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margin-left:0px;height:300px; object-fit: cover;" </li> <div class="register-holder"> <div class="register-button"> <a href="" class="register-content"> <h3>Workshop</h3> <p style="color:#fff;"><a href="" class="text-white">Home / Workshop</a></p> </a> </div> </div> </ul> </div> <!-- ============================================= Conatct us Section ============================================== --> <div class="faq-page section-spacing"> <div class="container"> <!--<div class="theme-title-one"> <h2>Outstanding Young Researcher Awards:</h2> </div>--> <!-- /.theme-title-one --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 py-5" style="padding-top: 0rem !important; padding-bottom: 0rem !important;"> <h4>Workshop & Presentation Types</h4> <p class="text-justify">The main aim behind the inclusion of workshops is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge through audience interactions. Workshops can be 3 to 6 hours in length, depending on the subject matter and relevance of the topics discussed and no of speakers involved.</p> <p class="text-justify">Interested persons should select the workshop type, day and their preferred duration, in the workshop proposal.</p> <p class="text-justify"> <strong>The following are the available possible workshop types:</strong></p> <p class="text-justify"><strong>Regular workshop:</strong> 1 to 4 hours sessions with up to 8 presentations. Such workshops allow ample time for audience interactions.</p> <p class="text-justify"><strong>1 day workshop:</strong> 4 to 8 hours sessions, organized to specifically build the capacity and knowledge of conference delegates. These workshops include 8-16 presentations and focus a majority on collaborative learning and skill development.</p> <p class="text-justify">Usually workshops would be planned with a number of presentations that will be followed by a discussion. The maximum limit of abstract submissions allowed for this type is 16 (1 Day Workshop). Workshops that combine 1-2 presentations with a panel discussion are still considered to be regular workshops. In these cases, we urge you to add the number of abstracts, and include the names and affiliations of the panellists.</p> <h4>Technical Guidelines:</h4> <p class="text-justify">Each workshop room will be equipped with one screen and one podium.</p> <p class="text-justify">Workshop Presenters will be equipped with microphones when required.</p> <p class="text-justify">Workshop rooms are not equipped with speakers, and requests for speakers must be made in advance.</p> <p class="text-justify">Presenters are expected to carry their own laptops. In case you are using a Mac, make sure to carry any necessary cables to connect to the projector.</p> <p class="text-justify">Presenters are expected to carry any workshop related material, including an electronic copy of their workshop presentation Wireless internet connectivity will be available throughout the conference space.</p> <h4 class="text-justify">Proposal Guidelines:</h4> <p class="text-justify"><strong>Proposals on all topics related to scientific research should be structured as follows:</strong></p> <p class="text-justify"><strong>Presentations:</strong> Select the number of presentations in this section. The minimum and maximum number of presentations for any workshop is 8 for half day, 16 for full day presentations.</p> <p class="text-justify"><strong>Presenters:</strong> Select the number of presenters in this section. The presenters name, institute, and email address should be entered.</p> <p class="text-justify">Social Media Statement: Provide us with a statement about your workshop using up to 120 characters that can be used for promotions on our various social media platforms. Be sure to use words or phrases that will capture attention and create a call to action, and include relevant hashtags.</p> <h4 class="text-justify">Evaluation procedure:</h4> <p class="text-justify">All submitted proposals will be peer-reviewed by the International Scientific Committee, consisting of experts from over the world.</p> <h4>Online Submission Site:</h4> <p class="text-justify">All workshop proposals must be submitted online, by filling the following form:</p> <p class="text-justify">All proposals need to be submitted on or before this deadline.</p> <p class="text-justify">For any further questions, feel free to contact us through contact form.</p> <h4 class="text-justify">In the event that your workshop proposal is accepted:</h4> <p class="text-justify">You agree that all presenters in that workshop will register and pay the appropriate conference registration fee by the deadline. Deadlines for abstract submission and registration can be found on the event page.</p> <p class="text-justify"><b>Note: All discounted registrations are fully non-refundable.</b></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.container --> </div> <br> <footer class="theme-footer-two" style="position: absolute; width: 100%;"> <div class="top-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-12 logo-widget"> <div class="logo"><a href="#"><img src="" alt="" style="width:90%;"></a></div> <!--<p>Tthis tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by theam government they survive on up east side to a deluxe as soldiers.</p>--> <ul class="social-icon" style="margin: 30px;"> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> <li><a href="""><i class="fa fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true" ></i></a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- /.logo-widget --> <div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-12 footer-list"> <h6 class="title">EXPLORE</h6> <ul> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i> Abstract Submission</a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i> Registration</a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i> Cancellation Policy</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- /.footer-list --> <div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-12 contact-widget"> <h6 class="title">CONTACT</h6> <ul> <li> <i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i> Tokyo, Japan </li> <li> <i class="flaticon-multimedia-1"></i> <a href=""></a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-phone" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="#">+91-9100067998</a> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- /.contact-widget --> </div> <!-- /.row --> </div> <!-- /.container --> </div> <!-- /.top-footer --> <div class="bottom-footer"> <div class="container"> <p>© Copyright 2023 All rights reserved | Foster Research</p> </div> </div> <!-- /.bottom-footer --> </footer> <!-- /.theme-footer-two --> <!-- Scroll Top Button --> <button class="scroll-top tran3s"> <i class="fa fa-angle-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> </button> <!-- Optional JavaScript _____________________________ --> <!-- jQuery first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap JS --> <!-- jQuery --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Popper js --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Bootstrap JS --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Camera Slider --> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <!-- menu --> <script src=""></script> <!-- WOW js --> <script src=""></script> <!-- owl.carousel --> <script src=""></script> <!-- js count to --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- Fancybox --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Language Stitcher --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Google map js --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- Theme js --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </div> <!-- /.main-page-wrapper --> <script> var responsiveSlider = function() { var slider = document.getElementById("slider"); var sliderWidth = slider.offsetWidth; var slideList = document.getElementById("slideWrap"); var count = 1; var items = slideList.querySelectorAll("li").length; var prev = document.getElementById("prev"); var next = document.getElementById("next"); window.addEventListener('resize', function() { sliderWidth = slider.offsetWidth; }); var prevSlide = function() { if(count > 1) { count = count - 2; = "-" + count * sliderWidth + "px"; count++; } else if(count = 1) { count = items - 1; = "-" + count * sliderWidth + "px"; count++; } }; var nextSlide = function() { if(count < items) { = "-" + count * sliderWidth + "px"; count++; } else if(count = items) { = "0px"; count = 1; } }; next.addEventListener("click", function() { nextSlide(); }); prev.addEventListener("click", function() { prevSlide(); }); setInterval(function() { nextSlide() }, 5000); }; window.onload = function() { responsiveSlider(); } </script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // Initialize by adding the active class to the first tab $('#welcomeMessageTab').addClass('active-tab'); // Listen for tab click events $('#welcomeMessageTab').click(function() { // Add green to Welcome Message tab and remove from About Conference $(this).addClass('active-tab'); $('#aboutConferenceTab').removeClass('active-tab'); }); $('#aboutConferenceTab').click(function() { // Add green to About Conference tab and remove from Welcome Message $(this).addClass('active-tab'); $('#welcomeMessageTab').removeClass('active-tab'); }); }); </script> </body> </html>