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Ruby has a vibrant and growing community that is friendly towards people of all skill levels.</p> <p>If you are interested in getting involved, here are a couple of places to start:</p> <dl> <dt><a href="user-groups/">Ruby User Groups</a></dt> <dd>Your local Ruby user group is a great place to network with other Ruby programmers. Ruby user groups are self-organizing and typically feature monthly meetings, a mailing list, a Web site, and if you are lucky, frequent codefests.</dd> <dt><a href="mailing-lists/">Ruby Mailing Lists and Newsgroups</a></dt> <dd>Ruby has an assortment of lists on different topics and in several languages. If you have questions about Ruby, asking them on a mailing list is a great way to get answers.</dd> <dt><a href="">Ruby Discord Server (invite link)</a></dt> <dd>The Ruby Language Discord Server is a place where you can chat with other Rubyists, get help with Ruby questions, or help others. Discord is a good entry point for new developers and it is easy to join.</dd> <dt><a href="">Ruby on IRC (#ruby)</a></dt> <dd>The Ruby Language IRC Channel is a wonderful way to chat with fellow Rubyists.</dd> <dt><a href="ruby-core/">Ruby Core</a></dt> <dd>Now is a fantastic time to follow Ruby’s development. If you are interested in helping with Ruby, start here.</dd> <dt><a href="weblogs/">Ruby Blogs and Newsletters</a></dt> <dd>Most activities and updates in the Ruby community are discussed through blogs and newsletters. Here’s a curated list to help you stay connected and informed.</dd> <dt><a href="conferences/">Ruby Conferences</a></dt> <dd>Ruby programmers around the world are getting involved in more and more conferences, where they get together to share reports on work-in-progress, discuss the future of Ruby, and welcome newcomers to the Ruby community. <p>Additionally, you can visit <a href=""></a> to find videos of Ruby conferences and talks.</p> </dd> <dt><a href="podcasts/">Podcasts</a></dt> <dd>If you prefer to listen to discussions about Ruby rather than read, you can tune into one of these awesome Ruby podcasts. These Rubyists use their podcasts to cover new releases, community news, and interview their fellow Ruby developers.</dd> <dt><a href="">Ruby Central</a></dt> <dd>Ruby Central is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the worldwide Ruby community.</dd> </dl> </div> </div> <hr class="hidden-modern" /> <div id="sidebar-wrapper"> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="navigation"> <h3><strong>Get Started</strong>, it's easy!</h3> <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="">Try Ruby! (in your browser)</a></li> <li><a href="/en/documentation/quickstart/">Ruby in Twenty Minutes</a></li> <li><a href="/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/">Ruby from Other Languages</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="navigation"> <h3><strong>Explore</strong> a new world…</h3> <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="/en/documentation/">Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">Academic Research</a></li> <li><a href="/en/libraries/">Libraries</a></li> <li><a href="/en/documentation/success-stories/">Success Stories</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="navigation"> <h3><strong>Participate</strong> in a friendly and growing community.</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/en/community/mailing-lists/">Mailing Lists</a>: Talk about Ruby with programmers from all around the world.</li> <li><a href="/en/community/user-groups/">User Groups</a>: Get in contact with Rubyists in your area.</li> <li><a href="/en/community/weblogs/">Blogs and Newsletters</a>: Read about what’s happening right now in the Ruby community.</li> <li><a href="/en/community/ruby-core/">Ruby Core</a>: Help polish the rough edges of the latest Ruby.</li> <li><a href="">Issue Tracking</a>: Report or help solve issues in Ruby.</li> </ul> </div> <h3>Syndicate</h3> <p><a href="/en/feeds/news.rss">Recent News (RSS)</a></p> </div> </div> <hr class="hidden-modern" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div id="footer"> <div class="site-links"> <a href="/en/" class="home">Home</a> <a href="/en/downloads/">Downloads</a> <a href="/en/documentation/">Documentation</a> <a href="/en/libraries/">Libraries</a> <a href="/en/community/">Community</a> <a href="/en/news/">News</a> <a href="/en/security/">Security</a> <a href="/en/about/">About Ruby</a> </div> <p> This site in other languages: <a href="/bg/">Български</a>, <a href="/de/">Deutsch</a>, <a href="/en/">English</a>, <a href="/es/">Español</a>, <a href="/fr/">Français</a>, <a href="/id/">Bahasa Indonesia</a>, <a href="/it/">Italiano</a>, <a href="/ja/">日本語</a>, <a href="/ko/">한국어</a>, <a href="/pl/">polski</a>, <a href="/pt/">Português</a>, <a href="/ru/">Русский</a>, <a href="/tr/">Türkçe</a>, <a href="/vi/">Tiếng Việt</a>, <a href="/zh_cn/">简体中文</a>, <a href="/zh_tw/">繁體中文</a>. </p> <p><a href="/en/about/website/">This website</a> is proudly maintained by members of the Ruby community.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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