IAU Minor Planet Center

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<h1></h1> <p></p> <div> <div id="id-sub-format"> <h2 id="submit-ids-format">Submission Format for Identifications</h2> <p>Please read the notes below before submitting your identifications. Also, if you wish to validate your JSON format before submission, there are many JSON validators online, follow this external <a href="" target="_blank">link</a> for one of them. </p> <p id="links">Also, MPC criteria specifying what types of identification submissions are automatically accepted or rejected by the pipeline can be found on the <a href="/mpcops/documentation/identifications/additional/" target="blank"> criteria page.</a> </p> <p> <ul> <li> A header and links section is compulsory. </li> <li> Within the header section name and email are compulsory. <ul class="sub-list"> <li> The name you submit should be the same each time you submit a suggested linkage and consistent with how your name appears in Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECs) e.g. P. Veres or Veres </li> <li> Please do not include accented characters. </li> <li> <strong>Please do not include special characters such as {} or [], otherwise your submission will be rejected.</strong> </li> </ul> <li> Within each link is an optional orbit section and if present the element field-names are compulsory. </li> <li> For Designations, these should be in the PACKED form whether for numbered (e.g. s2334) or unnumbered (e.g. K19XXYY) designations. </li> <li> For tracklets (ITF or NEOCP), the specification requires each to be specified by a list composed of [trkSub, date/date-time, obs-code]. The date/date-time can be from ANY observation in the tracklet and the allowed date/date-time formats are: <ul class="sub-list"> <li> YYYYMMDD e.g. 20200702 </li> <li> YYYY MM DD.DDDDDDDD e.g. 2020 07 29.47653005 </li> <li> YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ e.g 2019-01-03T13:18:37Z </li> </ul> </li> <li> For NEOCP linkages please supply the extra JSON field in the NEOCP link with "neocp" i.e. "identification_type": "neocp". See below for example in the JSON. </li> <li> In the JSON format, the backslash, \, is a reserved character. However, a trkSub can begin with a backslash. Therefore before submission all backslashes will need to be escaped i.e. from \ to \\. </li> </ul> </ul> </p> <p>Below is an example of the format required for sending potential identification links to the MPC. <ul> <li> Link_0 is an example of - Designations (plural) and ITF tracklet(s) </li> <li> Link_1 is an example of - ONLY designations (plural) </li> <li> Link_2 is an example of - ITF tracklets only </li> <li> Link_3 is an example of - A (i.e. one) designation and ITF tracklet(s) </li> </ul> <pre> <code> { "header": { "name": "J.Doe", "email": "", "comment": "Here are some identifications that I gone and done." }, "links": { "link_0": { "designations": [ "K10TD3E", "K15A53T", "K16G96F" ], "trksubs": [ [ "P10R1G5", "20190828", "F51" ], [ "P10R1G6", "20190827", "K16" ], [ "P10R1X4", "20190829", "F52" ] ], "orbit": { "arg_pericenter": 51.56776, "eccentricity": 0.0785125, "epoch": 2458894.5, "inclination": 3.33483, "lon_asc_node": 298.05892, "pericenter_distance": 2.56959638, "pericenter_time": 2458148.124892 } }, "link_1": { "designations": [ "K10TD3E", "K15A53T", "K16G96F" ] }, "link_2": { "trksubs": [ [ "P10R1G5", "20190828", "F51" ], [ "P10R1G6", "20190827", "K16" ], [ "P10R1X4", "20190829", "F52" ] ], "identification_type": "neocp", "orbit": { "arg_pericenter": 51.56776, "eccentricity": 0.0785125, "epoch": 2458894.5, "inclination": 3.33483, "lon_asc_node": 298.05892, "pericenter_distance": 2.56959638, "pericenter_time": 2458148.124892 } }, "link_3": { "designations": [ "K10TD3E" ], "trksubs": [ [ "P10R1G5", "20190828", "F51" ], [ "P10R1G6", "20190827", "K16" ], [ "P10R1X4", "20190829", "F52" ] ] } } } </code> </pre> </p> </div> </div> <!-- END - specific div for django web pages --> </div> <!-- Footer - ends the body tag--> </div> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="holder"> <nav class="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About</a></li> <!-- Contact link changed to Jira and name changed to helpdesk. 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