Topics - Census Reporter
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Here's some help knowing the lay of the land.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-about-census"><a href="/topics/about-census/">About the Census</a></dt> <dd><p>A brief overview of the many data products produced by the Census Bureau, most of which are not available through Census Reporter.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-geography"><a href="/topics/geography/">Geography</a></dt> <dd><p>Geography is fundamental to the Census Bureau's process of tabulating data. Here are the key concepts you need to understand.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-table-codes"><a href="/topics/table-codes/">Table Codes</a></dt> <dd><p>While Census Reporter hopes to save you from the details, you may be interested to understand some of the rationale behind American Community Survey table identifiers.</p></dd> </dl> </section> <section id="topical_help"> <h2>Census Subjects</h2> <dl class="topics"> <dt id="topic-age-sex"><a href="/topics/age-sex/">Age and Sex</a></dt> <dd><p>How the Census approaches the topics of age and sex.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-ancestry"><a href="/topics/ancestry/">Ancestry</a></dt> <dd><p>The ACS gathers data on self-reported ancestry, whether or not respondents were born in the United States.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-children"><a href="/topics/children/">Children</a></dt> <dd><p>Tables concerning Children. Helpful to consider in relation to Families.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-citizenship"><a href="/topics/citizenship/">Citizenship</a></dt> <dd><p>Since its creation, the ACS has asked questions about citizenship, place of birth, and year of entry into the U.S.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-commute"><a href="/topics/commute/">Commute</a></dt> <dd><p>Commute data from the American Community Survey.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-computer-internet"><a href="/topics/computer-internet/">Computers and Internet</a></dt> <dd><p>Data on computer use and internet access from the ACS, and why it鈥檚 collected.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-disability"><a href="/topics/disability/">Disability</a></dt> <dd><p>The ACS collects data on six different kinds of difficulty to help communities provide adequate housing, health care, and assistance</p></dd> <dt id="topic-education"><a href="/topics/education/">Education</a></dt> <dd><p>The ACS collects data both about people currently enrolled in school, as well as the highest level attained by those no longer enrolled.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-employment"><a href="/topics/employment/">Employment</a></dt> <dd><p>While the ACS is not always the best source for employment data, it provides interesting information for small geographies that other sources don鈥檛 cover.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-families"><a href="/topics/families/">Families</a></dt> <dd><p>Families are an important topic in the ACS and a key framework for considering many kinds of data.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-group-quarters"><a href="/topics/group-quarters/">Group Quarters</a></dt> <dd><p>The ACS has special processes for gathering and reporting data about people who live in college dormitories, nursing facilities, military barracks, and correctional facilities.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-health-insurance"><a href="/topics/health-insurance/">Health Insurance</a></dt> <dd><p>The ACS has a number of questions that deal with health insurance and many corresponding tables.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-housing"><a href="/topics/housing/">Housing</a></dt> <dd><p>In addition to questions about people, Census collects extensive data about housing, including costs and physical characteristics of homes.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-income"><a href="/topics/income/">Income and Earnings</a></dt> <dd><p>How the Census approaches the topic of income.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-language"><a href="/topics/language/">Language</a></dt> <dd><p>Information about which languages survey respondents speak at home and their relative proficiency in English.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-marital-status"><a href="/topics/marital-status/">Marital Status</a></dt> <dd><p>The ACS presents data on people's current marital status, how many people's status changed in the last year, and their marital history.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-migration"><a href="/topics/migration/">Migration</a></dt> <dd><p>How the Census deals with migration data.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-poverty"><a href="/topics/poverty/">Poverty</a></dt> <dd><p>Poverty data and how it is used within the ACS.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-public-assistance"><a href="/topics/public-assistance/">Public Assistance</a></dt> <dd><p>Public assistance data from the ACS.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-race-hispanic"><a href="/topics/race-hispanic/">Race and Hispanic Origin</a></dt> <dd><p>Race is a complex issue, and no less so with Census data. A large proportion of Census tables are broken down by race.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-seniors"><a href="/topics/seniors/">Seniors</a></dt> <dd><p>In addition to basic Census data about age, there are a small number of Census tables which focus directly on data about older Americans, and on grandparents as caregivers.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-sexual-orientation-gender-identity"><a href="/topics/sexual-orientation-gender-identity/">Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity</a></dt> <dd><p>How the ACS deals with sexual orientation and gender identity is changing rapidly.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-technical"><a href="/topics/technical/">Technical Tables</a></dt> <dd><p>A subset of tables in the ACS provide information about technical details about how each survey was administered.</p></dd> <dt id="topic-veterans"><a href="/topics/veterans/">Veterans and Military</a></dt> <dd><p>Data collected about past and present members of the U.S. Armed Forces.</p></dd> </dl> </section> </article> </div> <footer id="page-footer"> <section class="wrapper footer-container clearfix"> <ul class="ul-icon-list column-third"> <li> <i class="fa fa-book"></i> <a href="/topics/">Learn about the Census</a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-info"></i> <a href="/about/">About Census Reporter</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="ul-icon-list column-third"> <li> <i class="fa fa-th-list"></i> <a href="/glossary/">Census terms & definitions</a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> <a href="">@CensusReporter</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="ul-icon-list column-third"> <li> <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <a href="">Help & feedback</a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-github"></i> <a href="">Census Reporter on GitHub</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="wrapper footer-container clearfix trailer"> <p>Census Reporter is a free, open-source project. <a href="">Your donations</a> help us add new data to the site and keep it running.</p> <p>Data on Census Reporter comes from the US Census Bureau and is not copyrighted.</p> <p xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dct="">Original text and data visualizations on <a property="dct:title" rel="cc:attributionURL" href=""></a> by <span property="cc:attributionName">the Census Reporter project</span> are licensed under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener noreferrer" style="display:inline-block;">CC BY 4.0<img style="margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" alt=""><img style="margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" alt=""></a></p> </section> </footer> <script src="//,d3js@3.4,typeahead.js@0.10.2(typeahead.bundle.min.js),underscorejs@1.6,spinjs@1.3,handlebarsjs@1.3(handlebars.min.js)"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-eGE6blurk5sHj+rmkfsGYeKyZx3M4bG+ZlFyA7Kns7E=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> CR_API_URL = ''; </script> <script src="/static/js/app.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/glossary.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document.body).on('click', '.lightbox', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var lightbox = '<div id="lightbox"><div class="hovercard-wrapper"><div class="hovercard"><small class="close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i> Close</small><img src="' + $(this).attr("href") + '" /></div></div></div>'; $('body').append(lightbox); }); // handle dismissals of lightbox $(document.body).on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which == 27) { $('#lightbox').remove(); } }); $(document.body).on('click', '#lightbox', function(e) { $('#lightbox').remove(); }); Glossary.init("/glossary/", ".glossary-term"); }); </script> <script src="/static/js/widget.uservoice.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/full-text-results.js"></script> </body> </html>