Recipe Card Templates for SquareSpace, Wix, Blogger, Weebly, Shopify, Kajabi - Recipes Generator

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7.647,-0.941 9.766,-2.823 2.194,-1.962 3.294,-4.824 3.294,-8.589 0,-2.51 -0.55,-4.588 -1.648,-6.234 -0.942,-1.57 -2.432,-2.707 -4.47,-3.413 1.803,-0.628 3.059,-1.569 3.764,-2.824 0.706,-1.176 1.136,-3.176 1.294,-5.998 l 0.235,-4.825 v -1.529 c 0,-0.55 0.039,-1.059 0.118,-1.53 0.236,-1.412 0.707,-2.312 1.412,-2.705 h -9.177 c -0.393,0.782 -0.628,1.607 -0.705,2.471 -0.158,1.253 -0.235,2.117 -0.235,2.589 l -0.118,4.351 c -0.158,2.353 -0.629,4.038 -1.411,5.059 -0.864,0.862 -2.393,1.295 -4.588,1.295 H 0 v -15.765 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(521.0928,368.8633)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 36.234 c 0,1.177 0.412,2.177 1.235,3 0.824,0.824 1.824,1.236 3,1.236 H 29.411 V 33.529 H 8.234 v -8.705 h 15.765 v -2.706 c 0,-1.178 -0.411,-2.178 -1.236,-3.001 C 21.94,18.294 20.94,17.882 19.765,17.882 H 8.234 V 7.53 H 29.411 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(600.0801,382.8618)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -0.395,-4.705 -2.158,-8.392 -5.293,-11.056 -3.22,-2.591 -7.454,-3.884 -12.706,-3.884 -6.117,0 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1.235,3 0.824,0.823 1.824,1.236 3,1.236 H 9.647 c 4.314,0 7.53,-1.1 9.647,-3.294 2.196,-2.197 3.296,-5.453 3.296,-9.765 0,-4.079 -1.059,-7.294 -3.176,-9.646 -2.12,-2.199 -5.179,-3.296 -9.177,-3.296 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(679.1582,368.8633)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 36.234 c 0,1.177 0.413,2.177 1.234,3 0.825,0.824 1.826,1.236 3,1.236 H 29.412 V 33.529 H 8.235 v -8.705 h 15.764 v -2.706 c 0,-1.178 -0.412,-2.178 -1.233,-3.001 C 21.94,18.294 20.94,17.882 19.765,17.882 H 8.235 V 7.53 H 29.412 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(722.0293,381.4497)"> <path d="m 0,0 h 8.234 c 0.313,-2.352 1.217,-3.998 2.707,-4.939 1.569,-1.1 3.724,-1.647 6.469,-1.647 2.431,0 4.276,0.43 5.53,1.293 1.254,0.862 1.883,2.117 1.883,3.764 0,2.511 -3.529,4.55 -10.589,6.119 l -0.233,0.118 -0.942,0.234 c -4,0.862 -6.667,1.766 -8,2.707 -1.571,0.862 -2.667,2.118 -3.295,3.764 -0.785,1.412 -1.176,3.215 -1.176,5.412 0,3.842 1.333,6.862 4,9.058 2.664,2.118 6.548,3.177 11.646,3.177 4.785,0 8.472,-1.099 11.06,-3.294 2.664,-2.433 4.077,-5.608 4.234,-9.53 h -4.705 c -1.806,0 -3.099,0.825 -3.883,2.471 -0.392,0.783 -0.941,1.451 -1.646,2.001 -1.412,1.017 -3.336,1.529 -5.764,1.529 -2.354,0 -4.041,-0.433 -5.059,-1.294 -1.178,-0.864 -1.766,-2.079 -1.766,-3.648 0,-2.117 2.275,-3.688 6.825,-4.705 1.331,-0.393 2.311,-0.629 2.939,-0.706 1.413,-0.471 2.649,-0.844 3.708,-1.117 1.058,-0.277 1.9,-0.492 2.529,-0.648 1.097,-0.471 2.193,-0.94 3.293,-1.411 1.567,-0.942 2.784,-2.158 3.647,-3.649 0.862,-1.647 1.294,-3.451 1.294,-5.41 0,-4.237 -1.412,-7.53 -4.236,-9.884 -2.822,-2.196 -6.822,-3.293 -11.998,-3.293 -5.334,0 -9.334,1.135 -12.001,3.412 C 1.804,-7.843 0.233,-4.469 0,0"> </path> </g> </g> <g> <g transform="translate(490.8525,330.7803) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -0.561,-0.812 -1.232,-1.402 -2.01,-1.776 -0.81,-0.341 -1.698,-0.514 -2.663,-0.514 -2.306,0 -4.128,0.764 -5.467,2.29 -1.371,1.494 -2.055,3.55 -2.055,6.168 0,2.585 0.669,4.626 2.008,6.119 1.402,1.559 3.255,2.338 5.561,2.338 1.993,0 3.644,-0.482 4.952,-1.448 1.277,-1.029 2.041,-2.367 2.29,-4.019 H 0.374 c -0.655,0 -1.138,0.294 -1.45,0.888 -0.218,0.374 -0.53,0.717 -0.934,1.026 -0.623,0.437 -1.448,0.656 -2.476,0.656 -1.34,0 -2.399,-0.483 -3.177,-1.448 -0.779,-1.029 -1.169,-2.401 -1.169,-4.112 0,-1.746 0.404,-3.116 1.215,-4.111 0.778,-0.968 1.885,-1.451 3.318,-1.451 1.059,0 1.931,0.297 2.617,0.888 0.683,0.624 1.121,1.481 1.308,2.569 h -1.963 c -0.467,0 -0.865,0.165 -1.191,0.492 -0.327,0.328 -0.491,0.723 -0.491,1.193 V 6.821 H 2.663 V -1.916 H 1.775 c -0.872,0 -1.418,0.436 -1.636,1.308 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(508.3555,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 14.392 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.19 0.327,0.328 0.725,0.491 1.192,0.491 h 10 V 13.316 H 3.271 V 9.859 H 9.532 V 8.783 C 9.532,8.316 9.368,7.921 9.042,7.593 8.714,7.266 8.317,7.102 7.85,7.102 H 3.271 V 2.989 h 8.411 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(539.7363,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 14.392 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.19 0.327,0.328 0.725,0.507 1.192,0.538 H 3.458 L 9.999,5.046 V 16.12 H 13.27 V 0 H 9.859 L 3.271,11.074 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(572.7988,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 14.392 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.19 0.328,0.328 0.725,0.491 1.193,0.491 h 9.999 V 13.316 H 3.271 V 9.859 H 9.532 V 8.783 C 9.532,8.316 9.368,7.921 9.042,7.593 8.714,7.266 8.317,7.102 7.851,7.102 H 3.271 V 2.989 h 8.411 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(607.4971,339.9287) scale(1.5)"> <path d="M 0,0 H 3.879 C 4.72,0 5.343,0.171 5.748,0.514 6.151,0.856 6.355,1.386 6.355,2.103 6.355,2.819 6.151,3.349 5.748,3.691 5.374,4.065 4.812,4.252 4.065,4.252 H 0 Z M -3.317,-9.064 V 5.327 c 0,0.467 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.191 0.328,0.328 0.724,0.491 1.192,0.491 H 4.486 C 6.23,7.009 7.522,6.635 8.364,5.887 9.235,5.108 9.673,3.973 9.673,2.477 9.673,1.479 9.455,0.655 9.019,0 8.645,-0.624 8.053,-1.075 7.243,-1.354 c 0.716,-0.25 1.215,-0.625 1.494,-1.123 0.282,-0.466 0.452,-1.26 0.515,-2.382 l 0.093,-1.915 v -0.609 c 0,-0.219 0.015,-0.42 0.048,-0.606 0.092,-0.562 0.28,-0.921 0.56,-1.075 H 6.309 c -0.158,0.311 -0.25,0.636 -0.282,0.98 -0.061,0.498 -0.092,0.841 -0.092,1.029 l -0.046,1.728 c -0.064,0.934 -0.251,1.604 -0.562,2.01 -0.343,0.342 -0.95,0.513 -1.822,0.513 H 0 v -6.26 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(644.9062,344.7139) scale(1.5)"> <path d="M 0,0 -2.242,-6.821 H 2.243 Z M -0.747,3.224 H 1.869 L 7.71,-12.85 H 4.205 L 3.131,-9.532 H -3.13 l -1.028,-3.318 h -3.504 l 5.326,14.998 c 0.28,0.717 0.81,1.076 1.589,1.076"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(674.2695,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 13.224 h -4.767 v 1.168 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.491,1.19 0.328,0.328 0.724,0.491 1.192,0.491 H 8.036 V 13.224 H 3.317 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(702.0889,338.8994) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 c 0,-1.806 0.389,-3.176 1.168,-4.109 0.778,-0.967 1.884,-1.45 3.317,-1.45 1.402,0 2.507,0.483 3.318,1.45 C 8.612,-3.113 9.018,-1.743 9.018,0 9.018,1.747 8.612,3.132 7.803,4.161 6.992,5.126 5.887,5.608 4.485,5.608 3.052,5.608 1.946,5.126 1.168,4.161 0.389,3.194 0,1.809 0,0 m -3.317,0 c 0,2.618 0.684,4.69 2.055,6.217 1.463,1.525 3.38,2.289 5.747,2.289 2.337,0 4.253,-0.764 5.747,-2.289 1.404,-1.558 2.103,-3.629 2.103,-6.217 0,-2.584 -0.699,-4.641 -2.103,-6.165 -1.431,-1.496 -3.348,-2.244 -5.747,-2.244 -2.429,0 -4.345,0.748 -5.747,2.244 -1.371,1.493 -2.055,3.55 -2.055,6.165"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(737.6279,339.9287) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 h 3.878 c 0.841,0 1.465,0.171 1.87,0.514 0.404,0.342 0.606,0.872 0.606,1.589 0,0.716 -0.202,1.246 -0.606,1.588 C 5.374,4.065 4.813,4.252 4.065,4.252 H 0 Z M -3.317,-9.064 V 5.327 c 0,0.467 0.164,0.863 0.491,1.191 0.326,0.328 0.723,0.491 1.191,0.491 H 4.486 C 6.23,7.009 7.522,6.635 8.363,5.887 9.235,5.108 9.672,3.973 9.672,2.477 9.672,1.479 9.455,0.655 9.019,0 8.645,-0.624 8.052,-1.075 7.244,-1.354 c 0.715,-0.25 1.215,-0.625 1.493,-1.123 0.282,-0.466 0.452,-1.26 0.514,-2.382 l 0.096,-1.915 v -0.609 c 0,-0.219 0.014,-0.42 0.046,-0.606 0.092,-0.562 0.279,-0.921 0.56,-1.075 H 6.308 c -0.156,0.311 -0.25,0.636 -0.279,0.98 -0.064,0.498 -0.095,0.841 -0.095,1.029 l -0.046,1.728 c -0.063,0.934 -0.251,1.604 -0.561,2.01 -0.343,0.342 -0.951,0.513 -1.821,0.513 H 0 v -6.26 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(430.2729,364.6836)"> <path d="m 0,0 -2.166,-0.678 -0.038,-3.693 v -12.164 h -59.06 V -4.951 L -61.283,-0.678 -63.468,0 c -9.282,2.881 -15.51,11.332 -15.51,21.059 0,11.313 8.587,20.672 19.571,21.91 -0.426,-1.953 -0.638,-3.984 -0.638,-6.052 h 6.265 c 0,12.144 9.883,22.045 22.046,22.045 12.164,0 22.046,-9.901 22.046,-22.045 h 6.265 c 0,2.068 -0.212,4.099 -0.638,6.052 C 6.923,41.731 15.51,32.372 15.51,21.059 15.51,11.332 9.283,2.881 0,0 m -6.304,49.37 c -4.622,9.399 -14.291,15.858 -25.43,15.858 -11.139,0 -20.808,-6.459 -25.43,-15.858 -15.509,-0.135 -28.079,-12.783 -28.079,-28.311 0,-6.169 1.953,-12.028 5.627,-16.941 3.095,-4.138 7.329,-7.387 12.087,-9.32 v -26.262 c 0,-6.516 5.279,-11.815 11.816,-11.815 h 2.049 v 6.265 h -1.141 c -2.958,0 -5.492,1.875 -6.459,4.525 -0.27,0.735 -0.425,1.528 -0.425,2.359 v 0.445 c 0,0.831 0.155,1.624 0.425,2.36 0.967,2.649 3.501,4.524 6.459,4.524 H 4.062 v 17.599 c 4.756,1.933 8.992,5.182 12.086,9.32 3.674,4.913 5.627,10.772 5.627,16.941 0,15.528 -12.57,28.176 -28.079,28.311"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(393.2905,331.957)"> <path d="m 0,0 v -21.868 l -2.106,2.851 -2.852,3.86 -1.241,1.673 -1.051,-1.421 -2.67,-3.608 -2.482,-3.355 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(388.2104,394.4053)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -1.057,0 -1.917,-0.86 -1.917,-1.917 v -9.986 h -2.068 v 9.986 C -3.985,-0.86 -4.845,0 -5.902,0 -6.959,0 -7.819,-0.86 -7.819,-1.917 v -9.986 h -2.068 v 9.986 c 0,1.057 -0.86,1.917 -1.917,1.917 -1.057,0 -1.917,-0.86 -1.917,-1.917 V -13.82 c 0,-3.579 2.46,-6.711 5.902,-7.58 v -27.933 c 0,-1.057 0.86,-1.917 1.917,-1.917 1.057,0 1.917,0.86 1.917,1.917 V -21.4 c 3.441,0.869 5.902,4.001 5.902,7.58 V -1.917 C 1.917,-0.86 1.058,0 0,0"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(403.9771,394.1162)"> <path d="M 0,0 C -0.558,0.351 -1.273,0.383 -1.867,0.086 -6.162,-2.061 -8.83,-6.415 -8.83,-11.277 v -11.108 c 0,-3.579 2.461,-6.711 5.903,-7.58 v -19.079 c 0,-1.058 0.86,-1.917 1.917,-1.917 1.057,0 1.917,0.859 1.917,1.917 V -1.628 C 0.907,-0.96 0.567,-0.351 0,0"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(416.9302,394.4053)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -4.385,0 -7.819,-4.774 -7.819,-10.869 0,-5.054 2.41,-9.289 5.902,-10.454 v -28.01 c 0,-1.057 0.86,-1.917 1.917,-1.917 1.057,0 1.917,0.86 1.917,1.917 v 28.01 c 3.492,1.165 5.902,5.4 5.902,10.454 C 7.819,-4.774 4.384,0 0,0"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(437.1963,324.5371)"> <path d="m 0,0 c 0,-1.741 -1.392,-3.133 -3.133,-3.133 h -37.4 v 6.266 h 37.4 C -1.392,3.133 0,1.74 0,0"> </path> </g> </g> </g> </g> </svg> </a> <div class="navlinks-wrapper"> <button class="toggle-menu close-menu">脳</button> <a class="navlinks-wrapper__link" href="/#benefits" title="Recipes 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recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> This recipe card template gives you a nice, rounded image and shows the recipe title at the very top. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example41.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> This recipe card template is perfect if you want to display an image on full-scale. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example43.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> Looking at this recipe card example, you can see the "Recommended products" section where you can add some of your own/affiliated products for extra profit. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example42.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> Some of our users prefer this recipe card template for its small, rounded image. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example40.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> Here you can see a pin-it button (which can be added to any template) and checkboxes for the ingredients. Notice also how the ingredients and instructions are next to each other. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example39.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> This recipe card template is one of the most popular because, unlike some of the other templates, the image is fully displayed without being cut-off. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example38.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> This recipe card template is popular among some of our users since the ingredients and instructions are placed side by side and takes less vertical spaces (which means the visitors can see the full details without having to scroll down a lot) <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example31.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> Notice how the font in this recipe card example looks. This is because our recipe cards are programmed such that the font type and size of the recipe cards will match your website style. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> <div> <img src="images/examples/example32.png" alt="Stunning recipe card template - Recipes Generator"> <p class="example-description"> This one is perfect if your users like to browse recipes on their mobiles. The template design is clean and to the point, making it easy for your users to find ingredients to shop for, and to follow the recipe without too much scrolling. <button class="button example-cta" data-fsc-action="Add,Checkout" data-fsc-item-path-value="recipes-generator">Create a similar recipe card</button> </p> </div> </div> </section> <div class="homepage-section hidden" id="pricing" style="margin: 100px 0;"> <h3 class="heading" style="margin-bottom: 40px;">Affordable Pricing</h3> <div class="pricing-vessel" style="min-height: 480px;"></div> </div> <script> let db ="firebaseLocalStorageDb"); let isLoggedIn = false; db.addEventListener("success", function () { if (db.result.objectStoreNames.length > 0) { isLoggedIn = true; } }); fetch('/components/pricing-tables') .then((response) => response.text()) .then((html) => { let parser = new DOMParser(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); doc.querySelectorAll(".pricing-table-button").forEach((item) => { item.setAttribute("data-fsc-item-path-value", item.getAttribute("data-product-path")); item.innerHTML = ` Get Started <span class="button-text">7 days money back guarantee</span> `; }); if (!userEmail && !isLoggedIn) { let price = doc.querySelectorAll(".pricing-table__price"); price[0].textContent = window.p1 || '24'; price[1].textContent = window.p2 || price[1].textContent; } document.querySelector(".pricing-vessel").innerHTML = doc.querySelector('body').innerHTML; }).catch(function (err) { console.error('Something went wrong.', err); }); </script> <footer class="main-footer hidden"> <div class="main-footer__inner"> <div class="main-footer__col"> <h5 class="main-footer__title">Quick links</h5> <p><a class="main-footer__link" href="/#benefits">Why use Recipes Generator</a></p> <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/#features">Features</a></p> <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/#testimonials">Testimonials</a></p> <!-- <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/#pricing">Pricing</a></p> --> <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/#faqs">Frequently asked questions</a></p> </div> <div class="main-footer__col"> <h5 class="main-footer__title">Explore</h5> <!-- <p><a class="main-footer__link" href="/recipe-card-for-wix">Wix recipe plugin</a></p> --> <!-- <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/recipe-card-for-squarespace">Squarespace recipe plugin</a> --> <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/recipe-card-templates">Recipe card templates</a></p> <p class="mtm"><a class="main-footer__link" href="/blog">Blog</a></p> </div> <div class="main-footer__col"> <h5 class="main-footer__title">Newsletter</h5> <p>Subscribe to our newsletter for news and special discounts delivered to your inbox</p> <form class="mtm" action=";id=3c79d1d215" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank"> <div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll" style="display: flex;"> <input type="form-control" value="" name="EMAIL" class="form-control" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="Enter your email address" required=""> <div style="position: absolute;opacity: 0;visibility: hidden;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_450ee404939660d9a13b54e5d_3c79d1d215" tabindex="-1" value=""></div> <input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button button-secondary" style="margin-left: 10px;border:0;"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </footer> <script src="js/on-order-complete.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script id='fsc-api' data-popup-webhook-received='onOrderComplete' data-storefront='' src='' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src="/__/firebase/8.4.1/firebase-app.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/8.4.1/firebase-analytics.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/init.js"></script> <script>;</script> </body> </html>

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