AP Recruit
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The system allows applicants to apply for positions electronically, uploading and revising application materials as needed. The status of the application may be checked as frequently as necessary and questions for the hiring department or for general technical support may be emailed directly from the system.</p> </section></article></section> <section><h3 class="section">Apply for a position</h3><article class="article" id="creating_an_application"><h4>Creating and submitting an application</h4><section class="markdown"><ol> <li>Locate the desired position in the list of open recruitments on Recruit's apply page at <a target="_blank" href="/apply">/apply</a>.</li> <li>Click the recruitment to which you wish to apply.</li> <li>Read the application submission dates, the position's description, and the requirements. When you're ready, click the button, <strong>Apply Now</strong> <img src="/help/_assets/apply_now.png" alt="Apply Now button"> </li> <li>Provide your email address.</li> <li>If you've previously verified your email address, you can provide your email and password to log in to your portfolio. <ul> <li>The application information from your last application will be reused for this one. Verify that it's still up to date by clicking through the <strong>Next</strong> buttons.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If you've never verified your email address, you'll be asked to do so now. This ensures that the hiring committee can contact you. <ul> <li>Prove that you're not a robot by checking the box</li> <li>Click <strong>Send verification email</strong> </li> <li>Check your email for a message named "[UC Davis Recruit] Please verify your email address"</li> <li>Click the link inside to return to Recruit</li> <li>Choose a password</li> <li>Provide application information. If you've previously applied at UC Davis this may be reused from your last application. Verify that it's still up to date by clicking through the <strong>Next</strong> buttons.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Review the information you have entered and click the button, <strong>Save my information</strong>. <img src="/help/_assets/create_application.png" alt="Create application button"> </li> <li>Your application will be created and you will be brought to the <strong>Position Details</strong> page to continue your application. <img src="/help/_assets/position_details_incomplete.png" alt="Position information tab"> </li> <li>Once you have uploaded all required documentation and information, click the Submit button to submit your application. Recruit will send you a "Thank you for applying" email. <img src="/help/_assets/submit_button.png" alt="Submit button"> </li> </ol> </section></article><article class="article" id="returning_to_your_application"><h4>Returning to your application</h4><section class="markdown"><ol> <li>If you have logged out of your application, navigate to Recruit's apply page at <a target="_blank" href="/apply">/apply</a> </li> <li>Click the big orange "Log in to your portfolio" button to log in. <img src="/help/_assets/log_in_to_your_portfolio_button.png" alt="Log in button"> </li> <li>Provide your email address <img src="/help/_assets/log_in_portfolio_email_form.png" alt="Email address field"> </li> <li>Click "Next"</li> <li>Provide your password <img src="/help/_assets/log_in_portfolio_password_form.png" alt="Password field"> </li> <li>Click "Log in"</li> <li>You will now be logged in to your Portfolio <img src="/help/_assets/position_details_incomplete.png" alt="Application dashboard in incomplete state"> </li> <li>Note: No additional changes can be made to your application after you click Submit </li> </ol> </section></article><article class="article" id="log_in_troubles"><h4>Log in troubles</h4><section class="markdown"><ol> <li>If you find yourself unable to log in, you can reset your password.</li> <li>Click the link "Trouble logging in?" <img src="/help/_assets/log_in_portfolio_troubles.png" alt="Trouble logging in link displayed below an empty email address field"> </li> <li>Provide and confirm your email address <img src="/help/_assets/log_in_portfolio_troubles_form.png" alt="Log in assistance screen displaying fields to enter and verify email address"> </li> <li>The following confirmation message will appear: "In a few moments you should receive an email containing a link to reset your password." <img src="/help/_assets/log_in_portfolio_troubles_success.png" alt="Message informing user they will receive password reset email soon"> </li> <li>Wait a few moments then check your email for a message from Recruit. The subject line will be "[UC Davis Recruit] Password Reset".</li> <li>Follow the link in the email to return to Recruit</li> <li>In the form provided, set a new password, then click "Confirm" <img src="/help/_assets/portfolio_password_reset_form.png" alt="Password reset form displaying password complexity meter"> </li> <li>You will be logged in to your portfolio and your password will be updated <img src="/help/_assets/portfolio_password_reset_success.png" alt='"Your password has been changed" success message'> </li> </ol> </section></article><article class="article" id="withdrawing"><h4>Withdrawing your application</h4><section class="markdown"><p>If you wish to withdraw your application from consideration, you may do so by navigating to the Position Details page of your application and selecting the link "withdraw your application". You will then be required to enter a reason for withdrawal before you can click "Yes, withdraw my application".</p> <p>If you change your mind and wish to once again be considered for the position, return to the Position Details page and click "contact the hiring department", then enter your message in the "Recruitment-specific" tab. <img src="/help/_assets/logged_in_contact_link.png" alt="contact the hiring department link location"></p> </section></article><article class="article" id="third_party_dossier_services"><h4>Third-party dossier services</h4><section class="markdown"><p>Third-party dossier services, such as Interfolio, may interact with Recruit in a variety of ways. For more information, please contact your third-party provider's help desk.</p> </section></article></section> <section><h3 class="section">Demographic survey</h3><article class="article" id="demographic_survey_purpose"><h4>The purpose of the Demographic survey</h4><section class="markdown"><p>As Federal Contractors, the University of California is obligated to report on fair practices to assure equal employment opportunity for gender and minorities.</p> </section></article><article class="article" id="demographic_survey_timing"><h4>When can I take the Demographic survey?</h4><section class="markdown"><p>Take the Demographic survey at any time after creating your application.</p> <p><strong>Take the Demographic survey:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Click the <strong>Demographic survey</strong> tab. <img src="/help/_assets/demographic_survey_tab.png" alt="demographic survey tab on application dashboard"> </li> <li>Click the link, <strong>Submit demographic survey</strong> <img src="/help/_assets/submit_survey.png" alt="link that opens the demographic survey"> </li> <li>Fill in the required information.</li> <li>Click the button, <strong>Submit survey</strong> <img src="/help/_assets/submit_survey_button.png" alt="demographic survey submit button"> </li> <li>A confirmation will indicate your survey has been submitted. <img src="/help/_assets/demographic_survey_submitted.png" alt="message confirming submission of survey"> </li> </ol> </section></article></section> </div> </main> <div class='quintain--post'> </div> <footer id="site-footer"> <div class="help-links"> Academic Personnel Recruit<br /> University of California, Davis </div> <ul class="global-links"> <li><a class="iconic-link" href="/accessibility"><span class="iconic fa-universal-access fa-solid"></span><span class="text">Accessibility</span></a></li> <li><a class="iconic-link" href="/about"><span class="iconic fa-history fa-solid"></span><span class="text">About</span></a></li> <li id="ux-volunteer-link"></li> <li class="privacy"><a target="_blank" href="/privacy"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <svg version="1.1" class="ccpa-opt-out-icon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 30 14" width="20px"> <title>California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Opt-Out Icon</title> <style type="text/css"> .ccpa-opt-out-icon--pill {fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:currentColor;} .ccpa-opt-out-icon--x {fill:#FFFFFF;} .ccpa-opt-out-icon--check {fill:currentColor;} </style> <path class="ccpa-opt-out-icon--pill" d="M22.6,0H7.4c-3.9,0-7,3.1-7,7s3.1,7,7,7h15.2c3.9,0,7-3.1,7-7S26.4,0,22.6,0z M1.6,7c0-3.2,2.6-5.8,5.8-5.8 h9.9l-3.1,11.6H7.4C4.2,12.8,1.6,10.2,1.6,7z"/> <path class="ccpa-opt-out-icon--x" d="M24.6,4c0.2,0.2,0.2,0.6,0,0.8l0,0L22.5,7l2.2,2.2c0.2,0.2,0.2,0.6,0,0.8c-0.2,0.2-0.6,0.2-0.8,0 l0,0l-2.2-2.2L19.5,10c-0.2,0.2-0.6,0.2-0.8,0c-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.6,0-0.8l0,0L20.8,7l-2.2-2.2c-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.6,0-0.8 c0.2-0.2,0.6-0.2,0.8,0l0,0l2.2,2.2L23.8,4C24,3.8,24.4,3.8,24.6,4z"/> <path class="ccpa-opt-out-icon--check" d="M12.7,4.1c0.2,0.2,0.3,0.6,0.1,0.8l0,0L8.6,9.8C8.5,9.9,8.4,10,8.3,10c-0.2,0.1-0.5,0.1-0.7-0.1l0,0 L5.4,7.7c-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.6,0-0.8c0.2-0.2,0.6-0.2,0.8,0l0,0L8,8.6l3.8-4.5C12,3.9,12.4,3.9,12.7,4.1z"/> </svg>Privacy Policy</a></li> </ul> <div class="copyright"> © 2007-2024 The Regents of the University of California. 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