EEIT 2024 | 工程教育与信息技术国际会议/Engineering Education and Information Technology
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At least one author of a paper should pay a full registration fee. Each additional paper may be included in the conference proceedings for an additional fee.<br /> One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only ONE copy. Student fee is ONLY applicable for students who are FIRST author. Additional paper precondition: The registered author should be the first author in both papers. </p> </li> <li>● The additional paper price is only applied for the registered author who is the first author in both papers.<br /> ● <strong>早鸟价截止时间: 2024年4月15日; The Early-bird Registration due: April 15, 2024 (GMT+8)<br /> </strong>● Any question, please contact via <a href=""></a></li> </ul> <p> <br /><span lang="zh-cn" xml:lang="zh-cn"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" style="width:578pt" class="auto-style10"> <colgroup> <col style="mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2340;"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4461;"> <col span="1" style="mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 6363;"> <col span="1" style="mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 6363;"> <col span="1" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:6363; "> </colgroup> <tr height="22" class="auto-style2"> <td class="auto-style5" height="22" style="height: 16.5pt; width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial"> </td> <td class="auto-style1" style="width: 329pt">Category</td> <td class="auto-style1" style="width: 218pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn">T<span class="auto-style11">ype</span></span></td> <td class="auto-style1" style="width: 131pt; border-image: url("") initial" width="174">In US Dollar</td> <td class="auto-style1" style="width: 142pt; border-image: url("") initial">In RMB Yuan</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ls-nothumb" style="height: 11pt; width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 329pt; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 218pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style22" style="width: 131pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;" width="174"> </td> <td class="auto-style22" style="width: 131pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;" width="174"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style5" rowspan="5" style="width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span class="auto-style2">Early-bird </span> <span lang="zh-cn"> <span class="auto-style2">P<span class="auto-style11">rice</span></span></span><span class="auto-style2"> <br>(By <span lang="zh-cn">April 15</span>, 2024)</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn"> Regular Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt" width="174">USD 4<span lang="zh-cn">50</span></td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt"> RMB 3<span lang="zh-cn">15</span>0</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 29px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> Student<span lang="zh-cn"> Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 29px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt; height: 29px;" width="174"> USD <span lang="zh-cn"> 400</span></td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt; height: 29px;"> RMB 2800</td> </tr> <tr height="22"> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 29px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn"> Invited Speaker</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 29px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt; height: 29px;" width="174"> USD 380</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt; height: 29px;"> RMB <span lang="zh-cn">2650</span></td> </tr> <tr height="22"> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 29px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn"> TPC Member Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 29px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt; height: 29px;" width="174">USD 4<span lang="zh-cn">30</span></td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt; height: 29px;">RMB 3000</td> </tr> <tr height="22"> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 29px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> Online<span lang="zh-cn"> Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 29px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt; height: 29px;" width="174"> USD <span lang="zh-cn"> 350</span></td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt; height: 29px;">RMB 2450</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ls-nothumb" style="height: 11pt; width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 329pt; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 218pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 164pt; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 131pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;" width="174"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style4" rowspan="5" style="width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn">L<span class="auto-style11">ate Registration</span></span> <br>(<span lang="zh-cn">After</span> <span lang="zh-cn">April 15</span>, 2024)</td> <td class="auto-style3" style="width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn"> Regular Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style3" style="width: 218pt">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style3" style="width: 131pt" width="174"> USD <span lang="zh-cn"> 500</span></td> <td class="auto-style3" style="width: 142pt">RMB 3<span lang="zh-cn">50</span>0</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> Student<span lang="zh-cn"> Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt" width="174">USD 4<span lang="zh-cn">50</span></td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt"> RMB 3<span lang="zh-cn">15</span>0</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 32px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn"> Invited Speaker</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 32px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 131pt; height: 32px;" width="174"> USD <span lang="zh-cn"> 380</span></td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 142pt; height: 32px;"> RMB <span lang="zh-cn"> 2</span>650</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 32px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> <span lang="zh-cn"> TPC Member Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 32px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 131pt; height: 32px;" width="174">USD 480</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 142pt; height: 32px;">RMB 3350</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="height: 32px; width: 329pt; border-image: url("") initial"> Online<span lang="zh-cn"> Registration</span></td> <td class="auto-style26" style="width: 218pt; height: 32px;">Full Paper</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 131pt" width="174">USD 400</td> <td class="auto-style24" style="width: 142pt"> RMB 2800</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ls-nothumb" style="height: 11pt; width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 329pt; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style21" style="width: 218pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;"> </td> <td class="auto-style22" style="width: 131pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;" width="174"> </td> <td class="auto-style22" style="width: 131pt; border-image: url("") initial; height: 11pt;" width="174"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style4" rowspan="4" style="width: 234pt; border-image: url("") initial">Others</td> <td class="auto-style26" style="border-image: url("") initial" colspan="2"> <span lang="zh-cn"> Abstract Registration (Presenter Only)</span></td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 131pt" width="174"> USD <span lang="zh-cn"> 300</span></td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 142pt"> RMB <span lang="zh-cn"> 2100</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="border-image: url("") initial" colspan="2"> <span lang="zh-cn"> Delegate</span></td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 131pt; height: 17pt;" width="174">USD 200</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 142pt; height: 17pt;"> RMB 1400</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style26" style="border-image: url("") initial" colspan="2"> Additional Paper</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 131pt" width="174">USD 3<span><span lang="zh-cn">35</span> </span></td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 142pt">RMB 2350</td> </tr> <tr height="22"> <td class="auto-style26" height="22" style="height: 16.5pt; border-image: url("") initial" colspan="2"> Extra Page</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 131pt" width="174">USD 70</td> <td class="auto-style25" style="width: 142pt">RMB 490</td> </tr> </table> <br /> </span></p> <p><span lang="zh-cn" xml:lang="zh-cn"><strong>Refunds Policy</strong><br /> <br /> If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.<br /> * 60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund<br /> * 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund<br /> * Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund<br /> Cancellation and refund request must be made formally via email<br /> * The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.<br /> * Losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.</span></p> <p><span lang="zh-cn" xml:lang="zh-cn"><br /> - For safety consideration, please take good care of your belongings in the public places. Please bring your name badge for entering the conference hall. Please do not lend your name badge to people who are not involved with the conference. Please do not take irrelevant people to enter the conference rooms. The Organizers shall not be held responsibility for any loss of personal finance or belongings.</span><a name="venue" id="venue"></a></p> <div> </div> </div> <div class="feature_section" id="features"> <div class="container"> <div> <h2>Conference Venue</h2> <p><img src="images/venue/hotel-logo.png" width="125" height="132" align="left" hspace="10"/><strong>Holiday Inn Nanjing Qinhuai South / 南京上秦淮假日酒店</strong></p> <p>NO.21 Mozhou East Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, JS, 211111, China <br /> 中国江苏省南京市江宁区秣周东路 21号<br /> Tel: +86-25-8490 8888 Email: <a href=""></a></p> <p align="justify"><img src="images/venue/hotel1.jpg" width="500" height="165" align="left" hspace="20"/><strong>Hotel Introduction:<span lang="en" xml:lang="en"> </span></strong><br /> Holiday Inn Nanjing Qinhuai South Suites is conveniently located on Mozhou East Road in Nanjing’s Jiangning District, just 20 kilometers from Nanjing Lukou International Airport and Nanjing South Railway Station, close to metro line 3 Mozhou East Road Station. Guests will find themselves close to a number of area points of interest and leisure attractions, including the largest Outlets shopping Mall in Nanjing. Taxis are readily available from the hotel and throughout the district.Hotel has 145 comfortable modern rooms. The 83 suites are all equipped with independent open-style kitchen, Auto-dry washing machine and spacious office area including ergonomic chairs and tables, 48 inch LCD TV, satellite channel and high speed Internet and Wi-Fi access.The modern fashion Umeet All Day Dining is on the 6th floor, which can accommodate 100 people enjoying buffet or other delicacies at the same time. The spacious chic open kitchen will amaze you with super cooking skills and gluttonous feast. Outdoor restaurant will be your first choice for barbecue or private buffet cocktail.The top international fitness facilities provide high quality fitness service to bring you a full relaxation experience after busy work.<br clear="all" /> <a href="images/venue/2.png" target="_blank" class="button3">View the Map</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="feature_section" id="features2"> <div class="container"> <div> <h2>Visa Application Tips / Invitation Letter<strong><br /> </strong></h2> <p align="justify"><strong>Important information regarding invitation letters (please read and contact conference secretary for it.<br /> </strong>Conference participants may need a Chinese visa to enter China. Specifically, those who are not Chinese citizens, except passport holders from Singapore, Brunei, and Japan, need a Chinese visa.<br /> Participants can apply for a visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate in the region in which they live. To avoid uncertainty, participants will be advised to apply for a visa as early as possible. It is recommended that they apply for a Chinese visa at least 1 month in advance.<br /> For most attendees, it is easier to apply for a Tourist ("L") visa; an invitation letter is NOT required for obtaining a Tourist visa.<br /> <br /> <strong>Necessary materials to apply for Chinese Visa</strong><br /> - A passport which is valid for at least six months following the date of submission, with an entire blank page available for the visa;<br /> - One Visa Application Form of the Peoples Republic of China, which is filled clearly with true, authentic and complete information and signed by the applicant;<br /> - One recent, 2 inch full-faced and bareheaded passport photo (the daily life photo, photo copy or digital photo printed on the ordinary paper shall not be accepted);<br /> - Other related application materials according to different purposes for your trip to China;<br /> - Other materials related to the visa application, deemed as necessary by the visa officer.<br /> <br /> For more information, please contact the local Chinese Embassy in your country. Alternatively, participants may ask their travel agents to arrange their travel to China and obtain a tourist visa irrespective of whether or not they have registered with the Conference Secretariat. If participants have any difficulties in obtaining their visa, they should contact the Conference Secretariat for some helps. </p> <p align="justify"> </p> <h2>About Nanjing, China<strong> </strong></h2> <p>Nanjing, called Ning for short, is located in the Yangtze River Delta. With history of over 6,000 years, Nanjing has become a famous historical and cultural city since it was established 2,500 years ago. Since the 3rd Century AD, 10 dynasties and regimes made Nanjing the capital and established the country: Wu, Eastern Jin, Southern Dynasties (Song, Qi, Liang, Chen), Southern Tang, Ming, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Republic of China, hence the titles “Ancient Capital for Six Dynasties” and “Capital City for Ten Dynasties”. The history has left abundant Chinese historical and cultural relics in Nanjing. Nanjing was made capital in ten dynasties in history, known as one of the four major ancient capitals in China together with Beijing, Xi’an and Luoyang. In addition to historical sights, its memorials, museums and cultural sights also attract thousands of visitors. The famous Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) is not only a memorial place for the Great Sage but has a surrounding area bustling with shops, restaurants and a snack street housed in traditional architectural buildings. In the city center, Nanjing Museum is a must-go spot for visitors with a collection of more than 420 thousand pieces, including about 2,000 that are rare and valued. The Zijinshan Observatory (Purple Mountain Observatory) to the east of the city center was the first modern observatory built in China.</p> <p align="justify"> <img height="159" src="images/venue/2.jpg" width="1057" /></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="common_section"> <div class="container"> <div class="copyright">Copyright © 2024. 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