Solar Cantata | Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" lang="en"> <head> <title>Solar Cantata | Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits</title> <meta name="description" content=" Solar Cantata by Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits, released 19 November 2024 1. The Returner 2. Blood Everywhere 3. Get Off My Lawn 4. Nothing&#39;s Off The Table 5. Honkybabble 6. This Is How We Get Ants 7. Say Sorry 8. Booty Call Rocket Run 9. The Death Of A Space Wizard 10. Grippy Sock Vacay 11. My Own Bare Hands 12. The Cheese 13. In The Corn 14. Nobody Wants To Hear It 15. Anvil From The Sky 16. Lost On A Gambler 17. You Should Do That 18. Spa Day 19. Atlantis 20. Pee-Pee Poo-Poo Forever Bobby Joe Ebola’s first studio effort since 2012, Solar Cantata is a bleak, hilarious and raw return to form for the legendary duo. Amid historic instability and the crumbling of the old world, the 20 original songs on this ambitious concept album explore the apocalypse as a process more than an event, and how we find - or make - joy in a dying world. Sonically and thematically, Solar Cantata is a wild ride, featuring over 50 musicians and eye-popping gatefold LP album art &amp; photography by Winston Smith, Erol Otus, Michael Garlington, Jason Chandler and Anthony Marchitiello. 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class="nobreak"> <span class="base-text-color">$20</span> <span class="buyItemExtra secondaryText">USD</span> </span> </h4> <h4 class="ft compound-button send-as-gift"> <button class="order_package_link buy-link" type="button" data-pkg="1" data-test="send-package-as-gift" > Send as Gift</button> </h4> </div> </li> <li id='collect-item-placeholder'></li> <li class="share-link-container new-share-collect"> <h3><button id="share-link" class="compound-button"><span id="share-link-share">Share</span><span id="share-link-embed"> / Embed</span></button></h3> </li> </ul> <table class="track_list track_table" id="track_table"> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=1"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play The Returner"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">1.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/the-returner"><span class="track-title">The Returner</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 04:26 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/the-returner#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/the-returner?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_1"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>I’m coming back Hold your horses while I get a wheelie out of this thing Riding the cart like a scooter Skating across A black lake of machines It would be so easy To load my groceries & escape back to my lair But I’m trying to build a world Where we look out for each other I guess you gotta start somewhere It’s a long long way From the car to the door I opened with the Force Joni Mitchell Drives circles through my head in a taxi & I smell the petrichor It would be so easy To load my groceries & escape back to my lair But I’m trying to build a world Where we pitch in when no one’s looking I guess you gotta start somewhere There may come a time When I’m all out of options & I need a place to put my bags I won’t feel bad Picking out the best one When I’m back on my feet I’ll bring it back There’s no crime, there’s no fine I just thought I might try To be less of a dick when I’m out there & I’m trying to build a world Where we ditch the cops & bosses & the checker throws the cash into the air It would be so easy To load my groceries & escape back to my lair But I’m trying to build a world That’s a little less depressing In which case I probably overshared We might have to Figure out some shit soon If they can’t even keep our stomachs full I’m tired of waiting It’s aggravating Depending on what’s not dependable All of your masters were the disasters And now there is laughter as people fill the streets All of your masters are out to pasture So excited to shop now that the food is free</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=2"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Blood Everywhere"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">2.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/blood-everywhere"><span class="track-title">Blood Everywhere</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 03:56 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/blood-everywhere#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/blood-everywhere?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_2"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>When you hear the marching band Echo in the canyon The mind is left to wander About what could have been Now there’s no use asking why It ends how it begins The eagle eats your eye And it peels off your skin There’s gonna be blood Blood everywhere In your face, on your clothes, in your hair You better run right out of here There’s nowhere left to hide Blood everywhere The folks at the Wal-Mart stand and stare Thinkin’ “There but for the grace of God go I” What’s around the corner? What will happen next? The odds are very likely That it’s worse than we expect We walked right past the red flags We didn’t read the room We didn’t mark the exits And forgot we ate those shrooms There’s gonna be blood Blood everywhere In the dirt, in the lakes, in the air You better run right out of here There’s nowhere left to hide Blood everywhere The folks at the Wal-Mart stand and stare Thinkin’ “There but for the grace of God go I” The stars are not an option You would die on Mars Have you not seen the news reports about the wayward robot cars? At the poop potato harvest We would need to share the mustard And humans aren’t good at sharing in case you hadn’t heard So kiss your dogs & babies and buckle up, you jerks I wish I had some tears instead of this enormous smirk There’s gonna be blood Blood everywhere On the street, on the floor, on the stairs You better run right out of here There’s nowhere left to hide Blood everywhere The folks at the Wal-Mart stand and stare Thinkin’ “There but for the grace of God go I</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=3"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Get Off My Lawn"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">3.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/get-off-my-lawn"><span class="track-title">Get Off My Lawn</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 03:16 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/get-off-my-lawn#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/get-off-my-lawn?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_3"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>I got a problem with the neighborhood boys Always livin’ it up, always making noise Their balls are ending up where they don’t belong And if you won’t say who broke my window I’m gonna tell your mom Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn I was nappin’ I heard ya yappin’ I was a veteran, and now I’m wettin’ the bed I catch you stealin’ and you’ll be feelin the pain Go pick out a switch or I‘ll hit you with my cane, cane, cane You’ll never do it again Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn I’ll turn the sprinklers on Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn Get get, get off my lawn You kids get off my lawn</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=4"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Nothing's Off The Table"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">4.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/nothings-off-the-table"><span class="track-title">Nothing's Off The Table</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 02:28 </span> <span class="has-video-subcol"> <a class="has-video" data-video-source="t" data-video-id="255792" data-href-mobile="/64968560/107699422/af40fa96729df958e89a25342ece2c65/video_mobile_high/883667339-2024-12-14-064042-utc-5-video.mp4" data-caption="">video</a> </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/nothings-off-the-table#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/nothings-off-the-table?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_4"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>There is nothing off the table anymore And there doesn’t seem to be a bottom floor ‘It can’t happen here’ is something that we’ll never say again Because you know it can It’s really happening There is nothing off the table anymore And the men in boots are marching past your door Will you yell things out the window? Will you wave a little sign? Will you fight them? Will you join them? Will you hide & close the blinds? There is nothing off the table anymore It’s bit too much like 1934 If you ever wondered what you’d do if you had lived back then Congratufuckinlations It’s happening again But possibility swings both ways At the risk of sounding silly There might be some better days ahead If they can dig a hole We can make a hill There is nothing off the table anymore And the ship that brought us burns upon the shore When we talked about apocalypse not being an event But kinda more a process This is what we meant There’s nothing off the table anymore (When things start to fall apart) You may be lonely angry sad & scared & bored (& you’re feeling helpless, help) Well there’s important work to do & all you really have is time (try to help somebody else) Some of the work is legal, some of it is crimes There’s nothing off the table anymore (When they try to cramp your style) When the field is gone nobody’s keeping score The empire has no power, everyone has hit the showers (You can get more with a smile) & in the field instead of lawn a thousand different flowers (& a gun than just a smile) But possibility swings both ways At the risk of sounding silly There might be some better days ahead If they can dig a hole We can make a hill</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=5"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Honkybabble"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">5.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/honkybabble"><span class="track-title">Honkybabble</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 03:30 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/honkybabble#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/honkybabble?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_5"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>It’s puritanical; it’s old money It’s a tone; it’s a jargon; it thinks it’s funny It’s academic; it’s spiritual bypass It’s a constant saber rattle and it stinks of upper caste; it’s... Honkybabble “Take care of yourself” ain’t what they mean Honkybabble Cos every bigwig needs an underling Honkybabble Showing off at punching up When you’re really talking down The melting floe to which you cling Where you have piled all your things They’re drowning all around you as they swim You’re stomping on their fingers, but your ice is getting thin Honkybabble Pointing at your food making a scene Honkybabble Oh now, you’re calling the police? Honkybabble Showing off at punching up When you’re really talking down There is no room left for you to grow, no You’ve heard it all before You have the key to every door No, you don’t make poor decisions and you are grossed out by the poor Honkybabble You ain’t one eighth Cherokee Honkybabble Your only black friend agrees Honkybabble Cold and white like a Chablis Honkybabble I’mma blame you for slavery Honkybabble Yes, I mean you personally Honkybabble You let your dog lick on your teeth Honkybabble Raisins in your Mac and Cheese Honkybabble You don’t wash behind your knees Honkybabble You have a service bichon frise Honkybabble Eating tacos with aioli Honkybabble You chew with someone else’s teeth</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=6"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play This Is How We Get Ants"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">6.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/this-is-how-we-get-ants"><span class="track-title">This Is How We Get Ants</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 04:01 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/this-is-how-we-get-ants#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/this-is-how-we-get-ants?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_6"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>The tyrant is waiting to grant me audience Broke her monopoly on violence The blanket’s a crime scene Don’t touch the forks and knives So many troops on me I almost look alive And I’m dining with the queen But it looks like Halloween all over me Fancy party on the lawn Til the last morsel is gone Party on, party on The Convoy is marching all dressed in black No mercy, they carry the empire on their back Ironic, I started this picnic all alone Now a litter borne by thousands takes her to the throne And I’m dining with the queen But it looks like Halloween all over me Fancy party on the lawn Til the last morsel is gone Party on, party on In rooms made of memory, a palace for the queen My heart is a dungeon but you won’t hear me scream You don’t want to know what’s going on down south The whole rotten army can fit inside my mouth And I’m dining with the queen But it looks like Halloween all over me Fancy party on the lawn Til the last morsel is gone Party on, Party on</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=7"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Say Sorry"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">7.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/say-sorry"><span class="track-title">Say Sorry</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 03:37 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/say-sorry#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/say-sorry?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_7"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>“Hooray, I’m a dad!”; which I’ll admit is kinda weird Especially cos I’ve always thought this world is to be feared The planet is on fire and there’s kids out in the cold Disease & famine comin’ back just like in the days of old You’re dodging melting ice and machine guns in your school And a low-wage shitty job might kill the bright-eyed dream in you It makes me really sad when I see the world my kid will inherit So line up and say sorry; make it loud so he can hear it You should apologize for littering and for killing all the magic For stifling every woman; for the bombs and death and havoc Say sorry for eating each other alive And for making the Jar-Jar guy want to jump off a bridge and die Say sorry cause you folks really are the worst (Yeah yeah yeah) You should say sorry, but y’know... I should probably say it first I used to think that a society unaware of all its faults Could be fixed up with some satire and a bunch of weirdo art But money’s torn this whole entire clusterfuck to shit Now my kid is owed amends for being squirted into it Son, I know like your YouTube and Nintendo games In a few years you may be stoked on weed and I’ll be hella lame It makes me really sad when I see the world my kid will inherit So line up and say sorry; make it loud so he can hear it In your hands you have free access to all of human knowledge But you’re sharing clips of pooping cats not voting for free college You should get down from your high horse and not kick them when they’re down You should find a way to get along and find some common ground Say sorry cos you fuckers really are the worst (Yeah yeah yeah) You should say sorry, but y’know... I should probably say it first And promise me you won’t bring a kid into a hopeless world And if hope is running low that you will make some of your own And if my brain rots with age and I morph into a TERF Please put me out of my misery cos that’s what I’ll deserve The bullies & the bigots have made a big impression & their words & fists beat into me some scars & painful lessons That not all cops wear uniforms & their power is in fear & every single person is at least a little queer It makes me really sad when I see the world my kid will inherit So line up and say sorry; make it loud so he can hear it You should apologize for littering and for killing all the magic For stifling every woman; for the bombs and death and havoc Say sorry for eating each other alive And for making the Jar-Jar guy want to jump off a bridge and die Say sorry cause you folks really are the worst (Yeah yeah yeah) You should say sorry, but y’know... I should probably say it first</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=8"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Booty Call Rocket Run"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">8.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/booty-call-rocket-run"><span class="track-title">Booty Call Rocket Run</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 04:22 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/booty-call-rocket-run#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/booty-call-rocket-run?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_8"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>So long I’ve been riding this desk I don’t look or feel my best That’s for sure I just need some kind of release Time is my disease & there’s no cure Squinting at your profile picture Remembering how we never sealed the deal It’s been a couple presidents But you’re dropping hints That it hasn’t changed the way you feel If I take a half day, I could roll in late then fight like hell to stay awake I’ll second guess myself The whole way to your place Will this blow up in my face? Like a bullet from a rusty gun Booty call rocket run Will she still think I’m any fun Booty call rocket run There was never a window, when the both of us were single The tension has been building for a while I’ve been aging like a president & Dr. Jones knows, it’s not the years it’s the miles The radio stations changing Just stopped for caffeine Finally try some Horny Goat Weed Gotta find that sweet spot Oh no too much caffeine Anxiety I kinda need to scream Like a bullet from a rusty gun Booty call rocket run Will she still think I’m any fun Booty call rocket run I somehow managed to bring very little baggage For a trip like this & it makes me feel like Aragorn Will it be pizza & wine or cop cars & ketamine A six hour shower Or talking on the roof til dawn I think that if we try For all of the above That’s probably at least as good as love And if we both have a good time And if I survive Well that might just have to be enough Like a bullet from a rusty gun Booty call rocket run Will she still think I’m any fun Booty call rocket run</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=9"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play The Death Of A Space Wizard"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">9.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/the-death-of-a-space-wizard"><span class="track-title">The Death Of A Space Wizard</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 03:30 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/the-death-of-a-space-wizard#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/the-death-of-a-space-wizard?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_9"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>Once upon a time there was a dude out of time His skull was dying to rid its skin Resting in a coil; never need to toil Under his own spell; the descent begins High and heavy above us He was never among us No more power No more special effects But you kept on conjuring You kept throwing a hex You shat out a potion And told us a story of your wisdom and might But somethin’ ain’t right We trusted you with our souls I hope I stop yelling at lovers & kids if I ever get that old Doors locked in your glass house so they can’t get you In your ivory tower writing bad reviews Casting illusions but you didn’t consider Your secret is out; you are not a real wizard No more power No more special effects But you kept on conjuring You kept throwing a hex You shat out a potion And told us a story of your wisdom and might But somethin’ ain’t right Your reign is over; your magic died Your spells fell flat as you bled from your eyes On fire in a freefall; heading to Earth A shitty little mortal with no purpose and no worth The death of a space wizard is quite a sight to behold It’s a mystical mess of hair, sparkles and robes No more power No more special effects But you kept on conjuring You kept throwing a hex You shat out a potion And told us a story of your wisdom and might But somethin’ ain’t right</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=10"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Grippy Sock Vacay"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">10.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/grippy-sock-vacay"><span class="track-title">Grippy Sock Vacay</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 05:10 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/grippy-sock-vacay#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/grippy-sock-vacay?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_10"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>I’m a zit & the world’s been trying to pop me Now I’m ready to burst who will dare to stop me Anyone around when I explode Might get some stains upon your coat Maybe there’s a better way Might be ready for a grippy sock vacay Getting all this pain off my chest though Is starting to look like a manifesto I’ve always been a little strange It’s way too late for me to change Maybe there’s a better way Might be ready for a grippy sock vacay Just need a quiet place Where I can sleep in a thin gown & take some pills from a plastic cup & get a pat on the head for choking them down But I know this’ll be twisted to fit agendas & in a couple weeks no one will remember What will the neighbors tell the news They never asked me about My political views Maybe there’s a better way Might be ready for a grippy sock vacay I can’t blame this all on the government But do democracies really have innocents? If you could all stop casting stones I just want to be left alone Maybe there’s a better way Might be ready for a grippy sock vacay Your lies & robot eyes won’t civilize me Feel like I’m going feral I’m wildin’ & stockpiling & filing down the barrel I hear you complain about The price of .223 But it’s cheaper than any future I can foresee I wish there was a better way But I can’t afford a grippy sock vacay</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=11"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play My Own Bare Hands"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">11.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/my-own-bare-hands"><span class="track-title">My Own Bare Hands</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 04:45 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/my-own-bare-hands#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/my-own-bare-hands?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_11"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>Started in black Now this shirt barely hangs on my back I remember times That don’t seem real anymore in my mind Is it just in my head How we lived before the Years of Lead It’s all turned to dust The only currency that’s left is trust & the world Feels like a lake of sand That is falling through my bare hands Wish I could find somebody to blame Cause if it was just one man I could solve this with my own bare hands & we’d all wink and say ain’t it a shame Used to live in a town Wasn’t surprised to hear it all burned down They had eyes that would Nazi Reducing the size of their circle of We Now my only company Is the crackle of flames in a busted TV A waste of bullets & beans If nobody comes to help when you scream I’ll open up this can with my own bare hands You can’t expect me to think of everything Keep telling myself there’s a plan Requiring my bare hands So far it seems like I’m just wandering We’ve run out of track Heading down & there ain’t no way back Shard of a mirror The good times are farther back than they appear Did you get your fill from the buffet at the top of the hill? The sneezeguard is cracked The specials are gone & they ain’t coming back & the world Feels like a lake of sand That is falling through my bare hands Wish I could find somebody to blame Cause if it was just one man I could solve this with my own bare hands & we’d all wink and say ain’t it a shame</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=12"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play The Cheese"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">12.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/the-cheese"><span class="track-title">The Cheese</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 02:55 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/the-cheese#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/the-cheese?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_12"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>What do you do at the end of the day to quiet your mind and hush the worry away? Do you try not to think about the doom and the gloom or the angry errant elephant in the room? Do you tell yourself lies to bring ease to your heart? Or do you look at what’s real and then fall apart? Its OK to toss the paper To turn off all the news To tamp down all the chatter And stop staring at the noose Its OK to turn the page Or open a new book To pause and crack a window Before you take a dump Don’t get me wrong; I know this world is rough It’s hard to keep your chin up when you haven’t got enough But why do we applaud the ones who move too fast? Is it the fear of what happens when we come in last? This Race of the Rats can never ever be won The cheese is bright & processed and the referees are hungry dogs Its OK to toss the paper To turn off all the news To tamp down all the chatter And stop staring at the noose Its OK to not know To not know what happens next To live without the answers When nothing’s making sense Stop being mean to yourself Feel your feet on the fucking ground Put down your fucking phone Get outside and walk around Its OK to toss the paper To turn off all the news To tamp down all the chatter And stop staring at the noose Its OK to turn the page Or open a new book To light a little candle Before you take a dump Its OK to not know To not know what happens next To live without the answers When nothing’s making Nothing’s making Nothing’s making sense</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=13"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play In The Corn"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">13.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/in-the-corn"><span class="track-title">In The Corn</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 04:01 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/in-the-corn#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/in-the-corn?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_13"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>Way back in the corn ‘Tween the night and the morn’ Something died, something born in the corn I am a simple man But I know everything can be explained In black and white Euclidean lines Don’t you ever tell me that’s gonna change Way back in the corn ‘Tween the night and the morn’ Something died, something born in the corn The night of that big ol storm Took some city folks in from the rain Mama cooked while they talked about a book And said a friend of theirs was coming back again Way back in the corn ‘Tween the night and the morn’ Something died, something born in the corn They say there’s a book that explains How these shadows could turn into gates I ain’t ever see a book like that But I seen how the cat run away Way back in the corn ‘Tween the night and the morn’ Something died, something born in the corn There’s a big ol’ light Glowing green with desire That everyone can see from miles away The weak of heart stagger into my backyard Drawn in like moths to a flame Don’t ask me why I killed ma & paw You’d never believe what I would say All them folks in them black hooded robes Telling me I gotta clean my plate Way back in the corn ‘Tween the night and the morn’ Something died, something born in the corn</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=14"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Nobody Wants To Hear It"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">14.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/nobody-wants-to-hear-it"><span class="track-title">Nobody Wants To Hear It</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 02:51 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/nobody-wants-to-hear-it#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/nobody-wants-to-hear-it?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_14"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>Nobody wants to hear it; I don’t want to say it I don’t want it to be true But I still love you It’s been 3000 miles and 400 days And a bunch of other girls I should feel OK But while they’re moaning beneath me I’m phoning it in And composing this song in my head Be my friend and end it all; take the pins out of the doll that I suspect you’ve got inside your dresser drawer And each night instead of sleep; I toss and turn and grit my teeth But I’d probably do the same if you were here for me But I guess this means more beer for me It seems sad and strange just how little has changed Though I keep rearranging the chairs on my deck Tipped up and sinking, I’m tipsy and trying to drink from a ship in a bottle again I see someone walk down the street with hair like you and I can’t speak Another stranger turns around and frowns at me In my head I try and explain It sounds pathetic and insane I get on the train not looking where it’s taking me Just to escape this scene It’s been 40 seasons and I see no reason For me to believe I’ll ever see you again Lying awake and replaying mistakes with the shape of your ghost faced away in the bed I just can’t do this anymore Forgotten what’s a metaphor Ignore me through the space and time that stands between The nights you said that you loved me The child that almost came to be That time you forced me to decide Whether to let it live or die I chose to kill it for your sake The words you chose were kind and fake Until I landed head in hands next to the sea And every day I don’t call and I let you be</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=15"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Anvil From The Sky"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">15.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/anvil-from-the-sky"><span class="track-title">Anvil From The Sky</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 03:27 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/anvil-from-the-sky#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/anvil-from-the-sky?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_15"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>Never been a cool guy I ain’t some normal dude These alpha men all tell me I’m too smart for my own good This aching heart is weary I’m dying for some peace But this world has other plans So I’m choosing to retreat I’m not scared, not anymore I’ve done the things I came here for I’m not depressed but there are days When I cross the street without looking both ways I’ve prayed for cancer Hoped for an anvil from the sky Something that’s nobody’s fault No long tearful goodbyes I’m so tired of this world And all its goldurn meanness Let down so many times That I’m lower than the deepest There’s been times I got it wrong But now I have suffered far too long A voice from up above saying I’m too hard to love I tried to share my joy Though things were rough at home Years in basements with some wingnuts Feeling less alone I smashed my own nail flat Got responsible and fake But no matter what I did It felt like a mistake Everyone’s just a source of pain Won’t make that mistake again The days have lost their name & everything is gray I’ve prayed for cancer Hoped for an anvil from the sky Something that’s nobody’s fault No long tearful goodbyes I’m so tired of this world And all its goldurn meanness Let down so many times That I’m lower than the deepest There’s been times I got it wrong But now I have suffered far too long A voice from up above saying I’m too hard to love First thing to remember is We’re gonna get our shit pushed in Second thing to keep in mind We’re gonna win I’m so tired of this world And all its goldurn meanness Let down so many times That I’m lower than the deepest There’s been times I got it wrong But now I have suffered far too long A voice from up above saying I’m too hard to love</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=16"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Lost On A Gambler"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">16.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/lost-on-a-gambler"><span class="track-title">Lost On A Gambler</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 04:52 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/lost-on-a-gambler#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/lost-on-a-gambler?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_16"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>The cantina went silent as the stranger came in from the road In his eyes I could see that he carried a heavy load Bowlegged like a cowhand, but he wasn’t a horse-ridin’ man We all looked away when he asked to use the commode The old fella rushed to the front of the line in great haste Knocked on the door, bowlegged but running in place Why did you cut me in line? said the lady who now stood behind He said beggin’ your pardon but sharting’s a special case Lost on a gambler & falling behind When ya wager it all that there’s nothing but brown wavy lines Don’t mess with a gambler when you’re out on the town Cause your big ol’ cojones won’t be alone in your chonis when it all comes down Sometimes life hits you below the belt Sometimes you’ve got to play the cards that you’re dealt But all you’ve got is a deuce And there ain’t no place to cut loose I’m starting to understand how the old man felt Lost on a gambler & falling behind When ya wager it all that there’s nothing but brown wavy lines Don’t mess with a gambler when you’re out on the town Cause your big ol’ cojones won’t be alone in your chonies And I told you not to eat that 3 week old bologna when it all comes down</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=17"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play You Should Do That"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">17.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/you-should-do-that"><span class="track-title">You Should Do That</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 02:42 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/you-should-do-that#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/you-should-do-that?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_17"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>You heard it from that one guy So it must be true & good So have a taste of horse paste Don’t let it go to waste You should do that; you totally should Go ahead and do that I sense your expertise Self-administer that shot Malaria or not You should do that to keep away disease What’s a little bloody stool or some bloating of the face? John Wayne and Ronald Reagan; they never made mistakes What’s a little insurrection on the off chance that you’re right? What’s a little indigestion? It won’t kill you Or it might You unraveled the message Like you said you would Oh, the knowledge that did spring From your decoder ring You should heed it’s word; you totally should You did your own research And it’s safe for chickens Your brain should be all good And “safe” is just a word; and words are for hippies and reading labels is so hard So you should do that; you totally should And just like magic; it will trickle down Like hellfire raining down below The FDA says it might turn your guts to goo But what the hell do they know? What’s a little bloody stool or some bloating of the face? John Wayne and Ronald Reagan; they never made mistakes What’s a little insurrection on the off chance that you’re right? What’s a little indigestion? It won’t kill you Or it might</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=18"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Spa Day"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">18.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/spa-day"><span class="track-title">Spa Day</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 02:32 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/spa-day#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/spa-day?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_18"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>When it’s spa day A very special party The face is just the start Of our art when it’s Spa day You must be hale and hardy Or the mask will eat your skin And wear you from within You don’t appreciate the lengths I go to Keeping politics & news out of my eyes A bit of cucumber A blast of blowtorch I will exfoliate this doom and act surprised On spa day The ritual is starting Blessed be the flesh That can peel off this distress When it’s spa Day A universe uncharted Let’s explore a realm of goo And wake up in a different you You don’t appreciate the lengths I go to Keeping politics & news out of my eyes A bit of cucumber A blast of blowtorch I will exfoliate this doom and act surprised Exfoliate the interlopers Let them feel the pain of clean Wear the skinsuit through the portal Don’t let anyone escape unchanged</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=19"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Atlantis"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">19.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/atlantis"><span class="track-title">Atlantis</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 05:25 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/atlantis#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/atlantis?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_19"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>The prophets say this place will sink beneath the waves someday The entrails point to ashes but I don’t care if it all goes away Each night the last sound I hear is your breathing next to me And if the sun don’t come up tomorrow there’s no place I’d rather be Everyone’s freaking out cutting the trees down & pushing rafts into the tide There’s a waiting list for the altars as the smoke curls up to the sky Let’s you & me go down to the beach tonight and have ourselves a barbecue If I’m gonna make a burnt offering let it be pleasing unto you The cities may crumble, and the Seas may swallow the land But you and me in Atlantis, we will make our stand We may be tiny as the wave hits the shore But together in Atlantis we are something more We get to see it, the last day of this world We get to see the legends come true What a privilege, what an honor To witness the last of existence with you With nothing to do, the gods will get sleepy again They’ll start to turn out the palace lights We’ll have the whole place to ourselves Golden instruments on shelves Let’s see if we can wake them up tonight The mountains they rumble, the temples they tumble on down Just hold my hand tight as we jump these new cracks in the ground The end of all things doesn’t seem too much to endure They say nothing’s forever But then I look in your eyes and I’m not so sure The cities may crumble, and the Seas may swallow the land But if you’re with me in Atlantis, I will understand We may be tiny as the wave hits the shore But together in Atlantis we are something more We may be tiny as the wave hits the shore But together in Atlantis we are so much more</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="track_row_view linked" rel="tracknum=20"> <td class="play-col"><a role="button" aria-label="Play Pee-Pee Poo-Poo Forever"><div class="play_status disabled"></div></a></td> <td class="track-number-col"><div class="track_number secondaryText">20.</div></td> <td class="title-col"> <div class="title"> <a href="/track/pee-pee-poo-poo-forever"><span class="track-title">Pee-Pee Poo-Poo Forever</span></a> <span class="time secondaryText"> 02:34 </span> </div> </td> <td class="info-col"><div class="info_link"><a href="/track/pee-pee-poo-poo-forever#lyrics" data-lyrics>lyrics</a></div></td> <td class="download-col"> <div class="dl_link"> <a href="/track/pee-pee-poo-poo-forever?action=download"> buy track </a> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="lyricsRow" id="lyrics_row_20"> <td></td> <td colspan=4> <div>I am a survivor It ain’t been a picnic Sidesteppin’ the death march In this hellscape triptych It ain’t supplements Or walking the dog That lifted my spirits Out of the slog It was pee-pee poo-poo forever Make it gross and weird and clever Always pee-pee poo-poo forever Pee-pee poo-poo forever In total darkness In misery In a waking coma No hope for me Didn’t eat no spinach No meditation It was a fart joke That improved my station It was pee-pee poo-poo forever Make it gross and weird and clever Always pee-pee poo-poo forever Pee-pee poo-poo forever Caca! I am not the better person, but I sure feel a whole lot better Can’t take me to dinner or anywhere for that matter But I’m smiling and I’m laughing And I’m happy I’m alive I got the power of that giggle, y’all C’mon and give it a try It was pee-pee poo-poo forever Make it gross and weird and clever Always pee-pee poo-poo forever Pee-pee poo-poo forever</div> </td> </tr> </table> <h3 class="about-label">about</h3> <div class="tralbumData tralbum-about">Bobby Joe Ebola’s first studio effort since 2012, Solar Cantata is a bleak, hilarious and raw return to form for the legendary duo. Amid historic instability and the crumbling of the old world, the 20 original songs on this ambitious concept album explore the apocalypse as a process more than an event, and how we find - or make - joy in a dying world. <br> <br> Sonically and thematically, Solar Cantata is a wild ride, featuring over 50 musicians and eye-popping gatefold LP album art & photography by Winston Smith, Erol Otus, Michael Garlington, Jason Chandler and Anthony Marchitiello.</div> <h3 class="credits-label">credits</h3> <div class="tralbumData tralbum-credits"> released November 19, 2024 <br><br>Solar Cantata was recorded during 75 days from November 2023 to August 2024 at Palm and Vine Recording in Cotati, California, with various remote studio work happening from August 2023 to May 2024 at Dutch Oven Studios in Ashland, Oregon and a handful of other locales. <br> <br> All songs written by Abbott/Redford <br> © 2024 Teal Shirt Music <br> <br> Produced by Gabriel Winter, Corbett Redford, and Dan Abbott <br> Executive Produced by Corbett Redford, Dan Abbott and Melissa Avignon-Redford <br> Additional production by Craig Billmeier and Dylan Blackthorn <br> Engineered & recorded by Gabriel Winter at Palm & Vine Recording in Cotati, CA <br> Additional engineering & recording by Craig Billmeier at Dutch Oven Studios in Ashland, OR <br> Mixed by Josh Garcia at The S.A.M.E. Studio in Chico, CA <br> Additional mixing by Max Lopez & Gabriel Winter at Palm and Vine Recording in Cotati, CA <br> Mastered for digital & vinyl by Anne-Marie Suenram at Suenram Mastering in San Pablo, CA. <br> <br> Vinyl manufactured by Outta Wax Vinyl Record Pressing in Minneapolis, MN <br> Printing by Imprint Indie Printing, Inc. in Sarasota, FL <br> Vinyl lacquer lathe cutting engineered by Anne-Marie Suenram at Suenram Mastering in San Pablo, CA <br> <br> Front Cover Artwork: “Bumper to Bumper” by Winston Smith <br> Inner Gatefold Artwork by Erol Otus <br> Album Back Cover Tintype Photography by Michael Garlington <br> Album Lettering & Layout by Jason Chandler <br> <br> Codex Layout by Gregg Semen and Jason Chandler <br> Codex Studio Session Photography by Anthony Marchitiello <br> Codex Front & Back Cover Tintype Photography by Michael Garlington <br> Codex Illustrations by Alex Koll <br> Codex Illustrations & Photo Corners by Natalie Marchitiello <br> <br> Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits are: <br> <br> Corbett Redford - Vocals <br> Dan Abbott - Acoustic Guitar, Vocals <br> <br> Craig Billmeier - Electric Guitar, Vocals <br> Dylan Blackthorn - Accordion, Ukulele, Jaw Harp <br> Frank Piegaro - Electric Guitar, Electric Bass <br> Melissa Avignon-Redford - Flute, Vocals <br> Gabriel Winter - Hammond B3, Vocals, Percussion <br> FiddleDan Graziani - Violin, Viola <br> Noaa Rienecker - Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar <br> Colin Hogan - Grand Piano, Rhodes Organ <br> Anna Elva Cucciardo - Drums <br> Jason Willer - Drums <br> Pietro D'Amato - Drums <br> Julian Hogan - Drums <br> Erica “Unwoman” Mulkey - Cello <br> Mike Olmos - Trumpet <br> Daniel Casares - Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone <br> Joel Behrman - Trombone <br> Melissa Jones - Vocals <br> Melanie Patryce Sveine - Vocals <br> Murph Murphy - Electric Bass <br> Miles Blackwell - Electric Bass <br> Jason Kocol - Electric Bass <br> Lucas Warford - Upright Bass <br> Eytan Schillinger-Hyman - Upright Bass <br> Kevin Carducci - Upright Bass <br> Zeb Lemke - Mandolin <br> Josh Lippmann - Banjo <br> Mike Cooper - Harmonica <br> Dave Eagle - Washboard, Percussion, Can O’ Tricks <br> Emilio Davalos - Percussion <br> Scott Bohm - Percussion <br> Chris Costalupes - Pedal Steel <br> <br> The ‘Our Last Hope’ Children’s Chorus on “Nothing’s Off The Table”and “Say Sorry”: <br> Rex Redford, Kubrick Marchitiello, “Monte Rio” Willie Lewis, Hank Lewis, Bean Bressem, Ramona Billmeier, Desmond Billmeier, Niko George, and Ellis George <br> <br> The People’s Parade on “The Returner”: <br> Melissa Avignon-Redford, Melanie Patrice-Sveine, Melissa Jones, Torch, Lex Milana, Barbara Hodovan, Gregg Semen, Christine Shepherd, Jim Lewis, Laurelin Lewis, Mark Bressem, Bean Bressem, Anna Elva Cucciardo, Levon Cucciardo, Rob Cooper, Gina Cooper, Christie George, and Julie George </div> <h3 class="license-label">license</h3> <div id="license" class="info license"> <span class="cc-icons 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class="signup-tooltip-outer follow-tooltip-outer"></div> </div> <div class="signed-out-artists-bio-text"> <p id="bio-text"> Bobby Joe Ebola and The Children MacNuggits was mightily formed in 1995 in a fast-food parking lot by guitarist Dan Abbott <span class="peekaboo-text">and singer Corbett Redford.<br><span class="lightweightBreak"></span><br>The MacNuggits have become legend in the musical underground of the Bay Area and beyond, with their infamously unpredictable mix of searing social satire, soaring harmonies, outlandish & shocking truths, and poop jokes.</span> <span class="peekaboo-link"><span class="peekaboo-ellipsis">...</span> <a>more</a></span> </p> </div> <ol id="band-links"> <li><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc me" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" href=""></a></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc me" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" href="">Instagram</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc me" 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referrerpolicy="strict-origin">Rain Dog Records</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Petaluma, CA</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">Feb 22</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">Toot's Tavern</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Crockett, CA</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">Feb 23</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">Cafe Colonial</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Sacramento, CA</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">May 28</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">Naked Lounge</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Chico, CA</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">May 29</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">Blast Off Vintage</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Salem, OR</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">May 30</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">High Water Mark Lounge</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Portland, OR</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">May 31</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">The Black Lodge</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Seattle, WA</div> </li> <li> <div class="showDate secondaryText">Jun 1</div> <div class="showVenue"><a target="_blank" href="" referrerpolicy="strict-origin">Port of Call</a></div> <div class="showLoc secondaryText">Astoria, OR</div> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="discography" class="sidebar" > <h3 class="title"><a href="/music" class="link-and-title primaryText">discography</a></h3> <ul> <li> <div> <a class="thumbthumb " href="/album/solar-cantata"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <div class="trackTitle"><a href="/album/solar-cantata">Solar Cantata</a></div> <div class="trackYear secondaryText">Nov 2024</div> </li> <li> <div> <a class="thumbthumb " href="/album/trainwreck-to-narnia"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <div class="trackTitle"><a href="/album/trainwreck-to-narnia">Trainwreck To Narnia</a></div> <div class="trackYear secondaryText">Dec 2012</div> </li> <li> <div> <a class="thumbthumb " href="/album/f"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <div class="trackTitle"><a href="/album/f">F</a></div> <div class="trackYear secondaryText">Oct 2010</div> </li> <li class="gt3"> <div> <a class="thumbthumb " href="/album/carmelita-sings-visions-of-a-rock-apocalypse"> <img src=""> </a> </div> <div class="trackTitle"><a href="/album/carmelita-sings-visions-of-a-rock-apocalypse">¡Carmelita Sings!: Visions of a Rock Apocalypse</a></div> <div class="trackYear secondaryText">Jun 2000</div> </li> </ul> <div class="showMore" ><a href="/music">more releases...</a></div> </div> <h3 id="contact-help" class="title">contact / help</h3> <p id="contact-tracker-data" data-band-id="883667339"> <a href="/contact?b=883667339&n=Bobby%20Joe%20Ebola%20and%20the%20Children%20MacNuggits" title="Send an email to Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits">Contact Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits</a> </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Streaming and <span id="sidebar-contact-label-break"><br></span>Download help</a></p> <p><a href="">Redeem code</a></p> <p id="report-account-vm" data-tou-report-params="{"i_type":"a","i_id":993385502,"a_id":883667339}"> <a data-bind="click: showDialog"> Report this album or account </a> </p> </div> <div id="collectors-data" data-blob="{"thumbs":[{"fan_id":11216095,"username":"ezrali","name":"EzraLi","image_id":37110489,"token":"1:1738534135:11216095:0:1:0"},{"fan_id":333343,"username":"electricbabayan","name":"electric aurora","image_id":3606954,"token":"1:1734308880:333343:0:1:0"},{"fan_id":491120,"username":"yonibaloni","name":"Yoni 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Warren","image_id":8772601,"token":"1:1728314773:335715:0:0:0"},{"fan_id":53623,"username":"vimes","name":"Justin","image_id":1391269,"token":"1:1728281897:53623:0:0:0"},{"fan_id":4754677,"username":"milkrobotics","name":"milkrobotics","image_id":22315152,"token":"1:1728278904:4754677:0:0:0"}]}"></div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <div id="pgFt"> <div class="recommendations-container" id="recommendations_container" data-nosnippet> <div class="recommendations-content"> <div class="first-row"> <div class="recs-section bc-recs"> <p class="section-title"> If you like Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits, you may also like: </p> <ul class="horizontal"> <li class="recommended-album footer-cc" id="id-30766686" data-trackid="2095817702" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="Of My Own Space and Time I Am Queen" data-albumid="30766686" data-artist="Unwoman" data-artistid="627738861" data-from="footer-cc-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">Of My Own Space and Time I Am Queen</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by Unwoman</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="supporters-text">supported by 5 fans who also own “Solar Cantata”</p> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">It's a masterstroke of self-expression. However dark some of the statements may be in many of these songs, I love to hear Erica find new ways to tell the story of living in this world of trial and stupid asses -and decent folks. I enjoy the reality, but I find when I travel about, I thrill to the sound of optimism that "When We Were Young" exudes. I picture the dance floor at a Columbian Exposition, as we all pat ourselves on the back 'cause we are so exceptional - even if it ain't exactly true. </span><span class="comment-author">silverwarrior</span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> <li class="recommended-album footer-cc" id="id-632780660" data-trackid="4159126006" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="Loss & Comfort" data-albumid="632780660" data-artist="Unwoman" data-artistid="627738861" data-from="footer-cc-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">Loss & Comfort</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by Unwoman</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="supporters-text">supported by 4 fans who also own “Solar Cantata”</p> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">A very quiet, even dark small collection. "I am Here" is one of the most beautiful, if not depressive, pieces you may hear. It's also a beautiful sound experiment. "Legacy" is a worthy restful instrumental piece grounded in the classics, in Erica's poignant cello mastery. </span><span class="comment-author">silverwarrior</span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> <li class="recommended-album footer-cc" id="id-1206322211" data-trackid="1495646975" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="The Love Apocalypse; or, Uncovered Volume 6" data-albumid="1206322211" data-artist="Unwoman" data-artistid="627738861" data-from="footer-cc-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">The Love Apocalypse; or, Uncovered Volume 6</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by Unwoman</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="supporters-text">supported by 4 fans who also own “Solar Cantata”</p> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">Such a delight! Already listened a couple of times on repeat, and very hard pressed to pick a favourite so far x </span><span class="comment-author">shroomclown</span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> <li class="recommended-album footer-nn" id="id-3292951510" data-trackid="1707897781" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="Jana" data-albumid="3292951510" data-artist="The Vovos" data-artistid="775103716" data-from="footer-nn-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">Jana</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by The Vovos</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">Nothing not to love about the jangly sounds of the Vovos, who blend catchy melodies with whip smart lyrics. </span><span class="comment-author">Bandcamp New & Notable <span class="date">Aug 25, 2021</span></span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> <li class="recommended-album footer-nn" id="id-767311015" data-trackid="3758676485" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="Move To The Trees" data-albumid="767311015" data-artist="Winter McQuinn" data-artistid="551629077" data-from="footer-nn-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">Move To The Trees</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by Winter McQuinn</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">Winter McQuinn mixes soft rock and psychedelic folk for a sound reminiscent of classic pop purveyors like Cut Worms and the Lemon Twigs. </span><span class="comment-author">Bandcamp New & Notable <span class="date">Apr 16, 2024</span></span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> <li class="recommended-album footer-nn" id="id-2020952647" data-trackid="3331852816" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="It's Hard to be a Person: soundtrack to the book" data-albumid="2020952647" data-artist="BRETT NEWSKI & the Bad Inventions" data-artistid="249209025" data-from="footer-nn-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">It's Hard to be a Person: soundtrack to the book</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by BRETT NEWSKI & the Bad Inventions</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">Big, boisterous, and brawny, the new LP from Brett Newski is an accompaniment to his book about life on the road. </span><span class="comment-author">Bandcamp New & Notable <span class="date">Jun 20, 2021</span></span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> <li class="recommended-album footer-cc" id="id-1313360024" data-trackid="479070497" data-audiourl="{"mp3-128":""}" data-albumtitle="Music to Snuggle Your Old Lady to" data-albumid="1313360024" data-artist="Unwoman" data-artistid="627738861" data-from="footer-cc-a993385502"> <div class="album-art-container"> <img class="album-art" src=""> <div class="play-button"> <div class="play-icon"></div> </div> </div> <p class="title-and-artist"> <a class="album-link" href=""><span class="release-title">Music to Snuggle Your Old Lady to</span><br><span class="spacer"></span><span class="by-artist">by Unwoman</span></a> </p> <div class="album-details"> <p class="supporters-text">supported by 4 fans who also own “Solar Cantata”</p> <p class="comment"><span class="comment-contents">I must say, "This Will Make You Love Again" is much better then the original by IAMX both Versions </span><span class="comment-author">Alex Mason</span></p> <a class="go-to-album album-link" href="">go to album</a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="second-row"> <img src="/img/0.gif" class="lazy first-row-beacon" data-clicks=footer_cc_rec_seen,footer_cc_rec_seen,footer_cc_rec_seen,footer_nn_rec_seen,footer_nn_rec_seen,footer_nn_rec_seen,footer_cc_rec_seen,footer_seen> <div class="bc-daily-section"> <p class="section-title"><a class="bcd-title" href="">Bandcamp Daily</a> <span class="subtitle">your guide to the world of Bandcamp</span></p> <ul class="horizontal"> <li class="recommended-story genre-related"> <a class="daily-link" href=""> <div class="story-image-container"><img class="story-image" src=""></div> <p class="story-headline">The Non-Janglers at the Fringes of Melbourne’s Music Scene</p> </a> </li> <li class="recommended-story genre-related"> 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