Share Buttons - AddToAny
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Share Buttons - AddToAny</title> <meta name="description" content="Get share buttons for sharing to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, email, SMS, and any other sharing and social media app. Official share plugins are available for WordPress, Drupal, Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla, TypePad, and other platforms. 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title="Share buttons for Drupal">Drupal</h2> </a> <a href="/buttons/for/joomla"> <div class="picon picon_joomla"></div> <h2 title="Share buttons for Joomla">Joomla</h2> </a> <a href="/buttons/for/email_newsletter"> <div class="picon picon_email"></div> <h2 title="Share buttons for email marketing campaigns">Email</h2> </a> <a href="/buttons/for/wordpress_com"> <div class="picon picon_wordpress_com"></div> <h2 title="Share button for"></h2> </a> <a href=""> <div class="picon picon_cloudflare"></div> <h2 title="Share buttons for Cloudflare sites">Cloudflare</h2> </a> <a href="/buttons/for/tumblr"> <div class="picon picon_tumblr"></div> <h2 title="Share buttons for Tumblr">Tumblr</h2> </a> <a href="/buttons/for/blogger"> <div class="picon picon_blogger"></div> <h2 title="Share buttons for Blogger">Blogger</h2> </a> <a href="/buttons/for/typepad"> <div class="picon picon_typepad"></div> <h2 title="Share buttons for TypePad">TypePad</h2> </a> <a href="/ext/addtoanybookmarkmanagerflare.xml"> <div class="picon picon_feedburner"></div> <h2 title="Share link for Google FeedBurner">FeedFlare</h2> </a> <a href=""> <div class="picon picon_elgg"></div> <h2 title="Elgg share plugin (unofficial)">Elgg</h2> </a> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer_cols"> <div> <h2>Features</h2> <a href="/buttons/customize/floating_share_buttons" title="Floating Share Bars that are responsive for mobile and desktop, and can show and hide on scroll">Floating Share Buttons</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/image_sharing" title="Share your images directly to Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Houzz, and more">Image Share Buttons</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/share_counters" title="Show the share count next to your share buttons">Share Counts</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/share_count_recovery" title="Recover lost share counts after a change in URLs, a new domain, or a move to HTTPS from HTTP">Share Count Recovery</a> <a href="/buttons/customize/follow_buttons" title="Link to your Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and other social media and RSS feeds">Follow Buttons</a> <a href="/ext/google_analytics/" title="Sharing analytics in Google Analytics">Google Analytics</a> </div> <div> <h2>Plugins</h2> <a href="" title="Share Buttons for WordPress, the most popular WordPress sharing plugin">WordPress Share Plugin</a> <a href="" title="Share Buttons for Drupal, the most popular Drupal sharing module">Drupal Share Module</a> <a href="/buttons/for/joomla" title="Share Buttons for Joomla, available as a plugin and a module in one extension">Joomla Share Extension</a> <a href="" title="Share Buttons for Cloudflare sites">Cloudflare Share App</a> <a href="/buttons/" title="All share button plugins for, Blogger, Tumblr, and more platforms, websites and apps">Share Buttons for Sites</a> <a href="/buttons/for/email_newsletter" title="Get share buttons for use in email">Share Buttons for Email</a> </div> <div> <h2>Browser Tools</h2> <a href="" title="Share button for Mozilla Firefox">AddToAny for Firefox</a> <a href="" title="Share button for Google Chrome">AddToAny for Chrome</a> <a href="/users/bookmarklet" title="Share button for your browser's Bookmarks Bar">AddToAny Bookmarklet</a> <a href="/services/" title="Services directory and bookmarklets">Service Bookmarklets</a> <a href="/share" title="Share a page to any service">Share a URL</a> <a href="/share/preferences" title="Set your preferred services">Sharing Preferences</a> </div> <div> <h2>Resources</h2> <a href="/buttons/customize/" title="Customize your share buttons">Customize AddToAny</a> <a href="/services/" title="Services directory and share button codes">Service Codes</a> <a href="/buttons/api/" title="JavaScript API reference">JavaScript API</a> <a href="/buttons/faq/" title="Answers to frequently asked questions">Questions & Answers</a> <a href="/blog/" title="The AddToAny Blog">AddToAny News</a> <a href="/contact/" title="Contact AddToAny">Contact AddToAny</a> </div> </div> <div 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