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Here, we celebrate the winners and their groundbreaking projects that are set to revolutionize the ad tech industry.</p> </p> </div> <time datetime=""></time> <footer>By Jos茅 Miguel Hernandez</footer> </article> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/blog/dev/2022/11/11/exploring-monads-javascript.html" rel="prefetch"> <article> <header> <h3>Exploring Monads with JavaScript</h3> </header> <figure> <img src="/images/post_heroes/exploring-monads-javascript.jpg" class="avatar"> </figure> <div> <p><p>Let鈥檚 see how we can create a basic monad using plain JavaScript</p> </p> </div> <time datetime=""></time> <footer>By Leonardo Farroco</footer> </article> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/blog/dev/2022/08/03/step-functions.html" rel="prefetch"> <article> <header> <h3>Scheduled Tasks with ECS and Step Functions</h3> </header> <figure> <img src="/images/post_heroes/step-function-hero.png" class="avatar"> </figure> <div> <p><p>How to use ECS and Step Functions to constrain recurrent tasks.</p> </p> </div> <time datetime=""></time> <footer>By Abimael Martinez</footer> </article> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/blog/dev/2022/06/21/rust-lua.html" rel="prefetch"> <article> <header> <h3>Runtime errors: Come again? 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