Links • Robb Knight
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Cat dad and human dad.</span> <a rel="me" class="u-url u-uid" href="">Permalink</a> </span> <header class="main"> <div class="container"> <div class="main__title"> <a href="/"> <div class="logo"> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="#rklogo"></use> </svg> </div> <h1>Robb<span class="fullstop logo-dot">.</span> <span class="surname">Knight<span class="logo-dot">.</span></span></h1> </a> </div> <div class="main__links"> <a href="" aria-label="Visit my Mastodon"> <svg class="icon mastodon-icon"> <use xlink:href="#mastodon"></use> </svg> <span>Mastodon</span> </a> <a href="/subscribe" aria-label="Subscribe to the site"> <svg class="icon subscribe-icon"> <use xlink:href="#rss"></use> </svg> <span>Subscribe</span> </a> <a href="#" id="jason-thinks-thanos-was-right" aria-label="Level out the page headings"> <svg class="icon scale"> <use xlink:href="#balance-scale"></use> </svg> <svg class="icon scale-left"> <use xlink:href="#balance-scale-left"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </header> <nav class="main"> <div class="container"> <a href="/about" >About</a> <a href="/blog" >Blog</a> <a href="/links" class="active">Links</a> <a href="/notes" >Notes</a> <a href="/projects" >Projects</a> <a href="/now" >/now</a> <a href="/uses" >/uses</a> <a href="/explore" >Explore</a> </div> </nav> <div class="rkblock block-main"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="p-name"> Links </h2> <span class="post-subtitle"><p>A collection of interesting links</p> </span> <nav class="header-nav"> </nav> </div> </div> <main> <div class=" container container-sm h-entry "> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Photographers Are on a Mission to Fix Wikipedia's Famously Bad Celebrity Portraits →</a></p> <p>This is cool.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/photographers-are-on-a-mission-to-fix-wikipedias-famously-bad-celebrity-portraits/">12th March 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Revenge Font →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>They used our building, so now we’re using their typeface. We made their art into an official font so everyone else can use it too.</p> </blockquote> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/revenge-font/">4th March 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Forza Horizon 5 Comes to PlayStation 5 →</a></p> <p>I've wanted to play this for a long time so this is excellent news.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/forza-horizon-5-comes-to-playstation-5/">4th March 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">This Page Is Under Construction →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>You can be a creator anywhere on the internet these days, but there's only a small handful of places where you actually own your own content. Your own website is one of them.</p> </blockquote> <p>This is excellent</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/this-page-is-under-construction/">25th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Abandoning Apple Music →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>There is no great alternative for all of Apple’s products and services, because many alternatives are run by companies that align themselves with the same authoritarian interests as Apple [...] There are some services where there are choices, and Apple Music is certainly one of those</p> </blockquote> <p>This is a good rundown of the other "choices" in music streaming. It also has XML so you know it's good.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/abandoning-apple-music/">22nd February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">CSS Can Influence Screenreaders →</a></p> <p>I wanted to confirm something I thought about <code>text-transform</code> and it turns out I was wrong.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/css-can-influence-screenreaders/">17th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Uchū - the Color Scheme for Internet Lovers →</a></p> <p>This is very good.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/uch-the-color-scheme-for-internet-lovers/">16th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">The Lonely Island: Musical Medley SNL50 →</a></p> <p>I want a full version of the Samberg/Gaga Dick in a Box please.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/the-lonely-island-musical-medley-snl50/">15th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Type Foundries List →</a></p> <p>This list is <em>huge</em>. Bookmarking for when I have a spare ten hours.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/type-foundries-list/">14th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Atkinson Hyperlegible Font Next and Mono →</a></p> <p>A new version with more weights plus a mono version just as I'm redoing my site? Perfect timing.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/atkinson-hyperlegible-font-next-and-mono/">12th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Resources for Keeping the Web Free, Open, and Poetic →</a></p> <p>🔥</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/resources-for-keeping-the-web-free-open-and-poetic/">10th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Unexpected Errors in the BagIt Area →</a></p> <p>A great deep dive into a format I'd not heard of before and I swear I'm not linking this just because of the title but it really helps.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/unexpected-errors-in-the-bagit-area/">9th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">A Well-Known Avatar URL Would Be Dang Cool →</a></p> <p>This makes a lot of sense. Adding to my list of things to support when I've finished my site updates.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/a-wellknown-avatar-url-would-be-dang-cool/">7th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Making Inventory Spreadsheets for My LEGO Sets →</a></p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/making-inventory-spreadsheets-for-my-lego-sets/">7th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">LEGO Modular Streetscaper →</a></p> <p>I've managed to resist the Lego modular buildings because my family likes to eat but this is very cool if you want to plan your layout.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/lego-modular-streetscaper/">6th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Silenced →</a></p> <p>Very normal behaviour, nothing to see here.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/silenced/">6th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Everyone Knows Your Location →</a></p> <p>We all kind of know this but seeing it laid out with examples is something else</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/everyone-knows-your-location/">4th February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Mastering Eleventy Folder Structures →</a></p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/mastering-eleventy-folder-structures/">1st February 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Mattrbld →</a></p> <p>A new headless CMS has entered. Haven't tried it, but it looks nice.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/mattrbld/">30th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">On the Importance of Stable IDs →</a></p> <p>I'm not changing mine lest I make a mess but this is worth keeping in mind for future projects with feeds.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/on-the-importance-of-stable-ids/">30th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Ooni Halo Pro Spiral Dough Mixer →</a></p> <p>Please, my wallet.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/ooni-halo-pro-spiral-dough-mixer/">29th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">We’re Shutting Down the Pika Pulse →</a></p> <p>It's a shame pulse is going away but it's refreshing to see a company come out and just say what they mean:</p> <blockquote> <p>there’s no room on Pika’s servers for folks who call the human rights of any person or group into question</p> </blockquote> <p>Damn right.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/were-shutting-down-the-pika-pulse/">29th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">For Margaret Calvert Fans →</a></p> <p>I love stuff like this and I ended up down a rabbit hole of <a href="">public signage typefaces</a>.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/for-margaret-calvert-fans/">29th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Durable Websites →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>there are some things we can do to make the stuff we build work well and last a long time, if not forever.</p> </blockquote> <p>I was thinking about this when I pushed the outro maker yesterday (<a href=""></a>) - that site should, in theory, work for the next 20 years without any changes, The same couldn't be said if I had made an app to do the same thing.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/durable-websites/">29th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">50 Years of SNL Music →</a></p> <p>This is so great. A masterclass of editing.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/50-years-of-snl-music/">28th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Why We’re Bringing Pebble Back →</a></p> <p>Oh my god. Gimme.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/why-were-bringing-pebble-back/">27th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Tim Cook Is Failing Us →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>Not speaking about things that have inspired him, or donating to charities as some kind of fascist-neutral offset, but devising a way to argue for the protection of human dignity for his customers and employees from this federal government.</p> </blockquote> <p>Another banger from Mr Steel.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/tim-cook-is-failing-us/">25th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Allyship →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>You don’t get to drop the job of examining and acknowledging your own societal conditioning just because you’re conveniently adjacent to a marginalized group. Allyship is action, not geography.</p> </blockquote> <p>Fucking right.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/allyship/">24th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">A Rotten Apple: Tim Cook’s Betrayal of LGBTQ+ Rights →</a></p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/a-rotten-apple-tim-cooks-betrayal-of-lgbtq-rights/">23rd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Wikenigma - an Encyclopedia of Unknowns →</a></p> <p>I immediately went to the computer science section like I might be the person to solve literally anything in there (I am not).</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/wikenigma-an-encyclopedia-of-unknowns/">19th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Nepenthes →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>It works by generating an endless sequences of pages, each of which with dozens of links, that simply go back into a the tarpit.</p> </blockquote> <p>I'm not brave enough to put this on my server but I was tempted.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/nepenthes/">17th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Notifications Need Real Work, Not False Summaries →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>If you turn off every iOS 18 feature that’s Apple Intelligence related (or loosely related like Mail Categories) then what is Apple Intelligence for? What is iOS 18?</p> </blockquote> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/notifications-need-real-work-not-false-summaries/">17th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Micro Editor →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor</p> </blockquote> <p>This is lovely.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/micro-editor/">15th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Mastodon Bookmark RSS →</a></p> <p>Handy</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/mastodon-bookmark-rss/">15th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Lightbox Without Javascript →</a></p> <p>This is excellent. Smart git that darnes fella.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/lightbox-without-javascript/">15th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Public Type Works – Fonts for the People →</a></p> <p>This is a neat idea - buy the fonts now but once they hit their goal they become available for everyone.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/public-type-works--fonts-for-the-people/">14th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Paper Apps →</a></p> <p>These look like so much fun but US to UK shipping is killer recently.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/paper-apps/">13th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">MacStories Won't Stand for Meta's Dehumanizing and Harmful Moderation Policies →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>This is ugly, dehumanizing stuff that has no place on the internet</p> </blockquote> <p>You're god damn right.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/macstories-wont-stand-for-metas-dehumanizing-and-harmful-moderation-policies/">11th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">The DSKY Moonwatch From Apollo Instruments →</a></p> <p>I want this very much. My wallet does not want me to have it.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/the-dsky-moonwatch-from-apollo-instruments/">11th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Like Hammers →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>If Home Depot sold two identical hammers that represented the best and most useful hammer in the entire universe—only one was marketed as “a really nice hammer,” while the other was marketed as “a distraction-free hammering environment”–I’m fairly certain that any adult who uses a hammer every day for a living would instantly know that the second one represented potentially harmful bullshit.</p> </blockquote> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/like-hammers/">10th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">DDoS’ing Yourself With To-Dos and Reminders →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>Basically I’ve set up a denial-of-service attack on myself, and I don’t like it.</p> </blockquote> <p>I’m in this post and I don’t like it.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/ddosing-yourself-with-todos-and-reminders/">4th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">How I Use the Notes Field in My Password Manager →</a></p> <p>This is very smart.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/how-i-use-the-notes-field-in-my-password-manager/">4th January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Your App Should Have Been a Website (And Probably Your Game Too) →</a></p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/your-app-should-have-been-a-website-and-probably-your-game-too/">3rd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Rules for Writing Software Tutorials →</a></p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/rules-for-writing-software-tutorials/">3rd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Nothing Is Something →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>This seems like a case where nothing is better than something because nothing means something.</p> </blockquote> <p>Something like ChatGPT is designed to give an answer no matter what. They’re not “hallucinating”, they’re working as intended.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/nothing-is-something/">3rd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Convert Units Without Using Metric →</a></p> <p>Finally I can convert meters into giraffes. None of that pesky metric.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/convert-units-without-using-metric/">2nd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Analog Audio Tape Cassette Nostalgia →</a></p> <blockquote> <p><a href=""></a> is a project built to showcase the amazing beauty and (sometimes) weirdness found in the designs of the common audio tape cassette</p> </blockquote> <p>Tag yourself, I'm <a href="">Memorex dBS</a></p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/analog-audio-tape-cassette-nostalgia/">2nd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">Hidden ‘BopSpotter’ Microphone Is Constantly Surveilling San Francisco for Good Music →</a></p> <p>I love projects like this.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/hidden-bopspotter-microphone-is-constantly-surveilling-san-francisco-for-good-music/">2nd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">DialNS - a DNS Resolver Over the Phone →</a></p> <p>This is so ridiculous, I love it.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/dialns-a-dns-resolver-over-the-phone/">2nd January 2025</a></p> <hr> <p class="post-title post-title--link"><a href="">The Appeal to AI →</a></p> <blockquote> <p>every time I see this appeal to AI, my first thought is the same: Are you fucking stupid or something?</p> </blockquote> <p>I’ve seen this a few times now and I wanna go live in the woods every time.</p> <p class="post-date">∞ <a href="/links/the-appeal-to-ai/">24th December 2024</a></p> <div class="pagination box"> <div></div> <div><a href="/links/page-2/">Older Links</a></div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="container container-sm"> <hr> </div> <footer class="main"> <div> <p class="footer-links"> <a href="/contact">Contact</a>• <a href="/subscribe">Subscribe</a>• <a href="/save">/save</a>• <a href="/search">Search</a>• <a href="/ai">AI Manifesto</a>• <a href="">Icons by Robbie Pearce</a></p> </div> <div class="container container-sm 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118.783966 84.335999 123.584015 C 77.999969 128.384033 72.048035 133.759979 66.480011 139.712006 C 60.911987 145.664032 58.127991 150.463989 58.127991 154.112 C 58.127991 154.687988 58.608002 154.976013 59.567993 154.976013 C 69.936066 154.976013 104.8797 133.952209 164.399994 91.903992 C 165.744019 91.903992 166.415985 93.103973 166.415985 95.503998 C 166.415985 97.904022 158.832062 106.159943 143.664001 120.272003 C 128.495911 134.384064 111.360107 148.207947 92.256012 161.743988 C 73.151917 175.28006 59.280029 182.048004 50.640015 182.048004 C 37.199921 182.048004 30.480011 175.328064 30.480011 161.888 C 30.480011 154.591949 32.927979 147.536041 37.824005 140.720001 C 42.720032 133.903961 53.039917 124.736053 68.783997 113.216003 C 65.519989 113.216003 61.104034 112.399994 55.536011 110.768005 C 49.967987 109.135986 46.416016 107.167999 44.880005 104.864014 C 39.88797 109.280029 31.248047 116.671936 18.959991 127.040009 C 16.079987 129.152008 12.336029 130.208008 7.727997 130.208008 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113.695953 222.720001 124.447998 C 205.727905 135.200043 190.128082 141.631989 175.920013 143.743988 C 175.727997 143.936005 175.631989 144.127991 175.631989 144.320007 C 175.631989 145.856018 180.191956 151.279968 189.312012 160.59201 C 198.432037 169.904053 205.487976 176 210.480011 178.880005 C 214.512024 180.800018 217.104004 181.76001 218.256012 181.76001 C 219.024017 182.144012 219.40799 182.623993 219.40799 183.200012 C 219.40799 183.776001 218.832001 184.544006 217.679993 185.503998 C 213.263977 189.152008 208.752014 190.976013 204.144012 190.976013 C 199.53598 190.976013 196.416016 190.783997 194.783997 190.399994 C 193.151978 190.015991 191.567993 189.536011 190.032013 188.959991 C 188.496002 188.384003 186.624023 186.896027 184.415985 184.496002 C 182.207977 182.095978 180 179.696014 177.791992 177.29599 C 175.583984 174.895996 171.984039 170.768036 166.992004 164.911987 C 161.999969 159.055969 156.81604 153.248016 151.440002 147.488007 C 150.671997 146.335999 149.808014 145.76001 148.847992 145.76001 C 147.888 145.76001 146.928009 146.23999 145.967987 147.200012 C 134.063934 156.22406 126.192017 166.207947 122.35199 177.152008 C 122.160004 178.880005 121.007996 179.743988 118.895996 179.743988 L 118.608002 179.743988 C 110.735962 179.743988 105.456024 175.52005 102.768005 167.071991 C 102.768005 165.151978 103.631989 162.46402 105.359985 159.007996 C 121.87207 134.239868 137.951935 113.312073 153.600006 96.223999 C 169.248077 79.135925 197.135803 51.200195 237.263977 12.415985 C 241.104004 9.343994 243.599976 7.328003 244.752014 6.368011 C 245.903992 5.40799 247.104004 4.496002 248.35199 3.631989 C 249.600037 2.768005 250.607971 2.23999 251.375977 2.048004 C 252.911987 1.279999 254.83197 0.895996 257.135986 0.895996 Z M 220.272003 99.391998 C 216.431976 99.584015 210.048035 102.271973 201.119995 107.455994 C 192.191956 112.640015 184.176025 117.823975 177.071991 123.007996 L 166.70401 130.496002 C 165.936005 131.264008 165.552002 131.888 165.552002 132.368011 C 165.552002 132.847992 165.839996 133.088013 166.415985 133.088013 C 171.024017 133.088013 181.295929 128.240051 197.231995 118.544006 C 213.168091 108.847961 221.135986 102.848022 221.135986 100.544006 Z"/> </svg> <symbol viewBox="0 0 630 406" xmlns="" id="rklogo404"> <path id="logo-bar" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" d="M 575.163086 301.264404 L 352.867798 277.081543 L 238.836929 84.735596 L 292.969147 0.654053 L 407 193 L 629.295288 217.182877 L 575.163086 301.264404 Z"/> <path id="logo-bar" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" d="M 330.650635 404.705078 L 144.048096 281.5 L 137.045517 157.371185 L 45.246826 210.371185 L 0.746825 133.294922 L 217.253174 8.294922 L 230.650635 231.5 L 417.253174 354.705078 L 330.650635 404.705078 Z"/> <path id="logo-dot" fill="#e33d94" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#e33d94" stroke-width="1.4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M 134.167496 405.032898 C 134.739899 401.753876 135.000977 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569.666687 203.333313 572.333313 206 C 574.866638 208.533325 575 210.400024 575 247.733337 C 575 279.333313 574.599976 287.333313 573.133362 289.466675 C 571.266663 292 566.599976 292 308.200012 292.666687 L 45.133331 293.333313 L 40.199997 304.666687 C 30.733334 326.666687 17.666668 365.200012 17.666668 371.200012 C 17.666668 372.266663 119.933334 372.666687 419.666656 372.666687 C 819.93335 372.666687 821.666687 372.666687 824.333313 375.333313 C 826.866638 377.866638 827 379.733337 827 417.333313 C 827 454.93335 826.866638 456.799988 824.333313 459.333313 C 821.666687 462 819.93335 462 411.799988 462 L 2.066668 462 L 1.133333 472.266663 C 0.066668 485.200012 0.066668 514.93335 1.266666 531.599976 L 2.066668 544.666626 L 245.933319 544.666626 C 487.93335 544.666626 489.666687 544.666626 492.333313 547.333374 C 494.866638 549.866699 495 551.733337 495 589.333374 C 495 626.93335 494.866638 628.799988 492.333313 631.333374 C 489.666687 634 487.93335 634 254.466675 634 C 125 634 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