States Meeting Information - States of Guernsey

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Greffier Directive: the submission of Propositions to the States of Deliberation </span></a> <a class="fiLink" target="_blank" href=";p=0"><span class="icon-pdf"> </span><span class="fiTitle"> Blue Book </span></a> </div> <a href="" class="LinkButton">Contact Us - States&#39; Greffier</a> <div id="shareContainer"> <h4> Share this page</h4> <a class="alert-Twitter" href="" target="_blank" onclick="return popitup('')"> </a><a class="alert-Facebook" href="" target="_blank" onclick="return popitup('')"> </a><a class="alert-Email" onclick="javascript:window.location='mailto:?subject=Interesting information&body=I thought you might find this information interesting: ' + window.location; return false;"> </a> <!--<a class="icon-clipboard85" onclick="copyToClipboard()"></a>--> <textarea class="js-copytextarea" style="display: none"></textarea> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <p id="aIntro">The States of Deliberation meet every three weeks, except in school holidays, to discuss and debate reports, draft legislation and other matters. Information relating to past and forthcoming Meetings can be accessed via this page. </p> <blockquote><p>The items for discussion are contained in a publication called a Billet d'État.&nbsp;Information about the Members of the States of Deliberation and the Rules of Procedure for States' Meetings&nbsp;can be found within the&nbsp;<a href=";p=0" rel="external" target="_blank" title="Red Book - opens in a new browser window">Blue Book</a>.&nbsp;</p><ul><li><h3>&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></h3><ul><li>The relevant papers for the next States' Meeting can be accessed <a href="">here</a>. This page contains the agenda for the meeting, the combined PDF of the Billet d'État and links to each individual item lodged.&nbsp;</li><li>The decisions of the States each day ('Resolutions') are published in the 'Downloads' section of this page and the Official Report ('Hansard') will also be uploaded once completed.</li></ul></li><li><h3>Visiting the Public Gallery</h3><ul><li><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></li><li>Members of the public are very welcome to watch the proceedings from the public gallery at any time&nbsp;when&nbsp;the States is in session.&nbsp;Details on attending the public gallery are available in the video above.</li><li><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id166506 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="Glossary of Guernsey Parliamentary Terms">Glossary of Guernsey Parliamentary Terms [151kb]</a></li></ul></li><li><h3>Electronic Voting</h3><ul><li>The Simultaneous Electronic&nbsp;Voting System was introduced at the States' Meeting on 7th September 2022. Details of all votes taken using SEV can be found&nbsp;here:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Future States Meetings</strong></h3><ul><li>Information about the next States' Meetings are added to the relevant pages when items are submitted or the content of the&nbsp;Billet d'État is confirmed:</li><li><ul><li><a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Items lodged for future States Meetings</strong></h3><ul><li>Items to be presented to the States at future States Meetings are listed in this table.<br />If an item has been submitted to the States' Greffier&nbsp;to be presented to the States&nbsp;but not yet scheduled for&nbsp;a specific States' Meeting, it is also listed below.<ul><li><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Title of Proposition</strong></td><td><strong>Committee/Body</strong></td><td><strong>Date Lodged</strong></td><td><strong>Reference</strong></td><td><strong>Status</strong></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id184271 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 113 - GCRA annual report for 2023 final">GCRA Annual Report for 2023 [5Mb]</a></td><td>Committee for Economic Development</td><td>25/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/113</td><td>Scheduled for the States Meeting on 22nd January 2025</td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id184269 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 112 - Education Governance Policy Letter ">Education Governance Policy Letter [1Mb]</a></td><td>Committee for Education, Sport &amp; Culture</td><td>25/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/112</td><td>Scheduled for the States Meeting on 22nd January 2025</td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id184267 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 111 - Electoral Expenditure Ordinance, 2025 ">Electoral Expenditure Ordinance, 2025 [338kb]</a></td><td>States' Assembly &amp; Constitution Committee</td><td>25/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/111</td><td>Scheduled for the States Meeting on 22nd January 2025</td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id184266 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 110 - Income Tax (Gratuity Schemes) (Guernsey) (Amendment) Ordinance, 2025 ">Income Tax (Gratuity Schemes) (Guernsey) (Amendment) Ordinance, 2025 [344kb]</a></td><td>Policy &amp; Resources Committee</td><td>25/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/110</td><td>Scheduled for the States Meeting on 22nd January 2025</td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183626 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 108 - Reporting Progress on Extant States' Resolutions">Reporting Progress on Extant States' Resolutions [9Mb]</a></td><td>Policy &amp; Resources Committee</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/108</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183625 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 107 - Review of the Rules of Procedure">Review of Rules of Procedure [636kb]</a></td><td>States' Assembly &amp; Constitution Committee</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/107</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183624 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 106 - Dates of States' Meetings September 2025 to August 2029">Dates of States' Meetings September 2025 to August 2029 [1Mb]</a></td><td>States' Assembly &amp; Constitution Committee</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/106</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183623 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 105 - Rectories in Plurality">Rectories in Plurality [261kb]</a></td><td>Policy &amp; Resources Committee</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/105</td><td>Scheduled for the States Meeting on 22nd January 2025</td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183620 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 104 - The Appointment of Employment & Discrimination Tribunal Panel Chairs and Members and Designation of Convenor and Deputy Convenor (Combined)">The Appointment of Employment & Discrimination Tribunal Panel Chairs and Members and Designation of Convenor and Deputy Convenor (Combined) [706kb]</a></td><td>Committee&nbsp;<em>for</em>&nbsp;Employment &amp; Social Security</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/104</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183619 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 103 - The Rules of the Public Servants Pension Scheme">Rules of the Public Servants' Pension Scheme [1Mb]</a></td><td>Policy &amp; Resources Committee</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/103</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183618 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 102 - Guernsey Post Limited - Annual Report and Accounts">Guernsey Post Limited - Annual Report and Accounts [792kb]</a></td><td>States' Trading Supervisory Board</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/102</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183617 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 101 - Severe Disability and Carer’s Allowance Ordinance, 2024">The Severe Disability and Carer's Allowance Ordinance, 2024 [357kb]</a></td><td>Committee&nbsp;<em>for</em>&nbsp;Employment &amp; Social Security</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/101</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183616 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 100 - The Land Amenity Improvement Notices Ordinance, 2024">The Land Amenity Improvement Notices Ordinance, 2024 [418kb]</a></td><td>Development &amp; Planning Authority</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/100</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183615 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 99 - The Income Support (Implementation) (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance, 2024">The Income Support (Implementation) (Amendment) (No.2) Ordinance, 2024 [443kb]</a></td><td>Committee&nbsp;<em>for</em>&nbsp;Employment &amp; Social Security</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/99</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183614 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="P.2024 98 - The Family Allowances Ordinance, 2024">The Family Allowances Ordinance, 2024 [332kb]</a></td><td>Committee&nbsp;<em>for</em>&nbsp;Employment &amp; Social Security</td><td>4/11/2024</td><td>P.2024/98</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id183541 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="Guernsey Development Agency Update">Guernsey Development Agency Update [1Mb]</a></td><td>Policy &amp; Resources Committee</td><td>30/10/2024</td><td>P.2024/97</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id182889 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="The Government Reform (2024) Requete">The Government Reform (2024) Requete [561kb]</a></td><td>Deputy Helyar &amp; 6 others</td><td>8/10/2024</td><td>P.2024/95</td><td>Scheduled for the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Establishment of the Committee for Housing </a></td><td>Deputy Kazantseva-Miller and six others</td><td>1/7/2024</td><td>P.2024/63</td><td>Sursis'd to the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting on 11th December 2024</a></td></tr></tbody></table></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Previous States Meetings</strong></h3><ul><li>Once a States' Meeting has taken place, the relevant&nbsp;meeting page&nbsp;is&nbsp;added to the&nbsp;<a href="">States Meeting information index</a>. The most recent meetings are listed below for ease of access:<br />&nbsp;<ul><li><a href="">States Meeting on 20th November 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on Tuesday 5th November 2024 (Annual Budget for 2025)</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 23rd October 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 25th September 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 4th September 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States&#39; Meetings on 16th and 17th July 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 19th June 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 22nd May 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 24th April 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 20th March 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 21st February 2024</a></li><li><a href="">States Meeting on 24th January 2024</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>States' Resolutions: decisions of the States</strong></h3><ul><li>After each day of a States' Meeting, a document setting out the decisions of the States of Deliberation that day&nbsp;is produced and published - the States' Resolutions.&nbsp;This is published in the download section of each States' Meeting page.</li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Voting and voting records</strong></h3><ul><li>From 7th September 2022 the majority of voting in the States was&nbsp;taken using a new Simultaneous Electronic Voting System.</li><li>The Voting Records from this Meeting onwards&nbsp;can be accessed here:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</li><li>A vote shall be taken using the electronic voting system, unless:</li><li>&nbsp; &nbsp; (a) there is a requirement that the vote is taken by secret ballot;</li><li>&nbsp; &nbsp; (b) it is a vote on a procedural motion where no division is requested; or</li><li>&nbsp; &nbsp; (c) it is unavailable</li><li>Members may only&nbsp;vote from a seat within the States Chamber.</li><li>Votes on procedural motions will be taken &quot;de vives voix&quot;&nbsp;This means the Presiding Officer asks Members to&nbsp;call out their vote collectively 'Pour' or 'Contre'&nbsp;then announces the decision.&nbsp;</li><li>On request or if a vote held &quot;de vives voix&quot; on a procedural motion is too close to call, a vote will be&nbsp;held using SEV.</li><li>In the event the electronic voting system is unavailable, a Member will announce his or her vote or abstention in a division (appel nominal) i.e. a recorded vote, where each Member votes in turn by calling out his or her vote.&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Statements, Speeches and Hansard (the official record of States' Meetings) </strong></h3><ul><li><a href="">You can read the statements delivered in the States of Deliberation here.</a></li><li>After a meeting is concluded, a 'Hansard' i.e. the official report of the proceedings of the States of Deliberation is produced. This is a near verbatim report of the entire proceedings and is produced for each day (usually within a month of the meeting). This is published in the download section of each States' Meeting page.</li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Written questions from States Members to Committees submitted outside States Meetings</strong></h3><ul><li>States Members are able to put written questions to Committees under Rule&nbsp;14&nbsp;of the Rules of Procedure.</li><li>The&nbsp;relevant Committee is required under the Rules to provide an answer to the question within 15 clear days&nbsp;from receiving it. The question(s) and&nbsp;answer(s) are then published by the&nbsp;States' Greffier and are available to view online&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.</li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Rules of Procedure of the States of Deliberation and their Committees</strong></h3><ul><li>These are the rules which govern how Meetings of the States of Deliberation and their Committees are run and can be&nbsp;read at the following link&nbsp;<a href=";p=0" rel="external" target="_blank" title="Rules of Procedure of the States of Deliberation and their Committees - opens in a new browser window">Rules of Procedure (A4 Version) [1Mb]</a>&nbsp;and in the 'Blue Book'. A&nbsp;<img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id132263 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="Quick Reference Guide to the Rules ">Quick Reference to the Rules of Procedure [476kb]</a>&nbsp;provides a overview guide of the Rules.</li><li>During the COVID pandemic, Remote Meetings of the States of Deliberation were held and the Rules were adapted to facilitate this. The Rules of such remote Meetings&nbsp;can be read at the following link <img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id124473 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="Rules of Procedure for Remote Meetings of States of Deliberation">The Rules of Procedure of Remote Meetings of the States of Deliberation [610kb]</a>.</li></ul></li><li><h3><strong>Constitution of the States of Deliberation and Presiding Officers</strong></h3><ul><li>The States of Deliberation comprise:<br />&nbsp;<ul><li>A Presiding Officer, who is ex officio the Bailiff (Sir Richard McMahon) (or in his absence the Deputy Bailiff, Jessica Roland, as Deputy Presiding Officer)</li><li>The two Law Officers of the Crown: His&nbsp;Majesty's Procureur (Attorney-General) (M.M.E. Pullum, K.C.) and His&nbsp;Majesty's Comptroller (Solicitor-General)(R.M. Titterington, K.C.)</li><li>Guernsey People's Deputies and two Representatives of the States of Alderney</li></ul></li><li>The Bailiff of Guernsey is the ex-officio Presiding Officer. He is also the senior judge of the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the first citizen of the Bailiwick.</li><li>It is the Presiding Officer's duty to maintain order, moderate debate and regulate the conduct of business.</li><li>The Presiding Officer may appoint Members of the States as Acting Presiding Officers.&nbsp; These are normally the most senior Members. The current Acting Presiding Officers are:&nbsp;Deputy John A B Gollop,&nbsp;Deputy Peter J Roffey and Deputy Lyndon S Trott.</li><li>The Law Officers of the Crown have seats ex officio: they have a voice but no vote.</li><li>In addition to the Bailiff, Deputy Bailiff and the Law Officers of the Crown who are Crown appointments, His&nbsp;Majesty The King&nbsp;also appoints a Lieutenant Governor, who is his&nbsp;personal representative in the Bailiwick.</li><li>You can find further information regarding the States of Guernsey and how it works for you <img src="./images/media/pdficon.gif" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="pdf icon" title="" />&nbsp;<a class="inlinemedia id174031 typepdf" href=";p=0" rel="external" title="Making the States Work for You">here [1Mb]</a>.</li></ul></li></ul></blockquote> <script type="text/javascript" src="govgg1/scripts/subscribe.js"></script> <script> var found = false; var item = sessionStorage.getItem('oidc.user:'); var uDate; var uAccess if(item != null) { uData = JSON.parse(item); 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