The Big Picture | spiritnow stories

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</li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <h1 class="page_title" id="page_title" tabindex="-1">The Big Picture</h1> <p class="page_description">A compilation of photos from around the Conoco­Phillips world</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page_header_mark_wrap"> <svg class="icon icon_line_mark_large"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="full_width_callouts"> <div class="media_gallery_block theme_default"> <div class="fs-row"> <div class="fs-cell"> <div class="js-in-view media_gallery_header"> <h2 class="media_gallery_title">Gallery</h2> </div> <div class="js-carousel js-in-view media_gallery_carousel media_gallery_carousel_inline" data-carousel-options='{"contained": false, "controls": true, "pagination": false}' data-carousel-linked=".media_gallery_carousel"> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of China&#039;s Forbidden City" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Enrico Sacchetti</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">The Forbidden City </h3><p>Beijing&rsquo;s Forbidden City, once the residence of Chinese emperors and their households, served as the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for more than 500 years. From its offices in Beijing and Tanggu, ConocoPhillips China is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production operations in cooperation with Chinese and international partners. ConocoPhillips Business Service Center in Beijing was established in 2014 to support global business units in sourcing materials from Asia and providing shared transactional services. This group contributes to significant savings, primarily for Asia-Pacific projects. | November 2024&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 1 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Houma, Louisiana Field Office employees" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Barry Champagne</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Magnificent carved owl lands in Houma </h3><p>ConocoPhillips Houma, Louisiana Field Office employees &mdash; (from left) Kevin Adams, Gina Fanguy, Mike Aucoin, Ashley Golmon, John Harrington, Kimila Hebert and Shannon Buquet &mdash; display the latest Wood on the Wing &lsquo;Best in Show&rsquo; wildfowl carving, a screech owl by artist Ronnie Zint. ConocoPhillips has sponsored the annual Louisiana Wildfowl Festival since 1979. Through its subsidiary, The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, ConocoPhillips owns approximately 636,000 acres of primarily wetlands in southeast Louisiana, making it the largest private wetlands owner in the state. The Houma Field Office collaborates with public and nonprofit organizations to protect and restore Louisiana&rsquo;s coast. | October 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 2 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Midland company picnic" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">James Durbin, The Oilfield Photographer</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Summer fun in Midland</h3><p>In early September, nearly 1,700 ConocoPhillips employees and their families gathered for a fun-filled day at the Midland company picnic. The event featured a barbecue feast, kid-friendly activities and a live DJ. Attendees also enjoyed an exciting Midland Rockhounds baseball game. As a presenting sponsor of the Rockhounds, a double-A affiliate of the Oakland A&rsquo;s, ConocoPhillips is deeply integrated into the team's branding, marketing and fan entertainment. This partnership supports the growth of professional baseball in West Texas. | September 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 3 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Judy Patrick </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">2023 Sustainability Report now available</h3><p>Researchers conduct environmental field studies on Alaska&rsquo;s North Slope. ConocoPhillips' Sustainability Report includes detailed information on how the company manages nature-related risks and impacts. See the full 2023 report. | August 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 4 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A photo of ConocoPhillips&#039; air shuttle, an Embraer 145XR." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Clint Russell </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Air Shuttle takes off</h3><p>Beginning with its inaugural flight in July, ConocoPhillips operates an air shuttle for employees between five company locations in the U.S. Lower 48. This service provides safe, reliable transportation between Houston, Texas; Midland, Texas; Bartlesville, Oklahoma; Carlsbad, New Mexico; and Williston, North Dakota. The shuttle is an Embraer ERJ145XR, similar to regional jets operated by major carriers, and is based at the ConocoPhillips Global Aviation hangar in Houston. | July 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 5 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Dan Blackson</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Bartlesville from above</h3><p>This drone's-eye view of Bartlesville showcases the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Price Tower in the foreground with ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Plaza Office Building and adjacent Frank Phillips Tower Center in the distance. In 1917, Frank Phillips established the Phillips Petroleum Company with headquarters in Bartlesville. Over the years, the city thrived along with the company, attracting industry vendors and suppliers like Harold C. Price, who commissioned Wright to build the Price Tower as his pipeline company&rsquo;s corporate headquarters. Today, ConocoPhillips has some 900 employees based in Bartlesville, providing valuable Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology functions, supporting the company's global operations. &nbsp;| June 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 6 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Polar Tankers mariner</h3><p>Junior Engineer Stacey Richardson in the maintenance shop aboard the Polar Discovery, anchored in Anacortes, Washington. Polar Tankers Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of ConocoPhillips, operates five Endeavour-class tankers in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System trade, loading crude oil in the Port of Valdez, Alaska, and delivering to terminals on the U.S. West Coast and Hawaii. With a focus on safe, environmentally responsible transportation, Polar Tankers mariners work diligently to maintain vessels to high standards to safely deliver the energy that powers civilization. | May 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 7 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Dennis Nuss </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Port Arthur LNG: A Texas-sized venture</h3><p>ConocoPhillips Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ryan Lance and members of the ConocoPhillips Commercial team participated in a March 15th groundbreaking ceremony to mark the first year of construction for the $13 billion Port Arthur LNG (PALNG) Phase 1 facility. Taking part in the event, hosted by Sempra Infrastructure Partners, are, from left, Lance; Port Arthur JV Director Teresa Wu; Gulf Coast Region Manager, Gas Marketing and Trading Craig Vaughn; Global Projects Chief Khaled Hammoud; Port Arthur Asset Manager Ben Tier; LNG Business Development and Origination Manager Vladimir dela Cruz; Global Gas, Power and Emerging Markets Vice President Tom Mathiasmeier; Global LNG and London Vice President Nick Allen; and North America Gas Marketing and Trading Manager Clint Stockman. ConocoPhillips' decision to participate in both equity and offtake was instrumental to launching PALNG. The project is well positioned to supply U.S. liquefied natural gas to international markets. Learn more about ConocoPhillips&rsquo; LNG initiatives. | April 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 8 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Scott Dalton</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Rodeo Run 2024: Unifying the Houston community</h3><p>2024 Rodeo Run participants and volunteers gather at Eleanor Tinsley Park near downtown Houston for a post-race celebration. Sponsored by ConocoPhillips, the Rodeo Run raises money for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Educational Fund. The Feb. 24 event featured a wheelchair race along with 10K and 5K timed events, making it a memorable day for all involved. &nbsp;| March 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 9 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Queensland Resources Council</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Making her mark at APLNG</h3><p>Project Engineer Rhianna Cardamone looks out over the vast APLNG facility at Curtis Island, Australia. Rhianna is part of a new generation of industry professionals who recognize the importance of delivering reliable and affordable energy to the world in a sustainable way that addresses important social and environmental issues. Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) is a joint venture focused on producing coalbed methane from the Bowen and Surat basins in Queensland, Australia. ConocoPhillips operates the Curtis Island downstream LNG facility and the LNG export sales business. Natural gas is sold to domestic customers, with LNG exported to Unipec (an affiliate of Sinopec), Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. and spot customers. &nbsp;| February 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 10 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Old Town Regensburg, Germany</h3><p>Located on the Danube River in Bavaria, this medieval town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, contains historic structures spanning some two millennia, including ancient Roman, Romanesque and Gothic buildings. Regensburg&rsquo;s architecture &ndash; including the market, city hall and cathedral &ndash; defines the character of the town marked by tall buildings, dark and narrow lanes and strong fortifications. In November 2022, ConocoPhillips and QatarEnergy announced the signing of two agreements to supply long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Germany. The suppliers are joint venture companies established between ConocoPhillips and QatarEnergy to participate in the North Field East (NFE) and North Field South (NFS) projects, and the buyer is a wholly owned subsidiary of ConocoPhillips. First delivery is expected in 2026 to the German LNG Terminal at Brunsb&uuml;ttel.&nbsp;| January 2024</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 11 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">First oil at Bohai Penglai Phase 4B</h3><p>On Oct. 26, the Bohai Penglai Phase 4B project commenced production ahead of schedule. The project, operated by CNOOC Limited, is in south-central Bohai Sea, with an average water depth of approximately 30 meters. The main production facilities include two new wellhead platforms and a total of 130 development wells. It is expected to achieve a peak production of approximately 29,800 barrels of crude oil per day in 2027. ConocoPhillips China holds 49% working interest in this project. | December 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 12 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Enrico Sacchetti, Wormhole Productions</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Angel Court Trading Floor</h3><p>ConocoPhillips Europe Commercial team is based on the 20th floor of London&rsquo;s Angel Court, a new 300,000-square-foot development with panoramic city views. Actively involved in the crude oil, NGL and natural gas markets, the team markets and trades these commodities, including production from Norway. London is also the center for ConocoPhillips&rsquo; global merchant LNG business. In the UK, ConocoPhillips also operates the Teesside Terminal at Seal Sands in Middlesbrough.&nbsp;| November 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 13 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Mauricio Ramirez | LLC</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">China Draw MSO </h3><p>Multi-skill operator (MSO) Tiffany Roberts inspects the China Draw Central Facility 3 in the Delaware Basin in West Texas. MSOs are critical to our mission of safely finding and delivering energy to the world and serve as safety and operational leaders in the field. MSOs are responsible for a wide variety of activities to monitor and improve production across our Lower 48 operations, including inspecting facilities, maintaining pressures and flow on equipment, adjusting controls and executing new facility walk-throughs. &nbsp;| October 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 14 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Salvatore Garza</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Education City Mosque</h3><p>The distinctive architecture of Education City Mosque, part of Qatar&rsquo;s Hamad Bin Khalifa University, offers visitors a place to reflect on knowledge and faith. Unlike any other place in Qatar, Education City is home to branch campuses of some of the world&rsquo;s leading educational institutes, a homegrown research university, start-up incubators, technology parks, heritage sites, cultural institutions and much more. In 2022, QatarEnergy selected ConocoPhillips to participate in the North Field East and the North Field South projects, part of the multi-phase North Field Expansion Project. The addition of these projects reflects the trusted relationship formed over decades between Qatar and ConocoPhillips.&nbsp;| September 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 15 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Dan Blackson</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Marsh terraces for habitat and coastal resilience </h3><p>During a recent visit to the Coastal Wetlands asset in Louisiana, videographer Dan Blackson captured drone images of marsh terrace construction. These artificial ridges are built using local material in shallow, open-water areas and will eventually be covered in vegetation. Once complete, they can provide habitat that supports a variety of aquatic species, ducks and other birds. Terraces reduce wave energy and erosion, helping protect sensitive marsh habitats and, often, flood protection infrastructure such as levees. As the largest private owner of wetlands in Louisiana, ConocoPhillips views conservation as a key priority. For over 10 years, ConocoPhillips employees based in the Houma, Louisiana, office have and continue to work daily with Ducks Unlimited to deliver coastal restoration projects.&nbsp;| August 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 16 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Øyvind Gravås/Woldcam</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Pioneering SPIRIT</h3><p>Earlier this year, the world's largest crane and pipe-laying vessel,&nbsp;<em>Pioneering Spirit</em>, visited Ekofisk to start laying pipeline and a cable for direct electrical heating in the Tommeliten A development that crosses the border in the North Sea to the U.K. sector. ConocoPhillips is the operator for this transboundary field development with subsea tieback to Ekofisk. Start of production is planned for 2024. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; history in Norway began in the early 1960s, when the company was awarded its first production licenses. A successful discovery in 1969 led to the commissioning of Ekofisk, the first commercial oil field in the Norwegian sector.&nbsp;| July 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 17 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Canada cleanup</h3><p>ConocoPhillips Canada (CPC) staff and their families &ndash; and at least one four-legged friend &ndash; volunteer at the City of Calgary&rsquo;s Pathway and River Cleanup on May 5, 2023, in Calgary, Alberta, as they have since 2017. Coincidentally, their Fort St. John colleagues stepped up on the same day to participate in Pitch-In Week, an event to clean parks and roadways in Fort St. John, British Columbia. CPC staff at the Surmont development in northeast Alberta took part in a site cleanup on June 17. CPC staff volunteer their time to several organizations in the communities where they live and work, including serving meals to unhoused community members at the Calgary Drop-In Centre, recognizing healthcare workers in Fort St. John, and spending time with students from Bill Woodward School in Anzac, Alberta.</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 18 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Aurora Borealis in the Bakken</h3><p>Bakken Operations Superintendent Matt Hamm used his iPhone to capture this image of the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis over a pump jack at the edge of the Abercrombie 44-12H location in McKenzie County North Dakota. The Bakken trend is a sequence of liquids-rich sand and shale layers in the Williston Basin, stretching across western North Dakota and into Canada. Nature&rsquo;s most spectacular light show can be seen regularly in the region where ConocoPhillips has approximately 560,000 net acres focused on unconventional tight-oil play development and production in the most prolific portion of the basin. The company is continuously improving operational and capital efficiencies using multi-well pad drilling, completion optimization, facility design changes and data analytics. Multi-well pad drilling has significantly reduced the overall environmental footprint. | May 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 19 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Michael Starghill </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Riding to make a difference</h3><p>Each spring, ConocoPhillips employees step up to fight multiple sclerosis during the Bike MS: Texas MS 150 bike ride, a cycling event that raises awareness and money for research to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. This year, 72 riders for Team ConocoPhillips will participate in the 2023 Bike MS: Texas MS 150, a 150-mile ride that will start in Houston on April 29 and finish in College Station on April 30. In this photo, Team ConocoPhillips members, from left to right, Chad Traxler, Bob Heinrich, Carmilo Brockman, Will Carlisle, Marcus Fonseka and Andy Flowers ride through the scenic Texas countryside during the 2022 event. | April 2023&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 20 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Garth Hannum</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">20 years at Penglai</h3><p>ConocoPhillips China and Peng Bo Operating Company recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Penglai Oilfield in Bohai Bay. Pictured here, Peng Bo, one of the world&rsquo;s largest FPSOs, has played an essential role in the Penglai development since 2009. The Penglai 19-3 discovery well was drilled in 1999. Following successful appraisal, the field is being developed in phases, with first production from Phase 1 in 2002 and most recent production from Phase 4 in 2021. Additional appraisal drilling and development studies are underway to further assess future Bohai Bay development opportunities. | March 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 21 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Michael Noble Jr.</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Remembering the legacy</h3><p>Members of the ConocoPhillips Black Employee Network (BEN) from the company&rsquo;s offices in Bartlesville, Okla., march in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade in Tulsa. BEN is one of a dozen employee network groups active in various company locations around the world. The groups foster a diverse workforce and create an inclusive environment of mutual respect, trust and understanding. They also connect colleagues from different business units and functions and provide opportunities for personal and professional development, networking, community involvement and supporting ConocoPhillips' recruiting activities. | February 2023&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 22 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Marcia Levetown</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Singapore Supertrees</h3><p>The 18 world-renowned Supertrees of Singapore stretch their colorful branches gracefully over the landscape, reaching 82-164' in the air. These glowing giants, filled with a variety of color-coordinated tropical plants, also collect solar energy, ventilate, self-water, moderate the temperature and shelter visitors. At night, musically coordinated seasonal light shows delight onlookers. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Singapore office serves as its Asia Pacific and Middle East (APME) commercial marketing hub, with the office also providing functional support to business units throughout the region in areas such as medical, business development, security, legal, supply chain, marine, finance and human resources. ConocoPhillips also services its Polar Tankers in a Singapore shipyard. | January 2023</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 23 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Happy Holidays from ConocoPhillips</h3><p>Congratulations to AV Lead Troy McLaughlin for this final winning image of the 2022 Big Picture Photo Contest. One year ago, Troy captured the company&rsquo;s Houston headquarters campus lit up for the holidays. Immediately before and after Thanksgiving each year, ConocoPhillips Real Estate &amp; Facility Services employees install 130 outdoor decorations, 150,000 lights on 32,430 linear feet of strands and 200 Christmas trees around the two connected buildings &ndash; SPIRIT ONE and SPIRIT TWO. The lights at the top of both buildings can be programmed to display multiple colors and have been used to commemorate Juneteenth, Pride Month, Support for Ukraine and the Houston Astros World Series victory.&nbsp; | December 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 24 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Dappled light on the bayou</h3><p>On a visit to ConocoPhillips&rsquo; field site in Houma, Louisiana to oversee new gym equipment installation, Wellness Services Associate Ray Castro captured this photo of Spanish moss-laden oak trees on the property between the main office building and the historical onsite lodging building. ConocoPhillips owns approximately 636,000 acres of predominantly wetlands in southeast Louisiana, making the company the largest private wetlands owner in Louisiana. The company has a longstanding record of collaboration with public and nonprofit entities on projects designed to protect and restore Louisiana&rsquo;s coast. | November 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 25 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The October Big Picture is an image Artificial Lift Specialist Armando Marrufo submitted several photos like this one of a dust storm sweeping through the Lusk field in the Northern Delaware Basin. The basin is a key part of ConocoPhillips Permian operation, spanning West Texas through Southeast New Mexico, ConocoPhillips holds approximately 709,000 total net acres in the Delaware Basin, which includes approximately 654,000 unconventional net acres" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Dust into the Lusk</h3><p>Artificial Lift Specialist Armando Marrufo submitted several photos like this one of a dust storm sweeping through the Lusk field in the Northern Delaware Basin. The basin is a key part of ConocoPhillips' Permian operation, spanning West Texas through Southeast New Mexico. ConocoPhillips holds approximately 709,000 total net acres in the Delaware Basin, which includes approximately 654,000 unconventional net acres | October 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 26 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Sunrise after the storm</h3><p>CDR3 contractor Chase Erdman captured this image of Kuparuk North Slope operations after a Phase 3 weather event. During such storms wind-blown snow impacts visibility and driving conditions, making it unsafe for normal activities. Instead, the focus is on keeping crews safe and facilities online with no unnecessary risk to personnel. The Greater Kuparuk Area encompasses the Kuparuk Field and four satellite fields. One of the largest onshore producing fields in the United States, Kuparuk includes three central production facilities and a seawater treatment plant. | September 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 27 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Molecular sieve dryers</h3><p>Four vessels at Australia Pacific Liquid Natural Gas (APLNG) on Curtis Island, Australia are filled with a special material that traps water at the molecular level, removing any last traces of water from the feed gas so it doesn&rsquo;t freeze when it goes into the liquefaction section where temperatures drop to minus 160C (- 256F). The dryers provide a continuous flow of dry feed gas to the liquefaction section, by cycling through adsorption and regeneration modes in sequence.&nbsp;In any 48-hour period, each dryer is in adsorption mode for 36 hours followed by regeneration mode for 12 hours before being returned to adsorption mode. The August winning photo was taken by Training &amp; Competency Supervisor Carl Gibson. | August 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 28 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Contractor Shane Sipe captured this winning sunset image at the Montney C-11-K Central Processing Facility in northeastern British Columbia. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Montney at dusk</h3><p>Contractor Shane Sipe captured this winning sunset image at the Montney C-11-K Central Processing Facility in northeastern British Columbia. Exploration and appraisal activities at this unconventional resource play began in 2009. At year-end 2021, ConocoPhillips held approximately 300,000 acres of land with 100% working interest within the liquids-rich Montney sweet spot. | July 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 29 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips volunteers working on a Habitat for Humanity home." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Lisa Cobena, Senior Land Technician</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Building homes and teams</h3><p>In October 2021, volunteers from ConocoPhillips Lower 48 Gulf Coast &amp; Rockies business unit (BU) participated in a Habitat for Humanity building project in Northeast Houston. This teambuilding and community engagement event involved the use of nail guns, saws and hammers to help build strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity uses donations to purchase acreage or lots in current subdivisions. The Lower 48 Gulf Coast Rockies BU includes the liquids-rich Eagle Ford and Bakken trends as well as operations in Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and the Gulf of Mexico.&nbsp; | June 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 30 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips employees practice yoga atop SPIRIT ONE parking garage. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Yoga on the roof</h3><p>Wellness Services Associate Ray Castro captured this image of a special yoga session for new hires conducted atop the ConocoPhillips Center SPIRIT ONE parking garage. Wellness Services plays an important role in the health and wellness of all ConocoPhillips employees, providing state-of-the-art workout facilities, group exercise classes and fitness testing. Departments and business units can request special team-building events, including outdoor spin class, yoga sessions, table tennis tournaments, or fun competitive fitness challenges. | May 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 31 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Removing old offshore structures at the Ekofisk oil field in Norway." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Still making history at Ekofisk</h3><p>Old structures at the Ekofisk oil field are removed in this photo submitted by ConocoPhillips Norway Electronic Controls Technician Rolf Christian Soenderland. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; history in Norway began in the early 1960s. A successful discovery in 1969 led to the commissioning of Ekofisk, the first commercial oil field in the Norwegian sector. Located approximately 200 miles offshore Stavanger, Norway, Ekofisk is comprised of four producing fields: Ekofisk, Eldfisk, Embla and Tor. Crude oil is exported to Teesside, England, and natural gas is exported to Emden, Germany. | April 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 32 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips’ 52nd floor Petronas Twin Towers office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">A view from above in Kuala Lumpur</h3><p>Information Technology Analyst Clement Hoh stayed at work late to get this stunning night view from ConocoPhillips&rsquo; 52nd floor Petronas Twin Towers office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's official definition and ranking, the twin towers, affectionately known as KLCC, were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 when they were surpassed by Taipei 101. ConocoPhillips has varying stages of exploration, development and production activities across 1.5 million net acres in Malaysia, with working interests in five PSCs. | March 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 33 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A rainbow glows over a workover rig in North Dakota." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Rainbow over North Dakota</h3><p>A beautiful Fall shower had just passed, and the sun had started to rise, creating the perfect conditions for the second winning entry in the 2022 Big Picture Photo Contest. Bakken Well Intervention Contractor John Bren captured this complete rainbow over a workover rig in North Dakota, part of the Bakken Trend, a sequence of liquidsrich sand and shale layers in the Williston Basin. | February 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 34 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Aircraft on a frozen lake in the Willow staging area for work supporting Greater Mooses Tooth." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Lake Landing</h3><p>North Slope Maintenance Technician Brian Nelson submitted the first winning entry to the 2022 Big Picture Photo Contest. His black and white photo captures aircraft and crew on a frozen lake in the Willow staging area for work supporting Greater Mooses Tooth. The Greater Mooses Tooth (GMT) Unit, the first unit established entirely within the NPR-A, was formed in 2008. In 2017, the company began construction in the unit with two drill sites, GMT1 and GMT2. GMT1, the North Slope&rsquo;s westernmost producing field, achieved first production in 2018. It is connected to the CD5 processing facilities by gravel roads and pipelines. In early December, the GMT2 facilities began flowing oil into the GMT2 pipeline. At its peak, GMT2 is forecast to produce ~ 30,000 BOPD. | January 2022</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 35 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips&#039; Polar Enterprise at Singapore shipyard." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Andrew McIsaac, Engineering Superintendent &amp; Project Lead, Enterprise shipyard</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Socially distanced crew</h3><p>Polar Tankers completed two shipyard projects in Singapore during 2021. Due to local COVID-19 protocols, the ships&rsquo; crewmembers had to stay aboard for some 80 days during the required dry dock maintenance and could not go down the gangway until they were heading home. The typical team photo of the crew and shipyard team could not be taken. Instead, for this year&rsquo;s photo, the Polar Enterprise crew stayed on the ship. Both the Polar Enterprise and the Polar Discovery shipyard projects were completed in 2021 thanks to amazing efforts of all involved. | December 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 36 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Children playing at Light and Love School supported by ConocoPhillips China." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">ZHOU Kun, courtesy of ConocoPhillips China</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Light and love in China</h3><p>&nbsp;2021 marks ConocoPhillips China's (COPC) 15th year of commitment to Light and Love School whose mission is to provide equal access to education for underprivileged children. The school&rsquo;s focus on academic and cognitive development focuses on helping the children realize their dreams and build brighter futures. Earlier in 2021, COPC leadership paid a special visit to the school&rsquo;s Jinzhai campus in Anhui Province, 650 miles from Beijing, where more than 150 children receive junior high school education. After announcing new donations, the leadership team played interactive games and shared stories with their new student friends. | November 2021</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 37 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A rainbow over ConocoPhillips operations in the Delaware Basin." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Rainbow at Sunrise</h3><p>I&amp;E Technician Steve Miller recently captured this image of a rainbow over operations in southeast New Mexico&rsquo;s Delaware Basin. A subset of the broader Permian Basin, the Delaware Basin stretches from West Texas to southeast New Mexico.&nbsp;ConocoPhillips and its heritage companies have operated in New Mexico for almost 100 years. | October 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 38 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips London Commercial team returns to office after pandemic." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">London workers return </h3><p>After more than 18 months of working from home, workers in the City of London, including the ConocoPhillips London Commercial team, are gradually returning to their offices. During the height of the pandemic, travel to the Angel Court office in the heart of London was severely impacted by the lockdown. Primarily a trading office, it was essential that the crude oil, NGL&rsquo;s and gas continued to be marketed. Using a combination of company laptops, virtual desktops and Citrix sessions, disruption to business was kept to a minimum. Now, returning staff are seated in a socially distanced format, additional cleaning protocols and COVID controls including temperature checks on entry to the building, elevator capacity restrictions and a mask-wearing culture are in place. While the London Team is back in Angel Court, the city of London has still not returned to its former buzzing self. Many of the businesses in the London square mile have moved to flexible working arrangements and offices are still largely empty. Shops have not all reopened and public transport is still not at capacity. The pandemic has led to a very different way of life for Londoners that our team members observe every day as they commute into Angel Court. | September 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 39 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Australia employees and their families at the Curtis Island Beach Clean in 2021." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Madeline Giacomini, Senior Operations Administrator </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">A clean sweep Down Under</h3><p>In May 2021, ConocoPhillips Australia employees and their families joined &lsquo;Reef Clean&rsquo; to clean up some 200 pounds of rubbish including plastics, rope and glass as part of the Curtis Island Beach Clean. Curtis Island is located five miles off the coast of Gladstone, Queensland and situated in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Home to Queensland&rsquo;s three LNG facilities, it is one of the busiest ports in Australia. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; joint venture with Origin Energy and Sinopec&mdash; Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) &mdash; produces LNG from coalbed methane basins in Queensland. ConocoPhillips operates the Curtis Island downstream LNG facility as well as the LNG export sales business. Natural gas is sold to domestic customers, with LNG exported to Sinopec, Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. and spot customers. | August 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 40 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Celebrating Pride Month on the Eldfisk 2/7 S platform in the Norwegian North Sea." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Celebrating Pride Month</h3><p>During the month of June, ConocoPhillips employees around the world demonstrated their commitment to diversity and inclusion and showed support for the company&rsquo;s LGBTQ+ community by displaying the rainbow flag. This example taken by Eldfisk Crane Operator Joachim Warhaug Hanstad at the Eldfisk 2/7 S platform in the Norwegian North Sea includes (from left) Contractor Monica Myklebust, Radio Administrative Assistant Jesper Nielsen, Material Coordinator Anneli Mero, Logistics Supervisor Kim Stian Kolnes and Offshore Installation Manager Randi Op&oslash;yen. One of the core principles of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; commitment is making sure everyone in the workforce feels safe, supported and comfortable bringing their true selves to work. | July 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 41 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Comet NEOWISE over Lost Cabin Gas Plant in Wyoming." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Comet over Lost Cabin</h3><p>On July 15, 2020, Senior Facility Engineer Scott Cragoe took this picture of the comet NEOWISE, the brightest comet in the northern hemisphere since Comet Hale&ndash;Bopp in 1997. Scott captured the 15-second exposure with a Nikon Z7 camera, 20mm lens and ISO-2500 film from Bad Water Road at the Lost Cabin Gas Plant Personnel Camp in Lysite, Wyoming. Operated and 60% owned by ConocoPhillips, Lost Cabin has approximately 246 MMCFD of natural gas processing capacity and serves the Madden Field in the Wind River Basin. | June 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 42 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Slug catcher arrives at Alpine in Alaska." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Judy Patrick</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Slug catcher arrives at Alpine</h3><p>Last year, a barge from Vancouver, Washington, arrived at the Oliktok Dock in the Beaufort Sea and offloaded the first-ever slug catcher for ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Alaska business unit. After an early-morning crane lift, the vessel was placed in a staging area near the dock, insulated and prepped, for a final transport to Alpine across the resupply ice road. Slugs are surges of higher liquid or higher gas flowrates from wells entering a facility. The slug catcher provides a large volume of space at the front end of the facility that can absorb temporary spikes in liquid/gas flowrates. The 80-foot long, 16-foot-in-diameter vessel allows for large fluctuations.&nbsp; | May 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 43 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Sunrise over Houston from SPIRIT ONE." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Sunrise over Houston</h3><p>Engineering Advisor James Cameron captured this image of the sun rising over Houston&rsquo;s skyline from the 15th floor of ConocoPhillips Center SPIRIT One building. The company headquarters is home to more than 1,500 employees and contractors in two connected high-rise buildings named SPIRIT One and SPIRIT Two, referring to the company&rsquo;s SPIRIT Values acronym &ndash; Safety, People, Integrity, Responsibility, Innovation and Teamwork. Since Sept. 28, 2020, the center has been fully reopened under rigorous COVID-19 mitigation protocols to ensure the health and safety of all colleagues. These protocols include screening questions and temperature checks; reduced capacity in conference rooms, elevators and cafeterias; strict social distancing practices; and mandatory face covering requirements when social distancing is not possible. | April 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 44 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Smithsonian researchers fit a common nighthawk with a GPS transmitter." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Where do the nighthawks go?</h3><p>ConocoPhillips supports the Smithsonian Institution initiative to collect connectivity data for bird species that follow a migratory flyway through the company&rsquo;s areas of operation. A recent study has created a comprehensive picture of the 10,000-kilometer migratory route of common nighthawks using GPS data. The project included researchers from the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, University of Alberta and Environment and Climate Change Canada in a massive collaboration across 13 North American locations. Researchers fitted common nighthawks with small backpacks equipped with GPS transmitters to&nbsp; complete a picture of common nighthawk migratory connectivity, which is the degree to which birds from separate populations stick together during their migrations. &nbsp;In this photo, a common nighthawk is shown pre-release with a GPS transmitter. Watch the Smithsonian&rsquo;s Common Nighthawk Migration Animation. | March 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 45 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Global Aviation Alaska transitioned to turboprop Bombardier Q400 aircraft." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Glenn Aronwits, GA Panorams</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Alaska’s soaring SPIRIT</h3><p>Global Aviation Alaska transitioned its fleet to new turboprop Bombardier Q400 aircraft last summer, marking the most significant change since the organization&rsquo;s inception in 1984. The new fleet, including the SPIRIT of Innovation, SPIRIT of Alpine and SPIRIT of Kuparuk, means more direct flights and shorter wait times for travelers to ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Alaska assets. The Q400 fleet made its inaugural flight in June 2020. The SPIRIT of Innovation made the first U.S. gravel landing on October 5; and the SPIRIT of Alpine made the first direct flight with passengers to Alpine on November 17. The new direct Q400 flights increase productivity, and significantly reduce intra-field flights and emissions.&nbsp; |&nbsp; February 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 46 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Live Oak over Eagle Ford in South Texas where ConocoPhillips operates." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Live Oak over Eagle Ford</h3><p>An iconic Live Oak tree in the town of Kenedy, Texas home of the company&rsquo;s Eagle Ford headquarters. The liquids-rich Eagle Ford tight oil trend, located in the Western Gulf Coast Basin of South Texas, represents the company&rsquo;s most prolific unconventional resource development. ConocoPhillips was one of the first companies into the liquids play, resulting in a low-cost entry into this acreage. In 2009, the company began exploring the development potential of this play and by year-end 2019 held approximately 201,000 net leasehold and mineral acres, primarily in DeWitt, Karnes and Live Oak counties.&nbsp; | January 2021</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 47 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Crude tanker Polar Resolution heads outbound from Prince William Sound. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Bathed in sunlight</h3><p>The loaded crude tanker Polar Resolution heads outbound Prince William Sound under escort by two 12,336 h.p. Edison Chouest tugs. Polar Tanker, a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips, operates five tankers to deliver North Slope oil to the West Coast. Polar operations rely on many people coming and going from the ships, including crewmembers, navigational pilots, gaugers, terminal employees, regulators, auditors, and service providers. During a challenging 2020, Polar Tankers put COVID-19 policies in place to protect employees and mitigate risks.&nbsp;This work and the commitment of Polar employees enabled continued operations with minimal delays. | December 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 48 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Drilling Supervisor Lloyd Shirley and Contractor Greg Rivera monitor the Roulette 3H well pad." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Shining bright in the Permian</h3><p>Before sunrise during recent drilling operations in the Permian Delaware Basin, Drilling Supervisor Lloyd Shirley and Contractor Greg Rivera monitor the Roulette 3H well pad. Roulette is a six-well pad in the China Draw prospect area 12 miles north of Orla, Texas. The Permian Basin in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico is a prime example of leveraging one of the company&rsquo;s large legacy positions, using new technology and new ideas to test liquids-rich conventional and unconventional plays. | November 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 49 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Staying safe during COVID-19 at ConocoPhillips’ Surmont oil sands in Alberta, Canada." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Sarah Murdoch, Modern Photography</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Surmont stays safe</h3><p>When COVID-19 ground to a halt all non-essential work at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Surmont oil sands joint venture in northeastern Alberta, Canada, the team went back to the drawing board to replan the 2020 work program. By staggering work and using a smaller pool of workers to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the team navigated a complex outage at one of the two central processing facilities while executing the condensed work program safely and deliberately. | October 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 50 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips employee volunteers pack food bags at the Houston Food Bank during the 2018 United Way ‘Day of Caring.’" width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Hall Puckett</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Caring days</h3><p>ConocoPhillips employee volunteers pack food bags at the Houston Food Bank during the 2018 United Way &lsquo;Day of Caring.&rsquo; Employees throughout the United States participate in these community events in addition to donating more than $2 million annually to the cause. For this year&rsquo;s campaign, Day of Caring has transitioned from in-person to virtual volunteer opportunities. Virtual volunteers give back to the community while practicing social distancing. ConocoPhillips will donate $100 to United Way of Greater Houston for every volunteer opportunity an employee participates in, up to $500 per person. | September 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 51 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Construction of a Propane Storage Unit at ConocoPhillips’ Teesside plant in the U.K. restarted after COVID-19." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Teesside restart</h3><p>After suspension in April due to the COVID-19 pandemic, construction of a new Propane Storage Unit at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Teesside plant in the U.K. restarted in June. Completed in 1975, Teesside is a crude oil reception, processing, storage and transshipment installation. Crude oil and NGLs from the Greater Ekofisk and Valhall areas in Norway are delivered to Teesside. | August 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 52 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Lights for LGBTQ+ rights at SPIRIT ONE in Houston." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Wes Clanton</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Lights for LGBTQ+ rights</h3><p>In June, ConocoPhillips made a public statement of support for LGBTQ+ rights by lighting up its Houston headquarters and raising the Pride Flag for the first time at both its Houston and Bartlesville campuses. The U.S. Supreme Court took an important step in the country&rsquo;s long journey toward LGBTQ+ equality, ruling that the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits sex discrimination, applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. ConocoPhillips&rsquo;s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, but until this ruling many other employers were free to discriminate on those bases. This long-sought decision extends the employment protections of the Civil Rights Act to millions of LGBTQ+ people.&nbsp; | July 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 53 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Australia establishes Veterans and Ex-Military Employee Network. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Australia honors those who served</h3><p>In April on the eve of Anzac Day, a national day of remembrance commemorating servicemen and women in Australia and New Zealand, ConocoPhillips Australia established the Veterans and Ex-Military Employee Network. Open to all employees and contractors, the new network recognizes and celebrates current and former service members. It also provides opportunities for employees to volunteer and fundraise in support of local communities; supports Veteran not-for-profit organizations; and creates employment pathways for returned servicemen and women. Shown here: ConocoPhillips Australia Operations Superintendent Chris Wille, a former aircraft maintenance engineer in the Royal Australian Air Force. | June 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 54 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Forbidden City palace complex in central Beijing re‑opens after COVID-19." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Re-opening the city</h3><p>After more than three months of closure due to strict social distancing to stop the spread of COVID‑19, the Forbidden City palace complex in central Beijing re‑opened to the public signaling that China&rsquo;s capital city has brought the pandemic under control and is resuming business activities. During the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, ConocoPhillips China donated more than $300,000 USD to procure life-saving medical supplies and support front-line medical personnel in Wuhan, the outbreak epicenter. ConocoPhillips is co‑venturer with operator CNOOC on Block 11/05 in the Bohai Sea, containing the Penglai 19‑3, 19‑9 and 25‑6 oil fields. These fields feature large offshore platforms, each averaging more than 50 wells that have benefited from extensive standardization of design. | May 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 55 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Norway is taking steps to protect offshore personnel during COVID-19 pandemic." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Garth Hannum</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Social distancing in flight</h3><p>In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ConocoPhillips Norway is taking steps to protect offshore personnel, including social distancing and increased cleaning measures at the Sola Heliport. The number of personnel allowed on each flight has been reduced to 12. Offshore travelers are pre-screened before each flight to determine potential COVID-19 contact and symptoms. Staff frequently clean all heliport contact surfaces, including door handles, cash points and check-in terminals. Disposable gloves and antibacterial liquids are readily available. Security guards remind people to maintain social distance, and the number of chairs in the waiting area has been reduced to keep travelers six feet apart.&nbsp; | April 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 56 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A palm oil plantation in the Colombian countryside." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Keeping it green in Colombia</h3><p>A verdant palm oil plantation in the Colombian countryside sits in the shadow of the majestic Sierra de Perij&aacute; mountain range. ConocoPhillips Colombian team recently visited more than 200 kids, teenagers and adults from nearby San Martin municipality with the aim of sharing information to protect and conserve the ecology of the zone. Through recreational activities kids and teenagers learned new environmental conservation concepts, data of regional fauna and vegetation, and mechanisms of social participation for the communities. The regional ecological knowledge presented during these activities was acquired by ConocoPhillips Colombia through environmental impact studies for projects located in the area. | March 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 57 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Indonesia’s National Monument in Jakarta’s Merdeka Square." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">A Monumental Achievement</h3><p>In Jakarta&rsquo;s Merdeka Square stands Indonesia&rsquo;s National Monument. The obelisk is 137 meters tall and is topped with a 14.5-meter bronze flame coated with 32 kilograms of gold leaf. The structure houses the nation&rsquo;s first red-and-white flag, flown at the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945. ConocoPhillips has had a presence in Indonesia for more than 45 years. The company currently operates three onshore blocks, the Corridor Block PSC and the South Jambi &lsquo;B&rsquo; PSC, both in South Sumatra, and the Kualakurun PSC in Central Kalimantan. | February 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 58 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Wooden sailing vessels known as dhows in Qatar, where ConocoPhillips has partnered with Qatar Petroleum to develop Qatargas 3." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Martin Vargas</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Qatar past and present</h3><p class="p1">Against the ultramodern skyline of Doha, traditional wooden sailing vessels known as dhows are moored along the Corniche, the city&rsquo;s Arabian Gulf shoreline. Before the discovery of oil and gas transformed the nation into a modern economic powerhouse, Qatar had a long maritime tradition. Dhows were used for fishing, trading and pearl diving, then one of Qatar&rsquo;s main industries. Since 2003, ConocoPhillips has partnered with Qatar Petroleum to develop Qatargas 3, a large-scale LNG project in Ras Laffan Industrial City. In 2010 the company launched the Global Water Sustainability Center, a team of experts dedicated to developing innovative solutions for treating and recycling byproduct water from oil and gas operations. | January 2020</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 59 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Bartlesville, Oklahoma is home to approximately 1,000 ConocoPhillips employees. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Doing fine in Oklahoma</h3><p>Bartlesville, Oklahoma is home to approximately 1,000 ConocoPhillips employees. Most work on the downtown campus featuring (from left) the Frank Phillips Tower Center, Caf&eacute; on the Plaza and the Plaza Office Building. Founded by brothers Frank and L.E. Phillips in 1917, Phillips Petroleum Company was headquartered in Bartlesville until 2002, when Phillips and Conoco merged to create ConocoPhillips and the headquarters was relocated to Houston. | December 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 60 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Sunrise over a drilling rig in the Eagle Ford in South Texas." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Sunrise over South Texas</h3><p>The sun rises over a drilling rig in the Eagle Ford shale. Since 2009, ConocoPhillips has built the Eagle Ford into a legacy asset with production expected for years to come. The current focus is on full-field development, using customized spacing and stacking patterns adapted through reservoir understanding. | November 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 61 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A newly completed Montney central processing facility in northeast British Columbia, Canada." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Salvador Garza</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Rocky Mountain high</h3><p>A dramatic skyscape over the Rocky Mountains forms the backdrop for the newly completed Montney central processing facility in northeast British Columbia, Canada. On July 26, 2019 the Montney project completed 131 days of fracking the nearby 13-22 well pad, the largest unconventional pad for ConocoPhillips worldwide.&nbsp; | October 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 62 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A drone shot of ConocoPhillips’ new main campus, SPIRIT ONE." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">The icing on the cake</h3><p>This overhead drone shot shows part of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; new main campus, recently branded with signage visible from miles away. SPIRIT ONE is 22 floors high and home to many of the company&rsquo;s functional departments; SPIRIT TWO is 21 floors and home to primarily the Lower 48 business unit. Both buildings are LEED certified for environmental sustainability. ConocoPhillips Center is located in Houston&rsquo;s Energy Corridor. | Drone photography by Dan Blackson | September 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 63 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Carlsbad Caverns National Park is near ConocoPhillips’ Permian Basin oil and gas assets." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Subsurface treasures</h3><p>The desert region of southeastern New Mexico is home to part of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Permian Basin oil and gas assets, as well as the recently opened field office in Loving, New Mexico. Near Loving lies Carlsbad Caverns National Park, home to more than 100 limestone caves in a fossil reef laid down by an inland sea about 265 million years ago. With 8.2 acres of floor area, the Big Room in Carlsbad Caverns is the largest cave chamber in North America. The park was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1995, confirming the worldwide significance of its spectacular natural resources. | August 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 64 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The moon rises behind Doyon Rig 141 at Tinmiaq 15, ConocoPhillips Alaska’s first appraisal well of the 2019 winter season." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Judy Patrick</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Willow moon</h3><p>The moon rises behind Doyon Rig 141 at Tinmiaq 15, ConocoPhillips Alaska&rsquo;s first appraisal well of the 2019 winter season. Tinmiaq is part of the company&rsquo;s Willow development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. | July 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 65 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of the ConocoPhillips Global Security Operations Center in Houston." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Global Security Operations Center</h3><p>Behind a nondescript door in ConocoPhillips corporate center reside two tiers of sophisticated computer equipment, a wall of screens displaying an array of feeds, and a team of individuals committed to keeping the ConocoPhillips world safe. This 24/7 technology center monitors nearly 400 sites around the globe, more than 50,000 annual travel events and more than 18 enterprise security systems. The Global Security team focuses on impacts to the company globally with an emphasis on protecting people over assets. | June 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 66 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A pond filled with recycling produced water at China Draw in the arid Permian Basin. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Conserving a precious resource</h3><p class="p1">A new system for treating and recycling produced water at China Draw in the arid Permian Basin is saving ConocoPhillips millions of dollars. More important, it preserves fresh water for humans and animals. The treated produced water is stored in these two pits, with a combined storage capacity of 1.5 million barrels, for use in the hydraulic fracturing of future wells. | May 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 67 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The Malikai tension-leg platform located in Block G off the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Offshore Malaysia: A bird&#039;s eye view</h3><p>ConocoPhillips is a coventurer in the Malikai tension-leg platform located in Block G off the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah. The Malikai-1 exploration well was drilled in 2004, resulting in an oil discovery. First production from the field was achieved in 2016, and the field reached peak production in 2018. The KMU-1 exploration well was completed in early 2018 and started producing via the Malikai platform in mid-2018. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; involvement in Malaysia began in 2000. The company currently holds 2.2 million net acres in the country across six blocks in varying stages of exploration, development and production.&ensp;|&ensp;April 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 68 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A night-time photo of well pad 261-3 at ConocoPhillips’ Surmont oil sands joint venture in northeastern Alberta, Canada. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Surmont at night </h3><p class="p1">Well Pad Panel Operator Ryan Balaski used his smartphone to take this night-time photo of well pad 261-3 at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Surmont oil sands joint venture in northeastern Alberta, Canada.&ensp;|&ensp;March 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 69 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of the ConocoPhillips Commercial trade floor in Houston." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Gus Morgan</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Commercial’s mega move</h3><p>The new home of ConocoPhillips Commercial, a high-tech space with a mission control vibe, is a hub for more than 230 traders, marketers, schedulers, analysts, risk management personnel, compliance personnel, accountants and others &mdash; all working together in a synchronized frenzy. These employees provide a daily interface to the company&rsquo;s field offices as well as transportation, pipeline and trucking companies. Getting the Commercial group comfortably settled into its new digs on the 20th floor of 925 N. Eldridge Parkway &mdash; safely and without any business interruption &mdash; took two years of planning, a complex strategy and the full team&rsquo;s commitment to machine-like precision. | February 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 70 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips’ M. Gohlke A2-A7 six-wellhead pad in southwest Texas’ Eagle Ford shale." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Salvador Garza</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Oil patch zipper</h3><p>At ConocoPhillips&rsquo; M. Gohlke A2-A7 six-wellhead pad in southwest Texas&rsquo; Eagle Ford shale, operators conduct a zipper frack. Developed by professors at Texas Tech University, the technique involves drilling two wells side by side and, once both wells are completed, fracking them simultaneously. ConocoPhillips is a proponent of zipper fracking because it reduces downtime, increases efficiencies and maximizes production volume. |&ensp;January 2019</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 71 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of ConocoPhillips Grissik Gas Plant through the lush foliage of South Sumatra, Indonesia. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Tropical glimpse</h3><p>A view of ConocoPhillips Grissik Gas Plant through the lush foliage of South Sumatra, Indonesia. The Grissik team was honored in 2017 with the CSR of Health, an annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) recognition sponsored by Indonesia&rsquo;s Ministry of Health. ConocoPhillips holds a 54 percent interest in the Corridor Block PSC located in South Sumatra, consisting of five oil fields and seven natural gas fields. Natural gas produced through the block is sold through long-term contracts to the Indonesian and Singapore markets. &ensp;|&ensp;December 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 72 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips China (COPC) and CNOOC staff jointly witnessed the first oil on the WHP-V Platform for the Bohai Phase 3 project." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Bohai milestone</h3><p>On August 27, 2018, ConocoPhillips China (COPC) and CNOOC staff jointly witnessed the first oil on the WHP-V Platform, an important milestone for the Bohai Phase 3 project. Comprised of three wellhead platforms, three drilling-completion-workover rigs, one central processing platform, 186 new wells and 49 sidetracks, the project was sanctioned in December 2015 by ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Board of Directors and is expected to deliver peak production by 2022. COPC and CNOOC have engaged in longstanding cooperation regarding the Bohai Peng Lai Field since the 1990s. Since the operatorship transferred to CNOOC in 2014, COPC has continued to provide project management and multidisciplinary technical support. | November 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 73 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="At Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay, a grove of Supertrees frames the iconic Marina Bay Sands, a luxury resort on the city’s Marina Bay. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Patrick Currey</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Singapore lights up the night</h3><p>At Singapore&rsquo;s Gardens by the Bay, a grove of Supertrees frames the iconic Marina Bay Sands, a luxury resort on the city&rsquo;s Marina Bay. Gardens by the Bay features a wide range of plant species and garden design and reflects the work of a team of professionals committed to the greening of Singapore. Owned by the Las Vegas Sands corporation, when Marina Bay Sands opened in 2010, it was billed as the world&rsquo;s most expensive standalone casino property. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Singapore office serves as the company&rsquo;s Asia Pacific and Middle East commercial and trading hub and provides functional support to business units throughout the region.&ensp;| October 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 74 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of ConocoPhillips&#039; old campus in Houston, Texas. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Dale Doherty</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Hail and farewell</h3><p>A look at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; past and future. In the foreground, the company&rsquo;s corporate headquarters for 34 years, located at 600 North Dairy Ashford Road in Houston, Texas. This month, the company begins moving employees into nearby Energy Center 4 (center back), a modern high rise located at the intersection of Eldridge Parkway and Interstate 10. The Dairy Ashford campus was constructed in 1984 and served as the headquarters of Conoco until the merger with Phillips in 2002. | September 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 75 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A drilling rig operates in the liquids-rich Montney play in Canada." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Sarah Murdoch, Modern Photography</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Montney momentum</h3><p>In remote northeast British Columbia, Canada, a drilling rig operates in the liquids-rich Montney play. In 2018, ConocoPhillips will drill 14 wells and is breaking ground on a gas plant and water hub.&ensp;|&ensp;August 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 76 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1.5 million people gather at The Batu Caves to celebrate Thaipusam, a Tamil Hindu festival honoring Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and a son of Shiva." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Gaylon Wampler </span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title"> Malaysia montage</h3><p>In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1.5 million people gather at the Batu Caves to celebrate Thaipusam, a Tamil Hindu festival honoring Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and a son of Shiva. The 270-foot statue of Lord Murugan marks the base of the steps leading up to the caves. Prior to the pilgrimage up the steps, devout Hindus shave their heads and cleanse in the nearby river. Some will mark the occasion by piercing their flesh with needles and hooks. ConocoPhillips Malaysia has interests in six blocks in the eastern states of Sabah and Sarawak. |&ensp;July 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 77 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Members of ConocoPhillips’ Global Aviation Services organization gather in front of the company’s Embraer ERJ135 jet at the Bartlesville Municipal Airport. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Hall Puckett</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Taking flight</h3><p>Members of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Global Aviation Services organization gather in front of the company&rsquo;s Embraer ERJ135 jet at the Bartlesville Municipal Airport. The 37-seat aircraft shuttles ConocoPhillips and Phillips 66 personnel between Houston, Texas and Bartlesville, Oklahoma, serving approximately 20,000 passengers per year. In the 1920s, both companies entered the world of aviation, using their own airplanes and developing products for the emerging market.&ensp;|&ensp;June 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 78 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Members of ConocoPhillips’ BP MS 150 team prepare to join about 8,000 riders on their journey from Houston to Austin, Texas, in 2018. " width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Hall Puckett</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Ready to roll</h3><p>On Saturday, April 28, members of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; BP MS 150 team prepare to join about 8,000 riders on their journey from Houston to Austin, Texas. The 2018 ConocoPhillips team covered 102 miles after this photo was taken and another 66 miles on Sunday. Together team members raised more than $200,000 to fight multiple sclerosis. ConocoPhillips was one of the first Houston companies to field a team, beginning in 1988, the third year of the event. Since then the team has raised $6.93 million to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. ConocoPhillips riders have also been regular contributors on the board of the National MS Society, as well as the steering and safety committees for the annual ride.&ensp;|&ensp;May 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 79 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The Aasta Hansteen hull and topsides begin their journey from the Stord shipyard, where they were recently mated, to the development location in the Norwegian Sea, 186 miles offshore Norway." width="500" height="282"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_fullscreen" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_label">Fullscreen</span> <span class="media_gallery_fullscreen_icon"><svg class="icon icon_fullscreen"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> <div class="js-swap media_gallery_credit"> <span class="media_gallery_credit_icon"><svg class="icon icon_camera"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> <span class="media_gallery_credit_label">Espen Roennevik, courtesy of Statoil</span> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> <h3 class="media_gallery_item_title">Sailing home</h3><p>The Aasta Hansteen hull and topsides begin their journey from the Stord shipyard, where they were recently mated, to the development location in the Norwegian Sea, 186 miles offshore Norway. The platform was named for a Norwegian painter, writer and early feminist; a naming ceremony was held on Women's Day, March 8, 2018. The Aasta Hansteen development is a gas discovery in a water depth of 4,265 feet. First gas is targeted by late 2018. The development includes the Polarled Pipeline, which will transport gas to the onshore processing facility at Nyhamna. ConocoPhillips has interests in these facilities of 4.5 percent and 1.7 percent, respectively. |&ensp;April 2018</p> </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 80 / 80 </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery_lightbox"> <div class="media_gallery_lightbox_header"> <button class="js-swap js-lock media_gallery_lightbox_close" data-swap-target=".media_gallery_lightbox" data-swap-group="lightbox" data-swap-linked="lightbox" type="button"> <span class="media_gallery_lightbox_close_label">Close</span> <span class="media_gallery_lightbox_close_icon"><svg class="icon icon_close"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </button> </div> <div class="js-carousel media_gallery_carousel_alt media_gallery_carousel_lightbox" data-carousel-options='{"contained": false, "controls": true, "pagination": false}' data-carousel-linked=".media_gallery_carousel"> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of China&#039;s Forbidden City" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Beijing&rsquo;s Forbidden City, once the residence of Chinese emperors and their households, served as the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for more than 500 years. From its offices in Beijing and Tanggu, ConocoPhillips China is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production operations in cooperation with Chinese and international partners. ConocoPhillips Business Service Center in Beijing was established in 2014 to support global business units in sourcing materials from Asia and providing shared transactional services. This group contributes to significant savings, primarily for Asia-Pacific projects. | November 2024&nbsp; </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 1 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Houma, Louisiana Field Office employees" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips Houma, Louisiana Field Office employees &mdash; (from left) Kevin Adams, Gina Fanguy, Mike Aucoin, Ashley Golmon, John Harrington, Kimila Hebert and Shannon Buquet &mdash; display the latest Wood on the Wing &lsquo;Best in Show&rsquo; wildfowl carving, a screech owl by artist Ronnie Zint. ConocoPhillips has sponsored the annual Louisiana Wildfowl Festival since 1979. Through its subsidiary, The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, ConocoPhillips owns approximately 636,000 acres of primarily wetlands in southeast Louisiana, making it the largest private wetlands owner in the state. The Houma Field Office collaborates with public and nonprofit organizations to protect and restore Louisiana&rsquo;s coast. | October 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 2 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Midland company picnic" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In early September, nearly 1,700 ConocoPhillips employees and their families gathered for a fun-filled day at the Midland company picnic. The event featured a barbecue feast, kid-friendly activities and a live DJ. Attendees also enjoyed an exciting Midland Rockhounds baseball game. As a presenting sponsor of the Rockhounds, a double-A affiliate of the Oakland A&rsquo;s, ConocoPhillips is deeply integrated into the team's branding, marketing and fan entertainment. This partnership supports the growth of professional baseball in West Texas. | September 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 3 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Researchers conduct environmental field studies on Alaska&rsquo;s North Slope. ConocoPhillips' Sustainability Report includes detailed information on how the company manages nature-related risks and impacts. See the full 2023 report. | August 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 4 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A photo of ConocoPhillips&#039; air shuttle, an Embraer 145XR." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Beginning with its inaugural flight in July, ConocoPhillips operates an air shuttle for employees between five company locations in the U.S. Lower 48. This service provides safe, reliable transportation between Houston, Texas; Midland, Texas; Bartlesville, Oklahoma; Carlsbad, New Mexico; and Williston, North Dakota. The shuttle is an Embraer ERJ145XR, similar to regional jets operated by major carriers, and is based at the ConocoPhillips Global Aviation hangar in Houston. | July 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 5 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> This drone's-eye view of Bartlesville showcases the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Price Tower in the foreground with ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Plaza Office Building and adjacent Frank Phillips Tower Center in the distance. In 1917, Frank Phillips established the Phillips Petroleum Company with headquarters in Bartlesville. Over the years, the city thrived along with the company, attracting industry vendors and suppliers like Harold C. Price, who commissioned Wright to build the Price Tower as his pipeline company&rsquo;s corporate headquarters. Today, ConocoPhillips has some 900 employees based in Bartlesville, providing valuable Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology functions, supporting the company's global operations. &nbsp;| June 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 6 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Junior Engineer Stacey Richardson in the maintenance shop aboard the Polar Discovery, anchored in Anacortes, Washington. Polar Tankers Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of ConocoPhillips, operates five Endeavour-class tankers in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System trade, loading crude oil in the Port of Valdez, Alaska, and delivering to terminals on the U.S. West Coast and Hawaii. With a focus on safe, environmentally responsible transportation, Polar Tankers mariners work diligently to maintain vessels to high standards to safely deliver the energy that powers civilization. | May 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 7 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ryan Lance and members of the ConocoPhillips Commercial team participated in a March 15th groundbreaking ceremony to mark the first year of construction for the $13 billion Port Arthur LNG (PALNG) Phase 1 facility. Taking part in the event, hosted by Sempra Infrastructure Partners, are, from left, Lance; Port Arthur JV Director Teresa Wu; Gulf Coast Region Manager, Gas Marketing and Trading Craig Vaughn; Global Projects Chief Khaled Hammoud; Port Arthur Asset Manager Ben Tier; LNG Business Development and Origination Manager Vladimir dela Cruz; Global Gas, Power and Emerging Markets Vice President Tom Mathiasmeier; Global LNG and London Vice President Nick Allen; and North America Gas Marketing and Trading Manager Clint Stockman. ConocoPhillips' decision to participate in both equity and offtake was instrumental to launching PALNG. The project is well positioned to supply U.S. liquefied natural gas to international markets. Learn more about ConocoPhillips&rsquo; LNG initiatives. | April 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 8 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> 2024 Rodeo Run participants and volunteers gather at Eleanor Tinsley Park near downtown Houston for a post-race celebration. Sponsored by ConocoPhillips, the Rodeo Run raises money for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Educational Fund. The Feb. 24 event featured a wheelchair race along with 10K and 5K timed events, making it a memorable day for all involved. &nbsp;| March 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 9 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Project Engineer Rhianna Cardamone looks out over the vast APLNG facility at Curtis Island, Australia. Rhianna is part of a new generation of industry professionals who recognize the importance of delivering reliable and affordable energy to the world in a sustainable way that addresses important social and environmental issues. Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) is a joint venture focused on producing coalbed methane from the Bowen and Surat basins in Queensland, Australia. ConocoPhillips operates the Curtis Island downstream LNG facility and the LNG export sales business. Natural gas is sold to domestic customers, with LNG exported to Unipec (an affiliate of Sinopec), Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. and spot customers. &nbsp;| February 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 10 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Located on the Danube River in Bavaria, this medieval town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, contains historic structures spanning some two millennia, including ancient Roman, Romanesque and Gothic buildings. Regensburg&rsquo;s architecture &ndash; including the market, city hall and cathedral &ndash; defines the character of the town marked by tall buildings, dark and narrow lanes and strong fortifications. In November 2022, ConocoPhillips and QatarEnergy announced the signing of two agreements to supply long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Germany. The suppliers are joint venture companies established between ConocoPhillips and QatarEnergy to participate in the North Field East (NFE) and North Field South (NFS) projects, and the buyer is a wholly owned subsidiary of ConocoPhillips. First delivery is expected in 2026 to the German LNG Terminal at Brunsb&uuml;ttel.&nbsp;| January 2024 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 11 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> On Oct. 26, the Bohai Penglai Phase 4B project commenced production ahead of schedule. The project, operated by CNOOC Limited, is in south-central Bohai Sea, with an average water depth of approximately 30 meters. The main production facilities include two new wellhead platforms and a total of 130 development wells. It is expected to achieve a peak production of approximately 29,800 barrels of crude oil per day in 2027. ConocoPhillips China holds 49% working interest in this project. | December 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 12 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips Europe Commercial team is based on the 20th floor of London&rsquo;s Angel Court, a new 300,000-square-foot development with panoramic city views. Actively involved in the crude oil, NGL and natural gas markets, the team markets and trades these commodities, including production from Norway. London is also the center for ConocoPhillips&rsquo; global merchant LNG business. In the UK, ConocoPhillips also operates the Teesside Terminal at Seal Sands in Middlesbrough.&nbsp;| November 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 13 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Multi-skill operator (MSO) Tiffany Roberts inspects the China Draw Central Facility 3 in the Delaware Basin in West Texas. MSOs are critical to our mission of safely finding and delivering energy to the world and serve as safety and operational leaders in the field. MSOs are responsible for a wide variety of activities to monitor and improve production across our Lower 48 operations, including inspecting facilities, maintaining pressures and flow on equipment, adjusting controls and executing new facility walk-throughs. &nbsp;| October 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 14 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The distinctive architecture of Education City Mosque, part of Qatar&rsquo;s Hamad Bin Khalifa University, offers visitors a place to reflect on knowledge and faith. Unlike any other place in Qatar, Education City is home to branch campuses of some of the world&rsquo;s leading educational institutes, a homegrown research university, start-up incubators, technology parks, heritage sites, cultural institutions and much more. In 2022, QatarEnergy selected ConocoPhillips to participate in the North Field East and the North Field South projects, part of the multi-phase North Field Expansion Project. The addition of these projects reflects the trusted relationship formed over decades between Qatar and ConocoPhillips.&nbsp;| September 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 15 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> During a recent visit to the Coastal Wetlands asset in Louisiana, videographer Dan Blackson captured drone images of marsh terrace construction. These artificial ridges are built using local material in shallow, open-water areas and will eventually be covered in vegetation. Once complete, they can provide habitat that supports a variety of aquatic species, ducks and other birds. Terraces reduce wave energy and erosion, helping protect sensitive marsh habitats and, often, flood protection infrastructure such as levees. As the largest private owner of wetlands in Louisiana, ConocoPhillips views conservation as a key priority. For over 10 years, ConocoPhillips employees based in the Houma, Louisiana, office have and continue to work daily with Ducks Unlimited to deliver coastal restoration projects.&nbsp;| August 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 16 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Earlier this year, the world's largest crane and pipe-laying vessel,&nbsp;<em>Pioneering Spirit</em>, visited Ekofisk to start laying pipeline and a cable for direct electrical heating in the Tommeliten A development that crosses the border in the North Sea to the U.K. sector. ConocoPhillips is the operator for this transboundary field development with subsea tieback to Ekofisk. Start of production is planned for 2024. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; history in Norway began in the early 1960s, when the company was awarded its first production licenses. A successful discovery in 1969 led to the commissioning of Ekofisk, the first commercial oil field in the Norwegian sector.&nbsp;| July 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 17 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips Canada (CPC) staff and their families &ndash; and at least one four-legged friend &ndash; volunteer at the City of Calgary&rsquo;s Pathway and River Cleanup on May 5, 2023, in Calgary, Alberta, as they have since 2017. Coincidentally, their Fort St. John colleagues stepped up on the same day to participate in Pitch-In Week, an event to clean parks and roadways in Fort St. John, British Columbia. CPC staff at the Surmont development in northeast Alberta took part in a site cleanup on June 17. CPC staff volunteer their time to several organizations in the communities where they live and work, including serving meals to unhoused community members at the Calgary Drop-In Centre, recognizing healthcare workers in Fort St. John, and spending time with students from Bill Woodward School in Anzac, Alberta. </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 18 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Bakken Operations Superintendent Matt Hamm used his iPhone to capture this image of the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis over a pump jack at the edge of the Abercrombie 44-12H location in McKenzie County North Dakota. The Bakken trend is a sequence of liquids-rich sand and shale layers in the Williston Basin, stretching across western North Dakota and into Canada. Nature&rsquo;s most spectacular light show can be seen regularly in the region where ConocoPhillips has approximately 560,000 net acres focused on unconventional tight-oil play development and production in the most prolific portion of the basin. The company is continuously improving operational and capital efficiencies using multi-well pad drilling, completion optimization, facility design changes and data analytics. Multi-well pad drilling has significantly reduced the overall environmental footprint. | May 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 19 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Each spring, ConocoPhillips employees step up to fight multiple sclerosis during the Bike MS: Texas MS 150 bike ride, a cycling event that raises awareness and money for research to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. This year, 72 riders for Team ConocoPhillips will participate in the 2023 Bike MS: Texas MS 150, a 150-mile ride that will start in Houston on April 29 and finish in College Station on April 30. In this photo, Team ConocoPhillips members, from left to right, Chad Traxler, Bob Heinrich, Carmilo Brockman, Will Carlisle, Marcus Fonseka and Andy Flowers ride through the scenic Texas countryside during the 2022 event. | April 2023&nbsp; </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 20 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips China and Peng Bo Operating Company recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Penglai Oilfield in Bohai Bay. Pictured here, Peng Bo, one of the world&rsquo;s largest FPSOs, has played an essential role in the Penglai development since 2009. The Penglai 19-3 discovery well was drilled in 1999. Following successful appraisal, the field is being developed in phases, with first production from Phase 1 in 2002 and most recent production from Phase 4 in 2021. Additional appraisal drilling and development studies are underway to further assess future Bohai Bay development opportunities. | March 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 21 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Members of the ConocoPhillips Black Employee Network (BEN) from the company&rsquo;s offices in Bartlesville, Okla., march in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade in Tulsa. BEN is one of a dozen employee network groups active in various company locations around the world. The groups foster a diverse workforce and create an inclusive environment of mutual respect, trust and understanding. They also connect colleagues from different business units and functions and provide opportunities for personal and professional development, networking, community involvement and supporting ConocoPhillips' recruiting activities. | February 2023&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 22 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The 18 world-renowned Supertrees of Singapore stretch their colorful branches gracefully over the landscape, reaching 82-164' in the air. These glowing giants, filled with a variety of color-coordinated tropical plants, also collect solar energy, ventilate, self-water, moderate the temperature and shelter visitors. At night, musically coordinated seasonal light shows delight onlookers. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Singapore office serves as its Asia Pacific and Middle East (APME) commercial marketing hub, with the office also providing functional support to business units throughout the region in areas such as medical, business development, security, legal, supply chain, marine, finance and human resources. ConocoPhillips also services its Polar Tankers in a Singapore shipyard. | January 2023 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 23 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Congratulations to AV Lead Troy McLaughlin for this final winning image of the 2022 Big Picture Photo Contest. One year ago, Troy captured the company&rsquo;s Houston headquarters campus lit up for the holidays. Immediately before and after Thanksgiving each year, ConocoPhillips Real Estate &amp; Facility Services employees install 130 outdoor decorations, 150,000 lights on 32,430 linear feet of strands and 200 Christmas trees around the two connected buildings &ndash; SPIRIT ONE and SPIRIT TWO. The lights at the top of both buildings can be programmed to display multiple colors and have been used to commemorate Juneteenth, Pride Month, Support for Ukraine and the Houston Astros World Series victory.&nbsp; | December 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 24 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> On a visit to ConocoPhillips&rsquo; field site in Houma, Louisiana to oversee new gym equipment installation, Wellness Services Associate Ray Castro captured this photo of Spanish moss-laden oak trees on the property between the main office building and the historical onsite lodging building. ConocoPhillips owns approximately 636,000 acres of predominantly wetlands in southeast Louisiana, making the company the largest private wetlands owner in Louisiana. The company has a longstanding record of collaboration with public and nonprofit entities on projects designed to protect and restore Louisiana&rsquo;s coast. | November 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 25 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The October Big Picture is an image Artificial Lift Specialist Armando Marrufo submitted several photos like this one of a dust storm sweeping through the Lusk field in the Northern Delaware Basin. The basin is a key part of ConocoPhillips Permian operation, spanning West Texas through Southeast New Mexico, ConocoPhillips holds approximately 709,000 total net acres in the Delaware Basin, which includes approximately 654,000 unconventional net acres" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Artificial Lift Specialist Armando Marrufo submitted several photos like this one of a dust storm sweeping through the Lusk field in the Northern Delaware Basin. The basin is a key part of ConocoPhillips' Permian operation, spanning West Texas through Southeast New Mexico. ConocoPhillips holds approximately 709,000 total net acres in the Delaware Basin, which includes approximately 654,000 unconventional net acres | October 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 26 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> CDR3 contractor Chase Erdman captured this image of Kuparuk North Slope operations after a Phase 3 weather event. During such storms wind-blown snow impacts visibility and driving conditions, making it unsafe for normal activities. Instead, the focus is on keeping crews safe and facilities online with no unnecessary risk to personnel. The Greater Kuparuk Area encompasses the Kuparuk Field and four satellite fields. One of the largest onshore producing fields in the United States, Kuparuk includes three central production facilities and a seawater treatment plant. | September 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 27 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Four vessels at Australia Pacific Liquid Natural Gas (APLNG) on Curtis Island, Australia are filled with a special material that traps water at the molecular level, removing any last traces of water from the feed gas so it doesn&rsquo;t freeze when it goes into the liquefaction section where temperatures drop to minus 160C (- 256F). The dryers provide a continuous flow of dry feed gas to the liquefaction section, by cycling through adsorption and regeneration modes in sequence.&nbsp;In any 48-hour period, each dryer is in adsorption mode for 36 hours followed by regeneration mode for 12 hours before being returned to adsorption mode. The August winning photo was taken by Training &amp; Competency Supervisor Carl Gibson. | August 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 28 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Contractor Shane Sipe captured this winning sunset image at the Montney C-11-K Central Processing Facility in northeastern British Columbia. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Contractor Shane Sipe captured this winning sunset image at the Montney C-11-K Central Processing Facility in northeastern British Columbia. Exploration and appraisal activities at this unconventional resource play began in 2009. At year-end 2021, ConocoPhillips held approximately 300,000 acres of land with 100% working interest within the liquids-rich Montney sweet spot. | July 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 29 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips volunteers working on a Habitat for Humanity home." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In October 2021, volunteers from ConocoPhillips Lower 48 Gulf Coast &amp; Rockies business unit (BU) participated in a Habitat for Humanity building project in Northeast Houston. This teambuilding and community engagement event involved the use of nail guns, saws and hammers to help build strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity uses donations to purchase acreage or lots in current subdivisions. The Lower 48 Gulf Coast Rockies BU includes the liquids-rich Eagle Ford and Bakken trends as well as operations in Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and the Gulf of Mexico.&nbsp; | June 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 30 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips employees practice yoga atop SPIRIT ONE parking garage. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Wellness Services Associate Ray Castro captured this image of a special yoga session for new hires conducted atop the ConocoPhillips Center SPIRIT ONE parking garage. Wellness Services plays an important role in the health and wellness of all ConocoPhillips employees, providing state-of-the-art workout facilities, group exercise classes and fitness testing. Departments and business units can request special team-building events, including outdoor spin class, yoga sessions, table tennis tournaments, or fun competitive fitness challenges. | May 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 31 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Removing old offshore structures at the Ekofisk oil field in Norway." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Old structures at the Ekofisk oil field are removed in this photo submitted by ConocoPhillips Norway Electronic Controls Technician Rolf Christian Soenderland. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; history in Norway began in the early 1960s. A successful discovery in 1969 led to the commissioning of Ekofisk, the first commercial oil field in the Norwegian sector. Located approximately 200 miles offshore Stavanger, Norway, Ekofisk is comprised of four producing fields: Ekofisk, Eldfisk, Embla and Tor. Crude oil is exported to Teesside, England, and natural gas is exported to Emden, Germany. | April 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 32 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips’ 52nd floor Petronas Twin Towers office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Information Technology Analyst Clement Hoh stayed at work late to get this stunning night view from ConocoPhillips&rsquo; 52nd floor Petronas Twin Towers office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's official definition and ranking, the twin towers, affectionately known as KLCC, were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 when they were surpassed by Taipei 101. ConocoPhillips has varying stages of exploration, development and production activities across 1.5 million net acres in Malaysia, with working interests in five PSCs. | March 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 33 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A rainbow glows over a workover rig in North Dakota." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> A beautiful Fall shower had just passed, and the sun had started to rise, creating the perfect conditions for the second winning entry in the 2022 Big Picture Photo Contest. Bakken Well Intervention Contractor John Bren captured this complete rainbow over a workover rig in North Dakota, part of the Bakken Trend, a sequence of liquidsrich sand and shale layers in the Williston Basin. | February 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 34 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Aircraft on a frozen lake in the Willow staging area for work supporting Greater Mooses Tooth." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> North Slope Maintenance Technician Brian Nelson submitted the first winning entry to the 2022 Big Picture Photo Contest. His black and white photo captures aircraft and crew on a frozen lake in the Willow staging area for work supporting Greater Mooses Tooth. The Greater Mooses Tooth (GMT) Unit, the first unit established entirely within the NPR-A, was formed in 2008. In 2017, the company began construction in the unit with two drill sites, GMT1 and GMT2. GMT1, the North Slope&rsquo;s westernmost producing field, achieved first production in 2018. It is connected to the CD5 processing facilities by gravel roads and pipelines. In early December, the GMT2 facilities began flowing oil into the GMT2 pipeline. At its peak, GMT2 is forecast to produce ~ 30,000 BOPD. | January 2022 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 35 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips&#039; Polar Enterprise at Singapore shipyard." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Polar Tankers completed two shipyard projects in Singapore during 2021. Due to local COVID-19 protocols, the ships&rsquo; crewmembers had to stay aboard for some 80 days during the required dry dock maintenance and could not go down the gangway until they were heading home. The typical team photo of the crew and shipyard team could not be taken. Instead, for this year&rsquo;s photo, the Polar Enterprise crew stayed on the ship. Both the Polar Enterprise and the Polar Discovery shipyard projects were completed in 2021 thanks to amazing efforts of all involved. | December 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 36 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Children playing at Light and Love School supported by ConocoPhillips China." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> &nbsp;2021 marks ConocoPhillips China's (COPC) 15th year of commitment to Light and Love School whose mission is to provide equal access to education for underprivileged children. The school&rsquo;s focus on academic and cognitive development focuses on helping the children realize their dreams and build brighter futures. Earlier in 2021, COPC leadership paid a special visit to the school&rsquo;s Jinzhai campus in Anhui Province, 650 miles from Beijing, where more than 150 children receive junior high school education. After announcing new donations, the leadership team played interactive games and shared stories with their new student friends. | November 2021 &nbsp; </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 37 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A rainbow over ConocoPhillips operations in the Delaware Basin." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> I&amp;E Technician Steve Miller recently captured this image of a rainbow over operations in southeast New Mexico&rsquo;s Delaware Basin. A subset of the broader Permian Basin, the Delaware Basin stretches from West Texas to southeast New Mexico.&nbsp;ConocoPhillips and its heritage companies have operated in New Mexico for almost 100 years. | October 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 38 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips London Commercial team returns to office after pandemic." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> After more than 18 months of working from home, workers in the City of London, including the ConocoPhillips London Commercial team, are gradually returning to their offices. During the height of the pandemic, travel to the Angel Court office in the heart of London was severely impacted by the lockdown. Primarily a trading office, it was essential that the crude oil, NGL&rsquo;s and gas continued to be marketed. Using a combination of company laptops, virtual desktops and Citrix sessions, disruption to business was kept to a minimum. Now, returning staff are seated in a socially distanced format, additional cleaning protocols and COVID controls including temperature checks on entry to the building, elevator capacity restrictions and a mask-wearing culture are in place. While the London Team is back in Angel Court, the city of London has still not returned to its former buzzing self. Many of the businesses in the London square mile have moved to flexible working arrangements and offices are still largely empty. Shops have not all reopened and public transport is still not at capacity. The pandemic has led to a very different way of life for Londoners that our team members observe every day as they commute into Angel Court. | September 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 39 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Australia employees and their families at the Curtis Island Beach Clean in 2021." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In May 2021, ConocoPhillips Australia employees and their families joined &lsquo;Reef Clean&rsquo; to clean up some 200 pounds of rubbish including plastics, rope and glass as part of the Curtis Island Beach Clean. Curtis Island is located five miles off the coast of Gladstone, Queensland and situated in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Home to Queensland&rsquo;s three LNG facilities, it is one of the busiest ports in Australia. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; joint venture with Origin Energy and Sinopec&mdash; Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) &mdash; produces LNG from coalbed methane basins in Queensland. ConocoPhillips operates the Curtis Island downstream LNG facility as well as the LNG export sales business. Natural gas is sold to domestic customers, with LNG exported to Sinopec, Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. and spot customers. | August 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 40 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Celebrating Pride Month on the Eldfisk 2/7 S platform in the Norwegian North Sea." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> During the month of June, ConocoPhillips employees around the world demonstrated their commitment to diversity and inclusion and showed support for the company&rsquo;s LGBTQ+ community by displaying the rainbow flag. This example taken by Eldfisk Crane Operator Joachim Warhaug Hanstad at the Eldfisk 2/7 S platform in the Norwegian North Sea includes (from left) Contractor Monica Myklebust, Radio Administrative Assistant Jesper Nielsen, Material Coordinator Anneli Mero, Logistics Supervisor Kim Stian Kolnes and Offshore Installation Manager Randi Op&oslash;yen. One of the core principles of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; commitment is making sure everyone in the workforce feels safe, supported and comfortable bringing their true selves to work. | July 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 41 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Comet NEOWISE over Lost Cabin Gas Plant in Wyoming." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> On July 15, 2020, Senior Facility Engineer Scott Cragoe took this picture of the comet NEOWISE, the brightest comet in the northern hemisphere since Comet Hale&ndash;Bopp in 1997. Scott captured the 15-second exposure with a Nikon Z7 camera, 20mm lens and ISO-2500 film from Bad Water Road at the Lost Cabin Gas Plant Personnel Camp in Lysite, Wyoming. Operated and 60% owned by ConocoPhillips, Lost Cabin has approximately 246 MMCFD of natural gas processing capacity and serves the Madden Field in the Wind River Basin. | June 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 42 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Slug catcher arrives at Alpine in Alaska." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Last year, a barge from Vancouver, Washington, arrived at the Oliktok Dock in the Beaufort Sea and offloaded the first-ever slug catcher for ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Alaska business unit. After an early-morning crane lift, the vessel was placed in a staging area near the dock, insulated and prepped, for a final transport to Alpine across the resupply ice road. Slugs are surges of higher liquid or higher gas flowrates from wells entering a facility. The slug catcher provides a large volume of space at the front end of the facility that can absorb temporary spikes in liquid/gas flowrates. The 80-foot long, 16-foot-in-diameter vessel allows for large fluctuations.&nbsp; | May 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 43 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Sunrise over Houston from SPIRIT ONE." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Engineering Advisor James Cameron captured this image of the sun rising over Houston&rsquo;s skyline from the 15th floor of ConocoPhillips Center SPIRIT One building. The company headquarters is home to more than 1,500 employees and contractors in two connected high-rise buildings named SPIRIT One and SPIRIT Two, referring to the company&rsquo;s SPIRIT Values acronym &ndash; Safety, People, Integrity, Responsibility, Innovation and Teamwork. Since Sept. 28, 2020, the center has been fully reopened under rigorous COVID-19 mitigation protocols to ensure the health and safety of all colleagues. These protocols include screening questions and temperature checks; reduced capacity in conference rooms, elevators and cafeterias; strict social distancing practices; and mandatory face covering requirements when social distancing is not possible. | April 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 44 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Smithsonian researchers fit a common nighthawk with a GPS transmitter." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips supports the Smithsonian Institution initiative to collect connectivity data for bird species that follow a migratory flyway through the company&rsquo;s areas of operation. A recent study has created a comprehensive picture of the 10,000-kilometer migratory route of common nighthawks using GPS data. The project included researchers from the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, University of Alberta and Environment and Climate Change Canada in a massive collaboration across 13 North American locations. Researchers fitted common nighthawks with small backpacks equipped with GPS transmitters to&nbsp; complete a picture of common nighthawk migratory connectivity, which is the degree to which birds from separate populations stick together during their migrations. &nbsp;In this photo, a common nighthawk is shown pre-release with a GPS transmitter. Watch the Smithsonian&rsquo;s Common Nighthawk Migration Animation. | March 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 45 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Global Aviation Alaska transitioned to turboprop Bombardier Q400 aircraft." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Global Aviation Alaska transitioned its fleet to new turboprop Bombardier Q400 aircraft last summer, marking the most significant change since the organization&rsquo;s inception in 1984. The new fleet, including the SPIRIT of Innovation, SPIRIT of Alpine and SPIRIT of Kuparuk, means more direct flights and shorter wait times for travelers to ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Alaska assets. The Q400 fleet made its inaugural flight in June 2020. The SPIRIT of Innovation made the first U.S. gravel landing on October 5; and the SPIRIT of Alpine made the first direct flight with passengers to Alpine on November 17. The new direct Q400 flights increase productivity, and significantly reduce intra-field flights and emissions.&nbsp; |&nbsp; February 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 46 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Live Oak over Eagle Ford in South Texas where ConocoPhillips operates." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> An iconic Live Oak tree in the town of Kenedy, Texas home of the company&rsquo;s Eagle Ford headquarters. The liquids-rich Eagle Ford tight oil trend, located in the Western Gulf Coast Basin of South Texas, represents the company&rsquo;s most prolific unconventional resource development. ConocoPhillips was one of the first companies into the liquids play, resulting in a low-cost entry into this acreage. In 2009, the company began exploring the development potential of this play and by year-end 2019 held approximately 201,000 net leasehold and mineral acres, primarily in DeWitt, Karnes and Live Oak counties.&nbsp; | January 2021 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 47 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Crude tanker Polar Resolution heads outbound from Prince William Sound. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The loaded crude tanker Polar Resolution heads outbound Prince William Sound under escort by two 12,336 h.p. Edison Chouest tugs. Polar Tanker, a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips, operates five tankers to deliver North Slope oil to the West Coast. Polar operations rely on many people coming and going from the ships, including crewmembers, navigational pilots, gaugers, terminal employees, regulators, auditors, and service providers. During a challenging 2020, Polar Tankers put COVID-19 policies in place to protect employees and mitigate risks.&nbsp;This work and the commitment of Polar employees enabled continued operations with minimal delays. | December 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 48 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Drilling Supervisor Lloyd Shirley and Contractor Greg Rivera monitor the Roulette 3H well pad." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Before sunrise during recent drilling operations in the Permian Delaware Basin, Drilling Supervisor Lloyd Shirley and Contractor Greg Rivera monitor the Roulette 3H well pad. Roulette is a six-well pad in the China Draw prospect area 12 miles north of Orla, Texas. The Permian Basin in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico is a prime example of leveraging one of the company&rsquo;s large legacy positions, using new technology and new ideas to test liquids-rich conventional and unconventional plays. | November 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 49 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Staying safe during COVID-19 at ConocoPhillips’ Surmont oil sands in Alberta, Canada." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> When COVID-19 ground to a halt all non-essential work at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Surmont oil sands joint venture in northeastern Alberta, Canada, the team went back to the drawing board to replan the 2020 work program. By staggering work and using a smaller pool of workers to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the team navigated a complex outage at one of the two central processing facilities while executing the condensed work program safely and deliberately. | October 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 50 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips employee volunteers pack food bags at the Houston Food Bank during the 2018 United Way ‘Day of Caring.’" width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips employee volunteers pack food bags at the Houston Food Bank during the 2018 United Way &lsquo;Day of Caring.&rsquo; Employees throughout the United States participate in these community events in addition to donating more than $2 million annually to the cause. For this year&rsquo;s campaign, Day of Caring has transitioned from in-person to virtual volunteer opportunities. Virtual volunteers give back to the community while practicing social distancing. ConocoPhillips will donate $100 to United Way of Greater Houston for every volunteer opportunity an employee participates in, up to $500 per person. | September 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 51 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Construction of a Propane Storage Unit at ConocoPhillips’ Teesside plant in the U.K. restarted after COVID-19." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> After suspension in April due to the COVID-19 pandemic, construction of a new Propane Storage Unit at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Teesside plant in the U.K. restarted in June. Completed in 1975, Teesside is a crude oil reception, processing, storage and transshipment installation. Crude oil and NGLs from the Greater Ekofisk and Valhall areas in Norway are delivered to Teesside. | August 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 52 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Lights for LGBTQ+ rights at SPIRIT ONE in Houston." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In June, ConocoPhillips made a public statement of support for LGBTQ+ rights by lighting up its Houston headquarters and raising the Pride Flag for the first time at both its Houston and Bartlesville campuses. The U.S. Supreme Court took an important step in the country&rsquo;s long journey toward LGBTQ+ equality, ruling that the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits sex discrimination, applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. ConocoPhillips&rsquo;s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, but until this ruling many other employers were free to discriminate on those bases. This long-sought decision extends the employment protections of the Civil Rights Act to millions of LGBTQ+ people.&nbsp; | July 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 53 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Australia establishes Veterans and Ex-Military Employee Network. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In April on the eve of Anzac Day, a national day of remembrance commemorating servicemen and women in Australia and New Zealand, ConocoPhillips Australia established the Veterans and Ex-Military Employee Network. Open to all employees and contractors, the new network recognizes and celebrates current and former service members. It also provides opportunities for employees to volunteer and fundraise in support of local communities; supports Veteran not-for-profit organizations; and creates employment pathways for returned servicemen and women. Shown here: ConocoPhillips Australia Operations Superintendent Chris Wille, a former aircraft maintenance engineer in the Royal Australian Air Force. | June 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 54 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Forbidden City palace complex in central Beijing re‑opens after COVID-19." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> After more than three months of closure due to strict social distancing to stop the spread of COVID‑19, the Forbidden City palace complex in central Beijing re‑opened to the public signaling that China&rsquo;s capital city has brought the pandemic under control and is resuming business activities. During the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, ConocoPhillips China donated more than $300,000 USD to procure life-saving medical supplies and support front-line medical personnel in Wuhan, the outbreak epicenter. ConocoPhillips is co‑venturer with operator CNOOC on Block 11/05 in the Bohai Sea, containing the Penglai 19‑3, 19‑9 and 25‑6 oil fields. These fields feature large offshore platforms, each averaging more than 50 wells that have benefited from extensive standardization of design. | May 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 55 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips Norway is taking steps to protect offshore personnel during COVID-19 pandemic." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ConocoPhillips Norway is taking steps to protect offshore personnel, including social distancing and increased cleaning measures at the Sola Heliport. The number of personnel allowed on each flight has been reduced to 12. Offshore travelers are pre-screened before each flight to determine potential COVID-19 contact and symptoms. Staff frequently clean all heliport contact surfaces, including door handles, cash points and check-in terminals. Disposable gloves and antibacterial liquids are readily available. Security guards remind people to maintain social distance, and the number of chairs in the waiting area has been reduced to keep travelers six feet apart.&nbsp; | April 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 56 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A palm oil plantation in the Colombian countryside." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> A verdant palm oil plantation in the Colombian countryside sits in the shadow of the majestic Sierra de Perij&aacute; mountain range. ConocoPhillips Colombian team recently visited more than 200 kids, teenagers and adults from nearby San Martin municipality with the aim of sharing information to protect and conserve the ecology of the zone. Through recreational activities kids and teenagers learned new environmental conservation concepts, data of regional fauna and vegetation, and mechanisms of social participation for the communities. The regional ecological knowledge presented during these activities was acquired by ConocoPhillips Colombia through environmental impact studies for projects located in the area. | March 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 57 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Indonesia’s National Monument in Jakarta’s Merdeka Square." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In Jakarta&rsquo;s Merdeka Square stands Indonesia&rsquo;s National Monument. The obelisk is 137 meters tall and is topped with a 14.5-meter bronze flame coated with 32 kilograms of gold leaf. The structure houses the nation&rsquo;s first red-and-white flag, flown at the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945. ConocoPhillips has had a presence in Indonesia for more than 45 years. The company currently operates three onshore blocks, the Corridor Block PSC and the South Jambi &lsquo;B&rsquo; PSC, both in South Sumatra, and the Kualakurun PSC in Central Kalimantan. | February 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 58 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Wooden sailing vessels known as dhows in Qatar, where ConocoPhillips has partnered with Qatar Petroleum to develop Qatargas 3." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Against the ultramodern skyline of Doha, traditional wooden sailing vessels known as dhows are moored along the Corniche, the city&rsquo;s Arabian Gulf shoreline. Before the discovery of oil and gas transformed the nation into a modern economic powerhouse, Qatar had a long maritime tradition. Dhows were used for fishing, trading and pearl diving, then one of Qatar&rsquo;s main industries. Since 2003, ConocoPhillips has partnered with Qatar Petroleum to develop Qatargas 3, a large-scale LNG project in Ras Laffan Industrial City. In 2010 the company launched the Global Water Sustainability Center, a team of experts dedicated to developing innovative solutions for treating and recycling byproduct water from oil and gas operations. | January 2020 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 59 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Bartlesville, Oklahoma is home to approximately 1,000 ConocoPhillips employees. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Bartlesville, Oklahoma is home to approximately 1,000 ConocoPhillips employees. Most work on the downtown campus featuring (from left) the Frank Phillips Tower Center, Caf&eacute; on the Plaza and the Plaza Office Building. Founded by brothers Frank and L.E. Phillips in 1917, Phillips Petroleum Company was headquartered in Bartlesville until 2002, when Phillips and Conoco merged to create ConocoPhillips and the headquarters was relocated to Houston. | December 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 60 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Sunrise over a drilling rig in the Eagle Ford in South Texas." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The sun rises over a drilling rig in the Eagle Ford shale. Since 2009, ConocoPhillips has built the Eagle Ford into a legacy asset with production expected for years to come. The current focus is on full-field development, using customized spacing and stacking patterns adapted through reservoir understanding. | November 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 61 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A newly completed Montney central processing facility in northeast British Columbia, Canada." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> A dramatic skyscape over the Rocky Mountains forms the backdrop for the newly completed Montney central processing facility in northeast British Columbia, Canada. On July 26, 2019 the Montney project completed 131 days of fracking the nearby 13-22 well pad, the largest unconventional pad for ConocoPhillips worldwide.&nbsp; | October 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 62 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A drone shot of ConocoPhillips’ new main campus, SPIRIT ONE." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> This overhead drone shot shows part of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; new main campus, recently branded with signage visible from miles away. SPIRIT ONE is 22 floors high and home to many of the company&rsquo;s functional departments; SPIRIT TWO is 21 floors and home to primarily the Lower 48 business unit. Both buildings are LEED certified for environmental sustainability. ConocoPhillips Center is located in Houston&rsquo;s Energy Corridor. | Drone photography by Dan Blackson | September 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 63 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Carlsbad Caverns National Park is near ConocoPhillips’ Permian Basin oil and gas assets." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The desert region of southeastern New Mexico is home to part of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Permian Basin oil and gas assets, as well as the recently opened field office in Loving, New Mexico. Near Loving lies Carlsbad Caverns National Park, home to more than 100 limestone caves in a fossil reef laid down by an inland sea about 265 million years ago. With 8.2 acres of floor area, the Big Room in Carlsbad Caverns is the largest cave chamber in North America. The park was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1995, confirming the worldwide significance of its spectacular natural resources. | August 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 64 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The moon rises behind Doyon Rig 141 at Tinmiaq 15, ConocoPhillips Alaska’s first appraisal well of the 2019 winter season." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The moon rises behind Doyon Rig 141 at Tinmiaq 15, ConocoPhillips Alaska&rsquo;s first appraisal well of the 2019 winter season. Tinmiaq is part of the company&rsquo;s Willow development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. | July 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 65 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of the ConocoPhillips Global Security Operations Center in Houston." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Behind a nondescript door in ConocoPhillips corporate center reside two tiers of sophisticated computer equipment, a wall of screens displaying an array of feeds, and a team of individuals committed to keeping the ConocoPhillips world safe. This 24/7 technology center monitors nearly 400 sites around the globe, more than 50,000 annual travel events and more than 18 enterprise security systems. The Global Security team focuses on impacts to the company globally with an emphasis on protecting people over assets. | June 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 66 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A pond filled with recycling produced water at China Draw in the arid Permian Basin. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> A new system for treating and recycling produced water at China Draw in the arid Permian Basin is saving ConocoPhillips millions of dollars. More important, it preserves fresh water for humans and animals. The treated produced water is stored in these two pits, with a combined storage capacity of 1.5 million barrels, for use in the hydraulic fracturing of future wells. | May 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 67 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The Malikai tension-leg platform located in Block G off the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> ConocoPhillips is a coventurer in the Malikai tension-leg platform located in Block G off the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah. The Malikai-1 exploration well was drilled in 2004, resulting in an oil discovery. First production from the field was achieved in 2016, and the field reached peak production in 2018. The KMU-1 exploration well was completed in early 2018 and started producing via the Malikai platform in mid-2018. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; involvement in Malaysia began in 2000. The company currently holds 2.2 million net acres in the country across six blocks in varying stages of exploration, development and production.&ensp;|&ensp;April 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 68 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A night-time photo of well pad 261-3 at ConocoPhillips’ Surmont oil sands joint venture in northeastern Alberta, Canada. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Well Pad Panel Operator Ryan Balaski used his smartphone to take this night-time photo of well pad 261-3 at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Surmont oil sands joint venture in northeastern Alberta, Canada.&ensp;|&ensp;March 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 69 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of the ConocoPhillips Commercial trade floor in Houston." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The new home of ConocoPhillips Commercial, a high-tech space with a mission control vibe, is a hub for more than 230 traders, marketers, schedulers, analysts, risk management personnel, compliance personnel, accountants and others &mdash; all working together in a synchronized frenzy. These employees provide a daily interface to the company&rsquo;s field offices as well as transportation, pipeline and trucking companies. Getting the Commercial group comfortably settled into its new digs on the 20th floor of 925 N. Eldridge Parkway &mdash; safely and without any business interruption &mdash; took two years of planning, a complex strategy and the full team&rsquo;s commitment to machine-like precision. | February 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 70 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips’ M. Gohlke A2-A7 six-wellhead pad in southwest Texas’ Eagle Ford shale." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> At ConocoPhillips&rsquo; M. Gohlke A2-A7 six-wellhead pad in southwest Texas&rsquo; Eagle Ford shale, operators conduct a zipper frack. Developed by professors at Texas Tech University, the technique involves drilling two wells side by side and, once both wells are completed, fracking them simultaneously. ConocoPhillips is a proponent of zipper fracking because it reduces downtime, increases efficiencies and maximizes production volume. |&ensp;January 2019 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 71 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of ConocoPhillips Grissik Gas Plant through the lush foliage of South Sumatra, Indonesia. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> A view of ConocoPhillips Grissik Gas Plant through the lush foliage of South Sumatra, Indonesia. The Grissik team was honored in 2017 with the CSR of Health, an annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) recognition sponsored by Indonesia&rsquo;s Ministry of Health. ConocoPhillips holds a 54 percent interest in the Corridor Block PSC located in South Sumatra, consisting of five oil fields and seven natural gas fields. Natural gas produced through the block is sold through long-term contracts to the Indonesian and Singapore markets. &ensp;|&ensp;December 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 72 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="ConocoPhillips China (COPC) and CNOOC staff jointly witnessed the first oil on the WHP-V Platform for the Bohai Phase 3 project." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> On August 27, 2018, ConocoPhillips China (COPC) and CNOOC staff jointly witnessed the first oil on the WHP-V Platform, an important milestone for the Bohai Phase 3 project. Comprised of three wellhead platforms, three drilling-completion-workover rigs, one central processing platform, 186 new wells and 49 sidetracks, the project was sanctioned in December 2015 by ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Board of Directors and is expected to deliver peak production by 2022. COPC and CNOOC have engaged in longstanding cooperation regarding the Bohai Peng Lai Field since the 1990s. Since the operatorship transferred to CNOOC in 2014, COPC has continued to provide project management and multidisciplinary technical support. | November 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 73 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="At Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay, a grove of Supertrees frames the iconic Marina Bay Sands, a luxury resort on the city’s Marina Bay. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> At Singapore&rsquo;s Gardens by the Bay, a grove of Supertrees frames the iconic Marina Bay Sands, a luxury resort on the city&rsquo;s Marina Bay. Gardens by the Bay features a wide range of plant species and garden design and reflects the work of a team of professionals committed to the greening of Singapore. Owned by the Las Vegas Sands corporation, when Marina Bay Sands opened in 2010, it was billed as the world&rsquo;s most expensive standalone casino property. ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Singapore office serves as the company&rsquo;s Asia Pacific and Middle East commercial and trading hub and provides functional support to business units throughout the region.&ensp;| October 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 74 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A view of ConocoPhillips&#039; old campus in Houston, Texas. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> A look at ConocoPhillips&rsquo; past and future. In the foreground, the company&rsquo;s corporate headquarters for 34 years, located at 600 North Dairy Ashford Road in Houston, Texas. This month, the company begins moving employees into nearby Energy Center 4 (center back), a modern high rise located at the intersection of Eldridge Parkway and Interstate 10. The Dairy Ashford campus was constructed in 1984 and served as the headquarters of Conoco until the merger with Phillips in 2002. | September 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 75 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="A drilling rig operates in the liquids-rich Montney play in Canada." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In remote northeast British Columbia, Canada, a drilling rig operates in the liquids-rich Montney play. In 2018, ConocoPhillips will drill 14 wells and is breaking ground on a gas plant and water hub.&ensp;|&ensp;August 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 76 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1.5 million people gather at The Batu Caves to celebrate Thaipusam, a Tamil Hindu festival honoring Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and a son of Shiva." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1.5 million people gather at the Batu Caves to celebrate Thaipusam, a Tamil Hindu festival honoring Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and a son of Shiva. The 270-foot statue of Lord Murugan marks the base of the steps leading up to the caves. Prior to the pilgrimage up the steps, devout Hindus shave their heads and cleanse in the nearby river. Some will mark the occasion by piercing their flesh with needles and hooks. ConocoPhillips Malaysia has interests in six blocks in the eastern states of Sabah and Sarawak. |&ensp;July 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 77 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Members of ConocoPhillips’ Global Aviation Services organization gather in front of the company’s Embraer ERJ135 jet at the Bartlesville Municipal Airport. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> Members of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; Global Aviation Services organization gather in front of the company&rsquo;s Embraer ERJ135 jet at the Bartlesville Municipal Airport. The 37-seat aircraft shuttles ConocoPhillips and Phillips 66 personnel between Houston, Texas and Bartlesville, Oklahoma, serving approximately 20,000 passengers per year. In the 1920s, both companies entered the world of aviation, using their own airplanes and developing products for the emerging market.&ensp;|&ensp;June 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 78 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="Members of ConocoPhillips’ BP MS 150 team prepare to join about 8,000 riders on their journey from Houston to Austin, Texas, in 2018. " width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> On Saturday, April 28, members of ConocoPhillips&rsquo; BP MS 150 team prepare to join about 8,000 riders on their journey from Houston to Austin, Texas. The 2018 ConocoPhillips team covered 102 miles after this photo was taken and another 66 miles on Sunday. Together team members raised more than $200,000 to fight multiple sclerosis. ConocoPhillips was one of the first Houston companies to field a team, beginning in 1988, the third year of the event. Since then the team has raised $6.93 million to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. ConocoPhillips riders have also been regular contributors on the board of the National MS Society, as well as the steering and safety committees for the annual ride.&ensp;|&ensp;May 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 79 / 80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="media_gallery"> <div class="media_gallery_media"> <img class="media_gallery_image" loading="lazy" sizes="auto" src="" srcset=" 1220w, 980w, 740w, 500w" alt="The Aasta Hansteen hull and topsides begin their journey from the Stord shipyard, where they were recently mated, to the development location in the Norwegian Sea, 186 miles offshore Norway." width="500" height="282"> </div> <div class="media_gallery_footer"> <div class="media_gallery_caption"> The Aasta Hansteen hull and topsides begin their journey from the Stord shipyard, where they were recently mated, to the development location in the Norwegian Sea, 186 miles offshore Norway. The platform was named for a Norwegian painter, writer and early feminist; a naming ceremony was held on Women's Day, March 8, 2018. The Aasta Hansteen development is a gas discovery in a water depth of 4,265 feet. First gas is targeted by late 2018. The development includes the Polarled Pipeline, which will transport gas to the onshore processing facility at Nyhamna. ConocoPhillips has interests in these facilities of 4.5 percent and 1.7 percent, respectively. |&ensp;April 2018 </div> <div class="media_gallery_step"> 80 / 80 </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="js-share-modal share_modal" role="dialog" tabindex="-1" aria-live="polite" aria-label="PDF Selections"> <div class="js-share-modal-inner share_modal_inner" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="share_modal_messaging"> <div class="js-message-wait share_modal_message wait active"> <h2 class="share_modal_title">Generating PDF</h2> <div class="share_modal_icon"> <div class="share_modal_loader">Loading...</div> </div> <div class="share_modal_description">Please Wait</div> </div> <div class="js-message-success share_modal_message success" aria-hidden="true"> <h2 class="share_modal_title">Your PDF is Ready</h2> <div class="share_modal_icon"> <div class="share_modal_check"> <svg class="icon icon_check"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </div> </div> <div class="share_modal_description"><a href="#" class="js-pdf-download-link" target="_blank">Download PDF</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="js-share-tools share_tools"> <div class="share_tools_wrapper layout_share"> <div class="share_tools_header"> <div class="share_tools_title">Share</div> </div> <ul class="js-share-tools-list share_tools_list social_shares" aria-label="Share Options"> <li class="js-share-tool-item share_tool_item"> <a class="js-share-tool js-share-facebook share_tool facebook_link" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-link=""> <div class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_icon"><svg class="icon icon_facebook"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="js-share-tool-item share_tool_item"> <a class="js-share-tool js-share-twitter share_tool twitter_link" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-link=""> <div class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_icon"><svg class="icon icon_twitter"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="js-share-tool-item share_tool_item"> <a class="js-share-tool js-share-linkedin share_tool linkedin_link" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-link=""> <div class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_icon"><svg class="icon icon_linkedin"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </div> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="js-share-tools-list share_tools_list" aria-label="Share Options"> <li class="js-share-tool-item share_tool_item"> <a class="js-share-tool js-share-print share_tool print_link" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <div class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_label">Print</span> <span class="share_tool_icon"> <svg class="icon icon_print"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="js-toggle js-share-tool-item share_tool_item"> <button class="js-toggle-handle js-share-tool js-share-pdf share_tool pdf_link"> <span class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_label">Add to PDF</span> <span class="share_tool_icon"> <svg class="icon icon_pdf"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </span> </button> <div class="sharing_pdf_group"> <button class="js-share-tool js-share-generate share_tool pdf_link"> <span class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_label">Generate PDF</span> <span class="share_tool_icon"> <svg class="icon icon_download"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </span> </button> <button class="js-toggle-handle js-share-tool js-share-remove share_tool pdf_link"> <span class="share_tool_inner"> <span class="share_tool_label">Remove</span> <span class="share_tool_icon"> <svg class="icon icon_share_remove"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </span> </button> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="footer" id="footer"> <div class="footer_primary"> <div class="fs-row"> <div class="fs-cell"> <div class="footer_primary_inner"> <div class="footer_logo"> <div class="logo logo_footer logo_icon"> <a class="logo_link" href=""> <span class="logo_link_label">ConocoPhillips</span> <span class="logo_link_icon"><svg class="icon icon_logo"><use xlink:href=""></use></svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="footer_meta"> <div class="meta_info" id="meta_info"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "name": "ConocoPhillips", "logo": "", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "925 N. 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