Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service

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Of course, this facility can also be used to generate a page for any arbitrary set of minor planets. <ul> <li>Once a page has been placed on your site, you can forget about it. You do not need to update the page as orbits are improved or as objects are identified or numbered--this is all handled transparently by this service. You need only modify the page as you discover new objects. </ul> </ol> In either case, enter your list of desired objects in the text-area indicated. By default, ephemerides will be returned. If you desire a HTML document to be returned, check the appropriate box. Further options, specific to each purpose are accessible further down this page. <p> A <a href="/iau/info/MPES.pdf">PDF document (633 KB) describing the use of the MPES is available.</a> (Updated 2011 Jan. 14) <p> <a href="/iau/MPCStatus.html">Information on any known problems with this service is available.</a> <p> <a href=";S=Problem">Report a problem.</a> <a href=";S=Comments">Comment on this service.</a> <p> <a href="/iau/info/MissingNames.html">Why can't I find an object with a particular name?</a> (Added 2004 Sept. 7) <p> <p> <center> <strong>Note: If you wish an ephemeris for the main component of comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS), please enter CK19Y04b</strong> </center> </p> <hr><p> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""> <center><input type=submit value=" Get ephemerides/HTML page "> <input type=reset value=" Reset form "><p></center> <p><center><input type="radio" name="ty" VALUE="e" CHECKED> Return ephemerides <input type="radio" name="ty" VALUE="s"> Return summary <input type="radio" name="ty" VALUE="h"> Return HTML page</center> <p><center>Objects may be identified by designation or by name. Enter a list of designations or names below (one entry per line, excess entries will be ignored):</center> <p><center><textarea name="TextArea" cols=40 rows=10></textarea></center> <p><hr><p> <center> <h2>Ephemeris Options (applicable only if selecting ephemeris return):</h2> <p>By default, ephemerides are geocentric, begin now and are for 20 days at 1 day intervals. <p>Ephemeris start date: <input name="d" maxlength=20 size=17 VALUE=""> Number of dates to output <input name="l" maxlength=4 size=3 VALUE=""> <p>Ephemeris interval: <input name="i" maxlength=3 size=3 VALUE=""> Ephemeris units: <input type="radio" name="u" value="d" CHECKED> days <input type="radio" name="u" value="h"> hours <input type="radio" name="u" value="m"> minutes <input type="radio" <p>For daily ephemerides, enter desired offset from 0h UT: <input name="uto" maxlength=6 size=6 VALUE="0"> hours <p>You may enter an observatory code or your observing site's coordinates: <p><a href="/iau/lists/ObsCodesF.html">Observatory code</a>: <input name="c" maxlength=3 size=3 VALUE=""> <p>Longitude <input name="long" maxlength=8 size=8 value=""> &#176; E, latitude <input name="lat" maxlength=8 size=8 value=""> &#176;, altitude <input name="alt" maxlength=6 size=6 value=""> m. <p>Longitudes and latitudes should be entered in decimal degrees. <p>Display R.A./Decl. positions in: <input type="radio" name="raty" value="h"> truncated sexagesimal or <input type="radio" name="raty" value="a" CHECKED> full sexagesimal or <input type="radio" name="raty" value="d"> decimal units or <input type="radio" name="raty" value="x"> decimal degrees <br> <input type="radio" name="raty" value="S"> heliocentric position vector <input type="radio" name="raty" value="s"> heliocentric position/velocity vector <br> <input type="radio" name="raty" value="G"> geocentric position vector <p><input type="radio" name="s" value="t" CHECKED> Total motion and direction <br><input type="radio" name="s" value="c"> Separate R.A. and Decl. coordinate motions <br><input type="radio" name="s" value="s"> Separate R.A. and Decl. sky motions <br>Display motions as: <input type="radio" name="m" VALUE="s"> "/sec <input type="radio" name="m" VALUE="m" CHECKED> "/min <input type="radio" name="m" VALUE="h"> "/hr <input type="radio" name="m" VALUE="d"> &#176;/day <p><input type="checkbox" name="igd" value="y"> Suppress output if sun above local horizon <p><input type="checkbox" name="ibh" value="y"> Suppress output if object below local horizon <p>Output data for photometric reductions <p><input type="checkbox" name="fp" value="y"> Generate perturbed ephemerides for unperturbed orbits <p>Measure azimuths: <br><input type="radio" name="adir" value="S" CHECKED> westwards from the south meridian <br><input type="radio" name="adir" value="N"> eastwards from the north meridian <p>Also display elements for epoch <input name="oed" maxlength=50 size=17 VALUE=""> </center> <p>Format for elements output: <p> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="-2" CHECKED> none</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="-1"> MPC 1-line</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="0"> MPC 8-line</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="1"> SkyMap (SkyMap Software)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="2"> Guide (Project Pluto)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="3"> xephem (E. Downey)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="4"> Home Planet (J. Walker)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="5"> MyStars! (Relative Data Products)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="6"> TheSky (Software Bisque)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="7"> Starry Night (Sienna Software)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="8"> Deep Space (D. S. Chandler)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="9"> PC-TCS (D. Harvey)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="10"> Earth Centered Universe (Nova Astronomics)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="11"> Dance of the Planets (ARC)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="12"> MegaStar V4.x (E.L.B. Software)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="13"> SkyChart 2000.0 (Southern Stars Software)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="14"> Voyager II (Carina Software)</td> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="15"> SkyTools (CapellaSoft)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><input type="radio" name="e" VALUE="16"> Autostar (Meade Instruments)</td> </tr> </table> <p> If you select 8-line MPC format, you may display the residual block for the objects selected: <p> <input type="checkbox" name="res" VALUE="y"> Show residuals blocks. Show only residual lines containing observations from code <input name="resoc" size=3 maxlength=3 VALUE="">. <p> <a name="#restriction">If you select 8-line MPC format</a> the elements will be displayed with the ephemerides. If you select any format other than MPC format only the elements are returned. In such instances, your browser should download the elements file then save it to your local disk. <p><hr><p> <center><input type=submit value=" Get ephemerides/HTML page "> <input type=reset value=" Reset form "><p></center> <p><hr><p> <center><h2>HTML Document Options (applicable only if selecting HTML return):</h2><p> Both these are optional. A default will be supplied for the title.</center> <center>The default base URL is null. <p>Title for document: <input name="tit" maxlength=60 size=40> <p>Base URL for document: <input name="bu" maxlength=80 size=40> <p>All objects should be <input type="radio" name="ch" value="c" CHECKED> selected or <input type="radio" name="ch" value="u"> unselected by default. <p>Lists of objects and software types should be <input type="radio" name="ce" value="t"> centered or <input type="radio" name="ce" value="f" CHECKED> uncentered. <p>Return <input type="radio" name="js" value="f" CHECKED> list of objects or <input type="radio" name="js" value="t"> link to summary page. <p>Note that the returned document will require you to add some introductory remarks. Default text for this is supplied, but should be replaced.</center> <p> <center><input type=submit value=" Get ephemerides/HTML page "> <input type=reset value=" Reset form "><p></center> </form> <!-- Body postamble --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="holder"> <nav class="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About</a></li> <!-- Contact link changed to Jira and name changed to helpdesk. 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