Terms of Use and Policies of Our Writing Service -
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</ul> </section> <section class="all-page-container-wrap mb-136"> <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-12 template-sidebar"> <div class="full-page-wrapper full-page-main-content information-container-terms"> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="fair-use-policy" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Fair Use Policy</h2> <p><b>Use of received written materials</b></p> <p>Welcome to’s Fair Use Policy, the document that explains the use of the written materials our website completes. Please read the following information to be aware of all conditions. </p> <p>Under this policy, you shall not specify your name on any of the written materials (hereafter called "Product") you receive from us. Any written material we provide to you is delivered exceptionally for the purpose of giving references and providing an example of research. We in no case accept, stimulate, or consciously participate in plagiarism or any other action similar to academic cheating or scam.</p> <p>Our company sticks to and observes all existing copyright laws, thus will not deliberately permit customers abuse any copyright law or perform plagiarism. Therefore, before using our services you accept and give your agreement that each Product provided to you will be given as a sample material that can be used with the purpose of research. Along with it, any message, point or idea taken by you from the written material we provided shall be properly cited to our website in case you want to include them into your own work.</p> <p>We, as well as our partners or affiliates, will not be responsible for any wrong, unethical, unlawful use of any Product you obtain from us. It may be referred to plagiarism, legal claims, low grades, removal, and academic probation, losing of scholarships/rewards/subsidies/trophies/championships/posts, misfortune, suspension, including other different disciplines or judicial actions. Only the person who purchases Product at this website will be liable for each and every disciplinary action caused by the wrong, unethical, or unlawful use of the written material.</p> <p>Additionally, we will not be responsible for potential lateness and/or any technical issues regarding product delivery, which may happen because of failure of the mailing server of the customer and/or Internet Service Provider of the customer.</p> <p>We shall never ensure any specific mark or grade by means of the written material delivered to you. Consequently, you will not be given any refund and cannot ask for it if you were assessed badly and/or not in the way you expected.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="privacy-policy" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Privacy Policy</h2> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Welcome to <a href="/"></a> (the "Website"), a service provided by <img class="pic-owner" style=" vertical-align: -1px;" src="" lazzy="" alt="CoreForce"> and the subsidiaries it has ("CoreForce", "we", "us" or "our").</p> <p> <img class="d-none d-xl-block" style="max-width: 100%;" src="" lazzy="" alt="CoreForce Address"> <img class="d-none d-sm-block d-md-block d-lg-block d-xl-none" style="max-width: 100%;" src="" lazzy="" alt="CoreForce Address"> <img class="d-block d-sm-none" style="max-width: 100%;" src="" lazzy="" alt="CoreForce Address"> </p> <p>Your privacy is really important to us and we take it very seriously. Therefore, we ask you to read this Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") carefully as it explains you important information about, among others:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>Why We Collect and Process Your Personal Data</li> <li>About Your Consent</li> <li>What Information we Collect about You</li> <li>How Long We Keep Your Information</li> <li>How We Share Your Information, including Categories of Recipients of Personal Data</li> <li>Where the Personal Data of Yours Can Be Processed</li> <li>About Cookies Files</li> <li>Our use of Google Analytics and Google Ads tools</li> <li>About Marketing and Opting out</li> <li>About Your Rights</li> <li>Whom You Can Complaint To</li> <li>About Children</li> <li>How to Contact Us</li> </ul> <p>Information related to cookies and other similar technologies you can find in our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>, which together with this Privacy Policy forms the part of our <noindex><a class="change-tab" href="/terms-of-use.html#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></noindex>. So, we encourage you to take some time to read this Privacy Policy and our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>, along with our <noindex><a href="/terms-of-use.html#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></noindex>, in order to be sure that you understand our personal information related policies and are comfortable with providing us with your personal data.</p> <p> If, while reading this Privacy Policy, you find some undefined terms, it has the same meaning as in our <noindex><a class="change-tab" href="/terms-of-use.html#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></noindex>. If you for some reason(s) do not agree with any provision of this Privacy Policy, then you should not access or use the Website and our Services. If you have any questions and/or concerns about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at any time at <a href=""></a>.</p> <h2>Why We Collect and Process Your Personal Data</h2> <p>We are extremely serious about your privacy and use your personal information exceptionally for legal reasons and in compliance with personal data protection law, for purposes such as:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>to provide you with the Services you request;</li> <li>to ensure that our Website content is presented on your device in the most effective way;</li> <li>to contact you in relation to an ordering process;</li> <li>to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and CoreForce.</li> <li>to manage your account, including processing payments and refunds and providing notifications;</li> <li>to keep our Website safe and secure;</li> <li>to notify you about changes in our Services;</li> <li>to respond to, and handle any comments, queries or complaints addressed by you regarding the Website and our Services, and any similar comments, queries or complaints from other customers;</li> <li>to conduct research, statistical and behavioral analysis;</li> <li>to contact you for marketing purposes, where applicable;</li> <li>to manage our website and for domestic operations, including diagnostic, analysis of data, testing, investigation, survey purposes, and statistical use.</li> <li>to make suggestions and recommendations to you and other customers of our site about services that may interest you or them.</li> </ul> <p><u>Legal Reasons for Handling of Your Information</u></p> <p>We may only handle your personal data by having a certain legal ground to that end (i.e. "legal basis" in terms of GDRP). For the purposes of this Policy, our legal basis for processing for your personal data is:</p> <ol type="a"> <li>your consent which is necessary for certain types of processing;</li> <li>because the handling is required for the fulfillment of a contract between you and CoreForce or for us to take any necessary prior steps before entering into such a contract, on condition that we do this exceptionally per your request;</li> <li>our legitimate interest in:</li> </ol> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>protecting CoreForce and our customers from attempts to engage in fraudulent transactions (for our fraud detection processes);</li> <li>protecting the security of your account;</li> <li>providing quality customer support.</li> </ul> <ol start="4" type="a"> <li>to comply with a legal obligation.</li> </ol> <h2>Your Consent</h2> <p>Before we can process your personal data, we will ask you to give your consent for certain processing activities. Please note that if you have earlier expressed your consent you may freely withdraw such consent at any time by emailing <a href=""></a>. If you withdraw your consent, and if we do not have another legal ground for processing, then we will cease handling your personal data. Please be advised that in case we need to handle your personal data for the purpose of managing the Website and/or providing our Services, but you argue or do not agree with us handling your personal information, the Website and/or our Services may become not accessible for you.</p> <h2>What Information we Collect about You</h2> <p>During your use of the Website and our Services we can collect your personal and non-personal data and we can collect it in a few different ways.</p> <p><u>Personal Data</u></p> <p><em>Information We Collect Directly from You</em></p> <ol type="i"> <li>Information which you provide us with by filling in our Order Form or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you ordering Services on the Website, submit certain materials for your Paper, edit your profile/ account, and when you report a problem. The information you give us may include:</li> </ol> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>your name;</li> <li>email address;</li> <li>password, and</li> <li>phone number.</li> </ul> <p>This data is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract between you and CoreForce to allow us to carry out our legal obligations arising from this contract.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li>Additionally, if you wish, you may also add more details on your profile and provide us with the following information:</li> </ol> <table class="table-bordered table-3-column"> <tr> <th>Type of data</th> <th>Purpose for which data is used</th> <th>Legal basis</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Type of educational institution you are studying at.</li> <li>Your academic level.</li> <li>Degree you are studying for.</li> </ul> </td> <td> To form a view on what we think you may need, or what may be of interest to you so to provide you with personalized offers, advertisements and other information related to this data. </td> <td> Necessary for our legitimate interests in improving our Services and developing our marketing strategies so we can grow our business. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Your graduation year.</li> <li>Date of birth.</li> </ul> </td> <td> To send you special discount offers and promo codes. </td> <td> Necessary for our legitimate interests in promotion, marketing and advertising of our Services. </td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> <p><em>Information from Third Parties</em></p> <p>We may work with certain third parties (for example, business partners, sub-contractors, payment service providers, analytics providers) and we also may receive some information about you from them. We do not browse or save your payment card information. Third-party service providers, process your payment card information when you use a payment card to place an Order on our Website. So, we advise you thoroughly examine privacy policy of corresponding payment service provider. However, they may provide us with certain your personal data which may include:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>your payment card holder name;</li> <li>email registered, and</li> <li>your address.</li> </ul> <p><em>Information We Collect Automatically</em></p> <p>When you use our Services or access our Website, we automatically collect non-personally identifiable information but which potentially may be used to identify you personally. This includes data about your device, browser, OS, your IP-address, general location information (country) and time zone, and the date and time of each of your session on our Website. This information may be collected through various technologies, including server logs, cookies and similar technologies (web beacons, for example).</p> <p><u>Non-Personal Data</u></p> <p><em>Information We Collect Directly from You</em></p> <p>We may also collect from you certain non-personal data, including any materials you provide us for your Paper and password of your profile.</p> <h2>How Long We Keep Your Information</h2> <p>We will maintain your information exceptionally until we may need it according to the conditions given in 'Why We Collect and Process Your Personal Data' section. If necessary, we can hold information for over a longer period of time in order to adhere to our legislative or regulatory liabilities.</p> <h2>How We Share Your Information (including Categories of Recipients of Personal Data)</h2> <p>Your personal data can be shared with other third parties as follows:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>Any of the third parties accomplish some specific actions on our behalf which include the processing of the personal data provided by you. We give those third parties an availability of the personal data of yours only when it is required so.</li> <li>Your personal data can be rendered to the external organizations and agencies, which allows to avoid and notice any fraud actions (including but not limited to the fraudulent transactions) or illegal actions.</li> <li>Your personal data can be sold, divulge, or transmitted being a part of a corporate business transactions, which is related to the merger, financing, joint venture, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or sale of company assets, or in the unlikely event of insolvency, receivership, or bankruptcy, when the data could be rendered to the third- parties as a business asset in the transaction.</li> <li>Your personal data may be transferred to any third parties in case we have an obligation to reveal and give your personal data for the purpose of observing any juridical responsibility (according to the court order).</li> <li>Any cumulative non-personal data related to the visitors of our Website, sales and traffic patterns, including the partners of ours and the third parties.</li> <li>Your personal data can be rendered to the third parties in case you give us your prior affirmative consent. You can provide us with it in the written form or online by means of "click-through" agreements; by accepting the terms related to the disclosure of some specific Services; in oral form while communicating with the Customer Support Representatives of our Website.</li> </ul> <p><u>Categories of Recipients of Personal Data</u></p> <p><em>Our Service Providers</em></p> <p>We may disclose your personal data to third-party contractors, service providers and partners who complete transactions or provide us with certain services (for example, payment card processing, billing, customer service, auditing, and marketing). We will ensure they have appropriate measures in place to protect your data.</p> <p><em>Our Affiliates</em></p> <p>To enable and support us in providing the Services, we may also transfer your personal data within our group of companies (to an affiliate, or a subsidiary company).</p> <p><em>Other</em></p> <p>We may disclose your personal data to others: (i) if we got your actual agreement to do so; (ii) to fulfill an actual subpoena, legitimate order, court order, legal procedure, or other legal responsibility; (iii) to implement any of our <noindex><a class="change-tab" href="/terms-of-use.html#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></noindex> or policies; (iv) as necessary to pursue accessible legal remedies or safeguard judicial claims; or (v) to fulfill our judicial responsibilities. We may also pass your personal information in case of any reconfiguration, merging, selling, joint enterprise, appointment, handover or any similar management of the whole or any part of our business, stock or assets, including, but not limited to, in relation to going bankrupt or other corresponding event. Any entity of the kind that we pass personal data to will not handle your personal information apart from as outlined in this Privacy Policy without giving you notice and, if necessary according to the applicable laws, getting your agreement.</p> <p>We may disclose aggregated, anonymous information (i.e. information from which you cannot be personally identified) to selected third parties, including analytics and search engine providers to assist us in the improvement and optimization of the Website and our Services. In this case we do not disclose any data which can identify you personally in any way.</p> <h2>Where the Personal Data Can Be Processed</h2> <p>We can share the personal data we gather about you with the third parties located within the countries which have the jurisdiction that differs from the one of the country you live in. This is usually related to the countries which are not regarded as a part of European Economic Area (EEA) and which may not offer the same safeguards to personal data protection as within the EEA. As a result, you give your consent that we may transmit, process, and store the personal data of yours beyond the bounds of the EEA. In case if such transfer of personal data takes place, we ensure that we will protect the data to a level which meets the EU requirements.</p> <h2>Cookie Files</h2> <p>In order to improve your experience with our Website, we use cookies. To learn more about such cookie files, please visit our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>.</p> <h2>Our use of Google Analytics and Google Ads tools</h2> <p>Here at this Website we use Google Analytics which is a service that helps us make a Web analysis due to Google Inc. ("Google"). The service Google Analytics itself uses "cookies" and they help us track the way you use our Website. The use of cookies means that the information of how you use our Website is rendered to the Google's server located in the USA. Google, in return, makes the use of the information received and with the help of it evaluates the way you use our Website by creating the reports of your activity and providing the rest of the services which are connected with the activity on this Website. Also, Google can transmit the information received to the other third parties if it is required by law, or in the cases when these third parties process the information that is received on behalf of Google.</p> <p>Google as well as our Google Analytics data can start using your personal data taken from the personal Google account of yours that allows showing you ads based on your preferences. This takes place in case you allow Google to associate the history from your browser and app with your personality. This way your personal data will be taken from the personal Google account of yours and upon the data gathered by the Google Analytics tool in order to build the lists of audience or for the purpose of cross-device remarketing. Based on it, you will see ads on any device you use which is connected to your account at Google, because we used the data of the signed-in user. </p> <p>Google gathers the Google-authenticated sign-in ID along with the other personal data that is associated with the specific account at Google of our users. And for the purpose of supporting our audiences Google also adds these identifiers to our Google Analytics data.</p> <p>With the above mentioned cookies, we also use other third party vendor remarketing tracking type of cookies, which includes the tracking cookie of Google Ads. Due to it we will keep on displaying you ads while you are browsing the Internet, which is specifically related to the Google Content Network (GCN).</p> <p>The third-party vendors, which includes Google whose services are at our disposal, will place cookies on the web browsers for the purpose of serving ads upon the history of the latest visits to our Website. With the help of it we will create special offers for our clients and keep on marketing our Services to all visitors who expressed their preference of our Services.</p> <p>The use of cookies may be stopped at any moment by our clients if they choose the specific settings in the browsers they use. By doing this, however, it is necessary to keep in mind that it may influence the proper functionality of our Website.</p> <p>Also, our visitors should realize that any of the personal data that is gathered at this Website will never be stored as a part of the remarketing program we use. Remarketing is used by us with one and only purpose that is to give you promotions and additional information upon the previous experience and behavior of the visitors on our Website. To get even more information, please visit the Privacy Policy page and Analytics Help.</p> <h2>Marketing communications and Opting-out</h2> <p> We may use your profile data to form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This is how we decide which Services and offers may be relevant for you. </p> <p> We may contact you through electronic messaging services including emails, text messages and similar services about our Services, promotions and special offers we feel may be of interest to you. Our legal basis of processing your personal data to send you marketing communications is our legitimate interests (namely to develop our products/services and grow our business). </p> <p> You will receive marketing communications from us only if you have purchased Services from us or if you provided us with your details and you have not opted out of receiving that marketing. </p> <p> YOU HAVE THE RIGHT AT ANY TIME TO ASK US TO STOP PROCESSING YOUR INFORMATION FOR DIRECT MARKETING PURPOSES.</p> <p> If you wish to exercise this right, you should contact us by sending an email to <a href=""></a> or through the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our marketing emails.</p> <p> If you opt out of receiving marketing communications this opt-out does not apply to personal data provided as a result of other transactions, such as purchases of Services etc. </p> <h2>Your Rights</h2> <p>As a data subject (in terms of GDPR) you have rights with regard to personal data you provided us with. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before taking further action on your request. Therefore, you have:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><u>right of access to your personal data</u>. There’s the right for you to obtain your personal data that is stored or processed about you. Your request may be subject to a small fee if you require further copies of your personal data.</li> <li><u>right of rectification</u>. If your personal data are wrong, incorrect or not complete, you have the right to request correction of your data.</li> <li><u>right to erasure</u> ('right to be forgotten'). You can ask to remove your data in case:</li> </ul> <ul class="list-block__content" style="list-style: none;"> <li style="background: none;"> <ul> <li>you withdraw your consent to the processing and there is no other legal ground for the processing;</li> <li>you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;</li> <li>you object to the processing for direct marketing;</li> <li>your data have been unlawfully processed, or</li> <li>when processing personal data of children.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><u>right to restrict the processing of your personal data</u>. This right allows to restrict the processing of your data for specific purposes.</li> <li><u>right to object to processing of your personal data</u> based on our legitimate interest. You can always object to the processing of personal data about you for direct marketing and profiling in connection to such marketing.</li> <li><u> right to request not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing</u>, for example where a computer program makes decisions which affect your contractual rights.</li> </ul> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><u>right to data portability</u>. You have a right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a machine-readable format. Where secure and technically feasible such data can be transmitted to another data controller by us.</li> </ul> <p>Your request to exercise your rights will be assessed given the circumstances in every individual case. Please note that we may also preserve and use your data to respond to our legal commitments, settle disputes, and ensure compliance with the agreement. When submitting your request, please put it in written form by sending an email to our Customer Support Team - <a href=""></a></p> <h2>Complaints</h2> <p>If you have any concerns about how we collect or process your data you have the right to file a complaintt with a supervisory authority, which is Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection:</p> <p>1 Iasonos str., 1082 Nicosia</p> <p>P.O.Box 23378, 1682 Nicosia</p> <p>Tel: +357 22818456</p> <p>Fax: +357 22304565</p> <p>Email: <a href=""></a></p> <h2>Children</h2> <p>Our Website and our Services are not aimed for children below 16 years of age. No person who is below 16 years of age has a right to share with us any personal data. We do not deliberately or purposely gather personal data from children below 16 years of age. In case you are below 16 years of age, you shall not use this Website or leave any information on it or through our Services, purchase anything on it, or provide us with any information, which may include your name, address, phone number, your e-mail, nickname or user name. In case we find out that we have gathered any personal data from any child below 16, such information will be deleted. In case you assume there’s any data from or about a child below 16, please get in touch with us at <a href=""></a>.</p> <h2>Final provisions</h2> <p>As part of our effort to prevent any unauthorized access or disclosure of your personal data, we have implemented physical, technical and administrative safeguards. We also update and test our security technology on an ongoing basis and we restrict access to your personal data to those employees who need to know that information to provide our services to you. In addition, we train our employees about the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information. We commit to taking appropriate disciplinary measures to enforce our employees' privacy responsibilities. The SSL-certificate is used to process all the information submitted to the order and/or inquiry forms and it guarantees full confidentially of your information and the safety of all the transactions submitted through these forms. This Privacy Policy document forms a complete understanding between you and us. Neither party of the agreement, nor you, nor us, shall have confidence in any oral or written details not expressly included in this Privacy Policy. This document may be changed, adjusted, revised at our absolute and sole discretion and any changes, amendments or revisions will become effective when we post the revised privacy notice on our website, without any further notice.</p> <h2>Contacting Us</h2> <p>You are welcome to ask questions, give us your comments, and send us requests in relation to our Privacy Policy to <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy was last updated on October 9, 2024.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="cookie-policy" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Cookies Policy</h2> <p>In this Cookies Policy, references to “we”,” us” or “our” (or words of similar import) means (“Website”) that interacts with you.</p> <p>References to “you” mean the person using or accessing the Website.</p> <p>All capitalized terms mentioned hereunder shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Terms of Use, unless otherwise stated.</p> <h2>Cookies – what are they?</h2> <p>Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer to identify your visit and your saved preferences. The files represent letters and numbers that are sent from our server and stored on your electronic device when you access our Website.</p> <p>Cookies remember your preferences when you browse this Website. For instance, they keep you logged in, save the items you ordered and more.</p> <p>By using the Website, you agree to our use of cookies, including setting and reading cookies on your device. Feel free to disable cookies at any time, but please be aware of the fact that they play a core role in enabling certain functionality at, and we cannot fully guarantee that our service will work properly in case you decide to disable cookies.</p> <h2>Details about the cookies used on this Website</h2> <p>Cookies that are stored in between the browser sessions are <strong>persistent cookies</strong>. They save your preferences.</p> <p><strong>Session cookies</strong> keep details about the visitor's experience temporarily. Session cookies are erased from your hard drive as soon as you close the tab. These cookies level up security of the internet banking. They may also play an important role in the way webmail functions.</p> <h2>We use cookies:</h2> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>In the order form. Please be aware of the fact that it will not be possible for you to place an order on our website if you disable cookies.</li> <li>To provide you with live chat round-the-clock support.</li> <li>To keep you signed in.</li> <li>To monitor your activity via Google Analytics.</li> </ul> <h2>Cookie Table: cookies used on the Website</h2> <p>The table below explains the main cookies set by the Website and their purpose.</p> <table class="table-bordered cookies-table"> <tr> <th>Cookie Name</th> <th>Purpose</th> </tr> <tbody> <tr> <td>_ga, _gat, _gat_UA-26122131-1, _gali, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmt, __utmz</td> <td>These following cookie files are connected with web analytics and are set forth Google Inc. They are utilized in order to gather details about how website visitors interact with the site. We gather the information in order to improve the Website. For more info visit <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Cookies Set by Google Analytics and Google Analytics Privacy Overview</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>__cfduid, ss</td> <td>Provided by the online chat system services, this type of cookies helps us communicate with you without any interferences through the chat on our website. Learn more here <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>, super_domain_stat, partner_sub_id, partner_id, p__utmz, p__utmzt, p__keyword, p__keywordt, partner_cid, super_domain, partner_referer</td> <td>These cookie files are used to track our affiliates. When an affiliate promotes our Services they use a referral URL. When a customer clicks this link and lands on our Website, the affiliate's ID is stored in a cookie, within the customer's browser.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>APISID, HSID, NID, SAPISID, SID, SSID, GMAIL_RTT, GOOGLE_ABUSE_EXEMPTION, OTZ, S</td> <td>These are cookie related to Google services (as Google Maps or Gmail). They are utilized by Google for accumulation of preferences of different visitor and details about their actions when inspecting pages which have Google services on them.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PHPSESSID</td> <td>The PHPSESSID cookie is native to PHP and allows websites to collect and accumulate serialized state data. We use this cookie file in order to create a session for each user and to forward the state data through a temporary cookie. This cookie is often denoted as a session cookie. The PHPSESSID cookie does not expire, however, it disappears when the client closes the webpage and leaves.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>client_country, client_ip, client_start_time, order_page_time, last_visit, visit_count, first_visit_time, order_type, order_time, order_type_new, de_client, un, un1</td> <td>These cookies help us to identify visitors and track your activity on the Website. For example, “client_country” cookie lets us provide you with the correct country specific content.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>datr, reg_ext_ref, reg_fb_gate, fr</td> <td>Facebook provides these types of cookie files. They are set up when a visitor is currently logged in or using their service in any way. This permits the visitor to share and comment on an article with ease through the social network.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>guest_id, twitter_ads_id</td> <td>Twitter provides these cookie files, which are used in combination with other social Twitter plugins to allow you to easily follow our Twitter pages, share content via your Twitter account and show the latest tweet. Twitter also uses these cookies to improve their own service. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>__ar_v4</td> <td>We use AdRoll to provide interest-based advertisements, which allows us to display our promotional content on other websites. This is possible through the use of cookies. With their help we may place a “remarketing cookie” when you are visiting the Website. However, the process is completely anonymous.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>go_back_modal_shown, sign_up_form, discount_code, banner_show, marketing_info, app_banner_close, thnks_banner_close, check_cap, client_lead, client_leads, client-lead-informer-closed</td> <td>These cookies store information which enables us to remember visitor preferences, and also used to improve visitors' experience by, for example, stopping visitors from being shown the same (pop-up) message twice. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>wordpress_test_cookie</td> <td>WordPress sets this cookie when you go to the login page. This cookie file is allows checking whether your web browser is set to allow, or reject cookies.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>wordpress_logged_in_xxxxx</td> <td>This cookie is used by WordPress to specify when you’re logged in, and who you are, for most interface use.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>wp-settings-xxxxx,wp-settings-time-xxxxx</td> <td>This cookie file is also used by WordPress to personalize your view of the admin interface, and perhaps the main interface of the website as well.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2>How to block and delete cookies</h2> <p>Cookies can be blocked or disabled at any time, however, because of their vital role in improving website usability, we cannot assurance you that the Website will be able to properly work after the cookies are disabled.</p> <p>Keep in mind that with the help of Google Analytics we are able to study how different visitors interact with our website. The details which are generated in a cookie about how you use this website is then sent to Google. This is done in order to analyze the visitors' interaction with the site and create statistical reports about the activity on the website.</p> <p>To get more details about cookies, how to manage, delete them, visit - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p> <p>In order to stop Google Analytics from tracking you on all websites, visit - <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p>In any case, we do not acquire data that can be personally identified with the use of cookies.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade " id="revision-policy" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Revision Policy</h2> <p>Each term that is capitalized and specified below shall have the definition that is identical to those specified in the Terms of Use, except when it is specified differently.</p> <p>At we take it as our goal to provide you with high-quality assistance in a timely manner. If the completed Paper does not meet your specifications, we are ready to revise it. You are eligible for up to three free revision requests as long as they adhere to the following provisions.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><strong>Instructions</strong></li> </ul> <p>As long as your revision instructions do not contradict your initial instructions, we will surely ask our writer to make the needed changes. If our Quality Assurance Departments concludes that the initial instructions of your order have been met, then the revision request will be rejected.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><strong>Submission</strong></li> </ul> <p>The revision request can be submitted with the help of the “Send for revision” button, which is available on the order page in your control panel before your order is approved. Make sure to study your completed Paper to be able to send it for a revision yourself. </p> <p>If for any reason a revision is needed after the approval of the order, please contact our Customer Support Representative and provide not only detailed revision instructions but also an appropriate time frame for the revision. If an appropriate time is not available, a revision will not be possible.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><strong>Deadline</strong></li> </ul> <p>A revision may be requested any time before the order has been approved. However, even after the approval of the order, you may request for a free revision within 7 days. If your order exceeded 20 pages, you qualify for a revision within 14 days after the approval of your order. If the first version of the Paper was delivered to you within your initial deadline, the order will be considered as delivered on time.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li><strong>Number of Revisions</strong></li> </ul> <p>If your revision instructions satisfy all of the provision above, we will complete up to 3 free revisions of your order. Keep in mind that you can indicate as many revision instructions as needed when sending your order back for revision. </p> <p>In case your revision request does not comply with the above-stated provisions, a new order shall be created. In this order, please specify in detail exactly what changes or updates are needed for your Paper.</p> <p>Keep in mind that you have 7 days after the latest version of the order has been delivered to you to approve the order. In case we do not hear from you within these 7 days, the order is approved automatically.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="quality-policy" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Quality Evaluation Policy</h2> <p>Our team works hard on providing excellent quality and assistance with all your academic needs. Sometimes because of unforeseen circumstances some unpleasant situations may occur and in such cases we are ready to compensate you for the unsatisfactory experience. </p> <p>In order to help our customers voice any concerns they may have regarding their order, a special procedure – Quality Evaluation – has been created. This procedure is headed by our Customer Experience Managers, whose main responsibility is to leave every single client satisfied after the completion of the Quality Evaluation of an order. To get professional and fast assistance, we recommend that you initiate the Quality Evaluation procedure with our team rather than with the payment system. The procedure comprises just several steps and is rather simple.</p> <h3>What do I do if I’m not satisfied with the quality of the paper I received?</h3> <p>Send the order for a revision.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>Make sure to indicate specific instructions as to what you would like the writer to revise.</li> <li>If you see that after the revision the initial writer of the order is still not delivering the paper you are looking for, then:</li> </ul> <p>Ask for a different writer.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>Clearly indicate for the new writer what should be revised and improved.</li> <li>If you believe it will be easier for the new writer just to write the paper from scratch, let us know.</li> </ul> <p>Ask for Quality Evaluation</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>In case you do not want or need a new paper and can prove that the final version delivered to you is unacceptable, ask Customer Support to send the order for Quality Evaluation.</li> </ul> <h3>What does Quality Evaluation mean?</h3> <p>During the Quality Evaluation procedure an official negotiation is held between our Customer Experience Manager and you regarding the possible refund/credit or any other compensation for the unsatisfactory experience you encountered. </p> <h3>When do I quality for Quality Evaluation?</h3> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>When the order has been delivered to you but you are not satisfied with the quality and believe that a revision will not help.</li> <li>You have approved the paper but plagiarism was detected in it. In order to qualify for a quality evaluation, you need to be able to provide official proof of plagiarism from a reliable plagiarism detection software.</li> </ul> <p>Before initiating the Quality Evaluation process, make sure to first read our <noindex><a class="change-tab" href="/terms-of-use.html#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></noindex>.</p> <h3>What are the steps to send my order for Quality Evaluation?</h3> <ol> <li>Inform our Customer Support Representative about the problem with your order.</li> <li>Look through the automatically generated message and confirm that you would like to initiate the Quality Evaluation process with your Customer Experience Manager.</li> </ol> <h3>How long will Quality Evaluation take?</h3> <p>The Customer Experience Manager shall provide a resolution for your order within 14 days from the moment your order was set on the status.</p> <h3>Is there any way to get my order in time and avoid Quality Evaluation?</h3> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>Make sure to quickly authorize your payment to limit the amount of possible delays with your order. Only after authorization can the writer start working on your order.</li> <li>If possible, send an outline of what you expect so that the writer could understand exactly what you are looking for.</li> <li>With the help of the “Preferred Writer” option, select the writer you have already worked with and with whose work you were satisfied. This can also be beneficial to retain the same writing style for all your orders.</li> <li>Complete a daily check of any messages and notifications sent to you by our Customer Support team if it is not an urgent order. If the order is urgent, we encourage you to check your order hourly and provide timely comments and replies. Only through good communication can a masterpiece be formed. In case you want to be notified about your order with SMS update to your phone, you can add the VIP Service Extra to the order.</li> <li>Provide your instructions with as many details as possible. The same is true for the revision instructions. If the writer understands what exactly needs to be done or changed, he will be able to update the paper in the way that you need it.</li> <li>If you believe that a Customer Support Representative did not provide you with enough assistance to solve your problem, contact our manager directly at <a href=""></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade " id="money-back" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Money Back Guarantee</h2> <div class="money-page"> <p>Each of the following capitalized terms shall be interpreted in the same way as specified in the Terms of Use if it is not specified differently.</p> <p>A specific amount of options is provided for you to ask for the money you paid for an Order back (to receive a refund). Only the original payment source can receive the refund of the payment. In order to qualify for a refund, the below stated rules must be strictly observed.</p> <p>Before the Paper is delivered to you and approved by you, you may qualify for the following types of refunds, regardless of when you annul your Order and ask for your money back:</p> <ol> <li>100% refund is available: <ol type="a"> <li>for Orders on which a payment mistake occurred (for example, a payment for identical Orders, a double payment for the same Order…). Such occurrence must be reported to the Support Team at once. A full refund in such a case will only be possible if the writer hasn’t initiated the work on the Order yet;</li> <li>if no acceptable writer was found for your Order. In such a case, you will be directly contacted by our support team, who will initiate the refund;</li> <li>if the Ordered paper is no longer needed due to the delayed delivery of the Order. In such a case, none of the completed Papers will be sent to you. The right to use any of the already completed materials will not be granted to you.</li> <li>if there is any plagiarism* found in the paper</li> <li>if there is high AI-generated content** found in the paper</li> </ol> </li> <li>70% refund is available: <ol type="a"> <li>you are intended to annul the Order you placed after we assigned a writer to work on it, and under 50% of the deadline has passed. If the writer has already initiated the work on your Order, this obliges us to compensate the writer for the work or a part of it that has already been done.</li> </ol> </li> <li>50% refund is available: <ol type="a"> <li>in case we are unable to provide you with a writer for a revision;</li> <li>you decided to annul your Order after we have assigned the writer and over 50% of the deadline has run out. We will need to compensate the writer for the amount of work done.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p>*If the completed paper contains higher than 10% plagiarism (excluding properly cited sources, references, common phrases and text, previously submitted to the Turnitin database by yourself), you are eligible to request a refund or revision. The reports deemed credible by our company include those generated by <b>Turnitin</b> similarity detection service. Reports from other checkers should be accompanied by reasonable arguments and comments from your professor/institution. The company is not responsible for any plagiarized parts in the writing that you provided.</p> <p>**If you submit a valid Turnitin report showing AI-generated content exceeding 30%, you may request a refund or revision. Any percentage below the above-mentioned is considered to be a false positive. We recognize reports generated exclusively by <b>Turnitin's</b> detection service as valid. Yet, your refund/revision request can be investigated by our Support Team upon the submission of considerate and relevant comments from your instructor or institution. The company is not responsible for any AI-generated content found in sections of the work that you provided.</p> <p>If you initiate the refund procedure, this means that any rights specified in our Terms of Use, along with Copyright License, must be ceased promptly.</p> <p>Once you requested a revision, it implicates your general approval of the Order and means that you require only minor changes to the already completed material. In such case, 100% refund will not be granted if the revision of the Paper has been requested at least once.</p> <p>In case of lateness with the revision, your refund amount shall be calculated by the company’s Customer Experience Manager based on your Order evaluation and cannot exceed 50% of the initial Order price.</p> <p>A refund is not applicable to:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li>money from your accumulated Store Credit Balance,</li> <li>cases when the Quality Assurance department staff acknowledges that the initial instructions of the Order have been fulfilled,</li> <li>cases when you do not adhere to the <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></noindex> of our Website,</li> <li>discounts,</li> <li>discounts and Optional Services including, but not limited to, VIP Customer Service, Plagiarism Report, Preferred writer, Editor's check, Abstract, Table of Contents/Outline, and Sources Used,</li> <li>Orders that have already been approved by you by pressing the “Approve” button,</li> <li>Problem Solving and Multiple Choice Questions Orders. By using the provided answers by the writer, you automatically approve the completed Order. If the submitted answers are less than 50% correct, you may be qualified for a partial credit. The credit amount is determined by the Customer Experience Manager individually for each particular case.</li> </ul> <h2>Cooling-Off Period</h2> <p>Under other circumstances that are not specified above, your Order may be canceled by you for whatever reason whatsoever after it was placed and thereafter for up to sixteen (16) days (“Cooling-Off Refund Period”) starting the day after the date your Order is accepted (as set out in the “Formation of the Contract” section of the Terms of Use). Once this period expires, you will not have a right to ask for a refund anymore.</p> <p>However, you may exercise your right to a refund by contacting us at any moment. You will need to send us your communication regarding the exercise of your right to get the refund within the eligibility limits of the Refund Period so that you will be able to meet the cancellation deadline.</p> <p>You will be issued 100% (a full) refund in case the writer has not initiated the work on your Order as requested by you before the expiration of the Cooling-Off Refund Period.</p> <p>In case the writer has started working on your Order before the Cooling-Off Refund Period expires and before you got us in touch, you will need to pay for the Services and the part of the work done for you.</p> <p>The kind of a refund is issued during sixteen (16) days after the date when you let us know about your cancellation of the Order and accomplished in the same way as you paid for your Order, in case we didn't agree differently.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade active show" id="terms-of-use" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Terms of use</h2> <p>Welcome to <a href="/"></a> (the "Website"), a service offered by <img class="pic-owner" style=" vertical-align: -1px;" src="" lazzy="" alt="CoreForce"> and its affiliates! We encourage you to read these Terms of Use ("Terms" and/or "Terms of Use”) attentively before you start using our Website because by accessing and/or using our Website you, being a guest user or already a registered one, are agreeing to abide by these Terms.</p> <h2>Terms and Definitions used in these Terms</h2> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li> <p>“you” and/or “your” means you, the end user and the customer, accessing the Website, its contents and ordering/ purchasing Services through the Website, and a company, enterprise or other institution if you buy any offered Services by us representing a company, enterprise, or other institution;</p> </li> <li> <p>“Control Panel” is your personal area within our site, to which you can log in 24/7 to manage your orders, check your Bonus or Store Credit balance and find the referral discount code.</p> </li> <li> <p> "we", "our", "us", "ourselves" and/or "<a href="/"></a>" mean <img class="d-none d-xl-block terms-icon" src="" alt="icon terms" style="max-width: 100%;"/> <img class="d-none d-sm-block d-md-block d-lg-block d-xl-none terms-icon" src="" alt="icon terms" style="max-width: 100%;"/> <img class="d-block d-sm-none terms-icon" src="" alt="icon terms" style="max-width: 100%;"/> </p> </li> <li> <p>“<a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a>” means our cookies policy as well as the details indicated on the Website;</p> </li> <li> <p>“Order” means an Order you placed for Services through/ by means of this Website;</p> </li> <li> <p>“Order Form” means this Website order form/registration form, or other signup or acceptance form, including any data that you specify there.</p> </li> <li> <p>“<noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>” means our privacy policy, which can is described on our Website;</p> </li> <li> <p>“<noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision Policy</a></noindex>” means our revision policy, full particularities of which are indicated on this Website;</p> </li> <li> <p>"Referral " means each new and unique customer referred from you through a discount code provided by us;</p> </li> <li> <p>“Services” mean digital writing services which are obtainable for acquisition through/by means of this Website.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Any utilization of the above mentioned terminology and/or alternative words and phrases used in various forms, including capitalization, singular, or plural, changing them for pronouns like he/she/they, are used synonymously, which means they are one and the same.</p> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>These Terms of Use together with <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision Policy</a></noindex>, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#money-back">Money Back Guarantee</a></noindex> set out the whole of the agreement relating to the providing Services to you by us.</p> <p>Our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex> (as this term defined herein) describes how information about you is collected, used and disclosed and provides other important privacy information.</p> <p>This Website uses a variety of cookies and similar technologies to collect any of your personal information. Please learn more in the separate document within our Website, which is our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>.</p> <p>Please read these Terms, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex> and <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex> attentively before you start using our Website.</p> <p>In case you use the Website, you agree with this document of the Terms, together with our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision Policy</a></noindex>, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>, and <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#money-back">Money Back Guarantee</a></noindex>, allow us to use your individual information as indicated in the <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex> and agreement to our Website’s usage of cookies and similar technologies as mentioned in our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex>. If you disagree to any conditions included into this document, please stop utilizing this Website promptly.</p> <h2>No use of this website by children (under the age of 16) </h2> <p>We do not intentionally collect any information (including personal data) from, and our Website, information on the Website and/or our Services are not directed to children under the age of sixteen (16).</p> <h2>No use of this website by customers from Australia</h2> <p>While staying on the territory of Australia, you agree to stop browsing our website if you opened it using any programs and software that help you bypass access restrictions and not to use our Services in any way. Such actions will be regarded as unlawful and cheating since any access to our website is prohibited for all Australian customers according to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Amendment (Prohibiting Academic Cheating Services) Act 2020 No. 78.</p> <h2>Eligibility</h2> <p>By continuing using our Services you express and approve that (a) any information you give us is accurate and true; (b) you will keep this information up-to-date; (c) you are or over 18 years old and you can be legally bounded by any agreements; and (d) when using our Website, you follow any applicable law, regulation.</p> <p>When you desire to Order our Services representing a company, enterprise, or other institution, then (i) you (as this term defined herein) includes you and that company, enterprise, or other institution, and (ii) you represent and warrant that you are authorized to bind this company, organization or other entity to our contract (counting these Terms), and that you accept our terms mentioned in this document as a representative of yourself and the company, organization or other entity.</p> <p>By ordering/ using our Services you accept that your use of our Services may be terminated without warning at our sole discretion, if you breach/ violate these Terms and/or we believe that you do not fit any or the whole of the representations and/or warranties set forth in these Terms.</p> <h2>User Identification</h2> <p>For compliance purposes, we may request additional information from you in order to confirm your identity. Such information may include request to provide us with scanned copies of your identification documents, last four digits of your credit/debit card or other identity and/or billing/payment information related documents.</p> <p>You can be sure that any information provided by you (including personal data) shall be collected, stored and processed strictly in accordance with our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>.</p> <h2>Formation of the Contract</h2> <p>Keep in mind that all information and/or Services described in the Website is not an offer but only an invitation to treat.</p> <p>Your Order is an offer to purchase Services from us. When you create your Order with us, you do so in accordance with the Terms and subject to our acceptance of your Order (offer to purchase Services). After you create an Order through our Website, a message will be sent to you within the control panel acknowledging the receipt of your Order, which includes you Order number. Keep in mind that acknowledgement of receipt of any Order (whether via email, telephone, SMS or otherwise) is only an acknowledgement and doesn't mean that the particular Order is accepted.</p> <p>If we haven't notified you that we do not accept your Order (offer to purchase Services) or you have cancelled it, we accept your Order (or proposal to complete a purchase) in case we approve that you place your Order on our site. Upon accepting your Order, we have a legal binding obligation to deliver you the appropriate Services in accordance with these Terms.</p> <p>We may choose not to accept your Order (offer to purchase Services) for any specific motive at our sole discretion and we will not be responsible for you or any other third parties in this matter. If we reject your Order (whether in whole or in part) we will issue a refund for any cost paid for the Order you placed (and/or any specific segment of that Order, which we did not welcome).</p> <h2>Services</h2> <p>Copywriting is the main type of Services provided by us. By this Service we understand that an original text material will be provided upon an individual request of our Clients, namely tailored up to the specifications of the Orders placed on this Website.</p> <p>Above mentioned text material is seen as an original web-writing completed on a particular subject and within the required size. Assignment is done by the expert writers working in our team who are professionals in various fields of studies. Web-writings may include, however, not be limited to: copyrighting/writing services, etc. Any and all digital writings mentioned herein and other types of assignments written/done under these Terms hereinafter shall be referred to as “Paper”.</p> <p>We can easily take any text materials that you have written in order to proofread or edit it, checking them for any possible mistakes that include grammar, stylistic, punctuation, spelling, or if there are any parts with plagiarism.</p> <p>Keep in mind that we reject plagiarism. Moreover, we fight it with all efforts and are dedicated to it. Submitting a plagiarized material under original text when ordering a proofreading/editing type of service shall be processed as a request for a completely new paper and will be priced under writing from scratch type of services. However, if our system does not track the plagiarism in the file you provided and we do proofread it for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, we are not responsible for any plagiarism left in the Paper.</p> <p>The Paper will be provided in the format requested by you. This can be a Word document file (.doc, .dox), an Excel file (.csv), and any other file format, if our writer can provide your Paper within such a format. Keep in mind that the final format of the Paper is accessible for download only after your order is approved.</p> <h2>Accessing the Website</h2> <p>While filling in the Website’s Order Form we shall ask you to provide us with accurate and complete information/instructions about your Order.</p> <p>By using this Website, you warrant that all data and information provided by you about your Order is true, accurate and up to date. All information about you that you give us, we process in accordance with our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>.</p> <p>Login (email), password or other type of details, allocated by us or generated by you while utilizing this Website are a portion of our security measures. You must see such details as private/confidential, and must not reveal it to third parties of any kind. We reserve the right to disable any login (email), password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, whenever, if in our opinion you do not comply with all or any provisions indicated in these Terms.</p> <p>The sole responsibility for all actions that happen on your profile are under your responsibility. You accept to (i) immediately notify us in all cases of unlawful use of your account, including any kinds of break of safety, and (ii) ensure that you exit from account after finishing each session. We shall not be accountable for any loss and/or harm rising from your inability to follow these provisions.</p> <h2>Order Placement</h2> <p>Right after you take a decision to Order our Website Services, you can use the Order Form on it. (Please consider that to order a Paper is possible only by completing our Order Form.) Alternatively, our support agents can order for you through the very same Order Form. You must precisely and attentively include all the individual information required from you together with the information needed to complete the Order in the Order Form. We never support any attempts of cheating, which is why we forbid you to give us any incorrect, not up-to-date information when you complete our Website’s Order form. Non-completion of the ordering procedure will not be regarded as a required Order and no text materials will be provided to you. You fall under the responsibility for any possible consequences, delays and misunderstandings if you provided us with inaccurate and/or incorrect and/or unfaithful information about yourself and/or the Order Form.</p> <p>We will collect and process personal information about you while you are placing the order. This is needed to manage and proceed with your Order, and to provide the Services to you. Other information as to the manner in which your individual data shall be processed, stored and maintained as it is mentioned in the <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>.</p> <p>Alerts may be sent to you regarding the stages you should by all means follow while placing your Order. Any of the following ways can be used to send you the alerts: using your email address, sending you SMS, or calling you over the telephone. More about the communication ways with us is mentioned in our Communication Procedure section.</p> <p>Within ordering process, there will be an opportunity to correct the mistakes in parts of the Order placed through the Website until the moment when you submit your Order. This is done by clicking the Proceed to Payment (or similar) button located on the last step of the Order Form. Please carefully check your Order at each stage of your Order process.</p> <p>We may ask you for additional documents to confirm your payment to us (statement from your bank or payment service provider). If you unable to provide us with such documents confirming your payment, we shall have the right to put on hold and not to process your order until we receive your payment. We shall cancel your order if we hadn’t received your payment within 3 months after you have placed your order.</p> <p>Keep in mind that the timer of the Order deadline starts on the next minute after we receive the payment confirmation in our system and we confirm your order.</p> <h2>Optional Services</h2> <p>You can add some additional extras to your Order when you place it on the Website. They include Plagiarism report, VIP customer service, Preferred writer, and Abstract page.</p> <p>If the extra is related to a preferred writer, the choice is given with four extras: “My previous writer”, “TOP writer”, “Advanced writer”, and “Basic writer”. When you wish to select the “Basic writer”, the ultimate price of the Order will not change. With it, any of our Writers who is experienced in your field of study will be assigned to the order at our discretion. Our “TOP writer” extra guarantees that the ordered assignment will be given to one of the most qualified authors. After adding this extra, you will see the price changed for the order. “My previous writer” requires that you insert Writer ID of the expert who previously worked on one of your orders and you are ready to work with the same writer again. Please keep in mind that you will be able to use this extra if the deadline for your order is 24 hours or even more. If the writer is not available to start working on your order again, we will immediately start looking for another writer qualified in your field of study. If the writer turns out to be already a TOP or Advanced writer, you will be requested to pay some additional fee. If you wish to include our “Advanced writer” extra to your order, this will be lower in comparison to the TOP Writer, moreover, your writer will be much more experienced than our “Basic writer” is.</p> <p>The extra “VIP customer service” provides you with some extra attention of our Website’s Customer Support Team. This means that any request from you will be answered prior than others. Also, it guarantees you SMS notifications about your order status, for instance, upon the assigning of a Writer or when he requires some specifications on the topic, or when your Order is completed. This is why we need you to give us your current contact information, namely a valid telephone number. Differently, we won’t be able to provide you the service, which is meant by our "VIP customer service" extra. The prices for our extra are indicated on the <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page.</p> <p>Ordering our “Plagiarism report” extra guarantees that you’ll get official proof that the material completed for you is original. We will scan the completed order by our unique plagiarism detector WebCheck and you’ll be able to get the report in your Control panel right after you press the “Approve” button. Please go to our <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page to see the price of each extra.</p> <p>Adding the “Abstract page” extra to your order guarantees a properly written Abstract page will be prepared by the writer to accompany your assignment. Visit our Website’s <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page to see how much this extra costs.</p> <p>To get the materials or their parts which were used when completing your Order, you can additionally purchase the “Sources used” extra in your control panel on the order page of each particular order. The writer will then upload digital copies of either the full sources or the parts of the sources used in completing your Paper. The price of the extra is mentioned on the Website’s <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page.</p> <p>The table of contents or outline for the completed Paper may be included to the order with the Table of Contents/Outline extra, which is also available for purchase in the control panel on the order page. Prices of extra also mentioned on the Website’s <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page.</p> <p>Our extra - “Editor's check” - can be included to the Order as well through the order page in your personal Control Penal. Adding it guarantees that our qualified editor will proofread your order and edit if necessary. Go to the <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page to learn this extra’s cost.</p> <p>Your order price is calculated once you complete all Order Form steps and is based on the deadline, the type of work, academic level, amount of pages/slides and any chosen optional extras.</p> <h2>Payment and Fees</h2> <p>Once you have clicked the Proceed to Payment button (or any identical), this will mean that you will be redirected to the payment page for the Services you have ordered via the Website. Keep in mind that we offer only prepaid Services. If your payment was not delivered to us, or payment method is declined, we will deny your Order until the payment is successfully processed. Make sure to double check the latest price of your order before proceeding with the payment.</p> <p>We also reserve the right to edit the order and request an additional payment in case some mismatches between the indicated order details and the assignment instructions take place. In this respect, the order is also considered to be unpaid.</p> <p>Paper price includes our fee (consideration) for Copyright License set forth in these Terms.</p> <p>We draw your attention that additional fees will probably be required if your order any of our extras mentioned above.</p> <p>Your Order price is formed and determined based on your Order deadline, type of Paper, academic level as well as any and all the included extras. The ultimate Order cost can be seen in the last step of Order Form, at the very bottom.</p> <p>All prices for this Website Services are displayed either in your local currency or USD, and are exclusive of VAT. You may be required to pay VAT exceptionally if you make your payment from the country that is part of the EU (European Union). The VAT is charged extra to the Order price while the transaction of the payment is processed. Nevertheless, in some case when the local law requires so, VAT will be included additionally to the total Order cost even if you do not reside in the EU.</p> <p>All prices are exclusive of (a) any and all fees/ commissions imposed on you by payment processors and/or your bank and/or card issuer (including for currency exchange), (b) taxes and/or levies as well as other duties established by taxing or other state authorities, and you shall be responsible for payment of all such feed/ commissions and/or taxes, and/or levies, and/or duties.</p> <p>Sometimes we may offer promotional/special or discount prices to our Services. These prices are possible exceptionally when the promotion/discount is provided and liable to be subjected to the terms of that promotion/discount. Please consider that any discounts shall not be applied after you have made your payment. Therefore, please check your final fee in the Order Form before making a payment.</p> <p>We personally can decide that a different price is required for your Order than the one specified in the Website’s <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page. We will notify you about it and offer different fee. Your final fee shall be depicted in the Order Form or on the page of the order in your control panel. Keep in mind that you can cancel the order before proceeding with the payment.</p> <p>Additionally, you can utilize the Store Credit Balance or the bonuses from your profile for any of your current and/or future orders.</p> <p>If you use a credit/debit card to pay, this must be the same credit/debit card that has been authorized by you and you have a right to pay with it. Any credit/debit card holder will be required to confirm checks by third parties and/or authorization by the card issuer. If your bank or the person who issued the card for you doesn't want to make your payment authorized or any other authentication checks return opposing results, your Order will not be accepted by us.</p> <p>If you are one of the customers with a credit/debit card that is not denominated in the currency indicated in the Order Form, the final price will be determined according to the current exchange rate of that very date when the payment transaction has been processed by your card issuer.</p> <h2>Order Fulfilment</h2> <p>After the Paper you ordered is completed, it becomes accessible in the Control Panel.</p> <p>The Paper will have a status of an approved one if you do not express any requirements within the period of 7 days after the last version of the paper was delivered by the writer. The Paper will be automatically approved after 1 week (7 days).</p> <p>If your Order is for editing or proofreading services, we shall not change over 30% of the text initially provided.</p> <h2>Warranties and Representations</h2> <p>We would like to make sure that neither Paper you receive nor our Website is used for any illegal purposes. Also, we want you to be sure that the Services of this Website are in full conformity with all relevant conditions. To make this possible, a system of shared guarantees and representations was organized, which are valid for both you and us.</p> <p>By agreeing with these Terms of Use, you accept, warrant and represent to us that:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li> <p>You have viewed and learned this document.</p> </li> <li> <p>All ideas, details and/or information utilized from the Paper will be cited properly.</p> </li> <li> <p>The Papers are provided to you solely as patterns, for investigation, quotation purposes, and/or to enable you to see how to correctly complete an assignment in a specific formatting style (APA, Turabian, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, etc.).</p> </li> <li> <p>You accept that all Papers are received from writers working freelance. They give their rights for the created materials together with a property right to our partners and/or affiliates.</p> </li> <li> <p>You completely agree with the fact that <a href="/"></a> takes a compensation for the efforts and time spent for collecting, regulating, improving, rearranging, publishing, and bringing the completed materials with references and the supply, control, and promotion of the Website.</p> </li> <li> <p>You agree not to use, duplicate, share, post, correct, exhibit or write copied works based on the text materials received from this Website unless you received our previously written consent.</p> </li> <li> <p>You accept that provided Papers are to be utilized for your reference/research and personal use only. Copies are not to be made for its distribution, moreover, the paper and none of its parts is to be used without an appropriate reference.</p> </li> <li> <p>You are not to write your name on any of the received Papers from this Website. Subject to this document, you are given the license to use the Paper for personal and non-commercial uses only. However, you are not granted any economic and/or moral intellectual property rights.</p> </li> <li> <p>You are to inform us of accurate, true and up to date information requests from us in any available form.</p> </li> <li> <p>You agree not to pass the Paper to any educational institution, therefore we do not guarantee any particular grade, mark, nor claim for your money back in case your assessment was unsatisfactorily.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Nevertheless, we warrant and represent you the following:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li> <p>We possess acceptable intellectual property rights, which help us give you the required right to utilize the Paper as mentioned in these Terms.</p> </li> <li> <p>We do not excuse, spur, or consciously make plagiarism real in the completed materials, take deceitful actions or participate in academic fraud.</p> </li> </ul> <p>An acceptable level of plagiarism is lower than 10%. If the plagiarism level of the completed paper exceeds 10%, then you are eligible to receive a refund or a revision if such is still needed. More information about this can be found in our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision Policy</a></noindex> and <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#money-back">Money Back Guarantee</a></noindex>. Keep in mind that references and properly cited information, clichéd phrases such as connectors, idioms and/or standard phrases are not considered plagiarism and are, consequently, not included in the calculation of the plagiarism level of a paper.</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li> <p>We agree to follow all reasonable instructions initially stated in the order page.</p> </li> <li> <p>Any needed research is to be completed by us to deliver the ordered Paper.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Refunds</h2> <p>A limited amount of opportunities is provided by us for you to claim back the money you have paid for your order (to receive a refund). Only the original payment source can receive the refund. To see the full information about our refund policy, check the <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#money-back">Money Back Guarantee</a></noindex> page.</p> <h2>Intellectual Property Rights</h2> <p><u>Website Content</u></p> <p>The Website and all of its content, including, however, not restricted to, its source code, scripts, text, photographs, animation, video, software, HTML code, web apps, artwork, images, design, and audio (collectively, “Website Materials”) are protected by national and international copyright laws and treaties. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Website and the Website Materials are either possessed wholly by or are licensed to us.</p> <p>Such Website Materials are provided for your information and personal use only and are not to be used for purposes of a business or commercial enterprise. You are not allowed to change, publish, issue or otherwise replicate any Website Materials supplied to you or that appears on the pages of this Website without prior receiving our written consent. Any unauthorized copying, alteration, distribution, transmission, performance, display, or alternative use of the Website’s Materials is prohibited.</p> <p><u>Paper Copyright</u></p> <p>You acknowledge that we are the sole and exclusive owner of the intellectual property for the Paper, and you shall do nothing inconsistent with such ownership, except as provided in the Copyright License clause hereunder. You further agree that you won’t claim any rights as for the Paper, or any compilation, derivative, series of sequel. You accept that no part of these Terms shall give you any right, title, or interest in the Paper other than the right to use one in accordance with these Terms. You admit the validity of all copyrights for the Paper and all associated intellectual property rights, and acknowledges that all and any rights that might be acquired by you because of your utilization of the Paper shall inure to our sole benefit.</p> <p><u>Copyright License</u></p> <p>We hereby grant to you an non-exclusive, non-sublicensable (non-transferable), perpetual worldwide license to use and/or copy the Paper for reference of research purposes and only your private or personal use only. It may not be used for any alternative purpose without our written permission.</p> <p>You hereby accept such license and that you are not to use the Paper except in accordance with this document. You admit and approve that you are not to: (1) distribute or sell the Paper in any way, (2) modify/ adapt/ translate the Paper, (3) make any improvements, (4) incorporate into another work /with other intellectual property rights, (5) make any publications and distribution of Paper, (6) share Paper with others, and/or (7) insert your name into the completed Paper.</p> <p>You accept that delivered Paper is completed for you only as an example, model of the requested document type for research purposes. All text and/or other material from the Paper used in any way in an original paper completed by you shall be attributed to <a href="/"></a> and appropriately cited. The delivered Paper is not to be used to complete any online assignments and/or tests. Moreover, the online facilities provided by our Website are not to be used to take any kind of online tests. The Paper is not to be used for obtaining any mark, grade or any achievement in any way connected with academics.</p> <p>The rights granted to you under this document, including Copyright License, shall terminate immediately upon your breach of any part of the Terms of Use, and you must (at our choice) give back or delete all copies of the Paper you may have made pursuant to rights granted under this document.</p> <h2>Referral Program</h2> <p>The <a href="/"></a> Referral Program allows you to send an invitation to anyone you know to purchase Services with us, and in return receive commission fee for each purchase of Services (“Commission Fee”) by a Referral that you refer to <a href="/"></a> under and/or in accordance with these Terms and Referral Program.</p> <p>Thereby, we encourage you invite other third parties to also enjoy the benefits offered by our Service. Moreover, you will also receive 10% of the sum paid by all of your Referrals for orders with us if they use your referral discount code when placing their order.</p> <p>We want to draw it to your attention that any attempt to manipulate and/or falsify Referral and/or purchase of Services by your Referral to intentionally defraud us, as well as any violation of the provisions of these Terms, including Referral Program section, constitutes immediate grounds to terminate Your participation in the Referral Program of our Website and will outcome in penalty of any Commission Fees due to you, and/or your forfeiture of Services as well.</p> <p><u>Links</u></p> <p>In order to participate in the Referral Program of our Website, we will make accessible for you a number of textual and/or graphic links (all of these links will herein be referred to as “Links” or “Link”), which are subject to the Terms hereof. Links will be made accessible for you (generated) in the Referral Section of your personal control panel upon your registration. The Links will serve to identify you as a member of the Referral Program of our Website. The Links may connect to the order form area on the Website. You accept that in utilizing the Links, you will collaborate with us fully and will not modify and/or alter Links by any means.</p> <p><u>Referral Criteria</u></p> <p>Please consider that not anyone whom you refer may fall under the Referral Program of our Website. Each Referral and each sale of Services to a Referral must follow the below criteria (the "<strong>Criteria</strong>"):</p> <ol> <li> <p>Each Referral must be a first-time and unique visitor to Websites and must register through the completion and submission of the relevant customer Order Form utilizing an exclusive and valid billing information and account.</p> </li> <li> <p>Each Referral must complete a purchase on our Website, and pay for the ordered Services. To make a Commission Fee, each Referral shall be a qualified, active customer and must be up-to-date in all expenditures when the Commission Fees are administered and not having received a refund, partial or full credit, cancellation of the order/payment, suspension of account or chargeback of the completed payment</p> </li> <li> <p>Each Referral must register in such a way, which conclusively indicates that the Referral was referred straight from you to our Website in our sole judgment.</p> </li> <li> <p>Each Referral must comply with Terms of our Website, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>, <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a></noindex> as well as any alternative policies which are effective when the Commission Fees are made.</p> </li> <li> <p>It is not allowed to publish your referral discount on coupon sites.</p> </li> </ol> <p>In case any above Referral Program terms are broken, you will get one warning. If the instances reoccur, the referral program will be disabled on your account and you will not receive any payment from your referral balance.</p> <p>After the activation of the Referral Program, additional information may be asked from you in order for us to process your earnings in a payment to you. These may include the payment details.</p> <p><u>Commission Fee Accrual and Payments</u></p> <p>The earnings acquired under our Referral Program may be used to cover the costs of any of the orders with our Website.</p> <p>We, in our sole discretion, keep the right to indeterminately deny any Commission Fee, and/or to reverse, refute or discard any Commission Fee, for:</p> <ol> <li> <p>All commissions generated for Referral accounts that may be fraudulent, including and not limited to the use of software that generates real and fictitious information.</p> </li> <li> <p>If we believe orders to be fake or see an arrangement of possibly deceitful activity, together with but not restricted to the use of several profile from the identical Referral.</p> </li> <li> <p>Altering Our Links in any way.</p> </li> <li> <p>Posting referral discount on one or more coupon websites.</p> </li> </ol> <p><u>Other</u></p> <p>You can refuse to participate in our Referral program upon your wish. In addition, we can disable the program for you.</p> <p>Among our encouragement is not to utilize unsolicited commercial email (spam), any time of web spam, such as on social media, forums, and any and all illegal methods of promotion. All the emails sent by you should obey all laws and regulations that oversee such behaviour under your jurisdiction. Referral discount codes are not to be posted on coupon sites. Our Referral Program is not to be used for cheating.</p> <h2>Revision Guarantee</h2> <p>Our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision Policy</a></noindex> documents all the cases of possible free revisions. Please see it for full information.</p> <h2>Communications Procedure</h2> <p>Our goal is to guarantee and make possible proper communication between us and you. To achieve effective communication, please give us your valid phone number, email address and/or any other means of reaching you so that we can inform you of important order updates and the latest promotional materials.</p> <p>We will primarily communicate with you by e-mail. You acknowledge that you will connect electronically with us and our Support Team. You accept to receive any communications electronically from us and that all notices, disclosures, agreements and other communications made between us electronically satisfy any legal necessities that such notifications be made in writing. You are responsible for ensuring your ability to receive e-mails from our Website. All our communication is subject to our <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></noindex>.</p> <p>We will use the communication means provided by you to send you all needed messages, requests, inquiries, clarification or any other vital information about your cooperation with us.</p> <p>By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you express your explicit consent to receive promotional and marketing materials, notifications and advertisement to keep you up to date about our promotional offers, sales, discounts, etc.</p> <p>To stop receiving promotional SMS and/or email notifications from our Website, please contact our Customer Support Team and inform them of your wish. After we receive your request, promotional materials will be stopped being sent to you within 10 business days through the medium indicated by you (SMS and/or email).</p> <p>Upon choosing the “VIP Customer Service” extra, SMS notifications will be sent to your mobile phone with the updates as to when the writer starts working on your order and when the ordered paper is completed. Any important updates regarding your order may also be sent through text messages.</p> <p>To keep you comfortable, we will follow the below-stated communication rules:</p> <ul class="list-block__content"> <li> <p>The sender’s physical address, together with other important sender information such as the website name, phone number and an unsubscribe links, which will allow you to unsubscribe in one-click, will all be included in our marketing and advertising emails.</p> </li> <li> <p>We promise to always clearly indicate all advertisement messages as such.</p> </li> <li> <p>The information about the sender shall be available for at least thirty (30) days after the details have been sent to you.</p> </li> <li> <p>At times, promotional messages may be sent to your phone in the form of SMS or push-notifications. In order to opt out of these kinds of ads, please reply “STOP” in an SMS reply to the promotional text message.</p> </li> <li> <p>Complaints and unsubscribe requests are processed by us within ten (10) business days without unreasonable delay.</p> </li> <li> <p>We will not charge you additionally for any complaint, feedback, opt-out request as well as cancellation of subscription. All complaintts are processed free of charge.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Limitation of Liability</h2> <p><a href="/">PAPERHELP.ORG</a> IS NOT TO BE LIABLE TO YOU OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PARTICULAR, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, WHICH MAY HAVE ARISEN FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS (HOWEVER ARISING, AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF RECOVERY). PAPERHELP`S TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS IS LIMITED TO THE GREATER OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500) OR THE AMOUNTS PAID BY <a href="/">PAPERHELP.ORG</a> TO YOU DURING THE THREE (3) MONTHS IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE FIRST REOCCURRENCE OF EVENTS GIVING RISE TO THE IMPOSITION OF LIABILITY UNDER THESE TERMS.</p> <p>WE NOT EITHER OF OUR PARTNERS AND/OR AFFILIATES ARE TO BE LIABLE FOR ANY UNSUITABLE, IMMORAL, UNLAWFUL OR IN ANY WAY WRONGFUL UTILIZATION OF THE COMPLETED PAPERS BY OUR WEBSITE. AMONG THIS ARE COURT PROCEEDINGS, PLAGIARISM, LOSS OF ANY PARTICULAR POSITION/PLACE OR PAYMENTS, SUSPENSION, FAILURE OR ANY ALTERNATIVE LEGAL OR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS. 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This means that by clicking on them or following them you will leave this research and appear on the pages of the linked websites. You may use those websites in accordance with their terms of use, stated on their resource. We do not bear responsibility for any content on a linked resource or for any transmission received from any linked website.</p> <p>Every so often we might create partnerships with third parties that will allow you to gain access to the websites of such third parties straight from our Website. The links contained on the Website, as well as on any other websites including different resources supplied by third parties are provided for your information only. We do not control the content of any of other resources or websites, and accept no responsibility or liability for them including any damage or loss that may arise from your utilization of them.</p> <h2>Surveys, Feedbacks and Testimonials</h2> <p>To provide a feedback and/or a testimonial to our Website, please contact us. Hereby by accessing and/or utilizing this Website you give us your consent to post your first name along with your testimonial on our Website.</p> <p>Any feedback/ testimonial you provide to us shall be considered to be non-confidential. We shall be free to use such data on the unlimited grounds. Thereafter, by providing the feedback/review, you present and warrant that (i) Your feedback/ review does not hold private/confidential or proprietary details of you or of third parties; (ii) we are not under any obligation of confidentiality, express or are implied, with respect to the feedback/ testimonial; (iii) you are not eligible for any kind compensation or reimbursement for the feedback/ testimonial under any circumstances.</p> <p>From time to time we may ask you to provide us with your video testimonial for marketing purposes. By accepting these Terms of Use and providing us with your video testimonial, you hereby authorize us to make any copies of it, publications, spread around, make it publicly accessible in any possible way or otherwise use and disclose the video testimonial material as well as any other information used in the testimonial for purposes of marketing and publicizing our Services, or for any other lawful purpose. This authorization shall be used on the Website, or our (or our subsidiaries and/or affiliates) YouTube channel only.</p> <p>You hereby release us from all claims for damages of any kind based on the use of your video testimonial, information provided within the video testimonial.</p> <p>You agree that you will make no monetary or other claims against us for the use of your written and/or video testimonials.</p> <p>We may ask you to participate in a survey connected with the quality assessment in order for us to improve based on the feedback you provide. The questions may be connected with your received papers, the cooperation with your writer or communication with our Customer Support Representatives. These kinds of invitations are usually sent within sixteen (16) after the approval of your order.</p> <h2>Notification of Changes</h2> <p>We expressly reserve the right to change this document from time to time without notice to you. You recognize and accept that it is your responsibility to review the Website together with these Terms from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. Your continued utilization of the Website after such alterations will establish approval of the changed Terms and acceptance to abide and be bound by the modified Terms.</p> <p>The Terms of Use applicable to your utilization of our Website will be those in force at the time you access the Website.</p> <h2>Term</h2> <p>These Terms are to remain in effect for as long as you use our Services (“Term”). Either of us may terminate these Terms at any given time, with or without cause, by giving the other party notice of such termination. No Commission Fee (and/or bonuses) shall accrue or be earned by you after the Term.</p> <p>Upon termination of these Terms, (a) all licenses hereunder shall terminate and (b) you shall immediately destroy any Papers delivered to you together with their copies.</p> <h2>Final provisions</h2> <p>A complete understanding is shaped by this document between you and us. Verbal or written information is not to be trusted unless it specifically refers to this document.</p> <p>If you or we are not able to impose the execution of any part of this Terms of Use, it does not relinquish the rights to implement any other part of this document in the future.</p> <p>This document and no part of it creates any kind of joint venture, employee-employer relationship and/or partnership between you and us. It also does not authorize neither you, nor us to act as a representative or agent of each other.</p> <p>Third parties do not get any rights resulting from these Terms. Moreover, third party obligations are not to be created based on these Terms.</p> <p>The English language is the only one used for the communication between us and you as well as most transactions conducted through this website. The German language may be the only other language apart from English to be used for order completion.</p> <p>If any authority is not able to enforce any paragraph found within this Terms of Use, the provisions stated therein are to be changed in a way to allow it to be enforceable.</p> <p>The headings of this document are used in order to make the document more legible. However, the connotation of the requirements of these terms is not restricted to that of the headings of different section. Headings shall not be considered during the interpretation of the document.</p> <p>Governing Law: These Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with Cyprus law and you agree that the Cyprus courts will have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute under this agreement.</p> <p>The laws of your country may be different from Cyprus law and there may be additional legal requirements for you to use our Website. You must comply with all applicable local and international laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations regarding your use of our Website.</p> <p>Date of latest update: October 9, 2024.</p> <p>The electronic form of this Term of Use shall have equal legal force as if signed in ink.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="disclaimer" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Disclaimer</h2> <h2>Service availability</h2> <p>Although it is important for us to provide you with access to this website to make our writing services available for you, we will not, however, be responsible in case the website becomes not accessible for any reason within unlimited interval of time.</p> <p>At any moment this website may become unavailable without any prior notification. We will not be responsible for any harm or loss caused to you as a result of the use or disability to use the website, including any information or files contained in it, and any solution made while or as a consequence of the use of this website.</p> <p>Any material provided on this website incorporates our own viewpoints, which does not represent any judicial or professional advice. If you need any advice of the kind, you should seek for it from any adviser you know.</p> <h2>Links to other websites</h2> <p>Our website suggests links to external sources, which means that you will leave this website once you click on any link given here and go explicitly to the other website. However, we are not liable for any material and content published on any of the linked websites, including any links provided there on the linked website. We will not also be liable for any transfer obtained from the websites that were linked. Each link is placed for the purpose of attracting visitors to our website, which means that availability of the links on the website does not constitute that we approve the linked websites or any information published there.</p> <h2>Plagiarism</h2> <p>The level of plagiarism that is considered as acceptable in the written materials delivered by us is no higher than 10%. If any plagiarism report shows more than this percentage of plagiarism in the work, then you can send the material for a revision or even ask for money back. These cases are covered on the following pages accordingly — <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#money-back">Money back guarantee</a></noindex> and <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision policy</a></noindex>.</p> <p>Some information may be considered as not plagiarized and will not be counted in the percentage of the plagiarism level. Such information may include bibliographical references (including references throughout the text and/or page of bibliography at the end of the material) as well as cliché (including idiomatic expressions, connectors, standard phrases, and any other common phrase that are often used and consist of several words).</p> <h2>Payment</h2> <p>The prices listed in the table on the <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page are specified without VAT. It will be additionally charged only for those customers who live on the territory of the European Union. It will be automatically added to the total price in the process of payment. At our website VAT is not considered as subjected to a refund as well as our one-time 5% and 10% discounts and other additional optional services like Previous writer, TOP Writer, Advanced regular writer, VIP customer service, Plagiarism report, Abstract page, Editor’s check, Sources used, Table of contents/Outline.</p> <h2>Requests for refund and revision</h2> <p>You may send a written material for a revision 3 (three) times at no additional cost. After all 3 revisions are used, you may want to ask for another one, but in this case it will be considered as a new order. You will need to place it, choose editing/proofreading service, and make a payment.</p> <p>Our Quality Assurance Department may determine that your primary requirements are met to the dot and in this case we will decline your request. The request of the refund will be accepted only in the cases satisfying the criteria described on the <noindex><a class="change-tab" rel="follow" href="/terms-of-use.html#revision-policy">Revision Policy</a></noindex> page.</p> <p>However, once the "Approve" button is pushed, there will be no chance to ask for money back. On this occasion you will be able to send the written material for a free revision, but only throughout 7 days since the moment the button is pushed. To avoid any misunderstandings, you are highly recommended checking the written material before approving it. In case the file is not readable in the available format, then you can get in touch with our Customer Support Representatives using our <a href="/contact-us.html">contacts</a> and ask to upload the material in another format.</p> <p>In case you decide to ask for a refund, you will not be allowed to use the written material as well as any other extra material you received from us while your cooperation with us. Any material is regarded as an ownership of the company and after you get a refund we will be able to make publications of those written materials elsewhere online. This means that the published written material will be easy to find by checking it through any of the existing plagiarism checkers as it will refer to our website with the links. We may make a publication of it as content and/or as a sample. We do this with one and only purpose – to protect the works written by our writers in the cases when the customer requests money back after the text material has already been written.</p> <p>14 days is the period you have to push the "Approve" button, which means the order approval. The time for approval starts calculating from the minute we have uploaded the final version of the written material to your control panel. The paper will be approved automatically after this time expires.</p> <p>Please take into account that you will not get back money you paid as VAT (if you are a resident of the European Union) in case you want to get your money back for the order. As we have mentioned above, VAT is not subjected to a refund. Hence, you will get only the money paid or percentage of the price listed on the <a href="/prices.html">Prices</a> page.</p> <h2>Proofreading services</h2> <p>You can order editing/proofreading services on our website. When the writer starts working on this type of assignment, it is expected that he changes not more that 30% of the initial content. By proofreading we understand the check of your own written material for any orthography errors, grammar or stylistic mistakes, or the parts that were plagiarized (each written material is thoroughly checked with a plagiarism checker).</p> <p>Additionally, such type of assignment does not imply that the writer rewrites the content of the material you uploaded or writes a new paper from scratch upon it. Also, when this type of services is ordered, the writer cannot be asked to rewrite the article published somewhere online for the money paid as for editing/proofreading. We consider proofreading and rewriting as two absolutely different services that require two different orders.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="affiliate-program" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">Affiliate Program</h2> <p><strong>1. General Provisions</strong></p> <p>1.1. By joining the Affiliate Program, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.</p> <p>1.2. Affiliates are responsible for ensuring that their promotional activities comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.</p> <p>1.3. reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Affiliates will be notified of any changes, and continued participation in the program will constitute acceptance of the new terms.</p> <p>1.4. All affiliates must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the program.</p> <p>1.5. Payouts are processed on a monthly basis through PayPal or Cryptocurrency. reserves the right to delay payments if there are concerns regarding fraudulent activities or other breaches of these Terms and Conditions.</p> <p>1.6. The affiliate commission is $50 per referred client who completes a purchase through your referral link or coupon code.</p> <p>1.7. Affiliates must accurately represent’s services. Misleading or false statements about our products or services are strictly prohibited.</p> <p><strong>2. Prohibited Techniques</strong></p> <p>To maintain the integrity of the Affiliate Program, the following techniques are strictly prohibited. Violations of these rules may result in immediate termination of your affiliate account and forfeiture of any unpaid commissions:</p> <p>2.1. Cookie Stuffing:</p> <p>Affiliates are prohibited from using cookie stuffing techniques, where a cookie is placed on a user’s device without their knowledge or consent.</p> <p>2.2. Using iFrames:</p> <p>Embedding's pages or content within an iframe on your website or other platforms is not allowed.</p> <p>2.3. Email Spam:</p> <p>Sending unsolicited emails (spam) to promote is strictly prohibited. Affiliates must comply with all applicable laws, including CAN-SPAM and GDPR.</p> <p>2.4. Comment Spam:</p> <p>Posting spam comments on blogs, forums, social media, or any other platforms to promote your referral link is prohibited.</p> <p>2.5. Misleading Promotions:</p> <p>Affiliates may not make false or exaggerated claims about’s services or misrepresent the nature of the affiliate relationship.</p> <p>2.6. Brand Bidding:</p> <p>Bidding on’s brand name or any variations or misspellings thereof in any pay-per-click advertising is prohibited.</p> <p>2.7. Unauthorized Use of Creative Assets:</p> <p>Affiliates may only use approved banners, images, logos, and other creative assets provided by Modifying or creating your own versions of these assets without permission is prohibited.</p> <p>2.8. Use of Deceptive URLs:</p> <p>Affiliates must not use deceptive URLs or domains that impersonate or imply a false association with our brand.</p> <p><strong>3. Consequences of Violations</strong></p> <p>3.1. Any violation of these Terms and Conditions may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your affiliate account. In such cases, reserves the right to withhold any unpaid commissions.</p> <p>3.2. Affiliates found engaging in fraudulent activities or prohibited techniques will be permanently banned from the Affiliate Program.</p> <p>3.3. reserves the right to take legal action against affiliates who violate these Terms and Conditions, including seeking compensation for any damages incurred.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="prohibited-jurisdictions" role="tabpanel"> <div class="scroll-wrapper"> <h2 class="h1_title">PROHIBITED JURISDICTIONS</h2> <p class="text-uppercase">PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SECTION FULLY AND CAREFULLY. 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