Recipe Card Generator Plugin for SquareSpace & Wix

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Recipes Generator offer recipe card plugin, template for SquareSpace, WIX, Blogger, Weebly and more."> <meta name="keywords" content="How To Create A Recipe Card On Squarespace, How To Make A Recipe Card For Blog, Json-Ld Code WIX, Recipe Card For Squarespace, Recipe Card For WIX, Recipe Card Generator, Recipe Card Plugin For Blogger, Recipe Card Plugin For Squarespace, Recipe Card Plugin for WIX, Recipe Card Plugin Squarespace, Recipe Card Plugin WIX, Recipe Card Squarespace, Recipe Card Template For Blogger, Recipe Card Weebly, Recipe Card WIX, Recipe Cards For Squarespace, Recipe Generator For Squarespace, Recipe Plugin Squarespace, Recipe Plugin Weebly, Recipe Plugin WIX, Recipe.Generator, Recipegenerator, Recipes Generator, Squarespace Recipe Plugin, WIX Recipe Plugin" /> <link href=";600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Lucky Orange --> <script type='text/javascript'> if (!localStorage.getItem("userEmail")) { window.__lo_site_id = 248924; (function () { var wa = 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4.706,1.294 1.018,0.861 1.53,2.195 1.53,4 0,1.803 -0.512,3.135 -1.53,3.999 -0.941,0.941 -2.353,1.413 -4.235,1.413 L 0,10.706 Z M -8.353,-22.824 V 13.41 c 0,1.177 0.412,2.177 1.235,3.001 0.824,0.823 1.824,1.235 3.001,1.235 h 15.41 c 4.393,0 7.647,-0.941 9.766,-2.823 2.194,-1.962 3.294,-4.824 3.294,-8.589 0,-2.51 -0.55,-4.588 -1.648,-6.234 -0.942,-1.57 -2.432,-2.707 -4.47,-3.413 1.803,-0.628 3.059,-1.569 3.764,-2.824 0.706,-1.176 1.136,-3.176 1.294,-5.998 l 0.235,-4.825 v -1.529 c 0,-0.55 0.039,-1.059 0.118,-1.53 0.236,-1.412 0.707,-2.312 1.412,-2.705 h -9.177 c -0.393,0.782 -0.628,1.607 -0.705,2.471 -0.158,1.253 -0.235,2.117 -0.235,2.589 l -0.118,4.351 c -0.158,2.353 -0.629,4.038 -1.411,5.059 -0.864,0.862 -2.393,1.295 -4.588,1.295 H 0 v -15.765 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(521.0928,368.8633)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 36.234 c 0,1.177 0.412,2.177 1.235,3 0.824,0.824 1.824,1.236 3,1.236 H 29.411 V 33.529 H 8.234 v -8.705 h 15.765 v -2.706 c 0,-1.178 -0.411,-2.178 -1.236,-3.001 C 21.94,18.294 20.94,17.882 19.765,17.882 H 8.234 V 7.53 H 29.411 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(600.0801,382.8618)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -0.395,-4.705 -2.158,-8.392 -5.293,-11.056 -3.22,-2.591 -7.454,-3.884 -12.706,-3.884 -6.117,0 -10.784,1.843 -14.001,5.529 -3.216,3.53 -4.822,8.744 -4.822,15.648 0,7.058 1.646,12.352 4.939,15.882 3.372,3.686 8.237,5.529 14.589,5.529 5.176,0 9.293,-1.294 12.352,-3.883 2.901,-2.511 4.547,-6.04 4.942,-10.587 h -5.06 c -1.882,0 -3.215,0.823 -4,2.47 -0.549,1.019 -1.215,1.921 -2,2.706 -1.57,1.177 -3.646,1.764 -6.234,1.764 -3.608,0 -6.393,-1.175 -8.352,-3.529 -1.882,-2.353 -2.825,-5.804 -2.825,-10.352 0,-4.395 0.943,-7.766 2.825,-10.117 1.802,-2.433 4.509,-3.65 8.118,-3.65 2.508,0 4.588,0.629 6.234,1.884 1.489,1.175 2.548,3.058 3.176,5.646 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(613.8896,368.8633)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 36.234 c 0,1.177 0.412,2.177 1.234,3 0.825,0.824 1.825,1.236 3,1.236 H 8.352 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(642.9932,390.6284)"> <path d="m 0,0 h 8.118 c 2.195,0 3.766,0.469 4.707,1.411 1.019,0.862 1.529,2.353 1.529,4.471 0,1.803 -0.47,3.253 -1.412,4.353 -1.098,0.941 -2.549,1.411 -4.353,1.411 H 0 Z m 0,-7.296 v -14.469 h -8.352 v 36.234 c 0,1.177 0.413,2.177 1.235,3 0.824,0.823 1.824,1.236 3,1.236 H 9.647 c 4.314,0 7.53,-1.1 9.647,-3.294 2.196,-2.197 3.296,-5.453 3.296,-9.765 0,-4.079 -1.059,-7.294 -3.176,-9.646 -2.12,-2.199 -5.179,-3.296 -9.177,-3.296 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(679.1582,368.8633)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 36.234 c 0,1.177 0.413,2.177 1.234,3 0.825,0.824 1.826,1.236 3,1.236 H 29.412 V 33.529 H 8.235 v -8.705 h 15.764 v -2.706 c 0,-1.178 -0.412,-2.178 -1.233,-3.001 C 21.94,18.294 20.94,17.882 19.765,17.882 H 8.235 V 7.53 H 29.412 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(722.0293,381.4497)"> <path d="m 0,0 h 8.234 c 0.313,-2.352 1.217,-3.998 2.707,-4.939 1.569,-1.1 3.724,-1.647 6.469,-1.647 2.431,0 4.276,0.43 5.53,1.293 1.254,0.862 1.883,2.117 1.883,3.764 0,2.511 -3.529,4.55 -10.589,6.119 l -0.233,0.118 -0.942,0.234 c -4,0.862 -6.667,1.766 -8,2.707 -1.571,0.862 -2.667,2.118 -3.295,3.764 -0.785,1.412 -1.176,3.215 -1.176,5.412 0,3.842 1.333,6.862 4,9.058 2.664,2.118 6.548,3.177 11.646,3.177 4.785,0 8.472,-1.099 11.06,-3.294 2.664,-2.433 4.077,-5.608 4.234,-9.53 h -4.705 c -1.806,0 -3.099,0.825 -3.883,2.471 -0.392,0.783 -0.941,1.451 -1.646,2.001 -1.412,1.017 -3.336,1.529 -5.764,1.529 -2.354,0 -4.041,-0.433 -5.059,-1.294 -1.178,-0.864 -1.766,-2.079 -1.766,-3.648 0,-2.117 2.275,-3.688 6.825,-4.705 1.331,-0.393 2.311,-0.629 2.939,-0.706 1.413,-0.471 2.649,-0.844 3.708,-1.117 1.058,-0.277 1.9,-0.492 2.529,-0.648 1.097,-0.471 2.193,-0.94 3.293,-1.411 1.567,-0.942 2.784,-2.158 3.647,-3.649 0.862,-1.647 1.294,-3.451 1.294,-5.41 0,-4.237 -1.412,-7.53 -4.236,-9.884 -2.822,-2.196 -6.822,-3.293 -11.998,-3.293 -5.334,0 -9.334,1.135 -12.001,3.412 C 1.804,-7.843 0.233,-4.469 0,0"> </path> </g> </g> <g> <g transform="translate(490.8525,330.7803) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -0.561,-0.812 -1.232,-1.402 -2.01,-1.776 -0.81,-0.341 -1.698,-0.514 -2.663,-0.514 -2.306,0 -4.128,0.764 -5.467,2.29 -1.371,1.494 -2.055,3.55 -2.055,6.168 0,2.585 0.669,4.626 2.008,6.119 1.402,1.559 3.255,2.338 5.561,2.338 1.993,0 3.644,-0.482 4.952,-1.448 1.277,-1.029 2.041,-2.367 2.29,-4.019 H 0.374 c -0.655,0 -1.138,0.294 -1.45,0.888 -0.218,0.374 -0.53,0.717 -0.934,1.026 -0.623,0.437 -1.448,0.656 -2.476,0.656 -1.34,0 -2.399,-0.483 -3.177,-1.448 -0.779,-1.029 -1.169,-2.401 -1.169,-4.112 0,-1.746 0.404,-3.116 1.215,-4.111 0.778,-0.968 1.885,-1.451 3.318,-1.451 1.059,0 1.931,0.297 2.617,0.888 0.683,0.624 1.121,1.481 1.308,2.569 h -1.963 c -0.467,0 -0.865,0.165 -1.191,0.492 -0.327,0.328 -0.491,0.723 -0.491,1.193 V 6.821 H 2.663 V -1.916 H 1.775 c -0.872,0 -1.418,0.436 -1.636,1.308 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(508.3555,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 14.392 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.19 0.327,0.328 0.725,0.491 1.192,0.491 h 10 V 13.316 H 3.271 V 9.859 H 9.532 V 8.783 C 9.532,8.316 9.368,7.921 9.042,7.593 8.714,7.266 8.317,7.102 7.85,7.102 H 3.271 V 2.989 h 8.411 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(539.7363,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 14.392 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.19 0.327,0.328 0.725,0.507 1.192,0.538 H 3.458 L 9.999,5.046 V 16.12 H 13.27 V 0 H 9.859 L 3.271,11.074 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(572.7988,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 14.392 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.19 0.328,0.328 0.725,0.491 1.193,0.491 h 9.999 V 13.316 H 3.271 V 9.859 H 9.532 V 8.783 C 9.532,8.316 9.368,7.921 9.042,7.593 8.714,7.266 8.317,7.102 7.851,7.102 H 3.271 V 2.989 h 8.411 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(607.4971,339.9287) scale(1.5)"> <path d="M 0,0 H 3.879 C 4.72,0 5.343,0.171 5.748,0.514 6.151,0.856 6.355,1.386 6.355,2.103 6.355,2.819 6.151,3.349 5.748,3.691 5.374,4.065 4.812,4.252 4.065,4.252 H 0 Z M -3.317,-9.064 V 5.327 c 0,0.467 0.164,0.863 0.49,1.191 0.328,0.328 0.724,0.491 1.192,0.491 H 4.486 C 6.23,7.009 7.522,6.635 8.364,5.887 9.235,5.108 9.673,3.973 9.673,2.477 9.673,1.479 9.455,0.655 9.019,0 8.645,-0.624 8.053,-1.075 7.243,-1.354 c 0.716,-0.25 1.215,-0.625 1.494,-1.123 0.282,-0.466 0.452,-1.26 0.515,-2.382 l 0.093,-1.915 v -0.609 c 0,-0.219 0.015,-0.42 0.048,-0.606 0.092,-0.562 0.28,-0.921 0.56,-1.075 H 6.309 c -0.158,0.311 -0.25,0.636 -0.282,0.98 -0.061,0.498 -0.092,0.841 -0.092,1.029 l -0.046,1.728 c -0.064,0.934 -0.251,1.604 -0.562,2.01 -0.343,0.342 -0.95,0.513 -1.822,0.513 H 0 v -6.26 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(644.9062,344.7139) scale(1.5)"> <path d="M 0,0 -2.242,-6.821 H 2.243 Z M -0.747,3.224 H 1.869 L 7.71,-12.85 H 4.205 L 3.131,-9.532 H -3.13 l -1.028,-3.318 h -3.504 l 5.326,14.998 c 0.28,0.717 0.81,1.076 1.589,1.076"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(674.2695,326.8643) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 v 13.224 h -4.767 v 1.168 c 0,0.466 0.164,0.863 0.491,1.19 0.328,0.328 0.724,0.491 1.192,0.491 H 8.036 V 13.224 H 3.317 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(702.0889,338.8994) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 c 0,-1.806 0.389,-3.176 1.168,-4.109 0.778,-0.967 1.884,-1.45 3.317,-1.45 1.402,0 2.507,0.483 3.318,1.45 C 8.612,-3.113 9.018,-1.743 9.018,0 9.018,1.747 8.612,3.132 7.803,4.161 6.992,5.126 5.887,5.608 4.485,5.608 3.052,5.608 1.946,5.126 1.168,4.161 0.389,3.194 0,1.809 0,0 m -3.317,0 c 0,2.618 0.684,4.69 2.055,6.217 1.463,1.525 3.38,2.289 5.747,2.289 2.337,0 4.253,-0.764 5.747,-2.289 1.404,-1.558 2.103,-3.629 2.103,-6.217 0,-2.584 -0.699,-4.641 -2.103,-6.165 -1.431,-1.496 -3.348,-2.244 -5.747,-2.244 -2.429,0 -4.345,0.748 -5.747,2.244 -1.371,1.493 -2.055,3.55 -2.055,6.165"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(737.6279,339.9287) scale(1.5)"> <path d="m 0,0 h 3.878 c 0.841,0 1.465,0.171 1.87,0.514 0.404,0.342 0.606,0.872 0.606,1.589 0,0.716 -0.202,1.246 -0.606,1.588 C 5.374,4.065 4.813,4.252 4.065,4.252 H 0 Z M -3.317,-9.064 V 5.327 c 0,0.467 0.164,0.863 0.491,1.191 0.326,0.328 0.723,0.491 1.191,0.491 H 4.486 C 6.23,7.009 7.522,6.635 8.363,5.887 9.235,5.108 9.672,3.973 9.672,2.477 9.672,1.479 9.455,0.655 9.019,0 8.645,-0.624 8.052,-1.075 7.244,-1.354 c 0.715,-0.25 1.215,-0.625 1.493,-1.123 0.282,-0.466 0.452,-1.26 0.514,-2.382 l 0.096,-1.915 v -0.609 c 0,-0.219 0.014,-0.42 0.046,-0.606 0.092,-0.562 0.279,-0.921 0.56,-1.075 H 6.308 c -0.156,0.311 -0.25,0.636 -0.279,0.98 -0.064,0.498 -0.095,0.841 -0.095,1.029 l -0.046,1.728 c -0.063,0.934 -0.251,1.604 -0.561,2.01 -0.343,0.342 -0.951,0.513 -1.821,0.513 H 0 v -6.26 z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(430.2729,364.6836)"> <path d="m 0,0 -2.166,-0.678 -0.038,-3.693 v -12.164 h -59.06 V -4.951 L -61.283,-0.678 -63.468,0 c -9.282,2.881 -15.51,11.332 -15.51,21.059 0,11.313 8.587,20.672 19.571,21.91 -0.426,-1.953 -0.638,-3.984 -0.638,-6.052 h 6.265 c 0,12.144 9.883,22.045 22.046,22.045 12.164,0 22.046,-9.901 22.046,-22.045 h 6.265 c 0,2.068 -0.212,4.099 -0.638,6.052 C 6.923,41.731 15.51,32.372 15.51,21.059 15.51,11.332 9.283,2.881 0,0 m -6.304,49.37 c -4.622,9.399 -14.291,15.858 -25.43,15.858 -11.139,0 -20.808,-6.459 -25.43,-15.858 -15.509,-0.135 -28.079,-12.783 -28.079,-28.311 0,-6.169 1.953,-12.028 5.627,-16.941 3.095,-4.138 7.329,-7.387 12.087,-9.32 v -26.262 c 0,-6.516 5.279,-11.815 11.816,-11.815 h 2.049 v 6.265 h -1.141 c -2.958,0 -5.492,1.875 -6.459,4.525 -0.27,0.735 -0.425,1.528 -0.425,2.359 v 0.445 c 0,0.831 0.155,1.624 0.425,2.36 0.967,2.649 3.501,4.524 6.459,4.524 H 4.062 v 17.599 c 4.756,1.933 8.992,5.182 12.086,9.32 3.674,4.913 5.627,10.772 5.627,16.941 0,15.528 -12.57,28.176 -28.079,28.311"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(393.2905,331.957)"> <path d="m 0,0 v -21.868 l -2.106,2.851 -2.852,3.86 -1.241,1.673 -1.051,-1.421 -2.67,-3.608 -2.482,-3.355 V 0 Z"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(388.2104,394.4053)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -1.057,0 -1.917,-0.86 -1.917,-1.917 v -9.986 h -2.068 v 9.986 C -3.985,-0.86 -4.845,0 -5.902,0 -6.959,0 -7.819,-0.86 -7.819,-1.917 v -9.986 h -2.068 v 9.986 c 0,1.057 -0.86,1.917 -1.917,1.917 -1.057,0 -1.917,-0.86 -1.917,-1.917 V -13.82 c 0,-3.579 2.46,-6.711 5.902,-7.58 v -27.933 c 0,-1.057 0.86,-1.917 1.917,-1.917 1.057,0 1.917,0.86 1.917,1.917 V -21.4 c 3.441,0.869 5.902,4.001 5.902,7.58 V -1.917 C 1.917,-0.86 1.058,0 0,0"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(403.9771,394.1162)"> <path d="M 0,0 C -0.558,0.351 -1.273,0.383 -1.867,0.086 -6.162,-2.061 -8.83,-6.415 -8.83,-11.277 v -11.108 c 0,-3.579 2.461,-6.711 5.903,-7.58 v -19.079 c 0,-1.058 0.86,-1.917 1.917,-1.917 1.057,0 1.917,0.859 1.917,1.917 V -1.628 C 0.907,-0.96 0.567,-0.351 0,0"> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(416.9302,394.4053)"> <path d="m 0,0 c -4.385,0 -7.819,-4.774 -7.819,-10.869 0,-5.054 2.41,-9.289 5.902,-10.454 v -28.01 c 0,-1.057 0.86,-1.917 1.917,-1.917 1.057,0 1.917,0.86 1.917,1.917 v 28.01 c 3.492,1.165 5.902,5.4 5.902,10.454 C 7.819,-4.774 4.384,0 0,0"> </path> </g> <g 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