AddToAny - Buttons FAQ

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>AddToAny - Buttons FAQ</title> <meta name="description" content="AddToAny's frequently asked questions and answers."> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link href="/css/main.18.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script>!function(){var e;(e=document.documentElement).className+=e.className?" svg":"svg";}();</script> <style> @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { @view-transition { navigation: auto; } } </style> <script type="module" src="/js/prefetch.1.min.js"></script> <script blocking="render" defer src="/js/transition.2.min.js"></script> <link rel="expect" href="#header .logo :first-child" blocking="render" /> <link rel="expect" href="#header a[href='/share']" blocking="render" /> <style> .faq-index{border:0;padding:0} .faq-index h3,.faq-index .notes_content{background:none} a.faq-target[id]:target + div h3{background-color:#0166FF;border:1px solid #0166FF;border-radius:8px;color:#fff;transition: background .35s linear;margin:20px 0;padding:10px} a.faq-target[id]{display:block;height:1px} </style> <script>[["facebook","troubleshoot-facebook-image-preview-title-description"],["gdpr","data-privacy"]].forEach(function(o){location.hash==="#"+o[0]&&(location.hash="#"+o[1])});</script> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div class="header_content clearfix"> <div class="hdr_l"> <h2 class="logo"><a href="/" title="AddToAny Share Buttons">AddToAny</a></h2> </div> <div class="hdr_r"> <a class="hdr_link" href="/buttons/" title="Get the share buttons">Get</a> <a class="hdr_link" href="/buttons/customize/" title="Customize the share buttons">Customize</a> <a class="hdr_link" href="/share" title="Share a link">Share</a> <a class="hdr_link current_page" href="/buttons/faq/" title="Frequently asked questions and answers">FAQ</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="page"> <div class="main"> <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2> <div class="notes faq-index"> <h3>AddToAny Platform</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <ul> <li><a href="#why-use-addtoany">Why place AddToAny on my site?</a></li> <li><a href="#addtoany-features">What features does AddToAny have?</a></li> <li><a href="#how-frequent-are-updates">How often is the menu of services updated?</a></li> <li><a href="#customizing">How do I customize AddToAny?</a></li> <li><a href="#page-speed">Does AddToany impact my PageSpeed score?</a></li> <li><a href="#pricing">Does this service cost anything?</a></li> <li><a href="#analytics">How do I get usage stats?</a></li> <li><a href="#data-privacy">Is AddToAny GDPR-ready &amp; CCPA-ready for sites &amp; apps using AddToAny?</a></li> <li><a href="#takedown-requests">Does AddToAny host third-party content that can be taken down?</a></li> <li><a href="#personalized-service-menus">Why do certain services appear at the top of the menu?</a></li> <li><a href="#percent-encoding">Why must a shared URL be percent-encoded?</a></li> <li><a href="#content-security-policy">How should I use AddToAny with a Content Security Policy?</a></li> <li><a href="#https">How should I use AddToAny on HTTPS secure pages?</a></li> </ul> </div> <h3>Share Buttons</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <ul> <li><a href="#troubleshoot-facebook-image-preview-title-description">For Facebook sharing, how can I set the image and description Facebook uses?</a></li> <li><a href="#troubleshoot-share-counters">How should I troubleshoot share counters?</a></li> <li><a href="#troubleshoot-buttons-not-showing">The buttons are not displaying. What should I try first?</a></li> <li><a href="#wordpress-share-plugin">Where can I find the FAQ and changelog for the WordPress sharing plugin?</a></li> </ul> </div> <h3>Follow Buttons</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <ul> <li><a href="#buttons-for-instagram-snapchat-youtube">Where are buttons such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube?</a></li> <li><a href="#feedburner">Can I use the Subscribe button with FeedBurner?</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main"> <a id="why-use-addtoany" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Why place AddToAny on my site?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny is the way millions of sites have enabled visitors to share &amp; save content, resulting in more traffic, larger audiences, awesomely viral content, and much more. Launched in March 2006, AddToAny is the very first universal sharing platform, and the customizable platform that makes it easy for visitors to share your content using any service. AddToAny is built with extraordinary care for end-users, publishers, and developers across the globe.</p> <p><a href="/buttons/">Get the share buttons</a> for your website, app, CMS or blog, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and many other platforms.</p> </div> </div> <a id="addtoany-features" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>What features does AddToAny have?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny has many features, yet stays lightweight and efficient. We carefully launch new features, and we retire low-use ones when it makes sense. Popular AddToAny features include:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/buttons/customize/floating_share_buttons">Floating share bars</a> for mobile, desktop, and various site layouts</li> <li><a href="/buttons/customize/image_sharing">Image share buttons</a> to share your images</li> <li><a href="/buttons/customize/share_counters">Share counts</a> and <a href="/buttons/customize/share_count_recovery">share count recovery</a></li> <li><a href="/ext/google_analytics/">Google Analytics</a> integration</li> <li>Vector sharing icons made for mobile, Retina and high-PPI displays</li> <li>Universal sharing button and smart menu</li> <li>Visitor personalization</li> <li>International support (i18n/localization)</li> <li>Accessibility and graceful degradation</li> <li>Cross-browser and backwards compatibility</li> <li>Optimized performance and efficient loading via world-class CDNs</li> <li><a href="/buttons/customize/">Complete control for publishers &amp; developers of all sizes</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <a id="how-frequent-are-updates" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>How often is the menu of services updated?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Constantly. Services frequently come and go, they change endpoints, and AddToAny always uses the current sharing endpoint for each service.</p> </div> </div> <a id="customizing" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>How do I customize AddToAny?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Start with the <a href="/buttons/customize/">documentation for customizing</a> AddToAny. For WordPress, check out the <a href="/buttons/customize/wordpress">WordPress sharing docs</a> and the <a href="">sharing plugin's FAQ</a>. For Drupal, check out the <a href="/buttons/customize/drupal">Drupal sharing docs</a>. If you are using AddToAny's <a href="/buttons/for/website">button code configurator for any website</a>, click the &quot;More Options&quot; button and additionally see AddToAny's <a href="/buttons/customize/">general customization docs</a>.</p> </div> </div> <a id="page-speed" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Does AddToany impact my PageSpeed score?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny is built for incredible efficiency and doesn't affect PageSpeed scores.</p> <p>Check out <a href="">AddToAny's PageSpeed test website</a>.</p> </div> </div> <a id="pricing" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Does this service cost anything?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny is free.</p> </div> </div> <a id="analytics" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>How do I get usage stats?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny integrates with Google Analytics and other analytics software.</p> <p>See <a href="/ext/google_analytics/">AddToAny &amp; Google Analytics</a> for details on how to access these stats within Google Analytics, and how to setup <a href="/ext/google_analytics/#google-tag-manager">Google Tag Manager</a> if you use Google Analytics within Google Tag Manager.</p> <p>Other analytics apps can track sharing usage by <a href="/buttons/customize/events">hooking into AddToAny events</a>.</p> <p>To <a href="/buttons/customize/link_tracking">track clickthroughs on shared links</a>, AddToAny integrates with link shorteners and custom URLs and parameters (including Google Analytics parameters).</p> </div> </div> <a id="data-privacy" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Is AddToAny GDPR-ready &amp; CCPA-ready for sites &amp; apps using AddToAny?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Yes, AddToAny is compatible by default with the European General Data Protection Regulation, and the California Consumer Privacy Act.</p> <p>By design, AddToAny does not store personal data. Our technology vendors are compliant and may temporarily store strictly necessary data as the regulations allow.</p> </div> </div> <a id="takedown-requests" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Does AddToAny host third-party content that can be taken down?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>No, AddToAny does not host third-party content and has never been subject to a valid takedown request. AddToAny offers a widely used <a href="">link sharing</a> tool that can share <em>limited arbitrary text</em> (such as a URL) via <a href="">URL parameters</a> (like <a href="">this example URL</a> that can be shared to various networks &amp; services). <p>Actual third-party content (such as an image or video) is never hosted by AddToAny.</p> <p>If you have a takedown request related to abuse or copyright violations (DMCA, EUCD, etc.), AddToAny is not involved. Instead, contact the site or app owner where the content is hosted.</p> </div> </div> <a id="personalized-service-menus" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Why do certain services appear at the top of the menu?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny automatically personalizes each menu by placing the services each user uses at the top of the menu.</p> </div> </div> <a id="percent-encoding" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Why must a shared URL be percent-encoded?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Percent-escaped URLs aren't very readable, but this standard URI encoding protects a shared URL from failing as it's passed around between applications, operating systems, and devices.</p> <p>Without URI encoding, apps make unsafe assumptions about raw characters in a URL, which leads to visitors/crawlers arriving from links to different (nonexistent) URLs instead of the canonical URL. So it's important to keep sharing encoded URLs instead of trying to share unencoded URLs.</p> <p>Some applications will kindly URI decode non-Latin characters for a readable user presentation of URLs, but the underlying URLs must be URI encoded to avoid pointing to nonexistent URLs. You'll notice this is the behavior of your modern browser's web address bar when you <em>see</em> the URL (decoded for readability) then <em>share</em> the URL (encoded for copy &amp; paste and various sharing methods).</p> <p><a href="">This W3C article</a> gives some technical background on multilingual web addresses.</p> </div> </div> <a id="content-security-policy" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>How should I use AddToAny with a Content Security Policy?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny supports a strict CSP nonce, as in the <a href="" title="Example of using AddToAny with a strict content security policy">AddToAny CSP demo</a>. If you manually include AddToAny HTML code on your site and can generate a <a href="">nonce</a> per request, add the <code>nonce</code> attribute to your AddToAny script tag.</p> <p><code>&lt;script defer nonce=&quot;<span class="highlight">{SERVER-GENERATED-NONCE}</span>&quot; src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</code></p> <p>If you use one of the <a href="/buttons/">AddToAny plugins</a>, find a &quot;CSP&quot; plugin/module that can generate a nonce per request and add the nonce to AddToAny script tags.</p> </div> </div> <a id="https" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>How should I use AddToAny on HTTPS secure pages?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p><a href="/buttons/">AddToAny plugins</a> use HTTPS by default and the domain is <a href="" target="_blank">HSTS preloaded</a> in major web browsers.</p> <p>If you manually include AddToAny HTML on your site, simply use AddToAny assets from <code>http<span class="highlight">s</span>://</code> instead of <code></code>.</p> </div> </div> <a id="troubleshoot-facebook-image-preview-title-description" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>For Facebook sharing, how can I set the image and description Facebook uses?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Facebook expects the Title, Description, and Preview Image of a shared page to be defined in the Open Graph <a href="">meta tags</a> of a shared page. To change the title, description or image on Facebook, you will need to modify your pages.</p> <p>Use Facebook's <a href="">Sharing Debugger</a> to see how Facebook is reading your pages. &quot;Scrape Again&quot; to have Facebook refetch a page, or use the <a href="">Batch Invalidator</a> to purge Facebook's cache of multiple URLs.</p> <p>For more technical information on setting your pages up for Facebook sharing, see the &quot;Open Graph Markup&quot; section in <a href="">Facebook's documentation</a>.</p> </div> </div> <a id="troubleshoot-share-counters" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>How should I troubleshoot share counters?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>AddToAny gets <a href="/buttons/customize/share_counters">share counts</a> directly from the official APIs of services, so issues with share counts are between those services and your site.</p> <p>Issues with Facebook's official share counts API are often resolved by using the &quot;Scrape Again&quot; button from Facebook's <a href="">Sharing Debugger</a>.</p> <p>If you're using AddToAny <a href="/buttons/customize/share_count_recovery">share count recovery</a> and publicly redirecting the old URL to the new URL, Facebook will only return the old share counts if the Facebook Crawler is given special access to the old URL you're recovering. For technical details on exempting the <a href="">Facebook Crawler</a>, see the first step in Facebook's <a href="">documentation on preserving engagement metrics</a>. You can safely skip Facebook's other steps regarding the <code>og:url</code> meta tag, because AddToAny share count recovery handles that for you.</p> </div> </div> <a id="troubleshoot-buttons-not-showing" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>The buttons are not displaying. What should I try first?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Something is likely preventing AddToAny's JavaScript from loading. We recommend searching the web for your specific issue and troubleshooting the issue first.</p> <p>To troubleshoot, try another web browser, device, and/or Internet connection to see what is preventing you from loading AddToAny. The most common cause for this issue is having a browser add-on enabled that blocks ads and sometimes major social buttons such as AddToAny's. If the cause is an add-on, we recommend contacting the add-on's author about whitelisting AddToAny.</p> <p>If you are experiencing an issue on your site only, try temporarily switching to a default theme (where applicable) and temporarily disabling all other components &amp; plugins on your site. Site-specific issues commonly stem from another website component causing a conflict. Sometimes site-specific issues are caused by invalid website HTML code, so it's a good idea to <a href="">validate your pages</a> and resolve validation issues. Feel free to <a href="/contact/">contact us</a> with details about your issue &mdash; we'll try to help. Point us to your website, and let us know if you're using the general AddToAny code or one of AddToAny's plugins (such as AddToAny's WordPress plugin, Drupal module, or Blogger widget, etc.).</p> </div> </div> <a id="wordpress-share-plugin" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Where can I find the FAQ and changelog for the WordPress sharing plugin?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>The WordPress <a href="">sharing plugin</a> documentation can be found on <a href="">FAQ</a> / <a href="">Changelog</a></p> </div> </div> <a id="buttons-for-instagram-snapchat-youtube" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Where are buttons such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Services such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vimeo are available as <a href="/buttons/customize/follow_buttons">follow buttons</a>. These social media services do not offer sharing endpoints for a proper <em>share</em> button on the web, so AddToAny makes icons available to link to your social media profiles using <a href="/buttons/customize/follow_buttons">follow buttons</a>.</p> <p>For WordPress sites, see the <a href="/buttons/customize/wordpress/follow_buttons">follow buttons for WordPress</a> guide for how to add social media buttons to your site.</p> </div> </div> <a id="feedburner" class="faq-target"></a> <div class="notes"> <h3>Can I use the Subscribe button with FeedBurner?</h3> <div class="notes_content"> <p>Yes, you can use FeedBurner with AddToAny by entering your FeedBurner feed URL like <code></code> in the <a href="/buttons/for/website/subscribe">Feed URL box</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer_cols"> <div> <h2>Features</h2> <a href="/buttons/customize/floating_share_buttons" title="Floating Share Bars that are responsive for mobile and desktop, and can show and hide on scroll">Floating Share Buttons</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/image_sharing" title="Share your images directly to Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Houzz, and more">Image Share Buttons</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/share_counters" title="Show the share count next to your share buttons">Share Counts</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/share_count_recovery" title="Recover lost share counts after a change in URLs, a new domain, or a move to HTTPS from HTTP">Share Count Recovery</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/follow_buttons" title="Link to your Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and other social media and RSS feeds">Follow Buttons</a> <a href="/ext/google_analytics/" title="Sharing analytics in Google Analytics">Google Analytics</a> </div> <div> <h2>Plugins</h2> <a href="" title="Share Buttons for WordPress, the most popular WordPress sharing plugin">WordPress Share Plugin</a> <a href="" title="Share Buttons for Drupal, the most popular Drupal sharing module">Drupal Share Module</a> <a href="/buttons/for/joomla" title="Share Buttons for Joomla, available as a plugin and a module in one extension">Joomla Share Extension</a> <a href="" title="Share Buttons for Cloudflare sites">Cloudflare Share App</a> <a href="/buttons/" title="All share button plugins for, Blogger, Tumblr, and more platforms, websites and apps">Share Buttons for Sites</a> <a href="/buttons/for/email_newsletter" title="Get share buttons for use in email">Share Buttons for Email</a> </div> <div> <h2>Browser Tools</h2> <a href="" title="Share button for Mozilla Firefox">AddToAny for Firefox</a> <a href="" title="Share button for Google Chrome">AddToAny for Chrome</a> <a href="/users/bookmarklet" title="Share button for your browser's Bookmarks Bar">AddToAny Bookmarklet</a> <a href="/services/" title="Services directory and bookmarklets">Service Bookmarklets</a> <a href="/share" title="Share a page to any service">Share a URL</a> <a href="/share/preferences" title="Set your preferred services">Sharing Preferences</a> </div> <div> <h2>Resources</h2> <a href="/buttons/customize/" title="Customize your share buttons">Customize AddToAny</a> <a href="/services/" title="Services directory and share button codes">Service Codes</a> <a href="/buttons/api/" title="JavaScript API reference">JavaScript API</a> <a href="/buttons/faq/" title="Answers to frequently asked questions">Questions &amp; Answers</a> <a href="/blog/" title="The AddToAny Blog">AddToAny News</a> <a href="/contact/" title="Contact AddToAny">Contact AddToAny</a> </div> </div> <div class="legal"> <span>&copy; 2006&ndash;2025</span> <a href="/terms" title="Terms of Service">Terms</a> <a href="/privacy" title="Privacy Policy">Privacy</a> </div> </div> </div></body> </html>

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