UK Competition Authority - Concurrences
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Its aim is to make markets work well for consumers, businesses and the economy. From 1 April 2014 Competition and Markets Authority took over many of the functions of the Competition Commission (CC) and the Office of Fair Trading (OFT).</p></div> <div class="p"> <a href="//en/authors/uk-competition-authority#contact" class="btn btn-contact btn-contact-rwd btn-primary-border popin pull-left" data-href-popin="#contact">Contact</a> <div class="social-links social-links-rwd pull-right"> <a href=""> Linkedin</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-aside"> <div class="liste auteurs co-auteurs"> <h2>Linked authors</h2> <div class="liste-items liste-items-well"> <div class='ajaxbloc' data-ajax-env='1/rzRhK9u1Abx6ATopfrmm0GKahZ2LM2IGxG2YKE7Any8CAm7OXxy4cKAJwlDsTsivtstHEeVkOEn4OHQfUp4TJZmwByPuZMmInkOE+vhUlFu+tFudOBWe1u+C55er+u43k2f2xcYaw/fpIvUIdW7sDHIvfBixo3ppuIjQHTLl4vzL1m/l7+AU2f7gmmSz4p/AV3E06KsQ9TiDyOK2iAhRaEgTwplknHYXMq9BAjTor6vDBtf+wsUGXAzM7KEJnMZAuxySPEMiWveQ==' data-origin="//en/authors/uk-competition-authority"> <div class="item"><div class="entry auteur" itemscope itemtype=""> <strong class="entry-title"> <a href="en/authors/louise-aberg" itemprop="url"> <span class='logo-img-wrapper spip_logo' style="width:35px;"><span class="img" style="display:block;position:relative;height:0;width:100%;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden;background:url(local/cache-vignettes/L70xH70/louise_aberg-09496.png?1711359615) no-repeat center;background-size:100%;"> </span></span> <span itemprop="name" class="nom">Louise Aberg</span></a> </strong> <div class="entry-content"> <span class='organisation' itemprop="worksFor" itemtype="">UK Competition & Markets Authority - CMA (London)</span> </div> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="pays">United Kingdom</span> <span class="articles"><em>20</em> contributions</span> <span class="visites"><em>8523</em> visits</span> </div> </div></div> <div class="item"><div class="entry auteur" itemscope itemtype=""> <strong class="entry-title"> <a href="en/auteur/Sue-Aspinall" itemprop="url"> <span class='logo-img-wrapper spip_logo' style="width:35px;"><span class="img" style="display:block;position:relative;height:0;width:100%;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden;background:url(local/cache-vignettes/L70xH70/auton53170-ff479.jpg?1711359615) no-repeat center;background-size:100%;"> </span></span> <span itemprop="name" class="nom">Sue Aspinall</span></a> </strong> <div class="entry-content"> <span class='organisation' itemprop="worksFor" itemtype="">UK Competition & Markets Authority - CMA (London)</span> </div> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="pays">United Kingdom</span> <span class="articles"><em>1</em> contribution</span> <span class="visites"><em>706</em> visits</span> </div> </div></div> <div class="item"><div class="entry auteur" itemscope itemtype=""> <strong class="entry-title"> <a href="en/auteur/Kirstin-Baker" itemprop="url"> <span class='logo-img-wrapper spip_logo' style="width:35px;"><span class="img" style="display:block;position:relative;height:0;width:100%;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden;background:url(local/cache-vignettes/L70xH69/auton2521-46b06.jpg?1711359615) no-repeat center;background-size:100%;"> </span></span> <span itemprop="name" class="nom">Kirstin Baker</span></a> </strong> <div class="entry-content"> <span class='organisation' itemprop="worksFor" itemtype="">UK Competition & Markets Authority - CMA (London)</span> </div> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="pays">United Kingdom</span> <span class="articles"><em>4</em> contributions</span> <span class="visites"><em>785</em> visits</span> </div> </div></div> <div class="item"><div class="entry auteur" itemscope itemtype=""> <strong class="entry-title"> <a href="en/authors/joel-bamford" itemprop="url"> <span class='logo-img-wrapper spip_logo' style="width:35px;"><span class="img" style="display:block;position:relative;height:0;width:100%;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden;background:url(local/cache-vignettes/L70xH70/joel_bamford_photo-a56a4.png?1712843568) no-repeat center;background-size:100%;"> </span></span> <span itemprop="name" class="nom">Joel Bamford</span></a> </strong> <div class="entry-content"> <span class='organisation' itemprop="worksFor" itemtype="">UK Competition & Markets Authority - CMA (London)</span> </div> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="pays">United Kingdom</span> <span class="articles"><em>7</em> contributions</span> <span class="visites"><em>16632</em> visits</span> </div> </div></div> <div class="item"><div class="entry auteur" itemscope itemtype=""> <strong class="entry-title"> <a href="en/auteurs/catherine-batchelor" itemprop="url"> <span class='logo-img-wrapper spip_logo' style="width:35px;"><span class="img" style="display:block;position:relative;height:0;width:100%;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden;background:url(local/cache-vignettes/L70xH70/auton129389-28973.png?1711359615) no-repeat center;background-size:100%;"> </span></span> <span itemprop="name" class="nom">Catherine Batchelor</span></a> </strong> <div class="entry-content"> <span class='organisation' itemprop="worksFor" itemtype="">UK Competition & Markets Authority - CMA (London)</span> </div> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="pays">United Kingdom</span> <span class="articles"><em>1</em> contribution</span> <span class="visites"><em>775</em> visits</span> </div> </div></div> <div class="pagination more center"><a id='pagination_coauteurs' class='pagination_ancre'></a> <ul class="pager"> <li class="next"><a href='//en/authors/uk-competition-authority?debut_coauteurs=5#pagination_coauteurs' class='lien_pagination more' rel='next'>More…</a></li> </ul></div> </div><!--ajaxbloc--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section_primary section_articles"> <div class="section__container"> <h2 class="content-inner-title"><span>Articles</span></h2> <div class="row articles colonnes_1"> <div class="col-xs-5 "> <div class="liste articles secteur_21"> <h3 class="h1"><span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye"></i> 121277</span> <span class="sep"></span> Bulletin</h3> <div class="liste-items"> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/latest/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-provisional-findings-of-its-market" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes provisional findings of its market inquiry into mobile browsers and cloud gaming</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-11-21T23:00:00Z">22 November 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 154</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-122084 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes provisional findings in Mobile Browsers and Cloud Gaming market investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Findings by an independent inquiry group suggest Apple’s policies are holding back innovation in the browsers we use to access the web on mobile phones. report provisionally recommends that the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/latest/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-pharmaceutical-manufacturer-l1-5m-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a pharmaceutical manufacturer £1.5M for failing to comply with compulsory merger restrictions <em>(Viatris)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-11-21T23:00:00Z">22 November 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 131</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-122085 introduction entry-content"> <p>Viatris fined £1.5m for failure to comply with CMA order* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Viatris failed to comply with compulsory restrictions imposed during the CMA’s review of its deal with Theramex. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has fined Viatris Inc. £1.5 million for failing to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/latest/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-fines-2-pharmaceutical-companies-l69m-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the Competition Authority’s decision to fine 2 pharmaceutical companies £69M for charging excessive prices for key epilepsy medication <em>(Pfizer / Flynn)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-11-19T23:00:00Z">20 November 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 306</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121960 introduction entry-content"> <p>Tribunal fines drug firms £69m for excessive pricing after CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Firms which raised prices for key epilepsy medicine – causing NHS costs to soar to £50 million – found by the CAT to have breached competition law. In a judgment handed down today, the CAT found that Pfizer and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-proposed-telecom-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a proposed telecom merger could address competition concerns through network investment and customer protections <em>(Vodafone / Three)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-11-04T23:00:00Z">5 November 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 83</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121486 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally finds Vodafone / Three could address competition concerns through network investment and customer protections* <br class='autobr' /> CMA inquiry group investigating Vodafone / Three merger publishes Remedies Working Paper. CMA inquiry group investigating Vodafone / Three merger publishes Remedies (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-state-of-competition-report-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes its State of Competition report and launches a programme of work to support the Government’s growth mission</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-10-23T22:00:00Z">24 October 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 144</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121287 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches programme of work to support growth mission* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA announces a new growth-focused work programme from its Microeconomics Unit alongside publication of its third State of Competition report. <br class='autobr' /> To support the UK government’s growth mission and Industrial Strategy, the Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-mandates-the-divestment-of-sites-in-nottingham-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority mandates the divestment of sites in Nottingham and Stoke-on-Trent following a merger in the ventilation systems market <em>(Lindab / HAS-Vent)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-10-14T22:00:00Z">15 October 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 37</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120972 introduction entry-content"> <p>Lindab required to sell sites in Nottingham and Stoke-on-Trent after ventilation merger investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA found Lindab’s acquisition of HAS-Vent reduced competition in 2 areas of the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Having carried out an in-depth Phase 2 merger inquiry, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="content-inner-more"> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-provisional-concerns-over-a-proposed-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises provisional concerns over a proposed merger in the telecommunications sector <em>(Vodafone / Three)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-09-12T22:00:00Z">13 September 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 54</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120670 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA sets out provisional view on Vodafone / Three merger* <br class='autobr' /> Merger could lead to millions of customers having to pay more. CMA will explore potential solutions to its concerns before final decision by 7 December. Merger could lead to tens of millions of mobile customers having to pay more. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-a-call-for-comment-in-its-investigation" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues a call for comment in its investigation into the proposed acquisition of a British producer of soft drinks by a multinational brewer <em>(Carlsberg / Britvic)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-09-09T22:00:00Z">10 September 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 73</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120588 introduction entry-content"> <p>Carlsberg / Britvic merger inquiry* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by Carlsberg UK Holdings Limited of Britvic PLC. Case type: Mergers <br class='autobr' /> Case state: Open <br class='autobr' /> Market sector: Recreation and leisure <br class='autobr' /> Opened: 10 September 2024 <br class='autobr' /> Contents <br class='autobr' /> Statutory timetable Invitation to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-big-tech-company-used" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a Big Tech company used its dominance to favour its own ad tech services in open-display advertising <em>(Google Ad Tech)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-09-05T22:00:00Z">6 September 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 90</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120526 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA objects to Google’s ad tech practices in bid to help UK advertisers and publishers* <br class='autobr' /> Statement of objections sets out how Google may have broken competition law by using its dominance to favour its own ad tech services in open-display advertising. The CMA provisionally finds that Google has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2024/the-uk-court-of-appeal-rules-in-favour-of-the-competition-authority-s-procedure" rel="bookmark">The UK Court of Appeal rules in favour of the Competition Authority’s procedure of finding an illegal market sharing agreement in the supply of the essential medicine hydrocortisone <em>(Auden Mckenzie / Actavis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-09-05T22:00:00Z">6 September 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 174</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120527 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins drug market sharing appeal* <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Appeal has upheld the CMA’s finding of cartel infringement relating to an illegal market sharing agreement in the supply of an essential medicine. <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Appeal (CoA) has today ruled in favour of the Competition and Markets Authority (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-closes-its-investigation-into-an-education" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority closes its investigation into an education software firm following developments in the market <em>(ESS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-08-28T22:00:00Z">29 August 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 12</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120467 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA closes ESS case following developments in the market* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has closed its investigation into education software firm ESS after developments in the market meant its intervention is not currently needed. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened its case into ESS in May this (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-local-competition-concerns-for-nottingham" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds local competition concerns for Nottingham and Stoke-on-Trent in its Phase II review of the completed ventilation merger <em>(Lindab / HAS-Vent)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-08-21T22:00:00Z">22 August 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 29</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120391 introduction entry-content"> <p>Deal could result in higher costs for ventilation systems, CMA provisionally finds* <br class='autobr' /> Phase 2 review provisionally finds competition concerns in the local areas around Nottingham and Stoke-on-Trent. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been carrying out an in-depth Phase 2 inquiry (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-closes-its-existing-cases-into-the-mobile" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority closes its existing cases into the mobile application stores of 2 Big Tech firms in anticipation of the roll out of the new digital markets competition regime <em>(Google) (Apple)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-08-20T22:00:00Z">21 August 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 41</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120322 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA looks to new digital markets competition regime to resolve app store concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Competition Act cases closed ahead of new digital markets regime coming into force. CMA closes investigation into Google, and parallel Apple case, and instead expects to consider concerns under the new digital (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-approves-a-big-tech-firm-s-proposed-changes-to-its" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority approves a Big Tech firm’s proposed changes to its ad data use rules following industry consultation <em>(Meta)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-08-19T22:00:00Z">20 August 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 26</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120323 introduction entry-content"> <p>Meta’s changes to ad data use rules accepted by CMA* <br class='autobr' /> The move follows consultation with the wider advertising sector. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has accepted proposals to vary Meta’s commitments in the way it uses advertising customers’ data. <br class='autobr' /> Under the original (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-housebuilder-s-proposed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a housebuilder’s proposed £2.5B deal to purchase a rival raises competition concerns <em>(Barratt / Redrow Homes)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-08-07T22:00:00Z">8 August 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 24</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120196 introduction entry-content"> <p>Barratt given opportunity to resolve local competition concern so deal can proceed* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that Barratt’s £2.5 billion deal to purchase rival Redrow Homes raises competition concerns in the local area around a Barratt development in Whitchurch, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-a-sugar-deal-on-the-grounds" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a sugar deal under the failing firm defence <em>(T&L Sugars / Tereos)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-08-05T22:00:00Z">6 August 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 139</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120104 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears sugar deal* <br class='autobr' /> The provisional decision – taken by an independent CMA panel – comes after a Phase 2 review revealed that Tereos’ UK retail operation could close. <br class='autobr' /> T&L Sugars Limited (TLS) announced their deal to buy Tereos UK & Ireland’s retail sugar business (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-the-proposed-570m" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that the proposed $570M acquisition of a corporate travel company by a rival raises competition concerns <em>(GBT / CWT)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-29T22:00:00Z">30 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 32</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119955 introduction entry-content"> <p>Corporate travel merger could lead to businesses paying higher prices* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found competition concerns over GBT’s planned acquisition of CWT. <br class='autobr' /> Global Business Travel Group (GBT) and CWT Holdings LLC (CWT) are both major suppliers of business travel agency services to corporate (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-report-to-highlight-its-activities-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a report to highlight its activities in promoting competitive markets and tackling unfair behaviour for the benefit of people, businesses and the economy</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-28T22:00:00Z">29 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 66</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119956 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA actions protect consumers, promote competition and drive growth* <br class='autobr' /> 2024 marks a decade of the CMA promoting competitive markets and tackling unfair behaviour, for the benefit of people, businesses and the economy. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published its Annual Report (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-provisional-competition-concerns-in-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises provisional competition concerns in the proposed merger of 2 licensed betting companies <em>(Spreadex / Sporting Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-24T22:00:00Z">25 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 7</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119876 introduction entry-content"> <p>Spreadex and Sporting Index merger raises provisional competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> An independent panel has provisionally found that Spreadex has bought its only remaining rival in licensed online sports spread betting in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Last year, Spreadex acquired the ‘retail business’ of Sporting Index (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-signs-a-joint-international-statement-supporting" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority signs a joint international statement supporting competition in AI</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-22T22:00:00Z">23 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 59</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119815 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA signs joint international statement supporting competition in AI* <br class='autobr' /> Joint statement signed by EU, UK and US competition authorities affirms commitment to unlock the opportunity, growth and innovation that AI technologies could provide with fair and open competition. <br class='autobr' /> As artificial (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-an-issues-statement-to-set-out-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes an Issues Statement to set out the initial theories on what might be affecting competition in the veterinary sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-08T22:00:00Z">9 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 88</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119524 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA takes next procedural step in vet services investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The Inquiry Group – made up of independent experts who will lead the market investigation – has set out its areas of focus. <br class='autobr' /> Following the launch of its market investigation into the vets sector, and in line with our usual market (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-market-investigation-into-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a market investigation into the veterinary sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-05-22T22:00:00Z">23 May 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 41</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118903 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA presses ahead with full investigation into vets market* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today confirmed its decision to launch a market investigation into the veterinary sector and published tips to help pet owners struggling with vet costs now. <br class='autobr' /> This follows an initial review last September which prompted (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-investigation-into-an-edtech-firm-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an investigation into an EdTech firm for allegedly frustrating schools seeking to switch to alternate providers <em>(ESS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-05-13T22:00:00Z">14 May 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 236</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118811 introduction entry-content"> <p>Education software firm probed over potential abuse of dominance* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is investigating whether ESS has broken the law by taking action to prevent schools from switching to a new management information system provider. CMA suspects ESS may have been trying to retain customers by making it (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-proposed-merger-of-2-water-utility" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the proposed merger of 2 water utility companies could impact the water sector regulator’s ability to carry out its statutory functions <em>(Pennon / Sumisho)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-05-02T22:00:00Z">3 May 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 148</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118663 introduction entry-content"> <p>Solutions offered to address impact of deal on water regulation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found Pennon’s purchase of Sumisho Osaka Gas Water UK (including its subsidiary Sutton and East Surrey Water), could harm Ofwat’s ability to make comparisons between water companies and carry out its statutory (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-the-proposed-acquisition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that the proposed acquisition of a music software company by a manufacturer of DJ equipment could reduce innovation, choice, and access to DJ equipment and software <em>(AlphaTheta / Serato)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-30T22:00:00Z">1 May 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 72</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118570 introduction entry-content"> <p>Deal could see DJs paying more to keep partygoers entertained* <br class='autobr' /> AlphaTheta’s proposed deal to acquire Serato could also reduce innovation, choice, and access to DJ equipment and software. <br class='autobr' /> AlphaTheta Corporation (AlphaTheta) announced last year a deal to acquire Serato Audio Research Limited (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-unanimously-upholds-the-l2-8m-fine-imposed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal unanimously upholds the £2.8M fine imposed by the Competition Authority for a market sharing agreement relating to hydrocortisone tablets <em>(Auden McKenzie / Actavis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 158</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118544 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA penalty decision upheld in major drug market sharing case* <br class='autobr' /> The CAT has unanimously upheld the level of penalty imposed by the CMA for a market sharing agreement relating to 20mg hydrocortisone tablets. Accord-UK and Auden Mckenzie have lost their appeal to overturn a £2.8 million fine for (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-an-already-completed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that an already completed ventilation deal could increase prices for installers and contractors <em>(Lindab / HAS-Vent)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-25T22:00:00Z">26 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 50</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118504 introduction entry-content"> <p>Ventilation deal could increase construction prices* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Lindab’s acquisition of HAS-Vent could increase prices for installers and contractors. <br class='autobr' /> Following an initial Phase 1 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that Lindab International AB’s (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-implements-changes-to-the-current-phase-2-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority implements changes to the current Phase II merger investigation process</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-24T22:00:00Z">25 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 30</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118460 introduction entry-content"> <p>New Phase 2 investigation process adopted by CMA* <br class='autobr' /> Revised process for Phase 2 investigations will apply to new merger cases opened from today. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has implemented changes to the way it conducts in-depth Phase 2 merger investigations – with guidance (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-seeks-views-on-whether-partnerships-hiring-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority seeks views on whether partnerships, hiring of former employees and other arrangements among AI companies, comply with UK merger regulations <em>(Microsoft / Mistral AI / Amazon / Anthropic / Microsoft / Inflection AI)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-23T22:00:00Z">24 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 63</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118503 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA seeks views on AI partnerships and other arrangements* <br class='autobr' /> Invitation to comment launched by the CMA on the partnerships between Microsoft and Mistral AI, and Amazon and Anthropic, and Microsoft’s hiring of former employees and related arrangements with Inflection AI. CMA invites comments on (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-england-wales-high-court-holds-in-a-judicial-review-that-the-competition" rel="bookmark">The England & Wales High Court holds in a judicial review that the Competition Appeal Tribunal erred in law by refusing to grant the Competition Authority a warrant to search a domestic premises during a cartel investigation <em>(CMA / CAT)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-21T22:00:00Z">22 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 103</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118417 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins legal challenge against CAT on home search warrants* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has won an important legal challenge in the High Court after the CAT refused to grant it a domestic search warrant as part of a cartel investigation. CMA wins on all 3 grounds of judicial review High Court says CAT “erred in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-court-of-appeal-upholds-the-competition-authority-s-decision-to-unwind-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Court of Appeal upholds the Competition Authority’s decision to unwind a merger between the two largest suppliers of "ready to bake" products to national grocery retailers <em>(Cerelia / Jus-Rol)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-10T22:00:00Z">11 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 200</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118251 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins second legal challenge in Cérélia/Jus-Rol case* <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Appeal has fully dismissed a legal challenge from Cérélia, and upheld the Competition Appeal Tribunal’s finding that the CMA was ‘rational and fair’ in its merger review. <br class='autobr' /> In a unanimous decision, the Court of Appeal has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-an-updated-report-on-the-regulation-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes an updated report on the regulation of AI which outlines growing anticompetitive concerns in markets for AI Foundation Models</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-10T22:00:00Z">11 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 183</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118252 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA outlines growing concerns in markets for AI Foundation Models* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has outlined 3 key risks to effective competition on AI Foundation Models and has set out plans for further action in the market. CMA outlines growing concerns regarding foundation models in CEO speech and update paper, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-pharma-deal-could" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a pharma deal could reduce choice and lead to higher prices for hormone replacement therapy treatments <em>(Theramex / Viatrix)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-03T22:00:00Z">4 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 273</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118034 introduction entry-content"> <p>Pharma deal could reduce choice and lead to higher prices for HRT treatments* <br class='autobr' /> Following its Phase 1 investigation, the CMA has found that Theramex’s proposed purchase of Femoston and Duphaston could reduce competition and choice for hormone replacement therapy treatments. <br class='autobr' /> Theramex is a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-merger-between-the-only" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a merger between the only 2 licensed sports spread betting operators raises competition concerns <em>(Spreadex / Sporting Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-04-03T22:00:00Z">4 April 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 266</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118035 introduction entry-content"> <p>Spread betting deal raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The deal seeks to combine the only 2 licensed sports spread betting operators in the UK market. <br class='autobr' /> Last year, Spreadex acquired the ‘business to consumer’ arm of Sporting Index from Sporting Group Holding Limited (Sporting Group). Spreadex and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-monitoring-report-on-road-fuel-which" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a monitoring report on road fuel which reveals an increase in fuel prices</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-27T23:00:00Z">28 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 355</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117899 introduction entry-content"> <p>High fuel margins ‘concerning’ CMA finds* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s latest monitoring report on road fuel shows that prices at the pump have risen since late January, accompanied by above average margins and spreads. Fuel margins are still high, as the CMA saw during its market study New Pumpwatch powers must (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-telecommunications" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a telecommunications merger could lead to higher prices and reduced quality for customers <em>(Vodafone / Three)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-21T23:00:00Z">22 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 296</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117798 introduction entry-content"> <p>Vodafone / Three deal could leave consumers and businesses worse off* <br class='autobr' /> Vodafone UK (which is owned by Vodafone Group Plc) and Three UK (which is owned by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited) are two major providers of mobile telecommunication services in the UK. Last year both businesses announced a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-identifies-multiple-concerns-in-the-vets-market" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority identifies multiple concerns in the vets market and provisionally decides it should launch a formal market investigation</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-11T23:00:00Z">12 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 180</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117689 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA identifies multiple concerns in vets market* CMA provisionally decides it should launch a formal Market Investigation. Initial review prompts over 56,000 responses from public and vet industry. <br class='autobr' /> The review by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) highlights multiple concerns in the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-plans-to-appeal-the-competition-tribunal-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority plans to appeal the Competition Tribunal’s decision to overturn the £100M cartel fines imposed on drug firms on procedural grounds <em>(Auden McKenzie / Actavis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-07T23:00:00Z">8 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 131</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117512 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to appeal hydrocortisone ruling* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA believes the CAT’s decision to overturn nearly £100 million of fines for drug firms despite initially confirming flagrant anti-competitive conduct is fundamentally misconceived. The CMA has a duty to ensure effective competition law enforcement and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-following-a-phase-1" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds, following a Phase 1 investigation, that a sugar deal could result in higher sugar prices <em>(T&L Sugars / Tereos)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-07T23:00:00Z">8 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117513 introduction entry-content"> <p>The CMA’s initial investigation has found that TLS’ purchase of Tereos UK & Ireland could result in higher sugar prices. <br class='autobr' /> Following an initial Phase 1 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that T&L Sugars Limited’s (TLS) purchase of Tereos UK & (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-approves-the-merger-of-the-nation-s-two-major" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally approves the merger of the nation’s two major domestic appliance suppliers <em>(Arçelik / Whirlpool)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-06T23:00:00Z">7 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 117</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117514 introduction entry-content"> <p>Domestic appliances deal cleared by the CMA* <br class='autobr' /> Following a provisional clearance in February, the CMA is now allowing the proposed deal between Arçelik and Whirlpool to go ahead. <br class='autobr' /> Arçelik and Whirlpool are two of the largest suppliers of major domestic appliances (MDAs) in the UK, including (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-8-housebuilders-over-alleged" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates 8 housebuilders over alleged information sharing, following the conclusion of a housebuilding market study in England, Scotland, and Wales</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-25T23:00:00Z">26 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 337</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117322 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds fundamental concerns in housebuilding market* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded its housebuilding market study in England, Scotland, and Wales. Planning system and the limitations of speculative private development have seen too few homes built. Concerns around estate management charges and the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-market-study-into-the-supply-of-infant" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a market study into the supply of infant formula in the UK as part of the Authority’s ongoing work to contain cost of living pressures in the groceries sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-19T23:00:00Z">20 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 62</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117323 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to scrutinise infant formula market through a market study* <br class='autobr' /> The market study into infant formula is part of the CMA’s ongoing work to contain cost of living pressures in the groceries sector. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today launched a market study into the supply of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-an-investigation-into-infant-formula-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches an investigation into infant formula and follow-on formula</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-19T23:00:00Z">20 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 0</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-120318 introduction entry-content"> <p>Infant formula and follow-on formula market study* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is undertaking a market study into infant formula and follow-on formula in the United Kingdom. <br class='autobr' /> Case type: Markets <br class='autobr' /> Case state: Open <br class='autobr' /> Market sector: Retail and wholesale <br class='autobr' /> Opened: 20 February 2024 <br class='autobr' /> Administrative timetable Date (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-states-that-it-will-not-recommend-renewal-of-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority states that it will not recommend renewal of the Liner Consortia Block Exemption Regulation</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-08T23:00:00Z">9 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 125</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117129 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA will not recommend renewal of shipping competition exemption* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA will not recommend renewing a ‘block exemption’, which provides an exemption from competition law for certain forms of cooperation between liner shipping companies. <br class='autobr' /> The decision follows feedback submitted to the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-observes-that-funeral-costs-increased-slower-than" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority observes that funeral costs increased slower than inflation following its Funerals Market Investigation Order</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-08T23:00:00Z">9 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 73</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117130 introduction entry-content"> <p>Funeral costs increased slower than inflation following CMA order* <br class='autobr' /> Rules requiring price transparency continue to have a positive impact on funeral sector. <br class='autobr' /> An annual review of the funerals market, published today by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), suggests its Funerals Market (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-england-wales-high-court-refuses-an-application-by-a-director-to-remain-in" rel="bookmark">The England & Wales High Court refuses an application by a director to remain in post after being disqualified by the UK Competition Authority for his role in an illegal demolition cartel <em>(Nicholas Brown)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-07T23:00:00Z">8 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 67</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117131 introduction entry-content"> <p>Disqualified demolition director loses High Court bid to stay in role* <br class='autobr' /> The High Court has refused an application by a director to remain in post after being disqualified by the CMA for his role in an illegal demolition cartel. High Court rejects request from Nicholas Brown to continue to act (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-a-merger-between-two-of-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger between two of the largest suppliers of major domestic appliances after an in-depth examination <em>(Arçelik / Whirlpool)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-02-07T23:00:00Z">8 February 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 71</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117132 introduction entry-content"> <p>Provisional go-ahead for domestic appliances deal* <br class='autobr' /> CMA provisionally clears the anticipated deal between Arçelik and Whirlpool, finding that consumers will continue to have a wide range of choice <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally found that the deal between (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-an-investigation-into-a-pharmaceutical" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches an investigation into a pharmaceutical company over its suspected anticompetitive conduct in the supply of intravenous iron deficiency treatments <em>(Vifor)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-01-30T23:00:00Z">31 January 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 90</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117014 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA investigates Vifor Pharma to safeguard essential anaemia treatment* <br class='autobr' /> The investigation will consider whether Vifor Pharma has been engaging in anti-competitive conduct. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has launched an investigation into Vifor Pharma (Vifor), a global (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-phase-1-investigation-into-the-joint" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a Phase 1 investigation into the joint-venture agreement between two telecommunication providers <em>(Vodafone / Three)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-01-25T23:00:00Z">26 January 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 91</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116879 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches formal investigation into Vodafone / Three merger* <br class='autobr' /> Investigation will examine the potential impact the proposed deal could have on competition for consumers and businesses. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today started its Phase 1 investigation looking into (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-research-report-on-competition-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a research report on competition and market power in the national labour market, in line with its 2023-2024 annual plan</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-01-24T23:00:00Z">25 January 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 421</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116880 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA research report on competition and market power in UK labour market* <br class='autobr' /> New Microeconomics Unit research explores trends in the UK job market including the market power of employers, the impact on wages, the use of restrictive clauses, and recent developments such as hybrid working. Report, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2024/the-england-wales-court-of-appeal-confirms-that-companies-outside-the-uk-must" rel="bookmark">The England & Wales Court of Appeal confirms that companies outside the UK must provide information requested by the UK Competition Authority <em>(Volkswagen / BMW)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-01-16T23:00:00Z">17 January 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 385</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116797 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins appeal on legal challenge to overseas information requests* <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Appeal agrees that companies outside the UK must provide information requested by the CMA – entirely dismissing legal challenges from BMW and VW. <br class='autobr' /> In a unanimous judgment, the Court of Appeal has confirmed that (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2024/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-an-overview-of-how-it-intends-to-operate" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes an overview of how it intends to operate the new digital markets competition regime as currently proposed by the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-01-10T23:00:00Z">11 January 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 156</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116735 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA sets out approach to new digital markets regime* <br class='autobr' /> Sarah Cardell to tell Silicon Valley tech conference the new regime will be ‘evidence-based, targeted and proportionate.’ <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today published an overview of how it intends to operate the new (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/special-issues/excessive-prices/pratiques-unilaterales/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-the-competition-authority-s-finding" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the Competition Authority’s finding that a telecommunications company had imposed excessive prices due to its virtually unconstrained monopoly on providing communications network services to the emergency services <em>(Motorola)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-21T23:00:00Z">22 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 188</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116553 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins legal challenge in emergency services case* <br class='autobr' /> The CAT, in a unanimous decision, has upheld the CMA’s finding that Motorola was excessively pricing due to its virtually unconstrained monopoly on providing communications network services to the UK emergency services. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-and-the-bank-of-england-sign-a-memorandum-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority and the Bank of England sign a memorandum of understanding to improve collaboration between the two institutions</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-18T23:00:00Z">19 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 60</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116466 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA and Bank of England agree new understanding to improve collaboration* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA and the Bank of England have, for the first time, agreed a memorandum of understanding on how the two organisations will work together to deliver better outcomes for the UK economy, businesses and consumers. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-its-first-informal-guidance-to-help-green" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues its first informal guidance to help green initiatives</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-13T23:00:00Z">14 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2190</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116393 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA issues its first informal guidance to help green initiatives* <br class='autobr' /> Open-door policy enables green collaboration by Fairtrade Foundation under Green Agreements Guidance. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published its first response to a request for informal guidance received (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-agreement-from-two-supermarkets-to-stop" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures agreement from two supermarkets to stop the use of unlawful anticompetitive land agreements <em>(Morrisons / Marks and Spencer)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-05T23:00:00Z">6 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 63</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116163 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA cracks down on more supermarket land agreements to protect shoppers* <br class='autobr' /> Morrisons and Marks and Spencer are the latest retailers to agree to address 65 anti-competitive land agreements which prevent rivals opening nearby <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has taken action to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-court-of-appeal-upholds-the-competition-authority-s-decision-to-launch-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Court of Appeal upholds the Competition Authority’s decision to launch a market investigation into mobile browsers and cloud gaming, overturning a previous ruling quashing the investigation <em>(Apple)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-29T23:00:00Z">30 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 3389</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116110 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins appeal in Apple case* <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Appeal has upheld the CMA’s decision to launch a market investigation into mobile browsers and cloud gaming, overturning a previous ruling quashing the investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Today’s unanimous judgment overturns the Competition Appeal Tribunal’s (CAT) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-sets-out-the-findings-and-the-next-steps-in-its" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority sets out the findings and the next steps in its ongoing review of the groceries sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-28T23:00:00Z">29 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 121</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116109 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA sets out Autumn update in review of competition in groceries sector* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has set out the latest findings and the next steps in its ongoing review of the groceries sector today. Some branded suppliers have pushed up prices by more than their costs increased, but in most cases, shoppers (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-proposed-merger-between" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a proposed merger between two leading providers of software for app and web designers could harm the national digital design sector <em>(Adobe / Figma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-27T23:00:00Z">28 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 71</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-116108 introduction entry-content"> <p>Adobe / Figma deal could harm UK digital design sector* <br class='autobr' /> CMA provisionally finds Adobe’s deal to buy Figma would likely harm innovation for software used by the vast majority of UK digital designers. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provisionally finds that the $20bn deal would: (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-the-proposed-acquisition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that the proposed acquisition in the construction materials industry raises competition concerns in certain markets for building materials in the East of England and the East Midlands <em>(MGL / Hanson)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-23T23:00:00Z">24 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 43</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115922 introduction entry-content"> <p>Construction materials deal could curb competition in parts of England* <br class='autobr' /> Hanson’s proposed purchase of Mick George Limited could result in less choice and higher prices for building contractors <br class='autobr' /> Following a phase 1 Investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-government-sets-out-top-priorities-to-ensure-the-continued-effectiveness" rel="bookmark">The UK Government sets out top priorities to ensure the continued effectiveness of the Competition Authority</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-22T23:00:00Z">23 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 108</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115924 introduction entry-content"> <p>Government issues new strategic steer to guide CMA direction for the future* <br class='autobr' /> The UK government has set out top priorities to ensure the continued effectiveness of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) The UK government has set out top priorities to ensure the continued effectiveness of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-holds-that-the-proposed-merger-between-two-major" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority holds that the proposed merger between two major air conditioning and refrigeration wholesalers could mean less competition and choice for customers in Aberdeen <em>(Wolseley / Kooltech)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-22T23:00:00Z">23 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 46</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115925 introduction entry-content"> <p>Air conditioning and refrigeration merger could cut choice for Aberdeen customers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA finds the proposed merger between two major air conditioning and refrigeration wholesalers could mean less competition and choice for customers in Aberdeen. <br class='autobr' /> Following a Phase 1 investigation, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-plans-to-improve-some-aspects-of-its" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces plans to improve some aspects of its Phase 2 processes as part of an evolution of how it investigates mergers</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-19T23:00:00Z">20 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 82</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115923 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA sets out changes to Phase 2 merger processes* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is planning to improve some aspects of its phase 2 processes as part of an evolution of how it investigates mergers. New measures to further improve operation of Phase 2 investigations Reforms offer parties even greater engagement with (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-acts-to-help-the-patients-access-combination" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority acts to help the patients access combination therapies used to treat serious medical conditions through removing barriers to availability of vital treatments</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-16T23:00:00Z">17 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 732</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115603 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA removes barrier to availability of vital treatments on the NHS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA acts to help NHS patients access combination therapies used to treat serious medical conditions. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today issued a statement clarifying that certain types of engagements (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-an-open-letter-to-electric-vehicle-charge" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues an open letter to electric vehicle charge point operators and motorway service area site operators to remind the market study findings on motorway charging and of their ongoing obligations under competition law</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-15T23:00:00Z">16 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 721</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115607 introduction entry-content"> <p>Open letter to electric vehicle chargepoint operators and motorway service area site operators* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is dedicated to promoting competitive markets and tackling unfair behaviour to support productivity, innovation and sustainable growth for the benefit of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-the-final-set-of-working-papers-focused" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes the final set of working papers focused on landbanks and planning rules as part of its ongoing market study into housebuilding</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-14T23:00:00Z">15 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 75</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115605 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA seeks views on landbanks and planning rules* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published the final set of working papers – focused on landbanks and planning rules – as part of its ongoing market study into housebuilding. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published two ‘working papers’ seeking (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-introduces-changes-to-the-digital-markets-bill-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority introduces changes to the Digital Markets Bill to ensure fairer competition in tech industry</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-14T23:00:00Z">15 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 153</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115609 introduction entry-content"> <p>Changes to Digital Markets Bill introduced to ensure fairer competition in tech industry* <br class='autobr' /> Changes will ensure regulator cannot impose an intervention on a firm unless it is proportionate to do so. Amendments tabled to Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill to balance regulator powers (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-first-monitoring-report-on-the-road" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes its first monitoring report on the road fuel market</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-08T23:00:00Z">9 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 68</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115521 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes first monitoring report on road fuel market* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s first monitoring report on road fuel shows that prices at the pump have gone up by over 11 pence per litre while the wider data gathered on margins and spreads shows a mixed picture. Prices up by at least 11 pence per litre (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-commitments-from-two-big-tech-players-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures commitments from two Big Tech players to remedy their anticompetitive conduct in online marketplaces <em>(Amazon / Meta)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-02T23:00:00Z">3 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 262</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115396 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA secures improvements in ways Amazon and Meta treat competitors, benefitting customers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured commitments from 2 of the largest digital players, Amazon and Meta, in 2 separate cases, benefitting sellers and customers by ensuring fair competition on their retail platforms. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-commitments-to-prevent-a-big-tech-company" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes commitments to prevent a Big Tech company from gaining an unfair advantage through the use of its customers’ advertising data <em>(Meta)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-02T23:00:00Z">3 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2253</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115397 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA protects competition by curbing Meta’s use of ad customers’ data* <br class='autobr' /> Following CMA action, Meta will no longer be able to use certain data obtained from competing businesses that advertise on its platforms to gain an unfair advantage. <br class='autobr' /> The commitments secured by the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-outlines-the-scope-of-its-market-investigation" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority outlines the scope of its market investigation into cloud services</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-16T22:00:00Z">17 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 83</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115021 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA outlines scope of market investigation into cloud services* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA will explore whether technical barriers, fees to transfer data, volume discounts and software licensing practices are hindering competition in cloud services. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-an-investigation-into-suspected" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches an investigation into suspected anticompetitive conduct in relation to the supply of chemicals for use in the construction industry</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-16T22:00:00Z">17 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 78</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115022 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches investigation into the supply of chemicals for use in construction industry* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has launched an investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to the supply of chemicals for use in the construction industry. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-the-acquisition-of-a-video-game-producer-by" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears the acquisition of a video game producer by a Big Tech company following divestiture commitments <em>(Microsoft / Activision Blizzard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-12T22:00:00Z">13 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 259</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114735 introduction entry-content"> <p>Microsoft concession a gamechanger that will promote competition* <br class='autobr' /> The new deal for Microsoft to buy Activision without cloud gaming rights has been cleared after the CMA concluded it would preserve competitive prices and better services. Deal to buy Activision without cloud gaming rights (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-the-green-agreements-guidance-to-help" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches the Green Agreements Guidance to help businesses co-operate on environmental goals</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-11T22:00:00Z">12 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 131</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114736 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches Green Agreements Guidance to help businesses co-operate on environmental goals* <br class='autobr' /> New guidance published by the CMA will help businesses understand how they can collaborate on environmental sustainability goals without breaking the law. Guidance to give firms greater clarity about (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-seeks-views-on-a-telecommunication-company-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority seeks views on a telecommunication company’s merger with a rival network <em>(Vodafone / Three)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-10T22:00:00Z">11 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 60</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114739 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA seeks views on Vodafone’s merger with rival network Three* <br class='autobr' /> Early views are being sought by the CMA on the proposed UK merger between Three and Vodafone. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is today providing an early opportunity for interested third parties to comment on the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-market-investigation-into-cloud-services" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches market investigation into cloud services</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-04T22:00:00Z">5 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 232</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114570 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches market investigation into cloud services* <br class='autobr' /> Following Ofcom’s referral, the CMA is launching a market investigation into the supply of public cloud infrastructure services in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Ofcom has today referred the public cloud infrastructure services market to the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-concludes-that-a-merger-between-two-leading" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority concludes that a merger between two leading signalling suppliers would not result in competitive problems upon one of the parties’ offer to sell part of its mainline signalling business <em>(Hitachi / Thales GTS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-03T22:00:00Z">4 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 119</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114571 introduction entry-content"> <p>Hitachi Rail to sell part of mainline signalling business allowing merger to proceed* <br class='autobr' /> Hitachi Rail’s offer to sell part of its mainline signalling business addresses the CMA’s competition concerns regarding the merger between two leading signalling suppliers. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-decides-to-refer-a-merger-between-the-suppliers-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority decides to refer a merger between the suppliers of breaded scampi to an in-depth investigation unless they offer remedies <em>(Whitby Seafoods / Kilhorne Bay Seafoods)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-03T22:00:00Z">4 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 77</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114572 introduction entry-content"> <p>Scampi merger could push up prices for UK pubs and restaurants* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Whitby Seafoods’ purchase of Kilhorne Bay Seafoods could result in higher prices and lower quality products. <br class='autobr' /> Whitby Seafoods Limited is currently the largest UK supplier of breaded scampi to foodservice (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-l1-2b-deal-between-specialist-healthcare" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a £1.2B deal between specialist healthcare tech and software companies providing services to the National Health Service <em>(UnitedHealth / EMIS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-28T22:00:00Z">29 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 81</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114395 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears NHS healthcare tech deal * <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the £1.2bn deal between specialist healthcare tech and software companies providing services to the NHS. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) referred UnitedHealth’s £1.2bn purchase of EMIS for an in-depth Phase 2 investigation (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-rules-that-a-turkish-home-appliance-supplier-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority rules that a Turkish home appliance supplier’s anticipated purchase of an American rival’s business in Europe could reduce choice in the supply of washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers and cooking appliances <em>(Arçelik / Whirlpool)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-27T22:00:00Z">28 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 101</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114336 introduction entry-content"> <p>Home appliances merger could reduce choice for consumers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Arçelik’s anticipated purchase of Whirlpool’s major appliances business in Europe could reduce choice in the supply of washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers and cooking appliances. <br class='autobr' /> The transaction will be (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-consultation-on-the-remedies-offered-by-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens a consultation on the remedies offered by a Big Tech company in its renewed bid to acquire a video game producer <em>(Microsoft / Activision Blizzard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-21T22:00:00Z">22 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 158</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114260 introduction entry-content"> <p>New Microsoft/Activision deal addresses previous CMA concerns in cloud gaming* <br class='autobr' /> The sale of Activision’s cloud gaming rights to Ubisoft substantially addresses previous concerns and opens the door to the deal being cleared, the CMA said today. <br class='autobr' /> While the CMA has identified limited residual (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-partially-upholds-an-appeal-against-the-decision" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority partially upholds an appeal against the decision by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority to modify the licences of two electricity distribution network operators <em>(Northern Powergrid)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-20T22:00:00Z">21 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 77</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114337 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA partially upholds appeal on energy distribution licence changes* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has partially upheld an appeal against the decision by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority to modify the licences of two electricity distribution network operators. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-a-fine-against-a-drugmaker-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the fine imposed against a drugmaker for excessive pricing <em>(Auden McKenzie / Actavis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-17T22:00:00Z">18 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 213</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114125 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA decision upheld in major drug price abuse case* <br class='autobr' /> Firms which raised prices for key medicine by over 10,000% from 70p to £72 have had their appeal against a CMA finding of excessive pricing rejected by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT). The firms must now pay almost £130m in fines. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-report-and-proposes-principles-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a report and proposes principles to guide competitive AI markets and protect consumers</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-17T22:00:00Z">18 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 114</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-114338 introduction entry-content"> <p>Proposed principles to guide competitive AI markets and protect consumers* <br class='autobr' /> CMA publishes report and proposed principles following review of foundation models <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today published a report following its initial review of foundation models (FMs) and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-review-of-the-veterinary-sector-due-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a review of the veterinary sector due to increasing concentration and a spate of acquisitions by private equity firms</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-06T22:00:00Z">7 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 322</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113989 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches review of vet sector* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is opening a review of how veterinary services are bought and sold amid concerns that pet owners may not be getting a good deal or receiving the information they need to make good choices. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has launched a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-that-the-competition-appeal-tribunal-has" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces that the Competition Appeal Tribunal has fully dismissed a legal challenge brought against a decision by the Competition Authority to block a merger between the two largest suppliers of "ready to bake" products <em>(Cerelia / Jus-Rol)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-08-31T22:00:00Z">1 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 80</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113898 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA wins legal challenge in Cérélia/Jus-Rol case* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal has fully dismissed a legal challenge by Cérélia and upheld the CMA’s decision to block Cérélia’s acquisition of Jus-Rol. <br class='autobr' /> The Tribunal dismissed all 4 grounds of Cérélia’s “attack” on the CMA’s decision. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-10-year-review-of-its-concurrency" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a 10-year review of its concurrency arrangements with 8 sector regulators in enforcing competition law</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-08-23T22:00:00Z">24 August 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113841 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA call for views: how regulators work together to protect consumers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA calls for views on how it works with the sector regulators to promote competition for the benefit of consumers <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is launching a review of 10 years of the current (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-updates-the-scope-of-its-concerns-regarding-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority updates the scope of its concerns regarding a proposed merger in the rail signalling market <em>(Hitachi / Thales)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-08-22T22:00:00Z">23 August 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 90</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113840 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA updates scope of concerns in rail signalling merger* <br class='autobr' /> Updated provisional findings have been issued by the CMA in its investigation of Hitachi’s proposed takeover of Thales GTS. <br class='autobr' /> In June, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its Phase 2 provisional findings which set out (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-initiates-a-phase-1-investigation-into-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority initiates a Phase 1 investigation into a restructured deal concerning the acquisition of a video game producer by a Big Tech company <em>(Microsoft / Activision Blizzard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-08-21T22:00:00Z">22 August 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 131</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113842 introduction entry-content"> <p>Microsoft submits new deal for review after CMA confirms original deal is blocked* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has opened a new phase 1 investigation into a new, restructured deal by Microsoft to buy Activision. <br class='autobr' /> CMA finalises decision to block original merger after rejecting submissions by Microsoft to revisit (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-a-proposed-acquisition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a proposed £1.2B acquisition between specialist healthcare software companies which provide services to the NHS <em>(UnitedHealth / EMIS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-08-10T22:00:00Z">11 August 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 71</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113636 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears NHS healthcare tech deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found no competition concerns in the deal between specialist health care tech and software companies which provide services to the NHS. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally cleared (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2023/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-rejects-a-challenge-to-an-excessive-pricing" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal rejects a challenge to an excessive pricing fine which came after the sole producer of a drug for thyroid hormone deficiency hiked prices 1,000% over ten years <em>(Advanz Pharma / Hg Capital / Cinven)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-08-07T22:00:00Z">8 August 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 185</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113600 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA defeats legal challenge in medicine pricing case* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal has unanimously upheld the CMA’s decision condemning a pharmaceutical supplier for excessive pricing of medicines sold to the NHS. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) welcomes today’s landmark (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-that-a-big-tech-company-has-offered" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces that a Big Tech company has offered commitments not to use seller data and to treat all sellers’ offers equally in response to competition concerns <em>(Amazon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-07-25T22:00:00Z">26 July 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 147</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113429 introduction entry-content"> <p>Amazon offers to change Marketplace rules to address CMA concerns* <br class='autobr' /> In response to competition concerns raised by the CMA, Amazon has offered commitments not to use Marketplace seller data and to treat all sellers’ offers equally when selecting which to feature in the ‘Buy Box’. <br class='autobr' /> Amazon has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-anticipated-acquisition-of-a-car" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the anticipated acquisition of a car parts supplier by its competitor could reduce competition in the markets for the supply of car parts and garage equipment <em>(LKQ / Uni-Select)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-07-20T22:00:00Z">21 July 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 56</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113242 introduction entry-content"> <p>Solutions offered to address CMA concerns in car parts deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded that LKQ’s anticipated purchase of Uni-Select could raise competition concerns in the supply of car parts and garage equipment. <br class='autobr' /> A fast-track Phase 1 investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-completed-merger-in-the-market-for-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a completed merger in the market for the supply of salvage services <em>(Copart / Hills Motors)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-07-13T22:00:00Z">14 July 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 198</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113192 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears Copart/Hills Motors merger* <br class='autobr' /> In May 2023, an independent Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) panel provisionally found that Copart’s completed purchase of Hills Motors had resulted, or may be expected to result, in a substantial lessening of competition in the market for the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-football-club-l880k-after-it-admitted-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a football club £880k after it admitted to an anti-competitive arrangement to charge consumers delivery costs through a retailer which would otherwise waive the cost on orders over a certain price <em>(Leicester City FC / JD Sports)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-07-04T22:00:00Z">5 July 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 96</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113084 introduction entry-content"> <p>Leicester City FC to be fined up to £880k after admitting anti-competitive arrangement with JD Sports* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Leicester City FC and JD Sports colluded to restrict competition in the sales of Leicester City-branded clothing, including replica kit, in the UK. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-the-final-report-of-its-road-fuel-market" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues the final report of its road fuel market study and suggests establishing a fuel finder open data scheme for more competitive fuel prices</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-07-02T22:00:00Z">3 July 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 192</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112991 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA sets out plan to help drivers get more competitive fuel prices* <br class='autobr' /> A new fuel finder scheme to enable drivers access to live, station-by-station fuel prices on their phones or satnavs would help revitalise competition in the retail road fuel market, the CMA said today. Increased supermarket (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-opposes-the-acquisition-of-a-provider-of-screen" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opposes the acquisition of a provider of screen design and whiteboarding software by a global software developer <em>(Adobe / Figma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-29T22:00:00Z">30 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 142</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112993 introduction entry-content"> <p>Design software deal could harm UK digital economy* <br class='autobr' /> CMA finds Adobe’s deal to acquire Figma could mean less choice for designers of digital apps, websites and other products. Initial investigation finds Adobe’s purchase of Figma could reduce innovation. Adobe has five working days to submit (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-a-vehicle-salvage-merger" rel="bookmark"> The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a vehicle salvage merger after assessment of the new evidence <em>(Copart / Hills Motors)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-22T22:00:00Z">23 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 79</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112950 introduction entry-content"> <p>New evidence changes vehicle salvage merger assessment* <br class='autobr' /> CMA provisionally clears Copart’s completed purchase of Hills Motors following new evidence <br class='autobr' /> New evidence gathered by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) following its provisional findings has now led it to provisionally conclude (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-partially-prevents-a-merger-between-the-nation-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority partially prevents a merger between the nation’s two biggest players in the hearing implant sector <em>(Cochlear / Oticon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-21T22:00:00Z">22 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 84</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112951 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA action protects outcomes for hearing implant patients* <br class='autobr' /> CMA partially prevents sale of hearing implant business after concluding patients potentially worse off. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has prevented part of a merger between two of the biggest players in the UK’s (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-the-acquisition-of-a-consumer-robots" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears the acquisition of a consumer robots designer by a global online marketplace <em>(Amazon / iRobot)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-15T22:00:00Z">16 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 161</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112885 introduction entry-content"> <p>Amazon’s purchase of Roomba maker cleared by CMA* <br class='autobr' /> Online retailer Inc. (Amazon) announced its proposed purchase of iRobot Corporation (iRobot) in August 2022. iRobot designs and builds consumer robots, including robot vacuum cleaners sold under the ‘Roomba’ brand. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-agreements-from-two-supermarkets-to-stop" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures agreements from two supermarkets to stop using unlawful anti-competitive land agreements <em>(Sainsbury’s / Asda)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-12T22:00:00Z">13 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 189</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112886 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA action on supermarkets protects competition and choice for shoppers* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has taken action to protect supermarket shoppers by securing agreements from Sainsbury’s and Asda to stop using unlawful anti-competitive land agreements. These unlawful (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-concludes-that-an-acquisition-worth" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally concludes that an acquisition worth £1.7B by a global provider of signalling systems for railways of a rival could lead to a substantial lessening of competition <em>(Hitachi / GTS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-07T22:00:00Z">8 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 103</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112817 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger could mean Network Rail and TfL lose out on digital signalling options* <br class='autobr' /> CMA’s investigation provisionally concludes that Hitachi’s takeover of Thales GTS could reduce choice for Network Rail and TfL, impacting cost and service quality for passengers <br class='autobr' /> An investigation by the Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-5-banks-broke-competition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that 5 banks violated competition law by exchanging information on their trading strategies on UK bonds <em>(Citi / Deutsche Bank / HSBC / Morgan Stanley / Royal Bank of Canada)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-23T22:00:00Z">24 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 228</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112689 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally finds 5 banks broke competition law on UK bonds* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found these banks unlawfully exchanged sensitive information regarding UK government bonds in one-to-one online chats. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally found that 5 major (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-the-takeover-of-12" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over the takeover of 12 independent veterinary businesses by a large multinational business in the same industry <em>(Medivet)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-17T22:00:00Z">18 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 95</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112634 introduction entry-content"> <p>Vet business takeovers raise competition concerns for pet owners* <br class='autobr' /> CMA’s initial investigation into Medivet’s purchase of multiple independent vet businesses highlights potential price and quality issues <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has outlined its preliminary concerns that (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-approves-a-merger-in-the-satellite-communications" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally approves in Phase II a merger in the satellite communications market <em>(Viasat / Inmarsat)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-08T22:00:00Z">9 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 121</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112487 introduction entry-content"> <p>Satellite merger approved after in-depth CMA probe* <br class='autobr' /> Following a provisional clearance in March, the CMA is now allowing the proposed merger of Viasat and Inmarsat to go ahead. Phase 2 investigation finds that – while Viasat and Inmarsat compete closely – the merged company will be challenged (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-notice-of-possible-remedies-based-on" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a notice of possible remedies based on its finding that a merger between two vehicle companies is likely to worsen vehicle salvage service options for car insurers <em>(Copart / Hills Motors)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-04T22:00:00Z">5 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 57</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112444 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger could worsen vehicle salvage service options for UK car insurers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Copart’s completed purchase of Hills Motors raises competition concerns in the supply of vehicle salvage services in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> An in-depth investigation by the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-rejects-the-proposed-commitments-of-a-big-tech" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority rejects the proposed commitments of a Big Tech company and blocks its proposed acquisition of a leading video game publisher <em>(Microsoft / Activision Blizzard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-25T22:00:00Z">26 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 196</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112246 introduction entry-content"> <p>Microsoft / Activision deal prevented to protect innovation and choice in cloud gaming* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has prevented Microsoft’s proposed purchase of Activision over concerns the deal would alter the future of the fast-growing cloud gaming market, leading to reduced innovation and less choice for UK (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-a-draft-piece-of-legislation-which" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes a draft piece of legislation which enhances the ability of the Competition Authority to stamp out unfair practices and promote competition in digital markets</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-24T22:00:00Z">25 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 117</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112252 introduction entry-content"> <p>New bill to stamp out unfair practices and promote competition in digital markets* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA welcomes draft legislation enhancing its ability to promote competition and protect consumers, including new powers for its Digital Markets Unit. <br class='autobr' /> The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-government-proposes-radical-reforms-to-the-enforcement-of-competition" rel="bookmark">The UK Government proposes radical reforms to the enforcement of competition law in digital markets with the introduction of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill to the Parliament</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-24T22:00:00Z">25 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 119</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112253 introduction entry-content"> <p>New Bill to crack down on rip-offs, protect consumer cash online and boost competition in digital markets* <br class='autobr' /> New powers unveiled aimed at boosting competition, clamping down on subscription traps and fake reviews. New powers aimed at boosting competition in digital markets currently dominated by (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-reiterates-its-commitment-to-promote-effective" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority reiterates its commitment to promote effective competition in digital markets following the introduction of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill to the Parliament</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-24T22:00:00Z">25 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 87</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112254 introduction entry-content"> <p>Ensuring effective competition in digital markets, for people, businesses and the economy* <br class='autobr' /> A statement on mergers and digital markets from Marcus Bokkerink, Chair, and Sarah Cardell, CEO, CMA. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s purpose is to help people, businesses and the UK economy by promoting competitive markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a merger between two of the biggest players in the UK’s hearing implant sector could substantially reduce competition and lead to higher costs for the NHS <em>(Cochlear / Oticon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-19T22:00:00Z">20 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 75</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112206 introduction entry-content"> <p>Hearing implants deal could mean worse outcomes for patients* <br class='autobr' /> CMA provisionally finds hearing implants merger could substantially reduce competition, potentially leading to worse outcomes for patients and higher costs for the NHS. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-consultation-on-the-commitments-offered-by-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens consultation on the commitments offered by a Big Tech app store owner to allow app developers to use alternative payment options for in-app purchases <em>(Google)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-18T22:00:00Z">19 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 140</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112207 introduction entry-content"> <p>App developers on Google Play store offered payment choices following CMA probe* <br class='autobr' /> Google has said it will allow developers to use alternative payment options after CMA investigation into its control over Google Play in-app purchases. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is consulting (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-telecom-operates-as-a-monopoly-in-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a telecom operates as a monopoly in the market for emergency services’ mobile radio network and imposes a price cap on the amount it can charge emergency service providers <em>(Motorola / Airwave Solutions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-04T22:00:00Z">5 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 106</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112078 introduction entry-content"> <p>Price cap on Airwave Network “only option” to reduce cost to emergency services* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA will restrict how much Motorola can charge the emergency services to use the Airwave Network. CMA’s decision places limit on how much Motorola can charge the emergency services to use the Airwave Network (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-narrows-the-scope-of-concerns-in-its-phase-2" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority narrows the scope of concerns in its phase 2 review of a merger between a Big Tech company and a leading video game publisher <em>(Microsoft / Activision Blizzard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 140</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111606 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA narrows scope of concerns in Microsoft – Activision review* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today issued updated provisional findings in its assessment of Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Activision. New evidence provisionally alleviates concerns in relation to supply of gaming consoles in the UK (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-preliminarily-determines-that-the-61b-acquisition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority preliminarily determines that the $61B acquisition of a firm offering server virtualisation software by a computer component producer may result in lessened competition and higher prices <em>(VMware / Broadcom)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-21T23:00:00Z">22 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 76</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111574 introduction entry-content"> <p>Tech deal could make computer servers more expensive for UK businesses* <br class='autobr' /> Broadcom’s deal to buy VMware could lead to less innovation and drive up the cost of computer parts used by government, banks and telecoms. <br class='autobr' /> Broadcom, a leading US-based technology company, makes and sells specialist (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-preliminarily-determines-that-a-merger-worth-l1-2b" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority preliminarily determines that a merger worth £1.2B could reduce competition in the healthcare data management market and lead to higher healthcare costs <em>(UnitedHealth / EMIS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-16T23:00:00Z">17 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 107</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111525 introduction entry-content"> <p>Healthcare deal could lead to higher costs for NHS* <br class='autobr' /> Deal to combine healthcare tech and data specialists could lead to lower quality and more expensive software options for the NHS. <br class='autobr' /> An initial investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found UnitedHealth’s £1.2bn deal (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-preliminarily-determines-that-a-completed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority preliminarily determines that a completed acquisition of 132 petrol stations by a supermarket may result in higher prices or fewer choices for consumers <em>(Asda / Co-op)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-13T23:00:00Z">14 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 92</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111509 introduction entry-content"> <p>Supermarket petrol station merger could increase prices for motorists and shoppers* <br class='autobr' /> CMA investigation finds Asda’s purchase of 132 petrol stations and attached grocery stores from the Co-op could mean higher prices or less choice for motorists or shoppers in 13 areas. <br class='autobr' /> In January 2023, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-an-investigation-into-fragrances-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches an investigation into fragrances and fragrance ingredients with cooperation from EU Commission, the Swiss Competition Authority and the US DoJ <em>(Firmenich International / Givaudan / International Flavours & Fragrances / Symrise)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-06T23:00:00Z">7 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 209</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111418 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches investigation into fragrances and fragrance ingredients* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has launched an investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to the supply of fragrances and fragrance ingredients. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has reason to suspect (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-competition-concerns-in-the-provision-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises competition concerns in the provision of various veterinary public health inspections in relation to the merger of leading providers of specialised veterinary services that support the UK food supply chain <em>(Eville & Jones / Vorenta)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-05T23:00:00Z">6 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 64</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111417 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger could mean costlier and lower quality inspections for food industry* <br class='autobr' /> CMA’s investigation into Eville & Jones’ acquisition of Vorenta has raised competition concerns in the provision of various veterinary public health inspections <br class='autobr' /> Eville & Jones and Vorenta are leading (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-a-merger-in-the-satellite" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger in the satellite communications market following an in-depth investigation <em>(Viasat / Inmarsat)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-28T23:00:00Z">1 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 81</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111229 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears satellite comms deal following in-depth review* <br class='autobr' /> The decision comes after a Phase 2 review revealed Viasat and Inmarsat will likely face significant competition from both emerging and established players as the sector expands. While Viasat and Inmarsat compete closely, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-releases-new-guidance-to-help-businesses-co" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority releases new guidance to help businesses co-operate on environmental issues and opens a consultation on the guidance</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-27T23:00:00Z">28 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111236 introduction entry-content"> <p>New guidance to help businesses co-operate on environment* <br class='autobr' /> New draft guidance published by the CMA will help businesses work together with confidence towards achieving environmental goals. CMA seeking views on guidance to help companies work together towards environmental sustainability goals (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-initiates-preliminary-investigation-into-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority initiates a preliminary investigation into the takeover of eight vet businesses by a veterinary services provider due to likelihood to increase costs for animal owners <em>(IVC)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-16T23:00:00Z">17 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 84</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111057 introduction entry-content"> <p>Takeover of eight vet businesses could increase costs for animal owners* <br class='autobr' /> CMA initial investigations into IVC’s purchase of eight independent vet businesses find competition concerns <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened initial phase 1 investigations into IVC’s takeover of eight (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-reminds-employers-to-avoid-anti-competitive" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority reminds employers to avoid anticompetitive practices</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-08T23:00:00Z">9 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 166</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111040 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA reminds employers to avoid anti-competitive practices* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published new easy-to-read materials, which seek to boost business compliance and remind employers of their legal obligations to avoid collusion when it comes to employee pay, working conditions and the hiring of staff. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-holds-that-the-68-7b-acquisition-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally holds that the $68.7B acquisition of a gaming firm will lead to higher prices and fewer choices for UK gamers <em>(Microsoft / Activision)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-07T23:00:00Z">8 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 181</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110950 introduction entry-content"> <p>Microsoft – Activision deal could harm UK gamers* <br class='autobr' /> A CMA investigation has provisionally concluded that Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Activision could result in higher prices, fewer choices, or less innovation for UK gamers. In-depth independent investigation provisionally finds deal (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-cancels-a-phase-2-investigation-into-a-proposed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority cancels a phase 2 investigation into a proposed joint venture in the poultry feed industry following the abandonment of the deal by the merging parties <em>(ForFarmers / 2Agriculture)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-07T23:00:00Z">8 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 85</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110951 introduction entry-content"> <p>Poultry feed deal abandoned during CMA’s Phase 2 investigation* <br class='autobr' /> ForFarmers and 2Agriculture (a subsidiary company of Boparan) have abandoned their proposed joint venture. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has therefore today confirmed that it will be cancelling its Phase 2 merger (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-holds-that-the-merger-of-dental-service-providers" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority holds that the merger of dental service providers could worsen dental service options for patients in the South West and North East <em>(Portman Healthcare / Dentex Healthcare)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-02T23:00:00Z">3 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 65</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110913 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger could worsen dental service options for patients in the South West and North East* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA found that Portman Healthcare’s anticipated deal to buy Dentex Healthcare raised competition concerns which could harm treatment for patients living in the South West and North East <br class='autobr' /> An initial (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2023/the-uk-competition-authority-unwinds-dough-deal-to-protect-grocers-and-shoppers" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unwinds dough deal to protect grocers and shoppers <em>(Cérélia / Jus-Rol)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-01-19T23:00:00Z">20 January 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 115</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110677 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA unwinds dough deal to protect UK grocers and shoppers* <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth review, the CMA has found Cérélia’s purchase of Jus-Rol could leave UK retailers and shoppers facing higher prices and lower quality products. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded the only way to preserve the degree of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2022-4460/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-poultry-feed-deal-could-lead-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a poultry feed deal could lead to higher costs for farmers <em>(ForFarmers / Boparan)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-20T23:00:00Z">21 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 69</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110243 introduction entry-content"> <p>Poultry feed deal could lead to higher costs for farmers* <br class='autobr' /> The anticipated joint venture between ForFarmers and Boparan could lead to farmers paying higher prices to feed their poultry, the CMA has found. <br class='autobr' /> ForFarmers and Boparan (through 2Agriculture) both manufacture and supply chicken and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2022-4460/the-uk-competition-authority-greenlights-a-merger-between-two-construction" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority greenlights a merger between two construction firms subject to the divestment of a chemicals business <em>(Sika / MBCC)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-14T23:00:00Z">15 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 116</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110163 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA accepts fast-track remedy in chemicals deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a remedy from Sika and MBCC preventing their global merger from harming the UK construction industry. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a remedy from Sika and MBCC preventing their global merger from harming the UK construction (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2022-4460/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-a-merger-between-two-firms" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over a merger between two firms providing rail signalling <em>(Hitachi / Thales)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-08T23:00:00Z">9 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 122</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109999 introduction entry-content"> <p>Rail signalling deal could push up fares for passengers* <br class='autobr' /> Hitachi’s anticipated purchase of Thales’ rail infrastructure business could lead to higher fares in future, the CMA has found. <br class='autobr' /> Signalling systems are used across mainline rail and urban metro routes – such as the London Underground – (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2022-4460/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-an-automobile-manufacturer-for-failing-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines an automobile manufacturer for failing to comply with an information request <em>(BMW)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-07T23:00:00Z">8 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 102</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-110000 introduction entry-content"> <p>BMW fined for failing to comply with CMA information request <br class='autobr' /> BMW AG has been issued with a £30,000 fine, plus a daily penalty of £15,000, after it failed to provide information following a CMA information request. <br class='autobr' /> Information requests are legal tools used by the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2022-4460/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-hearing-implant" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two hearing implant providers could lead to higher prices for the national health service, reduced quality and slower innovation for UK patients who rely on hearing aids <em>(Cochlear / Oticon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-05T23:00:00Z">6 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 100</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109846 introduction entry-content"> <p>Hearing implants merger could mean worse deal for NHS and patients* <br class='autobr' /> The merger of 2 leading providers of hearing implants could lead to higher prices for the NHS, and reduced quality and slower innovation for UK patients who rely on these life-changing devices. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2022-4460/the-uk-competition-authority-conducts-an-in-depth-merger-investigation-which" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority conducts an in-depth merger investigation which finds that the sale of emergency service software businesses used by blue light emergency services is required to protect taxpayers <em>(NEC)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-30T23:00:00Z">1 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 77</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109831 introduction entry-content"> <p>Sale of emergency service software businesses required to protect UK taxpayers* <br class='autobr' /> NEC must sell some parts of its business after an in-depth merger investigation found that publicly-funded emergency services could end up paying more for essential software. <br class='autobr' /> NEC and SSS (previously part of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-report-on-the-music-streaming-sector" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a report on the music streaming sector and finds that consumers have benefitted from digitisation and competition between music streaming services</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-28T23:00:00Z">29 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 191</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109832 introduction entry-content"> <p>Music streaming report published* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded its independent study into the music streaming market. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published its final report and found that consumers have benefited from digitisation and competition between music streaming (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-vehicle-salvage" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two vehicle salvage companies will reduce customer choice and may limit access to salvage vehicles for green parts <em>(Copart / Hills Motors)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-27T23:00:00Z">28 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 78</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109830 introduction entry-content"> <p>Vehicle salvage merger reduces choice and may limit access to salvage vehicles for green parts* <br class='autobr' /> Copart’s completed purchase of Hills Motors will reduce the number of salvage services providers available to customers and could limit the vehicles available to suppliers of recycled vehicle parts, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-big-providers-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two big providers of well intervention services may be anticompetitive <em>(Baker Hughes / Altus)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-21T23:00:00Z">22 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 86</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109737 introduction entry-content"> <p>Well intervention services deal could result in increased costs for UK oil and gas production* <br class='autobr' /> Baker Hughes’ acquisition of Altus could result in oil and gas operators in the UK facing a worse deal for certain well intervention services. <br class='autobr' /> Well intervention services are essential services used (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-investigation-into-cloud-gaming-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an investigation into cloud gaming and browsers <em>(Apple / Google)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-21T23:00:00Z">22 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 884</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109738 introduction entry-content"> <p>Investigation into cloud gaming and browsers to support UK tech and consumers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has launched a market investigation into cloud gaming and mobile browsers after receiving widespread support for its proposals first published in June. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority consulted on (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-conducts-consultation-on-allowing-schools-early" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority conducts consultation on allowing schools early exit from software contracts</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-16T23:00:00Z">17 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 114</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109669 introduction entry-content"> <p>Consultation on allowing schools early exit from software contracts* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is consulting on proposals from ESS to allow certain schools to exit longer-term software contracts where the CMA has concerns that the lack of notice given to them limited their choice and competition. <br class='autobr' /> Education (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-proposed-remedies-to-address-concerns-of-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts proposed remedies to address concerns of a merger between two foam manufacturers <em>(Carpenter / Reticel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-15T23:00:00Z">16 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 98</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109668 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA accepts remedy to address concerns in foam merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a remedy from Carpenter and Recticel following concerns that Carpenter’s merger with Recticel could harm manufacturers and lead to a worse deal for shoppers on items like mattresses and kitchen sponges. <br class='autobr' /> US-based (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-airline-services" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two airline services in the London to South Korea route could cause passengers to pay more to fly from London to South Korea <em>(Asiana / Korean Air)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-13T23:00:00Z">14 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 79</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109670 introduction entry-content"> <p>Airline merger could see passengers pay more to fly from London to South Korea* <br class='autobr' /> The buyout of Asiana Airlines by Korean Air could lead to higher prices for passengers flying between London and Seoul, as well as impacting air cargo services. <br class='autobr' /> Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are the only (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-a-potential-merger-between" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over a potential merger between providers of student accommodation in Birmingham <em>(Student Roost / GIC / Greystar)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-07T23:00:00Z">8 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 71</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109494 introduction entry-content"> <p>Accommodation merger could mean worse deal for students in Birmingham* <br class='autobr' /> The purchase of student accommodation provider Student Roost by GIC and Greystar could lead to higher rent and lower quality housing for students in Birmingham. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) phase 1 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-merger-between-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a merger between two pastry makers could leave national retailers and shoppers facing higher prices and lower quality products <em>(Cérélia / Jus-Rol)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-03T23:00:00Z">4 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 119</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109383 introduction entry-content"> <p>UK grocers and shoppers could face higher prices due to dough merger* <br class='autobr' /> An in-depth CMA investigation has provisionally found that Cérélia’s purchase of Jus-Rol could leave UK retailers and shoppers facing higher prices and lower quality products. <br class='autobr' /> Ready-to-bake products – including staples (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-the-acquisition-of-a-financial-analytics" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally clears the acquisition of a financial analytics company by an international financial markets infrastructure and data business following an in-depth investigation <em>(London Stock Exchange Group / Quantile)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-25T22:00:00Z">26 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 78</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109314 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears LSEG / Quantile merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the anticipated acquisition of Quantile by LSEG following an in-depth merger investigation. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) referred the merger between London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) and Quantile Group Limited (Quantile) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-considers-structural-remedies-for-the-proposed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority considers structural remedies for the proposed merger between two chemical admixture companies <em>(Sika / MBCC)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-24T22:00:00Z">25 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 102</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109185 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA considers remedy to address concerns in chemical admixtures merger <br class='autobr' /> Sika AG and MBCC Group have asked the CMA to consider a “fast-track” remedy to address concerns that their merger could harm the construction industry in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> In November 2021, Swiss firm Sika agreed to buy the German (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-orders-a-big-tech-company-to-sell-a-gif-database" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority orders a Big Tech company to sell a GIF database on the belief that permitting the merger would limit innovation and reduce competition in the display advertising market <em>(Meta / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-17T22:00:00Z">18 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 225</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109164 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA orders Meta to sell Giphy* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA finds that Meta’s purchase of Giphy would limit choice for UK social media users and reduce innovation in UK display advertising. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that Meta’s takeover of Giphy could allow Meta to limit other social (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-the-acquisition-of-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears the acquisition of a newsagents chain by a supermarket chain following commitments to divest from 28 locations <em>(Morrisons / McColl’s)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-09T22:00:00Z">10 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 87</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108995 introduction entry-content"> <p>Morrisons’ proposals provisionally clear way for McColl’s deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA proposes to accept an offer from Morrisons to sell 28 McColl’s stores to address competition concerns in the areas where those stores are located. <br class='autobr' /> In July 2022, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched its (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-signals-concerns-over-a-potential-merger-worth-7" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority signals concerns over a potential merger worth $7.3B in the satellite communications market <em>(Viasat / Inmarsat)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-05T22:00:00Z">6 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 93</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108996 introduction entry-content"> <p>Satellite communication deal raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found Viasat’s merger with Inmarsat could lead to airlines facing higher prices for on-board wifi. Deal could lead to airlines facing higher prices and worse quality on-board wifi Deal would remove key competitor from market (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-to-consider-the-proposed-divestments-offered-in-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority to consider the proposed divestments offered in a foam packaging merger <em>(Carpenter / Recticel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-27T22:00:00Z">28 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 74</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108922 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA considers remedy to address concerns in foam merger* <br class='autobr' /> Carpenter and Recticel have asked the CMA to consider a “fast-track” remedy to address concerns that their merger could lead to manufacturers and shoppers paying more for items like mattresses and kitchen sponges. <br class='autobr' /> US-based Carpenter (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-firms-for-fixing-prices-fans-pay-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines firms for fixing prices fans pay for football club merchandise <em>(Elite Sports / JD Sports / Rangers FC)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-26T22:00:00Z">27 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 105</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108817 introduction entry-content"> <p>Firms fined for fixing prices fans pay for Rangers FC merchandise* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has imposed fines totalling over £2 million on Elite Sports, JD Sports and Rangers FC after they admitted to fixing the prices of certain Rangers FC merchandise. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-merger-between-two-retail" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the merger between two retail supermarket chains only raises competition concerns in a small number of local areas <em>(Morrisons / McColl’s)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-07T22:00:00Z">8 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 65</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108642 introduction entry-content"> <p>Morrisons / McColl’s merger only raises concerns in a small number of local areas* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s initial investigation into Morrisons’ completed purchase of McColl’s shops has found competition concerns in 35 local areas where the 2 brands compete. <br class='autobr' /> However, overall, the deal would not harm the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-following-a-phase-ii-investigation-a-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears, following a Phase II investigation, a merger between major cyber security firms <em>(Avast / NortonLifeLock)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-01T22:00:00Z">2 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 116</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108515 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears NortonLifeLock / Avast merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the anticipated acquisition of Avast by NortonLifeLock following an in-depth merger investigation. <br class='autobr' /> NortonLifeLock and Avast both offer cyber safety software to consumers under a variety of different brands. Products include (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-orders-a-major-supermarket-to-rewrite-land-deals" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority orders a major supermarket to rewrite land deals to remove provisions that block rival supermarkets from establishing in the surrounding area <em>(Waitrose)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-01T22:00:00Z">2 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 167</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108517 introduction entry-content"> <p>Anti-competitive land deals re-written to help businesses and shoppers* <br class='autobr' /> Waitrose has agreed to rewrite several property deals after it signed land agreements which blocked other supermarkets from opening nearby. Waitrose re-writes land deals to allow rivals to open nearby “We will continue to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-decides-to-refer-a-potential-merger-between-a-big" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority decides to refer a potential merger between a Big Tech company and a leading video game publisher for a Phase II investigation <em>(Microsoft / Activision Blizzard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-08-31T22:00:00Z">1 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 134</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108516 introduction entry-content"> <p>Microsoft / Activision deal could lead to competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that Microsoft’s anticipated purchase of Activision Blizzard could substantially lessen competition in gaming consoles, multi-game subscription services, and cloud gaming (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-waste-management" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two waste management services suppliers raises competition concerns, and issues merger remedies <em>(Veolia / Suez)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-08-24T22:00:00Z">25 August 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 93</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108458 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA unwinds Veolia / Suez merger in the UK* <br class='autobr' /> Prior to the merger, Veolia and Suez were 2 of the largest suppliers of waste management services in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today required Veolia to sell 3 businesses after an in-depth merger investigation concluded the merger gives rise to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-merger-between-two-dental-service" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the merger between two dental service providers raises competition concerns in parts of Yorkshire and Derbyshire <em>(Riviera Bidco / Rodericks Dental)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-08-22T22:00:00Z">23 August 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 79</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108459 introduction entry-content"> <p>Dental merger raises competition concerns in parts of Yorkshire and Derbyshire* <br class='autobr' /> An initial investigation by the CMA into an acquisition of dental practices has found competition concerns in parts of Doncaster, Yorkshire and Alfreton, Derbyshire. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-antitrust-concerns-regarding-a-merger-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises antitrust concerns regarding a merger of companies active in the drinking water solutions market <em>(Waterlogic / Culligan)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-08-17T22:00:00Z">18 August 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 103</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108392 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds concerns in drinking water solutions merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that the anticipated purchase of Waterlogic by Culligan could lead to a loss of competition in the supply of multifunctional taps to business customers in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Culligan (mainly through its Zip brand) is the leading (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-requires-the-largest-provider-of-property-search" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority requires the largest provider of property search services to sell its recently acquired competitor <em>(Dye & Durham / TM Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-08-02T22:00:00Z">3 August 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 136</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108137 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA requires Dye & Durham to sell TM Group* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded that Dye & Durham must sell TM Group after its in-depth investigation identified competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Following a Phase 2 merger investigation, the CMA has found that the acquisition of TM Group by Dye & Durham (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-the-acquisition-of-a-cyber" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears the acquisition of a cyber security company by a rival <em>(Avast / NortonLifeLock)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-08-02T22:00:00Z">3 August 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 65</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108313 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears NortonLifeLock / Avast merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared the anticipated acquisition of Avast by NortonLifeLock following an in-depth merger investigation. <br class='autobr' /> NortonLifeLock and Avast both offer cyber safety software to consumers under a variety of different (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-two-pharma-companies-l70m-for-overcharging" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines 2 pharmaceutical companies £70M for overcharging the National Health Service <em>(Pfizer / Flynn)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-07-20T22:00:00Z">21 July 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 248</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107824 introduction entry-content"> <p>£70 million in fines for pharma firms that overcharged NHS* <br class='autobr' /> After reassessing part of the case, the CMA has found that Pfizer and Flynn abused their dominant positions to overcharge the NHS for a life-saving epilepsy drug. Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Flynn fined £63 million and £6.7 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-a-merger-between-two-bidders" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over a merger between two bidders to provide the electricity supply to a large high speed railway <em>(Bouygues / Equans)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-07-18T22:00:00Z">19 July 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 85</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107825 introduction entry-content"> <p>HS2 bidder merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that a merger between 2 businesses currently bidding for the installation of overhead power cables for HS2 could raise competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Bouygues and Equans (part of Engie Group) are both large and well-established players (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2022/the-uk-government-clears-the-acquisition-of-a-national-aerospace-company-by-an" rel="bookmark">The UK Government clears the acquisition of a national aerospace company by an American motion control technology company subject to commitments to remedy national security concerns <em>(Meggitt / Parker-Hannifin)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-07-18T22:00:00Z">19 July 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 124</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107826 introduction entry-content"> <p>Update on the proposed acquisition of Meggitt plc by Parker-Hannifin Corporation* <br class='autobr' /> Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng updates on the proposed acquisition of Meggitt plc by Parker-Hannifin Corporation. <br class='autobr' /> Following advice from the Ministry of Defence and the Competition and Markets Authority and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-a-big-tech-company-s-online" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates a Big Tech company’s online marketplace over suspected anti-competitive practices <em>(Amazon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-07-05T22:00:00Z">6 July 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 149</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107460 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA investigates Amazon over suspected anti-competitive practices* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is investigating Amazon over concerns that practices affecting sellers on its UK Marketplace may be anti-competitive and could result in a worse deal for customers. <br class='autobr' /> This new investigation follows a current European (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-the-merger-between-two-foam" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over the merger between two foam production companies <em>(Carpenter / Recticel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-07-03T22:00:00Z">4 July 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 61</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107461 introduction entry-content"> <p>Foam merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that the merger of 2 firms that make foam used in products like bedding and cleaning sponges could lead to higher prices and less choice. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that the loss of competition brought (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-domestic-light-fittings-company-l1-5m-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a domestic light fittings company £1.5M for restricting the level of discounts retailers could offer to customers online <em>(Dar Lighting)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-20T22:00:00Z">21 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 143</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107123 introduction entry-content"> <p>Dar Lighting fined £1.5 million for illegally preventing online price discounts* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has issued millions of pounds worth of fines in recent years to firms, including those in the lighting and musical instrument sectors, for preventing retailers from offering discounts online. <br class='autobr' /> Most (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-and-appeal-tribunal-endorses-the-competition-authority-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal endorses the Competition Authority’s decision that a Big Tech company’s acquisition of a social media company will harm competition <em>(Meta / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-13T22:00:00Z">14 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 152</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107122 introduction entry-content"> <p>CAT endorses CMA assessment that Meta’s purchase of Giphy harms competition* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) has upheld the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) decision on 5 of the 6 challenged grounds. <br class='autobr' /> CMA Chief Executive Andrea Coscelli said: <br class='autobr' /> We welcome this resounding (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-offer-of-commitments-from-ferry-companies" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures offer of commitments from ferry companies in relation to capacity sharing agreements <em>(P&O Ferries / DFDS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-12T22:00:00Z">13 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 87</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107120 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA secures offer of commitments from P&O Ferries and DFDS* <br class='autobr' /> Following a CMA probe, P&O Ferries and DFDS have offered commitments to address concerns that their capacity sharing agreement could lead to higher prices and fewer sailings. <br class='autobr' /> In November 2021, the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-plans-market-investigation-into-mobile-browsers" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority plans a market investigation into mobile browsers and cloud gaming <em>(Apple / Google)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-09T22:00:00Z">10 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 451</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106999 introduction entry-content"> <p>Apple and Google “hold all the cards” with interventions needed to give innovators and competitors a fair chance to compete in mobile ecosystems <br class='autobr' /> CMA plans market investigation into mobile browsers and cloud gaming* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is consulting on the launch of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-foodservice-company-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over a merger in the market for the supply of commercial kitchen equipment <em>(Ali Holding / Welbilt)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-08T22:00:00Z">9 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 92</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107005 introduction entry-content"> <p>Foodservice equipment merger gives CMA cause for concern* <br class='autobr' /> Following a fast track phase 1 investigation, the CMA has found that the anticipated tie-up between 2 major kitchen equipment suppliers raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Ali Holding S.r.l. (Ali Group) and Welbilt, Inc. (Welbilt) provide a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-preliminarily-determines-that-two-sporting-apparel" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority preliminarily determines that two sporting apparel retailers colluded with a football club to fix the prices of replica kits and other clothing products <em>(Elite Sports / JD Sports / Rangers Football Club)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-06T22:00:00Z">7 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 435</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106922 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally finds illegal price-fixing of Rangers FC merchandise* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Elite Sports, JD Sports and Rangers Football Club broke competition law by fixing the retail prices of certain Rangers-branded clothing products. <br class='autobr' /> If confirmed, the companies involved (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-orders-a-provider-of-helicopter-transport-to-north" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority orders a provider of helicopter transport to North Sea oil rigs to unwind the acquisition of one of its three rivals <em>(CHC / Babcock)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-31T22:00:00Z">1 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 317</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106924 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA requires CHC to unwind helicopter services deal* <br class='autobr' /> CHC must unwind its completed acquisition of Babcock’s oil and gas offshore helicopter services to address competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> This decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) follows an in-depth Phase 2 investigation into (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-pastry-companies" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two pastry companies could lead to higher prices and lower quality products for shoppers in the UK <em>(Cérélia / Jus-Rol)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-29T22:00:00Z">30 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 332</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106869 introduction entry-content"> <p>Bake-at-home dough merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Cérélia is the largest manufacturer of bake-at-home dough products in the UK, producing private label (own brand) products on behalf of some of the largest grocery retailers in the UK. Jus-Rol is the best-selling brand in the bake-at-home (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-probes-a-big-tech-company-over-potential-abuse-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority probes a Big Tech company over potential abuse of dominance in ad tech <em>(Google Ad Tech)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-25T22:00:00Z">26 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 492</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106871 introduction entry-content"> <p>Google probed over potential abuse of dominance in ad tech* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is investigating whether Google has broken the law by restricting competition in the digital advertising technology market. CMA launches second investigation into Google’s practices in ad tech, following launch of probe into (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-calls-in-an-acquisition-transaction-in-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Government orders a full national security assessment of a proposed acquisition in the telecommunications sector <em>(BT / Altice)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-25T22:00:00Z">26 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 346</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106874 introduction entry-content"> <p>BT acquisition called-in for national security assessment* <br class='autobr' /> The acquisition by Altice of 6% of shares in BT has been called-in for a full national security assessment by Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng today (Thursday 26 May). <br class='autobr' /> The government has powers under the National Security and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-waste-and-water" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two waste and water management firms may lead to reduced competition following in-depth investigation <em>(Veolia / Suez)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-18T22:00:00Z">19 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 389</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106837 introduction entry-content"> <p>In-depth Veolia-Suez merger review finds competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that the merger of Veolia and Suez would lead to a loss of competition in the supply of several waste and water management services in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> This loss of competition could then lead to more (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-blocks-the-acquisition-of-a-rival-by-a-property" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority blocks the acquisition of a rival by a property search report company <em>(Dye & Durham / TM Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-17T22:00:00Z">18 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 331</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106838 introduction entry-content"> <p>Property search services merger could mean homebuyers pay more* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that the merger of 2 firms offering property search services could lead to a worse deal for homebuyers. <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth Phase 2 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-warns-that-cartels-exploiting-cost-of-living" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority warns that cartels exploiting cost-of-living crisis will face action including possible dawn raids</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-10T22:00:00Z">11 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 93</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106707 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cartels exploiting cost-of-living crisis will face action, warns CMA* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s most senior enforcer has warned that anyone looking to exploit the cost-of-living crisis by forming cartels risk robust enforcement action, including possible dawn raids. <br class='autobr' /> In a speech today Michael Grenfell, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-code-of-conduct-advice-for-big-tech" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes code of conduct advice for Big Tech platforms and publishers</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-05T22:00:00Z">6 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 581</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106617 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes code of conduct advice for platforms and publishers* <br class='autobr' /> Big tech companies should agree fairer deals with online publishers in order to use their content, according to the UK’s competition watchdog. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today published its joint advice (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-the-acquisition-of-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears the acquisition of a supermarket’s petrol station business by the largest independent operator of petrol stations following a promise to divest from 87 sites <em>(CD&R / Morrisons)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-02T22:00:00Z">3 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 501</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106448 introduction entry-content"> <p>Petrol station proposals provisionally clear way for Morrisons deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA proposes to accept an offer from buyer of Morrisons to sell 87 petrol stations to address competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> In January, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened its investigation into Clayton, Dubilier (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-cancels-its-investigation-into-the-proposed" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority cancels its investigation into the proposed acquisition of the largest auction provider for heavy machinery by the second largest after firms abandon the deal <em>(Ritchie Bros / Euro Auctions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-02T22:00:00Z">3 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 471</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106453 introduction entry-content"> <p>Ritchie Bros has abandoned its planned purchase of Euro Auctions after the CMA referred the deal for an in-depth Phase 2 investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Ritchie Bros has abandoned its planned purchase of Euro Auctions after the CMA referred the deal for an in-depth Phase 2 investigation. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-potential-phase-ii-investigation-into" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces potential Phase II investigation into the proposed acquisition of an undertaking that helps financial institutions reduce risk by the owner of major national financial infrastructure <em>(London Stock Exchange Group / Quantile)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-02T22:00:00Z">3 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 483</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106459 introduction entry-content"> <p>LSEG’s anticipated Quantile purchase raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> LSEG’s anticipated purchase of Quantile could now be referred for an in-depth investigation after finding that the deal raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened its investigation into (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-second-state-of-competition-report" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes its second State of Competition report, finding that the economy remains more concentrated than it was prior to the 2008 financial crisis and that the concentration disproportionately affects the least well-off</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 409</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106378 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes second state of competition report* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published its second assessment of how well competition is working in the UK and what that means for people and businesses. <br class='autobr' /> Effective competition helps make sure shoppers and households get a fair deal when buying goods and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-decides-that-a-completed-merger-between-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority decides that a completed merger between two software providers may be anti-competitive and remedies will need to be offered or a phase II investigation will proceed <em>(NEC / SSS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 311</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106385 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds competition concerns in merger of emergency service software suppliers* <br class='autobr' /> NEC Software Solutions’ purchase of SSS raises competition concerns in the supply of vital software to emergency services and transport customers. <br class='autobr' /> NEC and SSS are 2 of a small number of suppliers that supply (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-deems-a-merger-between-two-veterinary-firms-as" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority deems a merger between two veterinary firms as likely to be anti-competitive and gives the firm time to offer remedies or will proceed with a phase II investigation <em>(VetPartners / Goddard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-27T22:00:00Z">28 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 355</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106386 introduction entry-content"> <p>VetPartners’ purchase of Goddard raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> VetPartners’ completed purchase of Goddard could now be referred for an in-depth investigation after the CMA found that the deal raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened its investigation (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-annual-concurrency-report-outlining" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes its annual concurrency report outlining inter-agency cooperation throughout the year</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-26T22:00:00Z">27 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 315</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106389 introduction entry-content"> <p>Regulators promote competition across sectors in 2021 to 2022* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s Annual Concurrency Report shows how competition authorities have helped deliver benefits to households in 2021 to 2022 in the regulated sectors. <br class='autobr' /> Competition law in the UK is enforced by the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-legally-binding-commitments-from-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures legally binding commitments from a pharmaceutical company to maintain reduced prices for 10 years <em>(Aspen)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-26T22:00:00Z">27 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 396</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106390 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA helps NHS secure price and supply commitment for cancer drugs* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has worked to ensure that pharmaceutical company Aspen’s commitments to reduce prices for life-saving cancer medicines can be enforced in the UK following its exit from the European Union. <br class='autobr' /> The European Commission (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-investigation-into-the-largest-provider" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an investigation into the largest provider of information management systems to schools <em>(ESS)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-26T22:00:00Z">27 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 307</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106392 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to investigate ESS’s move to three-year contracts for schools* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is investigating whether education software company ESS is abusing a dominant position to push schools into accepting a new 3-year contract. <br class='autobr' /> The investigation will assess concerns around a contract change made by (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-could-increase-operating-costs" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger could increase operating costs for oil and gas producers in the North Sea <em>(Noble / Maersk)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-21T22:00:00Z">22 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 464</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106235 introduction entry-content"> <p>Offshore drilling merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that the merger of Noble and Maersk Drilling could increase operating costs for oil and gas producers in the UK North Sea. <br class='autobr' /> In February, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened an investigation into the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-blocks-the-proposed-merger-between-two-industrials" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority blocks the proposed merger between two industrials after its in-depth investigation identified substantial competition concerns <em>(Cargotec / Konecranes)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-28T22:00:00Z">29 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 364</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105997 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA blocks planned Cargotec / Konecranes merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has blocked the proposed merger between Cargotec and Konecranes after its in-depth investigation identified substantial competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Cargotec and Konecranes both offer a range of container handling equipment and services to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-an-acquisition-of-the-largest" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that an acquisition of the largest independent operator of petrol stations by a major retail chain could lead to higher fuel prices in 121 locations across the country <em>(CD&R / Morrisons)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 298</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106043 introduction entry-content"> <p>Morrisons purchase raises competition concerns over fuel * <br class='autobr' /> CMA finds CD&R’s acquisition of Morrisons could lead to higher fuel prices in 121 locations across the country where both firms own forecourts. <br class='autobr' /> In January, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened its investigation into (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-lighting-supplier-l1-5-million-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a lighting supplier £1.5M for breaking competition law by restricting the level of discounts retailers could offer online <em>(Dar Lighting)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-22T23:00:00Z">23 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 294</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106092 introduction entry-content"> <p>Dar Lighting fined after ignoring warnings on restricting discounts* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined Dar Lighting Ltd £1.5 million for breaking competition law by restricting the level of discounts retailers could offer online. The lighting supplier failed to take sufficient action after 2 written warnings (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-in-depth-phase-investigation-into-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth phase investigation into the merger of 2 auction service providers for heavy construction machinery <em>(Ritchie Bros / Euro Auctions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-17T23:00:00Z">18 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 340</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105906 introduction entry-content"> <p>Ritchie Bros and Euro Auctions deal referred for an in-depth investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has referred Ritchie Bros’ planned purchase of Euro Auctions for an in-depth Phase 2 investigation, after finding competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Ritchie Bros and Euro Auctions are both auction service providers for (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-confirms-in-phase-ii-investigation" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally confirms in a Phase II investigation that a merger between two helicopter services companies raises competition concerns <em>(CHC / Babcock)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-16T23:00:00Z">17 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 204</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106005 introduction entry-content"> <p>Helicopter services deal raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that CHC’s purchase of Babcock’s oil and gas offshore helicopter transportation services business raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth Phase 2 investigation of this completed acquisition, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-unconditionally-clears-a-phase-ii-merger-between-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally clears a Phase II merger between a major record label and an artist and label services provider <em>(AWAL / Sony)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-15T23:00:00Z">16 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 373</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105754 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears Sony’s acquisition of AWAL* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared Sony’s acquisition of AWAL, an ‘artist and label’ (A&L) services provider, following an in-depth merger inquiry. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) referred the merger to an in-depth Phase 2 inquiry in September 2021, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-acquisition-deal-between-two-major-cyber" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds an acquisition deal between two major cybersecurity companies could reduce competition in cyber safety software options <em>(Avast / NortonLifeLock)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-15T23:00:00Z">16 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 445</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105755 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds NortonLifeLock purchase of Avast could reduce competition* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that NortonLifeLock’s approximately £6bn purchase of Avast raises competition concerns and may now be referred for an in-depth investigation. <br class='autobr' /> NortonLifeLock and Avast both offer cyber safety software to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-investigation-into-suspected-anti" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches an investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct involving vehicle manufacturers in relation to the recycling of old or written-off vehicles</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-14T23:00:00Z">15 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 405</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105757 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches investigation into recycling of cars and vans <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has launched an investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to the recycling of old or written-off vehicles <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has reason to suspect anti-competitive behaviour (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-environmental-sustainability-advice-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes environmental sustainability advice to the government</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-13T23:00:00Z">14 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 591</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105725 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes environmental sustainability advice to government* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published advice on how competition and consumer laws can help meet the UK’s environmental goals, and has outlined plans for a Sustainability Taskforce. Advice suggests clarifying the law on providing environmental (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-big-tech-companies-over-advertising" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates two Big Tech companies over an alleged distortion of competition in the online display advertising services market <em>(Google / Meta)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-10T23:00:00Z">11 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 610</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105677 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA investigates Google and Meta over ad tech concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is taking a closer look at Google and Meta’s conduct over concerns that they hampered competition in markets for online display advertising services. CMA and European Commission launch parallel probes into Google and Meta’s “Jedi (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-unlocks-electric-vehicle-charging-competition-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unlocks electric vehicle charging competition for motorway drivers <em>(Gridserve / Electric Highway)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-07T23:00:00Z">8 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 635</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105582 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA unlocks electric vehicle charging competition for motorway drivers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured commitments from Gridserve which will unlock competition and increase choice of electric vehicle chargepoints on motorways for drivers. <br class='autobr' /> Following the launch of its investigation in July 2021, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-an-open-letter-to-electric-chargepoint" rel="bookmark"> The UK Competition Authority publishes an open letter to electric chargepoint operators and motorway service area operators following its investigation into suspected breaches of competition law about long-term exclusive arrangements</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-07T23:00:00Z">8 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 621</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105583 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA open letter to motorway service area operators and electric vehicle chargepoint operators* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published an open letter to electric vehicle chargepoint operators and motorway service area operators following its investigation into suspected (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-merger-following-an-in-depth" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger, following an in-depth investigation, between an independent supplier of telecommunications infrastructure and a multinational conglomerate’s passive UK telecoms infrastructure <em>(Cellnex / CK Hutchison)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-02T23:00:00Z">3 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 600</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105577 introduction entry-content"> <p>Tower site sale to address concerns in telecoms merger* <br class='autobr' /> Cellnex must sell over 1,000 telecoms tower sites to address competition concerns over its purchase of CK Hutchison’s UK towers. <br class='autobr' /> The decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) comes after an in-depth Phase 2 investigation (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-concerns-over-a-proposed-merger-between-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises concerns over a proposed merger between two producers of chemical admixtures <em>(Sika / MBCC)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-26T23:00:00Z">27 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 91</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-107988 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds concerns in proposed chemicals merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that the anticipated purchase of MBCC Group by Sika AG could lead to a loss of competition in the supply of chemical admixtures in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Chemical admixtures are an essential input for products like concrete and cement used (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-in-depth-investigation-in-relation-to-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth investigation in relation to a merger in the veterinary services sector <em>(CVS / The Vet)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-17T23:00:00Z">18 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 241</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105306 introduction entry-content"> <p>CVS takeover of The Vet raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> CVS Group’s completed purchase of The Vet could now be referred for an in-depth investigation after finding that the deal raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened its investigation into CVS Group’s (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-a-new-working-group-of-five-eyes" rel="bookmark"> The UK Competition Authority announces a new working group of Five Eyes Competition Authorities putting companies involved in global supply chains on notice not to collude</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-17T23:00:00Z">18 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 336</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105312 introduction entry-content"> <p>International agencies put supply chains on notice against collusion* <br class='autobr' /> A new working group of international competition authorities has put companies involved in global supply chains on notice not to collude. <br class='autobr' /> The working group is made up of competition authorities from the “Five Eyes” (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-sports-retailers-l5m-after-breaching-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes £5M fine against sports retailers for breaching the rules around a merger blocked by the Authority <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-13T23:00:00Z">14 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 408</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105201 introduction entry-content"> <p>Sports retailers fined almost £5m for breaching CMA order* <br class='autobr' /> JD Sports and Footasylum have been fined almost £5 million after breaching the rules around a merger blocked by the CMA. Breaches include the sharing of commercially sensitive information between JD Sports and Footasylum CEOs Failure (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-a-merger-between-a-major" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger between a major record label and an artist and label services provider <em>(AWAL / Sony)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-10T23:00:00Z">11 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 369</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105158 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears Sony’s acquisition of AWAL* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared Sony’s acquisition of AWAL, an ‘artist and label’ (A&L) services provider, following an in-depth merger inquiry. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) referred the merger to an in-depth Phase 2 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-a-big-tech-company-s-revised-offer-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts a Big Tech company’s revised offer of commitments relating to its proposed removal of third-party cookies from a browser <em>(Google Privacy Sandbox)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-10T23:00:00Z">11 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 527</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105243 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to keep ‘close eye’ on Google as it secures final Privacy Sandbox commitments* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a revised offer from Google of commitments relating to its proposed removal of third-party cookies from the Chrome browser (known as the Privacy Sandbox proposals). The CMA has secured (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-designates-a-big-tech-company-as-a-grocery" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority designates a Big Tech company as a grocery retailer to protect suppliers <em>(Amazon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-08T23:00:00Z">9 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 595</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105098 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA designates Amazon as a grocery retailer to protect suppliers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has announced that industry rules setting out how grocery retailers should treat their suppliers will now apply to Amazon. <br class='autobr' />, Inc’s (Amazon) increasing activity in the UK groceries’ sector in recent years has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-closes-phase-ii-investigation-of-a-semiconductor" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority closes Phase II investigation of a semiconductor company by a computer graphics company after the companies abandoned the merger <em>(NVIDIA / Arm)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-07T23:00:00Z">8 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 550</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105076 introduction entry-content"> <p>NVIDIA abandons takeover of Arm during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> NVIDIA has abandoned its proposed deal with Arm during the CMA’s in-depth investigation, following its initial finding that the merger could lead to a substantial lessening of competition. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competiton-authority-fines-a-big-tech-company-l1-5m-after-it-failed-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a Big Tech company £1.5M for failure to alert the Authority that key members of staff were leaving the company, which was a requirement under an enforcement order <em>(Meta / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-03T23:00:00Z">4 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 531</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105073 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines Meta a second time for breaching enforcement order* <br class='autobr' /> Meta has been fined £1.5m after it failed to alert the CMA in advance of key staff leaving the company, which is required by the CMA’s initial enforcement order. <br class='autobr' /> It is standard practice for the Competition and Markets Authority (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-multiple-pharmaceutical-companies-over-l35" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines multiple pharmaceutical companies over £35 million for conducting agreements in the supply of important National Health Service prescription anti-nausea tablets <em>(Alliance Pharmaceuticals / Focus / Lexon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-02-02T23:00:00Z">3 February 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 630</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105071 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines firms over £35m for illegal arrangement for NHS drug* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined firms over £35 million for an illegal arrangement in the supply of important NHS prescription anti-nausea tablets. CMA fines firms in relation to an arrangement under which a competitor was paid not to launch a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-a-phase-i-investigation-into-a-transcription" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority receives notification from a major digital company regarding its takeover bid of a transcription software company focused on healthcare and customer engagement solutions<em>(Microsoft / Nuance)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-01-11T23:00:00Z">12 January 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 303</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105224 introduction entry-content"> <p>Anticipated acquisition by Microsoft Corporation of Nuance Communications Inc.* <br class='autobr' /> Notice under section 96(2a) of the Enterprise Act 2002 (the Act) published pursuant to section 107(1)(I) of the Act <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) hereby gives notice pursuant to section 96(2A) of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2022/the-uk-competition-authority-disqualifies-a-pharmaceutical-company-director-due" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority disqualifies a pharmaceutical company director due to his involvement in illegal sharing of commercially sensitive information about the antidepressant nortriptyline <em>(Pritesh Sonpal / Lexon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-01-10T23:00:00Z">11 January 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 402</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-104682 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA disqualifies pharma director* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured the disqualification of a pharmaceutical company director, in connection with his involvement in illegal anti-competitive practices. <br class='autobr' /> Pritesh Sonpal – a former director of the pharmaceutical wholesaler Lexon – will be disqualified from (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-in-phase-ii-investigation-that" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds in Phase II investigation that the proposed purchase of a multinational conglomerate’s passive UK telecoms infrastructure assets by the largest national independent telecommunications infrastructure supplier would harm competition by removing the possibility for a third infrastructure supplier to emerge <em>(Cellnex / CK Hutchison)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-15T23:00:00Z">16 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 302</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-104604 introduction entry-content"> <p>UK telecoms tower merger risks higher mobile costs* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found Cellnex’s proposed purchase of CK Hutchison’s telecoms towers would harm competition. <br class='autobr' /> Cellnex is an independent supplier of telecommunications infrastructure, currently active across several European (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-lighting-equipment" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a lighting equipment manufacturer has violated competition law by preventing retailers from offering discounts online <em>(Dar Lighting)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-15T23:00:00Z">16 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 242</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-104968 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally finds lighting firm illegally banned discounts* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Dar Lighting Limited has broken competition law by preventing retailers from offering discounts online. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has issued a Statement of Objections to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-market-study-interim-report-and-finds" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a market study interim report and finds two Big Tech companies have leveraged their market power to create largely self-contained mobile ecosystems leading to a duopoly that limits competition and choice over operating systems, app stores, and web browsers <em>(Apple / Google)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-13T23:00:00Z">14 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 352</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-104459 introduction entry-content"> <p>Apple and Google duopoly limits competition and choice* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s interim report into mobile ecosystems suggests that users are losing out because of Apple and Google’s duopoly. <br class='autobr' /> Earlier this year, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a probe over concerns that Apple and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-one-stop-property" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two one-stop property search service providers could reduce competition <em>(Dye & Durham / TM Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-08T23:00:00Z">9 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 203</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-104158 introduction entry-content"> <p>Dye & Durham’s purchase of TM Group could reduce competition* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Dye & Durham’s purchase of TM Group raises competition concerns and may now be referred for an in-depth investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Dye & Durham and TM Group both provide a one-stop property search service to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-merger-of-2-companies-in-the-supply" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the merger of 2 companies in the supply of several waste and water management services could lead to a loss of competition <em>(Veolia / Suez)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-06T23:00:00Z">7 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 174</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-104020 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds Veolia / Suez merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Veolia and Suez are two of the largest suppliers of waste management services to councils and businesses in the UK and global leaders in the sector. The transaction is being reviewed by a number of competition authorities globally. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-requires-a-big-tech-company-to-sell-a-gif-creation" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority requires a Big Tech company to sell a GIF creation platform it acquired after finding that the deal could harm social media users and national advertisers <em>(Meta / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-11-29T23:00:00Z">30 November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 599</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103848 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA directs Facebook to sell Giphy* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA requires Facebook (which has recently renamed itself ‘Meta’) to sell Giphy, after finding that the deal could harm social media users and UK advertisers. <br class='autobr' /> In line with its Phase 2 provisional findings issued in August, the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-improved-commitments-from-a-big-tech" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures improved commitments from a Big Tech company on its proposals to remove third-party cookies and other functionalities from its browser <em>(Google Privacy Sandbox)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-11-25T23:00:00Z">26 November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 581</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103797 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA secures improved commitments on Google’s Privacy Sandbox* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured improved commitments from Google on its proposals to remove third party cookies and other functionalities from its Chrome browser. <br class='autobr' /> It has been investigating Google’s proposals since the start of the year due to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-proposed-merger-between-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the proposed merger between two container handling equipment suppliers raises competition concerns <em>(Cargotec / Konecranes)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-11-25T23:00:00Z">26 November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 481</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103810 introduction entry-content"> <p>Port equipment merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that the proposed merger of Cargotec and Konecranes raises competition concerns in the supply of container handling equipment. <br class='autobr' /> Image showing shipping containers with a machine moving them Cargotec and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-helicopter" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds in Phase I investigation that a merger between two helicopter services companies raises competition concerns <em>(CHC / Babcock)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-11-17T23:00:00Z">18 November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 645</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103597 introduction entry-content"> <p>Helicopter services deal raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that CHC’s completed purchase of Babcock’s oil and gas offshore helicopter business raises competition concerns in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> CHC and Babcock’s oil and gas offshore helicopter business (the Babcock Business) both provide (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-invites-views-on-commitments-proposed-by-major" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority invites views on the commitments proposed by a major national chargepoint operator to pave the way for opening up competition in charging of the electric vehicles sector <em>(Gridserve / Electric Highway)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-11-16T23:00:00Z">17 November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 626</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103585 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to open up electric vehicle charging competition on motorways* <br class='autobr' /> CMA action is paving the way for greater investment, greater choice, and competition on prices for electric vehicle drivers, by opening up competition in the charging sector. <br class='autobr' /> CMA Chief Executive says “Healthy competition is (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-orders-a-sneaker-and-apparel-retailer-to-sell-one" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority orders a footwear and apparel retailer to sell its acquired rival, following an in-depth investigation into the completed transaction <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-11-03T23:00:00Z">4 November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 716</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103538 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA requires JD Sports to sell Footasylum* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has instructed JD Sports to sell Footasylum after its in-depth investigation identified competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that the takeover could lead to a substantial reduction in competition and a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-investigation-into-the-mobile-radio" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an investigation into the mobile radio network used by all national emergency services after expressing concerns about a company’s dual role as owner of the current network and as key supplier in the future emergency services network <em>(Motorola / Airwave Solutions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-24T22:00:00Z">25 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 616</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103083 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA opens investigation into Motorola’s Airwave network* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has opened an investigation into Motorola’s Airwave network, the mobile radio network used by all emergency services in Great Britain. <br class='autobr' /> Motorola Solutions Inc.’s (Motorola) Airwave network is the infrastructure and services that (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-big-tech-company-for-breaching-orders-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a Big Tech company for breaching orders in the context of its acquisition of a GIF provider <em>(Facebook / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-19T22:00:00Z">20 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 84</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103037 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines Facebook over enforcement order breach* <br class='autobr' /> Facebook has been fined £50.5 million for breaching an order imposed by the CMA during its investigation into Facebook’s purchase of Giphy. <br class='autobr' /> A mobile phone and laptop both displaying a Facebook log in page It is standard practice to issue an (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-its-intention-to-launch-a-study-into-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces its intention to launch a study into the music streaming market</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-18T22:00:00Z">19 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 610</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103103 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA plans probe into music streaming market* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has announced its intention to launch a market study into music streaming. <br class='autobr' /> Following discussion by the CMA Board, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will now carry out work to consider and develop the final scope of the market (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-the-merger-of-two-financial-information-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears the merger of two financial information and analytics companies subject to conditions <em>(S&P Global / IHS Markit)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-18T22:00:00Z">19 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 472</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103108 introduction entry-content"> <p>S&P-IHS Markit merger to be cleared if concerns overcome* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA will clear S&P’s merger with IHS Markit if competition concerns in certain commodity price assessments are addressed. <br class='autobr' /> S&P Global Inc. (S&P) is a worldwide supplier of credit ratings, commodity price (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-responses-to-two-government" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes its responses to two Government consultations on reforming competition policy and on adopting a new pro-competition regime for digital markets</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-03T22:00:00Z">4 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 732</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102807 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes government proposals on new powers* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has responded to the government’s proposals to enhance its ability to tackle breaches of competition and consumer law and empower the Digital Markets Unit (DMU). Changes would see the CMA given the power to declare companies in breach of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2021/the-uk-government-proposes-to-accept-revised-national-security-undertakings" rel="bookmark">The UK Government proposes to accept revised national security undertakings offered under the acquisition of a telecommunications equipment company by a Chinese radio manufacturer to ensure maintenance of the TETRA Airwave Network used by national emergency services <em>(Sepura / Hytera)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-27T22:00:00Z">28 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 789</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102652 introduction entry-content"> <p>Acquisition of Sepura plc by Hytera Communications Corporation Limited: revised national security undertakings* <br class='autobr' /> Consultation description <br class='autobr' /> The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Kwasi Kwarteng MP, announced on 28 September 2021 that he is proposing to accept (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-unconditionally-clears-the-merger-between-a-big" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally clears the merger between a Big Tech company and a provider of CRM software <em>(Meta / Kustomer)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-26T22:00:00Z">27 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 171</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105225 introduction entry-content"> <p>Anticipated acquisition by Facebook, Inc. of Kustomer, Inc.* <br class='autobr' /> Summary of the CMA’s decision on relevant merger situation and substantial lessening of competition <br class='autobr' /> SUMMARY <br class='autobr' /> 1. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that the anticipated acquisition by Facebook, Inc. (Facebook) of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-merger-between-a-national-music" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the merger between a national music distributor and a Japanese technology company raises competition concerns <em>(AWAL / Sony)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-06T22:00:00Z">7 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 461</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102314 introduction entry-content"> <p>Sony’s purchase of AWAL raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Sony’s completed purchase of AWAL raises competition concerns, following a Phase 1 investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Deal could lead to worse terms for artists and less innovation in the music sector <br class='autobr' /> The music industry is evolving, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-prepares-a-report-on-the-merger-between-a-material" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority prepares a report on the merger between a material manufacturer and a telecommunications company in light of a public interest intervention notice issued over the proposed acquisition <em>(Perpetuus / Taurus)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-04T22:00:00Z">5 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 619</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102186 introduction entry-content"> <p>Public interest intervention notice issued over proposed acquisition of The Perpetuus Group by Taurus International Ltd and others* <br class='autobr' /> A notice was issued today relating to the proposed acquisition of The Perpetuus Group by Taurus International Ltd and others. <br class='autobr' /> On 5 September, acting on official (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-reassesses-a-merger-in-the-activewear-sector-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority reassesses a merger in the activewear sector and provisionally finds that it raises competition concerns <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-01T22:00:00Z">2 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 688</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102167 introduction entry-content"> <p>Competition concerns remain over JD Sports merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found JD Sports’ takeover of Footasylum could lead to a worse deal for shoppers, after reassessing the merger. <br class='autobr' /> Following the CMA’s final decision to block the merger between JD Sports and Footasylum in May 2020, JD (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-serious-competition-concerns-with-a-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds serious competition concerns with a merger between a company in the chip technology industry and one of its customers as it may prevent competitors from accessing the latest processor designs <em>(NVIDIA / Arm)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-08-19T22:00:00Z">20 August 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 382</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102102 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds competition concerns with NVIDIA’s purchase of Arm* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that NVIDIA’s purchase of Arm raises serious competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> A summary of the CMA’s report, which was sent to the Secretary of State (SoS) for the Department for Digital, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-takeover-of-the-largest-provider-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that the takeover of the largest provider of GIFs by the largest social media company raises competition concerns <em>(Facebook / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-08-11T22:00:00Z">12 August 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 392</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101990 introduction entry-content"> <p>Facebook’s takeover of Giphy raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found Facebook’s merger with Giphy will harm competition between social media platforms and remove a potential challenger in the display advertising market. <br class='autobr' /> Facebook app is being selected on a mobile phone. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-two-pharmaceutical-companies-abused" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that 2 pharmaceutical companies abused their dominant positions to overcharge the National Health Service for vital anti-epilepsy drugs <em>(Pfizer / Flynn)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-08-04T22:00:00Z">5 August 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 454</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101987 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA accuses pharma firms of illegal pricing* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Pfizer and Flynn abused their dominant positions to overcharge the NHS for vital anti-epilepsy drugs, after reassessing the case. <br class='autobr' /> Having gathered further evidence and after carefully assessing the facts, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-pharmaceutical-company-for-overinflating" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a pharmaceutical company for overinflating the price of thyroid tablets <em>(Advanz)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-07-28T22:00:00Z">29 July 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 482</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101890 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines pharma firm over pricing of crucial thyroid drug* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has imposed over £100 million in fines after Advanz inflated the price of thyroid tablets, causing the NHS and patients to lose out. Advanz increased the price of thyroid tablet packs from £20 in 2009 to £248 in 2017 – an (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-two-drug-companies-for-overcharging-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes fines totalling £260M on two drug companies for overcharging the National Health Service <em>(Auden Mckenzie / Actavis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-07-14T22:00:00Z">15 July 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 634</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101627 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds drug companies overcharged NHS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has imposed fines totalling over £260 million for competition law breaches in relation to the supply of hydrocortisone tablets. Prices of life-saving hydrocortisone tablets rose by over 10,000%. Pharma firms bought off potential rivals to avoid (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-the-proposed-purchase-of-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds in a Phase I investigation that the proposed purchase of a multinational conglomerate’s passive UK telecoms infrastructure assets by the largest national independent telecommunications infrastructure supplier raises competition concerns <em>(Cellnex / CK Hutchison)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-07-12T22:00:00Z">13 July 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 545</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101541 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cellnex and CK Hutchison deal raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Cellnex’s proposed purchase of CK Hutchison’s UK passive telecoms infrastructure assets raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Cellnex is an independent supplier of telecommunications infrastructure, currently active (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-consults-on-its-market-investigation-into" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority consults on its market investigation into emergency services’ mobile radio network <em>(Motorola)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-07-07T22:00:00Z">8 July 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 592</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101464 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA consults on market investigation into emergency services’ mobile radio network* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is consulting on whether to launch a market investigation into Motorola’s Airwave network – the mobile radio network used by all emergency services in Great Britain. <br class='autobr' /> The move follows concerns (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-market-study-into-two-big-tech" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a market study into two Big Tech companies’ mobile ecosystems over concerns that they might abuse their dominant position <em>(Google / Apple)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-06-14T22:00:00Z">15 June 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 748</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101177 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to scrutinise Apple and Google mobile ecosystems* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has launched a market study into Apple’s and Google’s mobile ecosystems over concerns they have market power which is harming users and other businesses. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is taking a closer look at (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-commitments-from-a-big-tech-company-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures commitments from a Big Tech company to address concerns about its proposal to remove third-party cookies on its main internet browser <em>(Google Privacy Sandbox)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-06-10T22:00:00Z">11 June 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 642</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101116 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to have key oversight role over Google’s planned removal of third-party cookies* <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation, the CMA has secured commitments from Google to address concerns about Google’s proposal to remove third-party cookies on Chrome. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is to take up a role in the design and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-a-social-media-company-s-use-of-ad" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates a social media company’s use of ad data <em>(Facebook)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-06-03T22:00:00Z">4 June 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 630</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101060 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA investigates Facebook’s use of ad data* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is investigating whether Facebook might be abusing a dominant position in the social media or digital advertising markets through its collection and use of advertising data. <br class='autobr' /> Facebook login on a mobile and laptop screen The Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-in-its-reassessment-that-the-merger-between" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds in its reassessment that the merger between two financial advice companies raises competition concerns <em>(FNZ / GBST)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-06-03T22:00:00Z">4 June 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 328</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101061 introduction entry-content"> <p>Reassessment of FNZ/GBST deal confirms competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that the purchase of GBST by rival FNZ could lead to poorer service and higher prices following a careful reassessment of the deal. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) reassessed the deal, following its (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-reflects-on-the-lessons-learned-from-its" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority reflects on the lessons learned from its investigation into three major suppliers of groundworks products to the construction industry for collusion <em>(Vp / MGF / Mabey)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-25T22:00:00Z">26 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 464</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100663 introduction entry-content"> <p>Breaking competition law: construction cartel in groundworks* <br class='autobr' /> Lessons learnt from the CMA’s investigation into 3 major suppliers of groundworks products to the construction industry after they broke competition law. <br class='autobr' /> In 2020, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) fined 2 businesses, Vp (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2021/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-releases-a-judgment-confirming-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal releases a judgment confirming the Competition Authority’s decision to block the merger between two software suppliers <em>(Sabre / Farelogix)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-20T22:00:00Z">21 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 187</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100987 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes Tribunal judgment in Sabre case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA welcomes today’s Competition Appeal Tribunal judgment, dismissing Sabre’s challenge of the CMA’s decision to block its proposed acquisition of Farelogix. <br class='autobr' /> Photograph of an airplane in the sky. Today’s judgment endorses the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-and-the-information-commissioner-s-office-publish" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority and the Information Commissioner’s Office publish a joint statement setting out their shared views on the relationship between competition and data protection in the digital economy</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-18T22:00:00Z">19 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 241</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100989 introduction entry-content"> <p>ICO and CMA set out blueprint for cooperation in digital markets* <br class='autobr' /> The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) have published a joint statement, setting out their shared views on the relationship between competition and data protection in the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-the-court-of-appeal-s-decision-to-dismiss" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes the Court of Appeal’s decision to dismiss a Big Tech company’s grounds of appeal regarding how companies engage with the Authority <em>(Facebook / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-12T22:00:00Z">13 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 195</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100988 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes Court judgment in Facebook and Giphy case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today welcomed the Court of Appeal’s decision to dismiss all 4 of Facebook’s grounds of appeal in a key case on how companies engage with the CMA. <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Appeal criticised Facebook’s conduct, saying the “central (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-the-withdrawal-of-two-it-companies-from" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces the withdrawal of two IT companies managing sensitive healthcare patient data from their intended merger <em>(Imprivata / Isosec)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-09T22:00:00Z">10 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 312</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100778 introduction entry-content"> <p>Imprivata and Isosec abandon merger during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Imprivata and Isosec have abandoned their proposed tie-up after the CMA found competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Based on assurances received from Imprivata that the deal has been abandoned, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2021/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-an-infringement-decision-for-pay-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds an infringement decision for pay-for-delay pharmaceutical deals <em>(Generics - UK / GlaxoSmithKline / Actavis / Xellia Pharmaceuticals / Merck / Alpharma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-09T22:00:00Z">10 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 502</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100779 introduction entry-content"> <p>CAT upholds infringement decision for pay for delay pharma deals* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal has upheld the CMA decision that GlaxoSmithKline and some generic suppliers of the anti-depressant paroxetine broke competition law. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal (Tribunal) has, however, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-the-merger-between" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in the merger between two national secure authentication management solutions providers <em>(Imprivata / Isosec)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 244</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100659 introduction entry-content"> <p>Imprivata’s purchase of Isosec raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that Imprivata’s proposed acquisition of Isosec raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Imprivata and Isosec provide secure authentication management solutions to healthcare providers in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/german-competition-authority">German Competition Authority</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/australian-competition-authority">Australian Competition Authority</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2021/the-uk-german-and-australian-competition-authorities-agree-on-a-joint-statement" rel="bookmark">The UK, German and Australian Competition Authorities agree on a joint statement on merger control</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-19T22:00:00Z">20 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 684</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100262 introduction entry-content"> <p>Competition Agencies from Germany, the UK and Australia agree on Joint Merger Statement* <br class='autobr' /> Today, the Bundeskartellamt, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) have agreed on a joint statement on merger control. The joint (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-petrol-station" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two petrol station groups would raise competition concerns <em>(Bellis / Asda)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-19T22:00:00Z">20 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 218</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100383 introduction entry-content"> <p>Bellis’ purchase of Asda raises some competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Bellis’ completed £6.8bn purchase of Asda could lead to higher petrol prices in some parts of the country. <br class='autobr' /> The Issa Brothers and private equity firm TDR Capital purchased Asda through jointly owned company (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2021/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-increases-the-competition-authority-s-fine" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal increases the Competition Authority’s fine imposed on a musical instrument firm for abuse of dominant position <em>(Roland)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-18T22:00:00Z">19 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 616</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100228 introduction entry-content"> <p>CAT increases fine after musical instrument firm breaks settlement bargain* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has welcomed a Competition Appeal Tribunal judgment dismissing an appeal against a fine it imposed, instead increasing the fine from £4m to £5m. <br class='autobr' /> In June 2020, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) fined (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-investment" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger between two investment platforms would raise significant competition concerns following its re-examination <em>(FNZ / GBST)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-14T22:00:00Z">15 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 570</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100193 introduction entry-content"> <p>Competition concerns remain about FNZ’s purchase of GBST* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that a deal between FNZ and GBST would raise significant competition concerns, following its re-examination of available evidence. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) reassessed the deal, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-merger-between-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger between two telecommunications companies <em>(Virgin / O2)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-13T22:00:00Z">14 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 575</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100158 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears merger of Virgin and O2* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared the proposed merger of Virgin Media and Virgin Mobile with O2. <br class='autobr' /> Both Virgin and O2 provide certain wholesale services to other mobile network operators in the UK, as well as retail services to consumers. The (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-its-digital-markets-unit-in-order-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches its Digital Markets Unit to boost and regulate online competition</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-06T22:00:00Z">7 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 608</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100001 introduction entry-content"> <p>New watchdog to boost online competition launches* <br class='autobr' /> A tough new regulator to help make sure tech giants such as Facebook and Google cannot exploit their market dominance to crowd out competition and stifle innovation online has launched. Digital Markets Unit begins work marking major milestone (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-merger-between-two-taxi-companies-uber" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger between two taxi companies <em>(Uber / Autocab)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-28T22:00:00Z">29 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 594</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99889 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears Uber and Autocab deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA announced today that it has cleared Uber’s purchase of Autocab, following a Phase 1 merger investigation. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) opened its Phase 1 merger investigation into ride-hailing company Uber’s acquisition of GPC Software (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-between-two-big-tech-companies" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that an acquisition of a provider of GIFs by a Big Tech company raises competition concerns in relation to digital advertising and the supply of GIFs <em>(Facebook / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-24T23:00:00Z">25 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 367</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99848 introduction entry-content"> <p>Facebook’s purchase of Giphy raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Facebook’s completed acquisition of Giphy raises competition concerns in relation to digital advertising and the supply of GIFs. <br class='autobr' /> Giphy is an online database and search engine that allows users to share GIFs and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-a-merger-between-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in a merger between the two largest equity crowdfunding platforms <em>(Crowdcube / Seedrs)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 236</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99831 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds competition concerns in Crowdcube and Seedrs merger* <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth investigation, the CMA has provisionally found that the proposed merger between Crowdcube and Seedrs will reduce competition and innovation. <br class='autobr' /> Crowdcube and Seedrs are the 2 largest equity crowdfunding (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-blocks-a-merger-between-equity" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally blocks a merger between equity crowdfunding platforms leading them to abandon the transaction <em>(Crowdcube / Seedrs)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 257</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99849 introduction entry-content"> <p>Crowdcube and Seedrs abandon merger during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Crowdcube and Seedrs have abandoned their proposed tie-up after the CMA provisionally blocked the deal. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) therefore intends to cancel its investigation into the potential competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-an-updated-version-of-the-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes an updated version of the Merger Assessment Guidelines</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-17T23:00:00Z">18 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 220</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99742 introduction entry-content"> <p>Updated CMA Merger Assessment Guidelines published* <br class='autobr' /> Following a public consultation, the CMA has published updated guidelines about its approach to analysing mergers. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) previous merger assessment guidelines were published in 2010 and, since then, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-disqualifies-two-former-directors-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority disqualifies two former directors for participating in a cartel in the construction industry <em>(Stanton Bonna Concrete / CPM / FP McCann)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-17T23:00:00Z">18 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 257</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99744 introduction entry-content"> <p>Directors disqualified over illegal construction cartel* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured the disqualification of 2 former directors of Northern Ireland-based firm FP McCann Ltd for their parts in an illegal construction cartel. <br class='autobr' /> The move follows the Competition and Market Authority’s (CMA) 2019 decision (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-disqualifies-three-company-directors-for-being-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority disqualifies three company directors for being in a cartel in the construction industry <em>(Campbell / Hudson / Sherling)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-09T23:00:00Z">10 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 227</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99635 introduction entry-content"> <p>3 company directors to be disqualified over construction cartel* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured the disqualification of 3 company directors, after finding they broke competition law by forming a cartel in the construction industry. <br class='autobr' /> This move follows an investigation by the Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-a-big-tech-company-over-suspected" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates a Big Tech company over suspected anti-competitive behaviour <em>(Apple App Store)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-03T23:00:00Z">4 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 327</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99549 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA investigates Apple over suspected anti-competitive behaviour* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has launched an investigation into Apple following complaints that its terms and conditions for app developers are unfair and anti-competitive. <br class='autobr' /> In addition to designing, manufacturing and marketing electronic devices (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-the-competition-authority-s-finding" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the Competition Authority’s finding that a pharmaceutical company broke competition law by exchanging information <em>(Lexon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-02-24T23:00:00Z">25 February 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 234</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99445 introduction entry-content"> <p>Tribunal upholds CMA decision on pharma collusion and £1.2m fine <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal has today upheld the CMA’s finding that Lexon broke competition law, dismissing Lexon’s appeal. <br class='autobr' /> Last year, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) concluded its investigation into the supply (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-decides-that-the-merger-between-two-online-retail" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority decides that the merger between two online retail companies raises competition concerns <em>(Adevinta / Gumtree)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-02-15T23:00:00Z">16 February 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 285</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99353 introduction entry-content"> <p>Adevinta’s purchase of Gumtree raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Adevinta’s anticipated £6.5bn ($9.2 billion) purchase of eCG from eBay could lead to higher prices and less choice for consumers. <br class='autobr' /> Adevinta and eBay Classified Group (eCG) both operate online classified (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-requires-national-ticket-exchange-and-resale" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority requires national ticket exchange and resale company to sell secondary ticketing platform’s international business to address competition concerns <em>(Viagogo / StubHub)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-02-01T23:00:00Z">2 February 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 401</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99096 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA requires viagogo to sell StubHub’s international business* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is requiring viagogo to sell all of StubHub’s business outside North America after its in-depth investigation identified competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded that the merger (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-warns-firms-over-price-fixing-of-supplies-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority warns firms over price-fixing of supplies to disabled students</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-28T23:00:00Z">29 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 232</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99016 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA warns firms over price-fixing of supplies to disabled students* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cautioned companies supplying goods and services to disabled university students, following concerns that there may have been price-fixing. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has sent advisory letters to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-new-research-on-algorithms-showing-how" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes new research on algorithms showing how they can reduce competition in digital markets</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-18T23:00:00Z">19 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 281</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98866 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA lifts the lid on impact of algorithms* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published new research on algorithms, showing how they can reduce competition in digital markets and harm consumers if they are misused. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is now seeking evidence from academics and industry (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-merger-between-two-metallurgy-firms" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates merger between two metallurgy firms leading to their withdrawal from the merger<em>(TTI / Tronox)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-17T23:00:00Z">18 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 160</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98871 introduction entry-content"> <p>Metallurgy firms abandon merger during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA no longer intends to refer the merger of TTI and Tronox to an in-depth investigation, after Tronox’s announcement to abandon the deal. <br class='autobr' /> Tronox and TiZir Titanium and Iron (TTI) are involved in the supply of materials used in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-requires-motor-vehicle-parts-and-accessories" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority requires companies to sell GPS tracking device in order to protect competition in the commercial vehicle and trailer parts sector <em>(TVS Europe Distribution / 3G)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-11T23:00:00Z">12 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 275</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98682 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA breaks up motor parts merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA will require TVS Europe Distribution to sell 3G in order to protect competition in the commercial vehicle and trailer parts sector. <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth Phase 2 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded that TVS Europe (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-investigation-into-big-tech-company-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an investigation into a Big Tech company’s ‘Privacy Sandbox’ browser changes <em>(Google Privacy Sandbox)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-07T23:00:00Z">8 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 351</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98660 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to investigate Google’s ‘Privacy Sandbox’ browser changes* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has opened an investigation into Google’s proposals to remove third party cookies and other functionalities from its Chrome browser. <br class='autobr' /> The investigation will assess whether the proposals could cause advertising spend to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-investigates-american-chip-producer-s-takeover-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority investigates American chip producer’s takeover of national semiconductor and chip design company <em>(NVIDIA / Arm)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-05T23:00:00Z">6 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 200</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98644 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to investigate NVIDIA’s takeover of Arm* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is inviting interested third parties to provide initial views on the anticipated acquisition of Arm by NVIDIA. <br class='autobr' /> This is an early opportunity for interested third parties to comment on the impact that the takeover could have on competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2021/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-titanium-dioxide-pigment-producer-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a titanium dioxide pigment producer’s anticipated purchase of chloride slag supplier raises competition concerns <em>(TTI / Tronox)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-03T23:00:00Z">4 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 237</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98602 introduction entry-content"> <p>Metallurgy buyout raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Tronox’s anticipated purchase of TTI raises competition concerns in the supply of chloride slag and titanium dioxide pigment. <br class='autobr' /> Both companies are involved in the supply of materials used in the production of titanium (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-the-final-report-in-funerals-market" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes the final report in funerals market investigation</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-17T23:00:00Z">18 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 308</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98482 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes final report in funerals market investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published the final report on its in-depth market investigation into funeral services, confirming its remedies for the sector. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today confirmed its provisional conclusions, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-legally-binding-commitments-from-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts legally binding commitments from a pharmaceutical company to secure the affordable supply of a key drug <em>(Essential Pharma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-17T23:00:00Z">18 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 317</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98528 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA secures affordable supply of key bipolar drug* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted legally binding commitments from Essential Pharma to continue supplying a key bipolar drug at an affordable price for at least 5 years. In October, the CMA launched an investigation suspecting that the pharmaceutical (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-construction-suppliers-l15m-for-collusion-vp" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines construction suppliers £15M for collusion <em>(Vp / M.G.F.)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-16T23:00:00Z">17 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 295</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98410 introduction entry-content"> <p>Construction suppliers fined £15m for breaking competition law* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined 2 major suppliers to the construction industry more than £15m for illegally colluding to reduce competition and keep prices up <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), 2 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-review-regarding-the-progress-made-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a review regarding the progress made in the legal services sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-16T23:00:00Z">17 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 96</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98485 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes review of progress in legal services sector* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s assessment of changes in the legal services sector since its market study has found some positive developments but concludes more progress is needed. <br class='autobr' /> The review follows recommendations made in 2016 after the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-refers-to-the-proposed-merger-of-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority refers to the proposed merger of two telecommunications companies for a phase 2 investigation <em>(Virgin / O2)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-10T23:00:00Z">11 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 114</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98327 introduction entry-content"> <p>Virgin and O2 merger referred for in-depth investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has referred the proposed merger of Virgin Media and Virgin Mobile with O2 for an in-depth Phase 2 investigation <br class='autobr' /> The move comes after Virgin and O2 requested that the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) move quickly to the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-advises-the-government-on-a-regulatory-regime-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority advises the Government on a regulatory regime for tech giants</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-07T23:00:00Z">8 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 234</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98299 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA advises government on new regulatory regime for tech giants* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has issued advice to government on the design and implementation of the UK’s new pro-competition regime for digital markets. New regime will proactively shape the behaviour of the most powerful tech firms It will ensure (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-along-with-other-national-competition-authorities" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority, along with other National Competition Authorities, secures privacy changes to a tech company’s mobile app store <em>(Apple App Store)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-07T23:00:00Z">8 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 297</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98303 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA and global partners secure privacy changes to the App Store* <br class='autobr' /> Following international intervention, Apple will shortly indicate on its App Store what personal data each app uses, empowering consumer choice. <br class='autobr' /> The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), along with the Netherlands (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-consults-on-its-annual-plan-for-2021-and-2022" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority consults on its annual plan for 2021/2022</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-02T23:00:00Z">3 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 145</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98302 introduction entry-content"> <p>The CMA is consulting on its Annual Plan for 2021/22.* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has outlined the key areas on which it expects to focus in the coming year, including its ongoing commitment to protect UK consumers during the unprecedented circumstances of the coronavirus (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-starts-an-inquiry-into-the-electric-vehicle" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority starts an inquiry into the electric vehicle charging sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-12-01T23:00:00Z">2 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 155</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98157 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to examine electric vehicle charging sector* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is launching a market study into electric vehicle charging, to make sure that this new and fast-growing sector works well for UK drivers. <br class='autobr' /> Traditional cars are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and as part of its “green (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-looks-to-appeal-cat-judgment-stating-the-lack-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority looks to appeal a Competition Appeal Tribunal judgment stating the lack of information regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in sportswear retailer case <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-30T23:00:00Z">1 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 193</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98141 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA looks to appeal CAT judgment in JD Sports case* <br class='autobr' /> After careful consideration, the CMA has today applied for permission to appeal the CAT’s recent judgment in the JD Sports/Footasylum case. <br class='autobr' /> Last month, the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) supported the Competition and Markets Authority’s (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-guidance-to-explain-how-it-will-conduct" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes guidance to explain how it will conduct its work following the end of the transition period after Brexit</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-30T23:00:00Z">1 December 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 116</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98179 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes EU Exit guidance* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today published further guidance to explain how it will conduct its work following the end of the Transition Period for the UK’s exit from the EU. <br class='autobr' /> As of 1 January 2021, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will take on responsibility for (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-an-analysis-examining-how-well-competition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues an analysis examining how well competition is working across the national economy</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-29T23:00:00Z">30 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 88</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98175 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA reports on the state of competition in the UK* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has issued a first-of-its-kind analysis examining how well competition is working across the UK economy. <br class='autobr' /> Commissioned by the Chancellor and the Business Secretary, the report looks at the state of competition in the UK economy. It (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-government-announces-a-new-competition-regime-for-tech-giants-with-more" rel="bookmark">The UK Government announces a new competition regime for tech giants with more data control for consumers, more online promotion opportunities for small businesses, more balance for publishers, and a new Digital Markets Unit to oversee it all</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-26T23:00:00Z">27 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 116</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98257 introduction entry-content"> <p>New competition regime for tech giants to give consumers more choice and control over their data, and ensure businesses are fairly treated* <br class='autobr' /> A dedicated Digital Markets Unit will be set up to introduce and enforce a new code to govern the behaviour of platforms that currently dominate the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-the-government-s-response-to-its-online" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes the Government’s response to its online platforms and digital advertising market study</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-26T23:00:00Z">27 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 58</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98258 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes government response to digital advertising study* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has welcomed the UK Government’s response to its online platforms and digital advertising market study. <br class='autobr' /> The government has today accepted, in principle, the findings of the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-consults-on-commitments-offered-by-a-pharma" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority consults on commitments offered by a pharma company to keep its cheaper bipolar drug on the market at an increased price that is still below the company’s more expensive competing bipolar medication <em>(Essential Pharma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-23T23:00:00Z">24 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 120</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98169 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA takes swift action in bipolar drug investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is consulting on proposed commitments from Essential Pharma to keep a key bipolar drug on the market, and ensure it is affordable to the NHS. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a competition law investigation (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-price-comparison-website-for-applying-most" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a price comparison website for applying a most favored nation clause <em>(ComparetheMarket)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-18T23:00:00Z">19 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 261</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97989 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines ComparetheMarket £17.9m for competition law breach* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined ComparetheMarket £17.9 million after it found that clauses used in the company’s contracts with home insurers breached competition law. <br class='autobr' /> An investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-gets-a-case-referred-back-by-the-eu-commission" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority gets a case referred back by the EU Commission concerning a merger in the telecommunications sector <em>(Telefónica / Liberty Global)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-18T23:00:00Z">19 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 165</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97990 introduction entry-content"> <p>European Commission refers review of Virgin and O2 deal to CMA* <br class='autobr' /> Following a request from the CMA, the European Commission has referred the proposed merger of Virgin Media and Virgin Mobile with O2 to the CMA for investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Following the announcement of the deal on 7 May 2020, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-the-second-consultation-on-its-updated" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches the second consultation on its updated merger assessment guidelines</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-16T23:00:00Z">17 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 65</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98098 introduction entry-content"> <p>Consultation launched on CMA Merger Assessment Guidelines* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is consulting on updated guidelines about its approach to analysing mergers. <br class='autobr' /> The updated Merger Assessment Guidelines will help ensure that the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) continues to protect consumers through (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-the-competition-authority-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the Competition Authority’s suspension of a merger between a social media company and an online graphics database company pending an ongoing investigation <em>(Facebook / Giphy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-12T23:00:00Z">13 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 133</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98081 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes Tribunal judgment in Facebook and Giphy case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA welcomes today’s Competition Appeal Tribunal judgment which dismissed all of Facebook’s grounds of appeal. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is currently investigating Facebook’s purchase of Giphy, which completed (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-supports-the-competition-authority-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal supports the Competition Authority’s approach to estimating the merger effects on consumers but finds that it did not gather enough information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the merger <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-12T23:00:00Z">13 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 184</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98082 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA considers next steps in JD Sports/Footasylum merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is considering its next steps following today’s Competition Appeal Tribunal judgment in the JD Sports/Footasylum case. <br class='autobr' /> JD Sports had appealed the Competition and Market Authority’s (CMA) final decision to block its takeover of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-agrees-to-fast-track-the-merger-review-of-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority agrees to fast-track the merger review of the country’s 2 largest equity crowdfunding platforms <em>(Crowdcube / Seedrs)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-11T23:00:00Z">12 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 272</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-98018 introduction entry-content"> <p>Crowdcube/Seedrs deal fast tracked to in-depth CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has agreed to ‘fast track’ the anticipated merger of Crowdcube and Seedrs to an in-depth Phase 2 investigation, after finding likely competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Crowdcube Limited (Crowdcube) and Seedrs Limited (Seedrs) are (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-government-introduces-a-bill-which-strengthens-its-ability-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Government introduces a Bill that strengthens its ability to investigate and intervene in foreign direct investments which have the potential to threaten national security</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-10T23:00:00Z">11 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 152</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97900 introduction entry-content"> <p>New powers to protect UK from malicious investment and strengthen economic resilience* <br class='autobr' /> New Bill will modernise government’s powers to investigate and intervene in potentially hostile foreign direct investment. The National Security and Investment Bill will strengthen the UK’s ability to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-trading-systems-firm-s-proposal-to-sell" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a trading systems firm’s proposal to sell its fixed-income business in order to resolve competition concerns about the completed merger <em>(ION Technology Group / Broadway Technology)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-09T23:00:00Z">10 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 165</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97826 introduction entry-content"> <p>Trading systems firms address CMA competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a proposal from ION to sell Broadway’s fixed income business in order to resolve competition concerns about the completed merger. <br class='autobr' /> ION Investment Group Limited (ION) and Broadway Technology Holdings (Broadway) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-consultation-on-updated-merger-guidance" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches consultation on updated merger guidance</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-05T23:00:00Z">6 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 164</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97819 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches consultation on updated merger guidance* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today launched a consultation on updates to 2 of its merger guidance documents. <br class='autobr' /> The guidance has been updated in preparation for the end of the Transition Period following the UK’s departure from the European Union. The (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-orders-reversal-of-completed-merger-between-two" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority blocks investment in a technology merger after finding it could lead to a reduction in the quality of service and higher prices <em>(FNZ / GBST)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-04T23:00:00Z">5 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 258</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97761 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA blocks investment technology merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has ordered FNZ to sell GBST after finding their completed merger could lead to a reduction in the quality of service and higher prices. <br class='autobr' /> In its final report, published today, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that the deal (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-fines-of-over-l9m-for-roofing-lead-cartel" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues fines of over £9 million for roofing lead cartel <em>(Associated Lead Mills / BLM British Lead)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-03T23:00:00Z">4 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 256</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97748 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA issues fines of over £9m for roofing lead cartel* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has imposed fines totalling more than £9m on 2 of the UK’s largest suppliers of rolled lead, for breaking competition law. <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation into suspected cartel conduct, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-sale-of-firm-s-global-total-ankle" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts the sale of the firm’s global total ankle replacement business as a remedy to clear the merger of medical suppliers of orthopaedic products <em>(Stryker / Wright Medical Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-03T23:00:00Z">4 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 143</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97757 introduction entry-content"> <p>Medical device supplier resolves CMA concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a proposal from Stryker to sell its business in the UK total ankle prostheses market to resolve competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Stryker Corporation (Stryker) and Wright Medical Group N.V. (Wright) both manufacture a range of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-cancels-its-investigation-into-the-educational" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority cancels its investigation into the educational supplies merger after firms announce their withdrawal <em>(YPO / Findel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-01T23:00:00Z">2 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 142</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97743 introduction entry-content"> <p>Educational supplies firms abandon merger during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> YPO has abandoned its proposed deal with Findel. The CMA published its provisional findings outlining its concerns about the merger last month. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has therefore today confirmed it (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-in-phase-ii-investigation-that-97419" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally holds that the complete merger in the online secondary ticketing market will reduce competition and proposes structural remedies <em>(Viagogo / StubHub)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-21T22:00:00Z">22 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 275</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97419 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA finds competition concerns in viagogo and StubHub merger* <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth investigation, the CMA has provisionally found that the completed merger of viagogo and StubHub will reduce competition. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found that viagogo and StubHub are close (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-in-phase-ii-investigation-that" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds in Phase II investigation that a merger raises competition concerns in the supply of commercial vehicle and trailer parts <em>(TVS / 3G)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-19T22:00:00Z">20 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 163</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97354 introduction entry-content"> <p>Customers could lose out in motor parts merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that the purchase of 3G by TVS raises competition concerns in the supply of commercial vehicle and trailer parts. <br class='autobr' /> Universal Components UK Limited (Universal Components), owned by TVS Europe Distribution Limited, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-significant-competition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds significant competition concerns with educational supplies merger <em>(Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation / Findel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-15T22:00:00Z">16 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 177</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97280 introduction entry-content"> <p>Schools could lose out in educational supplies merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that YPO’s anticipated purchase of close competitor Findel could leave schools worse off. <br class='autobr' /> Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) and Findel Education Limited (Findel) are 2 of the leading suppliers of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-commitment-by-a-major-photo-sharing" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts the commitments by a major photo-sharing platform to tackle hidden advertising by social media influencers <em>(Instagram)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-15T22:00:00Z">16 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 289</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97318 introduction entry-content"> <p>Instagram to tackle hidden advertising after CMA action* <br class='autobr' /> Following CMA action, Instagram will do more to prevent hidden advertising on its app and website, signalling an important behaviour shift by a major platform. <br class='autobr' /> Facebook Ireland Ltd, which operates Instagram in the UK, has committed to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-joint-venture-between-brewing-companies" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears joint venture between brewing companies <em>(Carlsberg / Marston’s)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-08T22:00:00Z">9 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 142</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97181 introduction entry-content"> <p>Deal between Carlsberg and Marston’s given the go-ahead* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the proposed joint venture between brewing companies Carlsberg and Marston’s. <br class='autobr' /> Both companies are large brewers of beer and cider, as well as offering related services, such as wholesale supply of their own and other (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-request-the-eu-commission-for-a-referral-to-review" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority requests the EU Commission review a proposed merger impacting retail and wholesale telecommunications markets in the UK <em>(Virgin / O2)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-07T22:00:00Z">8 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 153</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97166 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA requests review of Virgin and O2 merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has made a request to the European Commission to refer the proposed merger of Virgin Media and Virgin Mobile with O2 to the CMA for investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Liberty Global plc (Liberty) owns Virgin Media and Virgin Mobile in the UK, and Telefónica (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-investigation-into-alleged-abuse-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an investigation into alleged abuse of dominance in the supply of drugs used to treat bipolar disorder <em>(Essential Pharma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-05T22:00:00Z">6 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 211</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97274 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to investigate the supply of bipolar drug* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has opened an investigation into suspected anti-competitive practices in the supply of drugs used to treat bipolar disorder. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will investigate whether the pharmaceutical company Essential Pharma (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-a-full-reversal-of-a-motorcycle-insurance" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts a full reversal of a motorcycle insurance merger <em>(Ardonagh / Bennetts)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-29T22:00:00Z">30 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 173</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96997 introduction entry-content"> <p>Motorcycle insurance merger to be reversed following CMA concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted a proposal from Ardonagh to fully unwind its recent £26 million purchase of Bennetts to resolve competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Ardonagh Group Limited (Ardonagh), which operates the Carole Nash and Swinton brands, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-the-anticipated-acquisition-of-a-company-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears the anticipated acquisition of a company in the healthcare sector <em>(Bupa insurance / CS healthcare)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-23T22:00:00Z">24 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 51</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97940 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 24 September 2020, the CMA cleared the anticipated acquisition by Bupa Insurance Limited of Civil Service Healthcare Society Limited (CS Healthcare). The CMA had announced the launch of its merger inquiry by notice to the parties on 19 August 2020. CS Healthcare is a friendly society with (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-imposes-interim-measures-while-it-prolongs-due-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes interim measures while it prolongs due to COVID-19 pandemic its investigation of an updated agreement between major airlines on providing slots to other competitors on certain UK-US routes <em>(Atlantic Joint Business Agreement)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-16T22:00:00Z">17 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 179</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97277 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA acts to protect competition on UK-US airline routes* <br class='autobr' /> Due to coronavirus, the CMA has imposed measures to protect competition on UK-US air routes while it investigates an agreement involving BA and American Airlines. <br class='autobr' /> The next year will see the expiry of remedies in place under a set of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-motorcycle-insurance-broker-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a motorcycle insurance broker merger raises competition concerns <em>(Ardonagh / Bennetts)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-15T22:00:00Z">16 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 170</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96763 introduction entry-content"> <p>Motorcycle insurance broker merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Ardonagh’s completed purchase of Bennetts could lead to higher prices, less choice and worse services for motorcyclists in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Ardonagh Group Limited (Ardonagh), which operates the Carole Nash and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-confirms-its-intention-to-cancel-an-investigation" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority confirms its intention to cancel an investigation into a merger of online advertising agencies following the abandonment of the deal <em>(Taboola / Outbrain)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-13T22:00:00Z">14 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 208</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96724 introduction entry-content"> <p>Digital advertising merger to be abandoned during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Taboola has announced that it is to abandon its proposed purchase of Outbrain. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has therefore today confirmed it intends to cancel its investigation into the potential competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-decides-that-the-leading-global-supplier-of-window" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority decides that the leading global supplier of window blinds must sell the majority of shares in acquired competitor <em>(Hunter Douglas / 247 Home Furnishings)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-13T22:00:00Z">14 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 92</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97278 introduction entry-content"> <p>Final decision published in window blind merger inquiry* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has decided that Hunter Douglas, owner of online blinds retailer Blinds2Go, must sell the majority of its shares in 247 to protect competition and prevent higher prices. <br class='autobr' /> Hunter Douglas originally purchased a minority stake in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-orders-window-covering-company-to-sell-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority orders window covering company to sell the majority of its shares <em>(Hunter Douglas / 247 Home Furnishings)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-13T22:00:00Z">14 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 29</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97914 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 14 September 2020, the CMA issued its final decision ordering Hunter Douglas, owner of online blinds retailer Blinds2Go, to sell the majority of its shares in 247 Home Furnishings Ltd (247) to protect competition and prevent higher prices. In 2013, Hunter Douglas acquired an extensive package (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-responds-to-the-eu-commission-s-consultations-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority responds to the EU Commission’s consultations in relation to the digital services act package and new competition tool</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-13T22:00:00Z">14 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 39</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97943 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 14 September 2020, the CMA published its response to the European Commission’s public consultations in relation to the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the New Competition Tool (NCT). The CMA is broadly supportive of the Commission’s DSA proposals. Notably, the regulation of large online (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-updates-competition-law-risk-guide-for-managers" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority updates competition law risk guide for managers</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-09T22:00:00Z">10 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 195</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96695 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA updates competition law risk guide for managers* <br class='autobr' /> An updated guide to competition rules has been issued to help managers, directors and their advisers to stay on the right side of the law. <br class='autobr' /> The latest guide from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), together with the Institute of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-starts-reviewing-its-study-of-the-legal-services" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority starts reviewing its study of the legal services market in England and Wales on the transparency of price, quality, and service</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-08T22:00:00Z">9 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 44</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97291 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to assess progress in legal services sector* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is reviewing the legal services sector in England and Wales to assess whether transparency of price, quality and service have improved. <br class='autobr' /> In 2016, the CMA carried out a market study into the supply of legal services in England and Wales, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-signs-multilateral-cooperation-framework-with-its" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority signs multilateral cooperation framework with its 5 counterparts in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and US</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-01T22:00:00Z">2 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 84</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97293 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA to increase competition cooperation with international partners* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has signed a new framework with 5 of its international counterpart competition authorities to improve co-operation on investigations. <br class='autobr' /> The Multilateral Mutual Assistance and Cooperation Framework for Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-signs-a-cooperation-framework-with-the-us-canadian" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority signs a cooperation framework with the US, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Competition Authorities</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-01T22:00:00Z">2 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 104</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97897 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 2 September 2020, the US Department of Justice Antitrust Division (DoJ), the US Federal Trade Commission, the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the New Zealand Competition Commission, and the Canadian Competition Bureau signed a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-applies-for-a-director-disqualification-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority applies for a director disqualification in relation in an exchange of information case <em>(Lexon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-08-26T22:00:00Z">27 August 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 51</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97901 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 27 August 2020, the CMA applied for a director disqualification order against Mr. Pritesh Sonpal in connection with its decision to fine the company of which he is a director, Lexon, for exchanging commercially sensitive information about Nortriptyline Tablets with two other companies. On 17 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-the-transfer-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in the transfer of assets between 2 leading construction companies <em>(Cemex / Breedon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-08-25T22:00:00Z">26 August 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 162</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96548 introduction entry-content"> <p>Construction materials deal raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Breedon’s purchase of certain Cemex assets raises competition concerns in the supply of building materials in some parts of the UK, the CMA has found. <br class='autobr' /> Breedon Group plc (Breedon) and Cemex Investments Limited (Cemex) are 2 of the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-takeover-of-fintech-start-up-by-global" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears the takeover of a fintech start-up by a global leader in electronic payments <em>(Visa / Plaid)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-08-23T22:00:00Z">24 August 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 255</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96542 introduction entry-content"> <p>Deal between Visa and Plaid given the go-ahead* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared Visa’s anticipated purchase of fintech start-up Plaid. <br class='autobr' /> The decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) follows a Phase 1 review in which it investigated several possible ways the deal could harm competition. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-provisional-report-in-market" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a provisional report in market investigation into the funerals market</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-08-12T22:00:00Z">13 August 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 32</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97906 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 13 August 2020, the CMA published its provisional decision report in its Funerals market investigation. The CMA has provisionally identified features of the relevant UK markets which alone, or in combination, prevent, restrict or distort competition in the supply of funeral director services (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-blocks-merger-between-the-country-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally blocks merger between the country’s leading suppliers of retail investment platform solutions <em>(FNZ / GBST)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-08-04T22:00:00Z">5 August 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 211</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96300 introduction entry-content"> <p>Competition concerns in retail investment software merger* <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth investigation, the CMA has provisionally blocked the merger of FNZ and GBST. <br class='autobr' /> FNZ purchased GBST in November 2019. Both companies have a significant presence in the UK. They are 2 of the leading suppliers of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-big-tech-s-16-investment-in-an-online" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a Big Tech company’s 16% investment in an online food delivery company after finding that it will not substantially lessen competition <em>(Amazon / Deliveroo)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-08-03T22:00:00Z">4 August 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 450</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96182 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears Amazon’s 16% investment in Deliveroo* <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth investigation, the CMA has today cleared Amazon’s 16% investment in Deliveroo after finding that it will not substantially lessen competition. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) completed an initial ‘Phase 1’ (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-reaches-its-final-price-control-determination-on-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority reaches its final price control determination on a dispute between the aviation regulator and air traffic control service provider without taking into account the effects of COVID-19 until they are more definitely known <em>(Civil Aviation Authority / NERL)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-22T22:00:00Z">23 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 106</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97298 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA final decision on air traffic control charges* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has sent the CAA its final price control determination on a dispute between the aviation regulator and NERL regarding air traffic control charges. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has acted as the independent body charged (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-musical-manufacturing-company-for-resale" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a musical manufacturing company for resale price maintenance <em>(Roland)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-21T22:00:00Z">22 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 249</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95941 introduction entry-content"> <p>Roland fined £4 million for illegally preventing online price discounts* <br class='autobr' /> Lessons from the CMA’s investigation into Roland’s use of illegal resale price maintenance (RPM). <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> When online resellers have the freedom to price items independently this leads to healthy competition – (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-takes-part-in-a-paper-exploring-the-consequences" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority takes part in a paper exploring the consequences for competition of the COVID-19 pandemic</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-20T22:00:00Z">21 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 457</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95942 introduction entry-content"> <p>How should competition policy react to coronavirus?* <br class='autobr' /> IPPR has today published a paper by CMA Chairman Andrew Tyrie, discussing how competition policy can contribute to a robust and sustainable post-crisis recovery. <br class='autobr' /> The paper - How should competition policy react to coronavirus? - explores (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-in-phase-ii-investigation-that" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds in Phase II investigation that customers could lose out in merger between window blind companies <em>(Hunter Douglas / 247 Home Furnishings)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-15T22:00:00Z">16 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 78</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97305 introduction entry-content"> <p>Customers could lose out in merger between window blind companies* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Hunter Douglas’ purchase of 247 Home Furnishings Ltd raises competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Hunter Douglas is a leading global supplier of blinds and other window coverings, which generated global (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-its-annual-report-2019-2020" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes its annual report 2019/2020</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-13T22:00:00Z">14 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 111</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95939 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes Annual Report 2019/2020* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published its Annual Report, highlighting the wide range of work the UK competition and consumer authority has carried out in the past year. <br class='autobr' /> Throughout the year, the CMA delivered a substantial volume of work to ensure effective enforcement (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-3-pharmaceutical-companies-l2-3-million-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines 3 pharmaceutical companies £2.3 million for having an anti-competitive agreement in the supply of the life-saving drug fludrocortisone and secures £8 million in damages for the National Health Service <em>(Aspen / Amilco / Tiofarma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-08T22:00:00Z">9 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 318</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95771 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA levies fines of £2.3m and secures £8m for NHS in pharma probe* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has formally concluded that 3 pharmaceutical companies took part in an illegal arrangement in relation to the supply of life-saving medicine. <br class='autobr' /> The investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority into the supply (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-third-update-on-its-covid-19-taskforce" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a third update on its COVID-19 taskforce</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-02T22:00:00Z">3 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 129</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96060 introduction entry-content"> <p>The CMA has published a third update from its COVID-19 taskforce, which monitors and responds to competition and consumer problems arising from the pandemic.* <br class='autobr' /> As part of the taskforce’s work, it has been asking the public for information about businesses behaving unfairly, for example (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-england-wales-high-court-grants-the-first-application-for-a-competition" rel="bookmark">The England & Wales High Court grants the first application for a competition disqualification order to come to trial by the UK Competition Authority against an estate agency director guilty of cartel participation by knowing of it and not acting to stop it <em>(Michael Martin)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-02T22:00:00Z">3 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 100</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97306 introduction entry-content"> <p>Court orders disqualification of estate agent cartel director* <br class='autobr' /> In the first contested case of its kind, the CMA has secured the disqualification of a director whose Somerset estate agency breached competition law. <br class='autobr' /> Following a four day trial last month, Mr Michael Martin was today (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-calls-for-a-new-regime-regulating-tech-giants" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority calls for a new regime regulating tech giants</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-30T22:00:00Z">1 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 444</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95567 introduction entry-content"> <p>New regime needed to take on tech giants* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is calling on the government to introduce a new pro-competition regulatory regime to tackle Google and Facebook’s market power. <br class='autobr' /> The dynamic nature of digital advertising markets and the types of concerns identified by the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-imposes-a-l1-2m-fine-for-price-fixing-in-private" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes a £1.2m fine for price-fixing in private eyecare <em>(Spire Healthcare)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-30T22:00:00Z">1 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 227</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95637 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA imposes £1.2m in fines for price-fixing in private eyecare* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that a private hospital group and 7 consultant ophthalmologists broke competition law by taking part in illegal price fixing. <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Spire (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-concludes-that-the-merger-of-two-suppliers-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority concludes that the merger of two suppliers of medical devices will lead to a reduction of competition <em>(Stryker / Wright Medical Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-29T22:00:00Z">30 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 171</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95636 introduction entry-content"> <p>Medical device suppliers’ merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded that the merger of 2 suppliers of medical devices could lead to a reduction of competition in the supply of total ankle replacement prosthetics. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-musical-instrument-firm-for-resale-price" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a musical instrument firm for resale price maintenance <em>(Roland / Korg)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-28T22:00:00Z">29 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 220</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95613 introduction entry-content"> <p>Musical instrument firms to pay millions after breaking competition law* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined 2 musical instrument makers a total of £5.5 million, in 2 separate cases, for breaking competition law by restricting online discounting of musical instruments. <br class='autobr' /> The fines on the companies, Roland and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-concerns-in-a-digital-advertising-merger" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds concerns in a digital advertising merger between two companies supplying content recommendation services to major news sites <em>(Taboola / Outbrain)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-25T22:00:00Z">26 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 144</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95595 introduction entry-content"> <p>Competition concerns found in digital advertising merger* <br class='autobr' /> Taboola’s purchase of Outbrain raises competition concerns in the supply of content recommendation, a type of digital advertising. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating the anticipated purchase of Outbrain (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-revises-its-original-findings-of-failing-firm" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority revises its original findings of failing firm defence due to COVID-19 after the firm’s improved performance and instead provisionally clears the acquisition of 16% of the firm’s stock based on SLC test findings <em>(Amazon / Deliveroo)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-23T22:00:00Z">24 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 244</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97307 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA revises provisional findings in Amazon/Deliveroo case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared Amazon’s 16% investment in Deliveroo, on the basis that it is not likely to result in a substantial lessening of competition. <br class='autobr' /> In its initial provisional findings, published in April, the Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-phase-i" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in Phase I investigation of educational supplies merger <em>(Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation / Findel Education)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-18T22:00:00Z">19 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 110</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95522 introduction entry-content"> <p>Competition concerns raised over educational supplies merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that YPO’s anticipated acquisition of Findel raises competition concerns in the supply of resources to educational institutions in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) and Findel Education Limited (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-disqualification-of-two-estate-agent" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts disqualification of two estate agent directors for their roles in a price fixing cartel <em>(Stephen Jones / Neil Mackenzie)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-14T22:00:00Z">15 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 169</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95452 introduction entry-content"> <p>Estate agent directors disqualified for roles in illegal cartel* <br class='autobr' /> Stephen Jones and Neil Mackenzie were directors at estate agents Richard Worth and Michael Hardy, respectively, from September 2008 to May 2015. During this time, their firms took part in a cartel with 2 other local estate agents (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-updates-its-investigation-of-roofing-cartel-with" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority updates its investigation of roofing cartel with new provisional findings and secures admission of guilt by the country’s two largest suppliers of rolled lead <em>(Associated Lead Mills / BLM British Lead)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-11T22:00:00Z">12 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 62</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97308 introduction entry-content"> <p>Two UK roofing lead firms admit to illegal cartel* <br class='autobr' /> Two of the UK’s largest suppliers of rolled lead have admitted to taking part in anti-competitive arrangements and could face fines of more than £11 million. <br class='autobr' /> Rolled lead is an important product for the construction industry, used mainly for (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-that-a-merger-in-the-online-secondary" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger in the online secondary ticketing market raises competition concerns even after accounting for the COVID-19 difficulties <em>(Viagogo / StubHub)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-10T22:00:00Z">11 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 399</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95350 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger of viagogo and StubHub raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> viagogo’s purchase of StubHub raises competition concerns in the online secondary ticketing market in the UK, a CMA investigation has found. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that the loss of competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-disqualification-of-pharmaceutical-company" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures disqualification of pharmaceutical company director for 5 years for breaching competition law <em>(Amit Patel / Auden McKenzie / Amilco)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-03T22:00:00Z">4 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 415</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95291 introduction entry-content"> <p>Pharma company director disqualified for competition law breaches* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured the disqualification of pharmaceutical company director Amit Patel after he admitted his role in arrangements that broke competition law. <br class='autobr' /> Amit Patel has signed undertakings that ban him from holding a (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-merger-of-2-leading" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in merger of 2 leading wholesalers offering a wide range of commercial vehicle and trailer part types <em>(Universal Components / 3G)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-06-01T22:00:00Z">2 June 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 225</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95190 introduction entry-content"> <p>Commercial vehicle and trailer parts merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Universal Components’ purchase of 3G raises competition concerns in the wholesale supply of commercial vehicle and trailer parts, a CMA investigation has found. <br class='autobr' /> Universal Components UK Limited (Universal Components), (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-second-update-from-its-covid-19" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a second update from its COVID-19 taskforce</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-05-20T22:00:00Z">21 May 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 426</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-95115 introduction entry-content"> <p>Update on CMA COVID-19 Taskforce* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published a second update from its COVID-19 Taskforce, which monitors and responds to competition and consumer problems arising from the pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> As part of the Taskforce’s work, it is asking the public for information about businesses behaving (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-cancels-its-phase-ii-investigation-as-building" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority cancels its Phase II investigation as building supply companies abandon merger <em>(Kingspan / Building Solutions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-05-20T22:00:00Z">21 May 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 37</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97309 introduction entry-content"> <p>Building supply companies abandon merger during CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Kingspan has abandoned its proposed deal with Building Solutions during an in-depth CMA probe. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has therefore today confirmed that it will be cancelling its Phase 2 merger (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-consults-on-commitments-offered-by-two-major" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority consults on commitments offered by two major airlines in the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement to resolve competition concerns over airline routes with consideration for the effects of COVID-19 pandemic <em>(American Airlines / British Airways)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-05-06T22:00:00Z">7 May 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 242</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94810 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA consults on BA and American Airlines commitments* <br class='autobr' /> British Airways and American Airlines have offered commitments to resolve the CMA’s competition concerns over an agreement about airline routes between the UK and US. <br class='autobr' /> The airlines will make slots available at London Heathrow or Gatwick (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-blocks-sports-fashion-merger-finding-that-even" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority blocks a sports-fashion merger finding that even with the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacting the sector, there would still be negative effects on competition if the merger proceeded <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-05-05T22:00:00Z">6 May 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 549</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94715 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA blocks sports-fashion merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has blocked JD Sports’ purchase of close competitor Footasylum after finding it would leave shoppers worse off. <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth Phase 2 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded that this transaction would lead to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-stops-its-phase-ii-investigation-after-2-education" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority stops its phase II investigation after 2 education publishers decide to abandon the merger <em>(McGraw-Hill Education / Cengage Learning)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-05-03T22:00:00Z">4 May 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 178</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94682 introduction entry-content"> <p>Publishing merger abandoned after CMA investigation* <br class='autobr' /> McGraw-Hill Education has abandoned its proposed deal with Cengage Learning after competition concerns raised by the CMA. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has therefore today confirmed that it will be cancelling its Phase 2 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-merger-between-2-hospital-trusts-finding" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears merger between 2 hospital trusts, finding that the way they are funded creates little incentive to compete, and releasing them from their 10-year commitment not to merge <em>(Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-26T22:00:00Z">27 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 134</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94579 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears NHS hospital trusts merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the proposed merger between The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. <br class='autobr' /> In 2013, the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) predecessor, the Competition (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-update-on-its-covid-19-taskforce" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes an update on its COVID-19 taskforce noting several excessive pricing complaints and investigations</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-23T22:00:00Z">24 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 715</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94478 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes update on COVID-19 Taskforce* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today published an update from its COVID-19 Taskforce, set up to monitor and respond to consumer and competition problems arising from the pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> As part of the Taskforce’s work, it asked the public for information about businesses (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-merger-between-2-online-food-delivery" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears merger between 2 online food delivery undertakings ahead of the statutory deadline for decision despite the COVID-19 pandemic <em>(Just Eat /</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-22T22:00:00Z">23 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 512</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94416 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA gives Just Eat and deal the green light* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the £6.2 billion merger between 2 food delivery companies. <br class='autobr' /> Just Eat plc (Just Eat) is one of the main food delivery firms in the UK market, while N.V ( operates in 11 countries overseas, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-clarifies-its-general-approach-to-assessing" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clarifies its general approach to assessing mergers and its specific approach to assessing "failing firm" claims during the COVID-19 pandemic</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-21T22:00:00Z">22 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 568</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94412 introduction entry-content"> <p>COVID-19: CMA approach to merger assessments* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today provided more detail on its general approach to assessing mergers during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> Following its statement about working practices issued on 18 March, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-unconditionally-clears-merger-of-independent" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally clears a merger of independent providers of telecommunication infrastructure <em>(Cellnex / Arqiva)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-21T22:00:00Z">22 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 92</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97310 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cellnex’s purchase of Arqiva cleared by CMA after thorough review* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared the £2bn merger between Cellnex UK and Arqiva’s telecommunication infrastructure division. <br class='autobr' /> Both companies are independent providers of telecommunication infrastructure, including towers, pylons and masts, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-clears-acquisition-of-an-online-food" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears the acquisition of an online food delivery business by a global online shopping company to prevent it from potential bankruptcy due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 outbreak <em>(Amazon / Deliveroo)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-16T22:00:00Z">17 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 595</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94338 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears Amazon’s investment in Deliveroo* <br class='autobr' /> In light of a deterioration in Deliveroo’s financial position as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19), the CMA has provisionally cleared Amazon’s investment in Deliveroo. <br class='autobr' /> After completing an initial, Phase 1, investigation, the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-blocks-merger-between-online-airline-booking" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority blocks the merger of two online airline booking providers notwithstanding the significant impact of COVID-19 on the sector <em>(Sabre / Farelogix)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-08T22:00:00Z">9 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 417</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94341 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA blocks airline booking merger* <br class='autobr' /> Following an in-depth investigation, the CMA has blocked Sabre’s proposed takeover of Farelogix. <br class='autobr' /> Among other products and services, Sabre and Farelogix supply software solutions which help airlines to sell flights via travel agents including those that (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-states-that-a-private-hospital-merger-will-be" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority recognizes the difficulty faced by merging parties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and states that a private hospital merger will be cleared if it can address local competition concerns <em>(Circle Health / BMI Healthcare)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-07T22:00:00Z">8 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 325</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94191 introduction entry-content"> <p>Private hospital merger to be approved if local concerns addressed* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that the completed merger between Circle and BMI does not raise UK-wide competition concerns but could reduce competition in 2 local areas. <br class='autobr' /> Both Circle and BMI provide elective care to NHS and privately (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-recognizes-that-merging-construction-companies" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority recognizes that merging construction companies might be heavily affected by COVID-19 pandemic, but still requires them to address competition concerns before clearing the merger <em>(Kingspan / Building Solutions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-06T22:00:00Z">7 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 250</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94192 introduction entry-content"> <p>Construction products merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Kingspan’s anticipated purchase of Building Solutions raises competition concerns in the supply of specialist insulation panels. <br class='autobr' /> Kingspan is the leading provider in the UK of standard foam sandwich panels, which (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-unconditionally-clears-merger-of-the-country-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority unconditionally clears a merger between two main online betting brands in the country <em>(Flutter / Stars)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-30T22:00:00Z">31 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 55</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97311 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger between betting firms cleared by the CMA* <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation, the CMA has cleared the merger between gambling companies Flutter and Stars. <br class='autobr' /> The companies are 2 of the main online betting brands in the UK, with a combined revenue of £1.5 billion. Flutter owns Paddy Power and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-proposed-merger-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in proposed merger of retail investment software firms <em>(FNZ / GBST)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-29T22:00:00Z">30 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 27</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97312 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger of retail investment software firms raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> FNZ’s purchase of GBST raises competition concerns in the provision of retail investment platform solutions in the UK, a CMA investigation has found. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that the loss (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-government-temporarily-suspends-competition-law-to-allow-ferry-operators" rel="bookmark">The UK Government temporarily suspends competition law to allow ferry operators to the Isle of Wight to cooperate on routes and flow of goods during the COVID-19 outbreak</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-26T23:00:00Z">27 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 104</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97313 introduction entry-content"> <p>Government to suspend competition law to support Isle of Wight ferry routes* <br class='autobr' /> Competition law to be temporarily suspended to allow ferry operators to maintain a crucial lifeline between the island and the mainland. Business Secretary to waive competition law for vital Isle of Wight crossings (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-lays-its-guidances-of-approach-to-business" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority lays its guidances of approach to business cooperation in response to COVID-19 outbreak</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-24T23:00:00Z">25 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 273</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93920 introduction entry-content"> <p>Introduction <br class='autobr' /> The focus of the CMA in the next few months will be to protect UK consumers from the adverse consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic to the greatest extent possible. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is conscious of concerns that competition law enforcement could impede necessary cooperation between (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-releases-provisional-findings-of-its-review-of-air" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority releases provisional findings of its review of air traffic control charges and invites views from stakeholders on how it should take account of the impact of COVID-19 in its final determination <em>(CAA / NERL)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 103</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94195 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA review of air traffic control charges* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has released and is consulting on its provisional findings into a dispute between the CAA and NERL regarding air traffic control charges. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has acted as the independent body charged with looking into (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-proposes-reforms-to-the-scottish-legal-services" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority proposes reforms to the Scottish legal services sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 35</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97322 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA proposes reforms to Scottish legal services sector* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has completed a research project to examine competition and regulation in the Scottish legal services sector. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is recommending a series of measures to improve the information made (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-covid-19-taskforce-to-both-ensure-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a COVID-19 task force to both ensure compliance in the markets affected by the public health emergency and advises the Government on competition law matters during the Covid-19 pandemic</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-19T23:00:00Z">20 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 756</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93814 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches COVID-19 taskforce* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is today launching a taskforce to tackle negative impacts within its remit of the COVID-19 pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> The outbreak of COVID-19 is an unprecedented and rapidly evolving challenge that has prompted many concerns that businesses might exploit the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-writes-an-open-letter-to-the-pharmaceutical-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority writes an open letter to the pharmaceutical, food and drink industries warning them not to exploit the COVID-19 outbreak to charge prices that might be deemed excessive</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-19T23:00:00Z">20 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 429</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94198 introduction entry-content"> <p>Coronavirus (COVID-19): CMA open letter to pharmaceutical and food and drink industries.* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority has published an open letter for businesses in the pharmaceutical and food and drink industries. <br class='autobr' /> Details <br class='autobr' /> We have written an open letter to the pharmaceutical and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-phase-i-investigation-finds-competition-concerns" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority Phase I investigation finds competition concerns in merger between window blind companies <em>(Hunter Douglas / 247 Home Furnishings)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-19T23:00:00Z">20 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 58</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97325 introduction entry-content"> <p>Merger between window blind companies raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Hunter Douglas’s purchase of 247 Home Furnishings Ltd raises competition concerns in the supply of made-to-measure window blinds, the CMA has found. <br class='autobr' /> Hunter Douglas is a leading global supplier of window coverings, which (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-the-governments-relaxation-of-competition-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes the Governments’ relaxation of competition law for supermarkets during the COVID-19 outbreak and promises no enforcement action against businesses engaging in cooperation to supply essential products and services</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-18T23:00:00Z">19 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 500</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93815 introduction entry-content"> <p>COVID-19: CMA approach to essential business cooperation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is very conscious of concerns that competition law enforcement could impede necessary cooperation between businesses to deal with the current crisis and ensure security of supplies of essential products and services, such as (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-switches-to-telework-suspends-almost-all-physical" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority switches to telework, suspends almost all physical shipments of documents, but promises to continue processing cases by set deadlines amid COVID-19 pandemic</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-17T23:00:00Z">18 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 197</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94200 introduction entry-content"> <p>COVID-19: CMA working arrangements* <br class='autobr' /> Along with other businesses and organisations, the CMA continues to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 and has adjusted its working arrangements in response. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned above all to ensure the safety and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-approves-a-media-company-s-acquisition-of-almost" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority approves a media company’s acquisition of almost 50 radio stations, subject to a requirement that local radio stations have access to advertising representation <em>(Bauer Media Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-11T23:00:00Z">12 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 109</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97326 introduction entry-content"> <p>Final decision published in radio merger inquiry* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA will ensure local radio stations have access to advertising representation following an in-depth investigation into Bauer’s purchase of almost 50 stations. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has investigated Bauer Media’s (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-finds-competition-concerns-in-phase-i" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds competition concerns in Phase I investigation of proposed educational publishing merger <em>(McGraw-Hill / Cengage)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-09T23:00:00Z">10 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 40</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97327 introduction entry-content"> <p>Educational publishing merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that McGraw-Hill’s takeover of competitor Cengage could leave students worse off. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that the loss of competition brought about by the proposed merger could (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-the-england-wales-court-of-appeal-s" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes the England and Wales Court of Appeal’s judgment, calling it an important step forward in clarifying the legal test for excessive and unfair pricing <em>(Pfizer / Flynn)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-09T23:00:00Z">10 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 304</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97329 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes Court of Appeal judgment in Phenytoin case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA welcomes today’s Court of Appeal judgment, calling it an important step forward in clarifying the legal test for excessive and unfair pricing. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will now carefully review the elements (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-announces-that-it-has-been-monitoring-reports-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority announces that it has been monitoring reports of changes to sales and pricing practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and will assess whether it should advise the Government to consider taking direct action to regulate prices</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-04T23:00:00Z">5 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 80</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96061 introduction entry-content"> <p>COVID-19: sales and pricing practices during Coronavirus outbreak* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has been monitoring reports of changes to sales and pricing practices during the coronavirus outbreak. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) wants to ensure that traders do not exploit the current situation to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-closes-its-pharma-probe-by-fining-4-companies-more" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority closes its pharma probe by fining 4 companies more than £3.4 million and requiring a payment of £1 million directly to the NHS for breaches of competition law in relation to the supply of an antidepressant <em>(King Pharmaceuticals / Accord-UK / Lexon / Alissa Healthcare Research)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-03T23:00:00Z">4 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 136</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97332 introduction entry-content"> <p>Over £3m in fines and £1m for NHS in CMA pharma probe* <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation, the CMA has found that 4 pharmaceutical companies broke competition law in relation to the supply of an antidepressant. <br class='autobr' /> The probe by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) into the supply of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-welcomes-the-eu-court-of-justice-s-ruling-in-a-pay-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority welcomes the EU Court of Justice’s ruling in a pay-for-delay case <em>(Generics - UK / GlaxoSmithKline / Actavis / Xellia Pharmaceuticals / Merck / Alpharma)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-01-29T23:00:00Z">30 January 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 580</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93150 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes EU Court ruling in pay-for-delay drug case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA welcomes a ruling from the EU Court of Justice in relation to its case that drug companies supplying an antidepressant called paroxetine broke the law. <br class='autobr' /> The ruling, released today, follows appeals from GlaxoSmithKline and other (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2020/the-uk-competition-authority-cancels-its-phase-ii-investigation-following-an" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority cancels its phase II investigation following the abandonment of a proposed merger in the DNA sequencing systems market <em>(Illumina / PacBio)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-01-02T23:00:00Z">3 January 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 354</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92959 introduction entry-content"> <p>Illumina/PacBio abandon merger* <br class='autobr' /> Illumina has abandoned its anticipated $1.2 billion takeover of PacBio after an in-depth CMA merger probe highlighted serious competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has therefore today confirmed that it will be cancelling its Phase 2 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-three-construction-companies-for-price" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines three construction companies for price-fixing, market sharing, and exchange of information <em>(Stanton Bonna Concrete / CPM / FP McCann)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-10-22T22:00:00Z">23 October 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 416</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92190 introduction entry-content"> <p>Construction firms fined £36 million for breaking competition law* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has issued 3 firms with fines totalling more than £36 million for breaking competition law in supplying certain concrete drainage products for building projects. <br class='autobr' /> Following an investigation by the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-considers-that-a-merger-in-the-sports-fashion" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority finds that a merger in the sports fashion market raises competition concerns <em>(JD Sports / Footasylum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-09-18T22:00:00Z">19 September 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 391</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91831 introduction entry-content"> <p>Sports fashion merger raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that JD Sports’ takeover of close competitor Footasylum could be bad for shoppers. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that the loss of competition brought about by the merger could result in a worse (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-raises-competition-concerns-regarding-a-merger-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority raises competition concerns regarding a merger in the markets of supply of IT systems used by airlines and travel agents to sell airline tickets <em>(Sabre / Farelogix)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-08-15T22:00:00Z">16 August 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 386</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91636 introduction entry-content"> <p>Sabre’s takeover of Farelogix raises competition concerns* <br class='autobr' /> Sabre’s proposed takeover of Farelogix raises competition concerns in the supply of IT systems used by airlines and travel agents to sell airline tickets. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-four-pharmaceutical" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that four pharmaceutical companies broke competition law by fixing the quantities and the prices of an anti-depressant drug <em>(Auden Mckenzie / King / Alissa / Lexon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-06-17T22:00:00Z">18 June 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 489</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90880 introduction entry-content"> <p>Suppliers of antidepressants accused of illegal anti-competitive conduct* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that 4 pharmaceutical companies broke competition law in relation to the supply of an anti-depressant drug. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has accused competitors King and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-merger-in-the-online-and-offline-payment" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger in the online and offline payment services market <em>(PayPal / iZettle)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-06-11T22:00:00Z">12 June 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 427</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90903 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA clears PayPal / iZettle deal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has cleared PayPal’s completed takeover of rival mobile payments company iZettle after an in-depth, Phase 2, investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Both companies provide mobile point of sale (mPOS) devices that enable businesses to take ‘offline’ payments through a card (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-four-pharmaceutical" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that four pharmaceutical companies broke competition law by agreeing not to compete in the supply of an anti-nausea drug <em>(Alliance Pharmaceuticals / Focus / Lexon / Medreich)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-05-22T22:00:00Z">23 May 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 185</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90917 introduction entry-content"> <p>Drug firms accused of illegal market sharing over anti-nausea tablets* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that 4 pharmaceutical companies broke the law by agreeing not to compete in the supply of an anti-nausea drug in the UK. <br class='autobr' /> In a statement of objections issued today, the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-secures-the-disqualification-of-two-former" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority secures the disqualification of two former director having participated to a cartel aimed to fix or coordinate prices and share out the market for certain pre-cast concrete drainage products <em>(Stanton Bonna Concrete / CPM / FP McCann)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-04-25T22:00:00Z">26 April 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 235</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90629 introduction entry-content"> <p>Construction cartel directors disqualified* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has secured the disqualification of 2 former directors of CPM Group Ltd following CPM’s admission that it breached competition law. <br class='autobr' /> The move follows the Competition and Market Authority’s (CMA) statement of objections issued on 13 December (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-prohibits-a-merger-between-two-supermarket" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority prohibits a merger between two supermarket retailers after finding it would lead to increased prices in stores, online and at many petrol stations <em>(Sainsbury’s / Asda)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-04-24T22:00:00Z">25 April 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 401</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90389 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA blocks merger between Sainsbury’s and Asda* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has blocked the Sainsbury’s / Asda merger after finding it would lead to increased prices in stores, online and at many petrol stations across the UK. <br class='autobr' /> In its final report, published today, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-imposes-structural-remedies-concerning-a-merger-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes structural remedies concerning a merger in the washroom suppliers market <em>(Rentokil Initial / Cannon Hygiene)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-01-24T23:00:00Z">25 January 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 399</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89064 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA orders sale of customer contracts in washroom suppliers’ merger* <br class='autobr' /> Rentokil Initial must sell several large supply contracts to satisfy CMA concerns over its merger with Cannon Hygiene. <br class='autobr' /> The decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) comes after an in-depth Phase 2 (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2018/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-wet-lease-agreement-between-two-airlines" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a wet-lease agreement between two airlines for the operation of flights between London City airport and Dublin <em>(Aer Lingus / CityJet)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-12-20T23:00:00Z">21 December 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 161</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89065 introduction entry-content"> <p>Aer Lingus / CityJet deal cleared for take-off* <br class='autobr' /> Aer Lingus’ deal with CityJet for the London City airport to Dublin route has been cleared after a CMA probe. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today cleared an agreement under which Aer Lingus has taken over scheduled passenger (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2018/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-a-market-study-in-which-it-proposes-reforms" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority releases a market study in which it proposes reforms to improve competition in the audit sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-12-17T23:00:00Z">18 December 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 129</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89066 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA proposes reforms to improve competition in audit sector* <br class='autobr' /> Improvements to the independence and the quality of audits are the focus of the CMA’s market study update. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published an update paper outlining serious competition concerns and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2018/the-uk-competition-and-markets-authority-issues-its-merger-remedies-guidance" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues its Merger remedies guidance</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-12-12T23:00:00Z">13 December 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 329</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88794 introduction entry-content"> <p>Guidance on merger remedies in Phase 1 and Phase 2 investigations.* <br class='autobr' /> This guidance is intended for merger parties and their advisers. It seeks to provide a single source of guidance on remedies for Phase 1 and Phase 2 merger investigations. This guidance applies to any Phase 1 merger (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2018/the-uk-competition-and-markets-authority-provisionally-finds-that-three" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that three drainage product manufacturers participated in a cartel <em>(Stanton Bonna Concrete / CPM / FP McCann)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-12-12T23:00:00Z">13 December 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 257</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88795 introduction entry-content"> <p>Two construction firms admit to illegal cartel* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that 3 drainage product manufacturers broke competition law by co-ordinating prices for customers and sharing the market. <br class='autobr' /> Two of the businesses – Derbyshire-based Stanton Bonna Concrete Ltd and Somerset-based CPM (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2018/the-uk-competition-authority-imposes-structural-remedies-to-clear-a-merger-in" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes structural remedies to clear a merger in the market of the supply of managed laundry services <em>(JLA / Washstation)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-10-10T22:00:00Z">11 October 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 129</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89068 introduction entry-content"> <p>University laundry merger broken up by CMA* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has decided that JLA must sell Washstation to preserve competition in the supply of managed laundry services to higher education providers. <br class='autobr' /> The decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) comes following an in-depth (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2018/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-a-study-into-pricing-algorithms-in-order-to" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a study into pricing algorithms and whether they could be used to support illegal practices</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-10-07T22:00:00Z">8 October 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 304</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89069 introduction entry-content"> <p>Algorithm research builds on work in digital markets* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has published a study into pricing algorithms and whether they could be used to support illegal practices. <br class='autobr' /> The research increases the CMA’s expertise at a time of widespread scrutiny of pricing algorithms and how they interact (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2018/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-an-airports-for-restricting-competition-on" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines an airport for restricting competition on parking prices in a lease with the operator of a Terminal hotel <em>(Heathrow / Arora)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-09-17T22:00:00Z">18 September 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 481</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88010 introduction entry-content"> <p>Heathrow and Arora admit to anti-competitive car park agreement* <br class='autobr' /> Heathrow airport will pay a £1.6m fine for restricting competition on parking prices in a lease with the operator of a Terminal 5 hotel. <br class='autobr' /> The fine to be imposed by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), comes after its (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2018/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-the-decision-of-the-competition" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the decision of the Competition Authority fining a manufacturer of golf clubs for banning online retail of its products <em>(Ping)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-09-06T22:00:00Z">7 September 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 350</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88009 introduction entry-content"> <p>Win in Ping golf clubs case sends clear online retail signal* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Appeal Tribunal has upheld the CMA’s decision that Ping Europe Ltd broke the law by banning the online sale of its golf clubs. <br class='autobr' /> This landmark case sends an important signal that attempts by manufacturers to impose (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2019/the-uk-competition-authority-starts-an-in-depth-market-investigation-in-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority starts an in-depth market investigation in the funeral sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-03-27T22:00:00Z">28 March 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 33</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93928 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today launched an in-depth market investigation into the funerals sector.* <br class='autobr' /> Following publication of its interim report in November 2018, the CMA consulted on whether to progress to a market investigation. Having carefully considered the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2018/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-two-suppliers-of-charcoal-and-coal-for" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines two suppliers of charcoal and coal for households for taking part in a market sharing cartel<em>(CPL / Fuel Express)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-03-01T23:00:00Z">2 March 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 477</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-86593 introduction entry-content"> <p>£3.4m fine for household coal and BBQ supplier cartel* <br class='autobr' /> Two of the biggest suppliers of charcoal and coal for households in the UK have agreed to pay a £3.4m fine for taking part in a market sharing cartel. <br class='autobr' /> CPL and Fuel Express are 2 of the main suppliers of bagged household fuels, including (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-merger-in-the-retail-and-wholesale-market" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger in the retail and wholesale market <em>(Tesco / Booker)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-12-19T23:00:00Z">20 December 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 136</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85547 introduction entry-content"> <p>Tesco/Booker merger cleared after in-depth review* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has concluded that Tesco’s purchase of Booker does not raise competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> A group of independent Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) panel members has examined all submissions received since its provisional findings (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-digital-tool-to-fight-bid-rigging" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches digital tool to fight bid-rigging</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-12-14T23:00:00Z">15 December 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 295</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85546 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA launches digital tool to fight bid-rigging* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s Screening for Cartels tool will help public procurement professionals identify suspicious behaviour by suppliers when bidding for contracts. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has worked with Spend Network, a company (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-two-laundry-companies-for-market-sharing" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines 2 laundry companies for market sharing in NHS clean laundry services <em>(Micronclean)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-12-13T23:00:00Z">14 December 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 240</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85544 introduction entry-content"> <p>This article accompanies the "Compendium of International Cartels - Developed with the OECD" and published by Concurrences. Click here to access the book. £1.71m fine for laundry companies found to be market sharing* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined 2 suppliers of ‘cleanroom’ laundry services for breaking (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-merger-subject-to-remedies-in-the-cinema" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger subject to remedies in the cinema sector <em>(Odeon / Vue)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-12-07T23:00:00Z">8 December 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 220</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83772 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA ACCEPTS MANCHESTER CINEMAS SALE* <br class='autobr' /> In December, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced that AMC (UK) Acquisition Ltd’s (AMC’s) purchase of Odeon and UCI Cinemas Holdings Ltd (Odeon) would face an in-depth investigation, unless AMC could address concerns over the merger’s (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/november-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-accuses-a-pharmaceutical-company-to-abuse-of-its" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accuses a pharmaceutical company of having abused its dominant position <em>(Concordia)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-11-20T23:00:00Z">21 November 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 407</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85545 introduction entry-content"> <p>Drug company accused of abusing its position to overcharge the NHS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Concordia abused its dominant position to overcharge the NHS by millions for an essential thyroid drug. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating how much the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-lighting-supplier-for-price-resale" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a lighting supplier for resale price maintenance <em>(National Lighting Company)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-05-02T22:00:00Z">3 May 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 427</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-84322 introduction entry-content"> <p>Lighting company fined £2.7 million for restricting online prices* <br class='autobr' /> A lighting supplier has been fined for requiring retailers to use a minimum price when selling their products online. <br class='autobr' /> The National Lighting Company (NLC) supplies light fittings to a range of retailers who then sell them on. (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-a-merger-subject-to-remedies-in-the-market-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger subject to remedies in the market of payment systems <em>(MasterCard / VocaLink)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-04-10T22:00:00Z">11 April 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 200</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83773 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA accepts Mastercard/VocaLink undertakings* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today accepted undertakings offered by Mastercard to address competition concerns arising from its purchase of VocaLink. <br class='autobr' /> On 18 January 2017, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced it would look in detail at whether the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2017/the-uk-competition-authority-alleges-that-two-pharmaceutical-companies-have-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority alleges that two pharmaceutical companies have concluded a pay-for-delay agreement <em>(Actavis / Concordia)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-03-02T23:00:00Z">3 March 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 214</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-84194 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA alleges anti-competitive agreements for hydrocortisone tablets* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA today alleged that Concordia and Actavis signed illegal agreements which enabled high prices for a life-saving drug to be prolonged. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) alleges that between January 2013 and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-suppliers-of-galvanized-steel-tanks-for-bid" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines suppliers of galvanized steel tanks over £2.6M for bid-rigging and information exchange <em>(Franklin Hodge Industries / Galglass / KW Supplies...)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-12-18T23:00:00Z">19 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 270</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-82457 introduction entry-content"> <p>This article accompanies the "Compendium of International Cartels - Developed with the OECD" and published by Concurrences. Click here to access the book. CMA fines water tank firms over £2.7 million* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today issued 2 decisions imposing fines on suppliers of galvanised steel tanks (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-finds-that-a-pharmaceutical-company" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally finds that a pharmaceutical company has broken competition law by charging excessive prices to the NHS for hydrocortisone tablets <em>(Actavis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-12-15T23:00:00Z">16 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 346</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88521 introduction entry-content"> <p>Pharmaceutical company accused of overcharging NHS* <br class='autobr' /> The pharmaceutical company Actavis UK (formerly Auden Mckenzie) has increased the price of 10mg hydrocortisone tablets by over 12,000% compared to the branded version of the drug which was sold by a different company prior to April 2008. For (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-5-model-agencies-and-their-trade-association" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines 5 modelling agencies and their trade association £1.5M for price collusion <em>(FM Models / Models 1 / Premier...)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-12-15T23:00:00Z">16 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 16</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117670 introduction entry-content"> <p>This article accompanies the "Compendium of International Cartels - Developed with the OECD" and published by Concurrences. Click here to access the book. Model agencies fined £1.5 million for price collusion* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has imposed fines totalling £1,533,500 on 5 model agencies and their trade (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-two-pharmaceutical-companies-for-charging" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines two pharmaceutical companies for charging excessive prices concerning an anti-epilepsy drug <em>(Pfizer / Flynn)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-12-06T23:00:00Z">7 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 381</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-82459 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines Pfizer and Flynn £90 million for drug price hike to NHS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined pharma companies Pfizer and Flynn Pharma nearly £90 million for charging excessive prices to the NHS for an anti-epilepsy drug. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has imposed a record £84.2 million (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-launches-a-market-test-concerning-a-merger-on-the" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority launches a market test concerning a merger in the fruit juice market <em>(Hain / Orchard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-11-30T23:00:00Z">1 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 149</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81125 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA CONSULTS ON FRUIT JUICE MERGER UNDERTAKINGS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is consulting on undertakings offered by Hain to address merger competition concerns arising from its purchase of Orchard. <br class='autobr' /> Hain Frozen Foods UK Limited (Hain) and Orchard House Foods Limited (Orchard) are the only 2 suppliers of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-merger-remedies-proposed-by-petrol-and" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts merger remedies proposed by petrol and diesel retailers <em>(Dover / Wayne)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-10-09T22:00:00Z">10 October 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 186</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-82458 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA ACCEPTS REMEDIES IN FUEL PUMPS MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted undertakings from Dover to remedy competition concerns arising from its merger with Wayne. <br class='autobr' /> This follows the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) intervention to ensure that choice is maintained for petrol and diesel (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-remedies-proposed-by-a-supplier-of-fruit" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts remedies proposed by a supplier of fruit juice and clears the merger <em>(Hain / Orchard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-09-21T22:00:00Z">22 September 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 540</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81358 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA accepts fruit juice merger remedies* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted Hain’s undertaking to sell its own-label fruit juice business to an approved buyer. <br class='autobr' /> Hain Frozen Foods UK Ltd (Hain) bought Orchard House Foods Ltd (Orchard) in December 2015. Both are major suppliers of own-label freshly squeezed (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-merger-remedies-proposed-by-a-leading" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts merger remedies proposed by a leading global interdealer broker <em>(Tullett Prebon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-09-07T22:00:00Z">8 September 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 143</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81281 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA ACCEPTS BROKER MERGER UNDERTAKINGS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted undertakings from Tullett Prebon and will not refer its merger with IGBB for an in-depth investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Tullett Prebon plc and ICAP plc are leading global interdealer brokers, companies that sit between investment banks helping to (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-its-final-report-on-private-healthcare" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues its final report on private healthcare</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-09-04T22:00:00Z">5 September 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 188</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81280 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes final report on private healthcare remittal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has decided, following new evidence, that extra remedies in London’s private healthcare market would not be proportionate. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Commission, a predecessor body of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), started (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2016-1880/the-uk-competition-authority-is-about-to-open-an-in-depth-investigation-81126" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth investigation concerning a merger in the market of supply of ATMs <em>(Diebold / Wincor)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-08-25T22:00:00Z">26 August 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 163</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81126 introduction entry-content"> <p>CASHPOINT MERGER FACES IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION* <br class='autobr' /> Diebold and Wincor face an in-depth merger investigation by the CMA unless the companies offer undertakings to address competition concerns. <br class='autobr' /> Diebold, Incorporated (Diebold) and Wincor Nixdorf AG (Wincor) both supply ATMs (cashpoints) to banks (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2016-1880/the-uk-competition-authority-is-about-to-open-an-in-depth-investigation" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth investigation concerning a merger between two toy suppliers <em>(VTech / LeapFrog)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-08-24T22:00:00Z">25 August 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 181</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81127 introduction entry-content"> <p>MERGER OF TOY SUPPLIERS COULD FACE IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION* <br class='autobr' /> VTech could face an in-depth merger investigation over competition concerns arising from its completed merger with LeapFrog. <br class='autobr' /> VTech Holdings Ltd (VTech) and LeapFrog Enterprises Inc (LeapFrog) are 2 of the 3 largest suppliers of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2016-1880/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-company-specialized-in-online-sales-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a company specialized in online sales of posters and frames for agreeing not to undercut a rival, the rival was granted immunity for reporting the cartel <em>(Trod /GB eye)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-08-11T22:00:00Z">12 August 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 254</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81128 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA issues final decision in online cartel case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today issued a formal decision that 2 online sellers of posters and frames broke competition law. <br class='autobr' /> This follows the announcement on 21 July 2016 that Trod Ltd had admitted agreeing with GB eye Ltd (trading as ‘GB Posters’) that they (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-online-sellers-for-cartel-amazon-gb-posters" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines online retailers for using automated repricing software to implement an illegal cartel <em>(Trod / GB Posters)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-07-20T22:00:00Z">21 July 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 326</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-80296 introduction entry-content"> <p>Online seller admits breaking competition law* <br class='autobr' /> An online seller has agreed to accept a fine after admitting using automated repricing software to implement an illegal cartel. <br class='autobr' /> Trod Limited has admitted agreeing with one of its competing online sellers, GB eye Limited (trading as ‘GB (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-is-about-to-open-an-in-depth-inquiry-concerning-a" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth inquiry concerning a merger on the mental healthcare services market <em>(Acadia / Priory)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-07-13T22:00:00Z">14 July 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 243</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-80297 introduction entry-content"> <p>Acadia/Priory merger faces in-depth investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Acadia’s completed acquisition of Priory faces being referred for an in-depth investigation by the CMA. <br class='autobr' /> Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc (Acadia) through its UK subsidiary Partnerships in Care, and Priory Group No.1 Limited (Priory) overlap in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-merger-remedies-proposed-by-a-company" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts merger remedies proposed by a company specialized in record management services <em>(Iron Mountain / Recall)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-06-15T22:00:00Z">16 June 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 171</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-81282 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA ACCEPTES RECORDS MANAGEMENT UNDERTAKINGS* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has accepted undertakings from Iron Mountain Inc to sell C21 Data Services in Aberdeen and Dundee to an approved buyer. <br class='autobr' /> Iron Mountain and Recall both provide records management services, which comprise the storage and retrieval of paper (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2016/the-uk-competition-authority-opens-an-in-depth-investigation-regarding-a-merger-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth investigation regarding a merger in the market for brokerage of oil products <em>(Tullett / ICAP)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-06-06T22:00:00Z">7 June 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 166</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-79889 introduction entry-content"> <p>Broker merger faces an in-depth investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Tullett’s anticipated acquisition of ICAP’s voice/hybrid broking business faces being referred for an in-depth investigation by the CMA. <br class='autobr' /> Tullett Prebon plc (Tullett) and ICAP plc (ICAP) are leading global interdealer brokers, companies that (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2016/The-UK-Competition-Authority-78818" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues a provisional decision on remedies to increase competition in the private healthcare market <em>(HCA)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-03-21T23:00:00Z">22 March 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 269</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-78818 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA’s private healthcare provisional decision on remedies* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that likely changes in London’s private healthcare market mean that extra remedies would not be proportionate. <br class='autobr' /> In April 2012, the Competition Commission, a predecessor body of the Competition and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2016/The-UK-Competition-Authority-fines" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines £45 million to several pharmaceutical companies for pay-for-delay settlements <em>(GlaxoSmithKline)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-02-11T23:00:00Z">12 February 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 325</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-78295 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA fines pharma companies £45 million* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has fined a number of pharmaceutical companies for anti-competitive conduct and agreements in relation to the supply of paroxetine. <br class='autobr' /> The CMA’s decision relates to conduct and agreements between 2001 and 2004 in which GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK), (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2016/The-UK-Competition-Authority-77859" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts a remedy concerning a merger in the serviced office space market <em>(Regus / Avanta)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-01-27T23:00:00Z">28 January 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 228</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77859 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA ACCEPTS REMEDY IN SERVICED OFFICE SPACE MERGER * <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority has today accepted a remedy to resolve competition concerns arising from Regus’ acquisition of Avanta. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced on 18 November 2015 that it would consider (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-77152" rel="bookmark">The UK Supreme Court confirms the Competition Authority’s decision to treat an acquisition of 3 ferries and related assets as a merger <em>(Eurotunnel / SeaFrance / MyFerryLink)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-12-15T23:00:00Z">16 December 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 193</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77152 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes Supreme Court judgment in Eurotunnel case* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has welcomed the judgment by the Supreme Court to uphold its appeal in the Eurotunnel case. <br class='autobr' /> In the judgment handed down today, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) took the correct (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-77154" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth investigation regarding a merger in the computer-based testing sector after considering proposed remedies to be insufficient <em>(Pearson / Learndirect)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-12-15T23:00:00Z">16 December 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 106</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77154 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA refers computer-based testing merger for in-depth investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has referred Pearson VUE’s anticipated acquisition of learndirect’s computer-based testing business for a phase 2 investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Earlier this month, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said that it would (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-opens" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority opens an in-depth investigation concerning a merger in the pharmacy sector <em>(Sainsbury / Celesio)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-12-10T23:00:00Z">11 December 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 131</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77153 introduction entry-content"> <p>Pharmacy merger faces in-depth investigation* <br class='autobr' /> Celesio’s anticipated acquisition of Sainsbury’s pharmacy business faces being referred for an in-depth investigation by the CMA. <br class='autobr' /> Celesio AG (Celesio), through its subsidiary Lloyds Pharmacy Limited (Lloyds), operates 1,542 pharmacies across the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-76446" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger in the retail mobile market <em>(BT / EE)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-10-27T23:00:00Z">28 October 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 166</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-76446 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA PROVISIONALLY CLEARS BT/EE MERGER * <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally cleared BT’s anticipated acquisition of EE. <br class='autobr' /> BT Group plc (BT) and EE Limited (EE) are large telecommunications companies in the UK. They operate largely in separate areas with BT strong in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-76447" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority removes several structural merger undertakings given before 1 January 2005 concerning eleven cases</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-10-14T22:00:00Z">15 October 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 154</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-76447 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA presses on with remedies removal* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is continuing its drive to ensure that its remedies do not stay in place longer than needed. <br class='autobr' /> As part of a series of such reviews, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has looked at remedies resulting from 13 merger investigations and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-75847" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger between two water companies <em>(Bournemouth Water / Pennon)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-09-29T22:00:00Z">30 September 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 156</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75847 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA provisionally clears water merger* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today provisionally cleared the purchase of Bournemouth Water by South West Water. <br class='autobr' /> In June 2015, the completed acquisition by Pennon Group plc (the owner of South West Water Limited) of Bournemouth Water Investments Limited (which operates (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-75846" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority considers merger remedies proposed by a supplier of legal information <em>(Reed Elsevier / Jordan Publishing)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-09-20T22:00:00Z">21 September 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 160</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75846 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA CONSIDERS REMEDIES IN FAMILY LAW INFORMATION MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has decided to consider in detail whether to accept remedies offered by Reed Elsevier (UK) Limited. <br class='autobr' /> Earlier this month, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced that it would refer the anticipated acquisition by (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-75589" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority closes its hotel online booking investigation <em>(IHG / Expedia /</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-09-15T22:00:00Z">16 September 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 330</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75589 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA closes hotel online booking investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA today announced that it has closed an investigation into suspected breaches of competition law in the hotel online booking sector. <br class='autobr' /> The investigation was launched by the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) predecessor, the Office of (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-75071" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues a guidance on a new power to encourage competition law-breaking companies to voluntarily pay compensation to victims </a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-08-13T22:00:00Z">14 August 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75071 introduction entry-content"> <p>Guidance on new compensation schemes power in competition cases* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA today published guidance on a new power to encourage competition law-breaking businesses to voluntarily pay compensation to victims. <br class='autobr' /> Under the guidance, businesses setting up voluntary redress schemes can, in certain (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2015/the-uk-competition-authority-imposes-remedies-to-clear-an-acquisition-in-the-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority imposes remedies to clear an acquisition in the market of personal lubricants <em>(Reckitt Benckiser / Johnson & Johnson)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-08-11T22:00:00Z">12 August 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2242</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-74869 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA ORDERS REMEDY TO MEET CONCERN OVER LUBRICANTS MERGER * <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has found that Reckitt Benckiser’s anticipated acquisition of the K-Y brand could lead to higher prices for personal lubricants. <br class='autobr' /> In its final report published today, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2015/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-statement-of-objections-to-a-pharmaceutical-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues statements of objection to a pharmaceutical company and its distributors suspected of abuse of dominance in the market of phenytoin sodium capsules <em>(Pfizer / Flynn)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-08-05T22:00:00Z">6 August 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 354</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-74942 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA issues statement of objections to Pfizer and Flynn Pharma in anti-epilepsy drug investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today issued a statement of objections to the pharmaceutical suppliers Pfizer and Flynn Pharma alleging that they have breached competition law. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2015/The-UK-Competition-Authority-74537" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority decides to open an in-depth investigation in the market of processing of animal by-products in an effort to obtain acceptable remedies <em>(Linergy / UFBP)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-07-16T22:00:00Z">17 July 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 137</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-74537 introduction entry-content"> <p>Rendering merger faces in-depth investigation unless undertakings offered* <br class='autobr' /> Linergy’s acquisition of Ulster Farm By-Products will be referred for an in-depth phase 2 investigation unless acceptable undertakings are offered. <br class='autobr' /> The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2015/the-uk-competition-authority-publishes-a-report-on-the-commercial-use-of" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes a report on the commercial use of consumer data</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-06-16T22:00:00Z">17 June 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 68</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105250 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes findings on the commercial use of consumer data* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today published a report into the collection and use of consumer data. <br class='autobr' /> The report follows a call for information which was issued in January and draws on a range of evidence from businesses, consumers, regulatory (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-73728" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority begins an in-depth investigation concerning a merger between two water companies <em>(Bournemouth Water / South West Water)</em> </a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-06-07T22:00:00Z">8 June 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 112</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73728 introduction entry-content"> <p>SOUTH WEST AND BOURNEMOUTH WATER MERGER REFERRED FOR AN IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION * <br class='autobr' /> The CMA today referred the merger of Bournemouth Water with South West Water for an in-depth phase 2 investigation. <br class='autobr' /> Currently the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has a duty to refer mergers involving (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-73729" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority refers a merger involving the two largest suppliers of fixed communications and mobile communications services to phase 2 investigation <em>(BT / EE)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-06-07T22:00:00Z">8 June 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 141</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73729 introduction entry-content"> <p>BT/EE merger fast-tracked to phase 2 investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today referred BT Group plc’s anticipated acquisition of EE Limited for an in-depth phase 2 investigation. <br class='autobr' /> BT and EE are, respectively, the largest suppliers of fixed communications services and mobile communications services in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/june-2015/the-uk-competition-and-markets-authority-clears-a-merger-following-an-in-depth-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears a merger, following an in-depth investigation in the market of chilled savoury pastry <em>(Pork Farms Caspian / Kerry Foods)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-06-02T22:00:00Z">3 June 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 166</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73731 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA CONFIRMS CLEARANCE OF PORK FARMS / KERRY FOODS MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today cleared the completed acquisition by Pork Farms Caspian of the chilled savoury pastry business of Kerry Foods. <br class='autobr' /> This confirms April’s provisional findings by the group of Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-73732" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger in the packaging market <em>(Sonoco / Weidenhammer)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-28T22:00:00Z">29 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 127</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73732 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA PROVISIONALLY CLEARS PACKAGING MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared the completed acquisition by Sonoco Products Company of Weidenhammer Packaging Group. <br class='autobr' /> Sonoco and Weidenhammer both produce composite cans (rigid tubes with closures on each end) which are supplied to customers for (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-73498" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority reviews a structural merger remedy in the market of media related services <em>(GTCR Canyon / Gorkana)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-27T22:00:00Z">28 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 153</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73498 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA consults on GTCR proposed undertaking* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA is consulting on a proposed undertaking in lieu of a reference in relation to GTCR’s acquisition of Gorkana Group. <br class='autobr' /> In April, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced it would consider in detail an undertaking proposed by GTCR (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2015/the-uk-competition-authority-provisionally-judges-that-an-anticipated-merger-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally judges that an anticipated merger between pharmaceuticals enterprises could lead to higher prices in the personal lubricants market <em>(Reckitt Benckiser / Johnson & Johnson)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-21T22:00:00Z">22 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 308</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73454 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA SETS OUT PROVISIONAL CONCERNS OVER LUBRICANTS MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally found that Reckitt Benckiser’s anticipated acquisition of the K-Y brand could lead to higher prices for personal lubricants. <br class='autobr' /> Reckitt Benckiser (RB) and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) supply personal (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-73452" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority publishes an updated issues statement of its investigation concerning the market of the supply of personal current accounts and retail banking services to SMEs</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-20T22:00:00Z">21 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 670</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73452 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA publishes updated issues statement in banking market investigation* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has today published an updated issues statement as part of its investigation into the supply of personal current accounts and retail banking services to SMEs. <br class='autobr' /> The updated issues statement summarises the (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-73453" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority seeks permission to appeal in a case regarding trans-channel ferry transport services <em>(Eurotunnel / SeaFrance / MyFerryLink)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-18T22:00:00Z">19 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 300</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73453 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA SEEKS PERMISSION TO APPEAL IN EUROTUNNEL CASE * <br class='autobr' /> The CMA today announced that it will seek permission to appeal following last week’s Court of Appeal judgment in the Eurotunnel case. <br class='autobr' /> The judgment upheld a challenge to the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) jurisdiction over (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Market-72697" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority formally clears a merger in the insurance sector following an in-depth enquiry <em>(Xchanging / Agencyport)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 259</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-72697 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA FORMALLY CLEARS SPECIALIST INSURANCE MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has formally cleared the completed acquisition by Xchanging of certain companies comprising all of the European operations of Agencyport. <br class='autobr' /> Xchanging plc (Xchanging) and Agencyport Software Group (Agencyport) supply specialist software (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2015/the-uk-competition-and-markets-authority-provisionally-clears-a-merger-in-the-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority provisionally clears a merger in the market of chilled savoury pastry <em>(Pork Farms Caspian / Kerry Foods)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-04-20T22:00:00Z">21 April 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 191</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-72618 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA PROVISIONALLY CLEARS PORK FARMS / KERRY FOOD MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared the completed acquisition by Pork Farms Caspian of the chilled savoury pastry business of Kerry Foods. <br class='autobr' /> Pork Farms Group Limited, through the Pork Farms Caspian Limited subsidiary, and Kerry Foods (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2015/the-uk-competition-and-markets-authority-clears-provisionally-a-merger-in-the-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears provisionally a merger in the insurance sector <em>(Xchanging / Agencyport)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 226</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-72200 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA PROVISIONALLY CLEARS SPECIALIST INSURANCE MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has provisionally cleared the completed acquisition by Xchanging of certain companies comprising all of the European operations of Agencyport. <br class='autobr' /> Xchanging plc (Xchanging) and Agencyport Software Group (Agencyport) supply specialist (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/march-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-72199" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines an association of estate and lettings agents, three of its members, and a newspaper publisher for implementing an anticompetitive agreement following settlement proceedings <em>(Castles / Hamptons International / Waterfords)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-03-18T23:00:00Z">19 March 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 225</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-72199 introduction entry-content"> <p>Companies fined over £775,000 in CMA investigation into advertising of agents’ fees* <br class='autobr' /> An association of estate and lettings agents in Hampshire, three of its members and a newspaper publisher have admitted breaching competition law and have agreed to pay penalties totalling over £775,000. <br class='autobr' /> The (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2015/The-Competition-and-Markets-71881" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues an updated statement relating to its investigation into the Great Britain energy markets</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-02-17T23:00:00Z">18 February 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 153</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-71881 introduction entry-content"> <p>The CMA has today published an updated issues statement as part of its investigation into the Great Britain energy markets.* <br class='autobr' /> The updated issues statement (PDF, 969KB, 49 pages) summarises the investigation group’s initial thinking based on the evidence it has received, and the analysis it has (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2015/the-uk-court-of-appeal-upholds-the-judgment-of-the-competition-appeal-tribunal-en" rel="bookmark">The England & Wales Court of Appeal upholds the judgment of the Competition Appeal Tribunal requiring an airline to reduce its minority shareholding in a rival airline <em>(Ryanair / Aer Lingus)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-02-11T23:00:00Z">12 February 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 332</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-71663 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA welcomes Court of Appeal Judgment on Ryanair/Aer Lingus* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA welcomes today’s judgment by the Court Of Appeal dismissing Ryanair’s challenge on all 3 grounds. <br class='autobr' /> The judgment followed an appeal by Ryanair Holdings plc (Ryanair) against an earlier decision made by the Competition Appeal (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/february-2015/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-71662" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition and Markets Authority spurs an undertaking specialized in rail services to offer merger remedies in order to resolve competition concerns and to avoid an in-depth merger investigation <em>(ICRL)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-02-05T23:00:00Z">6 February 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 217</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-71662 introduction entry-content"> <p>Stagecoach/Virgin consortium given chance to resolve limited competition concerns arising from the East Coast rail franchise award* <br class='autobr' /> ICRL, a subsidiary jointly owned by Stagecoach and Virgin Trains, has the chance to avoid an in-depth merger investigation into its successful bid to run the East (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2015/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-the-merger-decision-of-the-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the merger decision of the Competition Authority in a maritime transport case <em>(Eurotunnel / SeaFrance / MyFerryLink)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-01-08T23:00:00Z">9 January 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 251</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-70795 introduction entry-content"> <p>The CMA has welcomed today’s judgment by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) to uphold the CMA’s decision to bar Eurotunnel from running its MyFerryLink service out of Dover, to safeguard competition.* <br class='autobr' /> The CAT’s judgment dismissed an appeal by Eurotunnel and Société Coopérative de Production (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/october-2014/the-uk-competition-authority-hands-a-provisional-decision-and-proposes-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority hands a provisional decision and proposes solutions to resolve competition concerns on the payday lending market</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-10-08T22:00:00Z">9 October 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 124</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-69368 introduction entry-content"> <p>CMA sets out proposals to lower payday loan costs* <br class='autobr' /> The CMA has set out proposals to increase price competition between payday lenders and help borrowers get a better deal. <br class='autobr' /> These proposals have been developed in light of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) price cap proposals announced (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2014/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-69243" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority makes an order in the audit market and imposes some measures responding to competition problems in this sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-09-25T22:00:00Z">26 September 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 100</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-69243 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today published the final order that will put into action major changes in the UK statutory audit market for large companies.* <br class='autobr' /> The changes follow the Competition Commission’s (CC’s) report into the market published last year which set out changes (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2014/The-UK-Competition-and-Markets-69196" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition and Markets Authority issues its report wherein measures are proposed to increase competition in the private motor insurance market</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-09-23T22:00:00Z">24 September 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 631</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-69196 introduction entry-content"> <p>The CMA has today published measures it expects to increase competition in the car insurance market and reduce the cost of premiums for drivers.* <br class='autobr' /> The measures are included in the final report of its investigation, conducted by an independent panel of members, into the private motor insurance (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/september-2014/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-commitments-relating-to-platform-services-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts commitments relating to platform services for the automotive sector <em>(Epyx)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-09-08T22:00:00Z">9 September 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 989</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-69661 introduction entry-content"> <p>United Kingdom: The Competition and Markets Authority accepts Commitments relating to Platform Services for Automotive Sector* <br class='autobr' /> On 9 September 2014, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) accepted final commitments offered by Epyx Limited (Epyx) relating to service, maintenance and repair (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/august-2014/the-uk-competition-and-markets-authority-clears-an-acquisition-on-the-adherence" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears an acquisition on the adherence packaging market <em>(Omnicell / SurgiChem)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-08-07T22:00:00Z">8 August 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 272</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-68559 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has cleared Omnicell/MTS’s proposed acquisition of SurgiChem.* <br class='autobr' /> This confirms the CMA’s provisional decision which was published last month and has been made by a group of independent CMA panel members. <br class='autobr' /> Omnicell, Inc./MTS Medication Technologies, (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/january-2014/the-uk-competition-authority-accepts-commitments-from-online-travel-agents" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority accepts commitments from online travel agents which permit them to offer hotel discounts <em>(IHG / Expedia /</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-01-30T23:00:00Z">31 January 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 305</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-64358 introduction entry-content"> <p>United Kingdom: OFT clears Way for Discounts on Hotel Rooms* <br class='autobr' /> On 31 January 2014, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) accepted formal commitments from two of the UK’s largest online travel agents, B.V. ( and Expedia Inc (Expedia), together with InterContinental Hotels (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2013/the-uk-competition-authority-fines-a-pharmaceutical-group-l380k-for-entering" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority fines a pharmaceutical group £380K for entering into a market sharing agreement in relation to the supply of prescription medicines to care homes in England <em>(Hamsard)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-12-11T23:00:00Z">12 December 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 15</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117671 introduction entry-content"> <p>This article accompanies the "Compendium of International Cartels - Developed with the OECD" and published by Concurrences. Click here to access the book. Pharmaceutical group agrees to pay over £380k in care home medicine cartel* <br class='autobr' /> The company which owns Quantum Pharmaceutical Limited (Quantum) (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/july-2012/the-uk-competition-authority-issues-a-statement-of-objections-against-two-en" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority issues a Statement of Objections against two online travel agents and one hotel group for alleged restrictive practices <em>(IHG / Expedia /</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-07-30T22:00:00Z">31 July 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 469</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-49684 introduction entry-content"> <p>United Kingdom: The Office of Fair Trading issues Statement of Objections against, Expedia and Intercontinental Hotels Group* <br class='autobr' /> On 31 July 2012, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) issued a Statement of Objections alleging that Booking. com B.V. (, Expedia Inc (Expedia) and (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/december-2006/The-UK-Competition-Commission-79183" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Commission clears a merger between two seafood companies <em>(Pan Fish / Marine Harvest)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2006-12-17T23:00:00Z">18 December 2006</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 102</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-79183 introduction entry-content"> <p>CC formally clears Pan Fish /Marine Harvest Merger* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Commission (CC) has formally cleared the anticipated acquisition by Pan Fish ASA of Marine Harvest NV. <br class='autobr' /> In its final report published today at, the CC has concluded that the acquisition may (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2006/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-merger-between-two-book-retail-companies" rel="bookmark">The Uk Competition Authority clears merger between two book retail companies <em>(Waterstones / Ottakar)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2006-05-11T22:00:00Z">12 May 2006</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 25</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-21141 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Competition Commission (CC) has formally cleared the anticipated acquisition of Ottakar’s plc by HMV Group plc through Waterstone’s Booksellers Ltd, after concluding in its final report that the merger would not lead to a substantial lessening of competition in the market for the retail sale (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2006/the-uk-competition-authority-clears-merger-between-two-book-retail-companies-109285" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Authority clears merger between two book retail companies <em>(Waterstones / Ottakar’s)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2006-05-11T22:00:00Z">12 May 2006</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 25</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109285 introduction entry-content"> <p>CC FORMALLY CLEARS WATERSTONE’S/OTTAKAR’S MERGER* <br class='autobr' /> The Competition Commission (CC) has formally cleared the anticipated acquisition of Ottakar’s plc by HMV Group plc through Waterstone’s Booksellers Ltd, after concluding in its final report that the merger would not lead to a substantial (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/april-2004/The-UK-Competition-Office" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Office concludes that a general terms of agreement of an association of insurers restricts competition <em>(Association of British Insurers)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2004-04-21T22:00:00Z">22 April 2004</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 143</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-79184 introduction entry-content"> <p>Association of British Insurer’s General Terms of Agreement* <br class='autobr' /> On 13 November 2002, the ABI notified its GTA between insurers and credit hire organisations (CHOs) to the OFT for a decision that the GTA did not fall within the Chapter I prohibition of the Competition Act 1998 (’the Act’) or, in (…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/uk-competition-authority">UK Competition Authority</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/bulletin/news-issues/may-2002/the-uk-competition-appeal-tribunal-upholds-the-competition-authority-s-fine" rel="bookmark">The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal upholds the fine the Competition Authority imposed on a pharmaceutical company for abusing its dominant position <em>(Napp)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2002-01-14T23:00:00Z">15 January 2002</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 56</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100666 introduction entry-content"> <p>Appeal dismissed, fine reduced from £3.21 million to £2.2 million. Directions to adjust pricing policy upheld. This is the first appeal to the Competition Commission Appeal Tribunal (the Tribunal) against the decision of the Director of Fair Trading (the Director) to impose a fine under section (…)</p> </div> </article></div> </div> </div> <div class="content-inner-actions"> <button class="btn-toggle" onclick="return toggle_content_inner.apply(this);"><b class="label_open">Read More </b><span><i class="picto picto-toggle"></i></span></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section_primary section_awards"> <div class="section__container"> <h2 class="content-inner-title"><span>Awards Articles</span></h2> <div class="liste"> <div class="liste-items-well"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="item content-thematique"> <article class="article auteurs_1 article-awards"> <div class="article-awards-qualification"> <span class="awards-article-annee">2020</span> <span>-</span> <span class="awards-article-categorie">Soft Law</span> </div> <strong 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