India’s National Fortnightly Magazine | Frontline
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Revanth Reddy with Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka before the presentation of the State Budget for 2025-26 in the State Assembly, in Hyderabad on March 19, 2025." class=" lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></a></div><div class="label politics"><a href="">Telangana</a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 22, 2025 23:57 IST Published: March 22, 2025 23:57 IST"> Telangana Budget 2025-26: High promises, tight purse </a></h3><div class="sub-text"><a href=""> The Rs.3.04 lakh crore Budget outlay focuses on the Congress’s election promises, but rising debt and low actual spending may limit its impact. </a></div><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">Ayesha Minhaz</a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-12"><div class="element tab-no-border-bottom"><div class=" picture "><a href="" ><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="Protestors regroup even after being lathicharged and tear-gassed." title="Protestors regroup even after being lathicharged and tear-gassed." class=" lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></a></div><div class="label politics"><a href="">Manipur Crisis</a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 22, 2025 20:05 IST Published: March 21, 2025 19:08 IST"> Manipur’s ‘free movement’ is a dangerous political charade </a></h3><div class="sub-text"><a href=""> The Centre’s fixation on grandstanding instead of addressing community needs is reigniting violence and deepening Manipur’s humanitarian crisis. </a></div><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">Greeshma Kuthar</a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-12"><div class="element tab-no-border-bottom"><div class=" picture "><a href="" ><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="Inside a home in Gujarat’s Kutch region, a file photograph. 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" title="A demonstration in Washington on February 3 in support on USAID. " class="lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 22, 2025 20:06 IST Published: March 21, 2025 16:29 IST"> Trump’s foreign aid cuts challenge India’s role in South Asia </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">Araudra Singh</a></div></div></div></div><div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12"><div class="element bigger"><div class="picture mobile-square" ><a href="" ><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~PORTRAIT" alt="Politicians at the first meeting of the Joint Action Committee on fair delimitation, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu on March 22, 2025. The leaders demanded that States not be penalised for having achieved population stabilisation." title="Politicians at the first meeting of the Joint Action Committee on fair delimitation, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu on March 22, 2025. The leaders demanded that States not be penalised for having achieved population stabilisation." class="lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 22, 2025 20:06 IST Published: March 22, 2025 17:27 IST"> Opposition ruled States demand transparency in delimitation process </a></h3><div class="sub-text"><a href=""> The leaders call for a fair process, warning that population-based seat allocation punishes States that succeeded in controlling population growth. </a></div><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">R.K. 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Madkaikar’s bombshell corruption charges trigger a political crisis in Goa, fueling anti-BJP sentiment among the people." class="lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 20, 2025 20:38 IST Published: March 20, 2025 20:38 IST"> BJP faces internal firestorm as former minister alleges corruption in Goa government </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">Amey Tirodkar </a></div></div></div><div class="element no-border"><div class="picture" ><a href="" ><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="Jadavpur University students hold a protest rally on March 5 demanding the resignation of West Bengal Education Minister Bratya Basu. " title="Jadavpur University students hold a protest rally on March 5 demanding the resignation of West Bengal Education Minister Bratya Basu. " class="lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 20, 2025 15:17 IST Published: March 20, 2025 15:17 IST"> Jadavpur University loses Institute of Eminence status over disputed budget figures </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">Suhrid Sankar Chattopadhyay</a></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><div id="hp-piano-top1"></div><div class="fragmentcontent lazy" id="fragmentcontentcolumns" data-fragment-url="" ></div><div id="hp-piano-top2"></div><div class="fragmentcontent lazy" id="fragmentcontentpackage" data-fragment-url="" ></div><section class="full-width-img-banner environment-bg right home-photo-essay"><div class="container" data-ga-label="Photo Essay"><div class="row align-items-center"><h3 class="section-sub-title for-mobile">Photo Essay</h3><div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12"><div class="text-part"><h3 class="section-sub-title hide-mobile">Photo Essay</h3><div class="element"><div class="label photo-essay"><a href="">Photo essay </a></div><h3 class="title" ><a href="" title="Updated: March 7, 2025 17:53 IST Published: March 7, 2025 17:53 IST"> Red is for rebirth: The Santals’ Baha Parab </a></h3><div class="sub-text"><a href=""> The Santali spring festival of Baha Parab celebrates the tribe’s kinship with nature, which they venerate as their protector, ancestor, and host. </a></div><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">Subrata Biswas</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12 banner-img"><div class="picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" alt="Dressing up for the celebrations fosters a sense of community." title="Dressing up for the celebrations fosters a sense of community." data-device-variant= "LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~PORTRAIT" class=" lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></div></div></div></div></section><section><div class="container"><div class="row"><h2 class="section-sub-title"><a href="">Arts & Culture</a></h2><!-- Bigger elements --><div class="row equal-height"><div class=" col-xl-9 col-lg-9 col-md-12 col-12 col-sm-12 col-12 after-border-right" data-ga-label="Arts & Culture"><div class="fragmentcontent lazy" id="fragmentcontentartsandculture" data-fragment-url="" ></div></div><!-- Books left --><div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-3 col-md-12 col-12 col-sm-12 col-12" data-ga-label="books"><div class="fragmentcontent lazy" id="fragmentcontentbooks" data-fragment-url="" ></div></div></div></div></div></section><div id="piano-subscribe-box"></div><section class="home-sections"><!-- List Section--><div class="container topnewstoday" data-ga-label="Home sections"> <div class="dark-spliter pt-4 mb-3"></div> <h2 class="section-title">Sections</h2> <nav class="tab-nav"> <div class="nav nav-tabs" id="nav-tab" role="tablist"> <button class="nav-link active sectiondynamicContent" type="button" data-link-url="" data-fragment-url=""> News </button> <button class="nav-link sectiondynamicContent" type="button" data-link-url="" data-fragment-url=""> Environment </button> <button class="nav-link sectiondynamicContent" type="button" data-link-url="" data-fragment-url=""> World Affairs </button> <button class="nav-link sectiondynamicContent" type="button" data-link-url="" data-fragment-url=""> Science & Technology </button> <button class="nav-link sectiondynamicContent" type="button" data-link-url="" data-fragment-url=""> Social Issues </button> </div> </nav> <div class="fl-loader" style="display:none;" ><div class="center-load"></div><div class="center-icon"><img class="lazy" data-src-template="" alt="The FL Logo" src="" /></div></div><div class="tab-content" id="nav-tabContent"></div><a id="discoverwidget1" style="display:none;" class="small-link see-more center-align-load-more" ><span class="text">+SEE ALL STORIES<span class="slider"></span></span></a></div></div></section><script> var dynamiccontnetScrolled = false; 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