Careers | Genome Sciences Centre
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With offices and laboratories located in Vancouver, British Columbia, we work in a city that consistently ranks as one of the best places in the world to live. 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<section class="region region__highlight"> <div class="region__highlight--inner region--inner"> <div data-drupal-messages-fallback class="hidden"></div> </div> </section> <main role="main"> <a id="main-content" tabindex="-1"></a> <div class="layout-content"> <section class="region region__content"> <div class="region__content--inner region--inner"> <section id="block-bccrc-content" class="block block--system-main-block block-bccrc-content"> <article role="article" about="/careers" typeof="schema:WebPage" class="node node--page full"> <span property="schema:name" content="Careers" class="hidden"></span> <div property="schema:text" class="field field--body"><p>Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre offers scientists, researchers and others the opportunity to pursue careers at the forefront of genome science and precision medicine. With close ties to local and national clinical and academic communities—and to scientific collaborators around the world—we offer a rich and diverse research environment. With offices and laboratories located in Vancouver, British Columbia, we work in a city that consistently ranks as one of the best places in the world to live.</p> <p><strong>Come work with us!</strong></p></div> </article> <section class="layout layout__callout layout__parent__node paragraph paragraph--type--callout paragraph--view-mode--default" id="our-commitment-to-equity-diversity-and-inclusion"> <div class="section__title"><h2 class="section__title">Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion</h2></div> <div class="inner"> <div class="field field--summary"> <p><strong>We believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential for the advancement of human knowledge and science</strong>.</p> <p>We welcome all applicants and provide all employees with equal opportunity for advancement, regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, conviction of a criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to their employment.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="layout layout__callout layout__parent__node paragraph paragraph--type--callout paragraph--view-mode--default" id="covid-19-immunizations-"> <div class="section__title"><h2 class="section__title">COVID-19 Immunizations </h2></div> <div class="inner"> <div class="field field--summary"> <h3 id="toc-covid-19-vaccines">COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) that causes COVID-19. </h3> <p>The COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the list of high-priority immunizations recommended for health-care workers. Health care workers should ensure they are up-to-date on all routine immunizations. </p> <p>The Province is introducing a new requirement focused on collecting the immunization status of health-care workers. To begin, new hires within health authority settings will be asked for records of immune status during onboarding, and offered opportunities for vaccinations if any are missing.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="layout layout__callout layout__parent__node paragraph paragraph--type--callout paragraph--view-mode--default" id="paragraph--581"> <div class="inner"> <div class="field field--summary"> <p><strong>HEU and HSA union members</strong><br /> Internal applicants please visit <a href=""></a> to apply online for internal job postings.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="layout layout__callout layout__parent__node paragraph paragraph--type--callout paragraph--view-mode--default" id="work-location--and-work-options"> <div class="section__title"><h2 class="section__title">Work location and work options</h2></div> <div class="inner"> <div class="field field--summary"> <p>Please note all jobs at the GSC are based onsite in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. </p> <p>For positions with work that can be conducted remotely, flexible work options may be available upon request and is subject to change in accordance with GSC’s operational needs and PHSA’s Flexible Work Options Policy. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section class="careers-form block block--careers-block block-careersblock" data-drupal-selector="careers-form" id="block-careersblock"> <form action="/careers" method="post" id="careers-form" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <input data-drupal-selector="edit-submit-url" type="hidden" name="submit-url" value="/content/search" /> <input data-drupal-selector="edit-content-type" type="hidden" name="content-type" value="career" /> <div class="results-region"><div class="results careers"><article role="article" about="/careers/research-associate-clinical" class="node node--career expander"> <h2 class="node__title"> <a href="/careers/research-associate-clinical" rel="bookmark"><span>Research Associate – Clinical</span> </a> </h2> <button class="icon" data-expand="">+</button> <div class="expanding"> <div class="field field--body"> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC)</a></strong></p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Today’s Research. Tomorrow’s Medicine.</a></strong></p> <p>The GSC is a department of the <a href="">BC Cancer Research Institute</a> and a high-throughput genome sequencing facility. We are <a href="">leaders</a> in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics in pursuit of novel treatment strategies for cancers and other diseases.</p> <p>Among the world’s first genome centres to be established within a cancer clinic, for <a href="">more than two decades</a> our scientists and innovators have been designing and deploying cutting-edge technologies to benefit health and advance clinical research.</p> <p>Among the GSC’s most significant accomplishments are the first <a href="">publication</a> to demonstrate the use of whole-genome sequencing to inform cancer treatment planning, the first <a href="">published</a> sequence of the SARS coronavirus genome and major contributions to the first <a href="">physical map of the human genome</a> as part of the Human Genome Project.</p> <p>By joining the GSC you will become part of an exceptional and diverse <a href="">team</a> of scientists, clinicians, experts and professionals operating at the leading edge of clinical research. We look for people who share our core values—science, timeliness, respect—to join us on our mission to use genome science for the betterment of health and society.</p> <h1><strong>Summary</strong></h1> <h2><strong>Job Reference No. RA_R00006_Clinical_2025_01_10</strong></h2> <p>Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) of the BC Cancer Research Institute is a state-of-the-art, large-scale, high-throughput, clinically accredited genomics and bioinformatics facility located in one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in the world.</p> <p>As a Research Associate within the Centre for Clinical Genomics Informatics team at the GSC, you will play a pivotal role in advancing clinical bioinformatics capabilities by developing, validating, and optimizing workflows and pipelines to support cutting-edge genomic technologies. The Research Associate will report to the Team leader and is anchored within a team of exceptional computational scientists, programmers and clinical researchers, who collaborate directly on the development and maintenance of robust, cost efficient, and competitive clinical genomics pipelines.</p> <p>This is an opportunity to work with highly motivated colleagues in a science-oriented, creative and dynamic environment. We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits and significant career development opportunities.</p> <p>This position is initially funded for two years.</p> <h1><strong>Key Accountabilities</strong></h1> <ul><li>Developing clinical bioinformatics workflows for new projects that require quick turnarounds and/or reproducible results and, where relevant, containerizing them.</li> <li>Analyzing clinical sequencing data from technology development experiments in the lab, summarizing results and formally presenting findings in internal meetings and discussions, including at local, and national meetings.</li> <li>Supporting technological advances and providing recommendations to wet and dry lab production groups on new technology and workflow optimizations based on comparative analyses, often with custom bioinformatics tools and workflows.</li> <li>Facilitating the transfer of novel analysis pipelines and technologies into production, such as writing clinical validation documents, drafting Standard Operating Procedures, training production staff, and assisting with troubleshooting exercises.</li> <li>Training designated members of the clinical bioinformatics group in new or optimized analysis workflows. Writes or revises protocols accordingly.</li> <li>Identifies processes/procedures that can improve and optimize the clinical validation process.</li> <li>Reviews data to identify opportunities to offer new or improved assays.</li> <li>Identifies and pursues opportunities to publish in peer reviewed journals to contribute to the broader community.</li> <li>Performs other technical functions related to the Bioinformatics groups of the GSC.</li> </ul><h1><strong>Qualifications</strong></h1> <h2><strong>Education and Experience:</strong></h2> <ul><li>PhD in Bioinformatics, Computer science, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Biology, Genomics, or related field.</li> <li>Proven expertise with Python and/or other similar high-level languages.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability in R or other similar statistical programming languages and in statistical analysis.</li> <li>Functional knowledge of distributed version control systems, such as Git.</li> <li>Comfortable working in a Linux environment, including experience with shell scripting and common command-line tools.</li> <li>Familiarity with pipeline tools (eg. Nextflow, singularity) and high-performance computing (slurm) are highly desirable.</li> <li>Demonstrated experience with software development lifecyle and appling CI/CD pipelines to streamline the development and deployment of reliable and effective bioinformatics tools and workflows.</li> <li>Demonstrated experience with next generation/ third generation sequencing technology with an in-depth understanding of standards and guidelines for validating clinical bioinformatics analysis pipelines using these technologies.</li> <li>Demonstrated interpersonal skills including the ability to work effectively with others in a team environment.</li> <li>Experience liaising with multiple stakeholders to support consensus goals.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to manage multiple priorities, meet milestones, and efficiently organize work assignments.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to write technical documents including validations and procedure manuals</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to accept responsibility and work independently.</li> <li>Excellent written and verbal communication skills to effectively convey complex scientific ideas.</li> </ul><h1><strong>Benefits:</strong></h1> <p>Every PHSA employee enables the best possible patient care for our patients and their families. Whether you are providing direct care, conducting research, or making it possible for others to do their work, you impact the lives of British Columbians today and in the future. That’s why we’re focused on your care too – offering health, wellness, development programs to support you – at work and at home.</p> <ul><li>Join one of BC’s largest employers with province-wide programs, services and operations – offering vast opportunities for growth, development, and recognition programs that honour the commitment and contribution of all employees.</li> <li>Access to professional development opportunities through our in-house training programs, including +2,000 courses, such as our San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training course, or Core Linx for Leadership roles.</li> <li>Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, which includes statutory benefits - Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance and WorkSafe BC plus the BC Cancer group benefits plan which includes medical & dental extended health, and group life insurance coverage, and psychological health & safety programs and holistic wellness resources.</li> <li>Annual statutory holidays (13) with generous vacation entitlement and accruement.</li> <li>PHSA is a remote work friendly employer, welcoming flexible work options to support our people (eligibility may vary, depending on position).</li> <li>Access to WorkPerks, a premium discount program offering a wide range of local and national discounts on electronics, entertainment, dining, travel, wellness, apparel, and more.</li> </ul><h1><strong>Job Type: </strong></h1> <p>Temporary Full-Time, 7.5 hrs. per day</p> <p>Hybrid</p> <h1><strong>Salary Range:</strong> </h1> <p>$74,618 - $107,264 p.a.</p> <p><em>The starting salary for this position would be determined with consideration of the successful candidate’s relevant education and experience, and would be in alignment with the provincial compensation reference plan. </em></p> <p><em>Higher salary offers above the midpoint range require additional review and approval.</em></p> <h1><strong>Apply</strong></h1> <p>Please submit a detailed cover letter and resume to <a href=""></a>, using <strong>Job Reference No. RA_R00006_Clinical_2025_01_10 </strong>in the subject line of your email.</p> <p>While we value and review all applications, please note that due to the volume of submissions only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. This posting will remain online until the position is filled.</p> <p>All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.</p> <p><strong>Important!</strong></p> <p>COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) that causes COVID-19. </p> <p>The COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the list of high-priority immunizations recommended for health-care workers. Health care workers should ensure they are up-to-date on all routine immunizations. </p> <p>Please note all jobs at the GSC are based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Flexible work options may be available for this position upon request and is subject to change in accordance with GSC’s operational needs and PHSA’s Flexible Work Options Policy.</p> <p><strong>We believe that equity, diversity and inclusivity are essential for the advancement of human knowledge and science.</strong></p> <p><em>We welcome all applicants and provide all employees with equal opportunity for advancement, regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, conviction of a criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to their employment.</em></p></div> <div class="field field--field_application_link"><a href="">Apply Here</a></div> </div> </article> <article role="article" about="/careers/postdoctoral-fellow-tai-lab" class="node node--career expander"> <h2 class="node__title"> <a href="/careers/postdoctoral-fellow-tai-lab" rel="bookmark"><span>Postdoctoral Fellow - Tai Lab</span> </a> </h2> <div class="field field--field_lab"><a href="/labs/tai-lab" hreflang="en">Tai Lab</a></div> <button class="icon" data-expand="">+</button> <div class="expanding"> <div class="field field--body"> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC)</a></strong></p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Today’s Research. Tomorrow’s Medicine.</a></strong></p> <p>The GSC is a department of the <a href="">BC Cancer Research Institute</a> and a high-throughput genome sequencing facility. We are <a href="">leaders</a> in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics in pursuit of novel treatment strategies for cancers and other diseases.</p> <p>Among the world’s first genome centres to be established within a cancer clinic, for <a href="">more than two decades</a> our scientists and innovators have been designing and deploying cutting-edge technologies to benefit health and advance clinical research.</p> <p>Among the GSC’s most significant accomplishments are the first <a href="">publication</a> to demonstrate the use of whole-genome sequencing to inform cancer treatment planning, the first <a href="">published</a> sequence of the SARS coronavirus genome and major contributions to the first <a href="">physical map of the human genome</a> as part of the Human Genome Project.</p> <p>By joining the GSC you will become part of an exceptional and diverse <a href="">team</a> of scientists, clinicians, experts and professionals operating at the leading edge of clinical research. We look for people who share our core values—science, timeliness, respect—to join us on our mission to use genome science for the betterment of health and society.</p> <h2>Job Reference No. PDF_01553_Tai Lab_2024_11_26</h2> <h1><strong><em><em>Summary</em></em></strong></h1> <p>The Post-doctoral Fellow in the Tai Lab will work on a research project that seeks to define the functional role of a protein normally associated with immune cells in colorectal cancer cells.</p> <p>Advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) is a significant clinical problem. These patients have a survival rate less than 20% and the majority of tumors do not respond to conventional therapies. The programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint is normally associated with the immune system but is also intrinsically expressed by some CRC tumours. CRC patients with high expression levels of PD-1 have inferior survival rates and their tumors have higher mutation and microsatellite instability levels. PD-1 high CRC tumors also over-express proteins associated with an aggressive phenotype favoring tumor survival. The goal of this project is to evaluate the role of tumor cell-intrinsic PD-1 in CRC and understand its impact on current therapeutic strategies in CRC.</p> <p>The aims of the project are to:</p> <ul><li>Characterize the signaling networks of cell-intrinsic PD-1 and define how the protein regulates cancer cell survival and resistance to chemotherapy</li> <li>Define the molecular interaction of cell-intrinsic PD-1 with immune cells and/or stemcells in the tumor stroma.</li> </ul><h1><strong>Duties and Responsibilities </strong></h1> <p>As a Post-doctoral Fellow on the PD-1-CRC project, project, you will report to Dr. Isabella Tai. Your typical duties will include the following:</p> <ol><li>Designing cell libraries for high-throughput screening experiments.</li> <li>Performing Western Blots to validate cell signaling networks</li> <li>Performing immuno-precipitation of binding partners to PD-1</li> <li>Characterizing and validating novel discoveries stemming from gene screening studies including scRNA sequencing.</li> <li>Participating in the analysis of global proteomic assays</li> <li>Reporting research methods and results in meetings.</li> <li>Contributing to the scientific advancement of the<em> </em><em>PD-1-CRC project by developing new research directions related to PD-1 activity in CRC tumors.</em><em> </em></li> <li>Contributing to scientific publications, patents, and funding proposals as needed.</li> </ol><h1><strong>Qualifications</strong></h1> <p>The Postdoctoral Fellow should possess a PhD degree and recent experience in immunology, genomics, cancer biology, cell biology or a related discipline.</p> <p>Experience in recombinant DNA technologies and viral gene delivery vectors, mammalian cell culture (including primary T cell culture), flow cytometry/FACS, and cell-based assays (such as ELISPOT) is desired. Familiarity with 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> generation DNA sequencing platforms (including spatial single-cell sequencing platforms) and bioinformatics analysis will be an asset.</p> <p>A strong publication record and a track record of success in objective-based research projects are highly desirable. Due to the translational nature of this research project, an interest or aptitude for developing novel technologies, therapeutic strategies and/or commercialization would be a valuable asset.</p> <h2><strong>Benefits:</strong></h2> <p>Every PHSA employee enables the best possible patient care for our patients and their families. Whether you are providing direct care, conducting research, or making it possible for others to do their work, you impact the lives of British Columbians today and in the future. That’s why we’re focused on your care too – offering health, wellness, development programs to support you – at work and at home.</p> <ul><li>Join one of BC’s largest employers with province-wide programs, services and operations – offering vast opportunities for growth, development, and recognition programs that honour the commitment and contribution of all employees.</li> <li>Access to professional development opportunities through our in-house training programs, including +2,000 courses, such as our San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training course, or Core Linx for Leadership roles.</li> <li>Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, which includes statutory benefits - Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance and WorkSafe BC plus the BC Cancer group benefits plan which includes medical & dental extended health, and group life insurance coverage, and psychological health & safety programs and holistic wellness resources.</li> <li>Annual statutory holidays (13) with generous vacation entitlement and accruement.</li> <li>PHSA is a remote work friendly employer, welcoming flexible work options to support our people (eligibility may vary, depending on position).</li> <li>Access to WorkPerks, a premium discount program offering a wide range of local and national discounts on electronics, entertainment, dining, travel, wellness, apparel, and more.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Job Type: </strong></h2> <p>Temporary Full-Time, 7.5 hrs. per day</p> <h2><strong>Salary Range:</strong> </h2> <p>$45,000 - 55,000 p.a.</p> <p><em>The starting salary for this position would be determined with consideration of the successful candidate’s relevant education and experience, and would be in alignment with the provincial compensation reference plan. </em></p> <h1><strong>Apply</strong></h1> <p>Please submit a detailed cover letter and resume to <a href=""></a>, using <strong>PDF_01553_Tai Lab_2024_11_26<em> </em></strong>in the subject line of your email.</p> <p>While we value and review all applications, please note that due to the volume of submissions only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. This posting will remain online until the position is filled.</p> <p>All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.</p> <p><strong>Important!</strong></p> <p>COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) that causes COVID-19. </p> <p>The COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the list of high-priority immunizations recommended for health-care workers. Health care workers should ensure they are up-to-date on all routine immunizations. </p> <p>Please note all jobs at the GSC are based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Flexible work options may be available for this position upon request and is subject to change in accordance with GSC’s operational needs and PHSA’s Flexible Work Options Policy.</p> <p><strong>We believe that equity, diversity and inclusivity are essential for the advancement of human knowledge and science.</strong></p> <p><em>We welcome all applicants and provide all employees with equal opportunity for advancement, regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, conviction of a criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to their employment.</em></p></div> <div class="field field--field_application_link"><a href="">Apply Here</a></div> </div> </article> <article role="article" about="/careers/assistant-bioinformatics-coordinator-software-development-0" class="node node--career expander"> <h2 class="node__title"> <a href="/careers/assistant-bioinformatics-coordinator-software-development-0" rel="bookmark"><span>Assistant Bioinformatics Coordinator - Software Development</span> </a> </h2> <button class="icon" data-expand="">+</button> <div class="expanding"> <div class="field field--body"> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC)</a></strong></p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Today’s Research. Tomorrow’s Medicine.</a></strong></p> <p>The GSC is a department of the <a href="">BC Cancer Research Institute</a> and a high-throughput genome sequencing facility. We are <a href="">leaders</a> in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics in pursuit of novel treatment strategies for cancers and other diseases.</p> <p>Among the world’s first genome centres to be established within a cancer clinic, for <a href="">more than two decades</a> our scientists and innovators have been designing and deploying cutting-edge technologies to benefit health and advance clinical research.</p> <p>Among the GSC’s most significant accomplishments are the first <a href="">publication</a> to demonstrate the use of whole-genome sequencing to inform cancer treatment planning, the first <a href="">published</a> sequence of the SARS coronavirus genome and major contributions to the first <a href="">physical map of the human genome</a> as part of the Human Genome Project.</p> <p>By joining the GSC you will become part of an exceptional and diverse <a href="">team</a> of scientists, clinicians, experts and professionals operating at the leading edge of clinical research. We look for people who share our core values—science, timeliness, respect—to join us on our mission to use genome science for the betterment of health and society.</p> <h2>Job Reference No. ABC_P00183_HSA154648_Software Development_2024_01_16</h2> <h1><strong><em><em>Summary</em></em></strong></h1> <p>In accordance with the Mission, Vision and Values, and strategic directions of Provincial Health Services Authority patient safety is a priority and a responsibility shared by everyone at PHSA, and as such, the requirement to continuously improve quality and safety is inherent in all aspects of this position.<br /> The Assistant Bioinformatics Coordinator provides supervisory and technical support to the Bioinformatics group of the Genome Sequence Centre (GSC). Ensures that the day-to-day activities of a large scale, high throughput facility meet research, data analysis throughput and software development objectives.</p> <h1><em>Duties</em></h1> <p><br /> 1. Assists the Bioinformatics Coordinator in the day to day activities of the Bioinformatics group by performing duties such as providing input on quantity and quality of work, making recommendations for improvements, workflow and procedures.<br /> 2. Coordinates projects of the Bioinformatics group by performing duties such as chairing project-specific meetings and provides project status reports to the Bioinformatics Coordinator, with suggestions towards any required improvement of project management, task allocation and overall process.<br /> 3. Develops and implements assays to monitor project progress and measure project accomplishments to ensure that appropriate project focus is maintained and to provide feedback to staff.<br /> 4. Provides supervisory support to the Bioinformatics group by performing duties such as:<br /> a. Orientating new staff.<br /> b. Providing input to the Bioinformatics Coordinator on training requirements.<br /> c. Providing input to the Production Coordinator on the establishment of clear definitions of responsibility for employees.<br /> d. Assigning workload assignments and establishing work schedules.<br /> e. Reviewing and establishing work priorities and adjusting work schedules to ensure priorities are met.</p> <p> f. Completing performance reviews and addressing performance issues in conjunction with the Production Coordinator.<br /> 5. Participates in the recruitment of staff through methods such as interviewing internal and external applicants and forwards hiring recommendations.<br /> 6. Participates in the development and implementation of quality improvement programs to ensure services are provided in the most efficient and effective way by performing duties such as:<br /> a. Monitoring quality and quantity of service and information provided by the bioinformatics group and identifying areas for change and/or improvement.<br /> b. Generating test metrics to evaluate progress of research programs.<br /> 7. Assesses practical needs for identified research direction of the GSC in conjunction with the Bioinformatics Coordinator and Analysis Group Leader.<br /> 8. Participates in a variety of meetings by performing duties such as providing and/or receiving information and contributing to decision making.<br /> 9. Participates, in conjunction with the Bioinformatics Coordinator, in determining the computer infrastructure necessary for successful completion of projects and ensured viability of research programs by performing duties such as providing input and recommendations regarding purchasing decisions related to hardware, software and related items for the Bioinformatics platform.<br /> 10. Interprets statistical analyses and makes recommendations for review including preparing reports on statistical findings for publication and presentation in HTML format or as advised.<br /> 11. Conducts feasibility studies for computerization by performing duties such as determining user requirements, examining and identifying problems with existing systems and recommending modifications to and/or new systems; provides details of estimated implementation costs including associated staffing requirements.<br /> 12. Performs technical functions related to the bioinformatic functions of the GSC.<br /> 13. Performs other related duties as required.</p> <h1><strong><em>Qualifications</em></strong></h1> <h2><br /><strong>Education, Training and Experience</strong></h2> <ul><li>Graduation from a recognized Bachelor’s program in a related discipline such as Biochemistry, Genetics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Physics.</li> <li>A minimum of four (4) years of recent related experience including experience in computer programming and quantitative data analysis, handling biological sequence and/or mapping data, database development and data storage schemas or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience acceptable to the GSC Group Leaders.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Skills and Abilities</strong></h2> <ul><li>Experience with computer operating systems such as Linux, UNIX.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to work with software such as C, C++, Perl , Matlab, MySQL.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to accept responsibility and work independently.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to work effectively with others in a team environment.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to supervise staff and schedule work.</li> <li>Excellent organizational, leadership interpersonal and communication skills.</li> <li>Physical ability to perform the duties of the job.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Benefits</strong></h2> <p>Every PHSA employee enables the best possible patient care for our patients and their families. Whether you are providing direct care, conducting research, or making it possible for others to do their work, you impact the lives of British Columbians today and in the future. That’s why we’re focused on your care too – offering health, wellness, development programs to support you – at work and at home.</p> <ul><li>Join one of BC’s largest employers with province-wide programs, services and operations – offering vast opportunities for growth, development, and recognition programs that honour the commitment and contribution of all employees.</li> <li>Access to professional development opportunities through our in-house training programs, including +2,000 courses, such as our San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training course, or Core Linx for Leadership roles.</li> <li>Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, which includes statutory benefits - Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance and WorkSafe BC plus the BC Cancer group benefits plan which includes medical & dental extended health, and group life insurance coverage, and psychological health & safety programs and holistic wellness resources.</li> <li>Annual statutory holidays (13) with generous vacation entitlement and accruement.</li> <li>PHSA is a remote work friendly employer, welcoming flexible work options to support our people (eligibility may vary, depending on position).</li> <li>Access to WorkPerks, a premium discount program offering a wide range of local and national discounts on electronics, entertainment, dining, travel, wellness, apparel, and more.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Job Type: </strong></h2> <p>Regular, Full-Time, 7.5 hrs. per day</p> <p>Hybrid</p> <h2><strong>Wage:</strong> </h2> <p>$39.26 to $48.88 per hour for the 6th year</p> <p><em>The salary for this position would be determined with consideration of the successful candidate’s relevant education and experience, and would be in alignment with the provincial compensation reference plan and the HSA Collective Agreement.</em></p> <h1><strong><em>Application </em></strong></h1> <p>As this is a union position, you will also have to apply either as an internal or external applicant through <a href=""></a> using the posting reference <strong>154648.</strong></p> <p>Please submit a detailed cover letter and resume to <a href=""></a>, using <strong>Job Reference No. ABC_P00183_HSA154648_Software Development_2024_01_16</strong> in the subject line of your email.</p> <p>While we value and review all applications, please note that due to the volume of submissions only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. This posting will remain online until the position is filled.</p> <p>All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.</p> <h2><strong>Important!</strong></h2> <p>COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) that causes COVID-19. </p> <p>The COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the list of high-priority immunizations recommended for health-care workers. Health care workers should ensure they are up-to-date on all routine immunizations. </p> <p>Please note all jobs at the GSC are based onsite in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Flexible work options may be available for this position upon request and is subject to change in accordance with GSC’s operational needs and PHSA’s Flexible Work Options Policy.</p> <p><strong>We believe that equity, diversity and inclusivity are essential for the advancement of human knowledge and science.</strong></p> <p><em>We welcome all applicants and provide all employees with equal opportunity for advancement, regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, conviction of a criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to their employment.</em></p></div> <div class="field field--field_application_link"><a href="">Apply Here</a></div> </div> </article> <article role="article" about="/careers/research-programmer-ccgi" class="node node--career expander"> <h2 class="node__title"> <a href="/careers/research-programmer-ccgi" rel="bookmark"><span>Research Programmer - CCGI</span> </a> </h2> <button class="icon" data-expand="">+</button> <div class="expanding"> <div class="field field--body"> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC)</a></strong></p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong><a href="">Today’s Research. Tomorrow’s Medicine.</a></strong></p> <p>The GSC is a department of the <a href="">BC Cancer Research Institute</a> and a high-throughput genome sequencing facility. We are <a href="">leaders</a> in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics in pursuit of novel treatment strategies for cancers and other diseases.</p> <p>Among the world’s first genome centres to be established within a cancer clinic, for <a href="">more than two decades</a> our scientists and innovators have been designing and deploying cutting-edge technologies to benefit health and advance clinical research.</p> <p>Among the GSC’s most significant accomplishments are the first <a href="">publication</a> to demonstrate the use of whole-genome sequencing to inform cancer treatment planning, the first <a href="">published</a> sequence of the SARS coronavirus genome and major contributions to the first <a href="">physical map of the human genome</a> as part of the Human Genome Project.</p> <p>By joining the GSC you will become part of an exceptional and diverse <a href="">team</a> of scientists, clinicians, experts and professionals operating at the leading edge of clinical research. We look for people who share our core values—science, timeliness, respect—to join us on our mission to use genome science for the betterment of health and society.</p> <h2><strong>Job Reference No: RP_R00008_CCGI_2024_07_12</strong></h2> <h1><strong><em><em>Summary</em></em></strong></h1> <p>Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) of the BC Cancer Research Institute is a state-of-the-art,<strong> </strong>large scale, high throughput, clinically accredited genomics and bioinformatics facility in one of the most beautiful, diverse and eclectic cities in the world.</p> <p>As a Research Programmer within the Centre for Clinical Genomics Informatics team at the GSC, you will be responsible for technical support for clinical programs through development, testing and validation of clinical bioinformatics processes. The Research Programmer will report to the Process Development Coordinator and is anchored within a team of exceptional computational scientists and programmers, who collaborate directly on the development and maintenance of robust, cost efficient, and competitive clinical genomics pipelines. By working within the GSCs bioinformatics facility, you will collaborate with clinical and research computational biologists and programmers across bioinformatics groups, clinical lab staff and the quality assurance group to deliver clinical diagnostic genomic testing for patients in BC.</p> <p>This is an opportunity to work with highly motivated colleagues in a science-oriented, creative and dynamic environment. We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits and significant career development opportunities. </p> <p>So, what are you waiting for? Apply now! </p> <p><em><strong>Please note that we are recruiting for two (2) candidates for this role.</strong></em></p> <h2><strong>Duties and Responsibilities</strong>:</h2> <ul><li>Works with team members to identify and implement pipeline improvements to optimize existing clinical pipelines.</li> <li>Works with stakeholders to design, plan and implement testing and development of new clinical bioinformatics software.</li> <li>Development and maintenance of clinical genomic databases.</li> <li>Delivery of clear and concise documentation.</li> <li>Actively participate in a team-oriented approach to improve efficiency and productivity.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Qualifications</strong></h2> <ul><li>Graduation from a recognized Bachelor’s program in an appropriate discipline such as Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Genetics, Molecular Biology or Biochemistry, and three years of recent, related experience in a research and or clinical laboratory.</li> <li>Proven expertise with Python, R, and/or other similar high-level languages.</li> <li>Functional knowledge of distributed version control systems, such as Git.</li> <li>Demonstrated experience with analysis of next generation sequencing data with an understanding of standards and guidelines for validating clinical bioinformatics analysis pipelines using these technologies.</li> <li>Comfortable working in a Linux environment, including experience with shell scripting and common command-line tools.</li> <li>Demonstrated interpersonal skills including the ability to work effectively with others in a team environment.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to efficiently organize work assignments and establish priorities to meet set milestones.</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to write technical documents including validations and procedure manuals.</li> <li>Experience with bioinformatic workflow managers and database development would be considered an asset.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Benefits:</strong></h2> <p>Every PHSA employee enables the best possible patient care for our patients and their families. Whether you are providing direct care, conducting research, or making it possible for others to do their work, you impact the lives of British Columbians today and in the future. That’s why we’re focused on your care too – offering health, wellness, development programs to support you – at work and at home.</p> <ul><li>Join one of BC’s largest employers with province-wide programs, services and operations – offering vast opportunities for growth, development, and recognition programs that honour the commitment and contribution of all employees.</li> <li>Access to professional development opportunities through our in-house training programs, including +2,000 courses, such as our San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training course, or Core Linx for Leadership roles.</li> <li>Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, which includes statutory benefits - Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance and WorkSafe BC plus the BC Cancer group benefits plan which includes medical & dental extended health, and group life insurance coverage, and psychological health & safety programs and holistic wellness resources.</li> <li>Annual statutory holidays (13) with generous vacation entitlement and accruement.</li> <li>PHSA is a remote work friendly employer, welcoming flexible work options to support our people (eligibility may vary, depending on position).</li> <li>Access to WorkPerks, a premium discount program offering a wide range of local and national discounts on electronics, entertainment, dining, travel, wellness, apparel, and more.</li> </ul><h2><strong>Job Type: </strong></h2> <p>Temporary Full-Time, 7.5 hrs. per day</p> <p>Hybrid</p> <h2><strong>Salary Range:</strong> </h2> <p>$67,861 - $97,550 p.a.</p> <p><em>The starting salary for this position would be determined with consideration of the successful candidate’s relevant education and experience, and would be in alignment with the provincial compensation reference plan. </em></p> <h2><strong>Apply</strong></h2> <p>Please submit a detailed cover letter and resume to <a href=""></a>, using <strong>Job Reference No: RP_R00008_CCGI_2024_07_12</strong><em> </em>in the subject line of your email.</p> <p>While we value and review all applications, please note that due to the volume of submissions only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. This posting will remain online until the position is filled.</p> <p>All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.</p> <p><strong>Important!</strong></p> <p>COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) that causes COVID-19. </p> <p>The COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the list of high-priority immunizations recommended for health-care workers. Health care workers should ensure they are up-to-date on all routine immunizations. </p> <p>Please note all jobs at the GSC are based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Flexible work options may be available for this position upon request and is subject to change in accordance with GSC’s operational needs and PHSA’s Flexible Work Options Policy.</p> <p><strong>We believe that equity, diversity and inclusivity are essential for the advancement of human knowledge and science.</strong></p> <p><em>We welcome all applicants and provide all employees with equal opportunity for advancement, regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, conviction of a criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to their employment.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p></div> <div class="field field--field_application_link"><a href="">Apply Here</a></div> </div> </article> </div><nav class="pager pager--mini"><ul><li class="prev hidden"><a rel="prev" href="?page=-1"></a></li><li class="next hidden"><a rel="next" href="?page=1"></a></li></ul></nav></div><input autocomplete="off" data-drupal-selector="form-4-pinhw-f3qrlypjjnkp-dsqw0ruu-jcdi7gurt2tya" type="hidden" name="form_build_id" value="form-4_piNHw_F3QRLyPJJNkP_DSqw0Ruu-jcdI7GURT2tyA" /> <input data-drupal-selector="edit-careers-form" type="hidden" name="form_id" value="careers_form" /> <div class="dne-textfield js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" style="display: none !important;"><div class="js-form-item form-item js-form-type-textfield form-item-dne js-form-item-dne"> <label for="edit-dne">Leave this field blank</label> <input autocomplete="off" data-drupal-selector="edit-dne" type="text" id="edit-dne" name="dne" value="" size="20" maxlength="128" class="form-text" placeholder="Leave this field blank" /> </div> </div> </form> </section> </div> </section> </div> <a class="top" href="#main-content">Back to top</a> </main> <footer class="page" role="contentinfo"> <section class="region region__footer"> <div class="region__footer--inner region--inner"> <section id="block-phsalogo" class="block block--block-content48cb2c10-5268-42da-903c-fe5116528b6f block-phsalogo"> <div class="field field--body"><p><img alt="PHSA Logo" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="" /></p></div> </section> <section id="block-bccancerlogo" class="block block--block-content8696b82d-d847-4228-8127-4bdb6202840b block-bccancerlogo"> <div class="field field--body"><p><img alt="BC Cancer Logo" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="" /></p></div> </section> <section id="block-gsccirclelogo" class="block block--block-contentaec49dbb-2702-473c-8a21-74114fe8202c block-gsccirclelogo"> <div class="field field--body"><p><img alt="GSC Logo" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="" /></p> </div> </section> <section id="block-ubclogo" class="block block--block-content0fab82a3-182a-4f32-ab27-68c8418c9c18 block-ubclogo"> <div class="field field--body"><p><img alt="UBC Logo" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="" /></p></div> </section> </div> </section> </footer> <section class="region region__copyright"> <div class="region__copyright--inner region--inner"> <nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="block-bccrc-footer-menu" id="block-bccrc-footer"> <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="block-bccrc-footer-menu">Footer menu</h2> <ul class="menu"> <li class="menu-item"> <a href="/data-release-policy-open-access" title="Data Release Policy: Open Access" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/1743">Data Release Policy</a> </li> <li class="menu-item"> <a href="/privacy-policy" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/46">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li>Copyright © BC Cancer. 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