6h-7.5l-8.68-23.32-.88 2.18 8.38 22.39h8.21zm-33.71 0l-16.83-45c-.88-2.36-2.18-3.42-4.25-3.72h-.35a7.06 7.06 0 013 3.85L943 69.19h8.21l.47-1.25zm-20.66-12.27l-3.43 15.59h-.47a8.32 8.32 0 00-4.25-1h-36.31v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.25 3.6-5.26v-40c0-2.73-.88-4.07-3.6-4.73v-1.08h34.42a9.16 9.16 0 004.37-.95h.47l2.77 14.94-1.42.46c-2.25-3-5.8-4.74-9.56-4.67h-14v9.62h11.34c3.42 0 5.43-1.35 6.14-3.72H915v17.14h-1.42c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.61-6-3.61h-11.42v13.12h16.05c5.14 0 7.91-1.72 9.86-5.2l1.47.42zm-3.71-24.85l-. 0 6.91 1.41 9.39 4.07l.1-.05zM914 48.94v-1.6c-1-1.59-2.83-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.58v1.25h12c2.71 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71zm5.77 19.83c-1-.57-2.15-.86-3.31-.83h-32.17c.65-.66.89-1.89.89-3.54v-40c0-3.19-1.13-4.28-2.95-5.19h-.48c1.42 1.19 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.2c0 2.6-.53 3.59-1.95 4.71v.13h34.48a6.48 6.48 0 013.31.71h.06l.24-1.12zm-65.89 1.48v-1.06c2.71-.79 3.6-2 3.6-5.32V24c0-2.82-.77-4.07-3.6-4.78v-1.1h20.66v1.06c-2.83.66-3.6 1.8-3.6 5.44v38.67c0 3.67.72 5.18 3.6 5.9v1.06zm17.97-1.07h-.02v.01zm-.02-.05a3.99 3.99 0 01-1.12-1.19h-11.63c.59-.64.89-1.72.89-3.7V24.61c0-3.48-1.18-4.73-3.07-5.44h-.41c1.42 1.06 1.95 2.07 1.95 5v40.11c0 2.79-.71 3.83-2 4.84v.06h15.39zm-19.42-49.95c-2.18.42-2.88 1.41-3.84 3.9l-18.12 47.17H821l-17.47-46.52c-1.11-3-2.12-3.88-4.78-4.55v-1.06h22v1.06c-1.68.42-2.48 1.28-2.48 1.76.65 2.6l8.38 25.5 8.44-25.67c.3-.9.49-1.83.53-2.77 0-1.35-.81-2.2-2.77-2.55v-1.07h18.89v1.06zm-13.64 2.66a2.62 2.62 0 00-2.42-2.66h-.53a2.81 2.81 0 011.42 2.6c-.05.97-.23 1.92-.53 2.84l-8.92 27.1.83 2.31 9.62-29.29c.34-.93.51-1.9.53-2.89zm-8.5 46.06l-.01.04h.01zm-7.49.04l-16.71-44.8c-1-2.79-2.43-3.56-4.31-4h-.35c1.23.72 2.22 1.84 3.19 4.43l17 45.58h8.2l.46-1.21zm-20.61-12.27l-3.42 15.59h-.47a8.3 8.3 0 00-4.25-1h-36.32v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.25 3.6-5.26v-40c0-2.73-.89-4.07-3.6-4.73v-1.08h34.42a9.16 9.16 0 004.37-.95h.5l2.77 14.94-1.42.46c-2.25-3-5.8-4.74-9.56-4.67h-14v9.62h11.34c3.42 0 5.43-1.35 6.14-3.72h1.42v17.14h-1.42c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.61-6-3.61h-11.49v13.12h16.06c5.14 0 7.91-1.72 9.86-5.2zm-3.71-24.85l-. 29c-1.66-1.89-3.78-3.42-8.86-3.42h-14.36v1.23h14.17c4.6 0 6.91 1.41 9.39 4.07l.1-.05zm-5.39 19.94v-1.6c-1-1.59-2.84-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.57v1.25h12c2.72 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71zm5.78 19.83c-1-.57-2.15-.86-3.31-.83h-32.17c.65-.66.88-1.89.88-3.54v-40c0-3.19-1.14-4.28-3-5.19h-.47c1.41 1.19 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.2c0 2.6-.53 3.59-1.95 4.71v.13h34.48a6.48 6.48 0 013.31.71h.06l.24-1.12zm-61.69-45.1C736.7 15.6 731 12 723 12h-5.32v22.76h5.55c7.95 0 13.46-2.42 13.46-11.1zm20.99 47.76l-1.06 1.83c-18.72-.95-28-10.1-34.72-27.76h-4.19v16.84c0 4.33 1.54 5.9 4.6 6.67v1.23h-25.41v-1.18c3.25-.88 4.6-2.42 4.6-6.78V8.85c0-3.85-1.51-5.18-4.9-6.14V1.23h28.52c16.27 0 28 7.25 28 22.43 0 9.61-6.11 15.8-16.06 18.71 2.76 9.98 10.84 23.1 20.58 29.06zM739.65 23.6c0-8-5.31-14.11-15.47-14.11h-6.5v1.36h6c9.39 0 14.17 5.55 14.17 12.75 0 5.87-1.8 8.77-7.26 11.16h1c5.61-1.48 8-5.77 8-11.16zM755.53 72c-13.46-3.54-24.09-7.79-31.23-29h-6.61v1.35h5.13c6.91 19.26 17 26.39 32.59 27.87zm-36.19-3v-.06c-.55-.39-1.06-.82-1.53-1.3H703c1.18-1 1.48-2.55 1.48-5.26V8.61c0-3.59-1.42-5.2-3.78-5.84h-.7c1.75 1.23 2.69 2.23 2.69 6.14v53.48c0 3.43-.64 4.94-2.72 6.56V69zm-27.39-31.34l-2.42 9.56h-18.36l2.42-9.56zm-3.02 7.14h-14.28l1.48-6.01h-1.48l-1.83 7.26h15.82zm-26.8-25.6l.01-.01zm-3.59 4.99v46.02h-6.37L625.51 38v25.54c0 3.48.92 5 3.6 5.61v1.06h-18.58v-1.05c2.94-.64 3.6-2.47 3.6-5.61v-39c0-3.72-.84-4.65-3.6-5.37v-1.04h16.81a12 12 0 002.12 3.59l17.69 21.77V24c0-3.3-1.18-4.19-3.6-4.84v-1.02h18.58v1.05c-2.8.47-3.59 2.28-3.59 5zm-8.9 22.31l-.01-.01v.01zm-.01-22.22c0-2.84-1-4.25-3.07-5.08h-.41c1.48 1.3 1.95 2.13 1.95 5.08v20.34l1.53 1.87zm7.91 44.88v-1.24h-4.14L625.51 34.3v2.29l26.95 32.57zm-31.15-.01v-.06a4.9 4.9 0 01-1.12-1.17h-9.62c.77-.83.94-1.78.94-4.25V24.28c0-3-1.06-4.31-3-5.08h-.47c1.36 1.17 1.95 1.89 1.95 5.08v39.39c0 3.13-.44 4.06-2 5.42v.06zm-40.7-16.97L581.15 38l-4.65 14.18zm23.78 18H587.7v-1.03a2.8 2.8 0 002.48-2.71 8.85 8.85 0 00-.59-2.53l-.65-2h-15.57l-.77 2.31c-.26.82-.42 1.67-.47 2.53 0 .82.49 1.89 2.83 2.36v1.06h-18.87v-1.02c2.36-.66 2.94-1.47 3.89-3.94l18-47.08h9.2L604.39 64c1.17 3.09 2.49 4.54 5.07 5.19zm-21.18-18.01l-5.9-18.29-.76 2.49 5.13 15.8zM606.81 69a4.4 4.4 0 01-1.36-1.12h-13.26c.38-.42.57-.98.53-1.54a9.5 9.5 0 00-.65-2.65l-1.18-3.83H574l-.41 1.23h16.1l.88 2.77c.33.89.55 1.82.65 1.86-1.04 2.38v.18h16.63zm-26.67-49.85l-.01.04h.02zm-1.59.04L561 65.74a6.74 6.74 0 01-2.3 3.3v.11h13.57V69c-.43-.29-.8-.67-1.06-1.12h-10a5.95 5.95 0 001.53-2.49l17.38-46.2zM555.3 70.22v-.01h.02zm-22.04-.01v-1.06c2.34-.38 3.6-1.57 3.6-3.77 0-.53-.1-1.31-.18-2l-2.36-22.11h-.06L524 70.21h-6.19L507.48 40.9l-2.66 22.42a23.1 23.1 0 00-.23 3.24 2.74 2.74 0 002.71 2.6v1.06h-17v-1.07a4 4 0 003.7-3.72l5.25-40.16c.06-.43.17-1.94.17-2.47 0-1.94-.83-3.26-2.65-3.66v-1h17.4c.26 2.16.78 4.28 1.54 6.32l7 19.93 6.9-19.93c.7-2.04 1.14-4.17 1.3-6.32h17.16v1.06a3 3 0 00-2.72 3.3c.04 1.39.15 2.77.35 4.14l5 36.4c.56 4 1.88 5.68 4.6 6.12v1.05zm.12-51.02h-1.53c0 1.65-.32 3.29-.95 4.81l-7.67 21.89.83 2.36L532.49 24c.6-1.52.9-3.14.88-4.78zm18.87 49.96V69a4.99 4.99 0 01-1.41-1.12H539c.32-.51.48-1.1.47-1.71 0-.79-.09-1.78-.29-3.66l-2.89-27.31-1.24 3.66 2.65 24.71c.07.67.18 1.49.18 2.07A3.66 3.66 0 01536 69v.11h16.22zm-28.54-1.23h-3.9l-11.56-33.03-.47 3.35 10.85 30.92h4.66zm-18.88 1.23V69c-.45-.25-.8-.65-1-1.12h-8.14c.56-.76.9-1.66 1-2.6l5.19-39.57c.18-1.15.3-2.31.36-3.48 0-1.78-.83-2.84-2.19-3.08H499a3.67 3.67 0 011.65 3.37 28.23 28.23 0 01-.35 3.42l-5.2 39.49a4.69 4.69 0 01-1.95 3.57v.11h11.67zm-14.68-13.91c0 9.62-7 16.28-20.58 16.28a54.9 54.9 0 01-12.45-1.41c-2.2-.5-5.15-1.54-7.37-1.54a4.48 4.48 0 00-3.6 1.6l-1.24-.48 3.78-18.23 1.54.24c2.36 5.48 7.61 9.91 17.87 9.91 6.12 0 8.73-1.81 8.73-4.65 0-2.84-1.44-4-6.49-6.2L459.24 46c-5.66-2.44-9.79-6.38-9.79-13 0-8.8 8.6-16.16 19.7-16.16 3.1 0 6.19.37 9.2 1.12 1.71.53 3.47.88 5.25 1.04a6.67 6.67 0 004-1.17l.94.35-3.24 16.39-1.3-.16c-1.42-3.18-6.52-7.66-13.75-7.66-5.6 0-8 1.36-8 3.72 0 2.12 1.76 3.43 6.72 5.55l7.91 3.35c7.88 3.37 13.27 7.65 13.27 15.87zm-5.25-24.01a18.91 18.91 0 00-15-7 9.64 9.64 0 00-7.2 3l.06.22c1.12-.71 2.54-1.65 7.25-1.65a17.7 17.7 0 0114.39 7.37h.12l.36-1.94zm-5.61 25.48c0-3.61-2.35-5.69-7.67-8l-12.26-5.21c-4.66-2-7.61-5.9-7.61-10.44 0-4.54.83-6.56 1.3-7.55l-.24-.06a12.86 12.86 0 00-2.48 7.55c0 5.74 3.78 9.73 8.67 11.85l11.44 5c4.85 2.1 7.37 3.78 7.37 7.09 0 2.42-1.41 3.66-3.54 4.71h.35c2.6-.42 4.66-1.89 4.66-4.89zm5.84 9.08l-.06-.22c-3.77 2-6.9 3.48-15.63 3.48a55.33 55.33 0 01-11.5-1.3c-3.67-.79-6.43-1.65-8-1.65a4 4 0 00-1.77.35l2.36-11.8a6.4 6.4 0 01-1-1.65h-.12l-3.3 5.36 0 013.36-1.07c2.52 0 4.78.78 7.91 1.54a48.8 48.8 0 0012.09 1.41c9.73 0 13.8-3.3 15.57-4.78zm-41.52-10.14l-3.42 15.57h-.47a8.34 8.34 0 00-4.25-1h-36.28v-1.07c2.66-.59 3.6-2.24 3.6-5.24v-40c0-2.71-.88-4.06-3.6-4.71v-1.06h34.39c1.51.05 3-.28 4.36-.95h.47l2.77 14.93-1.42.46a11.6 11.6 0 00-9.56-4.65h-14v9.6h11.32c3.43 0 5.43-1.35 6.14-3.7h1.41v17.1h-1.37c-.65-2.29-2.42-3.59-6-3.59h-11.5v13.1h16c5.13 0 7.91-1.71 9.85-5.19l1.47.42zm-3.72-24.77l-.47-1.83c-1.65-1.89-3.78-3.43-8.85-3.43h-14.33v1.23h14.15c3.6-.23 7.09 1.29 9.38 4.07h.12zm-5.81 18.03h-.02v.01zm-.02-1.58c-1-1.59-2.83-2.36-6.26-2.36h-11.56v1.23h12c2.71 0 4.78.88 5.78 2.71h.04zm5.77 21.41c-1-.57-2.15-.85-3.3-.82h-32.14v-.06c.64-.64.88-1.89.88-3.54V24.39c0-3.19-1.13-4.28-3-5.2h-.47c1.42 1.19 1.89 2.18 1.89 5v40.12c0 2.6-.53 3.61-1.94 4.73v.11h34.44a6.44 6.44 0 013.3.71h.06l.23-1.12zm-42.59 1.48v-.01h.01zm-23.17-.01v-1.06c1.66-.34 2.48-1.15 2.48-2.36a5.84 5.84 0 00-1.12-3.06l-9.09-15.63-5.19 5.24v10c0 2.6.4 5.21 3.6 5.79v1.06h-20.64v-1.04c2.77-.83 3.6-1.92 3.6-5.61V24c0-3.3-1.12-4.07-3.6-4.78v-1.09h20.64v1.06c-2.61.59-3.6 1.54-3.6 5.48V38l12.5-12.75a6.14 6.14 0 001.89-3.65c0-1.48-.65-2.12-2.36-2.36v-1.11H396v1.06c-1.47 0-2.8 1.22-4.72 3.19l-15.44 15.93L393 66.45a5.52 5.52 0 004.24 2.71v1.05zM378.08 22a3 3 0 00-2-2.84h-.42c.6.64.92 1.49.89 2.36.07 1.4-.5 2.76-1.55 3.69l-13.8 14.11v2.23l15-15.33a5.6 5.6 0 001.88-4.22zm16.1 47.15v-.06a7.62 7.62 0 01-1.47-1.17h-14.39c.4-.52.64-1.17.65-1.83a6.77 6.77 0 00-1.06-3l-9.79-16.8L367 47.4l9.37 16.1a6 6 0 011.07 3.18c.05.96-.4 1.87-1.18 2.42v.06h17.93zm-32.26 0V69c-.4-.33-.75-.7-1.06-1.12h-11.62c.89-.83.95-2.05.95-4.25V24.92c0-3.48-.87-4.81-3-5.73h-.41c1.59 1.3 1.89 2.36 1.89 5v39.48c0 3.5-.59 4.25-1.95 5.37v.11zm-34.09-24.88c0-13-4.58-17.53-10.26-17.53-5.31 0-10.08 4.54-10.08 17.53 0 12.2 4.4 17.44 10.08 17.44 5 0 10.26-3.83 10.26-17.44zm14.1 0c0 17.08-11.18 27.31-24.36 27.31-12.92 0-24.12-10.23-24.12-27.31 0-18.68 10.26-27.43 24.12-27.43 14.14 0 24.36 8.75 24.36 27.43zm-11.62-.06c0-9.73-1.71-20-12.74-20a5.88 5.88 0 00-4.66 2.42l.06.23c1.43-.73 3-1.13 4.6-1.17 9.08 0 11.21 8 11.21 18.52 0 11.62-3 15.28-6.66 17.51h.41c4.42-1.7 7.79-5.66 7.79-17.51zm.17 22.65l-.06-.24a30.08 30.08 0 01-12.86 2.47c-12.09 0-21.64-9.6-21.64-24.77 0-11.35 4.23-17.81 5.66-19.76h-.35c-2.24 2.71-6.85 7.2-6.85 19.71 0 16 10.09 26.36 23.18 26.36a24.4 24.4 0 0012.92-3.77zM277.1 35.48c0-6-4.78-7.55-10.26-7.55H264v15.15h3c5.5 0 10.14-1.43 10.14-7.6zm13.75-.48c0 12.15-10.45 17.88-21.53 17.88H264V63c0 3.53.52 5.42 3.6 6.12v1.06h-20.7v-1.03c3-.85 3.6-2.29 3.6-5.79V23.91c0-3.37-1.34-4-3.6-4.71v-1.06h21.94c12.03 0 22.01 5.27 22.01 16.86zm-11.27.31c0-6.91-4.89-9.68-12.09-9.68H264v1.23h3.13c6 0 11 1.84 11 8.56 0 4.84-2.07 6.36-4.84 7.66h.71c2.71-.88 5.61-2.71 5.61-7.78zm5.31 11.01a25.93 25.93 0 01-14.81 4.18H264v1.25h5.43c7.85 0 12.74-2.77 15.45-5l.06-.48zm-20.05 22.83v-.06a3.9 3.9 0 01-1.12-1.17H252c.77-.83.94-1.88.94-4.25V24.28c0-3.06-1.12-4.23-3-5.08h-.41c1.35 1.06 1.89 2.25 1.89 4.84v39.63c0 3.18-.53 4.25-2 5.42v.06zm-46.96 2.43c-5.54.02-11.06-.6-16.46-1.83-2.9-.66-6.8-2.07-9.73-2.07a5.91 5.91 0 00-4.9 2.12l-1.47-.58 4.89-24 1.89.18c3.27 7.25 10.21 15.17 23.77 15.17 8.09 0 11.91-3.08 11.91-7.44 0-3.58-1.38-5.79-8.32-8.79l-14.63-6.32c-7.47-3.21-13.5-8.48-13.5-17C191.35 9.4 201.51.45 216.18.45c4.23-.02 8.44.45 12.56 1.41 2.14.48 4.71 1.59 6.9 1.59a8.8 8.8 0 005.31-1.59l1.3.42-4.13 20.92-1.83-.29a19.1 19.1 0 00-18.11-11.45c-6.94 0-10.55 2.6-10.55 6.25 0 2.57 2.11 5.08 8.67 7.84L226.79 30c10.43 4.4 17.4 9.54 17.4 20.4 0 12.73-8.31 21.18-26.31 21.18zm19.94-52.32c-2.26-3.11-7.14-10.68-19.88-10.68a10.83 10.83 0 00-8.55 3.65l.06.3c1.36-.95 3.89-2.18 8.67-2.18 12.17 0 17.1 8.08 19 11.37h.18l.53-2.47zm-7.02 33.67c0-5-2.66-7.6-10.32-11l-15.57-7c-6.38-2.85-10.68-8-10.68-14 0-5.55 1.15-8.47 1.77-9.8l-.24-.06a15.58 15.58 0 00-3.35 9.93c0 6.89 4.62 12.39 12.5 15.92l14.63 6.54c7.14 3.19 9.44 5.48 9.44 9.62 0 4.14-2.74 6.14-5.54 7.55h.48c3.65-.77 6.9-3.19 6.9-7.68zm7.14 11.27l-.06-.29c-4.48 2.53-8.64 4.71-20.17 4.71a69.5 69.5 0 01-15.28-1.71c-4.37-1.11-7.74-2.18-10.73-2.18a6.5 6.5 0 00-2.6.59l3.3-16.1c-.47-.83-.86-1.7-1.18-2.6h-.12L186.8 68h.2a6.72 6.72 0 014.48-1.47c3.33 0 6.3 1.12 10.44 2.13a65.83 65.83 0 0016 1.76c12.86 0 17.72-4.31 20.06-6.25z"/></svg> </span> </a> </h1> <span class="f6 serif dn flex-m flex-l justify-center ph3">Spokane, Washington  Est. 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flex-shrink-1 flex-grow-1 relative pb4-ns"> <article class="cmp-lead_promo mb3 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 ma0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/kids-involved-in-911-calls-in-spokane-valley-will-/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Kids involved in 911 calls in Spokane Valley will be comforted with one of 1,700 donated 'Paw Patrol' stuffed toys"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <h3 class="lh-title f3 f2-l mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/kids-involved-in-911-calls-in-spokane-valley-will-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T12:39:00">Kids involved in 911 calls in Spokane Valley will be comforted with one of 1,700 donated ‘Paw Patrol’ stuffed toys</a> </h3> <p class="mt2 mb3 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 14 minutes ago</p> </header> <div class="serif mw9 f5 f4-l lh-copy "> Boxes full of Paw Patrol stuffed animals were donated to the Spokane Valley fire and police departments Tuesday to comfort children caught up in emergencies. </div> </article> </div> <div class="lead-promos-smaller-only dg-m gg4-m gtc2-m dn-l mb4-m"> <div class=" mb3 mb0-ns"> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb0 pb0 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/judge-blocks-trumps-refugee-ban/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Federal judge in Seattle blocks Trump’s refugee ban"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb0 f6 sans-serif lh-3"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/washington/">Washington</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 f3-l mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/judge-blocks-trumps-refugee-ban/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T11:34:00">Federal judge in Seattle blocks Trump’s refugee ban</a> </h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 3:50 p.m.</p> </header> </article> </div> <div class="grid-bl-m mb3 mb0-ns"> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb0 pb0 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/battery-factory-in-hillyard-damaged-in-fire/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Lithium battery factory in Hillyard damaged in fire"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb0 f6 sans-serif lh-3"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/crime/">Crime/Public Safety</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 f3-l mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/battery-factory-in-hillyard-damaged-in-fire/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T07:27:00">Lithium battery factory in Hillyard damaged in fire</a> </h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 25 minutes ago</p> </header> </article> </div> <div class=" mb3 mb0-ns"> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb0 pb0 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/amid-budget-shortfall-plan-to-provide-free-lunch-f/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Plan to provide free lunch for all Washington students is falling out of favor amid budget shortfall"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb0 f6 sans-serif lh-3"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/k-12-education/">K-12 education</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 f3-l mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/amid-budget-shortfall-plan-to-provide-free-lunch-f/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T01:00:00">Plan to provide free lunch for all Washington students is falling out of favor amid budget shortfall</a> </h3> </header> </article> </div> <div class="grid-bl-m mb3 mb0-ns"> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb0 pb0 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/two-days-after-a-woman-was-dragged-from-a-coeur-da/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Two days after a woman was dragged from a Coeur d'Alene town hall, Sheriff Bob Norris and other parties will face investigation into conduct"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb0 f6 sans-serif lh-3"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/idaho/">Idaho</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 f3-l mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/two-days-after-a-woman-was-dragged-from-a-coeur-da/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T14:31:00">Two days after a woman was dragged from a Coeur d’Alene town hall, Sheriff Bob Norris and other parties will face investigation into conduct</a> </h3> </header> </article> </div> </div> <div class="headline-list w-100 w-10-ns flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 mb4 pl3-l bl-l b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mb0-l order-1-l"> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 dn db-l todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/two-days-after-a-woman-was-dragged-from-a-coeur-da/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T14:31:00">Two days after a woman was dragged from a Coeur d’Alene town hall, Sheriff Bob Norris and other parties will face investigation into conduct</a> </h3> </article> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/champion-of-fiscal-conservative-causes-duane-alton/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T17:29:00">Champion of fiscal-conservative causes Duane Alton dies at 88</a> </h3> </article> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/north-idaho-college-wins-reprieve-with-accreditati/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T18:34:00">North Idaho College wins reprieve with accreditation extension, relaxed sanction</a> </h3> </article> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/post-falls-police-looking-for-suspect-in-mans-shoo/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T21:00:00">Post Falls police looking for suspect in man’s shooting death Sunday</a> </h3> </article> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/weekend-flooding-highlights-neighborhood-concerns-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T16:15:00">Weekend flooding highlights neighborhood concerns over proposed Spokane Valley development</a> </h3> </article> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/gonzaga-climate-institute-guest-lecturer-explores-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T18:19:00">Gonzaga climate institute guest lecturer explores relationship between economy, ecology and justice</a> </h3> </article> <article class="pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 todays_stories_list" itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-3 f5 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw6 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/24/spokane-workshop-attracts-young-conductors-from-ar/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T01:30:00">Spokane workshop attracts young conductors from around the world</a> </h3> </article> <p class="lh-solid f6 pt3 serif i"> <a class="near-black dm-white-80 hover-dark-red more" href="/stories/latest/">Read all of today’s stories</a> </p> <div id="mobile-home-320x50-2" class="mt4"></div> </div> <div class="w-auto ad-column-l mh3 order-3-l"> <div class="w-auto h-auto relative-l"> <div id="big-ad-top"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="secondary-promos" class="dn dg-l gcg4-l gtc3-l pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20"> <div class=""> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb3-ns mb2 pb2 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/judge-blocks-trumps-refugee-ban/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Federal judge in Seattle blocks Trump’s refugee ban"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb1 f6 sans-serif lh-title"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/washington/">Washington</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/judge-blocks-trumps-refugee-ban/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T11:34:00">Federal judge in Seattle blocks Trump’s refugee ban</a> </h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 3:50 p.m.</p> </header> </article> </div> <div class="grid-bl-l"> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb3-ns mb2 pb2 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/battery-factory-in-hillyard-damaged-in-fire/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Lithium battery factory in Hillyard damaged in fire"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb1 f6 sans-serif lh-3"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/crime/">Crime/Public Safety</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/battery-factory-in-hillyard-damaged-in-fire/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T07:27:00">Lithium battery factory in Hillyard damaged in fire</a> </h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 26 minutes ago</p> </header> </article> </div> <div class="grid-bl-l"> <article class="comp-secondary-promo mb3-ns mb2 pb2 cf " itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="mh0 mb3 "> <a class="" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/amid-budget-shortfall-plan-to-provide-free-lunch-f/"> <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Plan to provide free lunch for all Washington students is falling out of favor amid budget shortfall"> </a> </figure> <header class="mb3"> <span class="nowrap flex items-center mb1 f6 sans-serif lh-3"> <a class="link db fw2 ttu dark-blue dm-blue dm-hover-light-blue" href="/k-12-education/">K-12 education</a> </span> <h3 class="lh-3 f4 mt0 mb2 sans-serif fw8 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue hover-dark-red " href="/stories/2025/feb/25/amid-budget-shortfall-plan-to-provide-free-lunch-f/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T01:00:00">Plan to provide free lunch for all Washington students is falling out of favor amid budget shortfall</a> </h3> </header> </article> </div> </div> </section> <section id="most-read" class="bg-near-white dm-bg-white-10 mv5 pv4 pv5-l"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="home-most-read-grid dg-l gcg4-l col-pub"> <div class="homepage-yesterday-top-stories mb4 pb4 bb b--black-10 grid-br-l ma0-l pv0-l pr3-l bn-l"> <header class="cantilever-header theme-black theme-dark-mode"> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <span>Yesterday's Top Stories</span> </h2> </header> <ol class="big-num-list list pl0 f5 ma0 "> <li class="lh-copy mb3"><a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/woman-dragged-out-of-republican-town-hall-event-in/">Woman dragged out of Kootenai County Republican town hall event in Coeur d'Alene: 'Please don't touch me'</a></li> <li class="lh-copy mb3"><a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/15/unfortunate-purple-antler-accessory-on-deer-from-t/">Unfortunate purple antler accessory on deer from 'the little town of Pullman' has united fans across the globe</a></li> <li class="lh-copy mb3"><a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/they-thought-they-were-living-the-american-dream-i/">'They thought they were living the American dream': ICE arrest of Othello woman rattles community as teen son is left to run family's food truck</a></li> <li class="lh-copy mb3"><a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/two-days-after-a-woman-was-dragged-from-a-coeur-da/">Two days after a woman was dragged from a Coeur d'Alene town hall, Sheriff Bob Norris and other parties will face investigation into conduct</a></li> <li class="lh-copy "><a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/idaho-legislative-notebook-gov-little-to-decide-if/">Idaho Legislative Notebook: Gov. Little to decide if taxpayers should fund private, religious education</a></li> </ol> </div> <aside class="dg-l content-center-l"> <div> <div id="dashboard" class="center bg-ad-on-gray" style="width: 300px;"></div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </section> <div id="mobile-ros-1" class="mb4 wrap"></div> <div id="home-top-news" class="wrap mb4 dg-ns gg4-ns gtc2-m gtc4-l" data-collection="home-collections"> <div class=""> <section id="business" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="business"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/business/">Business</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/25/home-depot-sees-key-sales-metric-turning-positive-/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Home Depot sees key sales metric turning positive, lifting stock"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/home-depot-sees-key-sales-metric-turning-positive-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T07:50:00">Home Depot sees key sales metric turning positive, lifting stock</a></h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 3:57 p.m.</p> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/delta-ceo-promotes-dei-initiatives-as-merit-based-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T05:59:00"> <span class="gray-acc-fine sans-serif ttu dib f7 dib">Updated<span class="clip">:</span></span> Delta CEO promotes DEI initiatives as ‘merit-based’ following Trump executive orders </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/paypal-sees-earnings-growth-as-firm-streamlines-bu/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T06:34:00"> <span class="gray-acc-fine sans-serif ttu dib f7 dib">Updated<span class="clip">:</span></span> PayPal sees earnings growth as firm streamlines businesses </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/tesla-sales-fall-45-in-europe-amid-musks-meddling-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T07:00:00"> <span class="gray-acc-fine sans-serif ttu dib f7 dib">Updated<span class="clip">:</span></span> Tesla sales fall 45% in Europe amid Musk’s meddling in politics </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="grid-bl-ns"> <section id="sports" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="sports"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/sports/">Sports</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/red-hot-santa-clara-hosts-gonzaga-with-wcc-seeding/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="'Red-hot' Santa Clara hosts Gonzaga with WCC seeding, NCAA Tournament ramifications on the line"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/red-hot-santa-clara-hosts-gonzaga-with-wcc-seeding/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T06:05:00">‘Red-hot’ Santa Clara hosts Gonzaga with WCC seeding, NCAA Tournament ramifications on the line</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/key-matchup-gonzaga-hopes-to-avoid-more-tyeree-bry/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T06:03:00"> Key matchup: Gonzaga hopes to avoid more Tyeree Bryan-induced headaches in second matchup with Santa Clara </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/womens-basketball-gonzaga-focuses-on-defense-for-l/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T10:02:00"> <span class="gray-acc-fine sans-serif ttu dib f7 dib">Updated<span class="clip">:</span></span> Women's basketball: Gonzaga focuses on defense for last week of regular season </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/seahawks-gm-gives-updates-on-geno-smith-and-more-a/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T13:44:00"> <span class="gray-acc-fine sans-serif ttu dib f7 dib">Updated<span class="clip">:</span></span> Seahawks GM gives updates on Geno Smith and more at NFL combine </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> <nav class="f6 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mt3"> <p class="fw6 f6 di ma0 mr1 pv1">Explore:</p> <ul class="list di ma0 pa0 lh-copy"> <li 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class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/25/judge-blocks-trumps-refugee-ban/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Federal judge in Seattle blocks Trump’s refugee ban"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/judge-blocks-trumps-refugee-ban/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T11:34:00">Federal judge in Seattle blocks Trump’s refugee ban</a></h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 3:50 p.m.</p> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black 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the Inland Northwest after weekend snowmelt </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> <nav class="f6 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mt3"> <p class="fw6 f6 di ma0 mr1 pv1">Explore:</p> <ul class="list di ma0 pa0 lh-copy"> <li class="di mr1 pv1"> <a class="gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 dm-hover-light-blue f6 serif i underline-hover br b--black-10 pr2" href="/washington/">Washington</a> </li> <li class="di mr1 pv1"> <a class="gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 dm-hover-light-blue f6 serif i underline-hover" href="/idaho/">Idaho</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="grid-bl-ns"> <section id="sponsored" class="comp-card " data-collection="sponsored"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header theme-black theme-dark-mode-white"> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red hover-black" href="">Sponsored</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2024/aug/05/hydropower-remains-essential-to-affordable-reliabl/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Hydropower remains essential to affordable, reliable electricity in Idaho"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2024/aug/05/hydropower-remains-essential-to-affordable-reliabl/" data-pubdate="2024-08-05T02:35:23">Hydropower remains essential to affordable, reliable electricity in Idaho</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2021/jun/14/bridging-digital-divide-spokane-county/" data-pubdate="2021-06-14T02:17:35"> Bridging the digital divide in Spokane County </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2022/sep/16/avoid-falling-for-a-scam-call-text-or-email/" data-pubdate="2022-09-16T02:09:50"> Avoid falling for a scam call, text, or email </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2024/nov/04/spokane-businesses-can-help-nonprofits-fight-downt/" data-pubdate="2024-11-04T02:56:34"> Spokane businesses can help nonprofits fight downturns with a one-two punch: cash and crews </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> 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300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Hundreds protest Trump at downtown Spokane march"> </a> </div> <header class="absolute-l bottom-1-l left-1-l bg-white-l pt2 pa3-l mw6-l"> <h3 class="slide-title f5 fw8 lh-copy sans-serif ma0"><a href="/galleries/2025/feb/17/hundreds-protest-trump-at-downtown-spokane-march/" data-pubdate="2025-02-17" class="underline-hover more">Hundreds protest Trump at downtown Spokane march</a></h3> </header> </article> </li> <li class="splide__slide h-100-ns w-100 mb4 mb0-ns"> <article class="relative aspect-ratio--16x9-l h-100-l" style="background-image: url(; background-size: cover;"> <div class="image-space absolute-l top-l w-100-l h-100-l"> <a href="/galleries/2025/feb/11/north-central-boys-vs-ridgeline-feb-11-2025/" class="db-l absolute-l top-0-l right-0-l bottom-0-l left-0-l"> <img class="lazyload dn-l" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="North Central boys vs. Ridgeline (Feb. 11, 2025)"> </a> </div> <header 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<article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/real-estate-losses-from-fires-may-top-30-billion-f/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T07:18:00"> Real estate losses from fires may top $30 billion, from old mobile homes to $23 million mansions </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> <nav class="f6 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mt3"> <p class="fw6 f6 di ma0 mr1 pv1">Explore:</p> <ul class="list di ma0 pa0 lh-copy"> <li class="di mr1 pv1"> <a class="gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 dm-hover-light-blue f6 serif i underline-hover br b--black-10 pr2" href="/nation/">Nation</a> </li> <li class="di mr1 pv1"> <a class="gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 dm-hover-light-blue f6 serif i underline-hover" href="/world/">World</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="grid-bl-ns"> <section id="education" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="education"> <div class=""> <header 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itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/uw-researchers-in-the-dark-about-federal-funding-d/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T00:00:00"> UW researchers in the dark about federal funding despite court order against Trump administration, as WSU also faces millions in withheld money </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="gc-span2-m grid-bl-l"> <section id="ae" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="ae"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="">A&E</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/spokane-workshop-attracts-young-conductors-from-ar/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Spokane workshop attracts young conductors from around the world"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/spokane-workshop-attracts-young-conductors-from-ar/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T01:30:00">Spokane workshop attracts young conductors from around the world</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/met-museum-returning-ancient-bronze-thought-stole-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T12:28:00"> Met Museum returning ancient bronze thought stolen from Greek museum </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/roberta-flack-popular-song-stylist-of-the-1970s-di/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T08:14:00"> Roberta Flack, popular song stylist of the 1970s, dies at 88 </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/22/betty-whites-collectible-forever-stamp-to-be-relea/" data-pubdate="2025-02-22T14:49:00"> Betty White’s collectible Forever stamp to be released March 27 </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> <nav class="f6 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mt3"> <p class="fw6 f6 di ma0 mr1 pv1">Explore:</p> <ul class="list di ma0 pa0 lh-copy"> <li class="di mr1 pv1"> <a class="gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 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itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/weekend-flooding-highlights-neighborhood-concerns-/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Weekend flooding highlights neighborhood concerns over proposed Spokane Valley development"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 f3-l mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/weekend-flooding-highlights-neighborhood-concerns-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T16:15:00">Weekend flooding highlights neighborhood concerns over proposed Spokane Valley development</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories gcs1-l gce2-l grs2-l"> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif bn-l pt0-l "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/spin-control-name-change-for-the-gulf-of-mexico-ma/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T00:00:00"> Spin Control: Name change for the Gulf of Mexico may take more than Trump's signature </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/22/washington-legislature-considers-allowing-local-el/" data-pubdate="2025-02-22T00:15:00"> Washington Legislature considers allowing local elections in even years as secretaries of state voice concerns </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/spokane-schools-parks-have-released-their-440-mill/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T00:30:00"> Spokane schools, parks have released their $440 million plan. Now they need to convince voters. </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="grid-bl-m"> <section id="transportation" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="transportation"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/transportation/">Transportation</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/getting-there-water-falling-from-downtown-intersta/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Getting There: Water spewing from downtown I-90 viaduct 'not a safety problem,' state officials say"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/getting-there-water-falling-from-downtown-intersta/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T00:30:00">Getting There: Water spewing from downtown I-90 viaduct ‘not a safety problem,’ state officials say</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/20/more-people-traveled-through-spokane-international/" data-pubdate="2025-02-20T11:18:00"> More people traveled through Spokane International Airport than ever in 2024 </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/14/two-people-who-died-in-charter-bus-crash-were-from/" data-pubdate="2025-02-14T17:37:00"> Two people who died in charter bus crash were from Spokane area </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/12/legislator-proposes-pay-per-mile-driver-tax-to-buo/" data-pubdate="2025-02-12T07:30:00"> Legislator proposes pay-per-mile driver tax to buoy declining gas tax revenue </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="gc-span2-m grid-bl-l"> <section id="outdoors" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="outdoors"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/outdoors/">Outdoors</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/21/firings-frozen-funds-create-uncertainty-for-trail-/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Firings, frozen funds create uncertainty for trail groups"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/21/firings-frozen-funds-create-uncertainty-for-trail-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-21T17:00:00">Firings, frozen funds create uncertainty for trail groups</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/21/michael-wright-learning-stillwater-fly-fishing-ski/" data-pubdate="2025-02-21T17:15:00"> Michael Wright: Picking up stillwater fly fishing tips from a master </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/20/idaho-fish-and-game-investigating-illegal-killing-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-20T10:00:00"> Idaho Fish and Game investigating illegal killing of deer, elk near Wallace </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/18/public-lands-will-suffer-idaho-home-to-seven-natio/" data-pubdate="2025-02-18T14:09:00"> 'Public lands will suffer': Idaho, home to seven national forests, loses integral forest service employees across the state to Trump terminations </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="grid-bl-l"> <section id="weather" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="weather"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/weather/">Weather</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/25/three-tropical-cyclones-are-churning-in-the-south-/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Three tropical cyclones are churning in the South Pacific — all at once"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/three-tropical-cyclones-are-churning-in-the-south-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T05:42:00">Three tropical cyclones are churning in the South Pacific — all at once</a></h3> <p class="mt2 mb0 f6 gray-acc-fine dm-white-70 sans-serif ">Updated 1:01 p.m.</p> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/significant-flooding-impacts-areas-around-the-inla/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T11:19:00"> Significant flooding impacts areas around the Inland Northwest after weekend snowmelt </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/atmospheric-river-floods-roads-across-inland-north/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T18:23:00"> Atmospheric river floods roads across Inland Northwest, with rain expected through Tuesday </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/21/weekend-rain-could-lead-to-slush-and-floods-after-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-21T12:38:00"> Weekend rain could lead to slush and floods after snowstorms in Spokane area </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div id="row-2" class="row-2 bg-ad mv4 mv0-ns gcs1-ns gce3-m grs6-m gre7-m gce4-l"></div> <div class="grid-bl-m"> <section id="life" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="life"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/ae/">Life</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/met-museum-returning-ancient-bronze-thought-stole-/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Met Museum returning ancient bronze thought stolen from Greek museum"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/met-museum-returning-ancient-bronze-thought-stole-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T12:28:00">Met Museum returning ancient bronze thought stolen from Greek museum</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/how-to-grow-fruit-trees-in-your-own-backyard-plus-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T00:00:00"> How to grow fruit trees in your own backyard; plus local resources to get you started </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/21/spokane-youth-soccer-coach-remembered-as-genuine-m/" data-pubdate="2025-02-21T13:11:00"> Spokane youth soccer coach remembered as 'genuine' man who loved to help children, entrepreneurs </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/21/theater-on-the-verge-ready-for-inaugural-show-ever/" data-pubdate="2025-02-21T00:00:00"> Theater on the Verge ready for inaugural show, 'Every Brilliant Thing' </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="gc-span2-m grid-bl-l"> <section id="crime" class="comp-card mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="crime"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="">Public Safety</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/post-falls-police-looking-for-suspect-in-mans-shoo/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="Post Falls police looking for suspect in man's shooting death Sunday"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/post-falls-police-looking-for-suspect-in-mans-shoo/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T21:00:00">Post Falls police looking for suspect in man’s shooting death Sunday</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/body-of-80-year-old-woman-found-stuffed-inside-sui/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T09:04:00"> Body of 80-year-old woman found stuffed inside suitcase on island, Oregon police say </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/25/washington-records/" data-pubdate="2025-02-25T03:00:00"> Washington records </a> </h3> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/22/31-year-old-man-struck-killed-by-semitruck-driver-/" data-pubdate="2025-02-22T10:33:00"> 31-year-old man struck, killed by semitruck driver near Newport </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div id="row-3" class="row-3 bg-ad mv4 mv0-ns gcs1-ns gce3-m gce4-l"></div> <!-- NWP Section --> <section class="nwp w-100 mb4 pb3 pb0-ns bb bn-ns b--black-10 mb4-m mb4-l gc-span2-m gc-span3-l grid-bt-ns" data-marfeel-module="home-nwp-preview"> <!-- NWP Header --> <header class="cantilever-header"> <h2 class="lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-blue 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Lincoln Ave, 3rd Floor Spokane, WA 99201</p> </header> </article> <aside class="gcs3-l gce4-l grs1-l gre3-l"> <h3 class="sans-serif fw3 dark-gray dm-white-70 ma0 pa0 mt4 mt0-ns f6 ttu"> Recent Stories: </h3> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 pl0 pt3 b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bn f5-ns f6 mt2 relative sans-serif "> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h4 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/10/spokane-students-share-the-meaning-of-courage-at-s/" data-pubdate="2025-02-10T20:51:00"> Spokane students share the meaning of courage at Spokane Black Voices Symposium: 'Not dimming your light in effort of being scared to shine' </a> </h4> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h4 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/feb/02/book-review-sinkhole-imagines-magical-fairytales-f/" data-pubdate="2025-02-02T00:00:00"> Book review: 'Sinkhole' imagines magical fairytales from Spokane </a> </h4> </article> </li> <li class=" pb3 mb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h4 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/jan/26/qa-sinkhole-author-leyna-krow-talks-fictionalizing/" data-pubdate="2025-01-26T00:00:00"> Q&A: 'Sinkhole' author Leyna Krow talks fictionalizing Spokane, wrestling climate change, reader secrets and more ahead of Tuesday book release </a> </h4> </article> </li> <li class=" "> <article itemscope itemtype=""> <h4 class="lh-copy f6 mt0 mb0 sans-serif fw4"> <a class="link near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue" href="/stories/2025/jan/05/patrick-hutchison-builds-cabin-off-nostalgia-hard-/" data-pubdate="2025-01-05T00:00:00"> Patrick Hutchison builds 'Cabin' off nostalgia, hard labor </a> </h4> </article> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> <div class="tc pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bn-ns"> <p class="mt0 mb3 fw3 f6 serif i lh-copy dm-white-70">Generously Supported By:</p> <div class="flex flex-wrap center justify-center items-center mw6 "> <a class="pa2 w-100 w-third-ns tc" href=""> <img class="lazyload" style="width: 150px;" data-src="" alt="Avista"> </a> <a class="pa2 w-100 w-third-ns tc" href=""> <img class="lazyload" style="width: 150px;" data-src="" alt="Numerica"> </a> <a class="pa2 w-100 w-third-ns tc" href=""> <img class="lazyload" style="width: 150px;" data-src="" alt="Innovia"> </a> </div> </div> </section> <div class="home-extras gc-span2-m gc-span3-l dg-l grg5-l gcg4-l gtc3-l grid-bt-ns"> <section id="news-columnists" class="comp-card grs1-l gre3-l grid-br-l mb4 mb0-ns" data-collection="news-columnists"> <div class=""> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <a class="near-black dm-white-70 hover-blue more-caret hover-dark-red " href="/column">Columnists</a> </h2> </header> <article class="mb3 " itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="image-space mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/24/this-day-in-history-minors-in-custody-in-connectio/" > <img class="lazyload ba b--black-50" src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="This day in history: Minors in custody in connection with Safeway bomb threat over $5,000"> </a> </div> <header> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt2 sans-serif fw8 lh-title"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 hover-light-purple link" href="/stories/2025/feb/24/this-day-in-history-minors-in-custody-in-connectio/" data-pubdate="2025-02-24T00:15:00">This day in history: Minors in custody in connection with Safeway bomb threat over $5,000</a></h3> </header> </article> <div class="more-stories "> <ul class="comp-list-box list ml0 mb0 pl0 pt3 bt b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 bt f5-ns f6 relative 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href="/stories/2025/feb/23/spin-control-name-change-for-the-gulf-of-mexico-ma/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T00:00:00"> Spin Control: Name change for the Gulf of Mexico may take more than Trump's signature </a> </h3> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section class="longreads mv4 gcs2-l gce4-l grid-bb-l" data-collection="longreads"> <header class="cantilever-header "> <h2 class="cantilever-head lh-solid f5 mt0 sans-serif ttu fw8 near-black dm-white-70 "> <span>Long Reads</span> </h2> </header> <ul class="list ma0 pa0 dg-ns gtc2-ns grg5-ns gcg4-ns grs1-l"> <li class="mb3 pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mb0-ns pb0-ns bn-ns grid-br-ns"> <article class="" itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/23/they-thought-they-were-living-the-american-dream-i/" > <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="'They thought they were living the American dream': ICE arrest of Othello woman rattles community as teen son is left to run family's food truck"> </a> </div> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt0 sans-serif fw8 lh-3"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue link" href="/stories/2025/feb/23/they-thought-they-were-living-the-american-dream-i/" data-pubdate="2025-02-23T10:00:00">‘They thought they were living the American dream’: ICE arrest of Othello woman rattles community as teen son is left to run family’s food truck</a></h3> </article> </li> <li class="mb3 pb3 bb b--black-10 dm-b--white-20 mb0-ns pb0-ns bn-ns "> <article class="" itemscope itemtype="" > <div class="mt0 mh0 mb3 "> <a href="/stories/2025/feb/16/what-can-democrats-do-about-trump-and-musks-policy/" > <img class="lazyload " src="" data-sizes="auto" data-srcset=" 300w, 530w, 720w, 1170w, 2500w," alt="What can Democrats do about Trump and Musk's policy blitz? Here's what Washington lawmakers say"> </a> </div> <h3 class="f4 mb2 mt0 sans-serif fw8 lh-3"><a class="near-black dm-white-90 dm-hover-light-blue link" href="/stories/2025/feb/16/what-can-democrats-do-about-trump-and-musks-policy/" data-pubdate="2025-02-16T01:00:00">What can Democrats do about Trump and Musk’s policy blitz? 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