LKML: john stultz: [PATCH 1/11] Time: Reduced NTP rework (part 1)

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This is the first of two patches <br />that reworks some of the interrupt time NTP adjustments so that it <br />could be re-used with the timeofday patches. The motivation of the <br />change is to logically separate the code which adjusts xtime and the <br />code that decides, based on the NTP state variables, how much per tick <br />to adjust xtime. <br /><br />Thus this patch should not affect the existing behavior, but just <br />separate the logical functionality so it can be re-used.<br /><br />Andrew, please consider for inclusion into your tree.<br /><br />thanks<br />-john<br /><br />Signed-off-by: John Stultz &lt;johnstul&#64;;<br /><br /> timer.c | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------<br /> 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)<br /><br />linux-2.6.15-rc5_timeofday-ntp-part1_B14.patch<br />============================================<br />diff --git a/kernel/timer.c b/kernel/timer.c<br />index 91572cf..2a0a549 100644<br />--- a/kernel/timer.c<br />+++ b/kernel/timer.c<br />&#64;&#64; -589,6 +589,7 &#64;&#64; static long time_adj; /* tick adjust (<br /> long time_reftime; /* time at last adjustment (s) */<br /> long time_adjust;<br /> long time_next_adjust;<br />+long time_adjust_step; /* per tick time_adjust step */<br /> <br /> /*<br /> * this routine handles the overflow of the microsecond field<br />&#64;&#64; -716,45 +717,86 &#64;&#64; static void second_overflow(void)<br /> #endif<br /> }<br /> <br />-/* in the NTP reference this is called "hardclock()" */<br />-static void update_wall_time_one_tick(void)<br />+/**<br />+ * ntp_advance - increments the NTP state machine<br />+ * &#64;interval_ns: interval, in nanoseconds<br />+ *<br />+ * Must be holding the xtime writelock when calling.<br />+ */<br />+static void ntp_advance(unsigned long interval_ns)<br /> {<br />- long time_adjust_step, delta_nsec;<br />+ static unsigned long interval_sum;<br /> <br />- if ((time_adjust_step = time_adjust) != 0 ) {<br />- /*<br />- * We are doing an adjtime thing. Prepare time_adjust_step to<br />- * be within bounds. Note that a positive time_adjust means we<br />- * want the clock to run faster.<br />- *<br />- * Limit the amount of the step to be in the range<br />- * -tickadj .. +tickadj<br />- */<br />- time_adjust_step = min(time_adjust_step, (long)tickadj);<br />- time_adjust_step = max(time_adjust_step, (long)-tickadj);<br />+ /* increment the interval sum: */<br />+ interval_sum += interval_ns;<br />+<br />+ /* calculate the per tick singleshot adjtime adjustment step: */<br />+ while (interval_ns &gt;= tick_nsec) {<br />+ time_adjust_step = time_adjust;<br />+ if (time_adjust_step) {<br />+ /*<br />+ * We are doing an adjtime thing.<br />+ *<br />+ * Prepare time_adjust_step to be within bounds.<br />+ * Note that a positive time_adjust means we want<br />+ * the clock to run faster.<br />+ *<br />+ * Limit the amount of the step to be in the range<br />+ * -tickadj .. +tickadj:<br />+ */<br />+ time_adjust_step = min(time_adjust_step, (long)tickadj);<br />+ time_adjust_step = max(time_adjust_step,<br />+ (long)-tickadj);<br /> <br />- /* Reduce by this step the amount of time left */<br />- time_adjust -= time_adjust_step;<br />- }<br />- delta_nsec = tick_nsec + time_adjust_step * 1000;<br />- /*<br />- * Advance the phase, once it gets to one microsecond, then<br />- * advance the tick more.<br />- */<br />- time_phase += time_adj;<br />- if ((time_phase &gt;= FINENSEC) || (time_phase &lt;= -FINENSEC)) {<br />- long ltemp = shift_right(time_phase, (SHIFT_SCALE - 10));<br />- time_phase -= ltemp &lt;&lt; (SHIFT_SCALE - 10);<br />- delta_nsec += ltemp;<br />+ /* Reduce by this step the amount of time left: */<br />+ time_adjust -= time_adjust_step;<br />+ }<br />+ interval_ns -= tick_nsec;<br /> }<br />- xtime.tv_nsec += delta_nsec;<br />- time_interpolator_update(delta_nsec);<br /> <br /> /* Changes by adjtime() do not take effect till next tick. */<br /> if (time_next_adjust != 0) {<br /> time_adjust = time_next_adjust;<br /> time_next_adjust = 0;<br /> }<br />+<br />+ while (interval_sum &gt;= NSEC_PER_SEC) {<br />+ interval_sum -= NSEC_PER_SEC;<br />+ second_overflow();<br />+ }<br />+}<br />+<br />+/**<br />+ * phase_advance - advance the phase<br />+ *<br />+ * advance the phase, once it gets to one nanosecond advance the tick more.<br />+ */<br />+static inline long phase_advance(void)<br />+{<br />+ long delta = 0;<br />+<br />+ time_phase += time_adj;<br />+<br />+ if ((time_phase &gt;= FINENSEC) || (time_phase &lt;= -FINENSEC)) {<br />+ delta = shift_right(time_phase, (SHIFT_SCALE - 10));<br />+ time_phase -= delta &lt;&lt; (SHIFT_SCALE - 10);<br />+ }<br />+<br />+ return delta;<br />+}<br />+<br />+/**<br />+ * xtime_advance - advance xtime<br />+ * &#64;delta_nsec: adjustment in nsecs<br />+ */<br />+static inline void xtime_advance(long delta_nsec)<br />+{<br />+ xtime.tv_nsec += delta_nsec;<br />+ if (likely(xtime.tv_nsec &lt; NSEC_PER_SEC))<br />+ return;<br />+<br />+ xtime.tv_nsec -= NSEC_PER_SEC;<br />+ xtime.tv_sec++;<br /> }<br /> <br /> /*<br />&#64;&#64; -762,19 +804,24 &#64;&#64; static void update_wall_time_one_tick(vo<br /> * usually just one (we shouldn't be losing ticks,<br /> * we're doing this this way mainly for interrupt<br /> * latency reasons, not because we think we'll<br />- * have lots of lost timer ticks<br />+ * have lots of lost timer ticks)<br /> */<br /> static void update_wall_time(unsigned long ticks)<br /> {<br /> do {<br />- ticks--;<br />- update_wall_time_one_tick();<br />- if (xtime.tv_nsec &gt;= 1000000000) {<br />- xtime.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;<br />- xtime.tv_sec++;<br />- second_overflow();<br />- }<br />- } while (ticks);<br />+ /*<br />+ * Calculate the nsec delta using the precomputed NTP<br />+ * adjustments:<br />+ * tick_nsec, time_adjust_step, time_adj<br />+ */<br />+ long delta_nsec = tick_nsec + time_adjust_step * 1000;<br />+ delta_nsec += phase_advance();<br />+<br />+ xtime_advance(delta_nsec);<br />+ ntp_advance(tick_nsec);<br />+ time_interpolator_update(delta_nsec);<br />+<br />+ } while (--ticks);<br /> }<br /> <br /> /*<br />-<br />To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in<br />the body of a message to majordomo&#64;<br />More majordomo info at <a href=""></a><br />Please read the FAQ at <a href=""></a><br /></pre></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom"> 聽 </td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td><td class="c">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"> 聽 </td><td class="lm">Last update: 2005-12-16 02:10 聽聽 [from the cache]<br />漏2003-2020 <a href=""><span itemprop="editor">Jasper Spaans</span></a>|hosted at <a href="">Digital Ocean</a> and my Meterkast|<a href="">Read the blog</a></td><td>聽</td></tr></table><script language="javascript" src="/js/styleswitcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>

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