About Us - Meet Our Executive Team |
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Valassis, creator of the free-standing insert which revolutionized the coupon industry. All told, raised $91 million from 429 investors during the dot com bubble. Determined to launch the website before fall classes began at U.S. colleges and universities, was built from scratch in just eight months. The website launched on Mr. Thomas' birthday, July 2nd, 1999 and pioneered selling used textbooks online.</p> </li> <li> <h2>Products and Services</h2> <p> today is a premier online retailer of new, used and electronic textbooks for sale or rent, study materials and book buyback services headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky. In addition to direct retail sales via the online storefront, the company partners with colleges, universities and K-12 schools to serve as their official bookstore. Currently the Virtual Bookstore Program serves as the official bookstore for over 150 schools nationwide and that number continues to grow each year.</p> </li> <li> <h2>Awards and Achievements</h2> <p> Readers Choice Award for "Best Website for Buying College Textbooks"- 2012, 2013 <br />Internet Retailer Top 500 List- 2007-2016</p> </li> <li> <h2>Our Philosophy</h2> <p>With students best interests at the core of all efforts put forth by, the company has an "Adapt or Die" philosophy, making necessary changes to their business model to best suit the modern day student. The company's executive team is comprised of the former Vice President, Director of Customer Service, Distribution Operations Manager and Senior Project Manager at Thomson Learning, which is known today as Cengage Learning. This invaluable experience and the company's winning philosophy have allowed to remain profitable today, where other online textbook industry leaders are not.</p> </li> <li> <h2>Our Mission</h2> <p>'s mission is to set online bookstore industry standards for savings, selection, convenience and customer service as expressed in the company's slogan "Textbooks Easy. Fast. Cheap!" The company celebrated 15 years in business in 2015 and will continue to provide students with an easy, fast and cheap way to order their textbooks and materials for years to come.</p> </li> </ul> <a name="executive"></a> <h2>Our Executive Team</h2> <div class="visible-md visible-lg"> <div class="executive-row"> <div class="executive-pic" id="mm-pic" onclick="selectExecutive('mm');"> <img src=" " alt="Matt Montgomery" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Matt Montgomery</div> <div class="title">President and<br /> Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> <div class="executive-pic" id="dcc-pic" onclick="selectExecutive('dc');"> <img src="" alt="David Clay" class="img-responsive center-block reduceSize" /> <div class="name">David Clay</div> <div class="title">Chief Operating Officer</div> </div> <div class="executive-pic" id="bk-pic" onclick="selectExecutive('bk');"> <img src="" alt="Barry Kern" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Barry Kern</div> <div class="title">Executive Vice President<br /> of Sales</div> </div> </div> <ul id="ex1"> <li class="executive" id="mm"> <p class="person">Matt Montgomery</p> <p class="title">President and Chief Executive Officer</p> <p>With a vision for cutting-edge solutions that keep the customer at the heart of our business, Matt is a founding partner of and remains the driving force of our company鈥檚 success. With an "Adapt or Die" philosophy, Matt was instrumental in positioning as a pioneer in online textbooks beginning in 1999. His invaluable insights, stemming from over 30 years in the publishing industry, coupled with a commitment to driving down the cost of higher education has made the major player that it is in the online textbook industry today.</p> </li> <li class="executive" id="dc"> <p class="person">David Clay</p> <p class="title">Chief Operating Officer</p> <p>Committed to ensuring operational success, David oversees Customer Order Fulfillment, Maintenance, Human Resources and Customer Service for He brings over 35 years of experience to the table, reflected in the implementation of our automated distribution center and his coordination of other department operations. Under his leadership, successfully supports annual distribution of volumes over 5 million units and consistent customer order support.</p> </li> <li class="executive" id="bk"> <p class="person">Barry Kern</p> <p class="title">Executive Vice President of Sales</p> <p>Bringing over 30 years of publishing and higher education experience to the table, Barry oversees sales operations for His commitment to acquiring long-term partnerships is evident through his superior communication, expansive industry knowledge, and attention to detail. Through Barry鈥檚 efforts, has entered into some of the largest online bookstore contracts in the industry, including the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and Miami University, with a combined enrollment of over 50,000 students.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="executive-row"> <div class="executive-pic" id="ks-pic" onclick="selectExecutive('ks');"> <img src=" " alt="Kevin Smith" class="img-responsive center-block reduceSize" /> <div class="name">Kevin Smith</div> <div class="title">Chief Financial Officer</div> </div> <div class="executive-pic" id="rc-pic" onclick="selectExecutive('rc');"> <img src="" alt="Radhika Charla" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Radhika Charla</div> <div class="title">Chief Technology Officer</div> </div> <div class="executive-pic" id="cp-pic" onclick="selectExecutive('cp');"> <img src="" alt="Clay Pickens" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Clay Pickens</div> <div class="title">Chief Strategy Officer</div> </div> </div> <ul id="ex2"> <li class="executive" id="ks"> <p class="person">Kevin Smith, CPA</p> <p class="title">Chief Financial Officer</p> <p>Kevin Smith, a graduate of Morehead State University with a Bachelor's in Business Administration in Accounting, brings over 25 years of financial leadership to the executive team. Beginning his career in public accounting, Kevin specialized in audit and consulting services for dynamic small to medium-sized enterprises. Demonstrating financial acumen, he advanced to a pivotal role as corporate controller for an industrial services firm in Lexington, Kentucky. As Chief Financial Officer of, Kevin's strategic financial oversight is paramount in driving the company's fiscal growth and stability.</p> </li> <li class="executive" id="rc"> <p class="person">Radhika Charla</p> <p class="title">Chief Technology Officer</p> <p>Radhika Charla, Chief Technology Officer, has been with since the beginning, and championed the architecture and deployment of the company's core infrastructure. She has served as the head of the Technology Department since 2013, focusing efforts on maintaining cutting-edge technology products that are agile, scalable, and cost-effective. Her contributions include the development of three online retail websites, an online bookstore solution that currently serves over 350 institutional partners, and robust administration support tools to fuel best-in-class customer support. As a member of the executive team, Radhika鈥檚 vast industry knowledge provides technology-focused strategic planning expertise that ensures remains an industry leader. Radhika studied at the University of Maryland where she received a Master鈥檚 in Information Technology.</p> </li> <li class="executive" id="cp"> <p class="person">Clay Pickens</p> <p class="title">Chief Strategy Officer</p> <p>Clay Pickens, a University of Kentucky alumnus, has dedicated over a decade of pivotal contributions to As Chief Strategy Officer, Clay expertly steers the company's vision by overseeing publisher relationships in addition to partnerships with over 300 higher education institutions spanning online bookstores and full-service campus stores. Rooted in an expansive understanding of the higher education landscape and enriched by deep publisher relations, Clay's strategic acumen ensures continual growth and expansion. His expertise in textbook ecosystems and dedication to nurturing mutually beneficial relationships cements's reputation for fostering lasting success for all partners.</p> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="visible-xs visible-sm"> <div class="executive-row"> <div class="executive-pic" id="mmMobile-pic" onclick="selectExecutiveMobile('mmMobile');"> <img src="" alt="Matt Montgomery" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Matt Montgomery</div> <div class="title">President and<br /> Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> <ul class="exacutiveMobile"> <li class="executive selected-executive" id="mmMobile"> <p class="person">Matt Montgomery</p> <p class="title">President and Chief Executive Officer</p> <p>With a vision for cutting-edge solutions that keep the customer at the heart of our business, Matt is a founding partner of and remains the driving force of our company鈥檚 success. With an "Adapt or Die" philosophy, Matt was instrumental in positioning as a pioneer in online textbooks beginning in 1999. His invaluable insights, stemming from over 30 years in the publishing industry, coupled with a commitment to driving down the cost of higher education has made the major player that it is in the online textbook industry today.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="executive-pic" id="dcMobile-pic" onclick="selectExecutiveMobile('dcMobile');"> <img src="" alt="David Clay" class="img-responsive center-block reduceSize" /> <div class="name">David Clay</div> <div class="title">Chief Operating Officer</div> </div> <ul class="exacutiveMobile"> <li class="executive" id="dcMobile"> <p class="person">David Clay</p> <p class="title">Chief Operating Officer</p> <p>Committed to ensuring operational success, David oversees Customer Order Fulfillment, Maintenance, Human Resources and Customer Service for He brings over 35 years of experience to the table, reflected in the implementation of our automated distribution center and his coordination of other department operations. Under his leadership, successfully supports annual distribution of volumes over 5 million units and consistent customer order support.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="executive-pic" id="bkMobile-pic" onclick="selectExecutiveMobile('bkMobile');"> <img src="" alt="Barry Kern" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Barry Kern</div> <div class="title">Executive Vice President<br /> of Sales</div> </div> <ul class="exacutiveMobile"> <li class="executive" id="bkMobile"> <p class="person">Barry Kern</p> <p class="title">Executive Vice President of Sales</p> <p>Bringing over 30 years of publishing and higher education experience to the table, Barry oversees sales operations for His commitment to acquiring long-term partnerships is evident through his superior communication, expansive industry knowledge, and attention to detail. Through Barry鈥檚 efforts, has entered into some of the largest online bookstore contracts in the industry, including the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and Miami University, with a combined enrollment of over 50,000 students.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="executive-pic" id="ksMobile-pic" onclick="selectExecutiveMobile('ksMobile');"> <img src="" alt="Kevin H. Smith" class="img-responsive center-block reduceSize" /> <div class="name">Kevin H. Smith, CPA</div> <div class="title">Chief Financial Officer</div> </div> <ul class="exacutiveMobile"> <li class="executive" id="ksMobile"> <p class="person">Kevin Smith, CPA</p> <p class="title">Chief Financial Officer</p> <p>Kevin Smith, a graduate of Morehead State University with a Bachelor's in Business Administration in Accounting, brings over 25 years of financial leadership to the executive team. Beginning his career in public accounting, Kevin specialized in audit and consulting services for dynamic small to medium-sized enterprises. Demonstrating financial acumen, he advanced to a pivotal role as corporate controller for an industrial services firm in Lexington, Kentucky. As Chief Financial Officer of, Kevin's strategic financial oversight is paramount in driving the company's fiscal growth and stability.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="executive-pic" id="rcMobile-pic" onclick="selectExecutiveMobile('rcMobile');"> <img src=" " alt="Radhika Charla" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Radhika Charla</div> <div class="title">Chief Technology Officer</div> </div> <ul class="exacutiveMobile"> <li class="executive" id="rcMobile"> <p class="person">Radhika Charla</p> <p class="title">Chief Technology Officer</p> <p>Radhika Charla, Chief Technology Officer, has been with since the beginning, and championed the architecture and deployment of the company's core infrastructure. She has served as the head of the Technology Department since 2013, focusing efforts on maintaining cutting-edge technology products that are agile, scalable, and cost-effective. Her contributions include the development of three online retail websites, an online bookstore solution that currently serves over 350 institutional partners, and robust administration support tools to fuel best-in-class customer support. As a member of the executive team, Radhika鈥檚 vast industry knowledge provides technology-focused strategic planning expertise that ensures remains an industry leader. Radhika studied at the University of Maryland where she received a Master鈥檚 in Information Technology.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="executive-pic" id="cpMobile-pic" onclick="selectExecutiveMobile('cpMobile');"> <img src="" alt="Clay Pickens" class="img-responsive center-block" /> <div class="name">Clay Pickens</div> <div class="title">Chief Strategy Officer</div> </div> <ul class="exacutiveMobile"> <li class="executive" id="cpMobile"> <p class="person">Clay Pickens</p> <p class="title">Chief Strategy Officer</p> <p>Clay Pickens, a University of Kentucky alumnus, has dedicated over a decade of pivotal contributions to As Chief Strategy Officer, Clay expertly steers the company's vision by overseeing publisher relationships in addition to partnerships with over 300 higher education institutions spanning online bookstores and full-service campus stores. Rooted in an expansive understanding of the higher education landscape and enriched by deep publisher relations, Clay's strategic acumen ensures continual growth and expansion. His expertise in textbook ecosystems and dedication to nurturing mutually beneficial relationships cements's reputation for fostering lasting success for all partners.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <a name="history"></a> <h2>Our History</h2> <section id="cd-timeline" class="cd-container"> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-picture"> <img src="" alt="eCampus Launch Icon"> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2><span>1999</span> Launches</h2> <p> launched on July 2nd, 1999 and pioneered selling used textbooks online. From the beginning, the company made a personal commitment to all students to be an easy, fast and cheap way to order their textbooks and materials. continues to stand by their commitment, having saved students millions of dollars on textbooks for over 15 years.</p> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-picture"> <img src="" alt="Timeline Book Icon"> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2><span>2002</span> The Virtual Bookstore Program</h2> <p>The Virtual Bookstore Program enables colleges, universities and K-12 schools to streamline their textbook fulfillment processes and turn them into profit centers. Over the years, the company has perfected their virtual bookstore model, accompanying it with proprietary software that is second to none in the online textbook industry. The success of the division is undeniable as they currently serve as the official bookstore for over 150 schools nationwide and that number continues to grow each year.</p> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-picture"> <img src="" alt="Timeline eTextbook Icon"> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2><span>2008</span> eTextbooks</h2> <p>In August of 2008, announced a groundbreaking partnership with digital textbook giant CourseSmart. This partnership gave customers access to CourseSmart's massive digital library of eTextbooks and gave the ability to offer students an environmentally friendly opportunity to save money on textbooks. In addition to the partnerships has with digital textbook companies, has also developed their own library of eTextbooks, as well as an eReader to support them.</p> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-picture"> <img src="" alt="Timeline Rental Icon"> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2><span>2009</span> Textbook Rentals</h2> <p> announced their rental program in fall of 2009. The "Rent and Return" program allows students to rent all of their textbooks from one place on their own terms. The company has the largest rental inventory and offers three different rental terms. Textbook rentals continue to be the most popular option for students, saving them hundreds of dollars each semester.</p> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-picture"> <img src="" alt="Timeline eWards Icon"> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2><span>2012</span> eWards</h2> <p>In August of 2012, launched their rewards program, eWards. eWards is completely free to join and available to all customers. When a customer enrolls they are awarded 50 points. Additional points can be earned several ways, such as buying, renting and selling textbooks. Points can be redeemed for gift cards of different values to be used toward future purchases. The rewards program continues to grow today as it is approaching nearly 60,000 members.</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function selectExecutive(executive) { $(".executive").hide(); $(".executive-pic").removeClass("selected"); $("#" + executive).show(); $("#" + executive + "-pic").addClass("selected"); } function selectExecutiveMobile(executive) { $(".executive").hide(); $(".executive-pic").removeClass("selected"); $("#" + executive).show(); scrollToID(executive); $("#" + executive + "-pic").addClass("selected"); } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var timelineBlocks = $('.cd-timeline-block'), offset = 0.8; //hide timeline blocks which are outside the viewport hideBlocks(timelineBlocks, offset); //on scolling, show/animate timeline blocks when enter the viewport $(window).on('scroll', function () { (!window.requestAnimationFrame) ? setTimeout(function () { showBlocks(timelineBlocks, offset); }, 100) : window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { showBlocks(timelineBlocks, offset); 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