Light a candle (Nadlik beyachad ner) - lyrics - Diggiloo Thrush

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&#1504;&#1491;&#1502;&#1492; &#1513;&#1488;&#1497;&#1503; &#1514;&#1511;&#1493;&#1493;&#1492;</td> <td class='lat'>Lif'amim nidme she'en tikva</td> <td class='tran'>Sometimes it seems as if there is no hope</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1493;&#1492;&#1499;&#1500; &#1504;&#1512;&#1488;&#1492; &#1499;&#1500; &#1499;&#1498; &#1488;&#1508;&#1500; &#1493;&#1500;&#1488; &#1497;&#1491;&#1493;&#1506;</td> <td class='lat'>Vehakol nir'e kol kach afel velo yadu'a</td> <td class='tran'>And everything looks so dark and unknown</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1492;&#1508;&#1512;&#1495;&#1497;&#1501; &#1506;&#1493;&#1491; &#1500;&#1488; &#1508;&#1512;&#1495;&#1493; &#1489;&#1490;&#1503; &#1493;&#1489;&#1513;&#1491;&#1492;</td> <td class='lat'>Haprachim od lo parchu bagan uvasade</td> <td class='tran'>The flowers have yet to bloom in the garden and in the field</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1493;&#1489;&#1506;&#1512;&#1489; &#1512;&#1511; &#1502;&#1499;&#1492; &#1492;&#1512;&#1493;&#1495;</td> <td class='lat'>Uva'erev rak maka haruach</td> <td class='tran'>And in the evening only the wind blows</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1488;&#1494; &#1489;&#1493;&#1488;&#1493; &#1493;&#1504;&#1491;&#1500;&#1497;&#1511; &#1489;&#1497;&#1495;&#1491; &#1504;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Az bo'u venadlik beyachad ner</td> <td class='tran'>So let's light a candle together</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>...&#1504;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Ner...</td> <td class='tran'>Candle...</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='lat'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='lat'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='lat'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='lat'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='lat'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='lat'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1500;&#1508;&#1506;&#1502;&#1497;&#1501; &#1504;&#1512;&#1488;&#1492; &#1513;&#1492;&#1502;&#1495;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Lif'amim nir'e shehamachar</td> <td class='tran'>Sometimes it seems as if tomorrow</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1500;&#1488; &#1497;&#1489;&#1497;&#1488; &#1508;&#1492; &#1504;&#1495;&#1502;&#1492; &#1500;&#1489;&#1499;&#1497; &#1493;&#1500;&#1510;&#1506;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Lo yavi po nechama labechi velatsa'ar</td> <td class='tran'>Won't bring any comfort here to the crying and the sorrow</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1493;&#1492;&#1500;&#1497;&#1500;&#1492; &#1492;&#1488;&#1512;&#1493;&#1498; &#1504;&#1502;&#1513;&#1498; &#1489;&#1500;&#1497; &#1492;&#1489;&#1496;&#1495;&#1492;</td> <td class='lat'>Vehalaila ha'aroch nimshach bli havtacha</td> <td class='tran'>And the long night goes on without a promise</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1493;&#1492;&#1488;&#1508;&#1500;&#1492; &#1495;&#1491;&#1492; &#1499;&#1514;&#1506;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Veha'afela chada kata'ar</td> <td class='tran'>And the darkness is sharp as a razor</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&#1488;&#1494; &#1489;&#1493;&#1488;&#1493; &#1493;&#1504;&#1491;&#1500;&#1497;&#1511; &#1489;&#1497;&#1495;&#1491; &#1504;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Az bo'u venadlik beyachad ner</td> <td class='tran'>So let's light a candle together</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>...&#1504;&#1512;</td> <td class='lat'>Ner...</td> <td class='tran'>Candle...</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='lat'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='lat'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='lat'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='lat'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='lat'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='lat'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light all the candles</td> <td class='lat'>Light all the candles</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Let's light the candles everywhere</td> <td class='lat'>Let's light the candles everywhere</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Just look at me and take my hand</td> <td class='lat'>Just look at me and take my hand</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>The heat of love will glow again</td> <td class='lat'>The heat of love will glow again</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='lat'>&nbsp;</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='lat'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='lat'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='lat'>Light a candle, light a candle with me</td> <td class='tran'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td class='scr'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='lat'>A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts</td> <td class='tran'>.</td></tr> </table> </center> <br /></div> <table id='footer' style='width: 100%; 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