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In January 2024 the States Assembly approved&nbsp;its plan for the remainder of this term.&nbsp; It comes at a time of major challenges for the Island.</p><p>Guernsey has felt the impacts of major global events this term - recovering from the COVID pandemic, moving into the post-Brexit period and the on-going war in Ukraine. These challenges combined have led to high inflation rates which have had a material impact on the affordability of basic goods for islanders and for the States.</p><p>Alongside these challenges is the rapidly growing demand for services, particularly in areas such as health and care. This is driven by demographic changes with more people living longer and fewer working, compounded by a reducing birth rate. As things are, public sector resources will continue to be severely overstretched with the deficit in public finances forecast to grow to £100m per year, every year, in real terms, by 2040. More information on public finances is available at <a href=""></a>.</p><p>The GWP includes delivery requirements for the remainder of this political term and forecasts the funding requirements. It addresses both the obligatory work of an independent jurisdiction necessary to meet international trade and compliance regulations, and the work to grow a competitive economy by tackling supply and affordability of housing and re-skilling the workforce. In addition, the work considered essential by States Committees to address current and emerging issues has been prioritised.</p><p>The full Government Work Plan 2023 - 2025 'mid-term reset' Policy Letter is available in the Downloads section of this page.</p><h4><strong>The availability and affordability of housing</strong></h4><p>A clear message in the Government Work Plan is the criticality of improving the availability and affordability of housing.</p><p>Providing and facilitating the development of more housing of all tenures, including key worker housing, is an important part of delivering all three of the portfolios of work.&nbsp; This is reflected in a number of ways in the GWP, including:</p><ol><li>Recommending funding and resource for phase 1 activity arising from the recently published Guernsey Housing Plan;</li><li>Proceeding with the first phase of implementing the General Housing Law, which in time will become self-financing;</li><li>Setting out a plan for sites to be developed by the Guernsey Housing Association alongside other opportunities for private developers and construction businesses in the medium-to-longer-term; and</li><li>Seeking States Members' support in principle to invest in the regeneration of the Bridge area for housing and associated flood defence work.</li></ol> <script type="text/javascript" src="govgg1/scripts/subscribe.js"></script> <script> var found = false; var item = sessionStorage.getItem('oidc.user:'); var uDate; var uAccess if(item != null) { uData = JSON.parse(item); uAccess = uData.access_token; } for (var i = 0; i < groupsList.length; i++) { if (groupsList[i].ArticleID == 182192) { found = true; var htmlBuilder = ""; var groupKeyArr = groupsList[i].GroupIDs; if(groupKeyArr.PublicKey) { htmlBuilder += "<span class=\"sub Pub\" data-type=\"Public\" data-groupid=\"" + groupKeyArr.PublicKey + "\"> Subscribe to public</span>"; } if(groupKeyArr.PrivateKey) { htmlBuilder += "<span class=\"sub Prv\" data-type=\"Private\" data-groupid=\"" + groupKeyArr.PrivateKey + "\">Subscribe to all</span>"; } if ((groupKeyArr.GeneralKey)) { htmlBuilder += "<span class=\"sub Gen\" data-type=\"General\" data-groupid=\"" + groupKeyArr.GeneralKey + "\">Subscribe</span>"; 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