Data Protection - WAFIOS Secondlife
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The respective advertiser is solely responsible for the content. WAFIOS AG does not assume any liability for the correctness and completeness of the information provided via this second-hand machinery portal. WAFIOS AG disclaims all liability, warranty and guarantee for the machines offered. WAFIOS AG is not involved in the purchase transaction. </small></p></div></nav><main id="page-content" role="main" class="col-md-9 ml-sm-auto col-lg-10 px-md-0 min-vh-content"><!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--><div class="section section-default"><div id="c334" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>PRIVACY POLICY</span></h4></header><p>Data protection is very important to us! We value your trust. Thus, we make every effort and use the highest security standards to ensure that we protect your personal data from unauthorized use. Your personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).</p></div></div></div><div id="c336" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>The responsible body in accordance with the GDPR is:</span></h4></header><p><strong>WAFIOS Aktiengesellschaft</strong><br /> Silberburgstr. 5<br /> 72764 Reutlingen, Germany<br /> Phone: +49 7121 146-0<br /> Fax: +49 7121 146-250<br /> E-mail:</p></div></div></div><div id="c338" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>Our company data protection officer is:</span></h4></header><p>Thomas Fromm<br /><strong>WAFIOS Aktiengesellschaft</strong><br /> Data Protection Officer<br /> Silberburgstr. 5<br /> D-72764 Reutlingen<br /> E-mail:</p></div></div></div><div id="c340" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><p>Please contact our data protection officer if you have any questions regarding the collection, processing and use of your personal data. Moreover, he is at your disposal for the assertion of the rights of the person affected (information, correction, blocking or deletion of data).</p></div></div></div><div id="c342" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>1. Rights of the person affected</span></h4></header><p>You enjoy the following legal rights as a person affected, provided that the applicable requirements are met:</p><ul class="list-normal"><li>Right to revoke at any time pursuant to GDPR Article 7 Paragraph 3 any consent given to us pursuant to GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter a. The withdrawal of consent means that we have to discontinue the processing of the personal data of the person affected in the future.</li><li>Right to information about the data we have stored about you in accordance with Article 15 of the GDPR.</li><li>Right to rectification of inaccurate data in accordance with Article 16 of the GDPR.</li><li>Right to erasure of the data we have stored in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR.</li><li>Right to restriction of processing of the data we have stored in accordance with Article 18 of the GDPR.</li><li>Right to data portability in accordance with Article 20 of the GDPR.</li><li>Right to object in accordance with Article 21 of the GDPR.</li><li>Right to lodge a complaint with a relevant supervisory authority in accordance with Article 77 of the GDPR if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR. The body responsible for us is the Baden-Württemberg State Officer for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.</li></ul></div></div></div><div id="c344" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>2. Right to object in individual cases</span></h4></header><p>If personal data is processed due to legitimate interests of the data controller in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph (1), Sentence 1, Letter f of the GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 21 of the GDPR, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation.</p><p>If you wish to make use of your right to object, just send an e-mail to or any other formless notification to the data controller.</p><p>If you use your right to object, the data controller shall no longer process your personal data unless the data controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms.</p></div></div></div><div id="c346" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>3. Data processing on our website</span></h4></header><p>When you visit our website, our web server temporarily stores every access in a log file.</p><p>The following data will be stored until it is automatically deleted:</p><ul class="list-normal"><li>IP address of the accessing computer</li><li>Date and time of the access</li><li>Name and URL of the downloaded file</li><li>Data volume transferred</li><li>Message whether download has been successful</li><li>Identification data of the browser and operating system used</li><li>This data is processed for the following purposes:</li><li>Enables use of the website (connection establishment)</li><li>System security</li><li>Technical administration</li><li>Network infrastructure</li><li>Optimization of the internet offer</li></ul><p>We are not able to assign these data to a particular person. The data will not be merged with any other sources. Furthermore, the data will be deleted after a statistical analysis.</p><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter f of the GDPR.</p></div></div></div><div id="c348" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>4. Collecting, processing and using personal data</span></h4></header><p>During data processing, your concerns with regard to data protection are taken into account at all times in accordance with the legal provisions. Personal data will only be saved, if you choose to make this information available to us (for example, your name or your (e-mail) address). We use the data provided by you without your express permission exclusively for responding to your questions.</p><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter b) of the GDPR.</p></div></div></div><div id="c350" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>5. Use of cookies on our website (</span></h4></header><p>In order to make your visit to our website more comfortable, to enable the use of certain functions and for market research purposes, we use so-called cookies on various pages of our website. Cookies are smaller text files. These are stored when you visit our website. In doing so, a distinction is made between session cookies and persistent cookies. The first are deleted after closing the browser, i.e. after the end of the website visit, the latter, i.e. persistent cookies, remain stored for recognition.</p><p>A so-called cookie consent banner allows you to select which cookies may be set when you visit our site. Technical cookies are necessary for operating the website. Analytics cookies collect data on usage and functionality. Advertising cookies are used to deliver advertising tailored to individual interests. We do not currently use this category of cookies.</p><p>It is also possible to completely exclude the acceptance of cookies. However, it should be noted that without cookies the functionality of the website may be limited. The help menus of the respective browsers describe how you can change the cookie settings. You will find the corresponding links below:</p></div></div></div><div id="c352" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><p><a href="" title="Opens external link in new window" target="_blank" data-htmlarea-external="1" rel="noreferrer">Microsoft Edge™ </a></p><p><a href=" " title="Opens external link in new window" target="_blank" data-htmlarea-external="1" rel="noreferrer">Safari™ </a></p><p><a href="" title="Opens external link in new window" target="_top" data-htmlarea-external="1">Chrome™ </a></p><p><a href="" title="Opens external link in new window" target="_blank" data-htmlarea-external="1" rel="noreferrer">Firefox™ </a></p><p><a href="" title="Opens external link in new window" target="_blank" data-htmlarea-external="1" rel="noreferrer">Opera™ </a></p><p> </p><p>The following cookies are set when you visit our website:</p></div></div></div><div id="c354" class="frame frame-lean frame-type-table frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><div class="table-responsive"><table class="table"><thead><tr><th> Provider </th><th> Name </th><th> Category </th><th> Function </th><th> Storage time </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> Google Analytics </td><td> _ga </td><td> Marketing </td><td> User Tracking (distinguishing of users) </td><td> 2 years </td></tr><tr><td> Google Analytics </td><td> _gat </td><td> Marketing </td><td> User Tracking (throttling the request rate) </td><td> 1 minute </td></tr><tr><td> Google Analytics </td><td> _gid </td><td> Marketing </td><td> User Tracking (distinguishing of users) </td><td> 24 hours </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div id="c356" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><p>The legal basis for the data processing is your consent according to Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter b) of the GDPR.</p><p>In addition, cookies are still set by the cookie consent tool, which are only used to process the selected consents.</p></div></div></div><div id="c358" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>6. Cookies used by our webshop (</span></h4></header><p>We use so-called session cookies for the log-in area on our website in order to make our webshop more attractive to visitors and to enable the use of certain functions (e.g. a virtual shopping cart). Session cookies are small text files that are used as identifiers. We transfer these cookies via your web browser to your computer's hard drive and are able to read these during your current visit to our website. Please note that these cookies are created as soon as you register or log on to the webshop. As described above, you can change the cookie settings.</p><p>In addition to the cookies listed above, the following cookies are used in the shop:</p></div></div></div><div id="c360" class="frame frame-lean frame-type-table frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><div class="table-responsive"><table class="table"><thead><tr><th> Provider </th><th> Name </th><th> Category </th><th> Function </th><th> Storage time </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> language </td><td> Function </td><td> Stores the information as to which language has been selected. </td><td> Duration of the visit </td></tr><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> sid_key </td><td> Function </td><td> Stores the session ID of the visitor </td><td> Duration of the visit </td></tr><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> sid </td><td> Function </td><td> Stores the information if the current user is logged in and enables the retrieval of user-specific data (e.g. order history). </td><td> Duration of the visit </td></tr><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> oxid_[shopId] </td><td> Function </td><td> Stores information about the current shop customer. </td><td> 1 year </td></tr><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> oxid_[shopId]_autologin </td><td> Function </td><td> Stores the information if the user is using the "remember password" function. </td><td> 1 year </td></tr><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> aHistoryArticles </td><td> Function </td><td> Stores information about which articles the user has viewed. </td><td> Duration of the visit </td></tr><tr><td> Website ( </td><td> Resolution </td><td> Function </td><td> Notes the screen resolution of the user. </td><td> Duration of the visit </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div id="c362" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><p><p>Further information about the cookies can be found at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"></a>.</p></p></div></div></div><div id="c364" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest is to provide a functional and user-friendly shop.</p></div></div></div><div id="c366" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>7. Google Analytics</span></h4></header><p>This website makes use of Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics relies on cookies - see section 5. These allow us to analyze your use of our website. Cookies are saved by Google for up to two years on your computer. The data generated by the cookie concerning your use of this website is usually transmitted and saved to a Google server in the USA. In the event an IP anonymizer is activated on this website, Google will abbreviate the IP address for Member States of the European Union as well as for other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the complete IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. Google will use this information, on behalf of the operator of this website, to evaluate your use of this website, compile reports on the activities on the website and to perform further services for the operator of this website that are associated with the use of this website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted from your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be integrated with any other of Google's information.</p><p>You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting the Consent banner or a corresponding setting in your browser software. Moreover, you can prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:</p><p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"></a></p></p><p>We would like to point out that this website uses the extension "gat._anonymizeIp()" with Google Analytics in order to ensure the anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).</p><p>The legal basis for the data processing is Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter a of the GDPR, thus processing is carried out only on the basis of explicit consent.</p></div></div></div><div id="c368" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>8. Using the online contact form</span></h4></header><p>When using our online contact form, personal data (like e.g. your name and e-mail address) will only be collected as provided by you. All fields marked with an * are mandatory. Your e-mail address will only be used for processing your inquiry. We store your data for as long as this is necessary to process your inquiry and/or if legal data retention obligations mean we are not permitted to delete your data.</p><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter b of the GDPR.</p></div></div></div><div id="c370" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>9. User account for our webshop</span></h4></header><p>We have established a webshop for our entrepreneur customers. When registering for this webshop, you will get direct, password-protected access to our webshop. Your data required for using this webshop will be saved here, i.e. your customer data (name, address, e-mail address, phone number, etc.), your user data (e-mail address, password) as well as data concerning the orders placed by you that are still open, completed or that have been dispatched recently. We store your data until you delete your user account and/or if legal data retention obligations mean we are not permitted to delete your data.</p><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter b of the GDPR.</p></div></div></div><div id="c374" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>10. Processing orders</span></h4></header><p>We use the customer data provided to us in conjunction with an order or enquiry to process the contract or your enquiry. Without this information we will not be able to process your order or request.</p><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter b of the GDPR.</p></div></div></div><div id="c376" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>11. YouTube</span></h4></header><p>We have our own presence on the video platform We use these to make our own videos about our company or our products available to the public. YouTube is an offer of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, IRELAND.</p><p>If you follow the "YouTube" links on our website, you will be redirected to the "WAFIOS Aktiengesellschaft" offer on YouTube. YouTube uses user data (IP address and possibly personal information) for business purposes. We refer here to the data usage guidelines of YouTube. If you are logged in to YouTube or Google when viewing our video offer, the call-up can be assigned to you personally. We do not receive any personal data ourselves and cannot assign a call-up to a person.</p><p><p>You can prevent data transmission to YouTube or Google by logging out of your account. Under the link <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"></a> you can set an opt-out cookie after logging into your Google Account.</p></p><p><p>You can find the privacy policy of Google at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"></a>.</p></p><p>Data processing takes place in line with the legal basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter f of the GDPR.</p></div></div></div><div id="c378" class="frame frame-default frame-type-text frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><header class="frame-header"><h4 class="element-header "><span>12. Second-hand machinery portal 2nd Life (</span></h4></header><p>An additional free web offer is our second-hand machinery exchange. Here we offer the possibility to buy or sell second-hand machines. Here we are only providing a platform. The respective providers are responsible for the individual contents of the advertisements. Registration is necessary to use the portal.</p><p>The following personal data may be collected during registration:</p><ul class="list-normal"><li>Salutation, first and last name</li><li>Company</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Email address</li><li>Password</li><li>Street and house number</li><li>Postal code and town</li></ul><p>Moreover, the IP address of the PC used is recorded. We also save the date and time of registration. We need this data to prevent misuse, if applicable.</p><p>In doing so, the legal basis is your consent according to Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter a of the GDPR. This is obtained in conjunction with the registration process.</p><p>For registered users there is the possibility to create an advertisement for a second-hand WAFIOS machine. In doing so, there is an option to display contact details. In this respect, these are visible to other portal users. The e-mail address specified will be used to contact you. Where applicable, this is person-related. Any contact will be made per e-mail and will take place outside of our portal. Any sales are not carried out by us.</p><p>The legal basis for the data processing when preparing an advertisement is also your consent according to Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter a of the GDPR.</p><p>In addition, registered users can submit a service request to us. For this purpose, we use the data of your registration to create an offer corresponding to the request.</p><p>In addition to your consent, the legal basis for this is also Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter b of the GDPR, i.e. the data is processed on the basis of preliminary or contractual measures.</p><p>You have the option to delete your profile on our WAFIOS second-hand machinery exchange at any time. In this case, your data will be deleted or rendered anonymous. Any service requests transmitted are not affected by this. These are stored according to their necessity. If a contract is concluded, the storage period is ten years.</p><p>When using the second-hand machinery portal, only system cookies are used which are necessary for the function.</p></div></div></div><div id="c380" class="frame frame-lean frame-type-table frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><div class="table-responsive"><table class="table"><thead><tr><th> Provider </th><th> Name </th><th> Category </th><th> Function </th><th> Storage time </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> Website (secondlife.<br /> </td><td> site-language-preference </td><td> Funktion </td><td> Language preference </td><td> 2 Jyears </td></tr><tr><td> Website (secondlife.<br /> </td><td> fe_typo_user </td><td> Funktion </td><td> User identification </td><td> Duration of the visit </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div id="c382" class="frame frame-default frame-type-uploads frame-layout-0 frame-background-none frame-no-backgroundimage frame-space-before-none frame-space-after-none"><div class="frame-container"><div class="frame-inner"><ul class="media-list"><li class="media"><div class="media-body"><h4 class="media-heading"><a href="/fileadmin/user_upload/Datenschutz/Data_Protection.pdf"><span class="uploads-fileicon"><span class="bootstrappackageicon bootstrappackageicon-file"></span></span><span class="uploads-filename">Data_Protection.pdf</span></a></h4></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div><!--TYPO3SEARCH_end--></main><footer id="page-footer" class="bp-page-footer col-md-9 ml-sm-auto col-lg-10 px-md-4 bg-secondary text-light"><section class="section footer-section py-5"><div class="row"><div class="footer-copyright col-12 col-lg-2 d-flex justify-content-center flex-lg-column"><small> © 2025 WAFIOS AG Germany </small></div><ul id="footer_menu" class="footer-menu nav col-12 col-lg-10"><li class="navitem"><a class="nav-link text-white" href="/support" title="Support" ><span class="nav-link-text" >Support</span></a></li><li class="navitem"><a class="nav-link text-white" href="/faq" title="FAQ" ><span class="nav-link-text" >FAQ</span></a></li><li class="navitem"><a class="nav-link text-white" href="/imprint" title="Imprint" ><span class="nav-link-text" >Imprint</span></a></li><li class="navitem active"><a class="nav-link text-white" href="/privacy" title="Data Protection" ><span class="nav-link-text" >Data Protection <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></span></a></li><li class="navitem"><a class="nav-link text-white" href="/terms-and-conditions" title="Terms and Conditions" ><span class="nav-link-text" >Terms and Conditions</span></a></li></ul></div></section></footer><a class="scroll-top" title="Scroll to top" href="#top"><span class="scroll-top-icon"></span></a></div></div> <script src="/typo3temp/assets/compressed/merged-c559aa7a7721634f47b40c2251629edf.js?1632816511"></script> <script src="/typo3temp/assets/compressed/merged-410efe0d561efd742812e012b8987f80.js?1683710774"></script> </body> </html>