Table Codes - Census Reporter

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These tables have reference codes, and knowing how the codes are structured can be helpful in knowing which table to use. The Census Bureau produces a variety of types of tables for the American Community Survey, but Census Reporter only serves the "detailed tables."</p> <p>Codes start with either the letter <strong>B</strong> or <strong>C</strong>, followed by two digits for the table subject, then 3 digits that uniquely identify the table. (For a small number of technical tables the unique identifier is 4 digits.) In some cases additional letters for racial iterations and Puerto Rico-specific tables.</p> <h4>Full and Collapsed Tables</h4> <p>Tables beginning with <strong>B</strong> have the most detailed column breakdown, while a <strong>C</strong> table for the same numbers will have fewer columns. For example, the <strong><a href="/tables/B02003/">B02003</a></strong> table ("Detailed Race") has 71 columns, while the "collapsed version," <strong><a href="/tables/C02003/">C02003</a></strong> has only 19 columns. While your instinct may be to want as much data as possible, sometimes choosing the <strong>C</strong> table can simplify your analysis.</p> <h4 id="table-subjects">Table subjects</h4> <p>The first two digits after <strong>B/C</strong> indicate the broad subject of a table. Note that many tables have more than one subject, but this reflects the main subject.</p> <p>Links in the table below are to Census Reporter's help pages relevant to each subject.</p> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>01</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/age-sex/">Age and Sex</a></dd> <dt>02</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/race-latino/">Race</a></dd> <dt>03</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/race-latino/">Hispanic Origin</a></dd> <dt>04</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/ancestry/">Ancestry</a></dd> <dt>05</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/citizenship/">Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year or Entry; Nativity</a></dd> <dt>06</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/citizenship/#place-of-birth">Place of Birth</a></dd> <dt>07</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/migration/">Residence 1 Year Ago; Migration</a></dd> <dt>08</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/commute/">Journey to Work; Workers' Characteristics; Commuting</a></dd> <dt>09</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/children/">Children; Household Relationship</a></dd> <dt>10</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/seniors/#grandparents">Grandparents; Grandchildren</a></dd> <dt>11</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/families/">Household Type; Family Type; Subfamilies</a></dd> <dt>12</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/marital-status/">Marital Status and History</a></dd> <dt>13</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/children/#fertility">Fertility</a></dd> <dt>14</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/education/">School Enrollment</a></dd> <dt>15</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/education/">Educational Attainment</a></dd> <dt>16</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/language/">Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English</a></dd> <dt>17</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/poverty/">Poverty</a></dd> <dt>18</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/disability/">Disability</a></dd> <dt>19</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/income/">Income (Households and Families)</a></dd> <dt>20</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/income/">Earnings (Individuals)</a></dd> <dt>21</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/veterans/">Veteran Status</a></dd> <dt>22</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/public-assistance/">Transfer Programs</a> (Public Assistance)</dd> <dt>23</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/employment/">Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force</a></dd> <dt>24</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/employment/#industry-occupation-class-of-worker">Industry; Occupation; Class of Worker</a></dd> <dt>25</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/housing/">Housing Characteristics</a></dd> <dt>26</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/group-quarters/">Group Quarters</a></dd> <dt>27</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/health-insurance/">Health Insurance</a></dd> <dt>28</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/computer-internet/">Computer and Internet Use</a></dd> <dt>29</dt> <dd><a href="/topics/citizenship/#cvap">Citizen Voting-age Population</a></dd> </dl> <p>Three groups of tables reflect technical details about how the Census is administered. In general, you probably don't need to look at these too closely, but if you need to check for possible weaknesses in your data analysis, they may come into play.</p> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>00</dt> <dd>Unweighted Count</dd> <dt>98</dt> <dd>Quality Measures</dd> <dt>99</dt> <dd>Imputations</dd> </dl> <h4>Race and Latino Origin</h4> <p>Many tables are provided in multiple racial tabulations. If a table code ends in a letter from <strong>A-I</strong>, that code indicates that the table universe is restricted to a subset based on responses to the race or Hispanic/Latino-origin questions. Here is a guide to those codes:</p> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>A</dt> <dd>White alone</dd> <dt>B</dt> <dd>Black or African American Alone</dd> <dt>C</dt> <dd>American Indian and Alaska Native Alone</dd> <dt>D</dt> <dd>Asian Alone</dd> <dt>E</dt> <dd>Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone</dd> <dt>F</dt> <dd>Some Other Race Alone</dd> <dt>G</dt> <dd>Two or More Races</dd> <dt>H</dt> <dd>White Alone, Not Hispanic or Latino</dd> <dt>I</dt> <dd>Hispanic or Latino</dd> </dl> </section> <section id="topic-elsewhere"> <h3 id="other-products">Other products</h3> <p>There are a number of other ACS data products which the Census Bureau offers on <a href=""></a>, but which are not available for bulk download. Because we can't get the bulk data, these tables are not directly included in Census Reporter, but you might want to know about them.</p> <h4>DP: Data Profiles</h4> <p>The data profile (DP) tables provide a lot of popular statistics across subjects in a single table. The Census Reporter "profile" pages are modeled off of the DP tables, although we've added charts and made some alternate choices. The ACS produces four kinds of DP tables, with one variant for Puerto Rico. The links below go to the given data profile for the entire United States (or Puerto Rico, for <strong>DP02PR</strong>), but data profiles are also available for all states (including DC and Puerto Rico), all metropolitan areas, all congressional districts, all counties, all places and all tracts. (Note that Data Profiles are released as part of the 1-year and 5-year ACS, so for tracts, counties, and places with population less than 65,000 you'll need to look for the ACS 5-year Data Profiles.)</p> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt><a href="">DP02</a></dt> <dd>Selected Social Characteristics in the US</dd> <dt><a href="">DP02PR</a></dt> <dd>Selected Social Characteristics in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">DP03</a></dt> <dd>Selected Economic Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">DP04</a></dt> <dd>Selected Housing Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">DP05</a></dt> <dd>ACS Demographic and Housing Characteristics</dd> </dl> <h4>CP: Comparison Profiles</h4> <p>The comparison profile (CP) tables provide a lot of popular statistics across subjects in a single table. Additionally, they provide data for those statistics across several years. Values are provided only as percentages, and the tables include flags which indicate whether the change for any value between years is statistically significant.</p> <p>The links below go to the given comparison profile for the entire United States (or Puerto Rico, for <strong>CP02PR</strong>), but comparison profiles are also available for all states (including DC and Puerto Rico), all metropolitan areas, all congressional districts, and counties and places with a minimum population of 65,000 for the 1-year ACS and of 5,000 for the 5-year ACS.</p> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt><a href="">CP02</a></dt> <dd>Comparative Social Characteristics in the US</dd> <dt><a href="">CP02PR</a></dt> <dd>Comparative Social Characteristics in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">CP03</a></dt> <dd>Comparative Economic Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">CP04</a></dt> <dd>Comparative Housing Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">CP05</a></dt> <dd>Comparative Demographic Characteristics</dd> </dl> <h4>NP: Narrative Profiles</h4> <p> Narrative profiles are not tables, but instead, documents with text and charts describing selected geographies. Narrative profiles based on the most recent 5-year ACS release are available for the Nation, states, counties, places, census tracts, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas, Metropolitan/Micropolitan statistical areas, and American Indian Areas/Alaska Native Areas/Hawaiian Home Lands. </p> <p> The Census Bureau provides <a href="">an interactive tool</a> for selecting the geography for a narrative profile. <a href="">See this example of the narrative profile for the United States.</a> </p> <h4>S: Subject tables</h4> <p>The subject tables are another collection of similar top-level statistics which may be more easily digested than the full detailed tables. As with data profiles, you must use <a href=""></a> to get these tables. The links below go to the given subject table for the entire United States (or for Puerto Rico, for table codes ending in <strong>PR</strong>), but subject tables are also available for all states (including DC and Puerto Rico), all metropolitan areas, all congressional districts, all counties, all places and all tracts. (Note that Subject Tables are released as part of the 1-year and 5-year ACS, so tracts, counties, and places with population less than 65,000 you'll need to look for the ACS 5-year Subject tables.)</p> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt><a href="">S0101</a></dt> <dd>Age and Sex</dd> <dt><a href="">S0102</a></dt> <dd>Population 60 Years and Over in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S0102PR</a></dt> <dd>Population 60 Years and Over in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S0103</a></dt> <dd>Population 65 Years and Over in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S0103PR</a></dt> <dd>Population 65 Years and Over in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S0501</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Native and Foreign-Born Populations</dd> <dt><a href="">S0502</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population by Period of Entry Into the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S0502PR</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population by Period of Entry Into Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S0503</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population by Region of Birth: Europe</dd> <dt><a href="">S0504</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population by Region of Birth: Africa, Northern America, and Oceania</dd> <dt><a href="">S0505</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population by Region of Birth: Asia</dd> <dt><a href="">S0506</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population by Region of Birth: Latin America</dd> <dt><a href="">S0601</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Total and Native Populations in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S0601PR</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Total and Native Populations in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S0701</a></dt> <dd>Geographic Mobility by Selected Characteristics in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S0701PR</a></dt> <dd>Geographic Mobility by Selected Characteristics in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S0702</a></dt> <dd>Movers Between Regions</dd> <dt><a href="">S0801</a></dt> <dd>Commuting Characteristics by Sex</dd> <dt><a href="">S0802</a></dt> <dd>Means of Transportation to Work by Selected Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S0804</a></dt> <dd>Means of Transportation to Work by Selected Characteristics for Workplace Geography</dd> <dt><a href="">S0901</a></dt> <dd>Children Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S0902</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of Teenagers 15 to 19 Years Old</dd> <dt><a href="">S1001</a></dt> <dd>Grandchildren Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S1002</a></dt> <dd>Grandparents</dd> <dt><a href="">S1101</a></dt> <dd>Households and Families</dd> <dt><a href="">S1201</a></dt> <dd>Marital Status</dd> <dt><a href="">S1251</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of People With a Marital Event in the Last 12 Months</dd> <dt><a href="">S1301</a></dt> <dd>Fertility</dd> <dt><a href="">S1401</a></dt> <dd>School Enrollment</dd> <dt><a href="">S1501</a></dt> <dd>Educational Attainment</dd> <dt><a href="">S1502</a></dt> <dd>Field of Bachelor's Degree for First Major</dd> <dt><a href="">S1601</a></dt> <dd>Language Spoken at Home</dd> <dt><a href="">S1602</a></dt> <dd>Limited English Speaking Households</dd> <dt><a href="">S1603</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of People by Language Spoken at Home</dd> <dt><a href="">S1701</a></dt> <dd>Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months</dd> <dt><a href="">S1702</a></dt> <dd>Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families</dd> <dt><a href="">S1703</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of People at Specified Levels of Poverty in the Past 12 Months</dd> <dt><a href="">S1810</a></dt> <dd>Disability Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S1811</a></dt> <dd>Selected Economic Characteristics for the Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population by Disability Status</dd> <dt><a href="">S1901</a></dt> <dd>Income in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)</dd> <dt><a href="">S1902</a></dt> <dd>Mean Income in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)</dd> <dt><a href="">S1903</a></dt> <dd>Median Income in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)</dd> <dt><a href="">S2001</a></dt> <dd>Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)</dd> <dt><a href="">S2002</a></dt> <dd>Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) of Workers by Sex and Women's Earnings as a Percentage of Men's Earnings by Selected Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S2101</a></dt> <dd>Veteran Status</dd> <dt><a href="">S2201</a></dt> <dd>Food Stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Snap)</dd> <dt><a href="">S2301</a></dt> <dd>Employment Status</dd> <dt><a href="">S2302</a></dt> <dd>Employment Characteristics of Families</dd> <dt><a href="">S2303</a></dt> <dd>Work Status in the Past 12 Months</dd> <dt><a href="">S2401</a></dt> <dd>Occupation by Sex for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2402</a></dt> <dd>Occupation by Sex for the Full-Time, Year-Round Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2403</a></dt> <dd>Industry by Sex for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2404</a></dt> <dd>Industry by Sex for the Full-Time, Year-Round Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2405</a></dt> <dd>Industry by Occupation for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2406</a></dt> <dd>Occupation by Class of Worker for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2407</a></dt> <dd>Industry by Class of Worker for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2408</a></dt> <dd>Class of Worker by Sex for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2409</a></dt> <dd>Class of Worker by Sex for the Full-Time, Year-Round Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2411</a></dt> <dd>Occupation by Sex and Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2412</a></dt> <dd>Occupation by Sex and Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) for the Full-Time, Year-Round Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2413</a></dt> <dd>Industry by Sex and Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2414</a></dt> <dd>Industry by Sex and Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) for the Full-Time, Year-Round Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2418</a></dt> <dd>Class of Worker by Sex and Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2419</a></dt> <dd>Class of Worker by Sex and Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (In 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) for the Full-Time, Year-Round Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over</dd> <dt><a href="">S2501</a></dt> <dd>Occupancy Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S2502</a></dt> <dd>Demographic Characteristics for Occupied Housing Units</dd> <dt><a href="">S2503</a></dt> <dd>Financial Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S2504</a></dt> <dd>Physical Housing Characteristics for Occupied Housing Units</dd> <dt><a href="">S2506</a></dt> <dd>Financial Characteristics for Housing Units With a Mortgage</dd> <dt><a href="">S2507</a></dt> <dd>Financial Characteristics for Housing Units Without a Mortgage</dd> <dt><a href="">S2601A</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of the Group Quarters Population in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S2601APR</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of the Group Quarters Population in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S2602</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of the Group Quarters Population by Group Quarters Type (3 Types)</dd> <dt><a href="">S2602PR</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of the Group Quarters Population by Group Quarters Type (3 Types)</dd> <dt><a href="">S2603</a></dt> <dd>Characteristics of the Group Quarters Population by Group Quarters Type (5 Types)</dd> <dt><a href="">S2701</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of Health Insurance Coverage in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S2702</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Uninsured in the United States</dd> <dt><a href="">S2702PR</a></dt> <dd>Selected Characteristics of the Uninsured in Puerto Rico</dd> <dt><a href="">S2703</a></dt> <dd>Private Health Insurance Coverage by Type and Selected Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S2704</a></dt> <dd>Public Health Insurance Coverage by Type and Selected Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S2801</a></dt> <dd>Types of Computers and Internet Subscriptions</dd> <dt><a href="">S2802</a></dt> <dd>Types of Internet Subscriptions by Selected Characteristics</dd> <dt><a href="">S2902</a></dt> <dd>Citizen, Voting-Age Population by Selected Characteristics</dd> </dl> <h4>GCT: Geographic Comparison and R: Ranking</h4> <p>The Geographic Comparison/Ranking tables take a single statistic and list its value for a number of geographies.</p> <p>The GCT files include the US, states (including DC and Puerto Rico), metropolitan areas, metropolitan divisions, combined statistical areas (CSAs), urban areas, school districts, counties, places and PUMAs. GCT files are in CSV format and are created for only the 1-year ACS, with the same limitations that only places with population > 65,000 are included in the 1-year files. (Prior to the 2019 ACS release, many GCT files were also available for the 5-year ACS data.)</p> <p> The R files are much like the GCT files, except they are in Microsoft Excel format, and only include the US and states (including DC and Puerto Rico). In the Excel file, data users can select a state from a menu, and the file will compute whether each of the other rows in the file is statistically significantly different from the selected geography. </p> <p>These files are not offered in, but can be downloaded directly from the Census Bureau's file server.</p> <dl class='dl-horizontal'> <dt>GCT0101</dt> <dd>Median Age Of The Total Population<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0102</dt> <dd>Sex Ratio Of The Total Population<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0103</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are 65 Years And Over<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0104</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are 85 Years And Over<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0105</dt> <dd>Age Dependency Ratio Of The Total Population<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0106</dt> <dd>Child Dependency Ratio Of The Total Population<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0107</dt> <dd>Old-Age Dependency Ratio Of The Total Population<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0201</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are White Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0201.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0202</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are Black Or African American Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0202.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0203</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are American Indian And Alaska Native Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0203.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0204</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are Asian Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0204.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0205</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are Native Hawaiian And Other Pacific Islander Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0205.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0206</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are Some Other Race Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0206.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0207</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are Two Or More Races<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0207.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0208</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are Two Or More Races Excluding Some Other Race<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0208.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0209</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Total Population Who Are White Alone, Not Hispanic Or Latino<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0209.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0501</dt> <dd>Percent Of People Who Are Foreign Born<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0501.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0502</dt> <dd>Percent Of Foreign-Born People Born In Europe<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0502.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0503</dt> <dd>Percent Of Foreign-Born People Born In Asia<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0503.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0504</dt> <dd>Percent Of Foreign-Born People Born In Latin America<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0504.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0505</dt> <dd>Percent Of Foreign-Born People Born In Mexico<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0505.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0601</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Native Population Born In Their State Of Residence (Including Puerto Rico)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0601.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0701</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 1 Year And Over Who Lived In A Different House In Either The U.S. Or Puerto Rico 1 Year Ago<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0701.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0702</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 1 Year And Over Who Lived In A Different House Within The Same State (Including Puerto Rico) 1 Year Ago<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0702.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0703</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 1 Year And Over Who Lived In A Different State (Including Puerto Rico) 1 Year Ago<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0703.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0801</dt> <dd>Mean Travel Time To Work Of Workers 16 Years And Over Who Did Not Work At Home (Minutes)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0801.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0802</dt> <dd>Percent Of Workers 16 Years And Over Who Traveled To Work By Car, Truck, Or Van--Drove Alone<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0802.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0803</dt> <dd>Percent Of Workers 16 Years And Over Who Traveled To Work By Car, Truck, Or Van--Carpooled<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0803.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0804</dt> <dd>Percent Of Workers 16 Years And Over Who Traveled To Work By Public Transportation (Excluding Taxicab)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0804.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT0805</dt> <dd>Percent Of Workers 16 Years And Over Who Worked Outside County Of Residence<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R0805.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1001</dt> <dd>Percent Of Grandparents Responsible For Their Grandchildren Among All Grandparents Living With聽Their Grandchildren Under 18<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1001.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1101</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households That Are Married-Couple Families<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1101.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1102</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households That Are Married-Couple Families With Own Children Under 18 Years<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1102.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1103</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households With One Or More People Under 18 Years<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1103.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1104</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households With One Or More People 65 Years And Over<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1104.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1105</dt> <dd>Average Household Size<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1105.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1106</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households That Are Multigenerational<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1106.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1201</dt> <dd>Percent Of Men 15 Years And Over Who Were Never Married<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1201.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1202</dt> <dd>Percent Of Women 15 Years And Over Who Were Never Married<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1202.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1203</dt> <dd>Ratio Of Unmarried Men 15 To 44 Years Per 100 Unmarried Women 15 To 44 Years<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1203.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1204</dt> <dd>Median Age At First Marriage For Men<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1204.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1205</dt> <dd>Median Age At First Marriage For Women<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1205.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1251</dt> <dd>Marriage Rate Per 1,000 Women 15 Years And Over (Marriages In The Last Year Per 1,000 Women)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1251.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1252</dt> <dd>Marriage Rate Per 1,000 Men 15 Years And Over (Marriages In The Last Year Per 1,000 Men)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1252.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1253</dt> <dd>Divorce Rate Per 1,000 Women 15 Years And Over (Divorces In The Last Year Per 1,000 Women)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1253.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1254</dt> <dd>Divorce Rate Per 1,000 Men 15 Years And Over (Divorces In The Last Year Per 1,000 Men)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1254.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1303</dt> <dd>Women 15 To 50 Years Old Who Had A Birth In The Past 12 Months (Per 1,000 Women)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1303.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1304</dt> <dd>Total Fertility Rate Of Women (Per 1,000 Women)<br>[<a href="">R1304.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1501</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 25 Years And Over Who Have Completed High School (Includes Equivalency)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1501.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1502</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 25 Years And Over Who Have Completed A Bachelor'S Degree<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1502.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1503</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 25 Years And Over Who Have Completed An Advanced Degree<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1503.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1601</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 5 Years And Over Who Speak A Language Other Than English At Home<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1601.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1602</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 5 Years And Over Who Speak Spanish At Home<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1602.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1603</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 5 Years And Over Who Speak English Less Than "Very Well"<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1603.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1701</dt> <dd>Percent Of People Below Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months (For Whom Poverty Status Is Determined)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1701.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1702</dt> <dd>Percent Of Related Children Under 18 Years Below Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1702.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1703</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 65 Years And Over Below Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1703.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1704</dt> <dd>Percent Of Children Under 18 Years Below Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months (For Whom Poverty Status Is Determined)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1704.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1705</dt> <dd>Percent Of People Below Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months (For People In Housing Units For Whom Poverty Status Is Determined)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1810</dt> <dd>Percent Of People With A Disability<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1810.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1811</dt> <dd>Employment To Population Ratio For People With A Disability<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1811.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1901</dt> <dd>Median Household Income (In 2021 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1901.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1902</dt> <dd>Median Family Income (In 2021 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1902.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1903</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households With Retirement Income<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1903.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT1904</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households With Cash Public Assistance Income<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R1904.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2001</dt> <dd>Median Earnings For Male Full-Time, Year-Round Workers (In 2021 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2001.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2002</dt> <dd>Median Earnings For Female Full-Time, Year-Round Workers (In 2021 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2002.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2101</dt> <dd>Percent Of The Civilian Population 18 Years And Over Who Are Veterans<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2101.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2201</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households That Receive Food Stamps/Snap<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2201.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2301</dt> <dd>Percent Of People 16 To 64 Years Who Are In The Labor Force (Including Armed Forces)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2301.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2302</dt> <dd>Percent Of Children Under 6 Years Old With All Parents In The Labor Force<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2302.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2303</dt> <dd>Employment/Population Ratio For The Civilian Population 16 To 64 Years Old<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2303.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2304</dt> <dd>Percent Of Married-Couple Families With Both Husband And Wife In The Labor Force<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2304.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2401</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over In Management, Business, And Financial Occupations<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2401.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2403</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over In Service Occupations<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2403.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2404</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over In The Manufacturing Industry<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2404.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2405</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over In The Information Industry<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2405.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2406</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over Who Were Private Wage And Salary Workers<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2406.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2407</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over In Computer, Engineering, And Science Occupations<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2407.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2408</dt> <dd>Percent Of Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over In Healthcare Practitioners And Technical Occupations<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2408.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2501</dt> <dd>Percent Of Housing Units That Are Mobile Homes<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2501.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2502</dt> <dd>Percent Of Housing Units That Were Built In 2014 Or Later<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2502.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2503</dt> <dd>Percent Of Housing Units That Were Built In 1939 Or Earlier<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2503.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2504</dt> <dd>Percent Of Occupied Housing Units That Were Moved Into In 2017 Or Later<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2504.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2505</dt> <dd>Percent Of Occupied Housing Units With Gas As Principal Heating Fuel<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2505.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2506</dt> <dd>Percent Of Occupied Housing Units With Electricity As Principal Heating Fuel<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2506.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2507</dt> <dd>Percent Of Occupied Housing Units With Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Etc. As Principal Heating Fuel<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2507.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2509</dt> <dd>Percent Of Occupied Housing Units With 1.01 Or More Occupants Per Room<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2509.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2510</dt> <dd>Median Housing Value Of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2510.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2511</dt> <dd>Median Monthly Housing Costs For Owner-Occupied Housing Units With A Mortgage (Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2511.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2512</dt> <dd>Percent Of Occupied Housing Units That Are Owner-Occupied<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2512.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2513</dt> <dd>Percent Of Mortgaged Owners Spending 30 Percent Or More Of Household Income On Selected Monthly Owner Costs<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2513.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2514</dt> <dd>Median Monthly Housing Costs For Renter-Occupied Housing Units (Dollars)<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2514.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2515</dt> <dd>Percent Of Renter-Occupied Units Spending 30 Percent Or More Of Household Income On Rent And Utilities<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2515.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2701</dt> <dd>Percent Without Health Insurance Coverage<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2701.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2702</dt> <dd>Percent Of Children Without Health Insurance Coverage<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2702.xlsx</a>]</dd> <dt>GCT2801</dt> <dd>Percent Of Households With A Broadband Internet Subscription<br>[<a href="">GCT 1yr</a>] [<a href="">R2801.xlsx</a>]</dd> </dl> </section> </article> </div> <footer id="page-footer"> <section class="wrapper footer-container clearfix"> <ul class="ul-icon-list column-third"> <li> <i class="fa fa-book"></i> <a href="/topics/">Learn about the Census</a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-info"></i> <a href="/about/">About Census Reporter</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="ul-icon-list column-third"> <li> <i class="fa fa-th-list"></i> <a href="/glossary/">Census terms &amp; definitions</a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> <a href="">@CensusReporter</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="ul-icon-list column-third"> <li> <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <a href="">Help &amp; feedback</a> </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-github"></i> <a href="">Census Reporter on GitHub</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="wrapper footer-container clearfix trailer"> <p>Census Reporter is a free, open-source project. <a href="">Your donations</a> help us add new data to the site and keep it running.</p> <p>Data on Census Reporter comes from the US Census Bureau and is not copyrighted.</p> <p xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dct="">Original text and data visualizations on <a property="dct:title" rel="cc:attributionURL" href=""></a> by <span property="cc:attributionName">the Census Reporter project</span> are licensed under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener noreferrer" style="display:inline-block;">CC BY 4.0<img style="margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" alt=""><img style="margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" alt=""></a></p> </section> </footer> <script src="//,d3js@3.4,typeahead.js@0.10.2(typeahead.bundle.min.js),underscorejs@1.6,spinjs@1.3,handlebarsjs@1.3(handlebars.min.js)"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-eGE6blurk5sHj+rmkfsGYeKyZx3M4bG+ZlFyA7Kns7E=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> CR_API_URL = ''; </script> <script src="/static/js/app.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/glossary.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document.body).on('click', '.lightbox', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var lightbox = '<div id="lightbox"><div class="hovercard-wrapper"><div class="hovercard"><small class="close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i> Close</small><img src="' + $(this).attr("href") + '" /></div></div></div>'; $('body').append(lightbox); }); // handle dismissals of lightbox $(document.body).on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which == 27) { $('#lightbox').remove(); } }); $(document.body).on('click', '#lightbox', function(e) { $('#lightbox').remove(); }); Glossary.init("/glossary/", ".glossary-term"); }); </script> <script src="/static/js/widget.uservoice.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/full-text-results.js"></script> </body> </html>

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