Dreamcast - Latest Updates | RPG Site

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href="/feature/14990-grandia-ii-is-2000s-pop-perfection"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="655" height="203"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="655" height="203"> <img class="highlight-image" src="" width="655" height="203" alt="Grandia II is 2000s pop perfection"> </picture> </a> <div> <a class="row-title highlight-title" href="/feature/14990-grandia-ii-is-2000s-pop-perfection">Grandia II is 2000s pop perfection</a> <p>Grandia II captures the essence of the genre - warts and all - as it transitioned between console eras at the turn of the century. </p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill feature" href="/features">feature</a> by <a href="/author/Paul%20Shkreli" class="">Paul Shkreli</a> on 18 October, 2023 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/review/8861-grandia-hd-collection-review"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia HD Collection Review"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/review/8861-grandia-hd-collection-review">Grandia HD Collection Review</a> <p class="padding">The highly anticipated remaster of the first two Grandia games is finally out, but did it live up to expectations?</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill review" href="/reviews">review</a> by <a href="/author/Cullen%20Black" class="">Cullen Black</a> on 20 August, 2019 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/feature/8611-grandia-hd-collection-meeting-with-gungho-at-e3-2019-and-hands-on-impressions"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia HD Collection - Meeting with GungHo at E3 2019 and Hands-on Impressions"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/feature/8611-grandia-hd-collection-meeting-with-gungho-at-e3-2019-and-hands-on-impressions">Grandia HD Collection - Meeting with GungHo at E3 2019 and Hands-on Impressions</a> <p class="padding">While no news of a release date, we got to capture some footage for the game and clarify a few details.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill feature" href="/features">feature</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 12 June, 2019 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/preview/4504-hands-on-with-grandia-iis-anniversary-edition-pc-port"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Hands-On with Grandia II&#39;s &#39;Anniversary Edition&#39; PC Port"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/preview/4504-hands-on-with-grandia-iis-anniversary-edition-pc-port">Hands-On with Grandia II&#39;s &#39;Anniversary Edition&#39; PC Port</a> <p class="padding">Adam highlights his experience with a new PC release of a classic RPG.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill preview" href="/previews">preview</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 24 August, 2015 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/review/3951-pier-solar-hd-video-review"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Pier Solar HD Video Review"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/review/3951-pier-solar-hd-video-review">Pier Solar HD Video Review</a> <p class="padding">This game has a very targeted market - fans of old school RPGs looking for a nostalgia trip.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill review" href="/reviews">review</a> by <a href="/author/Zack%20Reese" class="">Zack Reese</a> on 21 October, 2014 </p> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <h2 class="heading">Latest Dreamcast news and info</h2> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/10183-grandia-hd-remaster-grandia-ii-hd-remaster-gets-a-patch-addressing-various-bugs-but-not-smoothing-filter"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia HD Remaster &amp;聽Grandia II HD Remaster gets a patch addressing various bugs, but not smoothing filter"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/10183-grandia-hd-remaster-grandia-ii-hd-remaster-gets-a-patch-addressing-various-bugs-but-not-smoothing-filter">Grandia HD Remaster &amp;聽Grandia II HD Remaster gets a patch addressing various bugs, but not smoothing filter</a> <p class="padding">A year after launch, a few bug fixes for the re-release of Grandia.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 03 September, 2020 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/9962-limited-run-games-announces-physical-releases-for-grandia-hd-collection-bug-fables-and-more"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Limited Run Games announces physical releases for Grandia HD Collection, Bug Fables, and more"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/9962-limited-run-games-announces-physical-releases-for-grandia-hd-collection-bug-fables-and-more">Limited Run Games announces physical releases for Grandia HD Collection, Bug Fables, and more</a> <p class="padding">A handful of retail RPGs to keep an eye out for if you are a fan or collector.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 08 July, 2020 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/9584-gungho-online-entertainment-releases-new-patch-for-grandia-hd-collection-adding-japanese-text-support-and-various-bug-fixes"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="GungHo Online Entertainment releases new patch for Grandia HD Collection, adding Japanese text support and various bug fixes"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/9584-gungho-online-entertainment-releases-new-patch-for-grandia-hd-collection-adding-japanese-text-support-and-various-bug-fixes">GungHo Online Entertainment releases new patch for Grandia HD Collection, adding Japanese text support and various bug fixes</a> <p class="padding">The Grandia Remasters get patched.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 24 March, 2020 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/9028-grandia-hd-collection-patch-coming-on-november-12-grandia-hd-remaster-for-pc-now-set-for-october-15"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/.PNG" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia HD Collection Patch coming on November 12, Grandia HD Remaster for PC now set for October 15"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/9028-grandia-hd-collection-patch-coming-on-november-12-grandia-hd-remaster-for-pc-now-set-for-october-15">Grandia HD Collection Patch coming on November 12, Grandia HD Remaster for PC now set for October 15</a> <p class="padding">No details yet, but some hope for those holding out for tweaks and improvements.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Bryan%20Vitale" class="">Bryan Vitale</a> on 23 September, 2019 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/8806-grandia-hd-collection-releases-for-nintendo-switch-on-august-16"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia HD Collection releases for Nintendo Switch on August 16"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/8806-grandia-hd-collection-releases-for-nintendo-switch-on-august-16">Grandia HD Collection releases for Nintendo Switch on August 16</a> <p class="padding">The long-awaited remaster finally has a date.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Bryan%20Vitale" class="">Bryan Vitale</a> on 06 August, 2019 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/8543-gungho-teases-grandia-hd-collection-news-at-e3-2019"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="GungHo teases Grandia HD Collection news at E3 2019"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/8543-gungho-teases-grandia-hd-collection-news-at-e3-2019">GungHo teases Grandia HD Collection news at E3 2019</a> <p class="padding">The Grandia remasters are releasing soon.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 05 June, 2019 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/7804-tetracast-episode-128-the-ongoing-death-of-the-playstation-vita"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Tetracast - Episode 128: The Ongoing Death of the PlayStation Vita"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/7804-tetracast-episode-128-the-ongoing-death-of-the-playstation-vita">Tetracast - Episode 128: The Ongoing Death of the PlayStation Vita</a> <p class="padding">In our latest weekly podcast, we chat about the latest Kingdom Hearts III details, Ace Attorney Trilogy heading to current platforms, the PlayStation Classic, the continual death of the PS Vita, and more!</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill podcast" href="/podcast">podcast</a> by <a href="/author/Zack%20Reese" class="">Zack Reese</a> on 22 September, 2018 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/7777-grandia-hd-remaster-and-grandia-ii-hd-remaster-changes-revealed"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia HD Remaster and Grandia II HD Remaster changes revealed"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/7777-grandia-hd-remaster-and-grandia-ii-hd-remaster-changes-revealed">Grandia HD Remaster and Grandia II HD Remaster changes revealed</a> <p class="padding">Dual audio and widescreen support among the deluge of changes.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Zack%20Reese" class="">Zack Reese</a> on 19 September, 2018 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/7642-tetracast-episode-124-the-death-of-the-last-remnant"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Tetracast - Episode 124: The Death of the Last Remnant"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/7642-tetracast-episode-124-the-death-of-the-last-remnant">Tetracast - Episode 124: The Death of the Last Remnant</a> <p class="padding">In our latest podcast, we discuss the return of Grandia, the bundling of Dark Souls, the death of The Last Remnant, the purgatory of Shenmue III, and more!</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill podcast" href="/podcast">podcast</a> by <a href="/author/Zack%20Reese" class="">Zack Reese</a> on 25 August, 2018 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border with-image article"> <a href="/news/7610-grandia-and-grandia-ii-remasters-heading-to-nintendo-switch-grandia-coming-to-steam"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/webp" width="150" height="97"> <source srcset="" type="image/png" width="150" height="97"> <img class="image" src="" width="150" height="97" alt="Grandia and Grandia II Remasters heading to Nintendo Switch, Grandia coming to Steam"> </picture> </a> <div class="row-text"> <a class="row-title" href="/news/7610-grandia-and-grandia-ii-remasters-heading-to-nintendo-switch-grandia-coming-to-steam">Grandia and Grandia II Remasters heading to Nintendo Switch, Grandia coming to Steam</a> <p class="padding">RPG classics head to new platforms.</p> <p class="pill"> <a class="type-pill news" href="/news">news</a> by <a href="/author/Adam%20Vitale" class="">Adam Vitale</a> on 20 August, 2018 </p> </div> </div> <a class="page-link next-page" href="/consoles/601-dreamcast/news">Next page</a> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </section> <aside> <div class="heading mobile-only">More game information</div> <style> .ordered-entities .heading { border: 0; text-align: center; } .ordered-entities .heading::after { display: 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featured online connectivity, impressive graphics and was arguably ahead of its time.</p> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border"> <b class="label">Introduced:</b> <p>30 August, 1998</p> </div> <div class="row with-bottom-border"> <b class="label">Released:</b> <p>27 November, 1998</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="campaign square ad-unit mt-10"> <div id="ATF-PW-99"></div> <script> self.__VM = self.__VM || []; self.__VM.push(function (admanager, scope) { scope.Config.get('double_mpu').display('ATF-PW-99'); }); </script> </div> </aside> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="scroll-to-top"> <a href="#">Scroll to top &uarr;</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ad-campaign ad-tag"> <div class="campaign leaderboard"> <div id="leaderboard-0"></div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="copyright"> <div class="centered"> <img src="" alt="RPG Site" width="184" height="40" /> <div class="copyright-text">Copyright &copy; 2006-2025 Mist Network and its owners. 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