Tunable Laser Development

<html> <head><title>Tunable Laser Development</title> <body background = "OpticsJournal-33.jpg"> <meta name="keywords" content="lasers,tunable,dye,physics,oscillators,resonators, books,optics,dirac,interference,dispersion,dispersive,diffraction,prisms, multiple-prism,beam-expanders,gratings,quantum,electronics,linewidth,solid-state, interferometry,interferometers,imaging, duarte, macquarie, australian, institute, optical, society, america"> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="experiment-7.css"></link> <BODY LINK="#000066" VLINK="007766" ALINK="#000066"> <center><a href=""><img src = "" align = leftt border = 0></a></center> <center><h2> EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PAPERS ON TUNABLE LASER DEVELOPMENT</a></h2></center> <br> <center><h3>EXPERIMENTAL</h3></center> <br> <center><a href=""><img src = " DUARTE-LASERS SSDLO-3.jpg"></a></center> <br> <ul> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte</a> and J. A. Piper, A double-prism beam expander for pulsed dye lasers,<i> Opt. Commun.</i> 35, 100-104 (1980). <li>F. J. Duarte and J. A. Piper, A prism preexpanded grazing incidence pulsed dye laser,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 20, 2113-2116 (1981). <li>F. J. Duarte and J. A. Piper, Comparison of prism preexpanded and grazing incidence grating cavities for copper laser pumped dye lasers,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 21, 2782-2786 (1982). <li>F. J. Duarte and J. A. Piper, Narrow linewidth high prf copper laser-pumped dye-laser oscillators,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 23, 1391-1394 (1984). <li>F. J. Duarte, Multiple-prism Littrow and grazing incidence pulsed CO<sub>2</sub> lasers,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 24, 1244-1245 (1985). <li>F. J. Duarte, J. J. Ehrlich, S. P. Patterson, S. D. Russell, and J. E. Adams, Linewidth instabilities in narrow-linewidth flashlamp-pumped dye laser oscillators,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 27, 843-846 (1988). <li>F. J. Duarte, Ray transfer matrix analysis of multiple-prism dye laser oscillators, <i>Opt. Quantum. Electron.</i> 21, 47-54 (1989). <li>F. J. Duarte, J. J. Ehrlich, W. E. Davenport, and T. S. Taylor, Flashlamp-pumped narrow-linewidth dispersive dye laser oscillators: very low amplified spontaneous emission levels and reduction of linewidth instabilities,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 29, 3176-3179 (1990). <li>F. J. Duarte, W. E. Davenport, J. J. Ehrlich, and T. S. Taylor, Ruggedized narrow-linewidth dispersive dye laser oscillator, <i>Opt. Commun.</i> 84, 310-316 (1991). <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Solid-state multiple-prism grating dye laser oscillators,<i> Appl. Opt.</i> 33, 3857-3860 (1994)</a>. <li>F. J. Duarte, Solid-state dispersive dye laser oscillator: very compact cavity,<i> Opt. Commun.</i> 117, 480-484 (1995).<li>F. J. Duarte, Multiple-prism near-grazing-incidence grating solid-state dye laser oscillator, <i>Opt. Laser Technol.</i> 29, 513-516 (1997).<li>F. J. Duarte, T. S. Taylor, A. Costela, I. Garcia-Moreno, and R. Sastre, Long-pulse narrow-linewidth dispersive solid-state dye laser oscillator, <i>Appl. Opt.</i> 37, 3987-3989 (1998). <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Multiple-prism grating solid-state dye laser oscillator: optimized architecture, <i>Appl. Opt. </i>38, 6347-6349 (1999)</a>. <li>F. J. Duarte and R. O. James, Tunable solid-state lasers incorporating dye-doped polymer-nanoparticle gain media, <i>Opt. Lett.</i> 28, 2088-2090 (2003). <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, <i>Tunable Laser Optics</i>, 2nd Edition (CRC, New York, 2015) Chapter 7.</a> </ul> <br> <br> <center><a href=""><img src = " DUARTE TLO 2015.png"></a></center> <br> <ul> <li>F. J. Duarte and R. O. James, Spatial structure of dye-doped polymer-nanoparticle laser media, <i>Appl. Opt.</i> 43, 4088-4090 (2004). <li>F. J. Duarte and R. O. James, Tunable lasers based on dye-doped polymer gain media incorporating homogeneous distributions of functional nanoparticles, in <a href=""><i>Tunable Laser Applications</i>, 2nd Ed. (CRC, New York, 2009) Chapter 4.</a> </ul> <br> <center><a href=""><img src = " DUARTE-LASERS TLA2nd.jpg"></a></center> <br> </ul> <br> <center><h3>THEORETICAL</h3></center> <ul> <li>F. J. Duarte and J. A. Piper, Dispersion theory of multiple-prism beam expander for pulsed dye lasers,<i> Opt. Commun.</i> 43, 303-307 (1982). <li>F. J. Duarte and J. A. Piper, Generalized prism dispersion theory,<i> Am. J. Phys.</i> 51, 1132-1134 (1983). <li>F. J. Duarte and J. A. Piper, Multi-pass dispersion theory of prismatic pulsed dye lasers,<i> Optica Acta </i>31, 331-335 (1984). <li>F. J. Duarte, Note on achromatic multiple-prism beam expanders, <i>Opt. Commun.</i> 53, 259-262 (1985). <li>F. J. Duarte, Generalized multiple-prism dispersion theory for pulse compression in ultrafast dye lasers,<i> Opt. Quantum Electron.</i> 19, 223-229 (1987). <li>F. J. Duarte, Ray transfer matrix analysis of multiple-prism dye laser oscillators,<i> Opt. Quantum Electron.</i> 21, 47-54 (1989). <li>F. J. Duarte, Transmission efficiency in achromatic nonorthogonal multiple-prism laser beam expanders,<i> Opt. Commun.</i> 71, 1-5 (1989). <li>F. J. Duarte, Prismatic pulse compression: beam deviations and geometrical perturbations,<i> Opt. Quantum Electron.</i> 22, 467-471 (1990). <li>F. J. Duarte, Multiple-prism dispersion and 4x4 ray transfer matrices,<i> Opt. Quantum Electron.</i> 24, 49-53 (1992). <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte,Cavity dispersion equation &#916<i>&#955</i> &#8776 &#916<i>&#952</i>(<i>&#8706&#952/&#8706&#955</i>) <sup>&#150 1</sup>: a note on its origin, <i>Appl. Opt.</i> 31, 6979-6982 (1992)</a>. <li>F. J. Duarte, On a generalized interference equation and interferometric measurements,<i> Opt. Commun.</i> 103, 8-14 (1993). <li>F. J. Duarte,<a href=""> Interference, diffraction, and refraction, via Dirac's notation </a>,<i> Am. J. Phys.</i> 65, 637-640 (1997). <li>F. J. Duarte, Comment on "Analytical expressions of group-delay dispersion and cubic phase for four-prism sequence used at other than Brewster's angle," <i>Optics & Laser Technology</i> 32, 211 (2000). <li>F. J. Duarte, Multiple-prism arrays in laser optics, <i>Am. J. Phys.</i> 68, 162-166 (2000). <li>F. J. Duarte, Multiple-return-pass beam divergence and the linewidth equation, <i>Appl. Opt.</i> 40, 3038 - 3041 (2001). <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Dirac optics, in <i>Tunable Laser Optics</i>, 2nd Edition (CRC, New York, 2015) Chapter 2. </a> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, The uncertainty principle in optics, in <i>Tunable Laser Optics</i>, 2nd Edition (CRC, New York, 2015) Chapter 3.</a> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, The physics of multiple-prism optics, in <i>Tunable Laser Optics</i>, 2nd Edition (CRC, New York, 2015) Chapter 4.</a> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Laser beam propagation matrices, in <i>Tunable Laser Optics</i>, 2nd Edition (CRC, New York, 2015) Chapter 6.</a> <li>F. J. Duarte, Multiple-prism dispersion equations for positive and negative refraction, <i>Appl. Phys.</i> B 82, 35-38 (2006). <li>F. J. Duarte, Generalized multiple-prism dispersion theory for laser pulse compression: higher order phase derivatives, <a href=""><i>Appl. Phys. B</i> 96, 809-814 (2009)</a>. </ul> <br> <br> <center> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6631299056875785"; /* 728x90, created 7/31/09 */ google_ad_slot = "9953613161"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </center> <br> <center><font size=1> <p><i>Page published on the 12th of July, 1999</i></p> <p><i>Last updated on 16th of March, 2015</i></p> </html>

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