Terms and Conditions

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Except as we may agree, you must not re-sell or transfer the tickets in breach of the applicable terms. A breach of this condition will entitle us to cancel the tickets without prior notification, refund, compensation or liability.</li><li class="p left list">In addition to the ticket price your order may require payment of a booking fee per ticket, a transaction fees per order and/or other supplementary fees which may apply to the event. Those fees are not refundable except as set out in SeeTickets terms and conditions.</li><li class="p left list">You must inform us of any change of address, contact phone number or email address, both before and after receipt of the tickets. Our preferred method to contact you is email, so you should take care to provide a current, valid email address.</li><li class="p left list">An order for tickets is not complete until accepted by us. We try to ensure all prices are accurate but errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of tickets you have ordered we will inform you as soon as possible and we may either cancel the order (in which case you will be refunded the ticket price and any booking, transaction or supplementary fees you have paid) or give you the option of confirming your order at the correct price.</li><li class="p left list">Buying a ticket affirms your consent to the filming and sound recording of yourself as a member of the audience. If you have any objection, should this happen when you attend a show or event, please contact a member of the Venue Management.</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">Delivery and collection</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">Tickets may be despatched to you electronically or by post (including secure, registered, recorded and regular post) or made available for collection at the venue box office.</li><li class="p left list">If tickets sent by post are returned to us marked “addressee gone away”, “addressee unknown” or similar words indicating that you do not reside at the address, your order may be cancelled and the ticket price and any supplementary charges (but not the booking fee or transaction fee) refunded, or your order may be made available for collection at the box office.</li><li class="p left list">To collect tickets at the box office the cardholder must present the card used to book the tickets as identification. Other identification or letters authorising collection may not be accepted and the tickets may be withheld at the box office.</li><li class="p left list">Always check your tickets upon receipt and advise us promptly of any errors. Mistakes when ordering cannot always be corrected and any corrections are discretionary.</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">Cancellation Rights and Refunds</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">Tickets cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded once purchased other than for the reasons set out in these terms and conditions. This is subject to any rights you may have pursuant to Ticket Plan Protection purchased when you bought the tickets.</li><li class="p left list">No duplicate tickets will be issued to replace tickets that have been lost or stolen after they have been delivered to you, and nor will such tickets be refunded.</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">Cancellation, change or postponement of an event</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">Decisions to change or cancel events are at our sole discretion. You will be informed in advance of any changes to the dates or times of the event. We cannot be held responsible for any resulting costs you may incur for travel, accommodation, any other related goods or service or other compensation.</li><li class="p left list">You should always check that that the event is going ahead at the scheduled date, time and venue.</li><li class="p left list">If we need to reschedule or cancel the event we will inform you by email and make this information available on our website and social media feeds.</li><li class="p left list">If the event is rescheduled, changed or moved, you will be able to retain or exchanging your tickets for the new date/location. If an event is cancelled you will be offered a refund. Please note that the Booking Fee and any Transaction Fees are not refundable in these circumstances.</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">Refunds</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">Any refund will usually be paid, using the same method you used to buy the tickets, within 30 days of the original date of the event or the date that we receive your returned tickets, whichever is later.</li><li class="p left list">No refunds will be offered under any circumstances if you fail to comply with the all terms and conditions applicable to your tickets.</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">Attending an event</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">Admission to the event is at all times subject to any terms, conditions or rules of the venue operator. If you breach those terms, conditions or rules then the venue operator may refuse admission or require you or other ticket holders to leave the venue.</li><li class="p left list">Amongst other things you will need to comply with health and safety rules and any security requirements (including security searches for the safety of those attending the event). The venue will have rights to refuse admission or eject you in certain circumstances and these are likely to include if you are involved with abusive, threatening, drunken or other anti-social behaviour, or carry offensive weapons or illegal or prohibited substances.</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">Privacy</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">We may share your personal information with our partners as necessary for the purposes of the event. We will not otherwise share that information for marketing or any other purposes without your consent (as part of the booking process or otherwise) unless required by law.</li><li class="p left list">We will share your information with 3rd parties only if you have given consent for us to do so. These 3rd parties may use your information to contact you with regards to the specific event or other relevant events you may be interested in, based on your purchase history.</li><li class="p left list">We will always respect your privacy and any personal communication between you and ourselves. We will always comply with United Kingdom data protection legislation.</li><li class="p left list">The contact details you provide to us may be passed to the NHS test and trace team, if they make a request of the data controller. This is to enable them to notify you of potential exposure to Covid-19.</li><li class="p left list">Other than the disclosures referred to in the Terms &amp; Conditions, we will not disclose any personal information without your permission, unless we are legally entitled or obliged to do so (for example, if required to do so by Court order, or in order to prevent fraud or any other crime).</li></ul><p class="p left nextunder"><span class="privacy">General</span></p><ul role="list"><li class="p left list">We cannot be liable in any way for the acts or omissions of others. However, we do not seek to exclude our liability to you for death or personal injury caused by negligence, fraud or any other liability which cannot be lawfully excluded or limited.</li><li class="p left list">These terms and conditions do not create any rights or obligations enforceable by or against anyone other than us and you.</li><li class="p left list">The purchase by you of tickets and these terms and conditions (and any contractual or non-contractual matters arising in relation to these terms and conditions) are governed by English law and any disputes arising out of any transaction between you and us are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.</li></ul></div></div><div><section class="section accent"><div class="w-container"><div data-w-id="7884dc60-39f9-1efe-1176-fa89a06deae7" class="w-embed w-script"><script src="" defer></script> <div class="elfsight-app-70fb6ac3-b7cf-4ec1-a45b-bf42e54bd643"></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-id="49ca4750-b15f-3804-8fec-ead71f572678" class="footer"><div class="container-6 w-container"><div class="w-row"><div class="spc w-col w-col-4 w-col-medium-4"><h5 class="heading-2">THE BRITISH MOTOR SHOW</h5><p class="paragraph">15 - 17 August 2025<br/>Farnborough International Exhibition &amp; Conference Centre.<br/>Etps Road<br/>Farnborough<br/>GU14 6TQ</p></div><div class="spc w-col w-col-4 w-col-medium-4"><h5 class="heading-2">A FAMILY FUN DAY OUT</h5><a href="" target="_blank" class="footer-link">BUY TICKETS</a><a href="/latest-news" class="footer-link">LATEST NEWS</a><a href="/press-exhibiting" class="footer-link">PRESS &amp; EXHIBITING</a><a href="/partners" class="footer-link">PARTNERS</a><a href="/faqs" class="footer-link">FAQS</a><a href="/other-events" class="footer-link">OTHER EVENTS</a></div><div class="column-2 w-col w-col-4 w-col-medium-4"><h5 class="heading-2">SPONSORED BY</h5><a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 300px, (max-width: 991px) 229.328125px, 299.984375px" srcset=" 500w, 718w" alt="" class="logos napit foot motors"/></a><h5 class="heading-2 smaller under part">IN PARTNERSHIP WITH</h5></div></div></div><div class="div-block-4"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer container-4 w-clearfix w-container"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="200px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1062w" alt="" class="sponsoredlogojoint"/><div class="div-block-5 w-clearfix"><a href="/terms-and-conditions" aria-current="page" class="textlink last w--current">Terms &amp; Conditions</a><a href="/contact-us" class="textlink">Contact Us</a><a href="/privacy-policy" class="textlink">Privacy Policy</a><a href="" target="_blank" class="textlink">© Copyright Automotion Events Ltd</a></div><div class="code-embed w-embed"><a href="#" id="open_preferences_center" class="textlink last">Update Cookies Preferences</a></div></div></div></div><script src="" type="text/javascript" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>

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