Jobs | The Pike Pub in Seattle, WA
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A great spot to enjoy a pint, lunch, dinner, and private events.", "logo": "\u0026fit=max\u0026auto=compress,format\u0026cs=origin\u0026h=600", "subOrganization": {"@type": "FoodEstablishment", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "The Pike Pub", "description": "", "image": "", "photo": "", "address": {"@type": "PostalAddress", "name": "The Pike Pub", "streetAddress": "1415 1st Ave", "addressLocality": "Seattle", "addressRegion": "WA", "postalCode": "98101"}, "location": {"@type": "PostalAddress", "name": "The Pike Pub", "streetAddress": "1415 1st Ave", "addressLocality": "Seattle", "addressRegion": "WA", "postalCode": "98101"}, "telephone": null, "hasMap": "", "parentOrganization": {"@type": "Organization", "@id": ""}, "servesCuisine": "American Gastro-Pub", "priceRange": "$$"}, "sameAs": ["", ""], "potentialAction": [{"@type": "ReserveAction", "object": {"@type": "Reservation", "name": "Table", "url": ""}, "result": {"@type": "Reservation", "name": "Table"}, "target": ""}, {"@type": 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