About - Race, Gender & Equity - Harvard Business School
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</div></a></h1> <div class="toggle-show has-slide mobile-breadcrumb"><ul> <li class=""> <a href="/race-gender-equity/about/Pages/built-for-change.aspx" class=" ink">Built For Change</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="mobile-indent"> <div class="sticky-header-hidden"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shim22 mobile-hidden"></div> <div class="shim14 mobile-visible"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cap tablet-cap mobile-cap"></div> <div class=" "> <div class="container mobile-container tablet-container"> <div class="text-feature" id=""> <div class=""> <div class=""> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row" style="position:relative;"> <div class="span10 tablet-span9"> <div class="delta light subtitle add-underline" style="margin-bottom:-8px;margin-top:-8px;">The Race, Gender & Equity Initiative brings together a global, multidisciplinary community of Harvard Business School faculty, alumni, and students to champion projects and programs that advance understanding, generate tools and solutions, and grow a network of leaders who are advancing equality in business and society at large.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="shim1 mobile-hidden" style="margin-top:40px;margin-bottom:39px;"></div> <div class="shim1 tablet-hidden desktop-hidden" style="margin-top:23px;margin-bottom:22px;"></div> </div> <div class=" "> <div class="container tablet-container mobile-container "> <div class=""> <div class="leadership-list-rounded-img" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="section-header-wrapper " data-wcm-edit-url=""> <h2 class="section-header delta regular inherit-dark-color " data-abbreviated="" data-original="Leadership"> <div>Leadership</div> </h2> <div class="hr inherit-dark-bg " style="margin-bottom:24px; width:180px; opacity:1; margin-top:8px; "></div> </div> <div class="shim12 tablet-hidden"></div> <div class=""> <div class="flex-container " id=""> <div class="image"><img loading="lazy" class="fluid rounded-img inherit-light-color" src=",c_fill,g_face:auto,h_180,w_180,/v20200101/7DF1BCA6BB1C079D91CC29824F0D024B.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="body" style="max-width:760px;flex:1;" data-wcm-edit-url="" id=""> <div class="header"> <h3 class="eta" style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:8px;"><a href="/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=7287">Robin J. Ely</a></h3> <div class="nu add-underline">Initiative Co-Chair, Diane Doerge Wilson Professor of Business Administration, Emerita</div> </div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="mobile-hidden" style="min-height: 100px;">Robin Ely is the Diane Doerge Wilson Professor of Business Administration, Emerita at Harvard Business School. She conducts research on race and gender relations in organizations with a focus on leadership, identity, and organizational culture change. Examples of her past research include studies of men and masculinity on offshore oil platforms; the impact of racial diversity on retail bank performance; and how organizational narratives about gender, work, and family limit both men’s and women’s ability to thrive personally and professionally. Her work is published in academic journals, such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, and Academy of Management Review, and, for practitioners, in Harvard Business Review. Professor Ely is presently conducting research on organizational culture change aimed at reducing workplace inequality, strategies for women leaders to navigate gender stereotypes, and HBS alumni career and life decisions. She is founder and faculty chair of the HBS Race, Gender & Equity Initiative whose mission is to accelerate the advancement of women leaders and promote gender and other forms of equity in business and society through research, education, and knowledge dissemination. She teaches MBA courses in leadership, diversity, and teams as well as doctoral courses in field research methods and executive education courses designed specifically for women leaders. She served for six years as senior associate dean for culture and community. </div> <div class="mobile-visible">Robin Ely is the Diane Doerge Wilson Professor of Business Administration, Emerita at Harvard Business School. She conducts research on race and gender relations in organizations with a focus on leadership, identity, and organizational culture change. Examples of her past research include studies of men and masculinity on offshore oil platforms; the impact of racial diversity on retail bank performance; and how organizational narratives about gender, work, and family limit both men’s and women’s ability to thrive personally and professionally. Her work is published in academic journals, such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, and Academy of Management Review, and, for practitioners, in Harvard Business Review. Professor Ely is presently conducting research on organizational culture change aimed at reducing workplace inequality, strategies for women leaders to navigate gender stereotypes, and HBS alumni career and life decisions. She is founder and faculty chair of the HBS Race, Gender & Equity Initiative whose mission is to accelerate the advancement of women leaders and promote gender and other forms of equity in business and society through research, education, and knowledge dissemination. She teaches MBA courses in leadership, diversity, and teams as well as doctoral courses in field research methods and executive education courses designed specifically for women leaders. She served for six years as senior associate dean for culture and community. </div> <div class="shim34"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim26"></div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-container " id=""> <div class="image"><img loading="lazy" class="fluid rounded-img inherit-light-color" src=",c_fill,g_face:auto,h_180,w_180,/v20200101/176C2E2B2F42CC05D9693ADE7BA7C8AB.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="body" style="max-width:760px;flex:1;" data-wcm-edit-url="" id=""> <div class="header"> <h3 class="eta" style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:8px;"><a href="/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=496799"> Lakshmi Ramarajan</a></h3> <div class="nu add-underline">Initiative Co-Chair, Diane Doerge Wilson Professor of Business Administration</div> </div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="mobile-hidden" style="min-height: 100px;">Professor Ramarajan is the Anna Spangler Nelson and Thomas C. Nelson Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School. Profesor Ramarjan's research examines how people can work fruitfully across social divides, with a particular emphasis on identities and group boundaries. Her research addresses two broad questions: 1) How does the work environment shape people’s experiences as members of particular groups and of their multiple identities? 2) What are the consequences of multiple identities and group differences in organizations? She investigates professional and work identities alongside other identities that are important to people, such as ethnicity, community and family. She examines consequences such as employee engagement and commitment to work, career success and satisfaction, quality of interpersonal and intergroup relations, and performance. In recent work, using experiments, surveys and interviews, she has examined how individuals’ manage their organizational, cultural and personal identities, and how these identities interact to influence engagement and performance. </div> <div class="mobile-visible">Professor Ramarajan is the Anna Spangler Nelson and Thomas C. Nelson Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School. Profesor Ramarjan's research examines how people can work fruitfully across social divides, with a particular emphasis on identities and group boundaries. Her research addresses two broad questions: 1) How does the work environment shape people’s experiences as members of particular groups and of their multiple identities? 2) What are the consequences of multiple identities and group differences in organizations? She investigates professional and work identities alongside other identities that are important to people, such as ethnicity, community and family. She examines consequences such as employee engagement and commitment to work, career success and satisfaction, quality of interpersonal and intergroup relations, and performance. In recent work, using experiments, surveys and interviews, she has examined how individuals’ manage their organizational, cultural and personal identities, and how these identities interact to influence engagement and performance. </div> <div class="shim34"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim26"></div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-container " id=""> <div class="image"><img loading="lazy" class="fluid rounded-img inherit-light-color" src=",c_fill,g_face:auto,h_180,w_180,/v20200101/E4709E2AE4DA49A86A2AC8746898B8D0.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="body" style="max-width:760px;flex:1;" data-wcm-edit-url="" id=""> <div class="header"> <div class="shim10"></div> <h3 class="eta" style="margin-bottom:0;">Colleen Ammerman</h3> <div class="nu add-underline">Director</div> </div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="mobile-hidden" style="min-height: 100px;">Colleen works with the faculty leadership of the Race, Gender & Equity Initiative to support a research community and a platform for disseminating practice-relevant insights for advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in organizations. She oversees the Initiative’s staff, operations, and activities, including student and alumni engagement, programs for companies, and research conferences. She is a member of the Life & Leadership After HBS research team, an ongoing longitudinal study of Harvard Business School alumni which examines the influence of gender and race on their life and career outcomes. She is coauthor, with Boris Groysberg, of Glass Half-Broken: Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work (Harvard Business Review Press).</div> <div class="mobile-visible">Colleen works with the faculty leadership of the Race, Gender & Equity Initiative to support a research community and a platform for disseminating practice-relevant insights for advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in organizations. She oversees the Initiative’s staff, operations, and activities, including student and alumni engagement, programs for companies, and research conferences. She is a member of the Life & Leadership After HBS research team, an ongoing longitudinal study of Harvard Business School alumni which examines the influence of gender and race on their life and career outcomes. She is coauthor, with Boris Groysberg, of Glass Half-Broken: Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work (Harvard Business Review Press).</div> <div class="shim34"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim26"></div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-container " id=""> <div class="image"><img loading="lazy" class="fluid rounded-img inherit-light-color" src=",c_fill,g_face:auto,h_180,w_180,/v20200101/6EEAD595EECEA46EE6F396DC75C89ADF.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="body" style="max-width:760px;flex:1;" data-wcm-edit-url="" id=""> <div class="header"> <div class="shim10"></div> <h3 class="eta" style="margin-bottom:0;">Daniella Diniz</h3> <div class="nu add-underline">Associate Director</div> </div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="mobile-hidden" style="min-height: 100px;">As the Associate Director of the Race, Gender & Equity Initiative at Harvard Business School, Daniella acts as a liaison and creative strategist for a variety of HBS constituencies, including students, faculty, alumni, and practitioners. She identifies opportunities for programming, creates and implements activities, and showcases the important work being done at the school that can positively impact both businesses and society. Prior to joining HBS, Daniella held positions at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, where she focused on developing and managing partnerships and programs that intersected education, international development, and racial & gender equity. She brings a deep commitment to equity and social justice to her work and is passionate about creating meaningful change in the world.</div> <div class="mobile-visible">As the Associate Director of the Race, Gender & Equity Initiative at Harvard Business School, Daniella acts as a liaison and creative strategist for a variety of HBS constituencies, including students, faculty, alumni, and practitioners. She identifies opportunities for programming, creates and implements activities, and showcases the important work being done at the school that can positively impact both businesses and society. Prior to joining HBS, Daniella held positions at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, where she focused on developing and managing partnerships and programs that intersected education, international development, and racial & gender equity. She brings a deep commitment to equity and social justice to her work and is passionate about creating meaningful change in the world.</div> <div class="shim34"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim26"></div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-container " id=""> <div class="image"><img loading="lazy" class="fluid rounded-img inherit-light-color" src=",c_fill,g_face:auto,h_180,w_180,/v20200101/F498C4C3FFD78D7C56CCBE54CE931AEA.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="body" style="max-width:760px;flex:1;" data-wcm-edit-url="" id=""> <div class="header"> <div class="shim10"></div> <h3 class="eta" style="margin-bottom:0;">Ethiopiah Al-Mahdi</h3> <div class="nu add-underline">Community Manager</div> </div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="shim8"></div> <div class="mobile-hidden" style="min-height: 100px;">Ethiopiah is the community manager for the Race, Gender & Equity Initiative, managing its core activities and collaborating with other departments to leverage resources, promote the Initiative's mission, and improve processes. Her duties include project management, event coordination, content development for publications and social media, web maintenance, and data management. Ethi also has experience supporting the MBA curriculum, coordinating faculty projects, and managing research events. Prior to HBS, she worked as an educator in Boston Public Schools, where she practiced a culturally responsive pedagogy model in her home community. She brings those insights and creativity with her in this role. </div> <div class="mobile-visible">Ethiopiah is the community manager for the Race, Gender & Equity Initiative, managing its core activities and collaborating with other departments to leverage resources, promote the Initiative's mission, and improve processes. Her duties include project management, event coordination, content development for publications and social media, web maintenance, and data management. Ethi also has experience supporting the MBA curriculum, coordinating faculty projects, and managing research events. Prior to HBS, she worked as an educator in Boston Public Schools, where she practiced a culturally responsive pedagogy model in her home community. 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