讗住讟专讜谞讜诪讬讛 - 转诪讜谞转 讛讬讜诐 讘讗住讟专讜谞讜诪讬讛

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margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" align="center"><b><font size="7">转诪讜谞转 讛讬讜诐 讘讗住讟专讜谞讜诪讬讛</font></b></p> <p style="font-family: Arial; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" dir="rtl" align="center"><font style="font-size: 16px;" size="3"><a href="" target="_self"><strong>讙诇讜 讗转 讛讬拽讜诐!</strong></a>. 讘讻诇 讬讜诐 诪讜爪讙 砖讬拽讜祝 讗讜 转爪诇讜诐 砖讜谞讛 砖诇 讛讬拽讜诐 讛诪专转拽 砖诇谞讜, 诇爪讚 讛住讘专 拽爪专 诪驻专讬 注讟讜 砖诇 讗住讟专讜谞讜诐 诪拽爪讜注讬.</font></p><p style="font-family: Arial; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" dir="rtl" align="center"><font style="font-size: 16px;" size="3"><br> </font></p> <p dir="rtl" align="center" style="font-family: Arial;">13 讘谞讜讘诪讘专 2024</p><div style="font-family: Arial; text-align: center;"></div><table style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 128); border-image: initial; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; max-width: 100%;"> <tbody><tr><td style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 128); border-image: initial;"> <p> <font style="font-size: 14px;" size="3"><b> <img src=""> </b></font></p> </td></tr></tbody></table> <table width="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" height="0" style="font-family: Arial; 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font-size: 14px; text-align: right; line-height: normal; direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: embed;"><span style="font-family: david; font-size: 16px;"><b>讛住讘专</b>: <a href=""><b>NGC 1365 讛讬谞讛 讙诇拽住讬讛 住驻讬专讗诇讬转 注爪讜诪讛</b></a>&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: david; font-size: 16px;">注诐 诪讜讟 诪专讻讝讬,</span><span style="font-family: david; font-size: 16px;">&nbsp;讘拽讜讟专 砖诇 讻200,000 砖谞讜转 讗讜专, 讘诪专讞拽 砖诇 讻 56 诪讬诇讬讜谉 砖谞讜转 讗讜专 讘讻讬讜讜谉 拽讘讜爪转 讛讻讜讻讘讬诐 转谞讜专. 讙讜讚诇讛 讻驻讜诇 诇注专讱 诪砖讘讬诇 讛诇讘, 讛讙诇拽住讬讛 讘注诇转 讛诪讜讟 讛诪专讻讝讬 砖诇谞讜. 转爪诇讜诐 讞讚 讝讛 讗砖专 转讜注讚 诪讘注讚 诇诪爪诇诪转 讛讗讬谞驻专讗-讗讚讜诐 讛诪专讻讝讬 (MIRI) 砖诇 <a href=""><b>讟诇住拽讜驻 讛诇诇 讙壮讬讬诪住 讜讜讘</b></a> 讞讜砖祝 <a href=""><b>驻专讟讬诐 讬讜爪讗讬 讚讜驻谉</b></a> 砖诇 讛住驻讬专讗诇讛 讛诪专讛讬讘讛. 砖讚讛 讛专讗讬讛 诪转注讚 讻 60,000 砖谞讜转 讗讜专 诪 NGC 1365, 转讜讱 讞砖讬驻转 诇讬讘转 讛讙诇拽住讬讛 讬讞讚 注诐 爪讘讬专讬 讻讜讻讘讬诐 砖讝讛 诪拽专讜讘 谞讜爪专讜. 讛专砖转 讛诪讜专讻讘转 砖诇 讘讜注讜转 讜砖专讬讙讬 讗讘拽 谞讜爪专转 讘讬讚讬 讻讜讻讘讬诐 爪注讬专讬诐 诇讗讜专讱 讛讝专讜注讜转 讛住驻讬专讗诇讬讜转 讛谞驻专砖讜转 诪讛诪讜讟 讛诪专讻讝讬. 讗住讟专讜谞讜诪讬诐 诪注专讬讻讬诐 砖讛讻讜讞讜转 讛讙专讘讬讟爪讬讜谞讬讬诐 砖诇 讛诪讜讟 讛诪专讻讝讬 讘NGC 1365 诪诪诇讗讬诐 转驻拽讬讚 诪讻专讬注 讘讗讘讜诇讜爪讬讬转 讛讙诇拽住讬讛, 转讜讱 谞讬转讜讘 讙讝 讜讗讘拽 讗诇 注讘专 <a href=""><b>讗讝讜专讬 讬爪讬专转 讛讻讜讻讘讬诐 讛驻注讬诇讬诐</b></a>, 讜讘讛诪砖讱 讘讛讝谞转 讞讜诪专 讗诇 注讘专 <a href=""><b>讛讞讜专 讛砖讞讜专 讛住讜驻专诪讗住讬讘讬</b></a> 讛砖讜讻谉 讘诇讬讘转 讛讙诇拽住讬讛.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="RTL" style="font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; text-align: right; line-height: normal; direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: embed;"><span style="font-family: david; font-size: 16px;"><br> </span></p></div><p class="MsoNormal" dir="RTL" style="text-align: right; line-height: normal; direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: embed;"><font face="david"><span style="font-size: 16px;"><b>转专讙讜诐: <a href="">专讗砖讬转 诪讚注</a></b></span></font></p></td></tr></tbody></table><table style="font-family: Arial; border: 0px solid rgb(0, 0, 128);" width="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" height="0"><tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px solid rgb(0, 0, 128); border-image: none;"><div align="center"><font face="arial" style=""><p class="MsoNormal" dir="RTL" style="font-size: 14px; text-align: right; line-height: normal; direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: embed;"><font face="david" style="font-size: 16px;" size="3"><font style=""><br> </font></font></p></font></div> <b><span style="font-family: David;" lang="HE"><div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: right; 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<a href="">Jerry Bonnell</a> (<a href="">UMCP</a></p> <p align="center"><b>NASA Official: </b>Phillip Newman <a href="">Specific rights apply</a>.<br> <a href="">NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices</a><br> <b>A service of:</b> <a href="">ASD</a> at <a href="">NASA</a> / <a href="">GSFC</a> <br> <b>&amp;</b> <a href="">Michigan Tech. U.</a></p> <p align="center"><a href="">转诪讜谞转 讛讬讜诐 讘讗住讟专讜谞讜诪讬讛</a></p> </td></tr></tbody></table></b></b></div></td></tr></tbody></table><script>webaxyHiddenProperties = "lang=he&ID=827230_reshitmada";</script><script src="/htm-webaxy/editor/postEditors.js"></script></div><!-- txt0 end --> </td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> </table><!-- table3 end --> <!-- cells --> </td> </tr> </table><!-- table2 end --> </td> </tr> <!--from maofbiz--> <!--from maofbiz--> </table><!-- table1 end --> </td> </tr> </table><!-- table0 end --> <!--------- find word in file -----------> <script src="/htm-webaxy/select/findWords.js"></script> <script> self.setTimeout("try{findWords('')} catch(e) {}",1000); </script> <!-------------------------------------------> <script src="/htm-webaxy/javascript/bookmark.js"></script> <script> //for problem with iframe in IE6 try { if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") != -1 && frameElement){'96%'; } } catch(e) {} if ("" > 0) { var minHilightLinkDate = new Date(); minHilightLinkDate.setTime(minHilightLinkDate.getTime() - ("" * 86400 * 1000)); var yyyy = minHilightLinkDate.getFullYear(); var mm = minHilightLinkDate.getMonth() + 1; if (mm < 10) { mm = "0" + parseInt(mm); } var dd = minHilightLinkDate.getDate(); if (dd < 10) { dd = "0" + parseInt(dd); } var minHilightLinkDate_sql = yyyy+"-"+mm+"-"+dd; var trs = document.getElementsByTagName("tr"); var inLinkTrs = new Array(); for (var t = 0;t < trs.length; t++) { if (trs[t].getAttribute("name") && (trs[t].getAttribute("name").search(/in_link_tr_(\d+)/) == 0)) { inLinkTrs[inLinkTrs.length] = trs[t]; } } for (var t = 0; t < trs.length; t++) { if (!trs[t].getAttribute("linkUpdate")) { continue; } if (minHilightLinkDate_sql > trs[t].getAttribute("linkUpdate")) { continue; } for (var c = 0; c < trs[t].cells.length; c++) { trs[t].cells[c].className += " newLink"+c; var newIcon = document.createElement("img"); newIcon.src = "/htm-webaxy/multimedia/r1.gif"; newIcon.className = "newLink"+c; trs[t].cells[c].appendChild(newIcon); } trs[t].getAttribute("name").search(/(\d+)/); var cnum = RegExp.$1; for (var i = 0; i < inLinkTrs.length; i++) { if (inLinkTrs[i].getAttribute("name") == "in_link_tr_"+cnum) { for (var c = 0; c < inLinkTrs[i].cells.length; c++) { if (inLinkTrs[i].cells[c].className.indexOf("updInLink") == -1) { inLinkTrs[i].cells[c].className += " updInLink"+c; updInLinkIcon = document.createElement("img"); updInLinkIcon.src = "/htm-webaxy/multimedia/r1.gif"; updInLinkIcon.className = "updInLinkIcon"+c; inLinkTrs[i].cells[c].appendChild(updInLinkIcon); } } } } } } </script> </div> <!-- click admin --> <div id="FloatingEdit" style="position:absolute; visibility:visible; left:1px; top:1px; z-index:5"></div> <script id="s1"></script> <script src="/htm-webaxy/cookies.js"></script> <script> if (location.href.indexOf("") == -1) { var webaxyCookie = getCookieHash("webaxylogin_827230_reshitmada"); if (webaxyCookie['clickadmin']=='1') { var allCookie=''; for (var k in webaxyCookie){allCookie += (k+"=" + webaxyCookie[k]+"&");} var me = location.href.split('?'); document.getElementById("s1").src = "/cgi-webaxy/admin/"+me[0]+"&r="+Math.round((Math.random() * 1000))+"&"+allCookie; } } </script> <!-- click admin --> </body> </html>

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