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Indigo.Design is a digital product design platform that integrates UI prototyping, design systems, user testing to eliminate design hand offs and reduce costly iterations — enabling true UX design-development collaboration.</p> <div class="ui-btn-group ui-btn-group-mar--md"><a class="ui-btn ui-btn--secondary ui-btn--sm ui-btn--invert trackCTA" href="#request-demo" data-xd-ga-action="Request Demo" data-xd-ga-label="Indigo.Design Enterprise | Cloud">Request Demo</a> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm gaEventTracker trackCTA" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" data-ga-category="Download Button" data-ga-action="Click" data-ga-label="Indigo.Design Ent - Header" data-xd-ga-action="Sign up" data-xd-ga-label="Indigo.Design Enterprise | Cloud">Try It Now</a><!-- <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--invert ui-btn--sm" href="#">Button CTA #2</a>--></div> <div class="video-container p-relative"><!-- <img class="hidden-xxs hidden-xs hidden-sm p-absolute b-lazy" style="width: 200px; 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position: absolute; right: 21%; z-index: -1; top: 10%;"><img class="p-relative img--flip-y width--full" style="bottom: -90px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Hashed line connecting Indigo.Features" /></div> <div class="display--inline-block valign--middle" style="width: 30%;"><a class="mchNoDecorate" aria-label="Learn More about Code Generation" href="#angular-code"> <img class="img--circle ui-link--grow width--full" title="Red Angular icon representing design-to-code feature" style="max-width: 100px;" src="" alt="Red Angular icon representing design-to-code feature for Indigo.Design" /></a> <span class="hidden-xxs hidden-xs display--block emphasize vmar--md"><span class="display--block-sm display--block-md">Code Generation</span> for Angular</span> <a class="hidden-xxs hidden-xs ui-link ui-link--arrow-right display--block" aria-label="Learn More about Code Generation" href="#angular-code">Learn More</a></div> </div> </nav>--> <div class="features-block features-block--vpad-60"><!-- app builder --> <!-- <div id="app-builder" class="features-block__item features-block--align-center"> <div class="features-block__image features-block__image--right"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play" style="top: 50%; margin-top: -25px;"> </span><img class="b-lazy" title="Indigo.Design App Builder showing components being used in a working application" src="" alt="Indigo.Design App Builder showing components being used in a working application" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 50vw, (max-width: 767px) 100vw, 768px" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 960w, 1100w, 1600w" data-src="" /></a></div> <div class="features-block__content features-block__item--third"> <h3>Accelerate App Building</h3> <p>Design and build complete business apps faster than ever before with Cloud-based, WYSIWYG drag & drop tool. Feel the interactions and see how your application looks with instant, real-time preview. No need to download anything, no heavy IDEs, and no 3rd party dependencies. Compatible with popular design tools.</p> <ul class="ui-list ui-list__ul--check ui-list__ul--check--indigo ui-list--zero-padding" data-use-css="true"> <li>100% cloud-based WYSIWIG</li> <li>Complete Templates & Starter Layouts</li> <li>Instant Real-Time Preview</li> </ul> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm gaEventTracker trackCTA" aria-label="Learn more about App Builder" rel="noopener" href="/products/appbuilder" target="_blank" data-animation="fadeInUp">Learn More</a></div> </div> --> <!-- code generation --> <!-- <div id="angular-code" class="features-block__item features-block--align-center"> <div class="features-block__image features-block__image--left"><img class="b-lazy" title="Indigo.Design App Builder showing components being used in a working application" src="" alt="ndigo.Design App Builder showing components being used in a working application" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 50vw, (max-width: 767px) 100vw, 768px" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 960w, 1100w, 1600w" data-src="" /></div> <div class="features-block__content features-block__item--third"> <h3>Design to Code in Seconds</h3> <p>Anything you create in Sketch, Adobe XD and other design tools generates pixel-perfect code output in a single click with the Indigo Design System. Preview your designs instantly in the browser – no need to download or compile anything. Use our WYSIWYG cloud-based App Builder to create clean, usable code in Angular and Blazor (React and Web Components coming soon).</p> <ul class="ui-list ui-list__ul--check ui-list__ul--check--indigo ui-list--zero-padding" data-use-css="true"> <li>Components in UI Kits match real-word UI components</li> <li>HTML, CSS, TypeScript output</li> <li>Download generated code zip</li> </ul> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm gaEventTracker trackCTA" aria-label="Get Started with Angular" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" data-animation="fadeInUp" data-ga-category="Download Button" data-ga-action="Click" data-ga-label="Indigo.Design Ent - Get Started with Angular" data-xd-ga-action="Login" data-xd-ga-label="Indigo.Design Enterprise | Cloud">Get Started</a></div> </div> --> <div id="indigo-system" class="features-block__item features-block--align-center"> <div class="features-block__image features-block__image--right"><img class="b-lazy" title="Indigo.Design System showing a prototype with usable components" src="" alt="Indigo.Design System showing a prototype with usable components." sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 50vw, (max-width: 767px) 100vw, 768px" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 960w, 1100w, 1600w" data-src=""></div> <div class="features-block__content features-block__item--third"> <h3><!--<span><img class="display--block b-lazy" style="width: 40px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Yellow Diamond icon representing design systems feature for Indigo.Design" data-src="" /></span>-->One, Flexible Design System</h3> <p>Create best-in-class UX and UI designs using the <a title="UI Toolkit" data-id="33146" href="/products/appbuilder/ui-toolkit">Indigo Design System</a> on a single working environment for managers, designers and developers. Easily collaborate with stakeholders and test prototypes in an iterative design process.</p> <ul class="ui-list ui-list__ul--check ui-list__ul--check--indigo ui-list--zero-padding" data-use-css="true"> <li>Import designs from <a href="/products/indigo-design/prototyping-sketch">Sketch</a></li> <li>Build interactive prototypes with useable components</li> <li>Pre-built design patterns</li> </ul> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm gaEventTracker trackCTA" aria-label="Get Started with Indigo.Design System" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" data-animation="fadeInUp" data-ga-category="Download Button" data-ga-action="Click" data-ga-label="Indigo.Design Ent - Get Started with Design System" data-xd-ga-action="Login" data-xd-ga-label="Indigo.Design Enterprise | Cloud">Get Started</a></div> </div> <div id="prototyping" class="features-block__item features-block--align-center"> <div class="features-block__image features-block__image--left"><img class="b-lazy" title="Indigo.Design showing user testing" src="" alt="Indigo.Design showing user testing" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 50vw, (max-width: 767px) 100vw, 768px" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 960w, 1100w, 1600w" data-src=""></div> <div class="features-block__content features-block__item--third"> <h3>Powerful Rapid Prototyping</h3> <p>Ensure you are deliver beautiful app designs by sharing your projects and getting user feedback fast. This empowers you to identify and resolve issues early in the development cycle, saving time and resources in the long run.</p> <ul class="ui-list ui-list__ul--check ui-list__ul--check--indigo ui-list--zero-padding" data-use-css="true"> <li>Drag and drop designs or browse files on your computer</li> <li>Collaborate with team members with real time commenting</li> <li>Set navigation and create user flows</li> </ul> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm mfp-video--no-rel gaEventTracker" aria-label="Powerful Rapid Prototyping" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" data-animation="fadeInUp">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- user testing --> <div id="prototyping" class="features-block__item features-block--align-center"> <div class="features-block__image features-block__image--right"><img class="b-lazy" title="Indigo.Design showing user testing" src="" alt="Indigo.Design showing user testing" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 50vw, (max-width: 767px) 100vw, 768px" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 960w, 1100w, 1600w" data-src=""></div> <div class="features-block__content features-block__item--third"> <h3><!--<span><img class="display--block b-lazy" style="width: 40px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Indigo Plug icon representing prototyping and user testing feature for Indigo.Design" data-src="" /></span>-->User-test Early and Often</h3> <p>Conduct user testing and get stakeholder feedback early, before coding, to avoid costly iterations with your development team. Get detailed analytics to ensure your design is right before handing it off to developers.</p> <ul class="ui-list ui-list__ul--check ui-list__ul--check--indigo ui-list--zero-padding" data-use-css="true"> <li>Test quickly with unmoderated user testing</li> <li>View analytics screen-by-screen or via video</li> <li>Unlimited number of testers</li> </ul> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm gaEventTracker" aria-label="Get Started with Design Testing" rel="noopener" href="/products/indigo-design/user-testing" target="_blank" data-animation="fadeInUp">Learn More</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Indigo.Design Enterprise CTA --> <section class="be-section ui-callout--indigo"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 zero-padding-top"> <div class="ui-callout__content one-col column-block clearfix text--align-center"> <h3>Try Indigo.Design for Free</h3> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm mchNoDecorate gaEventTracker trackCTA" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" data-ga-category="Download Button" data-ga-action="Click" data-ga-label="Indigo.Design Ent - Experience" data-xd-ga-action="Sign up" data-xd-ga-label="Indigo.Design Enterprise | Cloud">Try It Now</a></div> <img class="ui-callout__img" role="presentation" src="" alt="UX designer using his tablet."></div> </section> <!-- Reviews --> <section class="be-section clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 overflow--hidden bgColor--san-marino bg--darker"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <div class="one-col clearfix text--align-center"><header class="h-group h-group--mar-bottom-none"> <h2>Reviews</h2> </header> <div class="features-block features-block--list text--align-left" style="margin: auto; max-width: 900px;"> <article class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <blockquote class="features-block__content"><img style="width: 60px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars"> <p>There isn't any prototyping tool with this kind of animation capabilities. The best for the money. There is a lot of intuitive features for interactive prototyping, usability testing, and collaboration. You can copy/paste your designs from Sketch and animate your interactions in any possible way.</p> <footer class="font-size--sm line-height--normal font-weight--bold color--alto"><span class="display--block">Pavol D.</span><span class="display--block">UX Designer</span></footer></blockquote> </article> <article class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <blockquote class="features-block__content"><img style="width: 75px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars"> <p>Indigo is a great replacement to wireframing and prototyping tools like Axure and Balsamiq. Ability to create interactive prototypes with animations quickly and also to sync with Sketch to reuse artifacts. We are also starting to include usability testing in our workflows.</p> <footer class="font-size--sm line-height--normal font-weight--bold color--alto"><span class="display--block">Anonymous - Capterra</span><span class="display--block">Computer Networking</span></footer></blockquote> </article> <article class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <blockquote class="features-block__content"><img style="width: 75px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars"> <p>Best tool on the market. We looked at all the wireframing tools on the market, and none have the features that Indigo has. The ability to be able to deploy wireframes as a site is invaluable to our proposal process.</p> <footer class="font-size--sm line-height--normal font-weight--bold color--alto"><span class="display--block">Michael S.</span><span class="display--block">Software architect </span></footer></blockquote> </article> <article class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <blockquote class="features-block__content"><img style="width: 60px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars"> <p>Great program for non-technical managers. Display a fully functioning software w/ no coding necessary.<br>Lets me focus on creative and UI more than anything else. This is extremely important as recruiting mentors and team members relied heavily on demonstrating this UI even though none of our co-founders have any coding experience.</p> <footer class="font-size--sm line-height--normal font-weight--bold color--alto"><span class="display--block">Luke P.</span><span class="display--block">Co-Founder</span></footer></blockquote> </article> <article class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <blockquote class="features-block__content"><img style="width: 75px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars"> <p>I have worked in Balsamiq and made the switch to Indigo and LOVE the enhanced features.<br> Extremely easy to design and setup interactions. Testing is a breeze! The training videos are GREAT!</p> <footer class="font-size--sm line-height--normal font-weight--bold color--alto"><span class="display--block">Brenda A.</span><span class="display--block">Business Implementation Consultant</span></footer></blockquote> </article> <article class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <blockquote class="features-block__content"><img style="width: 75px;" role="presentation" src="" alt="Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars"> <p>The biggest benefit is that we were able to produce what the end product would look like before we had developed it, and we could demo it to get user feedback. Controls used in the screens matched bootstrap, etc. making it easier for developers to deliver as the prototype matches what can be produced.</p> <footer class="font-size--sm line-height--normal font-weight--bold color--alto"><span class="display--block">Frederick N.</span><span class="display--block">Development Team Lead</span></footer></blockquote> </article> <!-- ... 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Tumblr gastropub you probably haven't heard of them, PBR 8-bit jianbing salvia drinking vinegar letterpress next level humblebrag pabst fashion axe.</p>--> <!--<a class="ui-link ui-link--arrow-right" href="/products/indigo-design/pricing#compare-features">Compare Plan Details</a>--></header> <div class="features-block features-block--list text--align-left pricing-blocks--container-xs"> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--fourth"> <div class="features-block__content ui-card ui-card--cta bgColor--white-smoke"> <div class="pricing-blocks__item text--align-left" style="padding: 0; border: 0;"><header> <h3 class="pricing-blocks__product">Indigo.Design Essential</h3> <span class="pricing-blocks__price">$55<span class="font-size--xs">/mo</span> <!--<span style="font-size: 0.25em;">per user</span>--></span> <span class="pricing-blocks__subtitle" style="margin-top: -10px; font-size: 12px;">per user or $525 /yr</span></header> <div class="pricing-blocks__content line-height--normal" style="font-size: 14px;"> <ul> <li>Powerful, rapid prototyping for unlimited web, mobile, and desktop prototypes in the cloud</li> <li>Remote User Testing with Analytics</li> <li>Video Replays for User Tests</li> <li>Group and Team Collaboration</li> </ul> <!-- <p class="disclaimer">Includes <strong>Indigo.Design Desktop App</strong> for Windows or OS X.</p> --></div> </div> <div><a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm ui-btn--invert" style="width: 60%;" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Buy Now</a></div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--fourth"> <div class="features-block__content ui-card ui-card--cta bgColor--san-marino bg--darker pricing-blocks__item--featured" style="border: 1px solid #3f51b5;"> <div class="pricing-blocks__label">Best Value</div> <div class="pricing-blocks__item text--align-left" style="padding: 0; border: 0;"><header class="color--white"> <h3 class="pricing-blocks__product">Indigo.Design</h3> <span class="pricing-blocks__price">$175<span class="font-size--xs">/mo</span> </span> <span class="pricing-blocks__subtitle" style="margin-top: -10px; font-size: 12px;">per user or $1695 /yr (includes 20% discount)</span></header> <div class="pricing-blocks__content line-height--normal" style="font-size: 14px;"><span><strong>Everything in Essential plus:</strong></span><br /> <ul> <li>Indigo Design System UI Kits</li> <li>Angular, Blazor and Web Components UI frameworks (65+ UI controls, components, and 60+ chart types Ignite UI)</li> <li>WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Web App Builder</li> �</div> </div> <div><a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm ui-btn--default-white-hvr" style="width: 60%;" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Buy Now</a></div> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--fourth" style="border: 0;"> <div class="features-block__content ui-card ui-card--cta bgColor--white-smoke"> <div class="pricing-blocks__item text--align-left" style="padding: 0; border: 0;"><header> <h3 class="pricing-blocks__product">Indigo.Design<br /> On-Prem</h3> </header> <div class="pricing-blocks__content line-height--normal" style="font-size: 14px;"> <p>A license for a single server, secure container for on-premises deployment:</p> <ul> <li>Secure on-premises prototypes</li> <li>Collaboration with Teams / Stakeholders</li> <li>Remote User-Testing + Analytics</li> <li>WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Web App Builder</li> <li>And more!</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div><a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm ui-btn--invert" style="width: 60%;" href="/products/indigo-design/on-prem#onPrem-contact">Contact Us</a></div> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--fourth" style="border: 0;"> <div class="features-block__content ui-card ui-card--cta bgColor--white-smoke"> <div class="pricing-blocks__item text--align-left" style="padding: 0; border: 0;"><header> <h3 class="pricing-blocks__product">Indigo.Design Embed</h3> </header> <div class="pricing-blocks__content line-height--normal" style="font-size: 14px;"> <p>A single license to securely embed the Indigo.Design App Builder into one app including:</p> <ul> <li>API for the App Builder Toolbox, Data Sources, Themes, Property Editor</li> <li>Live App Preview</li> <li>Live Code Preview</li> <li>WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Web App Builder</li> <li>And more!</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div><a id="pricing-embed-url" class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm ui-btn--invert" style="width: 60%;" href="/products/indigo-design#request-demo">Contact Us</a></div> </div> </div> --></div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- GALLERY --> <section id="sample-apps" class="be-section clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 zero-padding-bottom overflow--hidden"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <div class="one-col clearfix text--align-center"><!-- <header class="h-group h-group--mar-bottom-none"> <h2>Inspiration Is Everywhere</h2> <p>Jumpstart your next project using these sample applications. Created using Indigo.Design, these samples are free to use and include the Sketch UI Kits and Angular Code. Just download and make them your own.</p> </header> <div class="features-block features-block--list text--align-center" style="margin: auto;"> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"> <div class="text--align-center"><img class="img--no-padding b-lazy" title="App showing contact list and form for adding people" src="" alt="App showing contact list and form for adding people using Indigo.Design System components" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" data-src="" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 1100w, 1600w" /></div> <h3 class="padding-top-bottom-20 zero-padding-bottom">People App</h3> <p>People App is an example of a typical Master-Detail app demonstrating a list, details and editing features.</p> <a class="ui-link--arrow-right" href="/resources/sample-applications/people-app">Learn More</a></div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"> <div class="text--align-center"><img class="img--no-padding b-lazy" title="App Dashboard showing team tasks" src="" alt="App Dashboard showing team tasks through Angular components via Indigo.Design App Builder" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" data-src="" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 1100w, 1600w" /></div> <h3 class="padding-top-bottom-20 zero-padding-bottom">Task Management</h3> <p>The Task Management app showcases a Kanban board with tasks organized into groups according to their status: To Do, In Development, Validation and Done.</p> <a class="ui-link--arrow-right" href="/resources/sample-applications/task-management-app">Learn More</a></div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"> <div class="text--align-center"><img class="img--no-padding b-lazy" title="Team Collaboration app showcases tasks and dashboards" src="" alt="Team Collaboration app showcases tasks and dashboards" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" data-src="" data-srcset=" 480w, 768w, 1100w, 1600w" /></div> <h3 class="padding-top-bottom-20 zero-padding-bottom">Team Collaboration</h3> <p>The Team Collaboration app showcases two main modules – a layout with tasks and a collection of dashboards.</p> <a class="ui-link--arrow-right" href="/resources/sample-applications/team-collaboration-app">Learn More</a></div> </div> </div> --></div> </div> </section> <!-- LEARNING LIBRARY --> <section id="learning-library" class="be-section clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 zero-padding-bottom overflow--hidden"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <div class="one-col column-block clearfix text--align-center"><header class="h-group h-group--mar-bottom-none"> <h2>Learning Resources</h2> <p>Get started with the resources you need to create amazing user experiences.</p> <a class="ui-link ui-link--arrow-right" href="/products/indigo-design/help/video-tutorials.html">Learn More</a></header> <div class="features-block features-block--list text--align-center"> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" aria-label="Watch the Indigo.Design Tour" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play"> </span><img class="b-lazy" src="" alt="General Overview of Indigo.Design System" data-src=""> </a> <p>Indigo.Design Tour</p> </div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" aria-label="Watch Installing the Sketch UI Kits" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play"> </span><img class="b-lazy" src="" alt="Install Sketch UI Kits" data-src=""> </a> <p>Installing the Sketch UI Kits</p> </div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" aria-label="Watch Building Your First Artboard in Sketch" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play"> </span><img class="b-lazy" src="" alt="Using Sketch to build your first artboard" data-src=""> </a> <p>Building Your First Artboard in Sketch</p> </div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" aria-label="Watch User Testing Overview" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play"> </span><img class="b-lazy" src="" alt="User Testing Overview" data-src=""> </a> <p>User Testing Overview</p> </div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" aria-label="Watch Getting Started with Prototyping" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play"> </span><img class="b-lazy" src="" alt="How to get started with Prototyping in Indigo.Design" data-src=""> </a> <p>Getting Started with Prototyping</p> </div> </div> <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"></div> <!-- <div class="features-block__item features-block__item--third"> <div class="features-block__content"><a class="mfp-video--no-rel ui-thumb__container" aria-label="Watch Code Generation in Visual Studio Code" href=""><span class="ui-thumb__icon ui-thumb__icon--play"> </span><img class="b-lazy" src="" alt="Generate Code within Visual Studio Code" data-src="" /> </a> <p>Code Generation in Visual Studio Code</p> </div> </div> --></div> <!-- <a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--invert ui-btn--sm" href="#">Learn More</a> --></div> </div> </section> <!-- end --> <!-- --> <section id="request-demo" class="be-section padding-top-bottom-50"> <div class="be-row be-wrap"> <div class="one-col column-block clearfix text--align-center"> <div class="mkto-form__container mw--800 align--center"><header class="h-group h-group--mar-bottom-sm"> <h2>Contact Us About Indigo.Design</h2> <p class="mw--900 align--center">Indigo.Design is a complete digital product design platform, with the tools teams need to design, build, and test applications faster. To get more information, please complete the form below and a member of our team will follow-up to confirm and schedule at a date and time that will work with you.</p> </header> <div class="text--align-left"> <div class="loader__container" style="min-height: 200px;"> <div class="loader loader--bar"></div> </div> <form id="lead-form" class="lead-tracker-form ui-form " data-form-theme="" style="display: none;"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <span class="ui-form__required-note">required field</span> <div id="recaptchaError" class="field-validation-error-msg" style="display: none;">Unfortunately, Google has considered you a bot. If you have an account, please <a href="/login?ReturnUrl=" title="sign in">sign in</a> to validate your status and fill form out again. 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id="lblMessage_Checbox_1" for="checkbox_choice_1" class="ui-form__checkbox-container" style="display: inline-block;"> <span>User Testing</span> <input name="Message" id="checkbox_choice_1" type="checkbox" value="User Testing" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="lblMessage_Checkbox lblMessage_Checbox_1" class=""> <div class="ui-form__checkbox"> </div> </label> <label id="lblMessage_Checbox_2" for="checkbox_choice_2" class="ui-form__checkbox-container" style="display: inline-block;"> <span>Code Generation</span> <input name="Message" id="checkbox_choice_2" type="checkbox" value="Code Generation" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="lblMessage_Checkbox lblMessage_Checbox_2" class=""> <div class="ui-form__checkbox"> </div> </label> <label id="lblMessage_Checbox_3" for="checkbox_choice_3" class="ui-form__checkbox-container" style="display: inline-block;"> <span>Embed</span> <input name="Message" id="checkbox_choice_3" type="checkbox" value="Embed" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="lblMessage_Checkbox lblMessage_Checbox_3" class=""> <div class="ui-form__checkbox"> </div> </label> <label id="lblMessage_Checbox_4" for="checkbox_choice_4" class="ui-form__checkbox-container" style="display: inline-block;"> <span>Other</span> <input name="Message" id="checkbox_choice_4" type="checkbox" value="Other" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="lblMessage_Checkbox lblMessage_Checbox_4" class=""> <div class="ui-form__checkbox"> </div> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <div class="one-col column-block"> <label id="LblacceptGDPRFormSubmission" for="acceptGDPRFormSubmission" class="ui-form__checkbox-container ui-form__label" style="display: inline-block;"> <span id="LblacceptGDPRFormSubmission" class="label__text"> I understand and agree to the terms of Infragisitcs' <a href="/legal/terms-of-use" title="Terms of Use" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/legal/privacy" title="Privacy Policy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> </span> <input name="acceptGDPRFormSubmission" id="acceptGDPRFormSubmission" type="checkbox" value="yes" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="LblacceptGDPRFormSubmission" class=""> <div class="ui-form__checkbox"> </div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <button id="submit" type="submit" class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm" disabled>Submit</button> </div> </form> <div class="thankyou__container" style="display: none;"> <div><header class="text--align-center h-group h-group--mar-bottom-sm"><svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="24px" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="fill: #19AD87;width: 45px;height: 45px;"><g><g><path d="M12,0C5.373,0,0,5.373,0,12c0,6.628,5.373,12,12,12c6.627,0,12-5.372,12-12C24,5.373,18.627,0,12,0z M19.754,9.561 l-8.607,8.607c-0.176,0.177-0.462,0.177-0.637,0l-1.272-1.285c-0.175-0.176-0.462-0.464-0.636-0.642l-2.96-3.112 c-0.087-0.087-0.133-0.21-0.133-0.327c0-0.115,0.046-0.227,0.133-0.314l1.297-1.169c0.088-0.09,0.205-0.134,0.321-0.134 c0.114,0.001,0.228,0.046,0.315,0.134l2.936,2.995c0.175,0.178,0.461,0.178,0.637,0l6.699-6.681c0.176-0.177,0.461-0.177,0.636,0 l1.272,1.285C19.93,9.094,19.93,9.384,19.754,9.561z"></path></g></g></svg><h2>Thank you!</h2><p class="mw--900 align--center">Thank you for requesting a demonstration of Indigo.Design - a complete design-to-code system – integrating prototyping, usability testing, and code generation. Your information has been submitted. Our team will be contacting you shortly via email.</p></header></div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script> if ('') { document.getElementById('Email').setAttribute('readonly', true); } if ('') { document.getElementById('FirstName').setAttribute('readonly', true); } if ('') { document.getElementById('LastName').setAttribute('readonly', true); } window.addEventListener("load", function () { // leadTracker Settings var settings = { macro: 'LeadTracker', lang: 'en', reaptchaKey: '6Lc-MFAaAAAAAIWi7UOrSUfUZnVmDUSsXjzS4BgY', redirectUrl: '', formContainerId: '', productCode: 'A6', leadProductCode: '', packageName: '', productResourceType: '', osSupport: '', installerType: '', eventTypeParam: 'demo request', eventDetailParam: 'form submitted', prohibitFreeMail: false, prohibitDisposableMail: false, // Could possibly be removed when we setup conditional POST of values showRequestDemo: false, zoomWebinarId: '', googleEventType: 'Form Submit', googleEventLabel: 'Indigo.Design - Request Demo', googleEventTypeDownload: '', googleEventLabelDownload: '', downloadUrl: '', honeypot: '' }; leadTracker.execute(settings); }); </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- SECTION: Blogs --> <section id="conversation" class="be-section clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 zero-padding-bottom"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix text--align-center"><header class="h-group"> <section id="conversation" class="be-section clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 zero-padding-bottom"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix text--align-center"><header class="h-group"> <h2>Join the Conversation</h2> </header></div> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix text--align-left"> <section class="bt__posts bt__posts--tags-d-none bt__posts--content-mb-0" data-blog-type="blog-card" data-blog-columns="3"> <div id="api-content"></div> </section> </div> </section> </header></div> </section> <div data-theme="indigo-studio"><!-- SECTION: FAQs --> <section id="faqs" class="be-section clearfix padding-top-bottom-50 zero-padding-bottom"> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix text--align-center"><header class="h-group"> <h2><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Frequently Asked Questions</span></span></h2> </header></div> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <div class="one-col column-block"> <section class="ui-accordion" data-accordion-style="clean" data-accordion-type="" data-accordion-icon="arrows"> <h3 class="hidden--visual">Questions and Answers for Indigo Design</h3> <div id="indigo-faqs" class="ui-accordion align--center" style="max-width: 850px;"><!-- Question #1 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">What is design to code?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>Design to code is a process where a product team (including design and development) use a design system, which includes user interface (UI) components, UI patterns and styling options that are represented and back by real-world components. For a team, this means that anything ‘designed’ and be turned into ‘code’. The important distinction between design to code and a ‘code-generator’ is that the code output in a design to code process is clean, usable, and customizable code. Meaning that even the top developers in your company will accept this code output and equal of better to what they would have written by hand.</p> <p>When a design and development team is in sync, they can use design to code solutions to accelerate product delivery. The real benefit of design to code with Indigo.Design is the enormous time savings - everything the design team creates in Sketch using the Indigo.Design design system, matches our Ignite UI for Angular UI. With the click of a button, the development team can generate high-quality HTML, CSS, and Angular code, from any design from your UX team.</p> </div> <!-- Question #2 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">What is a design to code system?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>A design to code system helps teams and organizations streamline app creation with a set of tools and best practices that accelerate the process of taking a design and turning it into usable code. Historically, product development and design teams will work in solos, there is a collaboration gap between design and development which slows down innovation. With a deign to code system, a team can have seamless collaboration and eliminate design hand offs, reduce costly iterations, and enable true UX Design-Development collaboration.</p> <p>The foundation of a reliable and usable design to code system is ensuing there is one design system for UX designers and developers. With an agreed upon corporate design system, back by reusable UI kits with are based on real component libraries, anything that is designed in a design to code system can get turned into usable code output.</p> </div> <!-- Question #3 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">Why design to code is a good solution for your business?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>And today’s competitive market it is critical that every potential advantage you have in reducing time to market and saving costs is considered. A design to code system offers both cost savings and time savings. If your design team can follow a best-practice iterative design using their favorite design tool like Sketch, the Indigo.Design cloud digital product design platform can get markup, styling, do user testing and usability studies (remote and unmoderated) at scale and ultimately get pixel-perfect code output from a design. With tooling like this to support your teams, you have a leg up on your competition.</p> <p>Historically, the handoff of designs between a design team and a development team is one of the largest hidden costs of software development. Research shows that 60% of development time is on the user interface, but the tooling to get from an approved design to the right, bug-free code is limited. With Indigo.Design as your design to code solution, you eliminate any slow-down or mistakes in the form of UX bugs that drive this cost up (in terms of time and real money).</p> <p>Any UX bug fixed during an iterative design phase costs one dollar to fix / change, while that same bug released into the market can cost up to $100 to fix. And these are just examples - you can add 2 to 3 zeros to any one of those numbers – to understand the real cost of letting low-quality design and UX bugs get out the door.</p> <p>Using a design to code system eliminates these costly errors, and even better, the handoff from design to development in a design to code system generates pixel-perfect HTML and CSS and TypeScript that your development team can then use to build out the remainder of their high-quality application with no UI/UX bugs.</p> </div> <!-- Question #4 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">What is Indigo.Design?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>Indigo design is a digital product design platform that helps teams accelerate design to code. Indigo.Design has four key pillars:</p> <ol> <li>Indigo.Design is a prototyping tool</li> <li>Indigo.Design is a user testing tool</li> <li>Indigo.Design is a design to code tool</li> <li>Indigo.Design is a WYSIWYG app builder</li> </ol> <p>We created Indigo.Design to helps team’s delivery higher quality software faster than ever before. Indigo.Design reduces the high cost and time-consuming handoffs from design teams to development teams. Once a design is uploaded to the Indigo.Design cloud, teams can iterate on their prototype, collaborate with stakeholders, get markup and styling, perform unlimited remote user testing studies, and ultimately generate pixel-perfect code from designs.</p> <p>With indigo design you can use any piece of the application - any one of the four pillars - as features are designed to work seamlessly together or independently from each other.</p> <ul> <li>If you are a design team and you would like to use the prototyping and user testing feature, you can.</li> <li>If you are development team and you want to get pixel-perfect code from Sketch designs, you can choose to use the Visual Studio Code plug-in to get HTML, TypeScript, and CSS directly in your Angular app.</li> </ul> <p>Indigo design is a complete solution as a digital product design platform that enables huge cost savings faster time to market – but best of all - certainty in outcomes if all capabilities are use in your software development process.</p> </div> <!-- Question #5 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">What is the latest version of Indigo.Design?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>Indigo.Design is a SaaS-based product that is always up to date. When you log into the Indigo.Design cloud at <a href=""></a>, you are always using the latest version of the product. With Indigo.Design, the latest version includes the latest versions of our <a href="/products/ignite-ui-angular">Angular components</a> in the Ignite UI for Angular toolset and the most up to date Sketch UI kits in the Indigo.Design design system.</p> </div> <!-- Question #6 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">What is a Sketch UI kit?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>A Sketch UI kit is a collection of libraries (like sticker sheets) that include UI components, UI patterns and even complete screens. The Indigo.Design UI Kits for Sketch takes an “Atomic Design” approach by providing three libraries.</p> <ul> <li>The <strong>Styling</strong> library has sub-atomic pieces such as colors, shadows, typography styles, and icon glyphs that define the looks of the Atoms and Molecules found in the Components library.</li> <li>The <strong>Component</strong> library are collections of atoms that represent full-featured components, like charts, grids, etc.</li> <li>The <strong>Patterns</strong> library is a collection of higher-level collections of components like login forms, user profiles, and detail pages.</li> </ul> <p>With Sketch UI kits, a design team can build a consistent, branded digital experiences for any app in the enterprise. With Indigo.Design, the Sketch UI kits are partnered with Angular UI components, enabling a design to code system that can significantly accelerate product delivery.</p> </div> <!-- Question #7 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">What is Sketch to code?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>With Indigo.Design, the worlds leading digital product design platform, you can upload a complete sketch prototype with unlimited screens and unlimited interactions and turn that into real, running Angular code.</p> <p>Sketch to code allows you to do your complete iterative design process using your favorite design tool, like Sketch, and then hand that design off to a development team who can then generate code from your Sketch design. The benefit with going from Sketch to code is the enormous time savings and cost savings from having your development teams do the same repetitive work in screen design that can be done with tooling. With Indigo.Design as the intermediary cloud platform between your Sketch design and Visual Studio Code you have the additional benefits of doing additional interactive prototyping, or even creation of user tests and usability studies on the prototype and then share those with an unlimited number of users for instant feedback.</p> </div> <!-- Question #8 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">Can I turn Sketch designs to code with Indigo.Design?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>Indigo.Design fully supports turning Sketch files to code. This is done by uploading or synchronizing your Sketch prototype to the Indigo.Design cloud. Once your Sketch files are uploaded to the Indigo.Design cloud your development team can use the Visual Studio Code that code plug-in that lets them select individual components, full screens or the entire application and generate real HTML code, TypeScript, and CSS. You can literally go from Sketch to code in 3 easy steps.</p> <p>With Sketch to code, the time and money savings are enormous. Better yet, your time to market is faster than your competition with pixel-perfect app screens directly from Sketch designs.</p> </div> <!-- Question #9 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">Is Indigo.Design a user testing tool?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>Indigo Design is a comprehensive <a href="/products/indigo-design/user-testing">user testing tool</a>. With indigo design you can upload any image-based prototype or Sketch design to the Indigo.Design cloud and then create user tests and usability studies. With Indigo.Design, user testing is achieved with a simple point and click tool that records your actions and turns those actions into the user test that you will then share with your users, or any group of users that you’d like to get feedback from.</p> <p>With Indigo.Design user testing, you do not need to write any code, any scripting, or have any advanced knowledge to perform a user test. User testing with Indigo.Design is as easy as creating a PowerPoint slide. If you are a product manager or developer and you just want to do a quick user test on a handful of screenshots, you can upload the screenshots to the Indigo.Design cloud and create a prototype with the hotspot prototyping tool then turn that into a user test with one click.</p> <p>Our goal was to make it simple for any person with any skill to do user testing. You do not need to be a UX researcher with an advanced degree to create a sophisticated, detailed user test and then get real-time analytics on your user test results report with Indigo.Design.</p> </div> <!-- Question #10 --> <h4 class="ui-accordion__header">Can I do remote user testing with Indigo.Design?</h4> <div class="ui-accordion__content"> <p>Indigo.Design is a comprehensive cloud platform that includes user testing and unmoderated, remote user testing for any type of application or design. You can upload complete Sketch prototypes or images (screenshots of your app) and use the Indigo.Design hotspot prototyping tool to create an interactive prototype, which would be the foundation for your user test and usability study. That user test can contain any number of questions that you were trying to get UX feedback on. Once you’ve created your user test, which you can easily do with the point-and-click recorder in Indigo.Design, you can share that with any number of testers by simply entering their emails or sending them a hyperlink via email.</p> <p>The benefit of unmoderated, remote user testing - especially with COVID-19 - is that you’re not required to be face-to-face with users. You can get very fast results and make very rapid iterative changes in your design with real time data coming back in the analytics of your user testing report. You are not limited to the number of testers and you’re not limited by the number of questions per prototype. You can send your user test to an unlimited number of users and they can choose to go through an unlimited number of questions to get you the results you need to improve your prototype before you start to write code.</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </section> <!-- --> <section class="be-section overflow--hidden bg--dark bgColor--port-gore p-relative"> <div class="ie-hide indigo-border--bottom"> <svg class="display--block p-absolute" style="top: 0;" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1920 343"><path d="M220 215.4L1660.7 54.3c99.7-11.2 193.7 25.3 259.3 91.3V-1.1H0V343c50.4-69 128.4-117.4 220-127.6z" fill="#fff"/></svg> </div> <div class="be-row be-wrap clearfix"> <div class="one-col column-block clearfix padding-top-bottom-50"> <div class="features-block"> <div class="features-block__item features-block--align-top" style="padding: 0;"> <div class="features-block__image features-block__image--left"><img class="b-lazy" title="Cartoon of a team depicting collaboration efforts" alt="Cartoon of a team depicting collaboration efforts through prototyping and user testing" data-src=""></div> <div class="features-block__content"><header class="h-group h-group--mar-bottom-sm"> <h2>Experience a Complete Design-to-Code System – Try Indigo.Design for Free</h2> </header> <div class="ui-btn-group text--align-center-xxs"><a class="ui-btn ui-btn--default ui-btn--sm mchNoDecorate gaEventTracker trackCTA" rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" data-ga-category="Download Button" data-ga-action="Click" data-ga-label="Indigo.Design Ent - Experience" data-xd-ga-action="Sign up" data-xd-ga-label="Indigo.Design Enterprise | Cloud">Try It Now</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Product", "name": "Indigo.Design", "image": [ "" ], "description": "Be a hero using the tools you love. Design in Sketch, Develop in Visual Studio Code and as a team deliver great user experiences with no compromise! Save hours, days and even weeks with Indigo.Design—a complete design-to-code system including prototyping, usability studies, inspect tool, and code generation.", "sku": "0446310786", "mpn": "925872", "brand": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Infragistics" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.3", "reviewCount": "53", "sameAs":"" }, "review": [ { "@type": "Review", "reviewBody":"There isn't any prototyping tool with this kind of animation capabilities. The best for the money. There is a lot of intuitive features for interactive prototyping, usability testing, and collaboration. You can copy/paste your designs from Sketch and animate your interactions in any possible way.", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Pavol D." } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewBody":"Indigo is a great replacement to wireframing and prototyping tools like Axure and Balsamiq. Ability to create interactive prototypes with animations quickly and also to sync with Sketch to reuse artifacts. We are also starting to include usability testing in our workflows.", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Anonymous" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewBody":"Best tool on the market. We looked at all the wireframing tools on the market, and none have the features that Indigo has. The ability to be able to deploy wireframes as a site is invaluable to our proposal process.", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Michael S." } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewBody":"Great program for non-technical managers. Display a fully functioning software w/ no coding necessary. Lets me focus on creative and UI more than anything else. This is extremely important as recruiting mentors and team members relied heavily on demonstrating this UI even though none of our co-founders have any coding experience.", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Luke P." } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewBody":"I have worked in Balsamiq and made the switch to Indigo and LOVE the enhanced features. Extremely easy to design and setup interactions. Testing is a breeze! The training videos are GREAT!", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Brenda A." } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewBody":"The biggest benefit is that we were able to produce what the end product would look like before we had developed it, and we could demo it to get user feedback. Controls used in the screens matched bootstrap, etc. making it easier for developers to deliver as the prototype matches what can be produced.", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Frederick N." } } ], "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "url": "", "priceCurrency": "USD", "price": "0", "availability": "" } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is design to code?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Design to code is a process where a product team (including design and development) use a design system, which includes user interface (UI) components, UI patterns and styling options that are represented and back by real-world components. For a team, this means that anything ‘designed’ and be turned into ‘code’. The important distinction between design to code and a ‘code-generator’ is that the code output in a design to code process is clean, usable, and customizable code. Meaning that even the top developers in your company will accept this code output and equal of better to what they would have written by hand.</p> <p>When a design and development team is in sync, they can use design to code solutions to accelerate product delivery. The real benefit of design to code with Indigo.Design is the enormous time savings - everything the design team creates in Sketch using the Indigo.Design design system, matches our Ignite UI for Angular UI. With the click of a button, the development team can generate high-quality HTML, CSS, and Angular code, from any design from your UX team.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a design to code system?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>A design to code system helps teams and organizations streamline app creation with a set of tools and best practices that accelerate the process of taking a design and turning it into usable code. Historically, product development and design teams will work in solos, there is a collaboration gap between design and development which slows down innovation. With a deign to code system, a team can have seamless collaboration and eliminate design hand offs, reduce costly iterations, and enable true UX Design-Development collaboration.</p> <p>The foundation of a reliable and usable design to code system is ensuing there is one design system for UX designers and developers. With an agreed upon corporate design system, back by reusable UI kits with are based on real component libraries, anything that is designed in a design to code system can get turned into usable code output.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why design to code is a good solution for your business?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>And today’s competitive market it is critical that every potential advantage you have in reducing time to market and saving costs is considered. A design to code system offers both cost savings and time savings. If your design team can follow a best-practice iterative design using their favorite design tool like Sketch, the Indigo.Design cloud digital product design platform can get markup, styling, do user testing and usability studies (remote and unmoderated) at scale and ultimately get pixel-perfect code output from a design. With tooling like this to support your teams, you have a leg up on your competition.</p> <p>Historically, the handoff of designs between a design team and a development team is one of the largest hidden costs of software development. Research shows that 60% of development time is on the user interface, but the tooling to get from an approved design to the right, bug-free code is limited. With Indigo.Design as your design to code solution, you eliminate any slow-down or mistakes in the form of UX bugs that drive this cost up (in terms of time and real money).</p> <p>Any UX bug fixed during an iterative design phase costs one dollar to fix / change, while that same bug released into the market can cost up to $100 to fix. And these are just examples - you can add 2 to 3 zeros to any one of those numbers – to understand the real cost of letting low-quality design and UX bugs get out the door.</p> <p>Using a design to code system eliminates these costly errors, and even better, the handoff from design to development in a design to code system generates pixel-perfect HTML and CSS and TypeScript that your development team can then use to build out the remainder of their high-quality application with no UI/UX bugs.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is Indigo.Design?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Indigo design is a digital product design platform that helps teams accelerate design to code. Indigo.Design has four key pillars:</p> <ol> <li>Indigo.Design is a prototyping tool</li> <li>Indigo.Design is a user testing tool</li> <li>Indigo.Design is a design to code tool</li> <li>Indigo.Design is a WYSIWYG app builder</li> </ol> <p>We created Indigo.Design to helps team’s delivery higher quality software faster than ever before. Indigo.Design reduces the high cost and time-consuming handoffs from design teams to development teams. Once a design is uploaded to the Indigo.Design cloud, teams can iterate on their prototype, collaborate with stakeholders, get markup and styling, perform unlimited remote user testing studies, and ultimately generate pixel-perfect code from designs.</p> <p>With indigo design you can use any piece of the application - any one of the four pillars - as features are designed to work seamlessly together or independently from each other.</p> <ul> <li>If you are a design team and you would like to use the prototyping and user testing feature, you can.</li> <li>If you are development team and you want to get pixel-perfect code from Sketch designs, you can choose to use the Visual Studio Code plug-in to get HTML, TypeScript, and CSS directly in your Angular app.</li> </ul> <p>Indigo design is a complete solution as a digital product design platform that enables huge cost savings faster time to market – but best of all - certainty in outcomes if all capabilities are use in your software development process.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the latest version of Indigo.Design?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Indigo.Design is a SaaS-based product that is always up to date. When you log into the Indigo.Design cloud at <a href=\"\"></a>, you are always using the latest version of the product. With Indigo.Design, the latest version includes the latest versions of our <a href=\"/products/ignite-ui-angular\">Angular components</a> in the Ignite UI for Angular toolset and the most up to date Sketch UI kits in the Indigo.Design design system.</p>." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a Sketch UI kit?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>A Sketch UI kit is a collection of libraries (like sticker sheets) that include UI components, UI patterns and even complete screens. The Indigo.Design UI Kits for Sketch takes an “Atomic Design” approach by providing three libraries.</p> <ul> <li>The <strong>Styling</strong> library has sub-atomic pieces such as colors, shadows, typography styles, and icon glyphs that define the looks of the Atoms and Molecules found in the Components library.</li> <li>The <strong>Component</strong> library are collections of atoms that represent full-featured components, like charts, grids, etc.</li> <li>The <strong>Patterns</strong> library is a collection of higher-level collections of components like login forms, user profiles, and detail pages.</li> </ul> <p>With Sketch UI kits, a design team can build a consistent, branded digital experiences for any app in the enterprise. With Indigo.Design, the Sketch UI kits are partnered with Angular UI components, enabling a design to code system that can significantly accelerate product delivery.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is Sketch to code?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>With Indigo.Design, the worlds leading digital product design platform, you can upload a complete sketch prototype with unlimited screens and unlimited interactions and turn that into real, running Angular code.</p> <p>Sketch to code allows you to do your complete iterative design process using your favorite design tool, like Sketch, and then hand that design off to a development team who can then generate code from your Sketch design. The benefit with going from Sketch to code is the enormous time savings and cost savings from having your development teams do the same repetitive work in screen design that can be done with tooling. With Indigo.Design as the intermediary cloud platform between your Sketch design and Visual Studio Code you have the additional benefits of doing additional interactive prototyping, or even creation of user tests and usability studies on the prototype and then share those with an unlimited number of users for instant feedback.</p>." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I turn Sketch designs to code with Indigo.Design?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Indigo.Design fully supports turning Sketch files to code. This is done by uploading or synchronizing your Sketch prototype to the Indigo.Design cloud. Once your Sketch files are uploaded to the Indigo.Design cloud your development team can use the Visual Studio Code that code plug-in that lets them select individual components, full screens or the entire application and generate real HTML code, TypeScript, and CSS. You can literally go from Sketch to code in 3 easy steps.</p> <p>With Sketch to code, the time and money savings are enormous. Better yet, your time to market is faster than your competition with pixel-perfect app screens directly from Sketch designs.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Is Indigo.Design a user testing tool?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Indigo Design is a comprehensive <a href=\"/products/indigo-design/user-testing\">user testing tool</a>. With indigo design you can upload any image-based prototype or Sketch design to the Indigo.Design cloud and then create user tests and usability studies. With Indigo.Design, user testing is achieved with a simple point and click tool that records your actions and turns those actions into the user test that you will then share with your users, or any group of users that you’d like to get feedback from.</p> <p>With Indigo.Design user testing, you do not need to write any code, any scripting, or have any advanced knowledge to perform a user test. User testing with Indigo.Design is as easy as creating a PowerPoint slide. If you are a product manager or developer and you just want to do a quick user test on a handful of screenshots, you can upload the screenshots to the Indigo.Design cloud and create a prototype with the hotspot prototyping tool then turn that into a user test with one click.</p> <p>Our goal was to make it simple for any person with any skill to do user testing. You do not need to be a UX researcher with an advanced degree to create a sophisticated, detailed user test and then get real-time analytics on your user test results report with Indigo.Design.</p>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I do remote user testing with Indigo.Design?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Indigo.Design is a comprehensive cloud platform that includes user testing and unmoderated, remote user testing for any type of application or design. You can upload complete Sketch prototypes or images (screenshots of your app) and use the Indigo.Design hotspot prototyping tool to create an interactive prototype, which would be the foundation for your user test and usability study. That user test can contain any number of questions that you were trying to get UX feedback on. Once you’ve created your user test, which you can easily do with the point-and-click recorder in Indigo.Design, you can share that with any number of testers by simply entering their emails or sending them a hyperlink via email.</p> <p>The benefit of unmoderated, remote user testing - especially with COVID-19 - is that you’re not required to be face-to-face with users. You can get very fast results and make very rapid iterative changes in your design with real time data coming back in the analytics of your user testing report. You are not limited to the number of testers and you’re not limited by the number of questions per prototype. You can send your user test to an unlimited number of users and they can choose to go through an unlimited number of questions to get you the results you need to improve your prototype before you start to write code.</p>" } }] } </script> </article> </main> <!-- FOOTER --><footer class="ui-footer ui-footer--clearfix"> <div class="ui-footer__wrap ui-footer--clearfix ui-footer__icons"> <a href="/community/blogs/" target="blank”" class="ui-footer__icon-link" aria-label="RSS"> <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <path d="M201.8 347.2c0 20.3-16.5 36.8-36.8 36.8 -20.3 0-36.8-16.5-36.8-36.8s16.5-36.8 36.8-36.8C185.3 310.4 201.8 326.8 201.8 347.2zM128.2 204.7v54.5c68.5 0.7 124 56.3 124.7 124.7h54.5C306.7 285.3 226.9 205.4 128.2 204.7zM128.2 166.6c57.9 0.3 112.3 22.9 153.2 63.9 41 41 63.7 95.5 63.9 153.5h54.5c-0.3-149.9-121.7-271.4-271.6-271.9V166.6L128.2 166.6z" /> </svg> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <em>RSS</em> <![endif]--> </a> <a href="" target="blank" class="ui-footer__icon-link" aria-label="Twitter"> <svg 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submitLeadTrackingForm(); } else { // TODO: Render error message $('#lead-nl-form #recaptchaError').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } }); }); } if (leadTrackerDownloadFormUtility) { grecaptcha.ready(function () { grecaptcha.execute(reaptchaKey, { action: 'downloadEvent' }).then(function (token) { if (token) { // store recaptcha token recaptchaToken = token; submitDownloadLeadTrackingForm(); } else { // TODO: Render error message $('#lead-nl-form #recaptchaError').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } }); }); } } }); // Functions function renderForm() { //if (settings.prohibitFreeMail) { // igSfForms.sfUtils.initEmailDomainProhibitList(); //} var $form = $('#lead-nl-form'); $form.find('input, textarea').keyup(igSfForms.sfUtils._debounce(function (e) { if ([9, 13, 16, 17, 20, 27, 144].indexOf(e.keyCode) <= -1) { //igSfForms.sfUtils.validateEmail(this, validationLang, settings.prohibitFreeMail); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateEmail(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validatePhone(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateUrl(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateLength(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateRequired(this, validationLang); } }, 500)); $form.find('input, textarea, select').blur(function () { //igSfForms.sfUtils.validateEmail(this, validationLang, settings.prohibitFreeMail); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateEmail(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validatePhone(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateUrl(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateLength(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateRequired(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateCheckbox(this, validationLang, true); }); $form.find('select').change(function () { igSfForms.sfUtils.validateRequired(this, validationLang); igSfForms.sfUtils.validateCheckbox(this, validationLang, true); }); $form.closest('.newsletter__Form').find('.loader__container').fadeOut(300, function () { $(this).remove(); $('#lead-nl-form').fadeIn(300); }); //Disable submit if required checkbox is present $form.find('input[id=acceptGDPRFormSubmissionNL]').change(function (e) { igSfForms.sfUtils.validateCheckbox(this, validationLang, true); //Enable-Disable submit button $form[0].querySelector('button[type="submit"]').disabled = this.checked ? 0 : 1; }); } if ($('#acceptGDPRFormSubmissionNL').prop('checked')) { $('#submit').attr('disabled', false); } function submitLeadTrackingForm() { var eventTypeParam, eventDetailParam; // Override some params with the macro value, if set if (settings.eventTypeParam) { eventTypeParam = settings.eventTypeParam; } if (settings.eventDetailParam) { eventDetailParam = settings.eventDetailParam; } submitLead(eventTypeParam, eventDetailParam, false); } function submitDownloadLeadTrackingForm() { // Set params default values var eventTypeParam = `${productResource?.type} Download`, eventDetailParam = productResource?.name; // Override some params with the macro value, if set if (settings.eventTypeParam) { eventTypeParam = settings.eventTypeParam; } if (settings.eventDetailParam) { eventDetailParam = settings.eventDetailParam; } submitLead(eventTypeParam, eventDetailParam, true); } function _readCookie(name) { name = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } return null; }; // TODO: Add GCLID for Google Ads offline tracking function _populateUtmFields(leadInfo) { var utms = ['source', 'medium', 'campaign', 'term', 'gclid'], cookieKey = ['utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'gclid'], i = 0, utmVal = ""; for (i; i < utms.length; i++) { utmVal = _readCookie(cookieKey[i]); if (!utmVal) { utmVal = ""; } // If utm value not found, reset to empty leadInfo["Tracking" + (utms[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + utms[i].slice(1))] = utmVal; } return leadInfo; } function _collectAdditionalFormData() { var leadFields = $("#lead-nl-form").serializeArray(), additionalFields = {}; for (var i = 0; i < leadFields.length; i++) { // Avoiding adding if value is empty and is either email or request demo if (leadFields[i].name !== "Email" && leadFields[i].name !== "RequestDemo" && leadFields[i].value !== "") { if (additionalFields.hasOwnProperty(leadFields[i].name)) { additionalFields[leadFields[i].name] += ", " + leadFields[i].value; } else { additionalFields[leadFields[i].name] = leadFields[i].value; } } } return additionalFields; } function submitLead(eventTypeParam, eventDetailParam, includeDownload = false) { // Get form data var trackingDataRequest = { recaptchaToken: recaptchaToken, zoomwebinarId: zoomWebinarId, email: $('#lead-nl-form #Email').val(), productCode: leadProductCode, eventType: eventTypeParam, eventDetail: eventDetailParam, productLanguage: macroLang, prohibitFreeMail: settings.prohibitFreeMail, acceptConditions: $('#acceptGDPRFormSubmissionNL').prop('checked'), additionalFields: _collectAdditionalFormData() }; if (settings.showRequestDemo) { trackingDataRequest.additionalFields.requestDemo = ($("#RequestDemo").is(':checked')) ? true : false; } // Get UTM params trackingDataRequest.additionalFields = _populateUtmFields(trackingDataRequest.additionalFields); // $.ajax is used here instead of $.post so we can set the contentType. API doesn't know how to bind additional Fields // when $.post defaults the contentType to encodedURI $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/leadtrackingevents/track`, data: JSON.stringify(trackingDataRequest), success: function (trackingId) { var timeOut = 0; if (goalType !== "" && goalLabel !== "") { // X-Domain Conversion Tracking dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'trackGoal', 'goalType': goalType, 'goalLabel': goalLabel }); timeOut = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1) ? 200 : 0; } if (settings.macro === "SEOWhitepaperLeadTracker") { leadTrackerNL.ungate("smooth"); } // Initiate download only if needed else if (includeDownload) { // Redirect to thank you page only if available if (redirectUrl) { setTimeout(function () { redirectToThankYouPage(trackingId); }, timeOut); } else { // Otherwise we should render the thank you message and initiate the download on the currently page renderThankYouMessage(); initDownload(trackingId); } } else { // If general lead tracker if (redirectUrl) { setTimeout(function () { redirectToThankYouPage(); }, timeOut); } else { // Otherwise we should render the thank you message and initiate the download on the currently page renderThankYouMessage(); } } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $('#lead-nl-form .field-validation-error-msg').css({ 'display': 'none' }); if (jqXHR.status === 400) { var sOffset = $('#hello-bar').outerHeight() + $('#header.globalnav').outerHeight(); if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message === "User didn't accept lead form conditions") { $('#lead-nl-form #formInvalidConditionForm').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message === "Invalid email") { $('#lead-nl-form #formInvalidEmail').css({ 'display': 'block' }); $('#lead-nl-form #Email').addClass('fieldInvalid'); } if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message === "This form doesn't accept free emails") { $('#lead-nl-form #formInvalidFreeEmail').css({ 'display': 'block' }); $('#lead-nl-form #Email').addClass('fieldInvalid'); } if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message === "Recaptcha unsuccessful") { $('#lead-nl-form #recaptchaError').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message === "Required registrant information not provided") { $('#lead-nl-form #zoomRequiredFields').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } // 429 if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message === "Daily Quota Reached") { $('#lead-nl-form #zoomAlreadyRegisterLimit').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } // 3027 if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message == "Host Cannot Register") { $('#lead-nl-form #zoomHostNoRegister').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } // 3030 if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message == "Webinar Over") { $('#lead-nl-form #zoomWebinarOver').css({ 'display': 'block' }); } // 300 || 3000 || 3001 || 3034 || 3075 if (jqXHR.responseJSON.message == "Zoom General Error") { $('#lead-nl-form #zoomGeneralErrors').attr("data-zoom-error", exceptionMsg.code).css({ 'display': 'block' }); } $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: $('.lead-tracker-form').offset().top - sOffset }, 'slow'); $('#lead-nl-form.lead-tracker-form #submit').attr('disabled', false); } }, contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json' }); } function initDownload(trackingId) { // Create InitiateDownloadRequest payload var initiateDownloadRequest = { leadTrackingEventId: trackingId }; if (goalDownloadType !== "" && goalDownloadLabel !== "") { dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'trackGoal', 'goalType': goalDownloadType, 'goalLabel': goalDownloadLabel }); } // Post the request to initiate the download $.post(`${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/productresources/${}/initiatedownload`, initiateDownloadRequest, function (downloadUrl) { // Start download document.location = downloadUrl; }); } function renderThankYouMessage() { // Hide the form and render Thank You Message var selector = (formContainerId) ? formContainerId : 'lead-nl-form'; if (formContainerId && formContainerId !== 'lead-nl-form') { $('.thankyou__containerNL').insertBefore('#' + selector); $('#' + selector).attr({ 'style': 'display:none!important;' }); } else { $('#' + selector).hide(); } $('.thankyou__containerNL').show(); } function redirectToThankYouPage(trackingId) { if (trackingId) { // Stores necessary params to temp local storage var initDownloadParams = { productResourceId: productResource?.id, downloadUrl: settings.downloadUrl, leadTrackingEventId: trackingId, ga: { goalType: goalDownloadType, goalLabel: goalDownloadLabel } }; // Set local storage var initDownloadParamsJson = JSON.stringify(initDownloadParams); sessionStorage.setItem('initDownloadParams', initDownloadParamsJson); } // Redirect to thank you page document.location = redirectUrl; } // // FORM UTILITIES // Determine which macro is being used and define specific props and initialize utility if (settings.macro === 'LeadTracker' || settings.macro === 'SEOWhitepaperLeadTracker' || settings.macro === 'WebinarLeadTracker') { var leadTrackerFormUtility = {}; leadTrackerFormUtility.init = function () { renderForm(); }; leadTrackerFormUtility.init(); } if (settings.macro === 'DownloadLeadTracker') { var leadTrackerDownloadFormUtility = {}, productResource; leadTrackerDownloadFormUtility.init = function () { // Get the product resource object(s) via product code var packageName = settings.packageName, productResourceType = settings.productResourceType, productLanguage = macroLang, osSupport = settings.osSupport, installerType = settings.installerType, versionCode = new URLSearchParams('vc') ?? "", singleResult = true; // If we know the ProductResource is for a trial with the versionCode in the queryString, we don't need a packageName if (versionCode && productResourceType === 'trial') { packageName = ""; } // Construct the Url const params = { productCode, productLanguage, versionCode, packageName, productResourceType, osSupport, installerType, singleResult }; var queryParams = new URLSearchParams(params); const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/productresources?${queryParams}`; $.getJSON(url, function (productResources) { //Ensure there's only one product resource, else return error if (productResources.length > 1) { window.location.href = '/error'; } productResource = productResources[0]; // Once all custom logic is complete, render the form renderForm(); }).fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) { if (jqxhr.status === 404) { window.location.href = '/not-found'; } else { window.location.href = '/error'; } }); }; // If we already have the downloadURL from the Macro, let's bypass requesting it from the api if (!settings.downloadUrl) { leadTrackerDownloadFormUtility.init(); } else { renderForm(); } } }; /* typewriter script */ var TxtRotate = function(el, toRotate, period) { this.toRotate = toRotate; this.el = el; this.loopNum = 0; this.period = parseInt(period, 10) || 2000; this.txt = ''; this.tick(); this.isDeleting = false; }; TxtRotate.prototype.tick = function() { var i = this.loopNum % this.toRotate.length; var fullTxt = this.toRotate[i]; if (this.isDeleting) { this.txt = fullTxt.substring(0, this.txt.length - 1); } else { this.txt = fullTxt.substring(0, this.txt.length + 1); } this.el.innerHTML = '<span class="wrap">'+this.txt+'</span>'; var that = this; var delta = 300 - Math.random() * 100; if (this.isDeleting) { delta /= 2; } if (!this.isDeleting && this.txt === fullTxt) { delta = this.period; this.isDeleting = true; } else if (this.isDeleting && this.txt === '') { this.isDeleting = false; this.loopNum++; delta = 500; } setTimeout(function() { that.tick(); }, delta); //requestAnimationFrame(that.tick()); }; window.addEventListener("load", function () { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('newsletter-txt-rotate'); for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { var toRotate = elements[i].getAttribute('data-rotate'); var period = elements[i].getAttribute('data-period'); if (toRotate) { new TxtRotate(elements[i], JSON.parse(toRotate), period); } } //leadTracker Settings var settings = { macro: 'LeadTracker', lang: 'en', reaptchaKey: '6Lc-MFAaAAAAAIWi7UOrSUfUZnVmDUSsXjzS4BgY', redirectUrl: '', thankYouMessage: '<strong class="emphasize" style="color:#fff;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;">Thank you for subscribing.</strong>Look for an email from <a href=" about Newsletter"></a> for the latest news for Developers,UX,and Business Teams.', productCode: '91', leadProductCode: '', packageName: '', productResourceType: '', osSupport: '', installerType: '', eventTypeParam: 'form submit', eventDetailParam: 'news letter signup', prohibitFreeMail: false, showRequestDemo: false, googleEventType: 'Form Submit', googleEventLabel: 'Newsletter Signup', googleEventTypeDownload: '', googleEventLabelDownload: '', honeypot: 'Country' }; leadTrackerNL.execute(settings); }); </script> </div> <div class="ui-footer__wrap ui-footer--clearfix ui-footer--legal" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="ui-footer__menu"> <ul class="ui-footer__menu-list"> <li class="ui-footer__menu-list-item display--inline-block" style="margin: 0 8px;"><a class="menu__link" style="display: inline-block;" href="/legal/privacy">Privacy Policy</a><span style="font-size: 10px; color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); display: inline-block; margin-left: 4px;">(updated)</span></li> <li class="ui-footer__menu-list-item display--inline-block" style="margin: 0 8px;"><a class="menu__link" href="/legal/cookie-policy">Cookies</a></li> <li class="ui-footer__menu-list-item display--inline-block" style="margin: 0 8px;"><a class="menu__link" style="display: inline-block;" href="/legal/terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a><span style="font-size: 10px; color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); display: inline-block; margin-left: 4px;">(updated)</span></li> </ul> <div style="margin-top: 15px;"><img title="I.S. 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