Group Newsflash | News | AG van Kleunen

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</div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <nav class="breadcrumb" aria-label="Sie befinden sich hier"> <a href="">Department of Biology</a> <span class="icon-point-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <a href="/kleunen/kleunen/">AG van Kleunen</a> <span class="icon-point-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <a href="/kleunen/kleunen/news/group-newsflash/">News</a> <span class="icon-point-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>Group Newsflash</span> </nav> </div> </header> <div class="main" id="main"> <div class="flex-container"> <nav class="sidebar" id="sidebar-menu" role="navigation" aria-label=""> <button class="toggle"> </button> <ul> </ul> </nav> <section class="container columns" id="content" role="main"> <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--> <div id="c345472" class="frame frame-default frame-type-page-header frame-layout-0"> <header class=""> <figure class="image single "> <img class="image-embed-item grayscale" src="/fileadmin/_processed_/5/0/csm_gruppe180_79f5058bab.jpg" loading="eager" title="" alt="" /> </figure> <div> <h2><span>Ecology - AG van Kleunen</span></h2> <p> </p> </div> </header> </div> <div class="content detail"> <div id="c330900" class="frame frame-default frame-type-textmedia frame-layout-0"> <div class="ce-textpic"> <div class="ce-bodytext"> <h3>News&nbsp;&nbsp; +++&nbsp; News&nbsp; +++&nbsp; News&nbsp; +++&nbsp; News</h3><ul class="list"> <li><strong>06 November 2024: Mark </strong>was interviewed by SQS Deutschland GmbH (Schweizerische Vereinigung f眉r Qualit盲ts- und Management-Systeme) on Biodiversity and Sustainability, read the <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">interview</a> here</li> <li><strong>06 November 2024: </strong>Oduor AMO,<strong> van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Liu Y on 'Investigating the drivers of negative diversity-invasibility relationship: the role of nutrient availability, allelopathy, soil biota, and soil legacy effects' has been accepted for publication in Fundamental Research.</li> <li><strong>31 October 2024: Lingyan Hu </strong>is joining our group as CSC-funded full-program PhD student. Welcome and wishing you a good start!</li> <li><strong>26 October 2024: Cheng C</strong>, Song W, Liu ZK, Li B, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Wu JH on 'Intraspecific diversity mitigates the negative soil-legacy impacts of an invasive plant' has been accepted for publication in New Phytologist.</li> <li><strong>22 October 2024: Haixiao Dai </strong>is joining our group as CSC-funded full-program PhD student. Welcome and wishing you a good start!</li> <li><strong>17 October 2024: </strong>Sanders SKD, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Allan E &amp; Thakur MP on 'Effects of extreme drought on the invasion by non-native plants' has been accepted for publication in Trends in Plant Science<em>. </em></li> <li><strong>16 October 2024: Mark </strong>is one of the many signatories of 'the 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting', see published paper <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">here</a></li> <li><strong>09 October 2024: </strong>Ivison K, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Speed JDM, Vange V, Pujura S, Boch S, Enters D, Groom Q, Janovsk媒 Z, Jeschke JM, Joshi J, Kolb A, Kollmann J, Koubek T, Lemke T, Matthies D, Raabov谩 J, Tielb枚rger K &amp; Dawson W on 'Non-native, non-naturalized plants suffer less herbivory than native plants across European botanical gardens' has been accepted for publication in Diversity and Distributions<em>. </em></li> <li><strong>05 September 2024: </strong>Yuan YG, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Li JM on 'Effects of warming and parasitism on root traits and the root economics space' has been accepted for publication in Functional Ecology.</li> <li><strong>03 September 2024:</strong> Guo K, Py拧ek P, Div铆拧ek J, Sychrov谩 M, Lososov谩 Z, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Pierce S &amp; Guo WY on 'Stage dependence of Elton's biotic resistance hypothesis of biological invasions' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Plants</a>.</li> <li><strong>26 August 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Yuan L, Xie XL, Zhang YQ, Li JM &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> on 'The soil microbial community and nitrogen availability affect the growth, biochemistry and potential allelopathic effects of the invasive plant <em>Solidago canadensis</em>' has been accepted for publication in Plant and Soil.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>31 July 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Ruppert H, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Wilschut R on 'Contrasting responses of naturalized alien and native plants to native soil biota and drought' has been accepted for publication in Functional Ecology.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>22 July 2024:&nbsp;Yanjie Liu </strong><strong> </strong>has joined us as a visiting scholar with CSC funding. He will be in the group until end of October. Welcome!</li> <li><strong>09 July 2024: </strong>Ayeni A, Blank L, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Mesgaran MB, Nu帽ez MA, Osipitan A, Robeck P, Madani K, Zarei A &amp; Matin M on 'Sustainable Nexus AID: Biological Invasions' has been accepted for publication in Sustainability Nexus Forum.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>04 July 2024: Lijia Dong </strong>has joined us as a visiting scholar with CSC funding. She will be in the group until end of this year. Welcome!</li> <li><strong>04 July 2024: </strong>Liu DJ, Essl F, Lenzner B, Moser D, Semenchuk P, Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Biancolini D, Capinha C, Dawson W, Dyer EE, Gu茅nard B, Economo EP, Kreft H, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Rondinini C, Seebens H, Weigelt P, Winter M, Purvis&nbsp; A &amp; Dullinger S on 'Regional invasion history and land use shape the prevalence of non-native psecies in local assemblages' has been accepted for publication in Global Change Biology.</li> <li><strong>02 July 2024: Wei GW &amp; van Kleunen M </strong>on 'Growing on patch boundaries of heterogeneos soils promotes root growth but not the total biomass of naturalized alien and native plants'<strong> </strong>has just been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Plant and Soil</a><strong> </strong></li> <li><strong>10 June 2024: Guanwen Wei has succeffully defended her PhD thesis! Congratulations! </strong></li> <li><strong>25&nbsp;May 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Uyehara I, Bechinger T, Jordan A &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>&nbsp;on 'Neighbor-detection causes shifts in allocation across multiple organs to prepare plants for light competition' has been accepted for publication in Functional Ecology.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>21 May 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Sun Y, Ren ZK, M眉ller-Sch盲rer H, Callaway R, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Huang W on 'Increasing and fluctuating resource availability enhances invasional meltdown' has been accepted for publication in Ecology<em>. </em></li> <li><strong>15 May 2024: Cheng C</strong>, Liu ZK, Song W, Chen X, <strong>Zhang ZJ</strong>, Li B, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Wu JH on 'Biodiversity increases resistance of grasslands against plant invasions under multiple environmental changes' has been accepted for publication in Nature Communications.</li> <li><strong>13 May 2024: </strong>Wang X, Zheng WL, Zuan HM, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Yu FH &amp; Li MH on 'Biochar produced from diverse invasive species improves remediation of cadmium-contaminated soils' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Biological Invasions</a>. This is Mark's 300th published paper!! Congratulations!</li> <li><strong>29 April 2024: Chen D</strong> &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> on 'Negative conspecific plant-soil feedback on alien plants co-growing with natives is partly mitigated by another alien' has been accepted for publication in Plant and Soil.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>24 April 2024: </strong>Ecology Lab now has an open <strong>postdoc</strong> position for an <strong>experimental plant ecologist</strong> per <strong>1 January 2025</strong>. More information here or download <a href="/securedl/sdl-eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MzIzMDM0MzQsImV4cCI6MTczMjk5NDYzNCwidXNlciI6MCwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbMCwtMV0sImZpbGUiOiJmaWxlYWRtaW4vYmlvbG9naWUvYWctdm9ua2xldW5lbi9kb2t1bWVudGUvMjAyNF9Qb3N0ZG9jLVBvc2l0aW9uLUtvbnN0YW56LnBkZiIsInBhZ2UiOjg1Njk1fQ.RDPu0sENNSYtDq64V52fdoD8RTy7uIHb-aROSkB03WE/2024_Postdoc-Position-Konstanz.pdf">advertisement</a>.</li> <li><strong>01 April 2024: </strong>No joke! Our senior research associate <strong>Dr. Marc Stift</strong> has a new position as research group leader at Frauenhofer Aachen starting today! Congratulations and best wishes to a new future!</li> <li><strong>22 March 2024: </strong>At the <strong>2024 Nature Postive Universities</strong> webinar series,<strong> Mark </strong>presented several biodiversity uplift projects&nbsp;on our campus last year,&nbsp;see <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">here</a> for recorded webinar!&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>22 March 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Fu YM, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Ma K &amp; Liu YJ on 'The more microplastic types pollute the soil, the stronger the growth suppression of invasive alien and native plants' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Ecology.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>05 March 2024:</strong>Previous visiting PhD student <strong>Shuya Fan</strong> has rejoined our lab as Postdoc starting from today! Welcome back!</li> <li><strong>04 March 2024: </strong>Cheng C, Liu ZK, Zhang Q, Tian X, Ju RT, Li B, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Chase J &amp; Wu JH on 'Genotype diversity enhances invasion resistance of native plants via soil biotic feedbacks' has just been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Ecology Letters</a>. Starting from today, first author <strong>Cai Cheng</strong> will join our group as visiting PhD for an year. Welcome!</li> <li><strong>27 February 2024: Davis AJS</strong>, Groom Q, Adriaens T, Vanderhoeven S, De Troch R, Oldoni D, Desmet P, Reyserhove L, Lens L and Strubbe D on 'Reproducible WiSDM: a workflow for reproducible invasive alien species risk maps under climate change scenarios using standardized open data' has just been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution</a></li> <li><strong>26 February 2024: Dr. Peng Wang </strong>will join our group as visiting scholar for an year! Welcome to Konstanz!</li> <li><strong>19 February 2024: Huang KL</strong>, De Long JR, Yan XB, Wang XY, Wang CL, Zhang YW, Zhang YY, Wang P, Du GZ, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Guo H on 'Why are graminoid species more dominant? Trait-mediated plant-soil feedbacks shape community composition' has been accepted for publication in Ecology.</li> <li><strong>14 February 2024: </strong>Guo K, Py拧ek P, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, <strong>Kinlock NL</strong>, Lu膷anov谩 M, Leitch IJ, Pierce S, Dawson W, Essl F, Kreft H, Lenzner B, Pergl J, Weigelt P &amp; Guo WY on 'Plant invasion and naturalization are influenced by genome size, ecology and economic use globally' is now&nbsp;published in&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Communications</a>&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>14 February 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Neyret M, Le Provost G, Boesing AL, Schneider FD, Baulechner D, Bergmann J, de Vries FT, Fiore-Donno AM, Geisen S, Goldmann K, Merges A, Saifutdinov RA, Simons NK, Tobias JA, Zaitsev AS, Gossner MM, Jung K, Kandeler E, Krauss J, Penone C, Schloter M, Schulz S, Staab M, Wolter V, Apostolakis A, Birkhofer K, Boch S, Boeddinghaus RS, Bolliger R, Bonkowski M, Buscot F, Dumack K, Fischer M, Gan HY, Heinze J, H枚lzel N, John K, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Marhan S, M眉ller J, Renner SC, Rillig MC, Schenk NV, Sch枚ning I, Schrumpf M, Seibold S, Socher S, Solly EF, Teuscher M, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Wubet T &amp; Manning P on 'A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification' is now published in&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Communications</a></li> <li><strong>08&nbsp;February 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Robeck P, Essl F, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Py拧ek P, Pergl J, Weigelt P &amp; Mesgaran MB on 'Invading plants remain undetected in a lag phase while they explore suitable climates' is now&nbsp;published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Ecology &amp; Evolution</a></li> <li><strong>07 February 2024:&nbsp;</strong>Marc Stift gave a great habilitation lecture about plant-plant competition, and will soon be allowed to wear the title PD.</li> <li><strong>07 February 2024:&nbsp;Omer A</strong>, Essl F, Dullinger S, Lenzner B, Garc铆a-Rodr铆guez A, Moser D, <strong>Fristoe T</strong>, Dawson W, Weigelt P, Kreft H, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Wessely J on 'Invasion risk of the currently cultivated alien flora in Southern Africa is predicted to decline under climate change' has been accepted for publication in Ecography.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>25 January 2024: </strong>Cheng C, Liu ZK, Zhang Q, Tian X, Ju RT, Li B, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Chase J &amp; Wu JH on 'Genotype diversity enhances invasion resistance of native plants via soil biotic feedbacks' has been accepted for publication in Ecology Letters<em>. </em></li> <li><strong>09 January 2024: </strong>Carrara L, Moi DA, Figueiredo BRS, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, pastorini LH, Romangnolo MB &amp; Souza LA on 'Tolerance to drought and flooding events provides a competitive advantage for an invasive over a native plant species' has been accepted for publication in Freshwater Biology<em>. </em></li> <li><strong>19 December 2023: Huifei Jin</strong> (visiting PhD student) &amp; <strong>Han Jiang</strong> (4yr PhD student) have joined our group starting from this week! Welcome to Konstanz!&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>15&nbsp;December 2023: Mark</strong>'s public lecture on '<strong>ecological impacts of global change</strong>' for <strong>Public Sustainability Week</strong> is now available for <a href=";tx_uknkimstreams_player%5Bcode%5D=Public-Sustainability-Week_Diverse_2023-11-21_01&amp;tx_uknkimstreams_player%5Bcontroller%5D=StreamList&amp;tx_uknkimstreams_player%5Btitle%5D=&amp;cHash=4864eaff43f4c8dbcf1132b6123bb874" target="_blank" class="external">streaming</a> from KIM. Visit <a href="" target="_blank" class="external">here</a> for full list of&nbsp;related presentations and lectures.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>11 December 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Bi JW, Bossdorf O, Liao ZY, Richards C, Parepa M, <strong>Zhao WH</strong>, Berninger F, Zhao YJ, Liu ZK, Feng XY, Ju RT, Li B &amp; Wu JH on 'Divergent geographic variation in above- versus belowground secondary metabolites of <em>Reynoutria japonica</em>' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Ecology.</li> <li><strong>01 December 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Research highlight written by <strong>Benedikt Spei脽er </strong>'Time matter: Why ecological effects of microplastics might change over time' is now published in<a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer"> Journal of Applied Ecology</a></li> <li><strong>19 November 2023</strong>:&nbsp;Holmes R, Pelser P, Barcelona J, Tjitrosoedirdjo SS, Wahyuni I, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Py拧ek P, Essl F, Kreft H, Dawson W, Wijedasa L, Kortz A, Hejda M, Berrio JC, Siregar I &amp; Williams M on 'Naturalizations have led to homogenization of the Malesian flora in the Anthropocene' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biogeography.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>1 November 2023: Mark</strong> has joined the <strong>UNU Sustainability Nexus Analytics, Informatics, and Data (AID) Programme</strong> on <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Biological Invasions</a></li> <li><strong>24&nbsp;October 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Schertler A, Lenzner B, Dullinger S, Moser D, Bufford JL, Ghelardini L, Santini A, Capinha C, Monteiro M, Reino L, Wingfield MJ, Seebens H, Thines M, Dawson W, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Kreft H, Pergl P, Py拧ek P, Weigelt P, Winter M &amp; Essl F on 'Biogeography and global flows of 100 major alien fungal and fungal-like oomycete pathogens' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biogeography.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>23 October 2023: Spei脽er B &amp; van Kleunen M&nbsp;</strong>on 'Plants forage for soil patches free of plastic pollution but cannot bag the profits' has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Scientific Reports.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>16 October 2023: </strong>Fan SY, <strong>Yang Q</strong>, Li SP, <strong>Fristoe TS</strong>, Cadotte MW, Essl F, Kreft H, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, Weigelt P, Kartesz J, Nishino M, Wieringa JJ &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M </strong>on 'A latitudinal gradient in Darwin鈥檚 naturalization conundrum at the global scale for vascular plants' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Communications</a>.</li> <li><strong>12 October 2023: Dong BC, Yang Q</strong>, <strong>Kinlock NL</strong>, Pouteau R, Py拧ek P, Weigelt P, Yu FH &amp;<strong> van Kleunen M</strong> on 'Naturalization of introduced plants is driven by life-form-dependent cultivation biases' has been accepted for publishing in&nbsp; Diversity and Distribution.</li> <li><strong>05 October 2023:&nbsp;Zhang Z, Yang Q, Fristoe TS</strong>, Dawson W, Essl F, Kreft H, Lenzner B, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, Weigelt P, Winter M, Fuentes N, Kartesz JT, Nishino M &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M </strong>on 'The poleward naturalization of intra-continental alien plants' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Science Advances</a>. Also see Press Release from Uni Konstanz here in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external">English</a> and in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external">German</a>. Press release in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Chinese</a> written by the first two authors is also avaialble.</li> <li><strong>25 September 2023:</strong> <strong>Duo</strong> successfully defended her PhD. Congratulations!</li> <li><strong>15 September&nbsp;2023:&nbsp;</strong>The <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">WhoIsNext</a> project led by <strong>Mark</strong> is highlighted in a <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">press release</a> about the <strong>IPBES</strong> assessment on invasive alien species.</li> <li><strong>14 September&nbsp;2023:&nbsp;Chen D, van Kleunen M</strong>, Wang YJ &amp; Yu FH on 'Invasive and native plants show different root responses to feedback-mediated soil heterogeneity' has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Plant and Soil.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>29 August 2023:&nbsp;Fristoe TS</strong>,<strong> Bleilevens J, Kinlock NL, Yang Q, Zhang ZJ</strong>, Dawson W, Essl F, Kreft H, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, Weigelt P, Dufour-Dror JM, Sennikov A, Wasowicz P, Westergaard K &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> on 'Evolutionary imbalance, climate and human history jointly shape the global biogeography of alien plants' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Ecology &amp; Evolution</a><em>. </em>See also this issue's&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">News &amp; Views</a> for relevant introduction. This paper has also received "Best Paper Award" in Summer Semestser 2023 from Dept. of Biology. Press release about this paper see here<a href="" target="_blank" class="external"> in German</a> and<a href="" target="_blank" class="external"> in English</a>&nbsp;by Uni of Konstanz, also available&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">in Chinese</a> by co-author <strong>Zhijie Zhang</strong>.</li> <li><strong>02 August 2023:</strong> Zeng JJ, Liu YJ &amp;<strong> van Kleunen M</strong> on 'Widely naturalized species are not more promiscuous to different nitrogen forms, but benefit more from inorganic nitrogen' has been accepted for publishing in Biological Invasions.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>01 August 2023: </strong>End of Summer Semester 2023 and we say good-bye to our research associate <strong>Trevor Fristoe</strong>, visiting scholar <strong>Marcel Dorken</strong> and internship student <strong>Mallory Decker</strong>. Wishing you all the best in the next stage of your career!&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>19 July 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Zhang X, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Chang CL &amp; Liu YJ on 'Soil&nbsp;microbes&nbsp;mediate&nbsp;the&nbsp;effects&nbsp;of&nbsp;resource&nbsp;variability&nbsp;on&nbsp;plant&nbsp;invasion' has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Ecology.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>18 July 2023:</strong>&nbsp;Cai L, Kreft H, Taylor A, Schrader J, Dawson W, Essl F, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, Winter M &amp; Weigelt P on 'Climatic stability and geological history shape global centers of neo- and paleoendemism in seed plants' has been published on <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">PNAS</a>&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>14 July 2023: </strong>Zhao ZH, Hui C, Peng S, Yi SG, Li ZH, Reddy GVP &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> on 'The world鈥檚 100 worst invasive alien insect species differ in their characteristics from related non-invasive species' has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Journal of Applied Ecology.</li> <li><strong>04 July 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Rittelmann-Woods E, Lachaise T &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> on 'Negative effects of EPDM microplastic and cork granules on plant growth are mitigated by earthworms and likely caused by their structural properties' has been accepted for publishing in Science of The Total Environment (STOTEN).&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>17 June 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Py拧ek P, Lu膷anov谩 M, Dawson W, Essl F, Kreft H, Leitch IJ, Lenzner B, Meyerson L, Pergl J, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Weigelt P, Winter M &amp; Guo WY on 'Small genome size and variation in ploidy levels support the naturalization of vascular plants but constrain their invasive spread' has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in New Phytologist.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>16 June 2023: Wilschut RA</strong>, Hume BCC, <strong>Mamonova E &amp; van Kleunen M</strong> on 'Plant-soil feedback effects on conspecific and heterospecific successors of annual and perennial Central European grassland plants are correlated' is now published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Plants</a></li> <li><strong>16 June 2023: Li Y, Mamonova E, K枚hler N, van Kleunen M &amp; Stift M</strong> on 'Breakdown of self-incompatibility due to genetic interaction between a specific S-allele and an unlinked modifier' is now published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Communications</a>. See also Uni Konstanz Press Release 'Vom Fremd- zum Selbstbest盲uber' <a href="" target="_blank" class="external">here</a>.</li> <li><strong>05 June 2023: </strong>Pouteau R, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong> &amp; Strasberg D on "Closely related aliens lead to greater extinction risk" has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Biological Conservation.</li> <li><strong>24 May 2023: </strong>Mu帽oz-Mas R, Essl F, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Seebens H, Dawson W, Casal CMV &amp; Garc铆a-Berthou E on "Two centuries of spatial and temporal dynamics of freshwater fish introductions" has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Global Ecology and Biogeography.</li> <li><strong>11 May 2023: </strong>Strubbe D, Jim茅nez L, Barbosa AM, <strong>Davis AJS</strong>, Lens L &amp; Rahbek C on 'Mechanistic models project bird invasions with accuracy' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Communications</a>.</li> <li><strong>2 May 2023: Prof. Marcel Dorken</strong> from Trent Uni. Canada is joining us for 3 months (May - July), welcome!</li> <li><strong>28 April 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Freitag M, H枚lzel N, Neuenkamp L, van der Plas F, Manning P, Abrah茫o A, Bergmann J, Boeddinghaus R, Bolliger R, Hamer U, Kandeler E, Kleinebecker T, Knorr KH, Marhan S, Neyret M, Prati D, Le Provost G, Bustamante H, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Sch盲fer D &amp; Klaus V on 'Increasing plant species richness by seeding has marginal effects on ecosystem functioning in agricultural grasslands' has been accepted for publication&nbsp;in Journal of Ecology.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>17 April 2023:&nbsp;</strong>Liu DJ, Semenchuk P, Essl F, Lenzner B, Moser D, Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Biancolini D, Capinha C, Dawson W, Dyer EE, Gu茅nard B, Economo EP, Kreft H, Pergl J, Py拧ek P, <strong>van Kleunen M</strong>, Nentwig W, Rondinini C, Seebens H, Weigelt P, Winter M, Purvis A &amp; Dullinger S on 'The impact of land use on non-native species incidence and number in local assemblages worldwide' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Nature Communications</a>.</li> <li><strong>31 March 2023:&nbsp; </strong>We say goodbye to our PhD student Tallulah Gundelach, she will start a new position in Berlin and continue with her thesis there. Wishing her all the best!</li> <li><strong>21 March 2023: Nature Positive </strong>action day! Planting new native species at the north side of ZT building. <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">Here to&nbsp;Instagram-Reel</a> to see&nbsp;the Before &amp; After.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>8 March 2023: </strong>we say goodbye to our visiting PhD student<strong> Shuya </strong>and wish her all the best to finishing remaining study!&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>27 February 2023: Photo illustrations </strong>of paper<strong> </strong>'Cultivated alien plants with high invasion potential are more likely to be traded online in China' has been published in <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">The Bulletin of ESA</a> Also see <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">original paper</a> by&nbsp;Dong R, Dong BC, Fu QY, <strong>Yang Q</strong>, Dai ZC, Luo FL, Gao JQ, Yu FH &amp; <strong>van Kleunen M. &nbsp;</strong></li> <li><strong>21 February 2023</strong>: <strong>Xiaoqi Zhang</strong> has joined us as Postdoc. Welcome to the group!</li> <li><strong>10 February 2023</strong>: The <strong>EDENE</strong> project has officially started this month! This project examines the interactions between endemic trees at risk of extinction and co-occurring invasive alien plants, and <strong>Prof. van Kleunen</strong> is a member of the research team. See <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">EDENE website</a> for more information.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>10 February 2023</strong>: Check out&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">"Behind the Paper" story</a> by <strong>Spei脽er, Wilschut</strong> &amp; van <strong>Kleunen</strong> in the Ecology &amp; Evolution Community of Nature Portfolio, regarding their work on 'Number of simultaneously acting global change factors affects composition, diversity and productivity of grassland plant communities' original paper <a href="" target="_blank" class="external" rel="noreferrer">here</a></li> <li><strong>01 February 2023</strong>: Petren H, Thosteman H, <strong>Stift M</strong>, Torang P, Agren J &amp; Friberg M on 'Differences in mating system and predicted parental conflict affect postzygotic reproductive isolation in a flowering plant<em>' </em>has been accepted for publication in Evolution.</li> <li><strong>01 February 2023</strong>: New member of the group: <strong>Amy Davis</strong> as Databank Manager. Welcome!!</li> <li><strong>01 January 2023</strong>: <strong>Happy New Year</strong>!!! Wishing everyone a great start into 2023! In the new year, we say good-bye to <strong>Judy</strong> and wish her all the best in University of Kassel!</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside class="content-right"> </aside> <!--TYPO3SEARCH_end--> </section> </div> <div class="content-related"> </div> </div> <footer role="contentinfo"> <div> <a class="jump-top" href="#" title="To top"> <strong> To top </strong> <i class="icon-arrow-up"></i> </a> <nav id="footer-menu" aria-label="Help and contact"> <ul> <li> <a href=""> Impressum, Contact and Legal Notice </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Information on data protection </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Job openings </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Information on accessibility </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Whistleblower </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Counseling in cases of conflicts/discrimination </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Ideas and feedback </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Contact page editor </a> </li> <!-- <li> <button onClick="window.print()"> Print page </button> </li> //--> </ul> <div class="box"> <ul> <li> <a href=""> X </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://baw眉.social/@unikonstanz"> Mastodon </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> YouTube </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Instagram </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Facebook </a> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> <p> <em> &copy; 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