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href="Leprino_Foods_and_Fooditive_Group_Sign_Exclusive_Agreement_to_Commercialize_Non_Animal_Casein_Worldwide-n.588.html"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> <div class="img-text">Leprino Foods and Fooditive Group Sign Exclusive Agreement to Commercialize Non-Animal Casein Worldwide</div> </a> </div> <div class="item carousel-item"> <a href="Alternative_inks_and_coatings_aim_to_increase_recyclability_and_aid_sustainability_goals-n.586.html"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> <div class="img-text">Alternative inks and coatings aim to increase recyclability and aid sustainability goals</div> </a> </div> <div class="item carousel-item"> <a href="Extreme_heat_is_destroying_corn_crops_around_the_world._US_exporters_could_see_a_boost.-n.584.html"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> <div class="img-text">Extreme heat is destroying corn crops around the world. US exporters could see a boost.</div> </a> </div> <div class="item carousel-item"> <a href="Good_Start_Packaging_Expands_Own_Line_of_Compostable_Takeout_Containers-n.573.html"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> <div class="img-text">Good Start Packaging Expands Own Line of Compostable Takeout Containers</div> </a> </div> <div class="item carousel-item"> <a href="Wild_yeasts_from_Patagonia_could_yield_new_flavors_of_lagers:_Genetic_mutations_enhance_alcohol_production-n.571.html"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> <div class="img-text">Wild yeasts from Patagonia could yield new flavors of lagers: Genetic mutations enhance alcohol production</div> </a> </div> <div class="item carousel-item"> <a href="From_Old_Tires_To_New_Car_Parts:_Neste,_Borealis_And_Covestro_Aim_At_Closing_The_Loop_For_Automotive_Industry-n.569.html"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> <div class="img-text">From Old Tires To New Car Parts: Neste, Borealis And Covestro Aim At Closing The Loop For Automotive Industry</div> </a> </div> </article> <p class="type-title dark-blue">Industry News</p> <ul class="result"> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Gavan_Secures_USD8M_to_Commercialize_Cutting_Edge_Plant_Based_Fat-n.624.html"> <h1 class="name">Gavan Secures USD8M to Commercialize Cutting-Edge Plant-Based Fat</h1> <p class="fourline">Start-up is establishing a new European facility for commercial production of its plant-based Fatrix® fat Caesarea, Israel – FoodTech start-up Gavan Technologies, Ltd. announces it has raised USD8M in A-round funds. This fresh capital infusion will enable Gavan to break into the European food market with its cutting-edge plant protein-based fat solution, Fatrix®. The funding round was led by MoreVC, a prominent Israeli venture capital firm, with participation from Lever VC, a global leader in food and agri-tech investment; EIT Food, a European Union-supported platform for sustainable food innovations; and DarkBoot Group, a private equity firm involved in Gavan’s incubation. The proceeds will be used to establish a new pilot production facility in Europe and expand Gavan’s commercial presence in Europe with focus on the bakery and dairy sectors. The site, planned to commence operations in April, 2025 will feature a state-of-the-art production line for Gavan’s alternative fat solution. Fatrix is designed to help food manufacturers reach a superior nutriscore for their product by reducing total fat and especially saturated fat content. Using Fatrix as a fat source reduces dependency on animal fats and awards exceptional sensory value as well as cleaning the label from undesired emulsifiers. Like Butter Fatrix is a multifunctional plant-based fat developed by the foodTech visionaries at Gavan and can act as a one-to-one replacement for butter in a comprehensive range of bakery products and dairy alternatives. Its all-natural fat formula is composed of three simple ingredients: protein isolate, vegetable oil, and water, formulated into a high-performance gel. Gavan’s patented technology enables the protein to perform as an optimal binder for the water and oil. This results in a smooth, stable, and flavorless emulsion. It also has a very low content of saturated fats and zero trans fats as it is not hydrogenated. Fatrix is already approved for market, and does not require novel foods regulatory approval. “This funding round opens the door for Gavan to enter the European food market, where we can quickly make a positive impact. Our new, fully EU-certified facility is planned to go commercial as early as April next year,” declares Itai Cohen, Gavan’s co-founder and CEO. Fatrix fills the market gap for a clean-label fat substitute that is craveworthy, highly functional, and affordable. “It is neutral in flavor, odorless, and highly versatile, making it possible to create any texture required,” adds Cohen. "It maintains stability and water- and fat-holding capacity even under processing conditions of high heat and physical pressure.” Fatrix is a scalable and cost efficient fat solution that has demonstrated its capacity for creating indulgent buttery sensations across multiple bakery products like brioche and croissants. It adds functional value to dairy analogs such as whipping creams, cooking creams, cream cheeses, and puddings without the need for added thickeners or stabilizers. It also allows for cleaner, more consumer-friendly labels. Gavan’s zero-waste platform is compatible with a diverse range of plant-based oils and legumes allowing it to provide tailored solutions to meet specific customer preferences or application requirements. “Fat plays an essential role in the creation of almost all foods. It gives depth to flavors, elevates textures, and enhances the dining experience in general,” adds Rony Patishi-Chillim, Venture Partner of MoreVC. “The food industry is in need of a plant-based fat that can provide the same indulgent flavor and mouthfeel as butter, while supporting sustainability and personal well-being. Gavan’s unique fat creation platform is market-ready and has the potential to make a truly meaningful contribution to the USD253B fats and oils market.” “As early investors in the alternative protein space, we’ve evaluated countless fat solutions aiming to replace butter or animal fats,” says James Caffyn, Partner at Lever VC. “Gavan’s platform stands out as the most compelling, offering a unique ability to partner with large corporates while achieving capital-efficient scaling and competitive unit economics. These qualities position Fatrix® as a game-changer in the move towards healthier and cleaner-label foods.” About Gavan Founded in 2018, Gavan Technologies, Ltd. specializes in the development of functional ingredients for the food industry. With a strong emphasis on sustainability, Gavan offers plant-based protein extraction technology as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional animal-derived products. Its flagship product is a multi-texture fat analogue, carefully crafted for the bakery, meat, and dairy markets, offering notable sensorial and nutritional benefits that aligns with Gavan’s responsible ingredient development ethos. By prioritizing innovation and environmental responsibility, Gavan actively contributes to shaping the future of the ingredient landscape. The company previously raised USD2.5M in seed funds. For further information, please contact: Company Contact: Gavan, Ltd. Mr. Itai Cohen Co-founder and CEO E-mail: <span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a9c0c7cfc6e9cec8dfc8c787cbc0c6">[email protected]</span> Web : Press Contact: NutriPR Ms. Liat Simha Tel: +972-9-9742893 E-mail: <span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="7f13161e0b3f110a0b0d160f0d511c1012">[email protected]</span> </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="ICL_Announces_Follow_On_Investment_in_Plantible_Foods_and_Celebrates_Industry_Recognition_for_Innovative_Food_Ingredient-n.619.html"> <h1 class="name">ICL Announces Follow-On Investment in Plantible Foods and Celebrates Industry Recognition for Innovative Food Ingredient</h1> <p class="fourline">ICL Announces Follow-On Investment in Plantible Foods and Celebrates Industry Recognition for Innovative Food Ingredient Partnership received Ingredient Idol award at SupplySide West 2024 Tel Aviv, Israel; January 08, 2025 - ICL (NYSE: ICL) (TASE: ICL), a leading global specialty minerals company, today announced a follow-on investment in Plantible Foods, participating in the company's Series B funding round. This investment builds upon ICL's initial participation in Plantible's Series A round and furthers the strategic collaboration between the two companies. In October of 2023, ICL Food Specialties, in collaboration with Plantible Foods, launched Rovitaris Binding Solution powered by Rubi Protein. This innovative ingredient was honored with the Ingredient Idol award at the SupplySide West (SSW) conference in November 2024 and recognized as the most innovative food ingredient of the year. "Our continued investment in Plantible Foods underscores our commitment to advancing sustainable and innovative solutions in the food industry,” said Hadar Sutovsky, vice president of Corporate Investments at ICL. “We are excited to support Plantible's growth and the development of their groundbreaking plant-based proteins." "Receiving the Ingredient Idol award for Rovitaris is a testament to our dedication to delivering cutting-edge, clean-label solutions that meet the evolving demands of consumers seeking healthier and more sustainable food options," said Rado Sporka, vice president of Food Specialties at ICL. “ICL Food Specialties anticipates increasing demand for Rovitaris Binding Solution in 2025, driven by the growing consumer trend toward clean-label and sustainable food ingredients”. "Our partnership with ICL is instrumental in bringing Rubi Protein to market,” said Tony Martens Fekini, CEO of Plantible Foods. “The recognition at SSW highlights the potential of our collaboration to transform the food industry with sustainable and functional ingredients." According to Global Market Research, the global clean label ingredients market is experiencing robust growth, driven by increasing consumer demand for transparency and natural products. In 2024, the market was valued at approximately $53 billion and is projected to reach $99 billion by 2034, growing at a CAGR of more than 6.4% during the forecast period. ICL Group's investment in Plantible Foods, and the development of innovative ingredients like Rovitaris Binding Solution, aligns with these market trends and helps position the company to meet the evolving demands of consumers and capitalize on new market opportunities. About ICL ICL Group is a leading global specialty minerals company, which creates impactful solutions for humanity's sustainability challenges in the food, agriculture and industrial markets. ICL leverages its unique bromine, potash and phosphate resources, its global professional workforce, and its sustainability focused R&D and technological innovation capabilities, to drive the company's growth across its end markets. ICL shares are dual listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (NYSE and TASE: ICL). The company employs more than 12,000 people worldwide, and its 2023 revenues totaled approximately $7.5 billion. For more information, visit ICL's website at To access ICL's interactive CSR report, visit You can also learn more about ICL on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, X and Instagram. </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Mountain_Blue,_Opal,_Coles_partner_in_paper_punnet_trial-n.612.html"> <h1 class="name">Mountain Blue, Opal, Coles partner in paper punnet trial</h1> <p class="fourline">Mountain Blue, a leader in blueberry genetics, is conducting a paper-based packaging trial on its Eureka brand, in collaboration with packaging and systems solutions company, Opal, and supermarket retailer Coles Group. The trial will see kerbside recyclable and FSC-certified cardboard punnets for blueberries introduced across 34 Coles stores located in Northern New South Wales over a two-month period. The punnets, which are an alternative to plastic containers, feature a transparent film produced from wood pulp, allowing customers to easily view the blueberries. Mountain Blue says that by using FSC certified materials, the packaging further reinforces a commitment to sustainability, ensuring the materials come from responsibly managed forests. The kerbside recyclable punnets, developed in collaboration with Opal, aim to provide a plastic-free alternative without compromising on the quality and freshness of the blueberries. Fresh produce packaging is ripe for innovation The punnets are made from recycled paper manufactured by Opal in Australia, providing, the company says, the robustness needed to protect fresh produce through supply chains and freight. "We’re excited to trial kerbside recyclable cardboard punnets with Opal. This innovation offers consumers sustainable packaging choices in Coles supermarkets,” said Andrew Bell, MD, Mountain Blue. Chris Daly, executive GM, Opal Packaging, said Opal is investing in research and development to test and commercialise products made from recycled and recyclable paper and cardboard. “By partnering with Mountain Blue, we were able to understand their packaging needs and work together with our automation and machinery team, to deliver a punnet solution that is innovative, functional and sustainable,” said Daly. Brooke Donnelly, Coles GM of Sustainability, said the supermarket is continuously looking for ways to innovate and redesign its packaging. “Fresh produce packaging is ripe for innovation, and we’re excited to provide our customers with a plastic-free alternative for much-loved and in season blueberries,” said Donnelly. “This trial is about ensuring the new cardboard punnets keep blueberries as fresh and tasty as the conventional plastic packaging, and to see how our customers respond to the change.” Consumers across Northern NSW can find Eureka punnets in the new recyclable packaging throughout October 2024. Mountain Blue hopes this trial will pave the way for broader adoption of sustainable packaging. Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Breakthrough_Vic_invests_$2.5m_in_insect_protein_pioneer,_Viridian-n.610.html"> <h1 class="name">Breakthrough Vic invests $2.5m in insect protein pioneer, Viridian</h1> <p class="fourline">Breakthrough Victoria has invested $2.4 million in the Australian company pioneering sustainable insect protein manufacturing, Viridian Renewable Technology. The money will increase factory capacity and production as well as create new jobs. Breakthrough Victoria CEO, Grant Dooley, said Viridian was a leader in alternative protein production at scale in the state. “This investment aligns with BV’s commitment to be a catalyst for ideas and investment, while supporting a team that is making a significant impact on the industry and the planet,” Dooley said. Viridian Renewable Technology has developed a proprietary manufacturing process that transforms excess food into highly nutritious, easily digestible premium insect protein. What sets the company apart is its use of food materials that aren’t food waste. Instead, it uses quality food inputs such as excess bread at the end of the day from bakery businesses like Bakers Delight. The excess food is fed to Black Soldier Fly larvae, and in a highly automated end-to-end production process, the results are insect-based high quality, clean protein ingredients that have a nutritional quality greater than many traditional protein sources with much lower environmental impact. Breakthrough Victoria said, “Insects require minimal land, water and feed to produce protein-rich biomass, making them an incredibly efficient food source. The company’s innovative technology elevates this efficiency further with a fully integrated manufacturing system, minimising waste and maximising protein and resource recovery.” Viridian’s commercial operations are in Derrimut, Victoria, with plans to build two more plants in Gippsland that will be situated in food and agricultural industry hubs to support local businesses. The Breakthrough Victoria investment will go towards increasing factory capacity and producing 1300 more tonnes of protein ingredients every year. It will also create 15 jobs, it said. Viridian has its own pet food brand, One with Everything, which is sold through pet stores, as well as supplying other pet food companies. It is also making fertiliser from the frass – larvae manure – that is produced, ensuring it complies with IPIFF EU Standards for consistent quality and safety. Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Upcycling_food_hits_the_coffee_pavement_running-n.606.html"> <h1 class="name">Upcycling food hits the coffee pavement running</h1> <p class="fourline">Organic waste going to landfill, including spent coffee grounds, contributes 3 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. Finding innovative ways to reuse and upcycle food waste has been a critical point of research in the sector, and scientists from RMIT have recently cemented a method to bring coffee waste back into service. The RMIT team developed a technique to make concrete 30 per cent stronger by turning waste coffee grounds into biochar, using a low-energy process without oxygen at 350 degrees Celsius. The waste cannot be added directly to concrete because it would decompose over time and weaken the building material, which is why the used coffee is converted into biochar before being added to the concrete mix. George Dalton and Gary Fox from BildGroup with the coffee biochar, ready to mix into concrete. Source: HiVis Pictures Indigenous-owned coffee supplier, Talwali Coffee Roasters, provided used ground coffee for the research. Earlier this year, RMIT teamed up with Macedon Ranges Shire Council to conduct a successful world-first trial of coffee concrete in a footpath in Gisborne, Victoria. Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) and project contractor BildGroup have used the coffee biochar in place of river sand in the Pakenham Roads Upgrade, part of Victoria’s Big Build. For the project, Earth Systems converted 5 tonnes of spent coffee grounds – about 140,000 coffees worth of grounds – into 2 tonnes of biochar, which has been laid into the 30 metres cubed footpath along McGregor Road in Pakenham. MRPV program director, Brendan Pauwels, said coffee concrete had the potential to cut costs and remove vast amounts of waste material from landfill. “These numbers are remarkable in terms of ecological benefit, and we’re excited to see the Pakenham Roads Upgrade be the first Victorian Big Build project to use the coffee concrete,” he said. Australia generates 75 million kilograms of ground coffee waste every year – most of it goes to landfills, but it could replace up to 655 million kilograms of sand in concrete because it is a denser material. Globally, 10 billion kilograms of spent coffee is generated annually, which could replace up to 90 billion kilograms of sand in concrete. BildGroup CEO and RMIT alumnus, Stephen Hill, said he was happy for the company to lead the way and be the first to bring coffee concrete to a major infrastructure project for the Australian construction industry. “With the coffee concrete we’ve poured, we’re diverting an estimated 140,000 coffees from landfill and saving over 3 tonnes of sand, which have enormous environmental benefits,” said Hill. The future of upcycled food Upcycling food waste has become a constantly expanding area of research and innovation over the past five years, now seen as essential to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, which aims to halve global food waste by 2030. Brisbane based start-up, I Am Grounded, recovers wasted coffee fruit after it is harvested for the beans, which only make up 10-20 per cent of the fruit. They use this natural byproduct, which would otherwise go to waste, to create functional snack bars – cutting down on the 20 billion kilograms of coffee fruit waste per year, 50 grams at a time. CSIRO is working with food company, Nutri V, to save imperfect vegetables from landfill, by converting them into shelf-stable powders made from repurposed imperfect broccoli, cauliflower, and pumpkin. They are also collaborating with sustainability start-up, Food Recycle, to turn commercial food waste into animal feed. There is even more happening outside of Australia, in both the ingredients and packaging sectors. Earlier this year, Malta based manufacturer, BioPowder, introduced a sustainable packaging solution using olive stone powders, derived from the by-products of olive oil production. These powders, branded as Olea FP (Functional Powder), are designed to improve the performance of biodegradable packaging, aiding the transition to eco-friendly materials. Dutch ingredient manufacturer, Fooditive Group, developed a sweetener from waste side-streams of apple and pear processing, Keto-Fructose, through fermentation. It’s clear that environmentally minded individuals and organisations are taking a stand to keep organic waste out of landfill, and making the most of fruit and vegetables to tackle complex problems. </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Lubrizol_Unveils_a_Melt_in_your_Mouth_Magnesium_Prototype_-n.602.html"> <h1 class="name">Lubrizol Unveils a Melt-in-your-Mouth Magnesium Prototype </h1> <p class="fourline">Barcelona – Lubrizol is introducing a prototype formulation that includes the MAGSHAPE™ microcapsules magnesium ingredient in a fast-melt powdered stick for on-the-go post-work-out convenience. This delivery system for magnesium can meet the needs of those seeking a more palatable format for getting their daily magnesium boost. It can also help the B2B nutraceutical space by empowering supplement providers to create cutting-edge magnesium products that respond to market gaps. The prototype samples are orosoluble sticks which deliver a single dose of 250mg elemental magnesium (upper limit of magnesium in a food supplement recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)) neatly packed in a small 1.5g sachet of powder. This new prototype formulation presents another opportunity to utilize the MAGSHAPE magnesium ingredient in another format, in addition to tablets and chewables. “Orosoluble powders that can deliver uniform palatable doses of magnesium require significant expertise to develop successfully” explains Alan Connolly, Lubrizol R&D Manager. “It involves striking the right balance between particle size, solubility, taste, and flowability. Too large a particle size will result in poor dispersion in the mouth leading to a gritty, unpleasant texture. However, even the smallest particle will not behave as expected if it displays poor orosolubility.” Also known as the mindfulness mineral, magnesium is emerging as a hero ingredient used to melt away stress and promote muscle relaxation. It is also EFSA approved for its crucial role in normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal muscle function, protein synthesis and electrolyte balance. It also contributes to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue making this mineral increasingly attractive for those leading active lifestyles, particularly athletes. “Magnesium supplementation is widely embraced to bridge some nutritional gaps,” asserts Isabel Gómez, Global Marketing Manager for Lubrizol Nutraceutical business. “However, obtaining the daily recommended dose can be burdensome, whether due to large pill sizes, their tendency to leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth, or gut discomfort, which consequently indicates poor absorption. MAGSHAPE magnesium ingredient was uniquely designed to ease the routine of supplementing by concentrating a potent dose of magnesium into the smallest serving while also being microencapsulated to ensure its absorption and minimize side effects.” The proprietary microencapsulation technology in the MAGSHAPE ingredient provides micronized magnesium oxide particles with a wider surface area. This helps to deliver a stable source of magnesium that is more slowly absorbed by the intestinal tract and reduces common unpleasant side effects associated with magnesium supplementation. Moreover, the MAGSHAPE microencapsulated magnesium allows for versatile and more appealing consumption formats. Its fluid consistency and water dispersible coating makes it suitable for incorporation into a wide variety of food matrices.” “MAGSHAPE ingredient is crafted from magnesium oxide which is the most concentrated form of magnesium. Its microencapsulation is designed to support gradual assimilation throughout the entire digestive system so that more gets into the blood stream to help replenish and maintain healthy magnesium levels in human cells and bones,” concludes Gómez. “A bioavailability study is in the pipeline to confirm its bioactivity in the body.” About Lubrizol Nutraceuticals The Nutraceuticals arm of Lubrizol specializes in added-value active ingredients, enabling differentiated nutraceutical solutions backed by science. Its core technology is strength in microencapsulation applied to botanical and mineral ingredients that allow its customers to develop better-for-you products with leading performance claims. For more information, visit About The Lubrizol Corporation The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is a specialty chemical company whose science delivers sustainable solutions to advance mobility, improve well-being and enhance modern life. Founded in 1928, Lubrizol owns and operates more than 100 manufacturing facilities, sales and technical offices around the world and has more than 8,000 employees. For more information, visit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="How_PET_Technologies_Elevates_Brewing_with_Innovative_Packaging_Solutions-n.600.html"> <h1 class="name">How PET Technologies Elevates Brewing with Innovative Packaging Solutions</h1> <p class="fourline">In the heart of Moldova, nestled among scenic vineyards and rolling hills, lies the prominent brewing company, Beermaster. With a rich history, Beermaster has always been in search of innovative solutions, particularly in the packaging of beer and various other beverages. These innovative strides have been realized with the aid of PET Technologies and its advanced APF-Max series blow molding machine, which we will delve into next. Previously reliant on two semi-automatic machines equipped with seven blow molds, Beermaster faced frequent production halts. The time-consuming mold changes and the inconsistent operation of the older equipment were bottlenecks, preventing stable operation of their bottling line, which aimed to achieve a capacity of 4,000 bottles per hour. This inefficiency often led to delays in meeting the high demand for their renowned beers and beverages. PET Technologies helped Beermaster to achieve its goals introducing innovative APF-Max 4L blow molder. This machine is capable of producing PET bottles ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 liters, with an impressive output of 7,000 bottles per hour. In case of 500 ml bottle, the output is even more -8000 bph! The APF-Max 4L not only ensured a seamless production flow but also brought with it the flexibility of quick bottle format changes - taking as little as 20 minutes to switch molds. This was particularly advantageous for Beermaster, which now produces five different bottle sizes on the APF-Max 4L, including a popular 3.0-liter format, thanks to the machine's capability to handle larger volumes up to 3L. Energy efficiency stands at the core of the APF-Max 4L. The machine’s sophisticated design significantly reduces energy consumption and the innovative NIR heating system, aligning with Beermaster’s commitment to sustainable production practices. Moreover, the robust construction of the machine accommodates heavy preforms, which are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the bottle design, resembling a traditional beer keg, after filling. An essential aspect of this partnership was PET Technologies ability to tailor the bottle designs to incorporate Beermaster’s branding, embedding their logo distinctly on each bottle. This customization has not only strengthened brand recognition but has also enhanced the visual appeal of the products. The collaboration between Beermaster and PET Technologies has set a new standard in the brewery’s production capabilities. With minimal downtime and maximized energy efficiency, Beermaster has significantly increased its productivity, ensuring that every bottle is filled with quality, consistency, and great taste! </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Leprino_Foods_and_Fooditive_Group_Sign_Exclusive_Agreement_to_Commercialize_Non_Animal_Casein_Worldwide-n.588.html"> <h1 class="name">Leprino Foods and Fooditive Group Sign Exclusive Agreement to Commercialize Non-Animal Casein Worldwide</h1> <p class="fourline">Colorado, USA, and Rotterdam, Netherlands – Leprino Foods Company, the world’s largest mozzarella cheese manufacturer, and Fooditive Group, pioneering plant-based ingredient innovators and leading fermentation specialists, are thrilled to announce a transformative global partnership. This agreement marks a significant step towards a sustainable food future with the commercialization of Fooditive’s revolutionary non-animal casein protein. Under the terms of the long-term licensing partnership, Leprino Foods will have exclusive worldwide rights to produce non-animal casein manufactured using Fooditive’s proprietary precision fermentation platform. Additionally, Leprino Foods will have exclusive worldwide rights to market and distribute for use in cheese and a non-exclusive worldwide license to market and distribute for all other food applications, reinforcing the commitment of both companies to drive innovation and sustainability in the food industry. Fooditive’s fermentation-derived non-animal casein offers a groundbreaking new product line that promises to transform the food industry. This innovative protein mimics the functionalities and taste of traditional animal-derived casein, providing a sustainable and accessible alternative that meets the demands of both the food industry and consumers. Fooditive’s non-animal casein delivers the same taste, texture, and promise of cow-derived casein. The versatility of Fooditive’s casein makes it suitable for use in any application where animal casein is typically utilized, including cheese, beverages, yogurts, desserts, coffee creamers, snack bars, sports nutrition products, and more. Together, Leprino Foods and Fooditive Group are poised to introduce this revolutionary casein to the industry in innovative and forward-thinking ways. Moayad Abushokhedim, the CEO of Fooditive Group, commented: “We are beyond excited to partner with Leprino Foods in bringing our revolutionary non-animal casein to the global market. This collaboration not only underscores our commitment to sustainability and showcases the incredible potential of our precision fermentation technology but also our commitment to partnerships. By offering high-quality, environmentally friendly proteins, we are paving the way for a more sustainable future and delivering innovative, plant-based alternatives that meet the evolving demands of consumers. Together with Leprino Foods, we are set to transform the food industry and make a lasting impact on the planet.” Mike Durkin, President, Leprino Foods Company, commented: “This agreement with Fooditive highlights our ability to innovate and adapt swiftly to emerging trends and technologies. By incorporating precision fermentation alongside our conventional dairy production, we will explore how this non-animal casein derived from fermentation will add to our product portfolio. This innovation not only can enhance our range, but also holds the promise of reducing the environmental footprint across the supply chain, all while maintaining the highest standards of product functionality, quality, taste and texture.” Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Alternative_inks_and_coatings_aim_to_increase_recyclability_and_aid_sustainability_goals-n.586.html"> <h1 class="name">Alternative inks and coatings aim to increase recyclability and aid sustainability goals</h1> <p class="fourline">Carbon reduction and ease of recycling at end of life are among the sustainability considerations driving some manufacturers to make alternative inks and packaging coatings for their customers. The commonly used pigment in black inks is carbon black, which is made from hydrocarbons such as tar, petroleum and natural gas. Its use in printing has cropped up in recent legislative debates, with some lawmakers pushing to phase out carbon black in favor of certain alternatives. Living Ink Technologies is one company that produces an alternative that does not originate from the extraction and burning of dense petroleum substances. To make their algae-based ink, the company thermally treats biomass to become a type of biochar. Then, through patented technology, the crude biochar is purified and stabilized. From there, the pigment is finely milled and mixed with a soy- or water-based liquid medium to create printing ink. A Colorado State University research team conducted a life-cycle analysis that confirmed the company’s proprietary Algae Black pigment can achieve carbon negativity at large-scale production, indicating that the manufacturing process removes more carbon from the environment than it contributes. This is thanks to the raw material’s ability to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide. Living Ink, headquartered in Colorado, currently has the capability to produce roughly 500 kg of ink daily. According to Devon Murrie, director of partnerships and strategic growth at Living Ink, one additional benefit of the company’s pigment is the larger particle size, which improves worker safety. “Carbon black is so fine, the particle size is so small … it’s really easy to inhale it,” she said. Algae isn’t the only option for feedstock. “We’ve also tested, successfully, working with spent yeast and grain from beer fermentation, or biomass from pharmaceutical fermentation,” said Murrie. “The ability to scale is really, really massive.” Origin Materials, a company focused on carbon negative materials, also offers a carbon black alternative. Instead of fossil fuels, its product is derived from sustainable wood residue, such as a locally sourced, Forest Stewardship Council-controlled residue that is a byproduct of lumber and wood flooring production. The primary components — cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin — are chemically deconstructed and reconstructed within a reactor to produce a solid carbon composite material, hydrothermal carbon. Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Extreme_heat_is_destroying_corn_crops_around_the_world._US_exporters_could_see_a_boost.-n.584.html"> <h1 class="name">Extreme heat is destroying corn crops around the world. US exporters could see a boost.</h1> <p class="fourline">Searing global temperatures are damaging prospects for corn growers in key markets, which could provide a boost to U.S. exporters anticipating a record crop. Global corn production is expected to decline this month in areas including Ukraine and the European Union as excessive heat and dry weather have led to significant crop stress, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Monday. Persistent dry weather in Europe's "breadbasket" has sapped soil moisture and is expected to drive production in Ukraine down 14% from last year. Major producers Paraguay and Romania could see up to double-digit percentage declines in production and yield over the previous marketing year, the USDA said. The unfavorable weather conditions have made U.S. corn prices more competitive on the global stage, which could be a bright spot for exporters as they struggle to offload a significant surplus. A record harvest last summer, combined with expectations for another bumper crop this year, has fueled a domestic corn glut, muting farm prices and profits. U.S. corn production is forecasted to drop just 1% from last year's bumper crop, with yields expected to hit a record 183.1 bushels per acre. Multiple major corn producing states in the Midwest are anticipating record yields, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. "You have to go outside of the heart of the Midwest to find any real problems with this crop," Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, told the agency's radio service. Early heat and drought largely hurt growing conditions in the Southeast, with states such as North Carolina reporting a majority of their crop to be "poor to very poor." A contraction in global corn supply has pushed up global prices in all major exporting countries, though the increase was minimal for the U.S. Ukraine bids increased 10% to $205 a ton over the past month, with bids in Brazil and Argentina up $5 and $4 a ton, respectively. U.S. bids experienced the smallest increase, up just $1 a ton to $182, and are "currently the most price competitive on expectations of plentiful supplies," the USDA said. Still, the U.S. season-average farm price is down 10 cents to $4.20 per bushel, underscoring headwinds facing growers as they brace for reduced profits. Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Good_Start_Packaging_Expands_Own_Line_of_Compostable_Takeout_Containers-n.573.html"> <h1 class="name">Good Start Packaging Expands Own Line of Compostable Takeout Containers</h1> <p class="fourline">BEDFORD, Mass. — Good Start Packaging, a leading supplier of compostable food and drink packaging, has introduced its own line of 24- and 32-ounce plant fiber burrito bowls and round bowls with universal matching lids. This collection expands the supplier’s branded product line of home compostable and marine degradable straws made from plants. “We were having trouble sourcing PFAS-free bowls made from sustainable plant fiber that were BPI-certified compostable, so we decided to make them ourselves,” explains Ken Jacobus, founder and CEO of Good Start Packaging. “We understand how important reliable, cost-effective, and durable packaging is to our clients. We’re thrilled to bring these new products to the market while continuing to offer foodservice packaging and supplies from our valued manufacturer partners.” Good Start Packaging created the bowls and lids in response to requests for products free from per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS have been linked to health and environmental issues and have been banned in states including New York and California. These new fiber bowls and lids are certified through the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), North America's leading authority on compostable products and packaging. The 24 and 32-ounce plant fiber bowls have universal matching lids to minimize operators' inventory and storage costs. The round bowl lids also feature secure closure tabs for added security. In July, Good Start Packaging plans to expand the collection to include clear, corn-based PLA lids. “We’re excited to introduce more sustainable products that work for our customers, their customers, and the environment,” Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Wild_yeasts_from_Patagonia_could_yield_new_flavors_of_lagers:_Genetic_mutations_enhance_alcohol_production-n.571.html"> <h1 class="name">Wild yeasts from Patagonia could yield new flavors of lagers: Genetic mutations enhance alcohol production</h1> <p class="fourline">New strains of yeast for brewing lager beers, created by hybridizing wild strains of yeast from Patagonia with brewer's yeast, can yield novel flavors and aromas, reports a new study by Jennifer Molinet and Francisco Cubillos of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, published June 20 in the journal PLOS Genetics. Lager beers, which are brewed at low temperatures, dominate the global market, accounting for over 90% of commercial beer varieties. However, the flavors and aromas found in lagers are limited by a lack of genetic diversity in the yeast used to brew them. There are only two types of this yeast used worldwide. Both resulted from the hybridization of common brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and a wild, cold-tolerant strain (Saccharomyces eubayanus). In the new study, researchers created new types of lager yeasts in the lab by hybridizing brewer's yeast with natural isolates of wild S. eubayanus from Patagonia at low temperatures. They grew the resulting hybrids in ways to encourage their fermentation qualities. Further analysis showed that the strains had mutations in genes that enhanced their ability to metabolize certain types of sugars, which resulted in unique aroma profiles and high alcohol production. The researchers said the success of the new strains could be traced back, in part, to the fact that they inherited their mitochondria—the organelle that powers the cell—from the cold-tolerant wild strains, not the brewer's yeast. Overall, the new findings show that the genetic diversity found in wild yeast strains can be tapped to develop new lager yeasts that are suitable for industrial production. The study's authors encourage others to explore wild yeasts as a way to expand the range of currently available beer styles. The authors add, "Our study takes advantage of the great genetic diversity of wild Patagonian yeast to create novel hybrid strains of lager beer with enhanced fermentation capacity and unique aroma profiles. Through interspecific hybridization, experimental evolution, and the identification of fermentation-associated genetic changes, we expand the repertoire of industrial yeast available for lager brewing." Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="From_Old_Tires_To_New_Car_Parts:_Neste,_Borealis_And_Covestro_Aim_At_Closing_The_Loop_For_Automotive_Industry-n.569.html"> <h1 class="name">From Old Tires To New Car Parts: Neste, Borealis And Covestro Aim At Closing The Loop For Automotive Industry</h1> <p class="fourline">VIENNA, Austria — June 11, 2024 — Neste, Borealis and Covestro have signed a project agreement to enable the recycling of discarded tires into high-quality plastics for automotive applications. The collaboration aims at driving circularity in plastics value chains and the automotive industry. When no longer fit for use, tires are liquefied by means of chemical recycling and then processed into base chemicals and further into polycarbonates of high purity. These can then be used in various automotive applications, from parts of headlamps to radiator grills. “Circularity requires cooperation, and this cooperation with our partners Neste and Borealis is testament to the possibilities at our disposal,” said Guido Naberfeld, senior vice president, head of Sales and Market Development Mobility at Covestro. “We are creating options to turn old tires into new car parts again. With that, we are supporting our automotive customers and addressing an increasingly prominent question discussed across the value chain: How to match high-performance materials with recycled content? Projects like this can be the answer.” As part of the collaboration, Neste turns liquefied discarded tires into a high-quality raw material for polymers and chemicals manufacturing and supplies it to Borealis. Borealis will then process the Neste-produced raw material into base chemicals phenol and acetone, which are supplied to Covestro. Covestro can use these materials to make polycarbonates. The share of recycled content is attributed via the mass balancing approach all the way to the final products using ISCC Plus certification. The first products based on the collaboration are already available as each party has manufactured the first batch of their respective contribution to the project. Aside from polycarbonates, the project partners may also consider polyurethanes as a possible end product, which could also find its way into parts of the interior of a car. The companies emphasize that the potential to scale-up these types of developments should be considered when setting ambitious targets for future EU regulations, such as the End of Life Vehicles Regulation. “We are demonstrating the importance of value chain cooperation to give new value to waste,” said Thomas Van De Velde, senior vice president Base Chemicals at Borealis. “We are proud that Borealis, in collaboration with Neste, is able to play a role in this project, providing more sustainable solutions for polymer applications for Covestro and its customers.” “This project can serve as a blueprint when it comes to establishing circularity in the field of plastics in cars,” siad Jeroen Verhoeven, vice president Value Chain Development for polymers and chemicals at Neste. “It shows how low-quality waste materials can be turned into very high-quality plastics. This is good news for the polymers and automotive industries as well as for the environment.” The collaboration will be presented during the PIAE in Mannheim, Germany on June 19-20, 2024. Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Mondi_takes_another_slice_of_sustainable_packaging_by_teaming_up_with_Scan_Sverige-n.562.html"> <h1 class="name">Mondi takes another slice of sustainable packaging by teaming up with Scan Sverige</h1> <p class="fourline">Mondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging and paper, has collaborated with Scan Sverige to create a polypropylene (PP) based mono-material packaging, that is designed for recycling. HKScan Sweden, having over a century experience in responsible Swedish food production, uses Mondi’s WalletPack for its Pärsons brand’s range of sliced ham, salami, and plant-based products, starting from March 2024. Mondi’s WalletPack is a PP based solution which is designed for recyclability. This packaging is purposefully developed with recycling in mind, aligning with our customer’s goals, and NPA's missions as an approved producer responsibility organisation dedicated to advancing circular and traceable material recycling. WalletPack can be effectively sorted by Site Zero, Europe’s largest and most advanced plastic recycling facility located in Sweden and is thereby contributing to a circular economy. It replaces the previous solution, which was an unrecyclable multi-material pack that consisted of PET-PE and PA-PE laminates. Featuring a top and bottom film, Mondi’s WalletPack has an easy peel mechanism ensuring consumer convenience. Created with a protective high oxygen barrier for a longer shelf-life in combination with inside print, it also offers good printability to communicate the brand and product messages. “It was a pleasure working with Scan Sverige, bringing over a century of experience in responsible Swedish food production to the table. The team closely oversees the full farm to fork value chain, which seamlessly aligns with our values. Throughout the trial process, we were both focusing on the same clear goals: to best protect the food while developing packaging that could deliver from a sustainability standpoint, being designed for recycling.” Helene Brynell, Regional Sales Nordic, Consumer Flexibles, Mondi Einar Ahlstrom, Material specialist at NPA explains: “Multi-layer laminates, such as PET/PE and PA/PE, are commonly used in diverse flexible plastic packaging, limiting the potential for material recycling. To enhance and facilitate more efficient material recycling, there is a need to shift towards using mono-material in plastic packaging. It is encouraging to note that Scan Sverige has introduced a novel packaging solution for Pärsons, in collaboration with Mondi. This alternative not only replaces traditional multi-layer laminates but also proves to be more conducive to material recycling.” Scan Sverige and Mondi initiated discussions about the recently introduced mono-material packaging two years ago. With clearly defined goals set out from the start, the two organisations collaborated closely throughout the process to efficiently and thoroughly develop the WalletPack solution for Pärsons. “The Mondi WalletPacks will be used on a wide range of sliced products for Pärsons’ cold cuts. We knew Mondi was the right partner to achieve our goals and are delighted to see the new solution running efficiently on our existing machinery. Our objective was to follow a forward-thinking approach to packaging sustainability as we are investing in getting 100% recyclable packaging by the end of 2025 and working hard to change to recyclable mono-materials.” Eva Tiedman, Category Manager Scan Sverige Credit </p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <div> <div class="exhibitLogo"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="exhibit-text"> <a href="Duni_Group_takes_action_to_reduce_PFAS_in_food_packaging-n.560.html"> <h1 class="name">Duni Group takes action to reduce PFAS in food packaging</h1> <p class="fourline">At a time when awareness of PFAS chemicals and their impact is growing, Duni Group has taken steps to reduce its own footprint on the environment while driving the industry towards a more sustainable future. In 2023, Duni Group made the decision to discontinue the production of packaging with added PFAS. Now, Duni Group announces that, in collaboration with selected partners, it can also offer a comprehensive range of packaging solutions without added PFAS to its customers. Additionally, Duni Group has joined the non-profit organization ChemSec's anti-PFAS movement to promote the exchange of toxic chemicals for more sustainable alternatives. With these measures, Duni Group aims to reduce the use of PFAS and contribute to a more sustainable packaging industry. We took the opportunity to interview Tomasz Doweyko, R&D Strategy and Innovation Manager, Food Packaging Solutions at Duni Group, to gain a deeper understanding of these initiatives. What lies behind these initiatives? The use of PFAS in the food packaging industry has previously been a way to prevent liquid and grease from penetrating the packaging and thereby reduce plastic usage. However, with the emergence of more sustainable alternatives, we want to accelerate the transition to these alternatives. To demonstrate our commitment, last year we decided to discontinue the production of packaging with added PFAS. Instead, we have invested in new innovative solutions in collaboration with selected partners. This initiative means that we can now offer a wide range of packaging solutions without added PFAS to our customers. As an additional measure, we have chosen to join the international organization ChemSec's anti-PFAS movement to reduce the use of harmful chemicals and promote more sustainable alternatives. Through our participation, we strengthen our ambition to contribute to the development of a more sustainable packaging industry. The decisions are partly based on the increasing awareness of the potential risks associated with these chemicals, but also as part of our ongoing efforts to drive our own sustainability agenda, says Tomasz. Why do you use the term "No added PFAS" instead of "PFAS-free"? We believe there is an important nuance. "PFAS-free" can be misleading because PFAS chemicals are essentially everywhere in our environment - in the air, in the soil, and in our bodies. Therefore, it is practically impossible to eliminate the presence of PFAS. We use the term "No added PFAS" to clearly communicate that we have actively chosen not to develop or produce products with added PFAS anymore. Although we do not actively add PFAS, there may still be traces of these chemicals from other sources. By being open and transparent with our customers about the reality, we choose to use the term "No added PFAS". At the same time, we want to encourage an open dialogue on how we can minimize our impact on our environment and work towards a more sustainable future. How do you view Duni Group's role in raising awareness of PFAS and its impact? By actively reducing the use of PFAS within our own supply chain, as well as through our involvement in ChemSec's anti-PFAS movement, we hope to raise awareness of PFAS and its potential impact on health and the environment. We want to inspire others to take proactive action to reduce the use of PFAS and work together towards a more sustainable future. Facts about PFAS Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals containing several different compounds. It is not a single chemical but a family of chemicals sharing similar chemical properties. Within this family, there are hundreds of different PFAS compounds, each with its own unique properties and uses. PFAS include substances such as perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which are some of the most well-known and studied compounds within the group. 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