CINXE.COM blog — Have you considered allowing small mp4s and webms...

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Probably they have already fixed the...","@context":"http:\/\/"}</script><link rel="canonical" href="" /></head> <body> <section id="color_bar"></section> <section id="container" class="group"> <header id="header"> <section id="blog_info"> <h1><a href="/"> blog</a></h1> <div class="description cont">Blog of project</div> </section> <section id="blog_avatar"> <a href="/" class="avatar"><img src=""></a> </section> </header> <aside id="sidebar"> <div class="cont description group">Blog of project</div> <ul class="links" style="display:none; display:block;"> <li><a href="/ask" class="ask"><span class="icon"></span>ask me anything</a></li> </ul> <ul class="links"> <li><a href="" class="rss"><span class="icon"></span>rss</a></li> <li><a href="/archive" class="archive"><span class="icon"></span>archive</a></li> </ul> </aside> <ul id="posts"> <!-- START POSTS --> <li class="post group" style="padding:0" > <section class="group caption_and_post_info "> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont group"> <div class="question bubble"> <p>Have you considered allowing small mp4s and webms (&lt;3MB), basically gifs, to be archived?</p> <span class="arrow border"></span> <span class="arrow fill"></span> </div> <div class="asker group"> <img src="" width="24" height="24" /> Anonymous </div> <div class="answer cont"><p>Videos are allowed on some websites (Twitter, Imgur, Wired, MIT Technology Review, &hellip;).</p><p>There is another obstacle besides the size: Chromium often returns broken data when video content is requested via DevTool Protocol (using Network.getResponseBody function). Probably they have already fixed the bug, I need to check.</p></div> </div> </section> <ul class=" post_info "> <li> <ul class="post_controls group"> <li><a href="" class="reblog_button"style="display: block;width:21px;height:21px;"><svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 21 21" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" fill="#000"><path d="M5.01092527,5.99908429 L16.0088498,5.99908429 L16.136,9.508 L20.836,4.752 L16.136,0.083 L16.1360004,3.01110845 L2.09985349,3.01110845 C1.50585349,3.01110845 0.979248041,3.44726568 0.979248041,4.45007306 L0.979248041,10.9999998 L3.98376463,8.30993634 L3.98376463,6.89801007 C3.98376463,6.20867902 4.71892527,5.99908429 5.01092527,5.99908429 Z"></path><path d="M17.1420002,13.2800293 C17.1420002,13.5720293 17.022957,14.0490723 16.730957,14.0490723 L4.92919922,14.0490723 L4.92919922,11 L0.5,15.806 L4.92919922,20.5103758 L5.00469971,16.9990234 L18.9700928,16.9990234 C19.5640928,16.9990234 19.9453125,16.4010001 19.9453125,15.8060001 L19.9453125,9.5324707 L17.142,12.203"></path></svg></a></li> <li><div class="like_button" data-post-id="657607767402659840" data-blog-name="archive-is" id="like_button_657607767402659840"><iframe id="like_iframe_657607767402659840" src=";post_id=657607767402659840&amp;color=black&amp;rk=vSX3XEsH&amp;slug=have-you-considered-allowing-small-mp4s-and-webms" scrolling="no" width="21" height="21" frameborder="0" class="like_toggle" allowTransparency="true" name="like_iframe_657607767402659840"></iframe></div></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="" class=" timestamp ">July 24, 2021 (5:20 pm)</a></li> <li><a class="notecount" href="">1 notes</a></li> </ul> <section class="post_notes"> <a name="notes"> <ol class="notes"><!-- START NOTES --><li class="note reblog tumblelog_archive-is with_commentary"><a rel="nofollow" class="avatar_frame" target="_blank" href="" title=" blog"><img src="" class="avatar " alt="" /></a><span class="action" data-post-url=""><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="tumblelog" title=" blog">archive-is</a> reblogged this from <a rel="nofollow" href="" class="source_tumblelog" title=" blog">archive-is</a> and added: </span><div class="clear"></div><blockquote><a rel="nofollow" href="" title="View post"> It seems fixed, even with relative big videos (example I will deploy the fixed version in 2-3... </a></blockquote></li><!-- END NOTES --></ol></a> </section> </section> </li> <!-- END POSTS --> </ul> <footer id="footer"> </footer> </section> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Tumblelog = {}; 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