Inside Higher Ed Careers | Employer Services
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<li class="subnav__item"><a href="">Contact Us</a></li> <li class="subnav__item"><a href="/static-page/10281/employer-faq/">Employer FAQ</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> </header> </div> <div data-block="header-bottom" class="position-static"> </div> <div role="main" class="main cf" id="main"> <div class="wrapper"> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <h1 class="strip no-margin">Employer FAQ</h1> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid-item two-thirds lap-one-whole palm-one-whole"> <div class="fix-text"> <p><strong>About Inside Higher Ed</strong></p> <ol start="1" type="1"> <li><a href="#whoReads">Who reads Inside Higher Ed?</a></li> <li><a href="#adsReachReaders">How does my ad reach your readers?</a></li> <li><a href="#candidatePool">How does Inside Higher Ed help me reach a diverse candidate pool?</a></li> <li><a href="#DOLRequirements">Does posting a job on Inside Higher Ed fulfill the Department of Labor requirements under 20 CFR 656.18, Optional Special Requirement Documentation Procedures for College and University Teachers?</a></li> <li><a href="#whoPosts">Who posts open positions on Inside Higher Ed?</a></li> <li><a href="#whatProducts">What products does Inside Higher Ed offer and how can I find information on your prices?</a></li> <li><a href="#discountedlistings">Do you offer discounted listings packages?</a></li> <li> <a href="#PostJob">How do I post a job?</a></li> <li><a href="#postingChanges">How can I edit or upgrade my job posting?</a></li> <li><a href="#DeleteJob">How do I delete my job post?</a></li> <li><a href="#automateJobPosting">Can I automate my job postings?</a></li> <li><a href="#morethan60Days">Can I choose to have a job posted for less than or more than 60 days?</a></li> <li><a href="#externalWebsite">Can I send candidates to my website to complete an application?</a></li> <li><a href="#jobStatus">How can I view all of my jobs? What do each of the “Job Status” terms mean?</a></li> <li><a href="#Profiles">What is a Featured Employer Profile and a Diversity Profile?</a></li> </ol> <p><strong>Account Maintenance</strong></p> <ol start="17" type="1"> <li><a href="#CreateAccount">How do I create an account?</a></li> <li><a href="#Password">I forgot my password. How do I get this information?</a></li> <li><a href="#JobseekerLogin">I already have a jobseeker login using my institutional email address. I am getting an error when I try to use that email address to post a job. What should I do?</a></li> <li><a href="#existingEmployer">I tried to create an account and it said my employer already exists. What do I do?</a></li> <li><a href="#addUsers">Can more than one (1) person have access to our company account?</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchFirm">I represent a search firm or other agency. How can I post on behalf of my client?</a></li> </ol> <p><strong>Billing Inquiries</strong><!--/p--></p> <ol start="23" type="1"> <li><a href="#invoicePayment">How do I pay an invoice?</a></li> <li><a href="#obtainReceipt">How can I access a receipt of my job posting purchase?</a></li> </ol> <p> </p> <p>For additional questions or other basic information, call +1-202-659-9208 or email <a href="" target="_self"></a>. For questions about unlimited recruiting packages, <a href=""> contact your account manager</a>.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><a name="whoReads">1. Who reads Inside Higher Ed?</a></p> <p>2+ million higher ed professionals a month from every academic discipline and administrative area (site traffic measured by Google Analytics). About 34% of our readers are academics, about 51% are institutional and academic administrators, and 15% are executives. Readership is proportional throughout the country, and about 17% of our readers are outside the U.S. Our readers come from every kind of institution; about 10% work at community colleges. And our readers are very diverse: nearly 26% report a race other than white and more than 57% are women.</p> <p><a name="adsReachReaders">2. How does my ad reach your readers?</a></p> <p><em>Inside Higher Ed </em>attracts a large, unique, and engaged audience of faculty, administrators, and leaders to our large marketplace of job listings, where they set job alerts, view job descriptions, and often click through directly from the job page to your ATS.</p> <p>But we also reach a massive audience of over 600,000 passive jobseekers through our opt-in newsletters and the pages of our award-winning news content – talented professionals who aren’t on any job boards and are hard to find & engage elsewhere.</p> <p>To learn more about our Daily News Update, Diversity Matters newsletter, or more ways to engage our audience beyond the job board, give us a call at 202-659-9208 or email <a href="" target="_self"></a>.</p> <p><a name="candidatePool"> 3. How does Inside Higher Ed help me reach a diverse candidate pool? </a></p> <p>A lot of recruiting sites offer services that say they help you reach diverse candidates. Unfortunately, these services are generally well-named, but woefully ineffective. At <em>Inside Higher Ed</em>, we take a more straightforward and transparent approach – by publishing an inclusive, compelling daily professional journal and offering it free online, we have gathered a diverse, engaged readership that is dedicated to the higher education industry. Our unique advantages for diversity recruiting include:</p> <p>Quality content - Our content model draws a balanced audience from all departments of the campus, as well as from all different sectors of the industry, including four-year and two-year institutions. The broad appeal of our news and our dedication to access means everyone in higher education is part of our audience.</p> <p>Inclusive coverage - When diverse readers and people at diverse institutions come to our site, they find themselves and their institutions and issues covered thoroughly and consistently. Inside Higher Ed does not favor any sector of higher education in its reporting and analysis.</p> <p>Help for academic couples - Our <a href="">Dual Career</a> search quickly identifies jobs for both partners and spotlights them by location. In seconds, academic couples can find proximate jobs – and that can be the key to your institution landing a great diversity hire.</p> <p>Reach to passive candidates – Inside Higher Ed lets you broaden your search to include the qualified diversity candidates who aren’t on the job market, but might be intrigued by an exciting new opportunity. From featured jobs in our Daily News Update subscriber email to jobs displayed in our Diversity Matters newsletter to listings placed alongside diversity-related articles, Inside Higher Ed connects you with great diversity candidates whether they search our jobs database or not.</p> <p> </p> <p><a name="DOLRequirements"> 4. Does posting a job on <em>Inside Higher Ed </em>fulfill the Department of Labor requirements under 20 CFR 656.18, Optional Special Recruitment and Documentation Procedures for College and University Teachers? </a></p> <p><strong>Why yes! </strong> Only national professional journals that produce original content on a regular publishing basis can help - so, pure job boards cannot fulfill the DOL requirements.</p> <p>Here's what the Department of Labor has to say:</p> <p><em>“Yes, an employer may use an electronic or web-based <strong>national professional journal </strong>to satisfy the regulatory provision at 20 CFR § 656.18(b)(3), which requires use of a national professional journal for advertisements for college or university teachers. The advertisement for the job opportunity for which certification is sought must be posted for at least 30 calendar days on the journal's website. Documentation of the placement of an advertisement in an electronic or web-based national professional journal must include evidence of the start and end dates of the advertisement placement and the text of the advertisement.” </em></p> <p><a name="whoPosts">5. Who posts open positions on Inside Higher Ed?</a></p> <p>This answer changes every day! More than 2,000 institutions have posted over 100,000 openings with <em>Inside Higher Ed</em> in the last year, balanced between four-year and two-year institutions. Many use our Unlimited Package to ensure all their faculty and administrative positions get exposure to our unique audience.</p> <p><a id="whatProducts" name="whatProducts">6. What products does <em>Inside Higher Ed</em> offer and how can I find information on your prices?</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to see our products and pricing. We also have <a href=""> unlimited recruiting packages</a>. If you have questions about the products, feel free to reach out by calling <a href="tel:202-659-9208">1-202-659-9208</a> or email <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><a id="discountedlistings" name="discountedlistings"> 7. Do you offer discounted listings packages? </a></p> <p>We certainly do, for both our Standard, Diversity Focus and Executive listings. In addition to multipacks of 5 and 10 job posting credits, we offer <a href=""> annual unlimited job posting packages at real savings</a>. Your cost will depend on your institution's enrollment. Unlimited posting plans include:</p> <ul> <li>Unlimited job postings with no word or time limits (to the end of your contract period)</li> <li>Your institution's logo featured in every posting</li> <li>Additional exposure through our partnership with national job aggregators</li> </ul> <p>You can also bundle other recruiting products with job postings for even greater impact and cost savings. <a href="" target="_blank"> Contact us</a> for more information or to request a media kit.</p> <p><a id="PostJob" name="PostJob">8. How do I post a job?</a></p> <p>You will need an account to post a job. Create your account or log in to your existing account and then follow the steps to post your job. Need help? Email us at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><a name="postingChanges">9. Can I edit or upgrade my job posting?</a></p> <p>Yes. Clients on an unlimited annual contract are automatically able to edit their jobs after posting. For all other clients, please <a href="">contact us</a> to enable editing capabilities. To edit a job, go to “Your Jobs” and then click on the job you wish to edit. All customers can upgrade their job after a job has been posted. To upgrade a job, go to “Your Jobs” and then click the blue button to the right that says “Upgrade”. From there you will be taken through steps to select and pay for the upgrade. </p> <p><a id="DeleteJob" name="DeleteJob">10. How do I delete my job post?</a></p> <p>You can expire your job post by signing into your account and navigating to “Your Jobs”. Filter for status “Live” jobs and find the job you want removed from the job board. Click the “Expire” button to the right of the job listing, a pop-up will ask you to confirm that you want to expire the job. Your job will then be removed from the site but remain under “Your Jobs” for future reference.</p> <p><a id="automateJobPosting" name="automateJobPosting">11. Can I automate my job postings?</a></p> <p>With a bit of assistance from your IT department, it’s a simple matter to set up a daily feed of all your job postings, or to allow users to tag individual jobs posted to your website for automatic cross-posting to Inside Higher Ed.</p> <p>Inside Higher Ed works with JobElephant, JobTarget, PeopleAdmin, Interview Exchange, SilkRoad, PageUp and other ATS providers to feed jobs automatically to our board. There's no charge from Inside Higher Ed for these integrated feeds, but be sure to check with your ATS provider to see if your current product suite includes this function. If you prefer, we also offer “job scraping” for a small annual fee. <a href=""> Click here</a> or email us at <a href=""></a> to learn more.</p> <p><a name="morethan60Days"> 12. Can I choose to have a job posted for less than or more than 60 days? </a></p> <p>Yes. While the default posting period is 60 days, you can choose to have your job posted for less than 60 days (keeping in mind that the price will be the same as the 60-day posting). Simply adjust the posting dates to your preferred time frame. To post for more than 60 days, you can choose our Maximum Exposure product. If you are an unlimited contract client, you can extend the expiration date at no additional cost through your ATS. If you are posting manually there will still be no cost, but reach out to your account manager to extend the expiration date.</p> <p><a name="externalWebsite"> 13. Can I send candidates to my website to complete an application? </a></p> <p>Yes. You choose from multiple options for application submission. You can opt to send candidates to your website or applicant tracking system, they can reply to an email address, they can apply offline, or you can choose to have candidates apply through our site (which will allow them to take advantage of our one-click application).</p> <p><a name="jobStatus"> 14. How can I view all of my jobs? What do each of the “Job Status” terms mean? </a></p> <p>To view all of your live jobs, sign in to your account and go to “Your Jobs.” To view all of your jobs, including those pending approval, change the “Status” dropdown to “All Jobs” and click “Filter.” A job can have one of the following statuses:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Live</strong> : This is the status of the job once it has been published, it means it is live on the jobseeker site.</li> <li><strong>Expiring Soon</strong> : The job is due to expire in the next three days.</li> <li><b>Canceled</b>: The job has been canceled and removed from the site.</li> <li><strong>Awaiting Payment</strong> : The job is not live on the site and there may have been an issue with your payment that is preventing the job from entering our approval queue. Please contact us to resolve the issue.</li> <li><strong>Awaiting Release</strong> : When a job has a start date in the future, it will be in “Awaiting Release” status, and will go live as soon as the specified start date is reached.</li> <li><strong>Draft</strong> : This is the status of the job once it has been added to the system, but before you have completed checkout. The job is not live on the jobseeker site.</li> <li><strong>Expired</strong> : This is the status of a job once the end date has passed or if you manually expired the job prior to the end date. The job is not live and no longer accepting applications.</li> </ul> <p><a id="CreateAccount" name="CreateAccount">15. How do I create an account?</a><br /> <br /> You can create a new account by filling out the form at <a href=""></a> or by going to the recruiter homepage, and selecting “Create an account”.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><a id="Password" name="Password">16. I forgot my password. How do I get this information?</a><br /> <br /> You can request a new password at <a href=""> </a> or by going to the recruiter homepage, selecting “Sign In” and then clicking “Forgotten Password?”.</p> <p><a id="JobseekerLogin" name="JobseekerLogin">17. I already have a jobseeker login using my institutional email address. I am getting an error when I try to use that email address to post a job. What should I do?</a><br /> <br /> If you initially registered as a jobseeker and then attempt to register as an employer using the same email address, you will receive a notification that says, “Please contact our team for access to this section.” This is a security measure to ensure that only legitimate recruiters have access to the recruiter section of our website. Ultimately, this is to protect the privacy of jobseekers like you. If you need to post a job, please call 1-202-659-9208 or email <a href=""></a> and we will assist you.</p> <p><a name="existingEmployer">18. I tried to create an account and it said my employer already exists. What do I do? </a></p> <p>If your institution holds an unlimited recruiting contract with us, a message has been sent to the administrator notifying them that you would like access to the account. You may also contact us at +1-202-659-9208 or <a href=""></a> to be added to the account. If your institution does not have an unlimited recruiting contract with us, you can contact your human resources office or contact us at +1-202-659-9208 or <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><a name="addUsers">19. Can more than one (1) person have access to our company account? </a></p> <p>Yes. If you are the administrator for your account, you can add additional users to your institution’s account by clicking on your employer’s name at the top of the page and then clicking “Company Users.” From there you will have the ability to add or edit users. To make changes to users transferred from our previous system, or if you do not have administrative privileges for your account and need to add a user, please <a href="">contact us</a>.</p> <p><a id="SearchFirm" name="SearchFirm">20. I represent a search firm or other agency. How can I post on behalf of my client?</a></p> <p>Please call +1-202-659-9208 or email <a href=""></a> to be added to your clients’ accounts. Once you have been granted access to post on behalf of an institution, that institution will be linked to your account. The top right corner indicates the employer you are currently posting as; to change this, click the “Switch employer” link in the top right corner and a screen will pop-up with a list of employers you can access.</p> <p><a name="invoicePayment">21. How do I pay an invoice?</a></p> <p>For purchases that allow for invoicing (Multipack or Unlimited Annual Contracts) Inside Higher Ed emails a PDF invoice shortly after approving your purchase. Invoices can be paid by check or credit card - instructions will be included. If you have questions about your invoice, or need another copy, please contact Raisa Andrzheychik at <a href=""></a> <a href=""> </a>or +1-202-448-6123.</p> <p><a name="obtainReceipt"> 22. How can I obtain a receipt of my job posting purchase? </a></p> <p>To view your receipts, simply click the ‘Orders’ link in the top right corner and you will get a list of all your receipts. While on this page you can filter by status or date. Once you click the order number, you will see your complete order and have the option to download or print the receipt. The receipt will include details such as order date, upgrades, discounts and a link to the job post. However, the job advertisement duration date in only located on the job posting, for this information reach out to your account manager or <a href=""></a>. For receipts for jobs posted on our previous site, please contact your account manager or <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contact-details print-hide"> <div class="strip strip--larger brand-highlight"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="palm-small"> <p class="h2 center-text"> <span class="palm-width-full">Need help?</span> Call 1-202-659-9208 <span class="palm-width-full">or email</span> <a href=""></a> </p> </div> <p class="center-text no-margin"><a href="/callback-request/?PipelinedPage=%7e%2fstatic-page%2f10281%2femployer-faq%2f" class="button button--brand">Request a call back</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block="footer-main" class="position-static"> <footer class="footer contentinfo"> <div class="back-to-top highlight padded-10"> <div class="wrapper cf"> <p class="right-text no-margin"><a href="#top-bar" class="js-smooth-scrollto block-level">Back to top</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper content"> <nav aria-label="Footer" class="tertiary-nav block"> <ul class="tertiary-nav__items cf"> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"> <a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="" target="_blank">Contact Us</a> </li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"> <a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/terms-and-conditions/">Terms & Conditions</a> </li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"> <a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"> <a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/static-page/10281/employer-faq/">Employer FAQ</a> </li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"> <a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/static-page/10282/unlimited-recruiting-packages/">Unlimited Recruiting Packages</a> </li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"> <a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Post a Job</a> </li> </ul> </nav> <p class="copyright no-margin">© 2016 - 2024 Inside Higher Ed. 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