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We are asking our most frequent visitors to consider contributing to <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> so that we can continue and expand this coverage. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> How does it work? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> We are introducing what is known as a metered paywall. Specifically, you will be able to read 5 articles each month entirely free of charge. After that point, you will be prompted to sign up for a Diplomat account and full access. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> What does it offer? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> In addition to full access to <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat's</i> website, your "Diplomat All-Access" subscription will automatically subscribe you to <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat's</i> magazine, which offers additional exclusive content available only to subscribers, including some of our best long-form pieces. It also offers access to the magazine’s archives. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> What other subscription types are there? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> Apart from the "Diplomat All-Access" subscription, we offer a "Diplomat Magazine" subscription, which gives you a 12-month subscription to <i>The Diplomat’s</i> magazine, which can be read online or on a mobile device via an app. You can also purchase a single issue of the magazine. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> What is <i>The Diplomat</i> magazine? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> Each month, our team puts together a digital magazine that includes four long-form lead features that are available only in the magazine, more than a dozen other exclusive articles on every aspect of Asia and the Pacific, and a curated selection of the very best of for that month. This is premium content available only to subscribers, and with a Diplomat account you will be able to read it on the website or on your choice of mobile device. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> I’m already a subscriber to the magazine, what should I do? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> As a magazine subscriber, you may wish to consider upgrading to an Diplomat All-Access account, giving you full access to the website and access to the magazine’s archive. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> I’m a subscriber to the magazine, but don’t visit the website that often. Should I still get a Diplomat account? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> Yes, it is worth doing because it allows you to read the magazine on the website and on multiple devices. If you have already subscribed to the magazine through Apple iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon, you can sign up for a Diplomat account free of charge to enjoy that flexibility. Should you wish to upgrade to an Diplomat All-Access subscription, you can do this at any time. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> I purchased a subscription. Now what? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> If you purchased a Diplomat All-Access or Diplomat Magazine subscription on this website, you will have created a Diplomat account at the time of purchase. Log in with your Diplomat account email and password. You will be able to read <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> magazine <a class="dpl-link" href="">here</a>. If you have Diplomat All-Access you will also have full access to the website and to the magazine archives. </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> If you purchased a subscription to the Diplomat Magazine via iTunes, Google Play or Amazon you can take advantage of your subscription online by creating a Diplomat account or logging in to an existing account. To activate your subscription, you must log in or create your account on the iPhone or iPad that you used to purchase your subscription. </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> Within the Diplomat app, go to the app settings and tap Diplomat Account. The Activate Diplomat Account option will only be available on the device you used to purchase your subscription via iTunes. </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> If you’re still having issues, please <a class="dpl-link" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#265553565649545266524e43424f564a494b47520845494b">here</a>. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q"> Why should I create a Diplomat account? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> We allow users to purchase a subscription to <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> magazine via iTunes, Google Play and Amazon. However, when you purchase a subscription through these services your subscription information is tied to the account you have with that service (for instance, your Apple ID). To read <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> magazine online or on other devices, you need to associate your subscription with a Diplomat account. This needs to be done on the same device that you used to purchase your subscription. </p> </div> <div style="margin: 0 24px;"> <p class="dpl-qa-q">Is there a difference between a subscription purchased via iTunes/Google Play/Amazon and a subscription purchased on <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> website? </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> The subscriptions we offer on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon are presently for <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> magazine only (called Diplomat Magazine subscriptions). They also allow you to read the magazine only on the device where you purchased the subscription, unless you create a Diplomat account (see above). Once you have created a Diplomat account and logged in, then a Diplomat Magazine subscription purchased on iTunes, Google Play or Amazon is the same as a Diplomat Magazine subscription purchased on <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> website. </p> <p class="dpl-qa-a"> If you want the Diplomat All-Access subscription, which offers both access to the magazine and full access to the website, you will need to purchase it on <i class="dpl-nowrap">The Diplomat</i> website. </p> </div> </section> </section> <div id="root"></div> <footer id="td-foot"> <div class="td-viewport"> <div class="td-menu"> <section class="td-box td-nav-regions"> <header>Regions</header> <ul> <li><a href="">Central Asia</a></li> <li><a href="">East Asia</a></li> <li><a href="">Oceania</a></li> <li><a href="">South Asia</a></li> <li><a href="">Southeast Asia</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="td-box td-nav-topics"> <header>Topics</header> <ul> <li><a href="">Diplomacy</a></li> <li><a href="">Economy</a></li> 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