Regulatory disclosures | Standard Chartered

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If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and notify the sender immediately. This document is being distributed for general information only and is subject to the relevant disclaimers available at our Standard Chartered website under Regulatory disclosures. It is not and does not constitute research material, independent research, an offer, recommendation or solicitation to enter into any transaction or adopt any hedging, trading or investment strategy, in relation to any securities or other financial instruments. This document is for general evaluation only. It does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person or class of persons and it has not been prepared for any particular person or class of persons. You should not rely on any contents of this document in making any investment decisions. Before making any investment, you should carefully read the relevant offering documents and seek independent legal, tax and regulatory advice. In particular, we recommend you to seek advice regarding the suitability of the investment product, taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs, before you make a commitment to purchase the investment product. Opinions, projections and estimates are solely those of SC at the date of this document and subject to change without notice. Past performance is not indicative of future results and no representation or warranty is made regarding future performance. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment. You are not certain to make a profit and may lose money. Any forecast contained herein as to likely future movements in rates or prices or likely future events or occurrences constitutes an opinion only and is not indicative of actual future movements in rates or prices or actual future events or occurrences (as the case may be). This document must not be forwarded or otherwise made available to any other person without the express written consent of the Standard Chartered Group (as defined below). Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18. The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Standard Chartered PLC, the ultimate parent company of Standard Chartered Bank, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates (including each branch or representative office), form the Standard Chartered Group. Standard Chartered Private Bank is the private banking division of Standard Chartered. Private banking activities may be carried out internationally by different legal entities and affiliates within the Standard Chartered Group (each an “SC Group Entity”) according to local regulatory requirements. Not all products and services are provided by all branches, subsidiaries and affiliates within the Standard Chartered Group. Some of the SC Group Entities only act as representatives of Standard Chartered Private Bank and may not be able to offer products and services or offer advice to clients.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Copyright © 2024, Accounting Research &amp; Analytics, LLC d/b/a CFRA (and its affiliates, as applicable). 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While CFRA exercised due care in compiling this analysis, CFRA, ITS THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIERS, AND ALL RELATED ENTITIES SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, to the full extent permitted by law, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information and assumes no liability with respect to the consequences of relying on this information for investment or other purposes. No content provided by CFRA (including ratings, credit-related analyses and data, valuations, model, software or other application or output therefrom) or any part thereof may be modified, reverse engineered, reproduced or distributed in any form by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of CFRA, and such content shall not be used for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes. 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The time horizon of this opinion is dependent on prevailing market conditions and there is no planned frequency for updates to the opinion. This opinion is not independent of Standard Chartered Group’s trading strategies or positions. Standard Chartered Group and/or its affiliates or its respective officers, directors, employee benefit programmes or employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this document may at any time, to the extent permitted by applicable law and/or regulation, be long or short any securities or financial instruments referred to in this document or have material interest in any such securities or related investments. Therefore, it is possible, and you should assume, that Standard Chartered Group has a material interest in one or more of the financial instruments mentioned herein. <a>Please refer to our Standard Chartered website under Regulatory disclosures </a>for more detailed disclosures, including past opinions/ recommendations in the last 12 months and conflict of interests, as well as disclaimers. A covering strategist may have a financial interest in the debt or equity securities of this company/issuer. This document must not be forwarded or otherwise made available to any other person without the express written consent of Standard Chartered Group.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>Sustainable Investments</strong></p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Any ESG data used or referred to has been provided by Morningstar, Sustainalytics, MSCI or Bloomberg. Refer to 1) Morningstar website under Sustainable Investing, 2) Sustainalytics website under ESG Risk Ratings, 3) MCSI website under ESG Business Involvement Screening Research and 4) Bloomberg green, social &amp; sustainability bonds guide for more information. The ESG data is as at the date of publication based on data provided, is for informational purpose only and is not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose, and it may be subject to change. Sustainable Investments (SI): This refers to funds that have been classified as ‘Sustainable Investments’ by Morningstar. SI funds have explicitly stated in their prospectus and regulatory filings that they either incorporate ESG factors into the investment process or have a thematic focus on the environment, gender diversity, low carbon, renewable energy, water or community development. For equity, it refers to shares/stocks issued by companies with Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating of Low/Negligible. For bonds, it refers to debt instruments issued by issuers with Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating of Low/Negligible, and/or those being certified green, social, sustainable bonds by Bloomberg. For structured products, it refers to products that are issued by any issuer who has a Sustainable Finance framework that aligns with Standard Chartered’s Green and Sustainable Product Framework, with underlying assets that are part of the Sustainable Investment universe or separately approved by Standard Chartered’s Sustainable Finance Governance Committee. Sustainalytics ESG risk ratings shown are factual and are not an indicator that the product is classified or marketed as &#8220;green&#8221;, &#8220;sustainable&#8221; or similar under any particular classification system or framework</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><a><strong>Country/Market Specific Disclosures</strong></a></p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>Botswana:</strong> This document is being distributed in Botswana by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank Botswana Limited which is a financial institution licensed under the Section 6 of the Banking Act CAP 46.04 and is listed in the Botswana Stock Exchange. <strong>Brunei Darussalam:</strong> This document is being distributed in Brunei Darussalam by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank (Brunei Branch) | Registration Number RFC/61 and Standard Chartered Securities (B) Sdn Bhd | Registration Number RC20001003. Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18. Standard Chartered Securities (B) Sdn Bhd is a limited liability company registered with the Registry of Companies with Registration Number RC20001003 and licensed by Brunei Darussalam Central Bank as a Capital Markets Service License Holder with License Number BDCB/R/CMU/S3-CL and it is authorised to conduct Islamic investment business through an Islamic window. <strong>China Mainland:</strong> This document is being distributed in China by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited which is mainly regulated by National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), and People’s Bank of China (PBOC). <strong>Hong Kong:</strong> In Hong Kong, this document, except for any portion advising on or facilitating any decision on futures contracts trading, is distributed by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“SCBHK”), a subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC. SCBHK has its registered address at 32/F, Standard Chartered Bank Building, 4-4A Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong and is regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and registered with the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) to carry on Type 1 (dealing in securities), Type 4 (advising on securities), Type 6 (advising on corporate finance) and Type 9 (asset management) regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) (“SFO”) (CE No. AJI614). The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong and you are advised to exercise caution in relation to any offer set out herein. If you are in doubt about any of the contents of this document, you should obtain independent professional advice. Any product named herein may not be offered or sold in Hong Kong by means of any document at any time other than to “professional investors” as defined in the SFO and any rules made under that ordinance. In addition, this document may not be issued or possessed for the purposes of issue, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and any interests may not be disposed of, to any person unless such person is outside Hong Kong or is a “professional investor” as defined in the SFO and any rules made under that ordinance, or as otherwise may be permitted by that ordinance. In Hong Kong, Standard Chartered Private Bank is the private banking division of SCBHK, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC. <strong>Ghana:</strong> Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Limited accepts no liability and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from your use of these documents. Past performance is not indicative of future results and no representation or warranty is made regarding future performance. You should seek advice from a financial adviser on the suitability of an investment for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to invest in an investment. To unsubscribe from receiving further updates, please send an email to <a href=""></a>. Please do not reply to this email. Call our Priority Banking on 0302610750 for any questions or service queries. You are advised not to send any confidential and/or important information to Standard Chartered via e-mail, as Standard Chartered makes no representations or warranties as to the security or accuracy of any information transmitted via e-mail. Standard Chartered shall not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by you arising from your decision to use e-mail to communicate with the Bank. <strong>India:</strong> This document is being distributed in India by Standard Chartered in its capacity as a distributor of mutual funds and referrer of any other third party financial products. Standard Chartered does not offer any ‘Investment Advice’ as defined in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 or otherwise. Services/products related securities business offered by Standard Charted are not intended for any person, who is a resident of any jurisdiction, the laws of which imposes prohibition on soliciting the securities business in that jurisdiction without going through the registration requirements and/or prohibit the use of any information contained in this document. Indonesia: This document is being distributed in Indonesia by Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia branch, which is a financial institution licensed, registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Service Authority). <strong>Jersey:</strong> In Jersey, Standard Chartered Private Bank is the Registered Business Name of the Jersey Branch of Standard Chartered Bank. The Jersey Branch of Standard Chartered Bank is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Copies of the latest audited accounts of Standard Chartered Bank are available from its principal place of business in Jersey: PO Box 80, 15 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PT. Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter in 1853 Reference Number ZC 18. The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The Jersey Branch of Standard Chartered Bank is also an authorised financial services provider under license number 44946 issued by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of the Republic of South Africa. Jersey is not part of the United Kingdom and all business transacted with Standard Chartered Bank, Jersey Branch and other SC Group Entity outside of the United Kingdom, are not subject to some or any of the investor protection and compensation schemes available under United Kingdom law. <strong>Kenya:</strong> This document is being distributed in Kenya by, and is attributable to Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited. Investment Products and Services are distributed by Standard Chartered Investment Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited that is licensed by the Capital Markets Authority in Kenya, as a Fund Manager. Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya. <strong>Malaysia:</strong> This document is being distributed in Malaysia by Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad. Recipients in Malaysia should contact Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad in relation to any matters arising from, or in connection with, this document. <strong>Nigeria:</strong> This document is being distributed in Nigeria by Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Limited (SCB Nigeria), a bank duly licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria. SCB Nigeria accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from your use of these documents. You should seek advice from a financial adviser on the suitability of an investment for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to invest in an investment. To unsubscribe from receiving further updates, please send an email to <a href=""></a> requesting to be removed from our mailing list. Please do not reply to this email. Call our Priority Banking on 01-2772514 for any questions or service queries. Standard Chartered shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from your decision to send confidential and/or important information to Standard Chartered via e-mail, as Standard Chartered makes no representations or warranties as to the security or accuracy of any information transmitted via e-mail.&nbsp; <strong>Pakistan:</strong> This document is being distributed in Pakistan by, and attributable to Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited having its registered office at PO Box 5556, I.I Chundrigar Road Karachi, which is a banking company registered with State Bank of Pakistan under Banking Companies Ordinance 1962 and is also having licensed issued by Securities &amp; Exchange Commission of Pakistan for Security Advisors. Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited acts as a distributor of mutual funds and referrer of other third-party financial products. <strong>Singapore:</strong> This document is being distributed in Singapore by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (Registration No. 201224747C/ GST Group Registration No. MR-8500053-0, “SCBSL”). Recipients in Singapore should contact SCBSL in relation to any matters arising from, or in connection with, this document. SCBSL is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank and is licensed to conduct banking business in Singapore under the Singapore Banking Act, 1970. Standard Chartered Private Bank is the private banking division of SCBSL. IN RELATION TO ANY SECURITY OR SECURITIES-BASED DERIVATIVES CONTRACT REFERRED TO IN THIS DOCUMENT, THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE ISSUER DOCUMENTATION, SHALL BE DEEMED AN INFORMATION MEMORANDUM (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 275 OF THE SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT, 2001 (“SFA”)). THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR DISTRIBUTION TO ACCREDITED INVESTORS, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 4A(1)(a) OF THE SFA, OR ON THE BASIS THAT THE SECURITY OR SECURITIES-BASED DERIVATIVES CONTRACT MAY ONLY BE ACQUIRED AT A CONSIDERATION OF NOT LESS THAN S$200,000 (OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN A FOREIGN CURRENCY) FOR EACH TRANSACTION. Further, in relation to any security or securities-based derivatives contract, neither this document nor the Issuer Documentation has been registered as a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore under the SFA. Accordingly, this document and any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of the product may not be circulated or distributed, nor may the product be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to persons other than a relevant person pursuant to section 275(1) of the SFA, or any person pursuant to section 275(1A) of the SFA, and in accordance with the conditions specified in section 275 of the SFA, or pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provision of the SFA. In relation to any collective investment schemes referred to in this document, this document is for general information purposes only and is not an offering document or prospectus (as defined in the SFA). This document is not, nor is it intended to be (i) an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any capital markets product; or (ii) an advertisement of an offer or intended offer of any capital markets product. <strong>Deposit Insurance Scheme:</strong> Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. <strong>Taiwan: </strong>SC Group Entity or Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited (“SCB (Taiwan)”) may be involved in the financial instruments contained herein or other related financial instruments. The author of this document may have discussed the information contained herein with other employees or agents of SC or SCB (Taiwan). The author and the above-mentioned employees of SC or SCB (Taiwan) may have taken related actions in respect of the information involved (including communication with customers of SC or SCB (Taiwan) as to the information contained herein). The opinions contained in this document may change, or differ from the opinions of employees of SC or SCB (Taiwan). SC and SCB (Taiwan) will not provide any notice of any changes to or differences between the above-mentioned opinions. This document may cover companies with which SC or SCB (Taiwan) seeks to do business at times and issuers of financial instruments. Therefore, investors should understand that the information contained herein may serve as specific purposes as a result of conflict of interests of SC or SCB (Taiwan). SC, SCB (Taiwan), the employees (including those who have discussions with the author) or customers of SC or SCB (Taiwan) may have an interest in the products, related financial instruments or related derivative financial products contained herein; invest in those products at various prices and on different market conditions; have different or conflicting interests in those products. The potential impacts include market makers’ related activities, such as dealing, investment, acting as agents, or performing financial or consulting services in relation to any of the products referred to in this document. <strong>UAE:</strong> DIFC &#8211; Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18.The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai International Financial Centre having its offices at Dubai International Financial Centre, Building 1, Gate Precinct, P.O. Box 999, Dubai, UAE is a branch of Standard Chartered Bank and is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”). This document is intended for use only by Professional Clients and is not directed at Retail Clients as defined by the DFSA Rulebook. In the DIFC we are authorised to provide financial services only to clients who qualify as Professional Clients and Market Counterparties and not to Retail Clients. As a Professional Client you will not be given the higher retail client protection and compensation rights and if you use your right to be classified as a Retail Client we will be unable to provide financial services and products to you as we do not hold the required license to undertake such activities. For Islamic transactions, we are acting under the supervision of our Shariah Supervisory Committee. Relevant information on our Shariah Supervisory Committee is currently available on the Standard Chartered Bank website in the Islamic banking section For residents of the UAE – Standard Chartered Bank UAE does not provide financial analysis or consultation services in or into the UAE within the meaning of UAE Securities and Commodities Authority Decision No. 48/r of 2008 concerning financial consultation and financial analysis<strong>. Uganda:</strong> Our Investment products and services are distributed by Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited, which is licensed by the Capital Markets Authority as an investment adviser. <strong>United Kingdom:</strong> In the UK, Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. This communication has been approved by Standard Chartered Bank for the purposes of Section 21 (2) (b) of the United Kingdom’s Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) as amended in 2010 and 2012 only. Standard Chartered Bank (trading as Standard Chartered Private Bank) is an authorised financial services provider (license number 45747) in terms of the South African Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002. The Materials have not been prepared in accordance with UK legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research, and that it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research. <strong>Vietnam:</strong> This document is being distributed in Vietnam by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited which is mainly regulated by State Bank of Vietnam (SBV). Recipients in Vietnam should contact Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited for any queries regarding any content of this document. <strong>Zambia:</strong> This document is distributed by Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Plc, a company incorporated in Zambia and registered as a commercial bank and licensed by the Bank of Zambia under the Banking and Financial Services Act Chapter 387 of the Laws of Zambia.</p> </div></details> <details class="wp-block-scca-accordion-item scca-block__accordion-item"><summary class="accordion-item__title">Market Disclaimer</summary><div class="accordion-item__content"> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18. The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Banking activities may be carried out internationally by different Standard Chartered Bank branches, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “SCB”) according to local regulatory requirements. Opinions may contain outright &#8220;buy&#8221;, &#8220;sell&#8221;, &#8220;hold&#8221; or other opinions. The time horizon of this opinion is dependent on prevailing market conditions and there is no planned frequency for updates to the opinion.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This opinion is not independent of SCB’s own trading strategies or positions. SCB and/or its affiliates or its respective officers, directors, employee benefit programmes or employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this document may at any time, to the extent permitted by applicable law and/or regulation, be long or short any securities or financial instruments referred to in this document or have material interest in any such securities or related investments. Therefore, it is possible, and you should assume, that SCB has a material interest in one or more of the financial instruments mentioned herein. If specific companies are mentioned in this communication, please note that SCB may at times do business or seek to do business with the companies covered in this communication; hold a position in, or have economic exposure to, such companies; and/or invest in the financial products issued by these companies. Further, SCB may be involved in activities such as dealing in, holding, acting as market makers or liquidity providers, or performing financial or advisory services including but not limited to, lead manager or co-lead manager in relation to any of the products referred to in this communication. SCB may have received compensation for these services and activities. Accordingly, SCB may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this communication.<br>SCB has in place policies and procedures, logical access controls and physical information walls to help ensure confidential information, including material non-public or inside information is not disclosed unless in line with its policies and procedures and the rules of its regulators.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Please refer to for more detailed disclosures, including past opinions in the last 12 months and conflict of interests, as well as disclaimers. This document must not be forwarded or otherwise made available to any other person without the express written consent of SCB.</p> </div></details> <details class="wp-block-scca-accordion-item scca-block__accordion-item"><summary class="accordion-item__title">Financial markets sales and trading marketing materials and market commentary disclaimer</summary><div class="accordion-item__content"> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This communication has been prepared by Standard Chartered Bank. Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18. The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Banking activities may be carried out internationally by different Standard Chartered Bank branches, subsidiaries and its affiliates (collectively “SCB”) according to local regulatory requirements. With respect to any jurisdiction in which there is an SCB entity, this document is distributed in such jurisdiction by, and is attributable to, such local SCB entity. Recipients in any jurisdiction would contact the local SCB entity in relation to any matters arising from, or in connection with, this document. Not all products and services are provided by all SCB entities.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This material is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute either an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security or any financial instrument or enter into any transaction or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">The information contained herein does not purport to identify or suggest all the risks (direct or indirect) that may be associated with conducting business.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This communication is prepared by personnel from SCB’s Sales and/or Trading Desks. It is not research material and is not a product of SCB’s Research.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Any views expressed may differ from those of SCB’s Research. This material has been produced for reference and is not independent research or a research recommendation and should therefore not be relied upon as such. The material has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research. This material is not subject to any regulatory prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This material is provided on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced, redistributed or transmitted, whole or in part, without the prior written consent of SCB.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This communication is not independent of SCB’s own trading strategies or positions. Therefore, it is possible, and you should assume, that SCB has a material interest in one or more of the financial instruments mentioned herein. If specific companies are mentioned in this communication, please note that SCB may at times seek to do business with the companies covered in this communication; hold a position in, or have economic exposure to, such companies; and/or invest in the financial products issued by these companies. This communication may be a marketing communication as referenced in the Market in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/54/EU.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">SCB may be involved in activities such as dealing in, holding, acting as market makers or performing financial or advisory services in relation to any of the products referred to in this communication. The Sales and Trading personnel who prepared this material may be compensated in part based on trading activity. Accordingly, SCB may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this communication.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">This communication should not be construed as a recommendation (except to the extent it is an “investment recommendation” under MAR (as defined below)) for the purchase or sales of any security or financial instrument, or to enter into a transaction involving any instrument or trading strategy, or as an official confirmation or official valuation of any transaction mentioned herein.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">The information provided is not intended to be used as a general guide to investing and does not constitute investment advice or as a source of any specific investment recommendations as it has not been prepared with regard to the specific investment objectives or financial situation of any particular person.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">SCB does not provide, and has not provided, any investment advice or personal recommendation to you in relation to the transaction and/or any related securities described herein and is not responsible for providing or arranging for the provision of any general financial, strategic or specialist advice, including legal, regulatory, accounting, model auditing or taxation advice or services or any other services in relation to the transaction and/or any related securities described herein. The particular tax treatment of a service or transaction depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future. Accounting laws, rules, regulations, standards and other guidelines may differ in different countries and/or may change at any time without notice. SCB may not have the necessary licenses to provide services or offer products in all countries or such provision of services or offering of products may be subject to the regulatory requirements of each jurisdiction and you should check with your advisors before proceeding. Accordingly SCB is under no obligation to, and shall not determine the suitability for you of the transaction described herein.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">You must ensure that you have sufficient knowledge, experience, sophistication and/or professional advice to make your own evaluation of the merits and risks of entering into such transaction. You are advised to make your own independent judgment (with the advice of your professional advisers as necessary) with respect to the risks and consequences of any matter contained herein.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">While reasonable care has been taken in preparing this document, SCB expressly disclaims any liability and responsibility for any damage or loss you may suffer from your use of or reliance of the information contained herein. Any past or simulated past performance including back-testing, modelling or scenario analysis contained herein is not an indication of future performance or results. Changes in rates of exchange may have an adverse effect on the value of investments. No representation is made as to the accuracy of the assumptions made within, or completeness of, any modelling, scenario analysis or back-testing.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Predictions, projections or forecasts contained herein are not necessarily indicative of actual future events and are subject to change without notice. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this communication, SCB makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Any opinions or views of third parties expressed in this material are those of the third parties identified, and not of SCB. Some of the information appearing herein may have been obtained from public sources and while SCB believes such information to be reliable, it has not been independently verified by SCB.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">All opinions and estimates are given as of the date of the relevant document and are subject to change without notice. The value of any investment may also fluctuate as a result of market changes. SCB is not obliged to inform the recipients of this communication of any change to such opinions or estimates.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">Where this material is an “investment recommendation” as defined in Article 3(1)(35) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (“EU MAR”) and as it forms part of UK law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (UK MAR), distribution of this material is subject to the relevant provisions of UK and EU MAR. For more information, please consult the&nbsp;<a href="">MAR disclosures</a>&nbsp;page available at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>UK</strong>: This communication is not directed at Retail Clients as defined in 3.4.1R of the Conduct of Business Sourcebook in the Financial Conduct Authority Handbook.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>Europe</strong>: Within the European Economic Area this communication is issued by Standard Chartered Bank AG, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank, authorised by the European Central Bank and supervised by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht-“BaFin”) and the German Federal Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank). This document is directed at persons Standard Chartered Bank AG can categorise as Eligible Counterparties or per se Professional Clients (such persons constituting the target market of this communication following Standard Chartered Bank AG’s target market assessment) as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (Directive 2014/65/EU) (“MiFID II”) and the German Securities Trading Act (“WpHG”). No other person should rely upon it. In particular, this is not directed at Retail Clients (as defined by MiFID II and WpHG) in the European Economic Area. Nothing in this document constitutes a personal recommendation or investment advice as defined by MiFID II and WpHG.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>United States</strong>: Except for any documents relating to foreign exchange, rates or commodities, distribution of this document in the United States or to US persons is intended to be solely to major institutional investors as defined in Rule 15a-6(a)(2) under the US Securities Act of 1934. All US persons that receive this document by their acceptance thereof represent and agree that they are a major institutional investor and understand the risks involved in executing transactions in securities. Any US recipient of this document wanting additional information or to effect any transaction in any security or financial instrument mentioned herein, must do so by contacting a registered representative of Standard Chartered Securities (North America) LLC., 1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036, US, Tel +1 212 667 0700. WE DO NOT OFFER OR SELL SECURITIES TO U.S. PERSONS UNLESS EITHER (A) THOSE SECURITIES ARE REGISTERED FOR SALE WITH THE U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION AND WITH ALL APPROPRIATE U.S. STATE AUTHORITIES; OR (B) THE SECURITIES OR THE SPECIFIC TRANSACTION QUALIFY FOR AN EXEMPTION UNDER THE U.S. FEDERAL AND STATE SECURITIES LAWS NOR DO WE OFFER OR SELL SECURITIES TO U.S. PERSONS UNLESS (I) WE, OUR AFFILIATED COMPANY AND THE APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL ARE PROPERLY REGISTERED OR LICENSED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS; OR (II) WE, OUR AFFILIATED COMPANY AND THE APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL QUALIFY FOR EXEMPTIONS UNDER APPLICABLE U.S. FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>Middle East</strong><strong>: This document is available in Arabic upon request.</strong></p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph">يرجى التكرم بالعلم بأننا سنقوم بتزويدكم بترجمة للعربية عن هذه الوثيقة عندالطلب</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>SCB DIFC: </strong>This communication is issued by Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai International Financial Centre Branch (“SCB DIFC”). SCB DIFC having its offices at Dubai International Financial Centre, Building 1, Gate Precinct, P.O. Box 999, Dubai, UAE is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”). This document is intended for use only by Professional Clients, as defined by the DFSA Rulebook.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>SCB ADGM:&nbsp;</strong>This communication is issued by SCB, Abu&nbsp;Dhabi Global Market Branch (“SCB ADGM”).&nbsp;SCB ADGM having its offices at Unit 5, floor 7, Al Khatem Tower, ADGM, Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE is a branch of Standard Chartered Bank and is regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (“FSRA”). This document is intended for use only by Professional Clients or Market Counterparties and is not directed at Retail Clients as defined by the ADGM Rulebook.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>For SCB DIFC Islamic business:</strong>&nbsp;For Islamic banking business, SCB DIFC act under the supervision of the banks Shariah Supervisory Committee. Relevant information on the Shari’a Supervisory Committee is available on the Standard Chartered Bank website in the Islamic banking section.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><em>&nbsp;</em><strong>For SCB UAE Islamic business</strong>: Please refer to our&nbsp;<a href="">SCB UAE Islamic Banking page</a>.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>For SCB UAE Securities Services:</strong>&nbsp;This communication is issued by Standard Chartered Bank, United Arab Emirates (“SCB UAE”). SCB UAE having its offices at Downtown Dubai, P.O. Box 999, Dubai, UAE is authorised by the Securities and Commodity Authority (“SCA”) and subject to SCA’s regulation, supervision, and control. SCB UAE holds a license to practice the activity of custody and fund administration.</p> <p class="wp-block-paragraph"><strong>For SCB Australia:</strong>&nbsp;Standard Chartered Bank has been granted an authority to carry on a banking business in Australia pursuant to section 9 of the Banking Act 1959 of Australia (“Banking Act”) and is a foreign authorised deposit taking institution (“ADI”) within the meaning of the Banking Act.&nbsp;Provisions in the Banking Act for the protection of depositors generally do not apply to foreign ADIs including Standard Chartered Bank. For example, depositors with foreign ADIs do not receive the benefit of the following protections:</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>deposits are not covered by the financial claims scheme and are not guaranteed by the Australian Government;</li> <li>depositors do not receive priority ahead of amounts owed to other creditors. This means that if a foreign ADI were unable to meet its obligations or otherwise is in financial difficulties and ceases to make payments, its depositors in Australia would not receive priority for repayment of their deposits from the foreign ADI’s assets in Australia; and</li> <li>a foreign ADI is not required to hold assets in Australia to cover its deposit liabilities in Australia. 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