Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota, and MHI Commence Study toward Introduction and Spread of Carbon-Neutral Fuels for Automobiles | Corporate | Global Newsroom | Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website
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Seeking to introduce carbon-neutral fuels in Japan around 2030, the four companies fulfilling major roles respectively in supply, technology, and demand will jointly embark on this study."> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US"> <meta property="fb:app_id" content=""> <meta property="sitename" content="Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website"> <title>Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota, and MHI Commence Study toward Introduction and Spread of Carbon-Neutral Fuels for Automobiles | Corporate | Global Newsroom | Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website</title> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- (function(r2data) { dmp_r2_tags = r2data.tagList; dmp_r2_contentsid = r2data.contentsId; })({"contentsId":40854918,"tagList":["Corporate"]}); //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/pages/_system/js/lib/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/_system/css/slick.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/pages/_system/js/lib/slick.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/include/js/tgn_webbeacon.js?v=2024112302"></script> <script type="application/json" id="download-data"> {"list":[{"itemId":"40872987","title":"Types of carbon-neutral fuels and their production processes","type":"0","alt":"Types of carbon-neutral fuels and their production processes","imagePath":"/pages/news/images/2024/05/27/1330/20240527_01_01_en.jpg","large":{"fileSize":"259.9KB","fileName":"20240527_01_01_en.jpg","height":"1,200px","width":"1,920px","fieldId":"40872986","showWH":true},"hasMeasureMov":false}]}</script> <script type="application/json" id="article-data"> {"title":{"pageTitle":"Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota, and MHI Commence Study toward Introduction and Spread of Carbon-Neutral Fuels for Automobiles | Corporate | Global Newsroom | Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website","title":"Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota, and MHI Commence Study toward Introduction and Spread of Carbon-Neutral Fuels for Automobiles","subTitle":"","jointStatement":"Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.\r\nENEOS Corporation\r\nToyota Motor Corporation\r\nMitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.","isTitleEnabled":true},"dateStr":"May 27, 2024","tags":["Beyond Zero","News Release","Fuel","Carbon Neutrality"],"isAnnouncementDateEnabled":true,"siteCatalystKey":"/40854918/40854919"}</script> <script type="application/json" id="sns-data"> {"hasZip":false,"zipItemId":"","hasPdf":false,"pdfItemId":"","zipName":"Download all images","showShareIcon":true}</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/pages/_system/js/detail.bundle.js?v=2024112302"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/normalize.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/common.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/common_en.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/parts.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/parts_en.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/style_list_en.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/header_footer.css?v=2024050113"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/print.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/pages/_system/suggest/sug.js"></script> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@ToyotaMotorCorp"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pages/contents/css/20201013/style.css"></head> <body> <!-- Header --> <div id="header"></div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- GT.navi.header.print(); 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("Idemitsu Kosan"), ENEOS Corporation ("ENEOS"), Toyota Motor Corporation ("Toyota"), and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. ("MHI") announce that they have commenced a study toward the introduction and spread of carbon-neutral fuels that contribute to the decarbonization of automobiles with the aim of realizing a carbon-neutral society. Seeking to introduce carbon-neutral fuels in Japan around 2030, the four companies fulfilling major roles respectively in supply, technology, and demand will jointly embark on this study.</p></div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><h3 class="title marginb1">About carbon-neutral fuels</h3> <p>Carbon-neutral fuels are fuels that limit CO<span class="font_s">2</span> emissions across the entire product life cycle. It is a collective term that includes synthetic fuels (e-fuel) made using hydrogen and CO<span class="font_s">2</span>, and biofuels made from raw materials such as plants that absorb CO<span class="font_s">2</span> via photosynthesis. Liquid carbon-neutral fuels in particular are advantageous in terms of energy storage and transportation and are suitable as energy sources that can be transported.</p></div> </div> <div class="section image list1 nomarginb" id=""> <div class="figure_block"> <dl> <dt style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="" alt="Types of carbon-neutral fuels and their production processes" data-pc="" data-sp=""> </dt> <dd class="figure_description">Types of carbon-neutral fuels and their production processes</dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><h3 class="title margint1_half marginb1">Scope of joint study by the four companies</h3> <ol class="list_space blankets_num"> <li>Discuss and study scenarios and roadmaps for the introduction of carbon-neutral fuels in Japan's automobile market and the various systems necessary for market introduction</li> <li>Investigate the feasibility of production from perspectives such as energy security in Japan</li> </ol></div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><p>"Shaping Change" is Idemitsu Kosan's Vision for 2050, and based on this vision, it is working on the social implementation of a steady supply of diverse, eco-friendly "Energy one step ahead" that forms one of the three business domains stated in its <a href="" class="ico_blank" target="_blank">Medium-term Management Plan</a>. As part of this effort, it is seeking the early introduction and spread of carbon-neutral fuels―synthetic fuels and biofuels―while collaborating with various companies within and outside Japan.</p> <p>ENEOS stated in its Group's Long-Term Vision that it will take on the challenge of achieving both a stable supply of energy and materials and the realization of a carbon-neutral society. It is undertaking various initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including using hydrogen and renewable energy and carrying out business development of carbon-neutral fuels such as synthetic fuels.</p> <p>Centered on a multi-pathway approach, Toyota is working toward carbon neutrality not just through the spread of electrified vehicles, but also by reducing the CO<span class="font_s">2</span> emissions of internal combustion engine vehicles. In 2007, it introduced flex-fuel vehicles (vehicles that can run on both biofuels and gasoline) in Brazil. Going forward, it will continue to work on reducing the CO<span class="font_s">2</span> emissions of internal combustion engine vehicles, including existing vehicles, and will also consider the development of engines specifically designed for electrified vehicles that contribute to the spread of carbon-neutral fuels.</p> <p>MHI Group has made our 2040 carbon neutrality declaration "<a href="" class="ico_blank" target="_blank">MISSION NET ZERO</a>" and is actively working to build a CO<span class="font_s">2</span> solutions ecosystem and a hydrogen solutions ecosystem. Through MHI group products, technologies, and services that help reduce CO<span class="font_s">2</span> emissions, as well as new solutions and innovations to be developed with partners around the world, we will contribute to realizing a carbon neutral society.</p> <p>Collaboration and partnership across industries are essential for the spread of carbon-neutral fuels toward the realization of a carbon-neutral society. As the first step in this direction, Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota and MHI will collaborate to undertake a study toward the introduction and spread of carbon-neutral fuels.</p></div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><div class="attached"></div> <div class="column image_l notwrap image_30"> <div class="figure_block"> <dl> <dt style="background-image: url('/pages/global_toyota/mobility/beyond-zero/beyond-zero_logo_002.jpg');"> <img src="/pages/global_toyota/mobility/beyond-zero/beyond-zero_logo_002.jpg" alt="Beyond Zero"> </dt> </dl> </div> <div class="text_block"> <h3 class="title">"Achieving zero, and adding new value beyond it"</h3> <p class="font_s">As part of efforts to pass our beautiful "Home Planet" to the next generation, Toyota has identified and is helping to solve issues faced by individuals and overall society, which Toyota calls "Achieving Zero," hoping to help reduce the negative impacts caused by these issues to people and the environment to zero. Additionally, Toyota is also looking "Beyond Zero" to create and provide greater value by continuing to diligently seek ways to improve lives and society for the future.</p> <dl class="def_inline_block font_s"> <dt>About Beyond Zero</dt> <dd><a href="/en/mobility/beyond-zero/" class="ico_arw"></a></dd> </dl> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><div class="attached"></div> <div class="column image_l notwrap image_30"> <div class="figure_block"> <dl> <dt style="background-image: url('/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_logo_2.png');"> <img src="/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_logo_2.png" alt="Sustainable Development Goals" data-pc="/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_logo_2.png" data-sp="/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_logo_sp_2.png"> </dt> </dl> </div> <div class="text_block"> <p class="font_s">Toyota Motor Corporation works to develop and manufacture innovative, safe and high-quality products and services that create happiness by providing mobility for all. We believe that true achievement comes from supporting our customers, partners, employees, and the communities in which we operate. Since our founding over 80 years ago in 1937, we have applied our Guiding Principles in pursuit of a safer, greener and more inclusive society. Today, as we transform into a mobility company developing connected, automated, shared and electrified technologies, we also remain true to our Guiding Principles and many of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals to help realize an ever-better world, where everyone is free to move.</p> <dl class="def_inline indent font_s"> <dt>SDGs Initiatives</dt> <dd><a href="/en/sustainability/sdgs/" target="_blank" class="ico_blank"></a></dd> </dl> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><div class="attached"></div> <h4 class="title marginb1">SDGs goals that this project makes particular contribution to</h4> <div class="images_block"> <ul class="tx_left"> <li class="marginb_half marginr_half_sp" style="max-width: 80px;"> <img src="/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_icon_03_en.jpg" alt="GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING"> </li> <li class="marginb_half marginr_half_sp" style="max-width: 80px;"> <img src="/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_icon_07_en.jpg" alt="AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY"> </li> <li class="marginb_half" style="max-width: 80px;"> <img src="/pages/global_toyota/sustainability/sdgs/sdgs_icon_17_en.jpg" alt="PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS"> </li> </ul> </div></div> </div> <div class="section html " id=""> <div><div id="snsbottom"> </div> <script> $('.article_info .share').clone(true).addClass('article_bottom').appendTo('#snsbottom'); 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